General Audience (pg)

The Princess and the Plague : 11

The Princess and the Plague
(Life after Camp Kumoni)

By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B

You know what my Uncle Will would have said?”


“Every adventure starts with your first step and a whistle on your lips.”



looking for some one

hello Topshelf well i was wondering if any one has heard anything from the author of unexpected mommy or new of any way to get a hold of that person please if so could you please let me know in a PM i would really like to talk to the person again
well bye bye till later i guess
or maybe now where i could find some more of their writings

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Response to CoyotePuma's comment

Edeyn Started this as a 'reply' comment, but realized it was way longer than merited... so moved it to its own blog!

Only a bit short of 2 years ago, I found TopShelf by way of a friend pointing me at a piece of fiction here (Leeway, by the way) and was rather pleasantly surprised. You see, a large amount of my friends figure that if it has any TG content, why, since I'm TG I must like it! Well, I'm not especially fond of forced femme, not especially fond of one-handed fiction as a whole... and in past experience, that's pretty much what was out there.

Now, over the years, there had been some excellent pieces of fiction that I'd been pointed at. I always tried to read them if only to be fair. I would save the ones that were, in my opinion, well done!

Then after enjoying Leeway so much, up to the point where it had been finished at the time, I decided to go ahead and look around the site.


I was pleasantly surprised. In the past, TG Fiction sites seemed to specialize in the stuff I didn't like and maybe 1 in 1000 were something I liked. Now, this isn't to say that those sites were BAD. No. Just not the kind of thing I was into.

TopShelf, however... it was like the ration was the other way. There was about 1 in 100 that I didn't like!

Why, most of the stories I'd archived over the years were here, too!

I settled in and began to explore for a few months. There were a lot of really good TG stories that I had never seen or even heard of the authors! Then I started to think... "Hey, I can do this..."

And so I did. In 11 days, I wrote and posted as fast as I could, the first 8 pieces of Sk8r Grrls and to my surprise... people loved it.

Now, at that point, Erin was ecstatic about the fact that she was up to the point where her authors were posting an average of a story per day!



Gee willikers!

... and I watched the site grow.

... and grow...

... and grow! By January 2008, we had an average of 8 to 10 stories being posted daily! Why, some days there were lots more... there were even the rare days with over TWENTY stories being posted in a 24 hour time period!

Stories were being posted so frequently, in fact, that they couldn't stay on the front page for more than a few hours and people were missing some really good stuff!

So I had an idea. I asked a few folks about how it would be received, and then took it to Erin.

She said, "That's a great idea, but it's awfully time consuming. I don't have time to do that. If you code it and post it and do the updating, sure, I'll add it."

So I joined the admin team here on 2008 January 19, with the introduction of Shortcuts! and over the next few months expanded it to give the Holiday of the Day, and then a link to information about that holiday, and provided a way for folks to be able to see what they'd missed that day without having to click through pages and pages of links to figure out what they'd read and what they hadn't.

The point being, that the method of posting here, making it so that the authors add their own content, is a great deal of what makes TopShelf so special -- it's constantly updating. Glad you're enjoying it!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Kelly's Journey -9- Support & Kidnap

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 9: Support & Kidnap
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly has moved in with her Aunt Debbie and her grandparents, she begins a new part of her journey as she learns more about being a woman and learning how more about herself.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

My mum turned me into a girl. Well, actually it was her new friend, Alison, but my mum played along and, being my mum, she has to take the blame. Looking back I realised that Alison and my mum were very clever. I didn't see it coming and by the time I did, it was too late. It started when I was nine years old and by the time I was ten you could say that their mission was pretty much accomplished.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

By Ollie

FictionMania is BACK! (Not a Joke)

For those of you that have been waiting.... FictionMania is BACK and LIVE, but temporarily at a new address:

But There appears to be a lot of things still wrong/not working with the new server.

Here is a repost of a posting @ StorySite:

Hello again,

There has been some difficulty getting the url switched to the new server. Therefore, when we go back on line, we will be using the new address of:


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A Study of the Transsexual Creature.

I don't know if this counts as fiction so I decided to put it here. This is a somewhat humorous explanation of what a transsexual is. The original is posted on All comments about the text are very welcome.

The Life of the Transsexual Creature

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Tip Thompson's Crossdressing Tips

Today's (Sunday, March 1) Skin Horse comic, tooncasted at the bottom of every blog page, has Tip's humor-tinged crossdressing tips. The strip changes every day, and I think this one is worth keeping around, at least for some of us, so I went in search of a "permanent" link. If you liked this one, and want to keep it, click on and then bookmark this:

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Home That Love Built - Set up, first story, and Rules

The Home That Love Built
A new universe from Catherine Linda Michel

Consider this an introduction to my dream of a place where abused, impoverished, cast out T-girls could go to and be respected, helped, and loved. It's been my dream for many years of such a place, and I thought I'd write about it.

