
To Save the Worlds - Chapter 2 - A Deity Arms Story

To Save the Worlds

Chapter 2

The sun was shining through a gap in the drapes, casting plenty of light. Michael found himself squinting as he woke. The bed was comfortable, probably the best he had slept in for quite some time. He lay still for a bit, just enjoying the feel of the bed and the scent of fresh linen. These were things that he had not had a chance to experience in quite some time.

If It Was Your Husband 1 & 2 of 20

If It Was Your Husband.png

Authors Note: This story is complete and sitting on my hard drive. The novel is 49,188 words long in twenty chapters. I will be posting two chapters per week, roughly 5,000 words per post, on Fridays.


Alex comes home one day and his wife, Carrie, tells him of a problem in Mike and Lisa's marriage. Mike is his best friend since middle school. It seems that Lisa caught Mike cross-dressing and came unglued. She had come to Carrie looking for solace and support for divorcing Mike. But Carrie told her about a Phil Donahue show she'd seen as a teenager featuring married cross-dressers and said that cross-dressing really was no big deal.

Lisa was offended that Carrie wouldn't back her up and said, "If it was your husband, you wouldn’t think it was so cool," and left in a snit; part of her anger now directed at Carrie.

Carrie, on the fly, hatches a plan to help Lisa see that if it was her husband, she'd still think it was no big deal. Alex somewhat reluctantly goes along with it and discovers things about himself that he never knew existed.

Essentially Egg. Part 17 of 39

Chapter 17

We spent most of the afternoon discussing the songs we would be dropping and the ones that would make up the core of Sisters shows. Many staying were already classed as Pixie hits. We could build on that and cement the move with our next album.

We got the amps turned on and just played the things we liked for an hour or so. We then had a short discussion on why Josie left and the effect that had on all of us. The fact that she hadn’t been on stage for some months had helped lessen the damage to the band as a whole.

Wings, part 59 of 62

Dad and I went for a short walk around the halls near his room with the nurse’s aide. He was tired out after going one lap around the nurses’ station. After we got back to the room and the nurse hooked his heart monitor leads back up to the larger machine, he told me, “I’d like to talk more about the transgender thing, if you don’t mind.”

Gender Panic, part 2 of 5

“Are you like that because your mommy or daddy was a beringer, or did you decide to be a beringer after you grew up?”


Mx. Herschel laughs. “I’m glad you think I look that young! No, when I was born I had a girl type body — almost everyone had a girl or boy type body back then. I was several years older than you when I told my parents I didn’t want to be a girl, but they didn’t like that, so I didn’t get to change into a beringer body until I was eighteen.”

Love Story - Chapter 9.6

I was overwhelmed with sensations all over my body.

There was a pull on my scalp where my wife's hands were pulling my braids. My lips felt buttery and smooth and velvety from the lipstick. I could feel my wife's soft lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth, kissing me deeply, smearing my lipstick.

Most of all, my body was contracting pleasantly, an after effect of the waves of pleasure that had washed all over me, centered in my groin.

I had leaked - that's right, leaked cum, which was pooled beneath us, on the floor.

"Wow, honey", she smirked at me, "You really are a woman"

Driftwood #10 - Mia is Dead.

By Alyssa Plant

Life and Love are far more complicated than we can possibly understand. For one young cop, a journey of self-discovery will teach them that true strength was inside them all along.

Essentially Egg. Part 16 of 39

Chapter 16

After Pet had taken a couple of bows and the crowd settled back in their seats, Richard took up the microphone. “Tonight, you have just heard one of the rising stars in classical music, but we now have another surprise for you. We have, not just one, but two rising stars for you, please welcome Miss Edweena Grosse.”

I went on stage and took my place alongside Pet. Then I smiled at the audience.

Wings, part 58 of 62

“Last time Brenda and I played backgammon,” Grandpa said, “we talked about venning into little bitty bodies, maybe two or three inches tall, and seeing how the board would look from that angle. Big enough to roll the dice and move the pieces, but small enough that it would be as good a workout as an hour at the gym.”

To Save the Worlds - Chapter 1

To Save the Worlds
By Monica Rose

Have you ever considered that there is a fine line between Yes and No, Black and White? When you are cold, how low can you raise the temperature before warm becomes hot? Major Micheal Davis is going to discover that you cannot have one without other.

