Rebirth And Retribution Chapter 03

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After the phone call with the Council Of Witches, Ramona and Genesis both drove home. As they drove, Ramona couldn't seem to stop thinking about how she'd smoked her first cigarette. "Wow," said Ramona. "I can't believe I actually smoked!"

"Neither can I," said Genesis.

"It felt so good," said Ramona. "Are you sure you didn't like it?"

"Of course I'm sure," said Genesis. "The cigarettes tasted awful, and they made me cough like crazy. Plus, I knew that if my dad found out I was smoking, I'd be grounded for life. So I stopped."

Ramona shrugged. "Oh well," she said. "I guess it's not the same for everyone."

There was a moment's pause before Genesis said "You know, you really shouldn't have smoked that cigarette. And if you try smoking more-"

"Genesis, will you please stop harping on about it?" Ramona groaned. "You made your choice not to smoke. And I'm gonna make mine."

Genesis' heart sank. Her poor stepsister really was addicted, wasn't she? And if she was going to delude herself that there was nothing wrong with smoking...well, then there wasn't really anything Genesis could do about it.

Right then, Genesis' phone buzzed. She pulled it out and saw that she was getting a call from an unknown number. "Is that Megan Hawthorne?" Genesis wondered.

"Only one way to find out," said Ramona.

Genesis answered her phone. "Hello?" she asked.

"Hi," said a sweet, feminine voice on the other end. "Is this Genesis Rookwood?"

"Yes," Genesis answered. "Is this Megan Hawthorne?"

"It is," said the voice. "I hear you were just made a witch, and you need someone to perform the Awakening on you and train you?"

"Yeah," said Genesis. "A local witch died recently, and she decided to pass her magic on to me. I'm not sure why she chose me, but she did."

"Well, I'll be more than happy to train you," said Megan. "If you'd like to come over to my house."

"Of course!" Genesis said, trying to sound less scared than she felt. "What's your address?"

"2018 Bigcloset Avenue," said Megan.

"Alright," said Genesis. "When can I come?"

"You can come whenever you like."

Genesis looked at Ramona. "How about now?" she asked.


"Okay. See you in a few."

After Genesis hung up, she looked at Ramona again. "Did you hear all that?" she asked.

"Your conversation?"

Genesis nodded.

"Yeah, I did."

"And? Do you think Megan still remembers that I tried to rape her?"

Ramona shrugged. "Probably not," she said. "She called you by name, and she seemed pretty happy to talk to you. If she did have memories of you as Gene, then she probably wouldn't have been so pleasant."

"Maybe she was just acting nice?" said Genesis. "If the witches knew who Mirna was, then surely they'd know she'd cast a spell on me?"

"Why would they? Why would Mirna have even told them about you?"

"Lucas knew about me, remember?"

"Only because Mirna was his aunt, and he inherited her old journals."

"Well, if she kept records of her actions..."

Ramona sighed. "Look, it doesn't matter," she said. "If things don't work out with Megan, then you can get in touch with the Council Of Witches again. Maybe then they'll transfer you to someone else."

"I guess," said Genesis, though she wasn't entirely convinced.

"I'll take you to Megan's place," said Ramona. "2018 Bigcloset Avenue, was it?"


"Then let's go."


Megan Hawthorne's place wasn't particularly big or fancy. It was just a small one-story house with a flat tiled roof, dark green walls, and black-tinted windows. The front lawn was an artificial turf, perhaps to avoid the hassle of having to mow it all the time. There was a car in the driveway, but it didn't look like it would actually run.

"Dang," Genesis said when she saw this house. "Megan's family must not be very rich."

"Maybe it's just a cover-up," said Ramona. "Maybe they want to hide the fact that their daughter is a witch."

After Ramona parked her car, she and Genesis got out and went up to the front door. Fighting down her anxiety, Genesis rang the doorbell. The door was promptly answered by a ten-year-old girl with long red hair and a dash of freckles. "Hello!" the girl said.

