Lesbian Romance

Martina's Story 9

This Chapter deals with some surprising revelations about the Residency Warden Sally.

Martina’s Story 9.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

Beverly My adoptive ‘aunt’ who is a mature she-male and my most supportive adult friend.

Chenille My older half sister.

The State does not make mistakes -25-

The State does not make mistakes

25 - A Proctor Calls

by Penny Lane

Every life contains surprises, and Belle and Marion receive theirs from Sophia today. Later, Proctor Julian has a surprise for Talya before giving news that leaves even Director Khiskov taken aback.

That Summer I Found Her ! Part 2 of 3

The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and I noticed that everything was exactly as it was from the night before. I went to the bottom drawer and took out the notebook. I turned it to the page and all I found was some strange writing in a language that seemed vaguely familiar, but was still at the edge of my mind. The necklace was still the same and clothes I was wearing did not seem to be any tighter than they were the night before. I put on my pink robe and slippers and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.

That Summer I Found Her ! Part 1 of 3

The Summer I found her, promised to be just another boring and lonely stretch for just another geek among geeks. I was glad to finally be out of there for the Summer. I had spent most of my school hours just making sure I stayed under the radar to keep myself out of the way of the steroid-enhanced gang of jocks. I just kept quiet, did my work and stayed out of trouble as much as possible. My Social life could be summed up with three words "What Social life?

The State does not make mistakes -24-

The State does not make mistakes

24 - Answers, Questions, Plots

by Penny Lane

Some gentle questioning provides a reason for the M Deck riot, but later on an evening nightcap with Marcus leaves more questions than answers about more serious matters.

Martina's Story 2

This chapter describes the first stages of Martina's burgeoning sexuality and her deepening relationship with Melanie.

Martina’s Story.

Chapter 2
List of Characters.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

Beverly My adoptive ‘aunt’ who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend.

The State does not make mistakes -23-

The State does not make mistakes

23 - Trouble on M Deck

by Penny Lane

Belle is feeling low after yesterday evening's revelations, Marion's treatment room becomes a hive of activity when M Deck erupts, and she learns something of Wanda's past.

A Wife's Indulgence 11

Chapter 10 finished with me, Zoe, more in love than ever with my man, "Annie" in his guise as a girl…… weekends only, and even more than before, weekdays and workdays, as the guy I married. After that first wonderful weekend following a salon visit, there was little doubt he would call at the salon, as arranged, for his appointment the next Friday. I spent all week looking forward to it. Meanwhile, our love-making, on weekdays, was on a new level!

A Wife's Indulgence
From Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger’s

A Wife's Indulgence 10

Written by a loving wife who, with her husband's tacit agreement, embarked upon a plan to introduce a third person, Annie, into their marriage, this life story has reached just 2-3 weeks into the process. It does not involve submission or domination, transgendering, or homosexuality. It does involve graphic sexual experiences from time-to-time, as the rejuvenation of our love lives has been a wonderful consequence of my plan.

A Wife's Indulgence

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's

(Chapter 10)

The State does not make mistakes -22-

The State does not make mistakes

22 - A day of interruptions

by Penny Lane

Marion and Talya get stuck in to their work together but Marion keeps getting sidetracked. Unexpected visitors bring disturbing news.

The State does not make mistakes -20-

The State does not make mistakes

20 - Confusion at the Clinic

by Penny Lane

A day of contrasts for Marion: a stressed visit to the Clinic is balanced by a relaxing walk in the park with Josie and Gretta.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 5.02 - Refuge?


…Oh, do you mean my being a lesbian," said Amarjit, smiling as she finally understood what her Mother had been trying to say. She winked at me before replying, "don't worry, Celyn likes boys."

"Not all the time, as you know." I whispered in Amarjit's ear as we made our way up the stairs…

The Price To Pay - 5.02 - Refuge?

by Alys (with help from Gabi)

A Wife's Indulgence 8

A Wife's Indulgence
by Zoe
from a friend of WannabeGinger

chapter 8

My tale continues into the second weekend of my husband's growing delight in the freedom to dress in my, and now a few of his own, feminine clothes. I am beginning to work wonders with his hair — which he loves- and I'm about, tomorrow, to send him to select his own cosmetics from the local department store. Before that, we have Friday night! (Chapter 7 started the evening's joy!).

