The Samantha Project - Chapter 26 - 30

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam is further seduced by money, power and his love of elegant dressing as he goes from modeling wedding dresses to political power brokering.

Femdom, crossdressing, hair and hair salon, corseting, heels, appliances attached, sex, illustrations.

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

Samantha arrived for cocktails in a dark ensemble. He thought it fit his mood. He wore a black turtleneck sweater and a black and gray wool skirt. The skirt barely reached his knees and showed off his black hose and 3 inch pumps.


Sam’s fashion statement was not lost on Mona, who had been updated by Maggie. “That is a sharp outfit Samantha. But allow me to make a recommendation. Silver jewelry can make a black outfit absolutely stunning. Maggie, bring down my heirloom set of silver and turquoise.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Maggie’s kitchen maid served wine while Maggie went upstairs to the vault. When she returned she showed Sam a velvet box. She opened the box and held it while presenting the contents to Sam.

“These are very nice,” Sam said.

Mona actually laughed. “You have a very discerning eye, Samantha. Lisa, please help Samantha put them on.”

The collection included silver drop earrings, a silver pendant necklace with a turquoise stone, and two wide bracelets, also with inlaid turquoise. Sam’s dark fashion statement was now stunning. When the jewelry was all in place, Mona instructed Lisa to take Sam out to the entrance foyer, where a full length mirror was available.

When they returned, Mona asked, “What do you think?”

“They add an understated elegance without a pretentious glare that subtracts from the simple black and gray hues of a clean line that should and does focus the eye on a swirling skirt that opens up and emphasizes a stunning pair of legs. Those legs are one of my finest attributes.”

Mona was stunned and she slowly grinned as she looked at Sam. “My dear Samantha, you continue to surprise and please me with your exceptional depth and understanding of high couture and fashion.”

“Lisa told me what to say,” he said with his own grin.

“But you repeated it perfectly and convincingly. That is the first and most important lesson in becoming a lady of culture and refinement. Cheers to you,” and she offered a toast to Sam.

While Mona could be a cold hearted, straight to the throat bitch, she also knew how to woo people. Her people skills were remarkable, although she tended to rely on intimidation more than persuasion, simply because she usually had the clout to do so. But tonight she needed to pull Sam back into the fold. Mona turned on her charm.

She scooted into a comfortable position in her wing back chair, and crossed her legs. Looking at Sam she asked, “So Samantha, you have spent two weeks at school as a girl. How has it gone, what have you done with yourself?”

Sam shrugged his shoulders and kind of grunted. “It’s hard to describe Miss Mona.”

“Well then, start from the beginning. How does a typical day go?” That was an easier question for Sam. As he began to describe his day, his chest loosened a little and he began to relax a tiny amount. As he moved further into his account, Mona would interrupt with questions to pull out additional details. And most of those details concerned Sam’s emotions and frame of mind.

“What did you feel when you first stepped outside? Did you consider yourself passable? Did you consider yourself pretty? And when that boy opened the door for you, how did that make you feel? When you were walking down the street did you feel comfortable? How nervous were you?” And on it went. Mona chuckled appropriately at some of his anecdotes and clucked with concern at some of his tougher moments. Her face showed as much animation as he had seen at the party when she was wowing the powerful of Washington D.C. And now she was finally turning that charm on him.

The conversation filled the cocktail hour and moved into the dining room. “And what about the boys? Have any become bold enough to address you?”

“I’ve been trying to be careful about drawing too much attention.”

“But you have already told us that you enjoy, how did you say it, oh yes “to test your tease quotient”. You do enjoy being beautiful, don’t you?”

“Yes, but I’m still not too sure around boys. One day at the student union, I noticed one boy reverse his direction and turn back to me. I was afraid that he was going to talk to me, so I ran away. I walked outside as fast as I could.” His captivated audience chuckled politely.

“Have any caught you?”

Sam thought that was an odd question, and he didn’t know how to answer it. He decided that that he wouldn’t tell them about Bill. What they had discussed at the library — several times — was too personal to Bill and Sam for this discussion. “Not really. I’ve had a couple stop me long enough to ask a question, but nothing personal. Thankfully!”

Mona dropped that line of questioning and moved onto school, lessons and majors. At one point Sam mentioned that he was interested in poli-sci. “That reminds me,” Mona said. “Sorry to change the topic for just a second, but I heard that Senator May sent you some flowers. Is that true?”


