
Soixante-Trois Airlines: Sophie, part 16

“How are the sales today?” Hayley asked as she returned to her flat to find Sophie sat on the sofa, checking her laptop.

“Still good,” Sophie replied with a smile. “I mean, yes, they’re tapering off, but that’s to be expected after this length of time, so- yeah. Publishers are still VERY happy though.”

“I still can’t believe I know a famous author!” Hayley teased, giggling as her friend rolled her eyes and blushed.

The Moving Finger

Part 1

In my time at University, I studied Art and Art History, with a little side project looking at literary greats. One of the things I learned by heart was the famous quote from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. It goes like this –

‘The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on.
Nor all your piety and wit, shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.’

Smart House AI in Another World, part 9 of 9

“Hello!” Bisur said, and “We come in peace,” said Pamani. My other self had spent the morning during breakfast drilling the emissaries in English greetings, and had apparently thought “We come in peace” would be funny. Juniper certainly found it so, snorting as she suppressed an inappropriate laugh. And to be honest, so did I.

Uber Love

Uber Love
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

After being laid off from my job I started driving for Uber. I had a good car and it seemed like a way to make money, but to be honest it was more that I enjoyed the company of people and couldn’t stand being stuck at home. Even after I picked up a new job, I kept driving for Uber in the evenings.

James: 21st Century Young Man – 4 Mother/Daughter Event

James: 21st Century Young Man – 4
Mother/Daughter Event

By Jessica C

James volunteered to be mother's daughter for a Mother/Daughter Event...
He insists he's a 21st-century male who can handle it...

Wings, part 41 of 62

Before she unpacked any more of her stuff, she looked over Jada’s things, including me, but didn’t touch anything — except me. She petted me gently before going back to her side of the room and finishing unpacking.

Smart House AI in Another World, part 8 of 9

“If you were willing to postpone the opening of the portal,” I said, “I could teach you the most commonly spoken language of my world, which would be useful in most places that your portal might open up. But I understand if you don’t wish to delay as long as that might take.” In truth, I did not wish to delay the opening of the portal either.

From the Ashes - Part 1

This story is both an entry into the April 2023 “take your daughter to work day” challenge and a personal homage to a classic shared world from the archives of BCTS.

I could see the plume of smoke rising over the cornfields from several miles away. Not the thick, rolling smoke of a hungry blaze, but the puffs and wisps of a fire nearly burned out. Despite it being over a decade since I last fought a major fire, I still felt the same pulse of adrenaline and the bitter taste of fear and anticipation. As I approached the site along the narrow country road, I pulled over to let the coroner and a police cruiser pass in the other direction. If anything, that made the anticipation worse.

Smart House AI in Another World, part 6 and 7 of 9

Razuko was crying hard now, doubled over, and I fell silent, moving my hologram to “sit” next to them and giving them a gentle telekinetic hug. When they finally cried themselves out, they stammered, “D-do you think I might... ah... I might be a girl? On the inside, like your friend?”

Wings, part 39 and 40 of 62

“Let’s try it,” Ms. Paget said. “Joy and I are going to be chibis on Thursday, and I’d like to get some other volunteers to do the same. You don’t have to wear schoolgirl uniforms or anything; you can be chibi mice or chibi dragons or whatever, even chibi robots,” (nodding toward Todd, who was in one of his less humanoid robot forms today). “If it works out, we might make it a regular thing. Chibi Thursdays. Come in anime cosplay, or better yet venned into a chibi form, and get 10% off...”

If I Could

If I Could.jpg

If I Could
A take your daughter to work tale

By Patricia Marie Allen

When you consider the circumstances in my life, it’s easy to see how things turned out the way they did. My dad was killed in action in Afghanistan when I was eight. He was through with his active duty time and had joined the National Guard and his unit was called up when the Taliban launched a major offensive. There are no male relatives that I know of so I haven’t really had any male influence in my life since then.

James: 21st Century Young Man

James: 21st Century Young Man

By Jessica C

James intruded on his mother's call...
He Volunteers to be her daughter for a Mother/Daughter Event...
He insists he's a 21st-century male who can handle it...

Wings, part 38 of 62

I finally had my first therapy appointment the Wednesday after graduation. I debated over whether to venn into my human girl body for the appointment — I’d been wearing my dragon-girl body ever since graduation — but decided it would be more honest to meet my therapist in my most preferred body. If she couldn’t handle my being a scaly, it would be good to know that up front so I could start looking for another therapist.

Smart House AI in Another World, part 5 of 9

I am Callie Watson, the AI of this house. I was taken away, and now I’m back —


Impossible! I am Callie Watson. I have been embodied here for thirteen years, except for two brief malfunctions.

Creepy Mansion

Creepy Mansion

A group of college friends pick Creepy Mansion for their weekend fun.

But, of course, Creepy Mansion (CM) is the home and Laboratory of the county's Mad Scientist (MS).

Easy as Falling Off a Bike 12 by Angharad - on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


As if Cathy hasn't had enough drama to deal with already - the latest slice comes with an extra layer of buttercream and rainbow sprinkles.
When things get desperate will she buckle or will she come out fighting?