A Wife's Indulgence 6&7

Readers’ comments have helped me revise this chapter, and the subsequent ones…. So, please, if you think you’ve read this before — and you may have — give it another chance; you’ll find more ‘dressing’ and maybe less ‘hairdressing’ which many of you seem to prefer. LOL, Zoe xx

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 6

by Zoe,

A friend of WannabeGinger's

The State does not make mistakes -19-

The State does not make mistakes

19 - A jog in the park

by Penny Lane

Marion finally gets the chance to do her preferred form of exercise, but Belle insists that she should first be properly equipped.



This is the third part of a trilogy by three different authors. If you haven’t read “Torn” by patricia51 and "A Typical Day" by Chagrined this won’t mean much to you. They are both worth the read.

Consider these two stories as the prolog.

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 7

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 7

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's

The best day of my life was unfolding. Pausing for breath before still more intense love-making, as we laid back with our Martinis, I, Zoe, considered the future. We, Annie and me, couldn't survive if we were going to fuck like this every day. Moderation in all things! I'd have to create the way towards this being a regular part of our lives. Until then, we should make the most of the uncontrolled lust that had overwhelmed us.

A Wife's Indulgence 6

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 6

by Zoe,

A friend of WannabeGinger's

My day at the salon had been enlightening. I came home a different woman, knowing that my husband would be a different man! Androgyny appealed to me more than I'd expected….. There were unexamined corners of our relationship that we might probe this evening. He/she, I knew, was nervous. I, too, as his wife, was nervous but also extremely excited! I couldn't wait to reach the driveway at home……

The Homecoming

A Wife's Indulgence 5

A Wife's Indulgence chapter 5


Zoe, a friend of Wannabe Ginger

I am only three days into my story of the early days of my husband's development into a "sometime" boy/girl. Earlier chapters tell how it was all at my instigation. Earlier chapters tell readers that I'm sharing this true experience with how we began. I hope other wives may benefit. I'm trying to report happenings on the way whilst also recalling the feelings I had at each stage.

A Wife's Indulgence 4

A Wife's Indulgence

by Ginger's friend, Zoe

chapter 4

Andy's wife, Zoe, here again I'm getting some control over how my desires are shaping my husband in ways he, nor I, perhaps ever expected... We are gently moving towards his being girly when he fancies being girly... not all the time.. but whenever! This is requiring an intensive first phase.

……The story so far has been one of my thoughts and actions as the wife of a young man who had, shall we say, a tendency to cross-dress. It had been developed, unwittingly, in his college days. He had helped a friend during her time as a junior hair stylist. Along with two other friends, he had volunteered to be a model in a hairdressing competition. Little did he know, this required his being a girl for the duration of a major event. He'd been left with a subconscious fetish which would under-pin the games we were playing.

A Wife's Indulgence 3

A Wife's Indulgence

Chapter 3

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

My husband's now known as Anne. I'm his wife, I'm someone who wants to put our relationship into context, and show how a marriage can grow if both parties develop eachothers' interests and pleasures.

A Wife's Indulgence 2

A Wife's Indulgence

Chapter 2

by Zoe, a friend of WannabeGinger's life-long partner and Bride

My husband's now known as Anne. I'm his wife, I'm someone who wants to put our relationship into context, and show how a marriage can grow if both parties develop eachothers' interests and pleasures. I know of my friend's difficulties in her marriage to Ginger, but for me it's been very different and, I hope, you'll agree, much more fortunate.

It's important to have read my chapter 1 to know how this story began.

The Arena - 1 - Kill Order

The Arena
by Saless
Chapter 1 — Kill Order
Sebastian is a young mutant. All he has ever known is the prison he lives and fights in. His powers are simple and straightforward, and he is strong enough to protect himself against most other mutants. Even his nemesis, Crusher, rarely gets the best of him. But it is changes in his own body that will ultimately pose the greatest threat to him...

A Double Birthday Surprise

A Double Birthday Surprise

by WannabeGinger's Wife, Kerstin

We start with the text of a letter sent by a wife...........

Dear Transformation ladies!

Help me give my Husband a Birthday Surprise, please!

The State does not make mistakes -14-

Well, finally! Expect to see these released on about a weekly schedule. Ish. I had intended to do six parts in this story arc, and I'm already up to seven and only about two-thirds through... This short part is a sort of memory-refresher, so you don't have to go back and read all the previous parts. Not that I'm stopping you...

The State does not make mistakes

14 - Puzzle in a dress

by Penny Lane

The Instructor taking the Shepherds Training Course finds out about an unusual member of her class, and Belle discovers something unpleasant back at the Enclave.

Skipper! Chapter 18

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter addresses Chrissies eventual arrival at Skipper's cottage and then deals with some of the preliminary issues surround Chrissie's adjustments to finding herself in a liberal and all importantly, supportive environment.

