
Praetorian: Black Guard--Chapter 3

3000 years into the future, Humanity is once again fighting for it's very survival. There of course are those heroes who make sacrifices for the sake of others. Some have to sacrifice more than most people will ever know. Thanks to the Praetorians, our lives can continue...


The Center: Tester - Part 10

The Center: Tester - Part 10

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Give a thanks to Zip for the great editing! Zip thanks for doing such a great job editing!
Also I am happy to say this story has finally reached double digits in chapters!

Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.

Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 4

Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 4

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics. American Dream used with the kind permission of Lilith Langtree.

"Jack," Court began mildly, as she wiped brains from her face, "if you were worried that zombies were caused by something attacking the brain, something that might be infectious, something that you didn't understand at all, what part of the zombie would you least want to SPLASH ACROSS YOUR CO-WORKERS?"

The Center: I joined The Center and all I got was This!?: 5

The Center: I joined The Center and all I got was This!?

The Center and all characters introduced elsewhere
are Copyright  © Lillith Langtree et all.
All else are belong to me (Copyright  © 2011 Faeriemage)
All Rights Reserved.

Praetorian: Black Guard--Chapter 2

3000 years into the future, Humanity is once again fighting for it's very survival. There of course are those heroes who make sacrifices for the sake of others. Some have to sacrifice more than most people will ever know. Thanks to the Praetorians, our lives can continue...


The Center: Tester - Part 9

The Center: Tester - Part 9

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

I must give a giant thanks to Zip for this chapter. #1 editor in my book right now. THANKS ZIP!

Also there is a new picture for the release of this chapter!


Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.

Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick! (Part 3/3)

Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick! (Part 3/3)
Lilith Langtree

What's a guy to do when confronted by a psychotic Sorceress determined to do anything in order to find her hot lesbian teenaged cousin? Treat her with kid gloves for one. Especially when she lets loose with the magic and totally screws up your life.

Mister Nibs and Mouse: 1

Mister Nibs and Mouse

copyright 2011 Faeriemage

Sometimes the most ordinary people are extraordinary. Sometimes they aren't even people at all.

Author's Note: While waiting the strike of the clock so I could post my next chapter in 'I Joined the Center and all I got was This?!' and watching a new Anime. I had the strangest idea, what if cats could talk. All cat's everywhere.

So, I began to write. Don't ask me where Cthulhu came from, as I'll never talk copper, see.

Sorry, I'm a bit punchy. It's late. I'd intended to write a bit more before I called a first chapter of this done, but I think I should see first if it is at all well received. So, let me know what you all think.

I Am The Night Part-2

I Am The Night-
Part Two


Steven Brown has a rough time, wanting to be a girl and hiding it from his angry abusive father. But when Steven gets a chance to express his hidden side through a fantastic opportunity, things change, including himself.

Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick! (Part 2/3)

Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick! (Part 2/3)
Lilith Langtree

What's a guy to do when confronted by a psychotic Sorceress determined to do anything in order to find her hot lesbian teenaged cousin? Treat her with kid gloves for one. Especially when she lets loose with the magic and totally screws up your life.

Praetorian: Black Guard--Chapter 1

3000 years into the future, Humanity is once again fighting for it's very survival. There of course are those heroes who make sacrifices for the sake of others. Some have to sacrifice more than most people will ever know. Thanks to the Praetorians, our lives can continue...


I Am The Night


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I Am The Night


Steven Brown has a rough time, wanting to be a girl and hiding it from his angry criminal father. But when Steven gets a chance to express his hidden side through a fantastic opportunity, things change, including himself.

Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick! (Part 1/3)

Dick Grayson: I'm Not a Sidekick! (Part 1/3)
Lilith Langtree

What's a guy to do when confronted by a psychotic Sorceress determined to do anything in order to find her hot lesbian teenaged cousin? Treat her with kid gloves for one. Especially when she lets loose with the magic and totally screws up your life.

Praetorian: Black Guard -- Prologue

3000 years into the future, Humanity is once again fighting for it's very survival. There of course are those heroes who make sacrifices for the sake of others. Some have to sacrifice more than most people will ever know. Thanks to the Praetorians, our lives can continue...


Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-2

Don’t Blame Me I’m a Martian-2


At first it’s dark and then there’s this swirl of things flashing around me in the way they catch you up on TV for a show by showing you stuff from all the shows before. Then it hits me. As my show starts up.

I’m adopted?

I’m growing boobs…?

I wake up in bed with this guy in my bed, he kind of looks like Hayden Christenson? The dude who played Anakin Skywalker…He leans over and kisses me. What the fucking hell! I’m getting kissed by a guy! I try to push him off and a giggle escapes my lips.

…A giggle?

File this one under “Give Me That Old Time Religion”

As is my late afternoon habit I tuned into the local, talk radio station, yes that one that in the low 600 kilohertz region of the dial.

File this one under
“Give Me That Old Time Religion”

By DreamMaker

The Devil is in the Details Part-9

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Nine


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

Darkchylde: In Touch With Your Inner Chylde (Part: 2/5)

Darkchylde: In Touch With Your Inner Chylde 2 of 5
Lilith Langtree

Carrying on in the spirit of his mother, Ariel Chylde continues with her research into the mysterious Book of Zhered-Na only to find another side of him and an evil that he never knew existed.

The Devil is in the Details Part-8

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Eight


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

The Center: Tester - Part 8

The Center: Tester - Part 8

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

I would like to extend my greatest thanks to Zip for putting up with me and how fast I hammered out these stories. :) This was partially written already as I meant it to be chapter 7 but end up finishing the next Rachael story because I wanted to do that. So it sat on my computer and because of that I ended up finishing it.


