I've got an idea flitting around in my head that has revived an old story line that died out for me a long time ago. I have no idea if anything will come of this. There is no magic, no gender, not anticipating interfacing with Whately, though my character may very seldom perhaps visit the place on the way through the area for a cup of potion with one of the folk there. If my mentioning the name of the school, is an issue, I'd likely just not name it. My character might hate rules, love chaos, and rebel against authority, not that this character does anything to promote chaos very often. Only one individual, who my protagonist adores reverently can interest it in not offending him. This protagonist views themself as an observer and has been observing for a very long time though I haven't decided how long. Perhaps this observer came into existence about the time that life that could make Fossils did?
Observable Scientific rules are obeyed, though they might possess the ability to function using Science that is not understood presently.
Perhaps the character will just walk wherever they need to go, though the Oceans could present a problem? Perhaps it could swim and have gills? Not sure how to confront heat and frigid temperatures.
I'm guessing that observable science would be obeyed, though I love things that break all of Man's rules. I love disturbing those with a high need for order and those who are OC.
Any problems?
Could go anywhere
This has so much room to go in so many directions. That isn’t a bad thing. Bottom line,you write, I’ll gladly read it.
Looking forward to the story.
Possible story
I ame intrigued don't know if I will like it till I read it, go for it.
Not name it ?
Not naming Whateley, I don't think that it is actually necessary to not name it.
There is a large amount of fan-fiction and non-canon Whateley stories already out there, quite a few actually on the Whateley site. Just make sure it is clearly labeled as non-canon. There are also already several stories that take place in the Whateley Universe, but not at Whateley Academy.
Then again if you want to make its own universe that works too.
I say go for it. If you write it and post it,
I will read it.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
I have to agree
With Hypatia. She does speak the truth about the several stories involving Whatley and the people around that school. If your characters do not attend or have a meta gene, so what. Not every person is a superhero or supervillain, there are people who are just people. That doesn't mean they are any less special. I say Go for it, you know you will have several people to read your stories as I count myself as one.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend