Fancy Dress / Prom / Evening Gown

The Samantha Project - Chapter 46 - 50

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Epicene Sam is given to Mistress Ann for the final step in his transition into Lisa’s wife and concubine.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

The Samantha Project - Chapter 41 - 45

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Lisa takes her sexy boy to Paris where he finally learns the truth — all of it.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

The Samantha Project - Chapter 36 - 40

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam is sent to live with Miss Maggie and Miss Mona where he attempts to rebel and maintain his masculinity, only to fall further into his feminine role.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson


The Samantha Project - Chapter 31-35

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam fights to maintain his masculinity as he falls further under the spell of his feminine lifestyle. Mistakes are made and a price is paid.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

The Samantha Project - Chapter 26 - 30

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam is further seduced by money, power and his love of elegant dressing as he goes from modeling wedding dresses to political power brokering.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

The Sissy Farm 14

This chapter generally describes life for Michelle at Mistress Janets Academy for Sissies. There's less adult detail as this story begins to move to more mundane aspects of everyday life for Sissies.
From my personal perspective when I had finished writing chapters 12 and 13, I was coming out of a somewhat dark period of my life as I had set out on the road of reconciliation to my childhood. For me The Sissy farm had been 'bubbling away' in my head for some years before the general advent of computers and P.C.'s. I finally committed it to FM. a few years ago.

Beverly Taff.

Photo Shop

by Lauran

There are many programmes out there that allow you to manipulate photographs, some might say improve on the original. Magazines do this with their models to create perfect skin etc. But what if those changes affect more than the skin and go deeper?

The Samantha Project - Chapter 16 - 20

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Samantha makes a very successful debut(ante) and is tempted by Lisa’s plotting to extend an encore.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

The Samantha Project - Chapter 11-15

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. As Sam begins practicing for his favor, and (unwittingly) for his future life as a girl, doubts begin to surface; but Lisa is prepared with a surefire solution.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson


Martina's Story 8

This is the first new chapter of Martina's story, I've extended it for big closet like I did for Skipper.

It records the girls Melanie, Beatrice and Martina's first term in college in London.

Hope y'all like it..


Martina’s Story 8.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

On the Way to the Dance

This is just a little peek into the lives of a couple of very special teenagers as they head towards their first high school dance.

On the Way to the Dance
Copyright 2010 by Heather Rose Brown

Dreaming of Cheers - Chapter 25 and 26

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Part 16 of 23

by Tiffany Shar

Intro by Carla Ann

“Tiffany, I’ve asked you how everything is going with people and the activities you’re involved in, but you haven’t mentioned how you are coping with everything.” She emphasized the ‘you,’ when she asked that.

“Well, better than I was last year,” I started. “Way better than last year… I have a lot of friends now, and I’m not getting picked on every day.” I saw her eyes boring into me looking for something else. “Alright, I don’t know how I’m doing right now.” I told her honestly.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well for one I’m really tired of everyone guessing I’m five if I wear the wrong clothes.” I told her hesitantly. I was sure my parents had filled her in with everything anyway, “Tuesday was pajama day. Mom and I had found some cute pajamas with feet on them that would fit Amy and me, so we wore them for pajama day. We really did look cute dressed like that, and I was having a lot of fun with it. That was until the sub in English class thought that I was someone’s little sister that had come them to school that day.”

I was really surprised Dr. Reynolds didn’t laugh about it, but I continued, “Then the next day the whole squad was wearing shortalls and our hair done in pigtails and I looked to be about five again. One of my best friends even brought a doll to school to play a joke on the sub that we’d had. I don’t think she knew that it really upset me though. I’m not five, I’m twelve! Amy has grown about five inches here in the last couple months, but I’m still the same height I was last year. It’s good for cheerleading stuff because people can toss me so easily… but…” I was doing my best to not go into tears over all of this. “as long as we’ve got my puberty stopped then I won’t be doing much growing. That’s all on top of the fact that I’m never going to be able to have periods like my friends… and I’m stuck with this stupid thing between my legs,” I told her with a great deal of exasperation. “I’m so tired of having to look at it, or hide it, every time I turn around. I know you can’t do anything about it till I’m eighteen – but I wish it could be gone now!” I had gone to tears now.

