

Yesterday I was reading a story from the Random 5olos list and had to leave before I was finished. My brain has vapor locked and I cannot remember the story title nor the author. It was about a 13 year old withdrawn boy who goes to stay with his aunt in California and reveals to her that he is a girl inside. If anyone can help I would be thankful.

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Looking for a story

I've been searching for a story nad have not had much luck. I don't remember the title or character names. THe gist of the story is that a young man in his teens or early 20's was magically put into the body of a girl the same age. His body dies and he has to live her life. He now she has a boyfriend/fiance who in his previous life as msle was his best friend. Evnetually they get married and she realizes she is truly in love with him and he figures out who she was and all that.

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Happy New Year!

I congratulate all of you happy New Year!!! Authors and readers and site administration!
This year was uneasy for all of us. Let in new year at all of us will be less problems, a grief and losses. Let will be more than the joyful smiles, more than happy minutes! And if you cry, let it there will be pleasure tears, instead of tear of a grief, a pain and powerless anger!
Happy New Year you, the ladies and gentlemen!
Yours faithfully.

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Season for Unusual Events in Unbelievable Places

One of the more unusual places for something like this to come up: Pakistan. Or maybe not.
Wikipedia article is sympathetic,, but BBC seems somewhat less so:


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Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year

From My family to all of the Authors and Editors on BCTS, my family extends warm wishes during this holiday season. The season is blessed season to celebrats family and the joy we all have with family and remembering our LOrd Jesus Chirst whom graced us with love and acceptance as his children.

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Who's Moving to Mexico City? Same Sex Marriage with Ability to Adopt also!

Just got this off the News Wire:

Mexico City assembly legalizes same-sex marriage
Mexico City lawmakers on Monday made the city the first in Latin America to legalize same-sex marriage, a change that will give homosexual couples more rights, including allowing them to adopt children.


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A Merry Christmas wish to all.

I want to send to each and everyone of our fabulous authors and to all the readers, such as I, a wish for everyone to have a marvelous and very Merry Christmas, followed by a Happy New Year. For all of those who may not celebrate Christmas, but do have their own holiday(s) to celebrate during this time of the year, May YOU also realize your dreams in soon to be New Year.
A very big Hug to each and everyone of you. Janice Lynn Miller

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What happened to literacy?

This morning driving to work I was listening to the local community college's radio station. At the top of the hour, Headline News from NPR came on. Something was said about the economy, and someone's sound bite was played. He was talking about disparities between economic and unemployment recovery, saying employers have been finding ways to get by with fewer resources. What he said hit one of my exposed nerve endings. His sentence ended with "making do with less employees."

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Feeling left out

I am feeling really left out lately. You see most of my friends are from the transgendered community or the geek community , and lately I feel left out in most situations.

With my friends from the geek community I feel OK , they seem to accept me and while I can't speak with them on everything ( the all transition thing for example ) it seems like they are there for me .

With my friends from the trans community I feel left out ( and sometime judged ) because of sexual orientation.

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Dancing confidence research

A slightly bizzare bit of research carried out by the University of Hertfordshire in collaboration with Radio 4's Today programme has indicated that although men may be initially reluctant to get up and dance, once they hit the dancefloor they will generally be quite confident. For women it's more complicated...
(just excuse the lame headline)

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Promising Scientific development for self-produced HRT

I just found this article in The Independent newspaper which may be of interest to readers:
From Minnie to Mickey (and all they did was turn off a gene)

The gist of the article is that a group of scientists have developed a simple genetic-based (a modified virus?) technique which can convert the oestrogen producing cells in an adult female mouse to producing normal male levels of testosterone.

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FL McDonalds doesn't hire faggots

The TLDEF has filed a discrimination complaint against an Orlando, FL McDonalds' restaurant which refused to interview a transgender job applicant. Here's the story from their website (including a YouTube voicemail message received by the applicant):

TLDEF Files Employment Discrimination Complaint with Florida Commission on Human Relations
Against McDonalds for Refusing to Hire Transgender Woman

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Sorry, Everyone...

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to apologize for my sudden and extended absences over this past year, and hopefully try to shed a little light on things. This isn't an excuse, mind you. I know the internet is by its very nature very transitory, but I feel like if I'm ever going to get past this, I need to get it out in the open somewhere that I feel safe in doing so.

It's been a really interesting year for me. I feel like I've grown and learned so much about myself since that fateful first blog post nearly a year ago. But at the same time it's been quite rough.