Chapter 1

I Have a Secret

I Have a Secret

by Maeryn Lamonte – Copyright © 2023

I wrote this in response to a comment about nasty dads. I've included quite a few of them in recent writings - Seven Dresses, Candy Crush etc - and I'm not sure I can justify it, apart from a mentioning the general impression I have that rigid attitudes and unbending beliefs are more of a masculine trait than a feminine one. I realise this isn't true in all cases, so I wrote a story with a father who's more supportive than the mother, although she doesn't do too badly. Of course that dad's a bit trans, so not a typical male.

Please visit my Amazon store. The UK author page is here
and the Amazon US author page is here
Or just search for Maeryn Lamonte on Amazon

Wings, part 57 of 62

“So Joe was upset, and wanted my advice about what to do. I didn’t know any more about LGBT people than he did, at the time, and I didn’t give him the same advice I would now, but I hope I did sort of okay given what I knew then.

Essentially Egg. Part 15 of 39

Chapter 15

Richard came to the wings and escorted me to the center of the stage. I could see an audience of more than the dozen or so I had expected.

He went to the microphone, “Tonight we welcome Edweena as our pianist for the piano concerto, but now you will see the violinist in her.”

Wings, part 56 of 62

“Have you tried to talk to him about rejuvenating?” Grandpa asked.


“He won’t listen,” Mom said, not meeting anyone’s eyes. “I’ve almost given up trying. I bring it up every few months, still, but...”


We heard a door open somewhere, and changed the subject.

Wings, part 55 of 62

“Oh, good. This feels weird. Not as bad as I feared, though. I know you said I wouldn’t feel paralyzed or claustrophobic, but hearing it is one thing and experiencing it is another. It just feels... sort of normal to not have any arms or legs?”

Gender Panic, part 1 of 5

“Zoe, bring up some pictures of me from about ten to fourteen years ago,” Daddy says to the household AI. Zoe complies, projecting an array of four pictures on the opposite wall. Three of the four show Daddy holding a baby, either Sebastian or his big sister Stella, who lives with Mommy now. In one of them, he’s nursing the baby. “Sebastian, do you see what’s different about me back then?”

Wings, part 54 of 62

I’d originally been going to title it “Venn-Splitting for Long-Distance Relationships,” but Sophia had come up with a snappier title, “Splitting for Togetherness.”

Driftwood #9 - Olivia Vs The Real World.

By Alyssa Plant

Life and Love are far more complicated than we can possibly understand. For one young cop, a journey of self-discovery will teach them that true strength was inside them all along.

Essentially Egg. Part 14 of 39

Chapter 14

It had certainly been one busy day. I was ready to drop. After we had changed, though, we had a message that there was a private party that we were required to join. It turned out to be in one of the larger staterooms which Kelly had taken for the night.

Remember Me

Remember Me?
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters


She looked at me in a special way, as if to say that she knew me, or she wanted to. She had already been pointed out to me as being the boss’s wife. I guess she was what I might have expected from a guy who asks so much of his sales force – nothing less than the best.

Wings, part 53 of 62

One day in mid-December, a few days after Meredith came home from UNC Chapel Hill for Christmas, I was taking a break at work and hanging out with Genevieve and Terri for a few minutes. Genevieve was a kind of beetle-bee hybrid, with a bee’s striped fuzzy underbelly and a beetle’s elytra over her wings, and a slightly human-ish face. Terri was a big mushroom with a face and arms and four small feet, apparently based on a fantasy creature from a story she liked, “though the ones in the book are a lot smaller,” she said. I was in one of my more outre dragon-like bodies, slender with silver scales and four smaller wings more like a butterfly or moth than a bat.

The Letters Chapter 11

The Letters.png

Thanks Malady! You're a great help!

I know it's been a while since I've updated The Letters, and I do apologize.

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about the letters, themselves.

Chapter 11

We should go to London,” Grace said after a while.

Greg didn’t move, but said, “We’re descending right now. We’re almost there.”

Grace sighed and turned to look at him. “Look. I know it was tough seeing what happened to Gracie, but we’ve got a job to do here.”

