Holidays / Vacations / Resorts / Travel

Cheesecake & Blintzes

Dear Friends

If you are eating Cheesecake or Cheese Blintzes or other Milchig on Sunday and Monday, Paraphrasing as an old TV show "You Were There" amongst the Thunder and Lightening.

Gut Yontif, Chag Semach


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The Family Girl #046: At Least I'm Still a Size Zero

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #46:  The Upside to Mental Problems, or At Least I'm Still a Size Zero

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I spent Friday evening and the whole day Saturday in the hospital for a checkup. Just a checkup, no big deal.   My therapist thought it a good idea for me to have the checkup, and I did.   And since the set of tests to be done was just a hop, skip and a jump from those required for a full-blown complete physical, I agreed to the extra tests, x-rays and whatnot and made it a full physical - at least the kind of tests that my company's insurance carrier requires for a "full physical."   That means I doan pay nuthin'!   :-)   It's all on the company's bill, and it satisfies the yearly checkup requirement.

The results came Monday (the hospital apparently doesn't process test results on weekends), and then the squad of doctors that my therapist required did their thing and interpreted the results and typed up their findings, and we got everything Tuesday, which we brought to my therapist for her further perusal.

Anyways, my less-than-perfect bod was mostly okay.

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The Family Girl #045: Reunited with my Sweater

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #45:  Reunited with my Sweater, or Whatinheck's Wrong with the Weather!?!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe and I are back home and found our house to have been meticulously cleaned as only my ma is capable of.   Kitchen, living room, bathrooms all spic n span, and bed clothes nice n crisp n clean (I know ma did the wash coz the sheets smell faintly of Huggies), front n back yards clean and well raked (probably Dad) and a note on the living room table saying that two of the microwavable "Friends" mugs got broken (Aha! That's my sister!).

Anyway, the at-home feeling came back slowly and we settled in.   But what didn't come back was how the weather felt.   Egads, it's cold!!

So Moe n I broke out a couple of our long-unused sweaters, and made plans to pick a nice n wooly sweater ensemble for work the following day.   But why was it so friggin cold all of a sudden?   I checked the thermometer. It was a nice eighty degrees. Eh?

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The Family Girl #044: Flying Around

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #44: Flying Around

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

To anyone who's read my random conglomerations of words here before, they probably know I've been shuttling back and forth on planes between work assignments for some time now.   Used to be there was novelty in flying. Now, its pretty much like going on a long trip in a bus.   And the airport inspections in DC? Grrr...  

Anyway, Moe n I are flying home tomorrow morning for our scheduled two weeks.   It'll be good to go home of course, but I all I can think about right now is the hassle of it all.   I've done this so often now, I sometimes think I can do this without the airplane anymore...

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The Family Girl #043: Me? Jealous? Nahhh...

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #43: Me? Jealous? Nahhh...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

We had a late business lunch with this movie/TV personality & print model yesterday, at a very, very upscale (not to mention expensive) out-of-the-way little restaurant in one of the five-star hotels in the main business district.   She was a very sweet and friendly girl, and had a big fund of funny stories to tell and had most of us giggling and laughing, much to the consternation of her personal assistant, since we were starting to bother the nearby tables.

But what really got us to pay attention was that she was drop-dead gorgeous. As in REALLY drop-dead gorgeous.

Was I jealous? Nahhh...

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The Family Girl #042: Easter Backyard Picnic

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #42: Easter Backyard Picnic

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am a second-generation Italian-American (well, one-half of me is), and I am sure that those of you who have Italian roots and celebrate Easter in the traditional way, you'll know that the big deal thing is (aside from the morning High Mass) is lunch.   Lasagna, hard-boiled eggs and green salad with asparagus (or salads with tuna), and then roast beef and lamb and roast potatoes, and for dessert - sweet Easter bread and chocolate eggs, and then ending with an espresso or a nice cappucino.

But, of course, none of that for me this time as I'm not at home. Darn...

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The Family Girl #041: Easter Sunday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #41: Easter Sunday

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter from sunny Manila.

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The Family Girl #040: Holiday Blues, 3

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #40: Holiday Blues (3 of 3): Poolside Musings

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

The stereotypical image we have of summer (and it's most definitely summer here - ninety degrees, can you believe it?) is a sumer spent mostly at the beach.   But some girls - girls like me - don't look at time at the beach as a stereotypical summer - lying in the sun, lounging around and working on their tans.   But, being "a stranger in a strange land," I felt anonymous enough that I thought I could do some of that without any of the consequences.   We planned on going to the beach this afternoon.

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Passover and Easter wishes

Passover starts tonight April 6, 2012/Nissan 15, 5771

To my Jewish friends at BCTS

May You and Your Loved Ones,
Join in a meaningful and joyous Seder.

Sing Dayenu, Adir Hu, and Chad Gadya with gusto.

