Hypnosis / Mind-Control / Brainwashed

Wife Made Me Do It

She handed me panties and a bra. I looked at her saying, "I can't wear these." She smiled and said, "Yes, you will and I want them on you now! You will be wearing pretty bras and matching panties the rest of your life, do you understand?"

I laughed and said "No way." Then she said "You are so beautiful" and I was now putting on the panties and bra. What was happening? I lost all my control and was doing exactly what she wanted.

My Wife Made Me Do It
My New Life
By Terry Hansay

Beyond the Screen Chapter 5

Beyond the Screen Chapter 5
By Dr. Bender

The party finally arrives in what passes for civilization in the fantasy world, lulled into a false sense of security. Worse yet, they need Vanad back but someone seems to have their foot in the revolving door of the afterlife.

By the way, a Lich is a type of undead wizard that looks like a zombie. Not that there's anything wrong with that if you're into zombies...

Beyond the Screen Chapter 4

Beyond the Screen Chapter 4
by Dr. Bender

One day in the fantasy world and all Ressia and her companions want is some hot food and a nice, warm, bed. Fate, however, has other plans.

Warning: This chapter contains a short explaination of the DnD alignment system. May cause drowsiness, irritibility, altered states of consciousness and spontaneous brain matter combustion. Sorry, everyone, but it's important to the storyline, please bare with it.

Beyond the Screen Chapter 3

Beyond the Screen Chapter 3
By Dr. Bender

Some challenges are greater than others, though this may be lost on most of our intrepid, oblivious, adventurers. For James, however, the challenge of not breaking his hand on foolish heads will be great indeed...

Beyond the Screen Chapter 2

Beyond the Screen Chapter 2
By Dr. Bender

Before our intrepid adventurers enter the DnD world, they must face a test of might and mettle without a rulebook to guide them.

Beyond the Screen Chapter 1

Beyond the Screen Chapter 1
By Dr. Bender

A bolt out of the blue, James was in the middle of DMing for his pals when a magical artefact encountered in the game crosses the boundaries of imagination to draw them into the world of fantasy!

Rebel to Good Girl

Ed is a nuisance in class and is frequently kept behind at the end of lessons. He is your typical teenage rebel which teachers hate, but Miss Taylor particularly despises the young boy and so has a few plans for him....

Only A Baby Machine -- Part 11, Island Paradise(?)

Part 11, Island Paradise(?)

Year 3 of the novel begins with Pansy's escape to a tropical island paradise. Or is it paradise after all? (Note--Rating more restrictive!)
January 1

Only A Baby Machine -- Part 8, Nursemaid

Part 8, Nursemaid
August 6
-- Pansy was folding clothes in the laundry room when Jaime came to fetch her. “Go to the infirmary, Pansy,” he told her without explanation. “You can finish your work later.”

Suzy Q by Suzy Q

Suzy Q
Suzy Q

Sam Quinn invented Suzy Q, the exotic Cuban dancer. José Enrá­quez insisted on meeting her–but of course that was impossible! Or was it?

Out of the Ashes, Part 11 (Conclusion)

Out of the Ashes, Part 11 (Conclusion)

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

I interrupted her. "Never mind that. The chips. I want them." I needed at least one sample, and I couldn't trust anyone else to destroy the remainder.

She frowned at me. "Now hold on one moment, Miss..."

I sighed, and silently cursed my new form for the thousandth time. Intimidation wasn't in my arsenal anymore, unless you were six years old. If I couldn't intimidate, I had to demonstrate, and that took time and people got hurt. My hand snapped out and grabbed the woman's throat, lifiting her off the ground. "Chips!"

Her hands clutched at her hand on my throat for a few moments, before she pointed frantically back towards the hallway. "Office. Safe." she choked out.

WARNING: I don't want to give anything away, but if there were elements in the previous chapters that disturbed you, please do not continue reading. Elements of this chapter will be dark. I've rated this chapter Adult and Intense.

Last Full Measure

Last Full Measure
By Ellie Dauber  © 2010

This is another story of Jakov Pauli, an assassin who specializes in identity death.

* * * * *

For the third time, Mike Ryan stared up from his booth at the clock on the wall of the diner. “14:33 hours,” he mumbled under his breath. “He’s late.”

“In point of fact,” a voice said, “that clock is five minutes fast. I am early.”

Mike spun around. A tall, slender man — about 40, Mike guessed — stood looking down at him. “Are you Pauli?” Mike asked.

Out of the Ashes, Part 10

Out of the Ashes, Part 10

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

I headed towards the bar but didn't get far before there was a touch on my arm. "Um, hey gorgeous, how's about getting us a drink?" The line sounded over-rehearsed and rushed, more of a plea than a confident request. I pasted on a smile and turned to face a short man with a middle-aged spare tire and a ruddy complexion, thin hair pasted across his bald head. He was standing alone, so 'us' must have meant, well, us. His eyes were fixated on my breasts. I kicked myself for spending so much time working on my face; in this crowd, I could have had slitted pupils, sharpened teeth and a snake for a tongue, and only the other women would notice.

Out of the Ashes, Part 9

Out of the Ashes, Part 9

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

"We were hoping to work out an arrangement where we might occasionally call upon your skills, in a consulting role. We'd benefit from your experience on the street and your impressive metahuman abilities, and in return, you'd get to call upon our resources -- intel, financial, manpower, equipment. The ability to run interference with the law. Plus, of course, we'll pay you. An annual retainer, paid immediately, plus a fee for each job, half in advance."

