

I’ve been reading stories on this site and others for about three years now and finally decided to become a member. I’d love too even post my own stories if I thought they were good enough, or even finished for that matter. What took me so long to join, and even get the courage to write this is fear. Which is probably silly really. I cross dress at home. And I’m extremely lucky that my wife accepts it so well. She even buys clothes for me when she’s out shopping for herself.

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Cuba national health system now includes SRS

Too bad that the US health system is so bound into the "free" market system. Notice how a person who is TS has the same feelings as a TS and another language in another country. So much for a "lifestyle choice". Nice that the new leader is trying to drag Cuba into a more liberal attitude.

HAVANA - Looking in the mirror used to make Yiliam Gonzalez sick to her stomach.

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Posted at Stardust ... Once the Hero 13

I saw that there was no notice about "Once the Hero part 13" being posted at Stardust and just had to mention it. Part thirteen has quite a bit of action going on and was left in a cliffhanger as was the earlier parts. Will the heroes win? Will the bomb destroy everything both above and below ground? Can Capt. Blazzar survive? You will have to read it and then wait for next week for the next exciting chapter of this excellent story.

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Valoween's Day?

Probably should wait for a more appropriate time, but...

In conversation a couple of days ago, I was discussing my tendency to stock up on holiday chocolate at half price or better once the holiday is past. Somehow I malapropped my most recent purchase, some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in a heart box at two-thirds off list ($3/pound) as "Valloween candy."


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birthday cards

I was in Target shopping store today looking at birthday cards for my mother's birthday when I saw the perfect one for female transsexuals. It said "When I was growing up I always wanted be like you" and open it up and it says "Happy Birthday mom and I still want to be like you".



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'Harry Potter' Star supporting LGBTQ help line

I just came across this article on

'Harry Potter' Star Daniel Radcliffe Is 'Passionate About' The Trevor Project
'Now I am in a position where I can help,' actor says of supporting LGBTQ help line.


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Randalynn's last Stark story Hammer into Anvil **Spoiler warning**

I'm a tad dismayed that it hasn't had more readers. Part 2 especially is some of Randalynn's best writing, and that alone is saying a lot!

You can't tell from the title, but this could just as easily have been called Saving Stark. If you've read any of the Stark tales, this is what they've been leading up to the whole time.

So if you are a fan of Randalynn's, please check these stories out. Part 2 hasn't hit 1000 reads yet and that's almost criminal.



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Making it legal: Same-sex couples line up to apply for marriage licenses

This was a headline this morning on my computer sign-in-screen! Richard

03-03-2010 04:24 AM PST |By JESSICA GRESKO, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (Associated Press) --
Same-sex couples can start applying for marriage licenses Wednesday in Washington.

Supporters say couples planned to line up before the city's marriage bureau opened at 8:30 a.m., and officials at the courthouse were expecting 200 or more people.

At least 16 couples were waiting at 7:15 a.m. inside the city's Moultrie courthouse, which houses the marriage bureau and is just blocks from the U.S. Capitol.

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Weed killer 'castrates' male frogs, study says

Here's a story on the CNN web site.

"The effects of atrazine in the long term have been shown to demasculinize or chemically castrate [frogs], combined with complete feminization of some animals," said lead researcher Tyrone B. Hayes, a biologist and herpetologist at the University of Berkeley.

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Speaking of Cats or I haven't posted anything useless in a while

Katy aka Katybug in the picture below used to have all black whiskers. It wasn't until a couple of years ago she started getting any of the white ones. She's going to be 11 on March 8th :)


Brittany on the other hand, who lived to be almost 19 last year kept all black whiskers


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Sex hormone progesterone to get head injury trial

News story on the BBC web site:

Previous studies have shown that progesterone supports the normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect on damaged brain tissue.

If it supports the development of neurons in the brain it might explain quite a few things.

I wonder if they will be looking for any "unusual" side effects? Perhaps a change in clothing tastes?

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A positive Article


I read this article in today’s Daily Mail. Whilst this is a positive story, some of the comments on the web site leave me fuming. See the article for yourself:

I wish the family all the love and strength they need over the next few years.

Love to all

Anne G.

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A TG Assassin?


After reading the somewhat bizarre story about the alleged assassins who killed a hamas leader in Dubai, my ‘tg radar’ started to twitch.
Far be it for me to cast aspersions but I have doubts over the photograph showing the Irish ‘woman’ Gail Follard
Have I been reading too much TG fiction? take a look at the link and see for yourself

Love to all

Anne G.

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Wow! just looked

on my account and realized i've just celebrated my first birthday, Thanks everyone for making my time here so very enjoyable, But most of all my thanks to Erin and all her helpers, Because without all there hard work, I would'nt be writing this.

Over the year i have been reading all the wonderful stories posted on BCTS, I have seen more and more authors realize that if they want there work published on a site which tries to respect everyone's views then this is the place to be. Long may that continue.

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DSM-V "Gender Incongruence"

I ran accross this nugget:

A commentary on the proposed changes to the DSM-IV for the new DSM-V, dropping the "Identity Disorder" from the name tag and reduce the stigma of it being a mental illness.
It would become "Gender Incongruence"
Also for the posties out there, good news! They want a fully transitioned person to be diagnosed as fully cured. This can be an issue in several career paths.
They wish to remove the sexuality aspect from it as well, gender incongruence and sexuality being two different issues.

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New occasional series from Maddy!

I've just posted the first part of a new series here on BC,

Hope you like it, i'm planning on taking it a long way!

It's based loosely on the Yubisaki Milk Tea Manga, if you've read that i'm sure you'll like this!