An Apprentice needs help 10

The day of the competition accelerates. The models move to the salon "Blonde Ambition" where the colouring is at last applied. The boy's supposedly hidden secret is discovered but not betrayed and Karen's plans for the style are revealed.

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe ginger

chapter 10

The Journey is the Destination 23

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 23

By poetheather

Now the training begins and Ukyo and Akane get a taste of the kind of training Ranma did while growing up.

An Apprentice needs help 8

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 8

We walked away from the nail salon on the morning of the Hairstyling competition, Ginger and I, like two window shoppers with no cares in their minds. Indeed, there was no care in my mind at all. I had just finished an hour or more at the hands (quite literally) of an attractive young woman.

An Apprentice needs help 7

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 7

We woke the following morning and I made it to the shower first. I was determined, again, to be male and to make love as a male …….with Ginger taking the female role. We had made love that way for the first time last night. We had made love "as two girls" as well — but with one having a cock. And we had loved every minute.

Total Recall ch 23

Total Recall

Chapter 23

Epilogue - the full and final 2nd version, (alternative theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists,
but determined that a new beginning is possible!

Dramatis personae

It's My Life

As I sat there in the church, I thought of how fragile and short life is. My friend Christy had found out she had Cancer and felt the pain would be too much to bear so she ended her life. She had been dealing with Bipolar Disorder all of her life and I guess the added news of her diagnosis proved to be too much. I had even had thoughts of doing the same thing. The stress of living my life to make my family happy was beginning to become too much. I spent twenty three years of my life trying to fit into a role as a son, grandson and brother. I was miserable.

An Apprentice needs help 6

An Apprentice Needs Help

by Wannabe Ginger

Chapter 6

Ginger's home was shrouded by the rain as I walked towards the door. This evening was going to be special. I had made sure that I had shaved more closely than ever before. I wore a cool denim jacket, crisp white shirt and blue chinos. Male. As I had left the house, Mum's words confirmed it was right. "You're looking good tonight — is it an important date?"

Total Recall 22

The love affair continues……………………………….

Total Recall

Chapter 22
by WannabeGinger

Jenny and Karen had spent the afternoon in the garden, taking in the “rays” and talking about the way their love might go in the future, against the imminent background of Christine’s return.

Andy had done most of the talking, it was true, and he was more than a little concerned that Jenny’s feelings hadn’t been expressed sufficiently. He knew what he wanted but he was unsure how Jenny saw this…….

Captivated by Love

Captivated by Love
by White Dragon

Driving beats, minimalistic sounds providing the soundtrack of another dull day in her life. How many times did she visit that club, hidden in the dark basement of an old industrial building at the very verge of the town. Her town now. She was living 8 months here now. She came here to study. Classes were OK, but the evenings were dragging endlessly in those warm and humid summer nights.

The Journey is the Destination 22

The Journey is the Destination
Chapter 21

By poetheather

The trip went off well so far and they have reached their training site. What are they going to do now with three girls and one sort of boy?

Total Recall 21 = Alternative Epilogue

Total Recall

Chapter 21

Epilogue - 2nd version, (alternative theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists!

Dramatis personae

Total Recall 20 = Epilogue

Total Recall

Chapter 20

Epilogue - 1st version, (original theme)

Sunday approaches and Karen and Jenny have agreed the way the day should go…….
Christine is on her way to Cornwall, not knowing even that Jenny exists!

Dramatis personae

Total Recall 19

Total Recall - Chapter 19

Reprise from Chapter 17…. With apologies for the delay in releasing this follow-up chapter……

For those readers who missed the end of ch.17……or alternatively, who may have read the first “ending” in my ch.18……, This extract may help set the scene for what is to follow in the new chapter……… That will be a chapter with a difference….. (explanation later)….. It IS a chapter with an interactive element…. Alternative endings you might say……

Total Recall 18

Total Recall - Chapter 18
Reprise from Chapter 17…. With apologies for the delay in releasing this follow-up chapter……

For those readers who missed the end of ch.17……. This extract may help set the scene for what is to follow in the new chapter……… That will be a chapter with a difference….. (explanation later)….. It will be a chapter with an interactive element…. Alternative endings you might say……

A Splintered Life - Chapter 14

Deirdre is busy cleaning the house and thinking about all the things she has to be thankful for. She is not filled with regrets, but contentment.

A Splintered Life

Chapter 14
Maternal Reflections

by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather


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