The Devil is in the Details Part-7

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Seven


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

The Center: Tester - Part 7

The Center: Tester - Part 7

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Give Zip a thank you for all his help with editing!


I am proud to present chapter 7 of The Center: Tester. This is a special chapter.

The Center: Tester - Part 6

The Center: Tester - Part 6

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Thank Zip for the editing!


Here is The Center: Tester - Part 6. So not much happens this chapter except introduction to some new characters. I decided to test out a new photo. Please tell me if you like this new photo. Enjoy!

Elemental Awakening: Fire - Part 2

Elemental Awakening: Fire - Part 2

By Blackout


Kyle Thorn loved the out doors and the Grand Canyon. Little did he know he was chosen for something greater. A destiny he could not run from. The future may be unclear but if he does nothing the world will surely fall into Chaos!

The Devil is in the Details Part-6

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Six


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

The Center: Tester - Part 5

The Center: Tester - Part 5

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Please thank Zip for the help in editing. I know I really appreciate it. Also I would like to thank everyone else for the messages helping me improve the stories.


Here is the Center: Tester - Part 5. I hope you enjoy. In this chapter Rachael has some self discoveries as well as tragedies.

Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 3

Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 3

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics. American Dream used with the kind permission of Lilith Langtree.

"Ah, that would be Lord Falsworth, ectually." His upperclass accent certainly matched his snotty tone, as he snatched the hand I'd extended for the doctor. "But titles are such a bore, don't you think? Teddibly pleased to meet you both." His eyes swept over me, and then to Court, leaving a greasy stain. "But you can call me Jack. Union Jack."

My eyes narrowed at his rudeness. "How do you do, Jack. I must say, you seem very familiar to me -- you wouldn't happen to own any binoculars, would you?"

Elemental Awakening: Fire - Part 1

Elemental Awakening: Fire - Part 1

By Blackout

This is a new storyline I had in the back of my mind for a while I started writing it and continued until I decided to post this first chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Kyle Thorn loved the out doors and the Grand Canyon. Little did he know he was chosen for something greater. A destiny he could not run from. The future may be unclear but if he does nothing the world will surely fall into Chaos!

The Devil is in the Details Part-5

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Five


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

The Devil is in the Details Part-4

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Four


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

The Center: Tester - Part 3

The Center: Tester - Part 3

By Blackout

Editor: Renee M
Thanks Renee M for editing!


After the incident of horror with Liz, Kris and I got a ride to the facility. I was ready to see this center place, already. The whole way my boobs kept bouncing up and down in the hospital gown. “I really needed a bra…..uhg to infinity”. When we finally arrived, I leaped out of the jeep as fast as possible, ready to get my grub on.

The Center: Tester - Part 2

The Center: Tester - Part 2

By Blackout

Editor: Geekydee

Thanks to Geekydee for the help in editing.


“What’s happening? What’s happening? What’s happening to me?!?!” The pain was unbearable; it was as if my body was twisting shrinking and taking a new form. I heard voices all around me.

“Doctor, he woke up!”

“Quickly, sedate him!”

After that I felt a needle being shoved into my arm and fell back asleep.

The Center: Tester - Part 1

The Center: Tester - Part 1

By Blackout


Editor: Geekydee

Give a shout out to Geekydee for the editing help!

Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.

Based on The Center universe. Hope you enjoy!

The Devil is in the Details Part-3

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Three


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

The Devil is in the Details Part-2

The Devil is in the Details-
Part Two


Eddie Bloomberg is trying to deal with life after his change, wondering if he made a mistake when he decided to help Cassie and trying to deal with the ramifications of that decision.

Some Kind of Wonderful Part-25 (Conclusion)

Some Kind of Wonderful-
Part Twenty Five (Conclusion)


Charlie Sandsmark and his mother, Helena, travel around the world from one archaeological dig to another, looking for evidence of the ancient Amazonian culture. So far they have found nothing, until Charlie discovers something wonderful about himself on a small island in the Aegean Sea.

Seasons of Bailey: Autumn - Part 2

Bailey suffers through another ordinary day at school,
feeling his Friday night rendezvous at the mall draw ever closer.
Pressure for him to hide his girly identity from Jason builds,
as the mysterious writer of the letter slips another note into Tiffany's art box.
When he finds that everything may intersect at the same place and time,
he starts to have serious reservations about the evening…

Seasons of Bailey
by Taylor Ryan
Title image and story Copyright © 2010-2020 Taylor Ryan
All Rights Reserved.

Some Kind of Wonderful Part-24

Some Kind of Wonderful-
Part Twenty Four


Charlie Sandsmark and his mother, Helena, travel around the world from one archaeological dig to another, looking for evidence of the ancient Amazonian culture. So far they have found nothing, until Charlie discovers something wonderful about himself on a small island in the Aegean Sea.

Some Kind of Wonderful Part-23

Some Kind of Wonderful-
Part Twenty Three


Charlie Sandsmark and his mother, Helena, travel around the world from one archaeological dig to another, looking for evidence of the ancient Amazonian culture. So far they have found nothing, until Charlie discovers something wonderful about himself on a small island in the Aegean Sea.

Some Kind of Wonderful Part-22

Some Kind of Wonderful-
Part Twenty Two


Charlie Sandsmark and his mother, Helena, travel around the world from one archaeological dig to another, looking for evidence of the ancient Amazonian culture. So far they have found nothing, until Charlie discovers something wonderful about himself on a small island in the Aegean Sea.


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