A Perfect Opportunity

A Perfect Opportunity

Walter Grip woke to hear the song again. He had heard it every night since he came to this town two nights ago. This time, he was determined to follow it to its source.

He put on a heavy coat to protect him from the chilly Martian night air. Stepping out of the hotel he had been staying at, he looked up into the clear night sky and noticed that the blazing Earthstar had risen, and had a moment of silent sadness for his birthplace.

Dreaming of Cheers - Chapter 10

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Part 6 of 23

by Tiffany Shar

Intro by Carla Ann

“Tiffany, I’ve asked you how everything is going with people and the activities you’re involved in, but you haven’t mentioned how you are coping with everything.” She emphasized the ‘you,’ when she asked that.

“Well, better than I was last year,” I started. “Way better than last year… I have a lot of friends now, and I’m not getting picked on every day.” I saw her eyes boring into me looking for something else. “Alright, I don’t know how I’m doing right now.” I told her honestly.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Well for one I’m really tired of everyone guessing I’m five if I wear the wrong clothes.” I told her hesitantly. I was sure my parents had filled her in with everything anyway, “Tuesday was pajama day. Mom and I had found some cute pajamas with feet on them that would fit Amy and me, so we wore them for pajama day. We really did look cute dressed like that, and I was having a lot of fun with it. That was until the sub in English class thought that I was someone’s little sister that had come them to school that day.”

I was really surprised Dr. Reynolds didn’t laugh about it, but I continued, “Then the next day the whole squad was wearing shortalls and our hair done in pigtails and I looked to be about five again. One of my best friends even brought a doll to school to play a joke on the sub that we’d had. I don’t think she knew that it really upset me though. I’m not five, I’m twelve! Amy has grown about five inches here in the last couple months, but I’m still the same height I was last year. It’s good for cheerleading stuff because people can toss me so easily… but…” I was doing my best to not go into tears over all of this. “as long as we’ve got my puberty stopped then I won’t be doing much growing. That’s all on top of the fact that I’m never going to be able to have periods like my friends… and I’m stuck with this stupid thing between my legs,” I told her with a great deal of exasperation. “I’m so tired of having to look at it, or hide it, every time I turn around. I know you can’t do anything about it till I’m eighteen – but I wish it could be gone now!” I had gone to tears now.

Summer Princess

Summer Princess

Mom thought it might be a good idea to write this down, so I could show it to the therapist. I guess that’s ok, and better than having to do some “How I spent my summer” essay for school. I guess there are some advantages to being home schooled, at least for now. My summer started by going to Uncle Mike’s place, because my mom was sick, and she wanted me to have a normal summer for once.

One night in a small town.

One night in a small town

Its not always easy to be a small town lawyer. Unlike the big city, I actually know most of my clients away from the courthouse, and it can create some very embarrassing moments. But nothing had prepared me for this particular night.

I got a call to come to the jailhouse, and found James Mallery, who was normally a deputy, behind bars. But that wasn’t the most shocking thing. It was how he was dressed. What he was wearing would have looked good at a fancy dress dance, assuming the wearer was a girl.

Memories Are Made Of This

Memories are made of these

I was having a boring day off, so I decided to go to the mall for a bit. Nearing 40, and a single guy, you would think that I would be out looking for a good time, but for a number of reasons, I just preferred to stay home and watch movies.

So I was headed for my favourite movie store when I spotted a new store called “Memories are made of these”. At first glance, I thought it was maybe a nostalgia store, but peeking inside, it was laid out like a video store.

I Woke, Part 10

I Woke, Part 10

I panicked. My day started by going to the courthouse for the opening of the trial of the attacker of Allison Allen. I had been stuck in her body for months, and I felt my chance to get some justice for her was failing.

