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I'm how old?

Ever since I started my transition I've been very young at heart, in fact if you asked my ex wife she would say, every time, that I act like a thirteen or fourteen year old. I personally blame my second puberty. I'm afraid less, I get more out of life, I have goals, and I'm in touch with the real me. A friend of mine sent me an online test that tests your mental age so I thought I'd see if my ex was right. The test measures things like how emotional and mature you are and such, so it's a mental age test and not an intelligence test.

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Busy Year!

Hi everyone, missed you. Wow I cant believe how far behind i am in my stories, not to mention reading others. Of course going on vacation, work and helping a friend through her illness does eat up ones writing time. Well, ill be posting soon so I hope everyone has a good holiday.

PS Some evil person got me reading Harry Potter fanfic, I cant believe how much of a time sink that's been reading on 600+ stories on fanfic site :)

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For my loyal readers

I was looking at my account details earlier today and I was shocked to discover that I have gotten over 5000 kudos in the year and a half or so that I have been on BCTS. It came as a bit of a shock to me with as much time as I've had to spend not writing since I started here due to health or computer issues. So I would like to take this time to thank all of my readers who comment, kudo, send me messages, patiently wait for new chapters when RL swallows me up, and generally make me feel like an author rather than a scribbler.

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Well crap...

So, today I wound up doing something I reaaaaallly hate doing... I cut a rather sizable chunk of my story. In fact, I can honestly say this is the largest single consecutive piece of a story I've ever cut totaling a whopping 15,000+ words which sets me back to a little over 100,000 words. Ouch. It's rather depressing, but unfortunately it had to be done. The story was headed in a direction I did not like and the only way to back out was to take this rather significant hit. There are parts I may be able to reuse, but most of it is a complete wash.

Sorry had to vent...

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Stary Stary Night.

There is so much peace in driving out through the desert, but I have never been out there in the winter. Sometimes I see pictures with snow out in the sage brush and wonder how it got there. We used to go out in the desert to camp. I loved looking up at the stars at night. Sometimes I would lay there under the jewel bright heavens and doze. Once in a while I'd wake up and look at the stars and I would notice that the Milky Way had swiveled a little. I remember that sort of like a time lapse movie. The nights when the moon was gone were the best.

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I blame it all on Noah

I have been in recent correspondence with another writer who wanted to know why I don't allow public comments on my stories. I said that one negative comment had far more affect on me than 20 positive ones, and I felt I didn't have to take criticism if I didn't want it.

Nowadays, I have the courage to publish stories with public comments disabled. (And there's certainly plenty of moral bullying to imply there's something wrong with you if you don't allow public comments.)

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My first ever raffle - Win something today (well in a week)

This is my very first giveaway and using Rafflecopter, so I hope it all goes well. In celebration of hitting 10,000 sales on Amazon I am giving away a hardcover autographed copy of God Bless the Child (the book that got this whole ball of fun rolling). Sign up today, let's have some fun. Only one winner this time, but more fun to come in the upcoming months.

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Blogging site interview

I have been picked up by a website that reviews and promotes LGBT literature. I must admit, some of their stuff is a bit raunchy for me, but each to their own. The site is called 'Bending the Bookshelf', and they intend to post a short interview of me tomorrow.

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Hey Sleethr! Great stuff!

Instead of placing this in a simple comment, I chose to place it in a blog entry so more can see it. I've just finished re-reading MAU and Whisper. In case you were wondering where the extra kudos came from, it was me.

I'm very impressed with your storytelling skills. Both stories held my attention and enthusiasm all the way through to the satisfying endings. Your characters were very well thought out and fleshed out, til they became more real people to me as opposed to characters in stories.

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I know this ground has been covered before

How is it that readers can read something brilliant and not be motivated to click on the kudos button or leave a comment? The authors here, many of whom are exceptional, deserve our thanks! They work hard to post wonderful, well crafted, stories and we, for the most part, ignore them. It's not right! How much effort does it really take to click that button in thanks?

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Kindle News for Authors and Readers

This concerns revisions and downloads. I just discovered that the copy of Reclamation that was offered in a 5-day free promotion is an older version. I updated all of my books in June of this year; all of the "Look Inside!" previews reflected that--yet the older version was sent out. Amazon is looking into it with me (several emails back and forth), because they're potentially liable if the book downloaded is not the book previewed!

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‘The Other Side of the Wire’ is now on Kindle and

The fourth work of fiction set in the Second World War depicts life in Nazi Germany from 1935 on. It was inspired by the life of Solomon Perel, a Jewish-German boy who at age ten escaped Nazi persecution in 1935 with his family by fleeing to Lodz, Poland. When captured by the Germans, he managed to conceal his identity from the Nazis and become a member of the Hitler Youth in the process. It was adeptly depicted in ‘Europa, Europa,’ a movie based on the book ‘I Was Hitler Youth Salomon’ an autobiography Perel wrote in 1991.

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Bad Writing

I used to be a regular subscriber to a British magazine called SFX. Rather annoyingly, the front page was always designed so that the 'F' was slightly obscured, giving everyone the impression that you were buying a magazine called SEX, but that's by the by.

The best feature was always right at the end, where considerable space was given to reviewing recent SF and Fantasy fiction. The reviews were often uncompromising. I remember one comment to the effect that any writer who uses the phrase 'in actual fact' should be hung, drawn and quartered.

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To Life Yet again **Sigh**

**Sigh** It is Thanksgiving again tomarrow & yet again I am alone & now can't even leave the state of WI,because I'm on Probation because of the crime of using my Old Male info at an Airport to travel & being arrested for it.I hate this stupid Goverment.So I can't even go to any Friends I have made like I was planing to for Thanksgiving

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