College / Twenties

Inner Demons, AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl - Chapter 1

Inner Demons, AKA "Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl"
© 2017 Haylee V

* This is a true account of my life experiences. All persons portrayed in this story are based on actual people I've met throughout my life, and the events portrayed actually happened to me or someone close to me. No malice is intended to those individuals involved, and names have been altered to protect the identities of the people portrayed. *

Magic of the Kingdom: Book 2 Chapter 11 - Epilogue

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A month has passed, and Sarah's been enjoying life as Silvermist in the park, but can she handle life as a celebrity TV actress? She still gets nervous meeting "real" celebrities! And how will HRT affect her ability to play the role?

Support is.. appreciated, sometimes [5.5]


A day at the lake during the mid-summer heat, full of barbecues, family and mildly confused neighbours.
It could almost be considered idyllic if you ignored certain unfortunate clothing choices being thrust upon certain poor unsuspecting people by their pushy sister and daughter..

Oh well, let's hope that's the worst of Hannah's problems today, shall we?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Wet John cuddles and stolen T-shirts being stolen.
Large hands being used for various things
(to rather worrying degrees of success as well),
Meanwhile Hannah drools on John's crotch and a pow-wow is interrupted rather rudely by a matriarch on a mission.

Hold on tight folks, it's swimming trip day at Klamath Falls!

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 1

Book 2
Lady in Waiting Part 1
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Note: for those that have read this story before this is a slight re-write of the original chapter 12.

This is the year that Charlotte departs England for a short while with her brother who is working for the government she is to all intents a young lady of quality. They are accompanied my Charlottes Ladies maid Anna and bound for Portugal.
Charlotte decides that Anna is more suited to be a companion rather than a ladies maid but before this could happen poor Anna undergoes a fate worse than death – she has a full body bath!

Yep, I can fly (part 3)

What if you could fly? You, know, be a kick-ass superhero whenever you want. That's what happened to college freshman Ned. Though, here's the catch—every time he uses his powers he turns into a woman. Still want to be that superhero?


The Italian Job - Part 8

The next two months were hectic to say the least. Luca and I went everywhere together. But it was all business, business and yet more business. Most nights we just collapsed into bed exhausted. There is such a thing as too much wining and dining and the endless travelling was always a pain in the bum.

Charlotte, part 24

“Which hospital is she in?” I ask as I get into Stuart’s car and fasten my seatbelt.

“Queen Charlotte's,” Stuart says, before a wide smile spreads across his face. “So… Did- did they, you know, say anything? About the kid?”

“You’re the one who Mikey texted,” I retort, before my eyes go wide as I realise what- or rather, who- Stuart’s referring to. “Oh, oh you- you meant-“

“Yeah,” Stuart nervously giggles. “Nearly put the baby seat in the car before setting off, I’m getting so practised at it…”

The Perfect Shave

Feminist writer, Joey, decides to give the Dollar Shave Club a try but gets a nasty shock when it promotes unseemly hair growth and masculine changes to her body. In the end, she must choose to either embrace the change or fight the company that has cursed her.

Gothic Sister

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*Gothic Sister*

"So let me get this straight, you want me to be your girlfriend?”
"Just for the weekend,” Rory reaffirmed.
"And just why do you think I'd want to do that, beyond the obvious?”
"You get to go to the Festival for free?”

Yep, I can fly (part 2)

What if you could fly? You, know, be a kick-ass superhero whenever you want. That's what happened to college freshman Ned. Though, here's the catch—every time he uses his powers he turns into a woman. Still want to be that superhero?


Support is.. necessary [5.4]


Some things in life are so unbelievable we doubt if they actually happened or not,
Other things are so embarrassing that we wish they hadn't really happened,
and sometimes things fall into that awkward spot somewhere in the middle of those two extremes.
What can you do about it at the end of the day?

What can HANNAH do about it more importantly!

Events unfold including but not limited to:
John being trapped by a disappearing wall and Eris has a front-row seat to the creation of a universe.
Meanwhile some familiar familiar's get familiar with each other
(try saying that one three times fast),
and Hannah goes on a power-trip while wearing a long white silk nightgown!

The Italian Job - Part 7

The gentle knocking of the maid on the door eventually roused me from my slumbers.

I didn’t want to move so I shouted out,

“Please. Come back later.”

The knocking stopped and all was quiet once more apart from the muted traffic noise coming from the world outside the Hotel.

I relaxed back onto the bed and closed my eyes once more.

Yep, I can fly (part 1)


What if you could fly? You, know, be a kick-ass superhero whenever you want. That's what happened to college freshman Ned. Though, here's the catch--every time he uses his powers he turns into a woman. Still want to be that superhero?

Journeys West - Chapter 10 - Wagons Ho

Chapter 10 - Wagons Ho

By Marina Kelly and Monica Rose
Editor: Qmodo

The book was still on the table bedside the bed when they wheeled him back to his room. While he wasn't restricted to his room, considering that he was only an observation patient, Pat didn't feel like wandering around the hospital wearing only a drafty gown.


