Last night in Tallahassee, FL they passed a new human rights ordinance that protects against discrimination based on sexual and gender orientation. Employers can no longer hire or fire someone based on their sexual or gender orientation. Businesses must now provide access to all now including restrooms this even covers chrurches. This covers all of Leon County. This now provides everyone basic human rights in Leon County.
Who would have thought of this passing in a bible belt city.
OMG, following the Bible?????
Wow, can it be that someone is actually trying to apply Biblical principles? I hear that Florida is a big retirement area, and perhaps that implies people who are rich enough to do that, and that implies that these people are more educated, and perhaps might actually realize that there really is causation for our problems ?????????
I have seen it all ! giggle.
Little victories
yay! Really surprised the crazies and alarmists did not scare them out of it with their commercials of some creepy looking guy in drag following a pretty young girl into a public restroom in a park.
Hopefully there will be many more of these little victories.
Actually had planes flying banners over downtown promising the end of commisioner's careers if they voted yes on it.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
major event in tallahassee, fl
Very good news! Now I hope that starts a wave of change in America for the betterment of all.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Here's the link to the Leon County Web Page'21'&meeting_date=4/27/2010
"Does not apply to religious organizations, such as religious corporations, associations, and schools. The Ordinance uses the definition of a religious organization found in Title VII of the Civil Right Act, such that if an organization is exempt from Title VII’s religious discrimination prohibitions, it will be exempt from the Ordinance..."
The bill doe not require churches to adhere to every part of the regulation, which makes sense, even if it seems unfair. To require a religious institution to violate its own precepts regarding what constitutes its beliefs would be in direct violation of The First Amendment. It certainly makes sense, since what is legal today may be illegal tomorrow depending upon who is in office.
Really, would you want to work for someone who actually thinks that there is something wrong with you? Expecting to be hired by a denomination that believes that I'm an abomination? It may rhyme perfectly but would be almost nonsensical.
The news article I read did not say if that portion was included. It does apply to businesses. Which is the most important part and is a major step in acceptance.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Despite superficial appearances and popular prejudice, Florida actually has a plurality of registered Democrats, five millions of them to the Republican's four millions.
The seeming Republican advantage in Florida is that "Independents" are a little less than three million, and currently represent the "swing vote."
Many Independents are Libertarians, many (perhaps most) of whom have no interest in State-enforced morality, nor in State protection of bigots, although they also tend to be fiscal conservatives, so can be swayed by carefully-crafted campaigns in which the fiscal conservative platforms of the party are played up and the social conservative aspects played down.
The "tea-bagging" right-wing, who seem to be calling the shots with party leadership, have ticked off a lot of the Libertarian and fiscal-conservative base, so the partisan threats mentioned in the article may not have as much weight as they used to carry. Florida is heavily "Hispanic," and many of Spanish-speaking ancestry have been alarmed by what appear to be racist statements made by many on the far right, so the Republican "Red-State" picture many have of Florida may be turning distinctly purplish these days, perhaps even royal blue.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style