CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes

Djinn Game V

Dave and Sara Hoffer are at a seaside resort to renew their wedding vows on their 40th anniversary. When they find a magic djinn, they wish to be young enough to PROPERLY consummate those vows.

Everyone's heard the expression, "Be careful what you wish for." You should also be careful HOW you wish for it.

Author's Note: The title for this series of stories reflects the view djinn have regarding their dealings with humans. They think of the granting of wishes as a game, with their goal being to twist wishes to their own ends at the expense of the person making the wish. As revealed in an earlier story, they call this game, "Wits and Wishes". Good wishes that have benefit only to those other than the wisher are exempt from tampering.

Jem...Chapter 68

Jem…Chapter 68

Chapter 68

We’re sitting and talking with Mr. Walker about the Halloween thing he’s got planned and the food comes but not our order but. “Here are some of the new offerings for the concert night offerings. Honestly the brittle’s gone over so well that I’d like to ask your opinions.”

Decade of Big Busts Stories - Just a Dusty, Old Suitcase

girl with suitcase.jpg

The discovery of what appears to be a sex doll whilst Bill and Lucy help their friend Gemma to move into her new house provides a weekend of fun and games for all three of them


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Travelling Hopefully


Synopsis: The woman awakening in the empty rental cottage hadn't a clue how she'd got there or even who she was. However, as she tries to discover her identity and how she got there, she quickly realises how much she really enjoys sex,.

The story is set in England and is a longer length story, so sit back and enjoy. Caution: Contains explicit sex and some sexual abuse, as well as humour.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Jem...Chapter 64

Jem…Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Her hands…even though it’s just through the bra and the silicone touch me and hold my “breasts” and there’s this sensation that is just…and the way she looks and oh my god her eyes are just so amazing.

So “Shine on you crazy diamond.”

What a good boy...Chapter 14

What a good boy…Chapter 14

Chapter 14

My dad looks at me then at my mom and he rolls his eyes and says

. “I’m going to the living room. I love you both but I am not mentally prepared in any way shape or form to have my wife talking to my son about sex toys.”

It’s almost funny except that I kind of am right with him on this one. Some things y’know just should have barriers.

Not with mom.

“Come lets take these things to your room.”

“Okay…this is more than a little weird.”

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 34 & 35.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 34 & 35.

Chapter 34

I feel amazing…some people wouldn’t…sore ribs, finger bruises from where Jax has held onto me as he was pumping me so hard…my breasts achy from the same and the bouncing and the sweet feeling lingering of his big black cock inside of me.

I love the feeling of my torn stockings, my garter belts…and just that…no corset, no panties or bra…I slip on my apron smiling and start to cook supper.

Vampyre 7.

Vampyre 7.

Chapter 7

Oh…my eye’s shift involuntarily as I feel Donna’s hot fingers slip into my panties and into me…I’m horny and excited enough from the fighting but for her to have her body temperature hot fingers in me and feeling her pulse in those fingers as she’s fingering me…

I’m not long in kissing her hungrily…needful…

Bloodsenses are kicking it and driving me deeper into the erotic nature of being a vampyre…

My Super Secret Life...Villain-10

My Super Secret Life…Villain-10

Chapter 10

Jeff’s actually cute as he’s glaring at me and then the money and then the spiked mace. It’s actually a little bit funny even as he’s trying to turn over all of this in his head and I can almost see that trying to be a logical, reasonable, normal person about this.

He actually does come over after making me another cup of coffee and we sit and after a minute or too of quietness he says. “Pass the black bean beef please?”

Game Theory: Learning To Play

Game Theory-Learning To Play

Synopsis: Randy invites two friends up to his new vacation home for a long weekend of cards and beer. When he breaks out some magic rings, things take a turn that threatens to effect them long after they return.

Adriana's Addictions

Indulgence Revisited 2

Indulgence Revisited — BOOK 2

Again, to reach a previously unreached audience, I have made a composition of the latter chapters from a previous work. Please enjoy if this is your first reading, and please forgive me for recycling, if it’s not!