Drink all four kos of delicious wine. (don't get drunk it's not Purim ;-))

Eat a wonderful feast. (Knaidels and Kugels)

You find the Affikomen, (instead of your children or grandchildren) and
holdout for the reward you most desire.

L'Shana Haba'a b'Yerushalayim

To My Christian Friends,

Have a Happy Easter, and wear your Easter Bonnet, proudly.

Sincerely ,

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The Family Girl #039: Holiday Blues, 2

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #39: Holiday Blues (2 of 3): Mall Insecurity

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Wednesday was a regular workday here in Manila, but it was the day before the start of a four-day weekend. Most everyone wanted to go home to their hometowns, so there's usually a massive exodus of people from Metro Manila going towards various other places in the country.

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The Family Girl #038: Holiday Blues, 1

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #38:  Holiday Blues (1 of 3): The Pew Mafia

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It's Maundy Thursday today here in Manila, the Thursday before Easter, and it's almost 11PM as I sit in front of the computer typing all this.

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The Family Girl #037: Back in Manila

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #37: Back in Manila

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe n I arrived in Manila this morning - about 6AM Sunday (or 6PM Saturday EST).   Another four weeks here in sunny Manila.

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A question for those who remember The San Francisco bay area

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I recall as a kid (70's and 80's), when my Mom would go to Letterman Army hospital in San Francisco, we would go one of two ways to get to the city. First was to go to Livermore and stay with the people who are the inspiration for Shelly and Frank in my Through the years books, which put us on I580 to the Bay Bridge. But the other way was to get to I80 in Sacramento and take that to the Bay Bridge. What I want to know is did any of you ever go that way an recall seeing little wooden cutout sitting on sticks in the bay near Berkeley? I want to say it was near Berkeley, but it was in that area.

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Disney or hunting down fairy godmothers

Hey Everyone. Here is fair warning I'm going to be out of contact for a while. Understanding Spouse has scored some Disney World tickets so we're off to the Magic Kingdom. While there I hope to corner that fairy godmother of mine. She has some s'plaining to do! :) Just a Swhish and flick and everything will be right as rain! ;) Look for next weekend or so. The recovery might take awhile.


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Heading off to Utah.

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I was supposed to start my trip tomorrow on my trip to Provo, but with the snow here in Portland, I plan to leave a day early so I do not have such long days traveling. I plan to take my lap top, but do not know about wifi access. So just checking the roads, they seem to be snowy but open. The Columbia Gorge is known to be treacherous and it is open now so I though it good to get while the getting is good. So, those who check on me, nothing bad going on here, just going to a re-union. Planning to return home Monday or Tuesday, Inshallah.

Much peace


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Fighting fire with gowns?

At a recent St. Patrick's Day parade a fire broke out, fortunately the volunteer fire department was on the scene, unfortunately they weren't dressed for the fire. That didn't stop them.

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The Family Girl #036: Back home!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #36: Back home!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Moe n I are back home. Yayyy!

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Spring, St Patrick's Day and why I have mixed emotions

Spring is out in force.

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The Family Girl #035: Imitation of a Regular Life, 2

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #35: Imitation of a Regular Life (2 of 2)

To see all of my Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am a post-op TG girl, as many know, and I have had to make adjustments over the years - from the simpler, visible side of things, like the way I dress and act and sound (and even smell heehee), to more complicated things like learning new ways to live, to relate to others, and to be happy.   No choice, really, especially after I had changed what my therapist calls my "basic physical parameters," which is 21st century doctor-speak for HRT, SRS and the other plastic surgeries.

It's real difficult adjusting to a feminine life.   That's not to say it's unwanted - after all, these are the things I needed to do to accomplish the magical transition that I had desperately wanted, and eventually  have the life I have dreamed about - to have my imitation regular life.

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Happy Purim

Dear friends,

Tomorrow night starts the Jewish Holiday of Purim. My best wishes to all who celebrate it. Eat lots of Hamantaschen, and drink lots of L'Chaims.
And may the King stretch out his scepter and grant your wish.


P.S. Pardon the plug for my story. :-).

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The Family Girl #032: I'm a Hot Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #32: I'm a Hot Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am one hot girl.   And you know why?   Coz it's ninety-four degrees over here.   Heehee.

And people say I'm cute, too (joke!).

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The Family Girl #030: about Jetlag and Writing

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #30: About Jetlag and Writing

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I always hear a lot of stories about people having to cope with jetlag, and all the little tricks one can do to overcome it. Well, did you know, besides being a wonderful website, BCTS is also good for avoiding jetlag...

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The Family Girl #029: The Big Move

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #29: The Big Move

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Okay, then.   Moemoe and I are completely packed.   Our wheelies and carry-ons are all set.   The house has been cleaned and shut up.   We've called a taxi service, and early tomorrow morning, a cab is coming to bring us to the airport.

You see, we are leaving and moving.   To another country, in fact.   

So, goodbye, everyone!

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