"Uh, hi," said Genesis. "Is Megan here?"

"Yes, she is," said the ten-year-old girl. "Hey Megan!"

An older girl came into view of the front door. This girl was Genesis' age, with flaming red hair, light skin, and big green eyes. Her build was pretty thick-not fat, per se, but some exercise definitely would've been in order. She wore black pajama pants and a loose yellow tank top. Judging by the way her boobs were bouncing, she clearly wasn't wearing a bra underneath it.

"Hey," said Genesis. "You must be Megan."

"And you're Genesis Rookwood?"

Genesis nodded. "I am," she said. "And this is my stepsister Ramona."

"Come on in," said Megan.

Genesis and Ramona came into Megan's house. Not surprisingly, it was even crappier on the inside than outside. The entry hall was pretty much nonexistent, as the front door went right into the living room. The carpet was smudged with dirt, and the bookshelf and entertainment center were covered with dust. All over the place, books, clothes, and pens were strewn about.

"Sorry about the mess," Megan said as she directed Genesis and Ramona to the musty couch. "Ever since my dad left us, my mom's had to work a second job. She doesn't have a lot of time to clean the house." Seeing that her guests were still standing she said "Oh, you can sit down."

Genesis and Ramona sat down on the couch, which creaked under their weight. "Don't you ever do any cleaning?" Ramona asked.

"We try," Megan answered. "But my sister Tammy and I often have a lot of homework to do."

Or maybe you're just one of those families who have just given up, Genesis thought, though she didn't say it out loud.

"So anyway," said Megan, "Are you ready to have the Awakening performed on you?"

Genesis nodded. "I think so," she said. "Is there anything I have to do for it?"

"Well, this is gonna be awkward," said Megan, "But you're gonna have to be naked for it."

Genesis' jaw dropped. "What?"

"Yeah, I know it seems strange," said Megan. "But it's necessary for the ritual."

"I don't know..."

"We can do it in my bedroom, if that makes you more comfortable," said Megan.

"Sure," said Genesis.


While Ramona and Tammy waited in the living room, Megan took Genesis to her bedroom. Genesis half expected Megan to just have an air mattress to sleep on. However, she had a real bed-albeit a small one.

"I'll just have you strip down and lie on the bed," said Megan. "Don't worry, it's just us girls here."

Genesis nodded. Megan did have a point. If Jesse were here, things would be pretty awkward. Of course, she had had sex with him right after their trip to meet Lanie Evans and Rachel Miller. But if he were here now, then it would be pretty strange.

Once Genesis had taken off her clothes, bra, and panties, she lay down on the bed. "Now, this may have some side effects," Megan warned. "You may fall unconscious for a minute. And this is the first time I've done the Awakening on someone, so..."

"It'll be okay," Genesis said, though she was really convincing herself more than Megan.

Megan stood over Genesis while waving her hands and chanting. Magic sparkles appeared in Modesty's hands, and Genesis started to feel a peaceful feeling come over her. Her worries about Megan seemed irrelevant now. It was like she was in a happy place...

The feeling probably only lasted a few minutes, but to Genesis it felt even longer. And it started to pass when Megan finished her chant. "There we are," said Megan. "You should be able to do magic now."

"Really?" Genesis looked around the room, hoping to get an idea of what to do. Her eyes unexpectedly fell on an old Magic 8 Ball on the floor. She waved her hand at it, hoping to levitate it off the ground. Unfortunately, the ball only rolled a few inches.

"There it is!" Megan exclaimed. "Your first magic!"

"Really?" This time, Genesis was so excited, she actually made the Magic 8 Ball float in the air for a few seconds.

"Yes, really," said Megan. "But you'll still need some training."

Genesis smiled. Maybe she was wrong, she thought. Maybe Megan really didn't remember what she did to her when she was Gene. Maybe things would work out after all. "I'm ready," she said.

To be continued...

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Should Have Confessed

joannebarbarella's picture

Genesis should have come clean about her transgression as Gene. Megan may not be doing her best Awakening.