
Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 29

As Atalanta prepares for another run up the Devil's Washboard and Christmas Eve day's festivities she borrows a horse and goes exploring the forest. Later at the party....

Lucky Girl: Kota Vignette (Complete)

This is Kota's origin story, to know more about Kota, check out Fate Sucks, which occurs a few weeks after this story. Caution should be taken while reading this as it touches on some harsh subjects and is not a happy story, that is saved for Fate Sucks.

This is a work of fanfiction and does not correspond with the Whateley canon universe in anyway. I'm just borrowing their sandbox.

November 2007

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 27

I'm sorry I seem unable to post a chapter on a regular time table but some many things are claiming my time. I do appreciate that you have stayed involved in the story. In this chapter Sam takes Atalanta to spend Christmas on the Reservation with the Donners. It is a quiet chapter but things always seems to happen when Atalanta is around. I do hope you enjoy this story.


Shattered Glass 7

This is a work of fanfiction set in the Whateley universe. It doesn't follow canon, and I didn't create it in any way shape or form. I'm only playing in their sandbox.

Teri flew into Dr. Bellows office thirty minutes before class started. “Hey Doc, so as per your request, I met Ruth yesterday for our first tutoring session,” she said.

“Thank you Teri, how did it go?”

“I want a raise! She's a nice girl, but I had nightmares last night. How am I suppose to keep looking so beautiful if I can't get my beauty sleep.”

“We don't pay you,” he said.

An Accidental New Life - Part 5

~ An Accidental New Life ~
By Mykhaila Ejensfell

When my mother died and my father, someone that I had never met in my life, proposed to take me in, I actually believed that I was going to live him. That of course wasn’t going to happen. That man without even meeting me once was sending me to a boarding school. A boarding school that apparently didn’t even know my name or my gender, because in the letter they sent me to tell me I was accepted they kept referring me as Miss Brooke Falconer. That was completely ridiculous, I mean, I was Brook Woods, a tough (yet slightly short) guy!

Fate Sucks Chapter 16: Whateley Version

Spring Combat Finals 2008

Kota sat beside Prairie Sun and Theresa watching the last day of combat finals. Prairie Sun had come down earlier that week to personally talk with Headmistress Carson about the enrollment of her daughter Estelle, and had decided to wait an extra week before traveling back home to Edmonton with Kota.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 12

Good news, anyone who's read Tink over on Crystal Hall, there is new material here. Some of it's been posted already but I added on new parts, so be sure to read this.
And thanks to Elrod who helped me out a bit with Shine, really appreciated.
Finally, this is fanfiction, and Whateley, most characters and the setting was not created by me. I'm just playing in their sandbox.

Thursday Night, September 14th, 2007

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 11


Tink carefully thought about what to tell Mrs. Ryan about doing the fashion show. When she'd gone to class on Monday the old woman had told her that they simply didn't have time anymore. But after being refused by Venus Inc., hah, more like Venus Envy, she thought, had decided she was too strange to work with, she had to really do something special to get people interested in her much better fashion club. She'd show them, she'd SHOW THEM ALL!!!!

Ilos Chapter 6

The final chapter of the book. Things come to a head for all the characters, forcing them to use the skills they have developed in the short time since the Ilos launch to survive. Tasalin and Corvid launch the raid against the corruption in the Western Forest and get more then they bargained for. Nick and Jess are ambushed by some mysterious attackers, and Aria faces off with the first boss solo.


Mother's Child - Chapter 10

Lee goes into Burnout. Leah is born.

It's a new day and Leah has a lot to learn.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos. Some of you may have noticed that Lee/Leah's mother's name has not been consistent throughout the chapters. This has been fixed. Sorry for the error.

Ilos Chapter 5

Aria explores a bit about the Ilosians and magic, then discovers her traveling companion is gone. Trying to catch him, she travels the entire day to the city of Travant, where all is not as it seems.


Slave of the Fae: Chapter 9

Mrs. Jones wouldn't let go of my hand as Sam and I went to the infirmary. Having Sam at my side and the crazy woman who suddenly decided I was her daughter hugging me, made the rasping, purple antechamber more bearable. I needed the help, I wasn't as hurt as Sam, but my cheek was swollen to the size of a tennis ball and the blood dripping down my throat, despite all the spitting I was doing had given me a bad stomach ache.

Ilos Chapter 4

Nick and Jess are back in Ilos, trying to find out what happened to their friend, and meet someone new. Things are going a bit crazy on Earth, but there is much that has yet to be realized. A few new characters take the stage as well, revealing that there is much more going on than originally thought.


