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Soul Sword Ch 9
I'm Going to College!
By Blackout
Editor: Draflow
There sitting on my bed was a blooming two inch tall fairy. She was fairly cute as far as fairies go. This fairy looked like a mini inferno. She had red hair, and a red dress on. I wondered if I touched her would I catch on fire.
“Wait fairies exist?!!!” After all the surprises I’ve been through you’d think I wouldn’t freak out. But seeing a fairy was still very surprising.
“Well excuse me for existing.”
“Well after what I’ve been through I guess anything is possible.”
“Well technically I’m not a fairy. I am more of a familiar born from the union of wielder and magic swords, such as you.”
“So you’re my familiar.”
“No I am the familiar of Lady Castillo.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’ve been sent to extend an invitation to you and your wielder to attend the Excalibur Institute for Swordsmanship.” In some ways this was big new to me since I could no longer attend the college I was originally planning to attend and if my mother had any say in it I may as well end up in charm school. But wait why did I need to attend with Shane? Considering he was my wielder. That was another issue the whole idea of him being my wielder was degrading and diminishing in some ways. It was like I was a possession.
“Do I need to attend with my wielder?”
“Well technically no but you would not do very well in the school without your original wielder, though that has never happened before.”
“What do you mean not do well?”
“It is a proven fact that your true power as a sword can only fully manifest when wielded by your true wielder.” I guess that made sense. It was still an unnerving feeling with me becoming a girl and all. I looked down and realized I hadn’t changed yet.
“Would you give me some privacy to change quickly?”
“Sure I have been informed of your unique transformation, and completely understand your need for privacy.” The fairy flew toward a corner of the room and kept her head against the wall. I wondered how they knew I was originally a boy. But I guess if they could figure out where I lived figuring out I was Terry originally a boy wouldn’t be too hard; especially considering I was an only child. I took one look at the clothes my mom set out for me and tossed them to the floor. She had put out a dress and the frilliest matching underwear I had ever seen. Instead I put on the clothes Shane’s mom had given me this morning. It was a good thing I had saved them.
“Ok fairy I’m decent now. By the way what’s your name?”
“I am Gloria.”
“So how do I know I can trust you people?” After meeting the Death Blade guy I really did not want to walk into a place he worked for.
“Excalibur institute exists to help people like you. There are some bad people out there who would love to control your power. We provide young swords and wielders the education to harness their own powers.” They did sound good. I couldn’t help but imagine a Harry Potter scene except that it was magic swords instead of wands and I was the sword. I decided it was best to keep my meeting with the Death Blade guy a secret. Who knew what kinds of trouble it would cause.
“Wait how do I get there? I doubt this place just appears on the internet with directions on how to get there.” The fairy suddenly spun around and out of thin air produced a package. It was so cool. As strange and freaky as this meeting was seeing the laws of physics broken was awesome. What would my physics teacher have to say to that?
“Inside that package is all the necessary information needed?” I guess some things stayed the same.
“Well it’s been nice meeting you Terri. I have to go now.”
“Nice meeting you to Gloria.” Gloria flew out the window like it was the most natural thing in the world. It was so cool. I wondered if Shane and I would get a familiar like that. But first I would need to get my mother to agree.
“Wait you mean you’re OK with me going to Excalibur.”
“Why wouldn’t I be? You need to go to college.”
“But I’m a girl now. I thought you would want me to be all girly and follow in your footsteps as a model.”
“That has nothing to do with you going to college. Plus it’s in England. London is practically the fashion capital of the world. I’ll finally have an excuse to go there as much as I want.” Now it made sense. My mother was in love with London. If it wasn’t for dad and me she would practically live there. But I guess it was lucky for me otherwise I might not have been allowed to go. My dad was relatively more understanding then mom. He was patient and was usually the one who helped calm my mother down. If my mom had said no I planned to go to dad he was usually the one who got her to understand. Fortunately she was Ok with it.
“Just one more thing mom. About my name I want to continue being called Terry.”
“But Terry is more of a boy’s name and is not very cute.”
“Then how about Terri? Spelled T-e-r-r-i. It’s a girl’s name, and while it may seem a bit boyish to you, the spelling is cute.”
“No young lady should have a boyish sounding name.”
“But you can’t just change my name mom. It’s my name.”
“Yes and I’m your mother, and I don’t think a young lady should have any name remotely male. Don’t even get me started on the name Alex.”