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Just a comment about the 4 officers killed in Parkland, WA

Hi all,
I realize this is not really related to Big Closet/Top Shelf stories, but I had to write it out, just to clear my mind of the tragedy.
This is my first attempt at a blog ever, so I will be brief.
As I knew two of the officers very well; I was, to say the least, astonished and am totally in grief about it.
The woman officer and the Sgt were the two I knew, as they used to come to my jail to pick up prisoners we had for them. I wish many condolences to their families and I do know that they are in a much better and peaceful place now.

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I am Divorced

Hi all,

After 24 years and 11 months I am now divorced. Surprisingly for the first time in 50 years I am alone (not an island, but rather by myself) for the first time ever. I am blessed with friends and family (biological and those I have invited or been invited into that special place), and have the luxury of time to continue rebuilding my life.

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New (dodgy) gender differences research

Men's genes 'may limit lifespan'
Men carry the seeds of their own destruction in the genes present in their sperm, research suggests. Scientists working on mice have highlighted a specific gene that, although carried by both sexes, appears to be active only in males. They believe it allows males to grow bigger bodies - but at the expense of their longevity. The study, by Tokyo University of Agriculture, appears in the journal Human Reproduction.

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Whatever Happened to...

I may be impatient but, whatever happened to the "Homecoming Queen" series, "The Feminizer... " series and the series where a boy is transformed into a girl to spy on a secret group of scientists (It's been so long, I've lost the name of the series...Sorry)

I do try to follow series and stick with them but when there's such a long space of time, I kind of lose track...This is not a flame, just a question. If these won't be back, just let us all know and we can move on. I stuck with "Changes" and "No Half Measures" because their updates were frequent.

A friendly inquiry.

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I like to make photo edits of myself


I wanted to share a few photos with everyone. I rarely take pictures of myself while dressed. However, I love to take pictures of myself and edit them to make me look more feminine. It's great fun for me, and is a nice outlet.

As I tell others, you can still have a beard and be feminine and pretty. One need not be passable, or think of gender in terms of male and female.

Please, enjoy!

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About me: (part 2)

Among the things in my life that I considered normal were:
My mother gave birth to me when she was 15. At that time, my father was 22. They did marry, but divorced when I was eight months old.

Another year would go by before my sister was born as a result of a relationship without the benefit of marriage.

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About me: (part 1)

I've been a member for over a year now, and I have written very little. I do love reading many of the stories. However, lately, I haven't had much time to write, as I am in my first semester of nursing school.

I am 45 years old, born male. I have been married 20 years and have three sons.

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Christmas tune acronym quiz

For the past few years, I've inflicted this quiz on colleagues / family / friends, and it's proved quite popular.
So now I'm going to inflict it on you lot :) [Insert evil laugh here]

Attached is a spreadsheet, containing acronyms to title / recognisable line from 125 different Christmas tunes - carols, pop songs, novelty/parodies and traditional. All you have to do is work out which tune is which.

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Searching for witness protection story

I'm looking for a story about someone who transitioned as part of a witness protection program. I believe he was in the FBI or CIA. He had been a crossdresser as a man. As a woman, the witness protection program helped her fake a pregnancy and eventually breastfeed. She fell in love and also met up with her former wife. I may have seen this as much as a couple of yeas ago. Has anyone seen the story I am asking about? Know where I could find it? It might not have been from BigCloset. Thanks!


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Rant addressing social prejudice and fiction

We all should have the right to live how we want.

Yet, a developing or adult male walks the streets dressed as a female. A mother and child notice, the child stares on confused and maybe even distressed. The crossdressed male is likely made to feel uncomfortable among other things.


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Thanksgiving - Things to give thanks for!

Dear Big Closet Top Shelf friends:

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. There are many things we all (even those non-Americans reading this) should give thanks for. In no particular order.

1) This website
2) Erin
3) The other staff members and Administrators
4) This website
5) The authors
6) Their stories
7) This website
8) My many friends here
9) Those people who get upset at my comments and tell me so (I'm serious - debating with you is enjoyable)
10) This website
11) The Freedom we have in this Great Nation to be able to have a website like this.

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It seems as though, all of a sudden, Haikus have reappeared on the scene.

Apparently the new EU President (and Belgian PM), Herman Van Rompuy, writes them as a hobby - mainly in his native Flemish.
He even publishes them on his official website:
This translation of one is the most frequently quoted in media reports:

Hair blows in the wind
After years there is still wind
Sadly no more hair.