Essentially Egg. Part 13 of 39

Chapter 13

Allan grinned. “That’s my girl. Make sure you take something to help you sleep tonight and tomorrow will be a good day. I’ll arrange for a nanny to come to the house this afternoon to look after Ali, to give you a little bit of free time.”

The Disappeared

The Disappeared
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Quinn was off work. Injured in the line of duty they call it. Shot himself in the foot in the locker room. I like Quinn but he can be a klutz.

They paired me for a week or two with Gayle. Gayle is a lesbian, but you cannot deny that she is good at her job. She is just not the cheeriest soul on the planet. It makes you wonder if lesbian sex can really be that satisfying. But people’s private life is their own. I make no judgments.

Seven Dresses - The Seventh Dress

Seven Dresses - The Seventh Dress

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

Things are as good as she can hope at school, although home life is still difficult for Shelley. She's reached the age when she can start taking feminising hormones and thing change rapidly, with her body, with her boyfriend, with her father. A few more hurdles to leap.

Seven Dresses - The Sixth Dress

Seven Dresses - The Sixth Dress

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

Shelley spends the last few of the holidays playing with neighbours and catching up on homework with a couple of new study-buddies. Then they invite her to hang out with a few friends at the mall. She agrees to go, because soon she'll have to do the same thing at school. What she doesn't realise is that most of the school rugby team will be meeting them for the event...

Seven Dresses - The Fifth Dress

Seven Dresses - The Fifth Dress

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

With the issue of his prescription sorted, Michael - now very much more Shelley - falls into the more girly lifestyle she's always felt was missing from her life. She only has two weeks with her uncle and aunt though, and the prospect of going home becomes more daunting as the end of her stay draws to an end.

Driftwood #8 - Facing Her Family

By Alyssa Plant

Life and Love are far more complicated than we can possibly understand. For one young cop, a journey of self-discovery will teach them that true strength was inside them all along.

Essentially Egg. Part 12 of 39

Chapter 12

Allan arranged a gig on a Saturday night at a civic party. We did our new look show and it went well. I wasn’t highly excited about it. We played our music and then went home. I may have been the only one feeling a bit jaundiced. But I did have a lot of other things on my mind.

I wondered if it was the prospect of being a father that outweighed the upgrade of becoming a woman. Was I worried about the future of the farm against my likely career as a music star / model / businesswoman?

Seven Dresses - The Fourth Dress

Seven Dresses - The Fourth Dress

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

Following Michael's embarrassing dream, Aunt Miranda has ideas on a few things that need to be done. The first involves a visit to a doctor and third a meeting with Michael's mum, for which (secondly) he rather urgently needs something special to wear.

For those of you who opened they third chapter early, please go back to it. I moved some text from the beginning of this chapter to the end of the last, so you may miss some relevant information if you just read on from here.

Seven Dresses - The Third Dress

Seven Dresses - The Third Dress

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

With the girly side of Chaney's wardrobe to choose from, Michael was soon able to find something that suited him perfectly. The next challenge would be to find out how Aunt Miranda's neighbours would react to him.

Buyer's Remorse - Chapters 1 - 2

The Man in Red

Buyer’s Remorse Chapters 1 - 2

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

Imagine you met someone who said he could make your fondest dream come true. All he needed was your consent and a list of things you wanted in your dream life. With that he would look for someone who wanted your life and who met your own criteria and he would arrange for you to swap.

Only one thing. The more requirements you make and the more specific the requirements, the less likely he would be able to find a match. What would you limit your wishes to, and what might be the consequences?

Wings, part 51 of 62

“I’m not against letting formerly disabled kids compete,” Eric said, “but I’m not sure exactly where you’d draw the line between someone venned into a healthy body and someone venned into a more athletic body.”

Essentially Egg. Part 11 of 39

Chapter 11

I’d been lucky with my purchases, getting four beautiful skirt suits in different colors as well as some good blouses, shoes, and more lingerie. I was also very lucky to pick up a ski jacket in bright pink for when the winter really kicked in.

Friday, I dressed in one of my outfits that I knew Josie liked seeing me in, to pick her up. She must have been watching for me because I had hardly got out of the car when she came out of the house to hug me. “Edie, I so missed you. Wait until I get you in bed, tonight.”


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