This is much too sweet a deal. I shook my head slowly, sliding the badge back to her. "I'm sorry. It sounds very interesting, but I've got other things on my mind at the moment. Perhaps in a couple of weeks, we could talk again." I got the feeling Merrick was sincere, but I didn't trust the motives of the people behind her. I stood up, ending the discussion.

"Wait. Before you decide, you should hear what the first two jobs are."

Choices (part 4)

(From Part 3)

“You are not facing this alone. Just accept that I am coming with you.”

“Th…thank you.”

“Now, do you have any idea where to start?”

“If this is connected with Alex, we need to go to the house he lived in.”

“What a way to spend Halloween. Looking for a ghost.”

“Up to you, you can sit this out, I wont think the less of you.”

“Not on your life. Tonight, we go ghost-busting.”

(Part 4)

Choices (part 3)

Choices (part 3)

(from part 2)

Finally, I got out of my dress, and slipped into one of my new nightgowns, and went to bed. I slept fitfully. I had no clue then that this nightmare had just begun, and soon my fellow students would have their turn facing this horror. The worst was yet to come…..

(part 3)

Changing Room

.Changing Room
Written by Dauphin
Strange things happen to two boys in a changing room
"Bade boys to good girl. Sometimes it takes magic to make boys behave " Diana
"This was a quick story, and i often think which boy would i react as?" Dauphin

Choices (part 2)

(from part 1)

“Now I have a serious question. Have you ever told anybody before me?”

“I…I only ever told one other person.”

“Good. Lets start with him then.”

“We can’t. He was a friend of my brothers, but …“

“But what? Why can’t we see him?“

“He died last year….”

Part 2

Lilim Tales - Part 4 (Conclusion)

Lilim Tales - Part 4 (Conclusion)
by Armond

In the conclusion to the tale, Cassandra's friends gather to try to rescue her from Luna, while Cassie learns what her fate will be as the lilim's Second Turn Srryn.

Evanescence 1


Hi my name’s Raine.

I’m transgendered, a boy by an accident of karma. I believe I was a girl, a woman in every single life I lived before this one. I used to just dream about them in these strange dreams that I never really understood when I was younger. It wasn’t until I died but didn’t did things become clear.

Freedom: Another Dream (Free Spirit #0)


Freedom: Another Dream

by Lynceus

All I had ever wanted was to become a woman; surgery and drugs had given me the form, but there was one thing I wanted so desperately, I'd do anything to get it. And then I met Dr. Deidre Wentworth...

A Tale of the Comics Retcon Universe!: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/20577/comics-retcon-universe



Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

A cold war spy plot that went wrong!

Boris was born in Kostroma, an industrial town on the banks of the Volga River, some distance north of Moscow. His father was Russian, a marine engineer, but his mother was English, so he was brought up to be bilingual. His father had been seconded to a British company involved in building a large oil exploration platform and had met and married his mother while there. As a very young lad, Boris had naturally wavy fair hair and was small for his age, so that he was sometimes mistaken for a girl.

A Witch Jumped into my Body

I have found my next victim, a 14 year old boy who looks meek and mild. They are my perfect candidates for my transformation. I have already changed four boys into girls and they are doing just fine in their new life. Even after I leave them, they don't know how to get back to their masculine life. I have "brainwashed" them so well while I was in their bodies they think of themselves as teenage girls, ready for a girl's life.

A Witch Jumped into my Body
"She is so nice!"
By Terry Hansay

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 5

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 5

I let my breath out slowly, matching what I was seeing with what my new self knew. I was tall -- five-ten in bare feet -- and built like, well, a stripper. 36DD, 24, 36, and all real. My legs were long, muscular and sleek, narrow waist emphasizing the swell of my hips and butt. I looked and felt every bit as athletic and limber as the old Steffi had been, but I'd sure jiggle a lot more when I ran. My nipples each sported a small silver hoop, with a single jeweled bead. I flicked one tentatively, and gasped at the sensation.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 4

The last thing I remember was looking out across the floor from my usual bug's eye view, and seeing Fraidycat looking back at me from under a chair. From somewhere I thought I heard Tiffi wailing inconsolably.

The Sissy Farm 14

This chapter generally describes life for Michelle at Mistress Janets Academy for Sissies. There's less adult detail as this story begins to move to more mundane aspects of everyday life for Sissies.
From my personal perspective when I had finished writing chapters 12 and 13, I was coming out of a somewhat dark period of my life as I had set out on the road of reconciliation to my childhood. For me The Sissy farm had been 'bubbling away' in my head for some years before the general advent of computers and P.C.'s. I finally committed it to FM. a few years ago.

Beverly Taff.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 3

She was quiet a long time. Finally she drew a deep breath. "So," she said, "I can either believe in magic... or that my sister has somehow become a delusional nympho slut overnight and I have something in my head that sometimes takes over." She gave it some more thought. "Tough choice."

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 2

She splashed some water on her face and reached for her towel, then froze at the horrified expression on my face. "What? Steffi, what?"

Jesus Christ, he really fucking did it. That SON OF A BITCH! That FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! "Tiffany, remember." I almost didn't catch her in time, as the memories came crashing back.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 1

The Artifacts of K'Panu

Jacobi's laugh was harsh and abrupt.   "Oh, I don't think so.   You see, the magic doesn't work that way.   I can't use it to help myself directly."   His voice grew smooth, and the chill in it ran down my spine.   "But the three of you are impediments to my career, and I can... remove you."   The Dean's face grew pale, after all she believed in magic.   "No, " she whispered, pleading.   "Please, don't do this..."  


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