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A slightly different way to use up the thanksgiving leftovers.

Here is something to do with that left over turkey from Thanksgiving. Something different that the usual turkey sandwiches, turkey casserole, turkey tetrazzini, etc.

If you happened to go the ham route at Thanksgiving, all the better because the original recipe calls for ham, but Turkey, or even chicken can be substituted for the meat portion of this recipe.

My mom, whom I stole this from, actually called them "Tacos" but they are more like Taquitos.

Ok, here it is. The recipe below is for two dozen or so, but you can adjust to make more or less.

You will need:

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Dodgy science alert

Ho hum, another group of scientists have "discovered" that humanity is polluting the environment with lots of "gender bending" chemicals (i.e. estrogens or others with similar effects), which are apparently "feminising boys". No big surprise there - this kind of story 'does the rounds' every now and again. The novelty this time appears to be that the research is apparently endorsed by the EU, and it's reported in The Guardian rather than the Daily Wail (whose columnists would no doubt have had a veritable orgy of doomsday prophesying...)

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My background and qualifications

Since I have volunteered to do editing to assist authors, I thought I should supply my credentials. My career spans both management assignments in the IT area of a large corporation and university teaching in a school of business. I have written four books: one on statistics, one on data base principles, one on information resource management and one on cooking (a 200 recipe collection that keeps expanding). I am a self taught speed reader and a compulsive editor.

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I am an oxymoron

I am such a living oxymoron.

I am a girl inside but not on the outside. Heck, I'm not even sure I'm really a girl, maybe a girl wannabe. Being TG but not TS might sound like an oxymoron to some here, but it's probably true in my case. I'm reminded of The Man Without a Country. I'm a person without a gender, since I find myself firmly rooted in between.

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Unusual reason to miss work...

For the first time in 15 years, David Dimbleby, presenter of Question Time, has had to miss recording an episode.

Here's the slightly unsual reason why:

Then again, the programme itself once featured an unusual guest:

And on hearing the story, I couldn't help but think of the ultimate (fictional - I hope!) sick note (which also serves as a "Don't try this at home!" physics demonstration):

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Oscar R.I.P.

I always knew that this day would come, I just never expected it to happen so soon, You see for a little over three weeks now i have been taking Oscar one of our two much loved cats to the vets for treatment for a lump in his neck, Right from the start of his treatment we were under no illusions, It was pointed out from the start by the vet the most likely diagnosis was cancer and the prognosis was not good, Nonetheless we felt we had to give him a chance, After all the vet could be wrong!

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Regrowing Breasts

  • Surgery may allow women to grow breasts
  • Successfully done on pigs
  • Could revolutionise cosmetic surgery

“The breakthrough could also could also completely revolutionise the cosmetic surgery industry by allowing women to grow bigger natural breasts.”

“If the human trials follow the pigs’ success, the new procedure will result in breasts that look and feel perfectly natural — because they are perfectly natural.”

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That's Enough (not a lecture)

For those who have been following the November story challenge, I would like to remind everyone of the story "That's Enough", by Jan S., written in 2007.

I think this story fits the story challenge criteria beautifully. It's not a long story, and well worth reading.

Another thank you, Jan for creating it.

Carla Ann

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BBC Radio 4: The Choice

Originally aired at 9am today, for UK audiences only it's also available on iPlayer for the next week:

The Choice is a series of 1/2 hour programmes on Radio 4, featuring people who have made life-altering decisions and exploring the whole process, from the original dilemma to living with the consequences. Previous episodes have featured a chap who killed his abusive father; a woman who's adopted 9 children with special needs (most with Down's Syndrome) and a whistleblower. Today's featured Miranda Ponsonby.

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dreams can come true

since a young boy transformed at a party into a little girl , i have never lost the love or need to dress as the sissy that i was mant to be i only wish that i ahd realized earlier in life thayt i could and should dress and allow my fem side to live , as the years go by i am now starting to live my dream more all the time does any one ealse have a like felling and understanding i hope so love penny

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Here's a bit of shameless self-promotion - my online photo gallery of Kenilworth's fireworks do (held a few hours ago). It's one of the most popular in the region, typically attracting >10,000 people for the half hour display. The approach roads to the castle are closed off to aid in herding people to/from the site.

And for comparison, last year's lot:

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