Chapter 5
Zoe, a friend of Wannabe Ginger

I am only three days into my story of the early days of my husband's development into a "sometime" boy/girl. Earlier chapters tell how it was all at my instigation. Earlier chapters tell readers that I'm sharing this true experience with how we began. I hope other wives may benefit. I'm trying to report happenings on the way whilst also recalling the feelings I had at each stage.

Indulgence Revisited

Indulgence Revisited — BOOK 1

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

This story is a synthessis of an earlier work - one which, in many chapters, gained a great audience - more than many of my serials - So, in an effort to publish to a wider audience, composition has been made and a further book (2) will follow. For those who resent authors recycling their work - forgive me!



Chapter 15

I gasp a little happy gasp as Brandy does this thing to me. She spends time kissing and tonguing out my navel?

I’m still new at intimacy so I’ve never heard of this and there’s this sort of feeling it sort of not feeling it thing at first.

If you’re wondering…take a finger and trace your belly button. Then wet your finger, close you eyes and do it again.

Now picture nibbling teeth, warm lips, and a curious tongue.

And then her hands and nails sliding up my body and cupping my tiny breasts in her hands and kneading them gently.

Sweet Dreams-40

Sweet Dreams-40

Chapter 40

I didn’t expect seeing my dad’s picture like that to have that hit me in the gut impact that it did. I’m crying pretty hard and Adam actually gets up to help but I wave him off and I’m all sobby and stuff but I go to the kitchen sink and splash some cold water on my face and grab some paper towel.

“Thanks Adam.”

“I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I know, just seeing Dad’s picture took me from just having him in my head sort of fuzzy to remembering.”

“Are you going to be okay?”

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 32 & 33.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 32 & 33.

Chapter 32

I can’t help but to just stare into those eyes for several long sweet minutes and then smile at him and I step in close to him and press myself to him and hang onto his arm…oooh…his rock hard solid arm and I lean in and take a careful long slow bite.


His eyes get that look, that I want you look. That’s totally alright because I want him too.

“On second thought since that was incredibly sexy how about I just feed the rest on this to you.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” I smile and he feeds me another bite.



Chapter 14

A shiny black hair…

I had the distinct feeling that this was a somebody and not a something when I had seen her. But what does this mean? Was she able to break herself down into pure information?

Oh the implication of that have me there for likely an hour just staring at the thread.


Like Star-Trek?

But in wide, wide theory this could be plausible. We are all made of energy? Matter breaks down into energy, but can energy become matter? Not that we know of but…

Jem...Chapter 50! Part 2

Jem…Chapter 50! Part 2

I curl almost into Rayne spooning into her hip and smiling at her and we’re kissing and she’s tearing up still and crying and I go from kissing her to wrapping my arms around her and pressing my chest to her side and slipping myself under her arm but I pull her closer to me and even as angel I hold her in that same way as my Dad does.

It’s just me…I’m Angel…and she’s said that Angel is boy plus some and at the same time maybe I can also be a girl plus some too. I hold her gently but with enough care and strength that she’s safe.

Jem...Chapter 50! Part 1

Jem…Chapter 50! Part 1

Chapter 50

I take several steps back and let Rayne come in and she’s nervous in that bite her lower lip don’t know what to do with your hands way. Oh I’m so getting that right about now. She comes in and I take stock of things I’m just wearing a nightshirt too and my panties and I usually only wear the panties to bed. I generally don’t need anything well to protect my girls since they’re on the dresser.

“Uhm maybe I should get into a bra? If that’d help?”

“No, just be you…I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable in your own bed.”

What a good boy...Chapter 10

What a good boy…Chapter 10

Chapter 10

She’s quiet for a minute and keeps working, then she’ll stop, think then work some more.

“Well, I’ve only ever been with a guy before but I’ve been attracted to some girls too.”

Oh…that’s so…

“Like how attracted?”

She looks at me and grins. “Depending on the girl and her personality, very?”

“So you’d?”

“Yeah, I would. I think I would at least. I mean there’s not a lot she’d do to me that I haven’t done to myself and there’s that knowing as a girl what another girl likes and stuff too.”

“And guys?”

