Dorothy Colleen

Changing taste

I have noticed that my taste in stories has changed. When I first started reading TG fiction, I mostly read "forced fem" stories. That fit in with my own fears, a need to have someone else make the choices for me. But, now, I find I really enjoy sweet stories, with volintary transistions and happy endings. That suits my decision to take responcabilty for my own desires, and my own wish for a "happy ending". I wonder if others have experianced changes like that?


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tg case in alberta could be historic

This case of a transgendered teacher here in alberta could end up being historic. Right now, transgendered persons are not protected under our human rights laws. If the courts so choose however, they could "read it in", and force the goverment to change the law, like what happened 10 years ago with gays. Here is hoping thats what happens.


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9 year old changes gender

I found online an article from the Sun newspaper in England that a 9 year old child has transitioned from boy to girl. I dont know how reliable a sourse they are, as they also have an article saying they found a picture of the loc ness monster on google earth. But, if its true, i feel kinda conflicted. I am happy for this girl, but part of me worries that this is too early. I would have taken a transition at 9, and it might have been a mistake. I just hope she doesnt end up regretting her decision.


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