Teenage or High School

Recess: Gretchen Comes Out!


The girl leaned against the back wall of the bus stop shed as the water splashed through the hole in the roof and doused her Doc Martins. It promised to be a very, very long week for Ashley Spinelli….

Becoming Robin Book Four: Chapter 2


~* A Daughter's Love *~

“I want to pick up some aromatherapy candles,” Mom replied, rubbing her protruding belly lightly. “I should have known better than to marry a martial arts instructor,” she added, as we walked out to the parking lot.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

She giggled. “Because I think one of your siblings just roundhouse kicked my bladder. You go on ahead. I need to go to the bathroom again.”



Chapter 13

Southlands Prep. Highschool….

I think it was a good sign getting off the bus and while there was a few protesters there from their “Holy rollers.” holding some signs up and yelling bible stuff in protest of me playing.

They had to do it off the school grounds since their right to free speech and assembly wasn’t applicable to the school grounds here. That was a good sign that they weren’t allowing them there. But then again those signs saying “God hates fags.” don’t look good for the school.

There was also two cop cars there just in case.

My Super Secret Life-26.

My Super Secret Life-26.

Chapter 26


I wake up and the first things that register in the deep sensation of having had sex. Then the realisation of all this stuff, tension and stress and something else that had been knotted up inside of me was gone and that I felt good, really good in fact better than I had ever remembered feeling in my life.

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 5

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

You Are What You Read - Chapter 18

You Are What You Read
Chapter 18
by Freya

Chapter 18

Kim's bump went down rapidly and she didn't develop any nausea or blurred vision so Asuna decided to show off her grilling skills for lunch and fed everyone while they were waiting for Linda to come back.

“So is your sister going to separate you now?” Gwen asked. “I mean my mom would never let my boyfriend spend the summer with us.”

Sweet Dreams-35 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-35 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 35

It doesn’t take that long before there’s moans coming from the bedroom at Jen’s. The look on Alex’s face is.

Then shock or surprise…
Then Oh…..

There’s this loud cry of girly pleasure and I start rounding everyone up. “Okay…okay come on let’s give the lovebirds privacy to coo.”

I have to push some of the guys out. I’m oddly amused at the boners all around. Todd looks like he might pop a nut right away. I laugh at them and they get to moving but it’s still funny.

The Spark That Started Hell (Part 1)

The Spark That Started Hell
Part 1

Bare with me on this one. The rest of the story is going to be a lot different than this first installment, so think of this as a sort of Prologue. This first installment is also written in the present tense as if you are in the protagonist's mind, so it is reasonably scrambled etc. (If it annoys you, don't worry, it is written in the past tense from Part 2 onwards.)

Hope you enjoy...

Kit and Kin 2

Kit and Kin


Takeshi Saito was a quiet student who kept his head down in Ravenscrest High School trying to get along. But strange things happen in this small town and and the spotlight finds those who would rather hide. So Takeshi finds himself pulled from his happy geek corner to somewhere else, somewhere he is not sure of. Just another day in Ravenscrest.

Like Mother Like Sister 01

Like Mother Like Sister is a continuation of the original, "Like Mother Like Son". In the original story, Darren Peterman is a popular, athletic, heterosexual, 16 year old boy who has grown up having a "thang" for his mother. Its a stand alone story, but why not read "Like Mother Like Son" first.

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 4

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *19* Wedding Day


Chapter *8.19*

Wedding Day

“I'll take that as a compliment.”

“I mean, I'm sorry Gab its just that you're German is perfect, bit of an accent but I couldn't guess you aren't born here.”

Somewhere Else Entirely -52-

Finally, the procession of carriages and wagons takes the royal party north to visit Duke Gilbanar. It is Garia's first real chance to see some of the country of Palarand and she has many new experiences as they travel. A tricky river crossing is negotiated... and a waiting Gilbanar gets a surprise when he greets Keren, Garia and Merizel!

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

52 - Across the Sirrel

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 3

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

The Changing Woman
A Wyld Universe Story
by AoifeM

Jessica's Journey - Part 11


Jessica’s Journey

 Sequel to Andrews Dilemma

 By, Cain129

Part 11

Special Thanks to Wren Phoenix for the editing.


Synopsis:   Jessica finally returns to school, and has to decide whether she should reveal her emotional issues. Kelly and John begin their undercover operation against Rocco.


Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-18

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-18

Chapter 18

I wake up with my eyes all crusty and eew from crying and a bit of a stuffed nose and a small headache. It’s late in the morning and I get up and drag myself out of bed to the shower and it’s already into the august heat so I start with a on the cool side of lukewarm shower and try to get my head wrapped around everything.


I have no idea of what the heck that means but I remember it just as clear as clear gets and the way that she looked.

She…her…My birth mother.

The first thing I do after getting dressed is walk over to the house and get a coffee and sit at the kitchen counter/island and look at my mom as she’s helping one of my Aunts shop for something online.

“So I remembered what she looked like.”

“Who honey?” she says absently.

“My birth mother.”

It went so quiet that you could hear the whine of the laptop.



Chapter 12


It’s been honestly the best month in my life.

It’s funny how one good teacher can change things. The coach has been that teacher for me. First it’s me on the team. Him giving me this chance and we’ve had three games we lost the first two and we won the third. We actually kicked ass.

Change of Summer Camps - 3 - Payback Time

Change of Summer Camps - 3 - "Payback Time”

Willy went to Camp ArrowHead, but got to be a Rainbow Camper after he got into some mischief... Now at Camp Rainbow, it's time for payback to those who ran out... Willy/Patti had given her word to try and make his agreement to the discipline work... But he never expected this...

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 38

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 38
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - Mom gets a present, too.

The girls were having so much fun opening their presents, that they didn't see Madelline come in. After going in the office and talking with Jack and Jan, and reading the report from Hazel, she went out in the living room. Jack and Jan slipped quietly out the door.

Joy, seeing Madelline standing there, fished around in the pile of presents, and found the one she was looking for.

"This one simply says, Mom." Joy stood up and gave Madelline her present.

"What is this?"

Sarah Carerra - 3.14 - L.A. County Fair

Somewhere out on the first row Chloe was staring up at that screen, and I hoped that she wasn't crying...yet.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.14 - L.A. County Fair
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: May 14, 2012

The Changing Woman: A Wyld Universe Story- Part 2

In the Wyld World, there are many religions, just as there is in this world. However, in the Wyld World, there is one thing that practically all religions have in common: They are the final word in terms of what is, and what isn't, acceptable.

Enter young Nate Redbone, Native American of the Navajo tribe. He has almost turned 20, and still hasn't gone Wyld. However, once Nate becomes Natalie, how will he be treated amongst his own people? And in return, can he accept them as well?

My Super Secret Life-25.

My Super Secret Life-25.

Chapter 25


I’ve been with a lot of girls, I have that kind of stuff used to be like easy for me and then it happened I started to change. And I became something that a lot of people hate and that they fear.

A mutant.

And right about the same time I met Shane or Kai…this short little hottie but at the same time this amazing martial artist and this really, really incredible person.

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 37

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 37
by Barbara Lynn Terry

(Author's Note: There are 123 presents to open at the Pine Meadows Home For Adolescent Girls, and I will not go through all 21 girls opening their presents. You have to read and digest this chapter to understand why there are so many presents for only 21 girls. Barbara Lynn Terry)

Chapter 1 - The girls continue opening their presents.

"This next present is for Susan Connor." Joy handed Susan her present.

Jem...Chapter 34

Jem…Chapter 34

Chapter 34

It feels really good to have Raven leaning into me against my back as she holds me while we finish the dishes I just get done washing the sink out when she turns me around and she tenderly kisses me and stares at me.