Kelly's Journey -7- Shopping

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 7: Shopping
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Now that Kelly's mother has started to get involved in her child's life, Kelly becomes scared at the prospect of actually being out in public where strangers may discover her secret and out her in public or some bigot harming her or her family. It is only with the help of Kelly's best friend Julie that Teri Moore is able to take Kelly on what has become the national sport for all women: SHOPPING.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 3

We had lunch at the mall. I could not believe how at ease I was walking around the mall. No one made any comments on my camisole and bra straps showing through a little. Cathy reminded me of this and said "No one cares. People are accepting of your disease."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 3

By Terry Hansay


I is being back! (Edeyn Updatishness)

Edeyn That's right. I have returnéd. Sorry about the long hiatus. There have been much happenings and occurrings. I'm back in Kansas City for the time being, with plans to jump the Pacific in late July or early August for at least 3 months, more likely 6 months -- during which time other than the travel time itself, I'll be able to continue on here.

What the near future holds:

Content from me will be increasing, as the plan for all of this requires me to do more writing. I've missed the lot of you wascawwy wabbits, and will be continuing on my list of things to carry on. There will also be content of mine posted on ]Fictioneer![ in the near future, and there will be a few of you I will call upon for opinionation of pieces that will NOT be published online, to preserve the ability to publish them in dead-tree format.

Other goings on:

I do plan on emigrating from the United States of America (USA) to Australia (AUS) [ The only two countries either I or my love can think of with anagram abbreviations ] at some point in the next few years, but it will likely be only on a permanent basis after I've already achieved my degree that I've been hard at work on through Ashford University (Social Science with an Education Concentration) -- which, by the way, I'm doing well on. Not the straight 4.0 that I would prefer, but decent enough grades to retain my Pell grant and Student Loans.

What else? Oh. Yes. I am moving toward becoming active again in LGBT issues, primarily TG issues, of course, and I am attempting to find sponsorship and assistance from those who know what they're doing to turn my stories, "A Story With No Title," and, "Too Far," into short films.

I believe that's all for now... post questions in the comments as usual!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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The Softening of Jessie - Part 50

“Well, I used to be fueled by my temper and emotions. I would get so upset with things that I didn’t feel in control at all. All I could feel was rage and I wanted to take that rage out on others. My thoughts and emotions were way out of whack. On the other hand, now I feel very balanced emotionally. Sure I cry a lot more now but at the same time, I don’t feel that anger I used to. It’s like all my aggression has been tamed. It feels really good Ashley! I can think clearly.”

“So you like being a girl then?”

“I don’t know. I do know that I like the way my head is way more balanced now.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 50

By AshleyTS

MORFS: Saouda's Docket #60350

Acts of Humanity

Saouda's Docket #60350
A MORFS Universe Tale
by Ray Drouillard

Connie Abla Saouda and Beverly Trowbridge are two ordinary cops on the beat -- or are they? After providing so much help to the Doctors Martin and their friends, they have been assigned the unenviable task watching after their fellow MORFS survivors.

sex: 0/10
violence: 7/10
profanity: 1/10

Categories: PSI

Timeline: 2060

From the unofficial log of Officer Connie Abla Saouda, Police Telepath
December 15, 2060

Officer Beverly Trowbridge and I have been pulling afternoon shift for a long time. Ever since we have been semi-officially given the task of watching over the various MORFS survivors, we have been stuck with this shift. No more morning shifts that allow us to get off in time to have a life. No more nice, quite midnight shifts. Nope, we are purposely put on duty when most people are getting off of work and hitting the malls, restaurants, and places of evening recreation. That is the time when our fellow morfies are most likely to be get into trouble.

Hidden Gifts - 13

A New Style of Education: Hidden Gifts

By: Annette MacGregor

An authorized story, based on the characters and environment of A New Style of Education by Karen Page.

In the last segment, Sophia was leaving Dr. Bill's office and ran into Dan as he was heading toward his office. Dan invited Sophia to join him in his office for a short chat. And now, the story continues...

Mwa ha ha ha ha!

I'm back in business! Thanks to the wonders of grand opening sales, I am now in possession of a computer again! You know what this means? I can actually work on my stories again without having to worry about being fired if my boss catches me! YAY!

What this also means is that hopefully I'll be posting chapters of my stories a lot more often, since I'll have more time to work on them, and I won't have to wait until I can borrow a friend's computer to post them. So, be on the lookout the next couple of weeks, 'cause new chapters is comin'!

Melanie E.

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Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 14

“No. The Japanese are now going to run the Swan Song show,” FBI Director Robert Mueller began to explain. “They have begun training for the arrest phase of the operation.”

“Then what are my duties now?”

“Grant, you are still to oversee the American aspect of the operation. We will want to debrief Agent Ripley when his mission is concluded. That is assuming he survives it.”

“Then we’re to bring Ripley out alive?”

“Yes, Grant. Agent Ripley is to be retrieved alive if at all possible. You are to make sure of that.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Fourteen

Synospis- Captain Slater is successful in making contact with the Swan Song committee.

Pigtails Are for Girls -- Part 16

Pigtails Are For Girls — Part 16
Chapters 35-36 
By Katherine Day
Jane gains more strength as she becomes more feminine;
now she faces a decision that could endanger the company her beloved stepfather has created.
Meanwhile, the pangs of love grow stronger.


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