“How about a this? If I get to keep the name Terri, I will go out shopping with you and not complain at any of the clothes you choose.” My mother knew how much I would be against anything remotely girly so I knew this would appeal to her. As much as I did not want a girly wardrobe I figured this was the only way I would convince her to allow me to keep my name. I also knew how much it meant to my mother to have a mother daughter shopping trip. I could anyway buy my own clothes once I was out of her sight and in college.
“So you’re saying you won’t complain what I buy you?”
“Yep.” But of course she couldn’t force me to wear them.
“Ok well see when your father gets home.” Luckily I didn’t have to wait too long before my father got home. He was usually the mediator between me and my mother.
“How’s my Terri? Something has certainly changed. But I can’t quite figure out what it is.” Both my dad and I had a laugh at that one. It was good having him home and I needed a good laugh. But mostly I was happy that my father still accepted me as his child. I was a little upset about my change in sex.
“So that’s what happened dad.” I had told my dad the whole story as soon as he got home.
“I see. Don’t worry about it. I will talk to your mother and work things out.” There was some screaming and yelling going on but it seems dad had managed to calm mom down in the end.
“So how did it go?”
“Well you still need to go on your shopping trip without complaining but you get to keep your name. Really, you and you mother are like oil and water. You both fight over the stupidest things.” I was glad everything had worked out and I would be allowed to keep my name, though I was dreading the inescapable shopping trip. But all that didn’t matter because in one week I would be heading to Excalibur Institute for Swordsmanship.
Author's Note: Please comment and kudus if you like this story. While this is not my best chapter the story will finally move to it's next stage.
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Yay! Another Soul Sword chapter!
Well written and well presented, Blackout. Also, I must say that the picture you've included is absolutly spiffy!
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Excalibur Institute for Swordsmanship?
just how many living swords are there?
Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels
I'd like an um Weilder!
He could um weild me anywhere he wanted to.
Everything seems to be going Terri's way so far. There's only one thing I'd question - her unwillingness to tell anyone about the Death Blade guy. I hope she soon finds someone she can trust at the Institute and tells them about being attacked.
I'm enjoying this. Please keep up the good work.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
Soul Sword Ch 9
Terri's mom's idea of fashion could get her daughter in trouble since her ideas seem to show off the body
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I like the story but the last part does seem to rushed to bit.
Something of a Shift... direction, I think. Not a problem by any means, but as Dorothy pointed out, I wouldn't have expected there to be enough new (and young) swords and wielders for an entire school to be in order. (At least, not without the muggles knowing what's going on.)
I guess we'll see what happens when the story reconvenes at school.
This was planned
I generally think out the basic premise of the stories in advance. So big plot details were already thought of when I first begin a story.
I love this story, please let me know when the next chapter is coming.

Love and Hugs
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
I would love to see this story continued
I like the idea behind this story, it is great, and I like your writing style as well, you really should continue the story.
Just Found This story.......
......Eagerly awaiting more.
I must however agree wih Terry\Terri that Maria Young is strange, she maybe an 'adult' but she seems to be like a 5/6 year old with a Barbie/Cindy doll!!
Oh and theres the other point she seems to have overlooked Terry\Terri is 18years old and therfore an Adult in his\her own right so as for the name Terry\Terri can choose and leagaly change his\her name anyway.
Enjoyed the story sofar.... more please
Sammi xxxx
Also enjoyed the story... And
Also enjoyed the story...
And there is a semi-reasonable excuse for the 'Mum's forcing my name' in that Terri still wants to survive being around her mum, so has to make a few sacrifices to keep things civil... and Terri might be a little concerned with dealing with paperwork considering the whole 'magical sex change' thing going on...
Let the flames of inspiration blaze within, and the sky be less of a limit, and more of a challenge
Child adult
Terry's mom is an utter and complete arse. She has no legal standing to change Terry's name, and she'll learn that little fact should she try. Terry actually needs to go shopping with Mrs. Hellion instead of her mom. Mrs. Hellion would shop more resonance and look to Terry for likes and dislikes. All Terry's mom wants to do is treat Terry like a Barbie doll.
And the Fairy delivering the invitation works better than a letter down the chimney. Mom is being a bit presumptuous that she will be visiting Terry in London. Who in the world would let her visit? The first time she actually saw what they did she'd jerk Terry out of there.
Has Terry thought about showing her mom the real truth? Maybe not a good idea, she'd want to decorate the sheath.
Others have feelings too.
Cute Story
It's a real shame you never completed it. I was interested to see where it was going!