Gwen Brown

Another Microsoft Lie.

I have this file called "ideas" and I free write there to see if anything comes of the present idea. So, today I was working there and then I realized that what I was writing was far too BDSMish. and explicit. So, I took a nap and when I got up, I still felt that way, so I deleted that part of it, about 4 pages of smut. HMPH !

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Death Of A Princess

Death of A Princess
By Gwen Brown:

I lay there looking at the clock. 5:30 AM. Pretty late to get to bed. I decided to try to doze for a while. Sleep was just carrying me off to the den of Morpheus when the house phone, not my cell rang.

“Charlotte, I know it’s been a long night, but you need to come down here.” Corporal Johnson said. I couldn’t get angry at her, she would never call me at home, when I was off, unless it was like Armageddon. “OK, see you in 20.”

Your Heart, See Your Heart.

Downton Abbey has always seemed far too stern and tacturn for me. I've seen little snippets of it but always backed away to avoid the painful seriousness. For reasons unclear to me, I felt drawn to it yesterday, and rented the first episode of it, and am watching it in little bits.

I can't work out why or if the people were actually that inhuman to each other.


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Walking with Dinosaurs

I've had these insane thoughts flitting through my head about a person, or family that finds themselves living with Dinosaurs. I haven't worked out if it is a time travel story, or if they were on a spaceship that took them there. The more I study, I am not sure IF present day humans could live at that time because of differences in the Atmosphere. And I don't know if the soil of the Earth of that day is terriformed enough to support plants and animals that humans can eat? I haven't worked out a premise for how any TG content could happen. And, I haven't written a thing yet.

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A New Slant on Things.

I received some frightening news.

In the 15 years I've been this way, I tried to be a girly girl. Yet one time a woman said that she thought I was a Navy Seal. Another woman thought I'd done Black Ops. Not even in heels and a pink dress was I girly. :( Lately, I've decided that the transgender stuff was bunk, but there is no rewind. So now, I'm just ME, and that's fine. Still not wearing pants if I don't have to !!!

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These Surgeries Still Happening.

Some of us are old enough to have had surgeries to correct sexual organ issues, and did not know until later. The story came out later for me and I had to piece bits of circumstantial evidence together until the pile got too big to ignore. Later in life I found out about my genetics ... The conclusion I came to is that the Doctor had taken me in another room and done a radical Hysterectomy. I found out that I spent a while in the hospital after I was born but not what for.


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The General's Son...

I don't know the exact title, but this story deals with a General who puts his son in a private school and he comes out as his daughter. It could have been a Military school? It could have been one of Nancy Cole's stories, and perhaps she reworked it?

At any rate, I have not found it and it is likely that I'm not getting the details right.




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NON Software Computer Audio Issue

This is an appeal to the Geeks here:

When writing, I will often listen to music on my Computer. That has been seamless and trouble free, but with the new Google, YouTube, and Facebook policies things have changed. It is now common that I am listening to Music at lets say 3 db, and suddenly the volume will jump by 6 or more db for an advertisement. This is very distracting.

I've tried software volume limiting before but they somehow defeat that and it is not easy to manually adjust.



There is a current article on CNN about the Mahu ("Third Gender") . The revealed injustice is angering to me because those who try to control the Transgender conversation have got it all wrong, in my opinion.

The Native Americans have something similar (Two Spirit) (Not the LGBT one) In Southern Iraq there was a marsh tribe that treated the gender nonconforming as normal. Children could adopt either gender. No surgeries, or hormones. Can't remember what they were called. In India, I think, they have Hijra.


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Whateley Academy or maybe not.

I've got an idea flitting around in my head that has revived an old story line that died out for me a long time ago. I have no idea if anything will come of this. There is no magic, no gender, not anticipating interfacing with Whately, though my character may very seldom perhaps visit the place on the way through the area for a cup of potion with one of the folk there. If my mentioning the name of the school, is an issue, I'd likely just not name it. My character might hate rules, love chaos, and rebel against authority, not that this character does anything to promote chaos very often.

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I should like to read this once again.

I have no idea of the story's title, or of the Author.

On another planet far away, men are vying for power, and one of the opposition gets zapped with a mysterious device that sends him far away, to another planet, a primitive one. The man emerges on this planet buck naked, and transformed to a woman. In a few weeks she finds that she is Pregnant. Fortunately, she emerges at a temperate time of the year. She learns to kill her own small game, avoid being eaten by a predator, and learns to catch and cook her own fish.

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Don't Fall For The Bum's Rush... Detransitioning

At times being out and post operative as a transgender woman can be a "Hard Knock Life", filled with desperate emotions.

A genetic woman I know has been a good friend for nearly a decade, and lately she has started listening to "Candace Owens" and her "Walt Heyer" Videos. She is driving me nuts in trying to use his nuttyness to get me to change my life. In my opinion, Candace is in the video making racket to make money, and he's gone round the bend, perhaps into Dementia?