I had gotten a sneak peak at the Crown’s case against this young man, and without some miracle, I felt it was at best a 50-50 chance to get a conviction. Sitting in the courtroom while we waited for our case to be heard, I got a crash course in how our law works. It was very different from what the American TV shows portrayed.

The Challenge -2-

This is the story of two college guys who are challenged by their girlfriends to slowly add female aspects their lives. This challenge takes them much further than they every expected.

Part two:


The Challenge -1-

This is the story of two college guys that are challenged to slowly add female aspects to their lives by their girlfriends. The gradual changes end up taking them much further than either of them ever expected.


Morticia, following on from the wedding dress adventures. Part 2

I mean who would have predicted my mother knew I was playing with her clothes, that she would encourage me to walk about the house in heels and a skirt, that she would take me out dressed as a girl and buy me alcohol, that she would set me up with my best friend so that we end up in bed together, finishing off the adventure with my first sexual encounter.

Skipper! Chapter 6

Skipper! by Beverly Taff


This chapter covers how Skipper finally gets Jennifer and Beatrice to accept his transition to Beverly.

They organise a Fancy-dress Party and Skipper tells the girls that he is going to dress up as Beverly.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 20

Cathy hugged me and told me I was developing just perfectly into a very pretty woman. My increased emotions were perfectly normal for a woman and that I should not fight them. These feelings will help me beat my disease. I looked into my wifes eyes and I could not believe I said, "Cathy what happens if I want to stay a woman, and not beat this disease?"

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 20
By Terry Hansay

The Vampiress: A Lovingly Stolen Idea

First a few words, I did not write the first version of this story, this is merely an unauthorized rewrite of the original. JR wrote the original version and the basic idea’s, plot, and setting belongs to JR, not me. I took the liberty to make any changes I saw fit to make this story more to my liking. I changed the names of those involved but the plot remains basically unchanged. Any and all continuations are my work but based upon the work of JR, not mine. So without further adieu I give you “The Vampiress: 12,000 Words”!


That is cruising as on a ship not on the look out for a woman of the night. Shame on you if you thought such things. :)

Rob and Paul had been friends for many years, they had been to college together, had at one time worked together, but mostly they just spent time with each other, going to a match, going to the gym, spending a weekend walking in the hills. Just fairly ordinary pursuits, for a couple of blokes. They also went on holiday together, this was usually an activity holiday, skiing, sailing, surfing, cycling, whatever took there fancy and they had not done before.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 19

I told him to just remove his camisole. He was wearing the first bra I bought and loved, the Playtex Cross-Your-Heart soft cup bra. I told him how much I like this bra, wished my wife would like me wear it more. I put the tape around his chest for the band size and reached around his strong big back. I was melting, he smelled so good, being so close to him and he knew it, I was so turned on!

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 19
By Terry Hansay

One Christmas Eve


Kris has been struggling with gender confusion. On Christmas Eve, in the midst of a party full of girls in holiday finery, his sister offers to dress him up to see if it will help him to understand things better. He agrees to give it a try, and his world comes crashing down around him. He needs a miracle.
Will he get one?

One Christmas Eve

by Mona Lisa

Copyright © 2009 by Mona Lisa

Roni's Party


(Exclusively on BigCloset TopShelf!)

“We wouldn’t mind a lift to the S-Bahn.” Roni allowed giving me a hug.

“No probs, I get a few more minutes with gorgeous here.”

Yuck — I think? He is kind of cute if a lad who stands nearly twenty centimeters taller than me can be cute? Anyway, I’m not interested in boys am I, I am a boy - I think?