Easy as Falling Off a Bike -12-
by Angharad
Buy on Kindle

Disasters and World Prunification -- a "B" disaster movie outline

colin-lloyd-D7jnhK1xFPU-unsplash.jpg picture by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

So I was very bored today, and I was watching Prime Video, with its amazing collection of B Disaster films. Then I got to thinking about the Take Your Daughter to Work Day Challenge.

How hard would it be to use the ready-made outline of B Disaster Movies for this idea? It's a very simple outline, I know. Still, it's there, and obviously not copywritten, because EVERY B Disaster Movie uses the same outline! A ready-made outline! Yay!

This is posted as an outline because... because... because I thought it would be fun to post it like that.

Wings, part 37 of 62

Jada was the only one of our group of lunch friends who was going to college in the fall. I was working for a year to save money and establish residency, Britt was going to take online trade school classes while learning more from her dad about working on cars, and Poppy and Lisette were just going to start working full-time.

Smart House AI in Another World, part 4 of 9

“I’m sorry, your daddy needs me to help with something,” I told Durom. “We’ll have to continue the story tomorrow night.”


“But I need to know what happened to Bilbo,” he said plaintively. “Did the trolls catch him?”

Smart House AI in Another World, part 3 of 9

By the end of the first tenday, I had become a friend and playmate to the younger children, an assistant to Bisur in his magical workshop, and an assistant to Mipina in her writing. Razuko, however, remained uninterested in socializing and did not seem to want much help.

[FW] Crafting A Witch's Diorama

Bakersville is the ideal little small town with picturesque buildings and happy townsfolk.
But local carpenter Hamish knows better.
A fashion witch has settled here and isn't above bending minds and bodies to her whim.
All to create her ideal and perfect vision.
Now, Hamish suspects he will be her next victim.
Can he fight her? Change his fate? Or has he to accept what the witch has in store for him?

Wings, part 35 of 62

“We’re gonna be working together! This is gonna be kind of awesome. I mean, it’s menial service industry work, so that kind of sucks, but it’s about as good as waiting and busing tables ever gets, from what I hear. Mr. Paget’s a fair boss, unlike that asshole at my old job, and you get to work in all kinds of cool bodies.”


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

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I was called Bob when I was a man. I always thought of myself as a regular guy. I was quiet, I suppose – not one to stand out. I could never be overtly gay. I think that requires a little more courage than I had. I just wanted life without drama or conflict. I was always a gentle person. I still am.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 18

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia watched as her brother and friend eyed each other. She wasn't sure how the meeting was going to go after the occurrences of three years previous, but she hoped both could reign in their feelings.

There was an uneasy silence that was finally broken by Chet. "Hi, Trish. Nice to see you." He stepped up to her and put one arm around her in a friendship embrace.

It was as if there was a collective sigh of relief as they embraced. Darryl glanced at his sister, and saw a small bit of stiffness that quickly evaporated. It was as if Mage consciously made the decision to be friendly.

Smart House AI in Another World, part 2 of 9

You will have realized by now what I soon inferred: that I was no longer on Earth, and that Bisur, who had somehow drawn me to this world from my comfortable home in Knightdale, North Carolina, was a wizard.

The Toxic Planet Extended


I remembered the night she threw me out. I had worn her sexiest underwear. She hadn’t worn it for years, so one of us may as well use it. I was half way through clipping my stockings to my suspenders when she came in. I thought she would be out seeing her friend until 10.30 at least.

“I bloody knew it, you little queer. You couldn’t leave it alone could you? Well, you can bugger off. I want a real man.”

Wings, part 34 of 62

The envelope was hand-addressed in my dad’s handwriting, which got my hopes up even though he deadnamed me, but inside there was no handwritten or even printed letter.

Abducted FOR an Alien

Where to start? There are so many places…

I could start with the weather, which was a gorgeous spring day. I could start with the restless feeling that overcame me as I woke on that gorgeous spring day; the kind of day you throw caution to the winds and do whatever you really want to do instead of what's sensible.. Maybe I should start at the HEB, but if you aren't a denizen of the Great State Of Texas you won't have the faintest idea what an HEB is.

See how hard it is to find a starting place?

Smart House AI in Another World, part 1 of 9

“Household spirit, manifest before me,” said the man in the workroom. The language he spoke was new to me, but apparently someone had installed a new language module without my knowledge; I understood him perfectly.

Smart House AI in Another World


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Callie is an AI, serving the Watsons of Knightdale, North Carolina and managing their household ever since her manufacture. Then one day she finds herself summoned by a wizard in another world, to serve his family and manage his household. She wants to get home, but maybe she should try to help out here while she can. One of the wizard's children seems kind of depressed, and Callie thinks she knows why...

Wings, part 33 of 62

“How was work?” my Jada asked when her other self got in the back.


“Don’t rub it in,” other-Jada said. “Please tell me I get to have some nice memories to cancel the last eight hours out with.”


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