Visiting a foreign country is always exciting but it's a good idea to take precautions. Unfortunatley Terry and Felix didn't so they ended up

Click on the story title and then on the captions to enlarge them.

Alexa B-Side: #18 - Bethany

“I can’t believe how Danny and ma were fawning of that little fruitcake” Adam growled as he and Bethany made their way down Cedar Road on their way to Lefty’s Lakeside Grille. Adam had just come from a meeting with his mother and siblings with the family attorney. The estate of his father had been finalized and all that was left was for the papers to be signed. His mother had decided that it should be a family event, which when he got there he found out why.

I AM telling the truth!

”I AM telling the truth.” Phil, my oldest son, repeated.

Between us on the table lay the very pretty and obviously very expensive silk dress that I had found in his closet and my 18 year old daughter said he had stolen from her closet.

Charlotte, part 23

“Wake up!” I hear a voice shout, startling me out of my slumber.

“Huh?” I ask, blinking my eyes to try to focus them in the glare of the late August sun.

“We’ve still got plenty to do,” My husband says softly, waking me further with a gentle kiss before helping me lift my bikini-clad body off the sun lounger. “You know most 25 year olds DON’T spend their free time dozing off in the garden?”

Nine Months (Month 2)

Nine Months (Month Two)

Kelly is stranded in Iceland in a female body suit while Jamie, now James, is off shooting a film. Her friendship with Siggy develops, but is she hiding a secret? Why does Siggy have such a problem with Kelly drinking, and if she keeps getting sick every morning should Kelly listen to her?

Month 2

The day after the 'men' left, Siggy woke me up early.

"Urgh, what time is it?" I moaned, putting the pillow over my head. The light hurt my eyes and my mouth felt woolly.

The Great Downtown Jam Session

Kyle was walking down the street, heading toward a mall that allowed people to play music with little or no hassle. It was just another city somewhere in the United States, much like many other fairly big cities, with people walking or driving by without saying anything.

He wasn't really paying attention to where he was going until he had to stop at a street light to wait for it to turn green. Across the street was a small area where the city allowed musicians, comics, etc., to do their acts. Something pulled Kyle over to the almost empty square.

Theresa's Trick

Vincent was getting ready for bed, he laid down and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he felt something very strange and before being able to check he opened his eyes and it was morning. Feeling very rested and comfortable, he sat up and stretched, ""

Support is.. on offer [5.3]


You can tell a lot about someone by observing how they react when stressed.
You can also find out how powerful their right hook can be too if you're not careful!

Definitely something to keep in mind if you ever decide to go 'sleeping bear' prodding in any case, right?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Sharks with laser beams being mentioned to comedic effect,
some chicken gets chased around a stone doughnut
(I WISH I was making that bit up!),
and Hannah is declared a goddess while finding multiple interesting ways to relax at last, with John's help, naturally.

Too Much of a Goodyear Thing

A bizarre NON-TG comic novella (well I thought it was funny anyway) that I wrote in the 1990's and am just stoned enough to post. Crude raunchy language, sexual + fetish themes, probably not work safe. If I get one kudo and one comment i'll be amazed...

Tommy has very specific tastes in women. They have to be blonde. Blondes with enormous breasts. Blondes with huge breasts who are wearing rubber. And it has to be RED rubber. Needless to say his sex life is mostly a solo affair, confined to some rather specialized fantasies. But this morning his imagined scenarios are taking on a life of their own. Each starts out nice and smutty, until all at once his rubber-clad Goddess realizes her taxes are due today, and then suddenly she's driving them all over searching for 1021-J forms; or whatever. A series of weird side plots taking our hero farther + farther afield from anything the least bit erotic. It is all...



by Laika Pupkino

Scenes from the Restroom

Scenes from the Restroom
By Stephanie Rose

Scene 1
Jeffry lifted his right leg out of the soapy water, and began to lather it up. He wanted to use the cream in the pink can on the side of the tub that his big sister Audrey used, but he knew he'd get in trouble. He walked in on her once as she was rubbing it on her legs, and she got mad.

"Get out you little creep!" she had yelled at him.

"I gotta poop!" he told her. "Daddy's on the other bathroom!"

The English Courtesan - Chapter 16

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No one needed to tell Alev why it was necessary to deceive the Polish noble she, in the guise of Alessandra d’Este, was not a suitable match for him. The chosen method Bona Sforza had chosen to convince the man it was in his best interests to break the contract between the d’Este family, not so much.

Magic of the Kingdom Book 2: Chapter 10

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A month has passed, and Sarah's been enjoying life as Silvermist in the park, but can she handle life as a celebrity TV actress? She still gets nervous meeting "real" celebrities! And how will HRT affect her ability to play the role?

Stephanie’s Chance - 8 Stephanie Cannot Be Suppressed

Stephanie’s Chance - 8
Stephanie Cannot Be Suppressed

Steve dressed as Stephanie for an old friend...
When he went holiday shopping with family and friends...
Others saw Stephanie happier and more relaxed as Steven...
He had agreed to go back to being Steve all the time for now...

Readers may want to reread the earlier chapters of Stephanie's Chance


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