Olympia Universe

Olympia Universe

So my plan is to eventually turn Olympia into something of a universe around Greek Gods myths, legends, and mythological creatures. I will add more detail to this as I go along. In general though you need to stick close to Greek myths or have the story be based off Greek myths in some way.

Each God or Goddess has an army composed of her own children known as demigods or in the case of Artemis and Hera recruits are brought in. I will go over that in more detail below. Also each army/clan/tribe/ect (depending on what they call themselves) has certain abilities unique to them. These abilites are based off the parent God's powers and what they represent.

Aphrodite - Her children are all female (every now and then one is born male) and hose children come togteher in what is known as the Sisterhood of Aphrodite. The reason her children will be female or become female is because she is essentially the embodiment of female beauty.
Her children gain female charm and charisma and can wrap men around their hands and make them fall madly in love with them. They can also mess with the minds of men in any way and get them to do their bidding. Their weakness then is other women. The Femme fatale.

Hera - Her people consists of the Amazons which is an all female tribe or warriors. Hera will never have relations with another besides her husband since she is the goddess of marriage. So her representative army is the Amazons. The queen of the amazons has the power to bring "new woman" into the tribe of the Amazons.

Athena - She is one of the virgin goddesses. She will not have relationships in a physical way but rather in a mental way. She was born from the mind of Zeus so her children will be born from the minds of her and a male of high intellect. Her children are born from the meeting of minds. Unlike Aphrodite her offspring can be either male or female and for the most part stay the same gender(though every now and then a boy can become a girl and vice versa, it depends if their mind was more male or female oriented) with maybe some minor changes like greater physique.

Artemis - She is another virgin goddess and she has her hunting companions as her warriors(The Huntresses of Artemis). In one story Sipriotes is a boy, who, either because he accidentally sees Artemis bathing or because he attempts to rape her, is turned into a girl by the goddess. This seems to be done through some ritual involving splashing water on them from Artemises bathing pool (pond/lake) or they go into this sacred pool. She is the protector of adolescent girls so in almost any story involving her there will be a age regression of some sort to an adolescent girl. All her hunters are also female. Anyone past the age of 21 must leave the hunt. They can decide if they want to stop aging or continuing aging though. They also can't have relationships with man or else they will be kicked out of the hunt and they will start aging again since they won't have the help of Artemis power. They have extraordinary aim with the bow. All are blessed with perfect aim and essentially never miss their target.

Demeter - She has her own children and they can be either male or female and typically don't change at the coming of age. Though it can happen. Her children generally have harvest type abilities.

Zeus - He fathers his own children and generally leaves the women afterward since Hera gets jealous. They can be either male or female and typically don't change much except for gain abilities but it can happen. Typically most of his children are male but there are females. Demigods have lighting and air type abilities after coming of age.

Poseidon - Pretty much same deal as Zeus mostly males though there are females. Abilities are generally water based.

Apollo - Can have male and female children also and they typically don't change much. His children are generally 50/50 for gender ratio.

Hermes - Same deal as Apollo just different abilities like his children have greater speed.

Ares - Pretty much all his children are male he is almost like the opposite of Aphrodite (he is her husband). Every now and then a girl is born (very rare) or a change can happen at coming of age. His children like him are pretty bad like the bullies and villain type of character. They can be rough around the edges but they are not all evil just misunderstood like most bullies are (though a few of these children can and do go bad; more so then any other demigod or warrior tribe like the Amazons). The few girls like 1-3 that may be in his army of children are extremely powerful even more so then males in some ways (bar physical strength) they are also pretty much the evil bitch type character (but again could just be rough around the edges).

Hades - Death God. Same deal as Poseidon and Zeus.His children generally or bad to bone. Maybe one or two exceptions but in general they don't play nice with others.

Other Gods and Minor Gods
Other interesting gods include Hestia who has no children or warriors. Circe who's children are magicians (All girls are witches essentially). Circe also usually deal with transformation magic and in particular turning men into animals. Hephaestus the blacksmith and Dionysus the God of wine. There is also Janus the God of beginnings and transitioning and Nemesis the God of revenge as well as many more.

Mythological Creatures

For a complete listing visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Greek_mythological_creatures

These are the evil beasts your character may encounter or the nice beast that you form companionship with. They can be tamed or untamed. Generally speaking some can't be tamed though. Medusa is an example of a sentient creature that can't be tamed and is evil.

Let me know what you think?

Please message me with any questions.