New Teacher

I was never a very good student. I would always slack off in class. Despite this, I maintained relatively good grades. Excepts for one class. Math with Mrs. Lakesides.

I had gotten off on the wrong foot with Mrs. Lakesides pretty quickly. She had to move me on the first day of school. I was constantly being rude, and it was obvious that I was her least favorite.

One day, I was in her class. I was talking to my friend when suddenly, she snapped.

"Lucas, see me after class, in conference room six."

Ilos Chapter 3

David has died on Earth, his body pronounced dead when the police arrived at his apartment, but what about Ilos? A lot of things are the same about the position David finds himself in, with a few very glaring differences.


Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 26

I want to thank Bill and Asheligh for their help and encouragement and to the readers and their comments. It really is appreciated. I hope to get into regular postings--one or two chapters a week.

Dr. Bellows suggests a class change for Atalanta. Atalanta and Hank sit on the steps at Poe until Mrs. Horton runs them inside. Atalanta and Manny talk about Whateley and later she has a talk with her mom and we learn a little more about Audhilde.

Ilos Chapter 2

The Bell tolls, taking with it some of the players, but leaving behind Nick and Jess. Nick tries to find out more by talking to the NPCs and David has vanished from Ilos, but what has happened on Earth?


Ilos Chapter 1

This is the beginning of the story of Ilos, a virtual land... or is it? Join David and his two friends as they embark on their adventure through this incredible place that is much more than it seems.


Stephanie, part 5

"Come on, stop fading away," dad chastises me as I rest my head on the back of the sofa. "We haven't seen you in weeks, don't want to watch you sleep all through your visit!"

"Sorry," I mumble, blinking to try to keep my eyes open.

"Honestly, Steve," mum says, handing me a much-appreciated cup of tea. "Why don't you just take a week off and come back here, put your feet up, play on your Xbox and recharge your batteries? You don't know how many people I see everyday who works themselves to the point of exhaustion, some as young as you."

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 25

I'm sorry I never meant to be this late posting the next chapter. I know how irritating it can be to be reading a story and have it go missing for a month and you have go back and read up. The fallout from my daddy's passing and one sister's refusal to talk sucked all creative energy from my heart.

Last week I started writing a trashy erotic story that I have no intention of posting in its current version but there's nothing like sex and sex scenes to spark my creative muse.. Again I apologize for the delay and will finish the posting for this book in the next two weeks.

As a gentle reminder in the last Chapter Atalanta was introduced to the Medawihla Indians who she is to spend Christmas with. While there she almost creates a diplomatic incident when she almost kills a visiting Were Moose and ends with the group back on school grounds.

Back at the school Mrs. Carson gets a call and a visitor and Atalanta reconnects with an old friend.

Mother's Child - Chapter 9

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I appreciate all the encouraging comments and Kudos, and I apologize for the delay in posting.

Shattered Glass 5

Ruth went through her chemical engineering class, memorizing everything, but not really there. When the teacher, who was speaking from a far away place, gave her the projects she had to do, she took five minutes sorting out the ones that were most similar, dividing them into pairs, and setting four of them up, one on each corner of the desk. Ignoring the students around her, she worked on each of them, planning the time spent on each of them to within twenty seconds.

Shattered Glass 4

I just added two new parts to this, so be sure to check it over again.

Ruth checked over her schedule again. It was nice having a structure, it felt safe and secure seeing it all written down on paper. “In Survival, you can ask questions?”

“Yeah,” Rona said, slipping on her pants. “As long as they're on topic.”

“And if you answer a question wrong, what happens?” she asked.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 6

Tink headed off for lunch after martial arts, not bothering with a shower since she hadn't done enough to work up a sweat. At Crystal Hall she met up with Page, Serena and a few other Whitman girls. They were all talking about their classes, which ranged from the common history, English and science; to the weird, magic, esper and quantum physics; to the holy cow they teach that at school! Which included firearms training and how to shoot a fire accurately at one hundred feet.

“You're not saying much for once Teri, what's up?” Page asked.

Shattered Glass 2

Ruth walked alone, except for the green fairy on her shoulder, to crystal hall for breakfast the next morning, well bundled up in a long black wool coat that went to her ankles, and a wool toque over top her bandanna. The cold nipped at her cheeks, making her feel alive.

Mother's Child - Chapter 8

Lee's adventures continue. His old life is careening out of his control, his new one coming at him head-on. Can he survive the clash of old and new and still keep his sanity. Will his mother's attempts at helping make matters better or worse. It's anyone's guess. For sure, Lee doesn't know.