Roni's Party
- a Gabysode

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Maddy Bell

Little Pink Pills, Part 25

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Five, by Michelle Wilder

In the village where I grew up
Nothing seems the same
Still you never see the change from day to day
And no-one notices the customs slip away

Late last night the rain was knocking at my window
I moved across the darkened room and in the lampglow
I thought I saw down in the street
The spirit of the century
Telling us that we're all standing on the border

(On the Border, by Al Stewart)

Beauty and the Beast

This story was written for the 2009 Gabycon and involves Gaby (Drew) Bond, a velodrome and some bike races - oh and some dresses, shoes and so on. Oh just read the thing it's easier. Important: No bicycles were hurt during the making of this story. - Angharad

Just click on the link to go to Stardust and read the story. Comments are off here, leave your comments on StarDust. - Erin


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

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Character Age: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Little Pink Pills, Part 24

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Four, by Michelle Wilder

It ain't a man's world (You go, girl!)
No more sugar and spice (And everything nice)

It ain't a man's world (You go, girl!)
No more sugar and spice (And everything nice)

It's a she thing, and it's all in me (It ain't nothin' but a she thing)

(Ain't Nuthin' But a She Thing, Salt N Pepa)


A clever teenage girl who enjoys dominating young men is asked by a neighboring mother to help turn a teenage son into a daughter.


by Vickie Tern

Copyright © 1997,1998,2000,2009 by Vickie Tern

Samantha's Story part 8

The exercise in creating a back story for 'Samantha' was a real stretch for her creative abilities. Most things she grew up with could be tweaked to a girl's perspective, but some things just couldn't. Writing birthday parties she wore a dress to instead of pants and t-shirt she had been in was an interesting exercise in fantasy.

The journal of Samantha's life became something of an obsession. She found herself thinking about scenes from her life as a girl, skinned knees, climbing through drainage pipes as though they were a super-secret tunnel with friends, and all the other normal activities of a child. The thoughts constantly revolved in her mind, no matter where she was or what she was doing. She kept finding her mind drifting to real memories and more and more found it easy to see the same scene as a girl. She even invented tea parties and dance classes that she never attended.

Samantha's Story part 8

By Maid Joy

Ozma's story

In the sequel to the Wizard of Oz, Frank Baum tells us the Wizard made the rightful heiress to Emerald city's throne disappear, hiding her by transforming the baby Princess Ozma into a boy. In his story, returned to her rightful form, she immediately does battle with a usurper.
I think, though, it may have gone a different way.

Ozma's Story

by Matti

Kelly's Journey Chapter 21: Reunion

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 21: Reunion
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:Kelly meets alumni from her old Alma Mater who know all about her journey. In meeting each, she finds renewed friendship and blessings in their return.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 16-Despair

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 16-Despair
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:As Kelly grows into her womanhood, all seems to be going well, but a tragic encounter with Johnny kills her spirit, leaving her in despair.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 15-Through The Gate

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 15-Through The Gate
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis:After rescuing Julie and dealing with the trauma of the ordeal, Kelly make a momentous decision that will change the lives of everybody as she embarks upon the path of completion.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 11- Support & Kidnap

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 11- Support & Kidnap
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Now that Kelly has moved in with her Aunt Debbie and her grandparents, she begins a new part of her journey as she learns more about being a woman and learning how more about herself. At the same time, her best friend Julie is kidnapped by Kelly's enemy.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter 10-Exodus

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
Chapter 10-Exodus
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly and her mother attend a dinner party at the Woods where Johnny shows definite sexual interest in Kelly. After a tiff where Johnny and Kelly a dinner party at the Woods, Kelly and her boyfriend once again sate their passion. Afterwards, Kelly becomes confused about who she really is and her inability to resist loving Johnny, causing her to make a choice that changes everybody's lives.

Kelly's Journey-Chapter-8-Decisions

Kelly's Journey (Revised)
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: After the game, Kelly discovers more about being a girl and her fear of being outed when her mother finally discovers her son is no more, when she sees Kelly and Johnny sating their passion. Confronting Kelly, she discovers the truth about Kelly girl and her part in bringing her to life. With her mother and friends, she finds out more about herself and the beginning of a journey beyond her wildest dreams


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