“You look really nice.”

“You already said that.”

“Well it bears repeating.”

“Thank you. I think that I have a really sweet girlfriend.”

“Say that again.”


Becoming Robin Book Four: Chapter 1


~* Take it Easy *~

Chelsea grinned as she hugged me. “Hey you!”

Brittany smiled and hugged me next. “So this is where you’ve been hiding, huh? We heard you were in the hospital. How are you feeling?”

“Sore, but getting better. I um... I had surgery to correct my birth defect,” I answered, blushing softly.

“Oh wow,” Chelsea answered. “So does this mean no more hiding in the coaches’ office?”

My Super Secret Life...Villain-7

My Super Secret Life…Villain 7

Chapter 7

I wake up and smile last night went good and inside I turned a corner in my head. I went to the free clinic and I seduced the street doc I’ve been working with. I’m really new to this sex stuff and yet I’m sure he was pretty good.


I’m getting the big deal some people have about their first. Jeff’s a really decent person and yeah it’s sentimental as fuck but there’s no one that can take that away from me.

Odyssey III Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Larry was all smiles when he, Rachel and Tony picked up Krista for church. “Kylie was released from the hospital this morning. She says she’s doing well, still a little tender, but doing a lot better. While she really wants to come home, she’s looking forward to at least getting out and seeing some of the local sites.”

“That sounds great,” Krista enthused. “I really miss her and I know you really do. Just a few more weeks and she’ll be coming home.”

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 36

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 36
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - Janice sees her new home.

Tommy drove in the drive way of Shaiya and Janice' new home. They all got out of the car, and Shaiya unlocked the door. There was a small vestibule just inside the door, for hanging coats and putting their boots. After setting their boots under their coats, they went inside the inner door. There was a nice sized foyer that was the size of most living rooms you would find in an apartment in most cities.

The lesson

I was reading another story of "petticoat punishment in girls school" When my muse decided that this should be part of the story. Oh well what can you do?

The young girl stomped down the hallway her black Mary Janes making an unusual clacking sound as she was visiably upset. She turned eventually into a dorm room and closed the door making sure it was as secured as possible via a screw trick she had learned in another life.

What a good boy...Chapter 3

What a good boy...Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Fucking assholes.

Or really kind of rather bitches and assholes because I’m not really all that sure that the guys that are doing this have the balls to go and buy all of these feminine hygiene products landing all over the floor from me opening my locker.

Jessica's Journey - Part 10


Jessica’s Journey

 Sequel to Andrews Dilemma

 By, Cain129

Part 10

Special Thanks to Wren Phoenix for the editing.


Synopsis:   After spending the weekend with Scotty and her friends, Jessica returns home and gets ready to return to school and start living a normal life. A lot has happened but she feels ready to finally face the world and whatever life decides to throw at her.


Somewhere Else Entirely -51-

Garia's last major confrontation looms... and she heads out with the King to try and knock some sense into the Society of Questors. Of course, Garia has an idea, but can she quell the mob long enough for her plan to be heard?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

51 - Cauldron

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *18* Din Dins


Chapter *8.18*

Din Dins

Of course we weren't the only people in the room, my um 'guardians' seemed to know the mixed group of family and friends in residence, introducing me to various people that live in a world so far removed from mine that I doubt they've ever shopped in Aldi.


"Oh er sorry Frau Strechau, just admiring the paintings."

Images 38

Images 38

Chapter 38



I push her away from me first of all and look at her.

“I have a daughter?”

Ingrid looks at me and I’m staring at her now. She nods and grabs some toilet paper and she wipes her mouth and she spits again.

“I have a daughter.”

(Sniffle-spit) “Yes.”

“And you slipped me a Viagra and raped me…”

“C’mon Jenna it was hardly rape…” My god she looks like she actually believed that.

“Of course it’s fucking rape! It’d be the same thing as a guy fucking a girl when she’s passed out!”


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