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How To Fire A Full Sized Coal Burning Steam Locomotive

Perhaps I have been kidding myself in thinking I don't actually like men?

I can't actually figure it out. Maybe he could be my Daddy? I never had a proper one. :(

He is actually a Fireman on a Steam Locomotive. You don't actually see the picture when the Video is playing, but it is the little picture that shows before you click on it.

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Fan Fiction from Games or Books

A recent story here reminded me of one from an Author that published one about 8 years ago, and then they disappeared. I do not want to pop any bubbles or offend any sensibilities, so I won't name the Author nor Story Title.

The Pique of my curiosity "peaked" to night so I decided to see what happened to that Author if I could. After searching for too long tonight, I think the story came from a Sci Fi Book as Fan Fiction, or perhaps from a Video Game.

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A Helpless Puritan

I'm discouraged and do not seem able to cure it.

I was just reading a very interesting discussion that I had been taken with, but as soon as they crossed an unseen line, I was finished reading it. It feels awful to condemn someone's work just because they crossed a conceptual boundary for me. At least I know it is there, but as to changing my mind about it, that seems unlikely.

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Plagiarism ???

I THINKI once started a rather offbeat TG Alien Sci Fi story, and lost it when my laptop got stuck in the trunk when we were moving to Ohio from Oregon. The temperature was 104 degrees at times and the poor thing just fried. Everything I was working on was gone. Recovery efforts were futile. That was in 2009.

I suddenly remembered said tale a couple weeks ago, and am rewriting it now.

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Humans Not The Dominant Species Of the Universe.

Just finished up the restarted, "Twice Removed", and it is still echoing in my synapses.

The other day I watched an old movie, "Starship Troopers" and was disappointed. Apparently they decided to rework it in 2011, and they made a right muck up of it, in my opinion. The first movie was intact, but the others were not recognizable. The Videography was dark and they strayed from the original plot line. What a mess. I wish they'd left it alone. It was childish and immature but fun.

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Perhaps Stealth Is Better?

I've been "out" for 16 years and really out for about 10 years and never been bothered. It does not seem credible that I could have looked so female that no one twigged to my being T?

In the last week, two sites that I go to, one of them Facebook seem to have gone completely perverted. I've always run a low "friend" count because I don't think that people I don't talk to at least by PM are my friends. Facebook is only suggesting folk who are porn queens, so I have unfriended so many folk. Don't intend to be mean, look at what you want to.

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A Boy Who Can Look Like A Girl!

I'm reading "The Trials And Tribulations of a Girl" for the second time, and had a little trouble connecting with the idea of a Boy who can look like a Girl. Well there is Andrej Pejic, who has transitioned, but I thought they were quite rare. I had the problem but after about 9 years old...

I am watching a YouTube video about a tractor show and here is another one! This is very surprising to me. I think he could look like a girl with just a change of clothes, some light makeup, and perhaps a wig? Wow, just wow!

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Kiss Library ???

Just making sure that folks know about this. In my most drunken and deluded fantasies, I am no computer geek, though I had a couple stories stolen years ago. -- Gwen

Some people have reported on social media that their stories have appeared on without permission. Since this is a site that sells ebooks, it could be a problem. They do have forms for asking for DMCA take downs.

Be aware.

Gwen and Erin

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Story In This ???

So some guy asked to trace my Family History, ala Mormon style, and I told him that I didn't even care. I gave him some information and he found my purported family. Along the way, he turned up yet another person that I never heard talked about or met that I know of. In the generation I'm from, women with children had to do all sorts of things to just survive. Yeah, worse than 50 Shades, I think.

Then, I find that one of my brothers is not in the birth record under any name ???

I'm thinking that a man named RED ELK was my real father ???

Is there a story in this???

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Who Wears The Kilts?

I mean this entirely respectfully towards the troops of Canada, Scotland and any other country involved.

So, was just watching a YouTube Video called, "The Devil's Brigade. Here come the Canadians", and now I have questions.

In the clip when the Canadian troops marched into the base, The Bagpipes were in front, about 16 of them. Then came Male troops in Kilts, about 20 or so of them. Then were perhaps 100 Troops in battle pants and blouses.

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Never Finding A Love.

I've felt, BEEN so guilty because of my changing gender and for that reason it seemed that the only way to avoid even more condemning guilt was to refrain from any relationship with a man whatsoever. This is a hard, lonely road, as some of you well know.

Tonight I was out on my bike and stopped to call in a broken electrical box. When I finished and went to move on, I forgot to secure my purse to the back of my bike with the elastic sproingy. It promptly wrapped up in my rear sprocket cassette, and threw debris at me.

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When Time Runs Out.

I've belatedly realized that much of what I have written has been various parts of a larger story, but not in order. Slowly, over the last nearly 40 years of writing, hopefully I've gotten better at it.

If anyone reads what I have written, I've tried to be optimistic, and romantic in the face of a lot of real life pain. Much of my novel is showing some semblance of order, but it is not finished, and may never achieve the artistry that I had desired. That is a disappointment.

