Ego Booster

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There are days, weeks even years where self doubts affect us all.

I've been feeling particularly below par in the 'passing' area.

Today ended that feeling for me. I was pulling out of my driveway when this guy walked in front of my car. He was young and attractive and definately my type.

He takes off his sunglasses and looks into my drivers side window (which was down) and asks... "Wendy? Is that you?"

Well I don't know who Wendy is, but I'm glad he even got the gender correct!

I smiled all the way to the store and back. In fact its still bending up a little in the corners.



glad for you hun

its a wonderful feeling, one i hope to have someday.


Name flexibility

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Hi Nobody,

You SHOULD have answered, "I go by ***** now. Can I give you a ride?"

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.