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For Gabyphiles, Bonziphiles and Anglophiles

If you ever wonder what its doing over in London, want to check the weather, do they really get snow? watch the double decker busses cross the bridge, tour boats on the Thames, maybe catch the bridge up? Or just to see the tide height against the bridge.
This is one of the better real time live cams:

Enjoy, hey, maybe we could get Angharad and friends to walk across the bridge to the sidewalk on the other side of the road this side of the near tower, jump up and down and wave frantically at the camera at a preset time and date? :-)

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Sex-Change Medical Costs Are Tax-Deductible, U.S. Court Rules

This was on YaHoo News this Morning! Richard

Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Costs incurred in sex-change operations and procedures are tax-deductible, the U.S. Tax Court ruled.

The Washington-based court ruled yesterday that hormone therapies and sex reassignment surgeries are necessary to treat gender identity disorder, a disease, in the case of a Boston- area man who became a woman named Rhiannon O’Donnabhain.

“The Court is persuaded that petitioner’s sex reassignment surgery was medically necessary,” Judge Joseph Gale wrote in a 69-page decision for the majority.

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WWWeeeeeeee, It is official (well sort of)

After many false starts and a few shaky falls I am thankful to say ... my operations are not only scheduled for July in Thailand, but paid for. It is never easy this road we travel on, but I have to state, it is satisfying; especially as I check off my mental checklist. I am so excited.

I am grateful and humbled with all who have supported me, and encouraged me to get this far. 5 more months, then the next chapter in my life begins.

Kendra Carr

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Obama urges Congress to extend benefits to same-sex partners;

I thought this was interesting News, It also was in his speech the other night, even though he didn't stay with it too long! Richard

Obama urges Congress to extend benefits to same-sex partners; `my hope is we can get it done'
01-28-2010 11:51 AM PST
TAMPA, Fla. (Associated Press) --
President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to pass a law extending benefits to same-sex partners, a day after he renewed his support for repealing the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.

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Just a random thought

But if you accept that there is such a thing as reincarnation and then by definition accept that in your previous live's you would almost certainly been a member of the opposite sex , Would that then explain why some TG folk feel that they have been born in the wrong body..... Maybe the memories of their previous happy life are so strong that they yearn to return to those days.

Of course the more likely scientific answers as too why we feel the need to change sex are most probably the real answer...But i guess it always pays to keep an open mind!


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Experts may have found bones of English princess

Here's an article that might interest those following The Legend of Alfhildr:

"Experts may have found bones of English princess"

We're talking really old, 10th century, close to Alfhildr's time.


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A nice tribute

I saw the current issue of ESPN-The Magazine at the bookstore today, and the last page, which always has a column by Bill Rielly (formerly at Sports Illustrated) contained a very nice eulogy for the transgendered sportswriter who killed herself (himself?) a few months back. It seems Rielly and his wife had taken her under their wings after she started transitioning, having been friends with him before. I'll try and go back and pick up a copy tomorrow if I can, but it is the one one the newsstand right now, they have two issues a month. It was very touching, and had me wiping my eyes.

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Gender Testing Hangs Before the Games as a Muddled and Vexing Mess

Today's New York Times published this article on gender testing in sports. I think the paper has had generally good treatment of the issue.


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Thank you, Erin!

I'm not sure whose idea the "random solos" was or who implemented it, but I imagine if it wasn't you, then you at least had a big hand in it.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading stories I haven't seen for a long time, and I know it's the only explanation why my own meager three stories keep accumulating a few hits per week.

No one could convince me that I'm on any par with the best story writers here, but I did post them hoping that others might enjoy or otherwise find something of value in them. Evidently others are still at least opening the links.

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52 weeks 3 hours

Today I have been a member of this wonderful site for, as the clock in "My Accout" shows 52 weeks and 3 hours.

It has been great fun and I have met a lot of wonderful people here, and read lots of great well written and interesting stories. Thanks to Erin and the others who run this site. I also took the plunge and sent in a small donation in celebration of my anniversary.


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A simple question?

Spawned by this image, spotted on Twitpic:

Sex: Male or Female?

It sounds an easy question, but the UK's Identity and Passport Service evidently recognise some people may have problems with it.

They provide context-sensitive help for their online passport renewal form, and the help for the gender question reads thus:

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TG=More Readers?

The newspaper headline:

Sex-change officer recovering after being hurt at checkpoint

Sometimes, I wish the media would just report the news, and not try to sensationalise it. The officer was just doing her job, and her gender status had nothing to do with the incident, afaik.
[Click the headline to read the story.]

This story should have been reported as: “Police officer hurt at checkpoint.”

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Not just a commentor any more

Hi everybody. I have been reading BigCloset TopShelf for awhile, and occasionally commenting on some of the stories for a shorter while. So I decided to tell anybody that is interested about this silly person that is me.

First, to avoid just repeating stuff that I have written elsewhere, here is the link to a tiny website that I set up back in 2003 through my ISP:

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Next mile stone completed

Hi all,

Just wanted to update my internet family (that is you all in case you are not paying attention) on my transition. I have just completed my second to last milestone (or back out option) and got my breasts augmented. As is typical for transgendered, I did not have lots of room so was only able to implant (boy do I love that word ... IMPLANT) 401cc's. Basically, I am now a full 38b and love it. The operation happened on Friday, and other than minor pain, I am able to enjoy the results of my doctor's handy work.

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Tanya Allan- Is she OK?

I am a HUGE fan of Tanya Allan. She had some health issues a couple of months ago and I was under the impression that she was on the mend. That being said, she has not posted on this site or her own in almost two months. Is she OK? Does anyone have any info? I wish her well and hope to see more of her work soon. I REALLY miss it, it's wonderful writing.

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