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What ever happened with Sarah Carrera?

Until around 2011 or 12 there was an author here named Sarah Carrera, I think. She wrote stories about a t girl that lived in the Sacramento, Ca. area, had a band, or sang and did none performance in the Red Rock Amphitheater in Colorado. It may have been that she was eventually discovered to have girl parts?

I think that in private emails, she told me that she was going on a 2 year Mormon Mission, so she dropped out of sight. She did not resurface after her mission, at least not using the same name.

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Computer blues

My computer is being muleish, and it took two tries to get it running this morning. Everything started but I had no icons along the bottom of the screen. (Win10). By clicking on a thumbnail for a word file, word still worked, so I assume that part of a startup file did not run.


Two Spirit, Arab Princess, XXY

What a week it's been !!!

I saw a Doctor today that actually knew what XXY folk could be like, and seemed to understand!!! He even confirmed that folk like me are often born with both sets of accessories, and felt that often the wrong organs were removed at birth. "ODDLY", back then, Doctors preferred to remove the girl stuff and would do almost anything to save the boy junk!!! It was nice to have that confirmation. Validation. :)

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Accurately Depicting Other Cultures

For those of you who do not know me, in my stories I try to authentically depict other cultures. I've had at least some exposure to cultures outside of America, and for those who are unaware, there are lots of cultures that are nothing like ours. A few folk have said that I do a lot of teaching in my stories.

In my stories, I've depicted Aliens, Fundamentalist Mormons, and Arabs, some innocent, and others not so innocent.

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Fan Fiction

I've just viewed a movie that I thought had a lovely premise but suffered from weak science, poor film editing, and recovered only about half the costs in the box office. "The Space Between Us".

I do so want to write a Fanfiction story that rounds the story out, but the more I look at doing it the more sinister the penalties seem.

I think I see quite a lot of it here that is Fanfiction based on video games.

I wonder how the authors stay out of trouble?


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Stories That Profoundly Affect Us.

I just finished, for the second time, "Amadeus Irena", by Shauna and found it absolutely engaging. Parts of the tale approach 500 Kudos, a count that may be the highest ever on BCTS, and I agree with those who voted.

Sitting here, reflecting on what other works have impacted me in a positive way, I've made a short list:

Of course there is "Bike". It was lovely, realistic, and encouraging. The Author has moved on and I hope for the best for her.

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"Arrival" The Movie.

Just sitting here thinking about the impact that the movie "Arrival" has had on me. I've been seriously ill, but seem to have cheated death again, and then had a dream this afternoon that my now being a woman was a 'punishment' because I'd done such a pathetic job of being male. Yes, talk about demented, frightening dreams, yallah !!!

I'm going to try to eat, and if I do not feel better by morning perhaps go to the Hospital ED in the morning?

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Not Smart Enough For Amazon

I used to enjoy reading stories that Amazon sells on my Kindle for PC, because I also had a tablet, so I could read on my PC at home, and on the tablet when not. Then they came up with Amazon Prime and I inadvertently got roped into it. On one of their un warned renewals, their $90 fee drove me into overdraft.

I'd really like to read some of the books that are on the site now. Perhaps, I'll just have to learn to deal with Amazon? Though, I'd really rather just pay full price for what I get than put up with their flimflammery.



So much Pain ...

I've been nursing a toothache for more than a Month and finally went to an Emergency Dentist uninsured. Thankfully I had enough money to pay for it but my budget will be off for a few months now. I had the tooth pulled on 5-5-2019, and it was like getting beat up by thugs. It was a rear molar and he had to cut the tooth in two to get it out and one half of the tooth broke into fragments and he had to dig that out. I am sure that he had his muddy boots in my mouth. This was all conscious with only a local.

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Patreon, bad experience.

I noticed a tag for Patrons on the front page. It may have been there a while.

I decided to be a Patron for a channel that I have followed for a long time, and then all these strange charges started. I committed to $10 a month and then I got two charges for $60 for Membership, which was out of the scope of what I had planned for. I tried to get in touch with them, repeatedly, and could not.


Are you a woman or NOT !!!

It is sobering to finally understand that perhaps much of my hiding in the shield of extreme religion is that I did not have to address actually doing what a woman does. There have been a few men my age actually "hit" on me and I've effectively run screaming down the street. And, it is well known that when some men find out about you, even if you are Post Op and look the part, they can be very dangerous.

I've even repulsed the men that knew and not because I am so holy, but because I was frightened to death, yikes.

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Finding Permission to Live.

Disclaimer: I am not suicidal.

Years ago, right after I came out, and went through all that happens to us, I was extremely depressed, and hospitalized several times. Such pain and depressive episodes is common amongst those in our community, so I am nothing special, and do not need anyone to call the Police. It was a very fortunate thing that I served in the Military 66-69, so am seen as a Vietnam Era Veteran, so the VA has been very caring of me in most ways. I sometimes feel like an interloper because I did not see combat.


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