My Super Secret Life...Villain-9

My Super Secret Life…Villain-9

Chapter 9

I’m not sure if I’m punchy from the pain or the adrenaline but I am bizarrely having a good time sort of hiding slumped in the back seat of Jeff’s car while he drives us to him condo and he’s muttering the whole way.

I would have been perturbed by him doing this before but since my latest mutation shift and my body sort of catching up to my age it’s actually kind of cute. It does make me wonder though if it’s like hormones and brain chemistry or the fact that we’ve had sex together.

What a good boy...Chapter 9

What a good boy…Chapter 9

Chapter 9


My lord she has these breasts with coffee and cream tones tipped with these little chocolate chip nipples. She’s such a good kisser, her breasts feel damned good…so soft…perfect erotic and pills or no pills the hormones in my blood are just boiling like shaken up soda pop and pumping though my down into my new sex…my new sex that has Sophie’s hot wetness grinding against mine and her arm so jockettes strong holding my legs both apart and for leverage as we grind our way to…


Where Did We Put Keith?

Where Did We Put Keith?

This story contains strong language, sexual content and boys acting like jerks. (A little different for me) So you have been warned.

This story doesn't flow in a straight forward way, it is fairly scattered with headings for where/when each separate sequence is located - you should be able to pick up the whole storyline as you go along.

This story is just a little fun really; a silly little teen story, don't take anything in this piece at all seriously.

Enjoy. (Or at least try to!)

Hunger Pangs Part 8 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 8 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Hunger Pangs Part 7 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 7 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Hunger Pangs Part 6 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 6 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Hunger Pangs Part 5 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 5 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Vampyre 6.

Vampyre 6.

Chapter 6

Honestly I’m glad that I’m not in the same truck with Jill. I’m my vamped out state I’m really on an edge right now and it might have led to more of a thing than it’s become already.

Dammit I knew that she recognized me.

Donna’s driving and I’m doing what we vampyre’s do almost on instinct it seems and that’s brood.

I hate being a stereotype.

Hunger Pangs Part 4 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 4 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

The First Queen in the Village 14

The First Queen in the Village 14

by WannabeGinger

Astrid has had a wonderful afternoon with Heidi. Christopher, likewise, with Bev. Armed with ‘information’, both aim for home at the end of the day and Christine prepares to explain her plan in detail to Andy.

There are some explicit details contained early on in this chapter, so, though it’s mild, there’s a need for CAUTION.

Chapter 14 — The plot is hatched!

Jem...Chapter 39

Jem…Chapter 39

Chapter 39


It’s been a good week, better than I thought. I’m getting used to this Mike asshole. Okay he wants to play around and do these little power games then fine. I get it he’s the Mounties kid, part time student the “Bad boy cop” thing.

And he’s hooked up with Jason.

Jem...Chapter 38

Jem…Chapter 38

Chapter 38

I get into the house and hold the door open to the guys as they came with us and they are acting as roadies for us and ferrying all the stuff in from the vehicles and I tell them where to set the stuff.

Rayne actually comes out of the kitchen having been one of the first people in the house and she made coffee even this late and she has some of the cookies that I made out on a plate for them.

She’s got a nice smile on too doing this which is nice to see. I smile myself getting maybe a glance at the pre-gothy, pre-Summer girl she used to be.



Chapter 13

Three hours later.

We had somehow gone through traffic and to the police department all the while being very amorous….and we were touching and kissing each other even through me “Binging.” through the elevators.

I think Brandy is in her higher functioning happy mode.

That was a joke.

I like that she Bings with me.

It’s odd that such a small thing means so much to me emotionally.

Hunger Pangs Part 1 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 1 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Covered Bridges-6.

Covered Bridges-6.

Chapter 6

It doesn’t take long before John and I are in a cab and heading to my hotel. He really is a good kisser and once we’re in the cab and sitting down it’s very much about the cuddling and him kissing me and his hands moving over my body.

I know…

I know I talk about a lot of sex but it’s just something that really is part of me. I was a hooker, escort, porn actress…stripper for a long time and you form certain likes and habits.

Ithycca- Chapter 11: If Tears were Liquor...

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly war over each other, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old but mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

by AoifeM


Subscribe to CAUTION: Sex / Sexual Scenes