Fate Sucks Chapter 14: Whateley Version

I spent a week in the hospital and lying in bed at home before they let me go to school. My time was spent doing homework, reading the lectures from class, going over class notes sent to me by friends, and studying magic with Mo Shu Shi. I had to go back on Wednesday for the doctors to check my hand, remove some more bone splinters, and see if they had to take off any more of my hand, but it was healing so nicely thanks to my continual charge that they decided to leave it alone.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 5

“So did you get into trouble for this morning?” Thad asked, as they sat beside a big window in the library enjoying a bit of peace and quiet, his eyes looked almost exactly like the brilliant sun shining on them.

“Nah,” Teri answered, waving away the thought. “They mostly wanted to know what happened, and that I was alright. India on the other hand is in big trouble.”

He looked at her incredulously. “Her name is India?”

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 4

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Also, when I first posted this chapter on Crystal Hall, I was asked why it was a Red Flag day with all the students arriving. In canon when Tennyo arrived, she mentioned how it was a red flag during orientation, so I'm going with it. It also makes some jokes possible.

Patriot Games - Chapter 40 - A Successful Mission

Chapter 40 - A Successful Mission

There was a rapid knocking on knocking at the door and Linda opened it to see a distraught and disheveled Daisy. Throwing the door open, she pulled Daisy into the apartment and looked quickly around the corridor outside to make sure that Daisy was alone.

After she closed and bolted the door securely, she turned to Daisy and asked, "Did you get what we need?"

Fate Sucks Chapter 12: Whateley Version

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Fate Sucks Chapter 11: Whateley Version

Downers Pub, Edmonton, Alberta
Morning of March 2nd, 2008

Super Bear walked up to the metal door of the criminal bar that was allowed to remain, so long as no obvious criminal actions happened on the site. It had that special privilege so that the heroes and the villains would have somewhere safe to share information, and no innocents would get hurt if a villain got too drunk one night and decided to cut loose.

A painful morning..

It was 3 AM in the morning where she lived and she couldn't fall asleep. So she put on one of her sister's bra and panties, followed by black tights, then a pink shirt with white shorts. She checked her handbag and put her diary, a pen,and set of keys. After checking that her parents were still sleeping, she quietly opened the door after wearing a pair of flats and left the flat.

Lindsay's Cosmic Outing

Lindsay’s Cosmic Outing

Chapter 1 – Saturday, October 4, 1986

How am I going to do this? Chris wondered as he glanced around the party full of thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds. A dozen tables stood along one side of an enormous, brick driveway and balloons hung from the stately, brick Edwardian house on one side. The remainder of the driveway served as a dance floor. His eyes roamed amongst the girls, admiring their clothes as much or more than anything else.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 3

“Hey! I'm sitting here!” Teri, who was all of six inches tall, yelled at the enormous butt descending on her.

The woman let out a scream and hurried away, yelling that a doll had come alive. Teri just looked over at the little girl who was staring at her with wide eyed wonder, and said, “Some people just don't pay any attention do they, Michelle?”

“Nnnnooo!” the three year old said, her eyes still as big as saucers staring at the little fairy.

Stephanie, part 4

I take a deep sigh as I step out of the small clinic, my face tingling from the lasers that had swept their way over it mere minutes earlier. Despite my face being make-up free- and covered with a very patchy 5 o'clock shadow- no one gives me a second look as I head down to the tube train that ferries me to my next destination. Well, that's not strictly true, people ARE giving me a second look, but not because of the hair on my face, but because of the pink tights covering my legs, visible underneath my extra-short denim skirt.

Fate Sucks Chapter 8: Whateley Version

The next day I had to call my friends and tell them I couldn't see them. I really wanted to, we'd planned to see a couple of movies and relax to some music, but learning how to control my powers was more important. So after breakfast Mom took Theresa and Kota out, while Dad and I went to his office.

Tink: A Strange Fairytale 2

Well I was going to do a bit where Teri went to a anime convention, and met up with an H1 mob but the humour seemed a little too rough and mean spirited for the story. So to heck with it, I'm keeping to like it was originally done. Enjoy.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Fate Sucks Chapter 7: Whateley Version

Here are the next three chapters pasted together, still not really happy with how it looks, but it's better than I had it before. And the Kota parts were written by me.

Disclaimer, this is Whateley fanfiction, so take it with a grain of salt. And enjoy.

Downers Pub, Neutral Territory,
Edmonton, Alberta,
December 22nd, 2007


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