“Were they nice?”

“I thought so, but I don’t know much about flowers.”

“And did they come with an apology?”


“How many times did he send you flowers?”


“Once?” Miss Mona’s tone betrayed her interest. “That’s all?”

Sam didn’t know if the change in tone was aimed at him or not, but he went with the flow, “Yes. Just once.”

“The man just doesn’t get it, does he? What kind of pathetic effort was that? Well that seals his fate. We were going to give him another chance.”

“Ma’am. Did I do something wrong?”

“Heavens no, Samantha,” and Mona’s cheerful tone returned. “Senator May did something wrong, that’s all.”


“He didn’t put forth enough effort to apologize to you, Samantha. Because he thought you were only — “only” — Lisa’s roommate he thought he could blow you off with a minimum effort to atone for his sins.” She reached over and took Sam’s hand, “He has no idea how important you are. He made a huge mistake. And now he is about to find out how much it will cost him.”

Maggie gave Sam a sly grin. Sam shook his head to signify that he didn’t understand. Maggie made a hand motion that Sam didn’t understand. His eyes showed that he was still confused and that was when Miss Mona spoke, “Let’s just say that his reputation will be soiled to such an extent that he won’t even bother to run for re-election.” Mona gave Sam a very sinister smile.

The light finally hit him, “You’re going to out him.”

Mona thought for a moment — a moment of reflection — and said to Sam, “Samantha, don’t think of it in those terms. It sounds too negative and homophobic. We have no problem with homosexuality; at least not in our private lives. It makes a great divisive issue to stir up the troops on Election Day, but in this family we have no problem with private issues and decisions concerning sexual stereotypes. None.

“Merely consider this a matter of family respect. The Senator showed a lack of respect for our family. I will use whatever issue hurts him most to help him understand the error of his ways. Far and away his greatest fear is being found to be homosexual. He has chosen the weapon of his downfall, I will merely wield it.” Her smile towards Sam was almost frightening. It was abundantly obvious that Mona could be a vindictive and wicked woman.

“Ok, enough of unpleasant business. Samantha, you’re interested in poli-sci?” Mona returned the conversation back to Sam.

“Yes Miss Mona.” Sam had been scared back into full and proper respect for Miss Mona.

As they finished their meal, Mona probed Sam as to why he was interested in poli-sci. She wanted to know what drove him and what he thought he could do with a degree in the subject. Sam was a Yankee, and he didn’t have the slightest clues as to what might drive the most powerful woman in Washington. But if Sam could be feminized he could also be converted. And if that didn’t work, he could be brainwashed. And Mona really did like Sam. He was going to be a wonderful toy for Lisa.

“Do you know what the Hawthorne Family does for a living, Samantha?”

“Not really.”

“Well, we sell wedding dresses for one thing. We do a lot in the retail market; everything from women’s apparel to consumables to natural resources. And we collect objects of great worth and beauty.” For some reason she stopped and smiled at Maggie. “We even get involved a little in national security. We touch on education and penal institutions. We do a little bit of everything, Samantha. And we do it all very well.

“And we also get involved in politics. We support several lobbying groups and try to support those who believe in the same patriotic principals that we believe. We believe in the Constitution, we believe in the Bill of Rights and we believe in the same principals as our founding fathers.”

Mona leaned towards Samantha to emphasize her next point, “And we believe in freedom. We believe very strongly in individual freedoms, Samantha. I am sure that you have already figured out which end of the political spectrum I support. You’re a smart girl Samantha. So which end is it?”

All of a sudden a shiver ran down Sam’s spine. She was smiling nicely at him, but this was the most dangerous question in the world. He might be outed next. Sam knew the answer, but he wasn’t sure he should answer. This could literally kill his future if he wasn’t careful. He couldn’t pick a side, that was just playing with dynamite.

Sam gulped and tried to play it safe, “I always considered political choices to be a personal choice.”

Mona looked him in the eye and began smiling. “You have potential my pretty little politician. Are you afraid of guessing wrong?”

“No ma’am, I’m afraid of guessing correctly.”

And that was when Miss Mona Hawthorne decided that she was truly going to love her future son in law. She laughed loudly and heartily and honestly. Mona reached over and picked up Sam’s hand and brought it up to her lips. She kissed him on his palm and patted it gently.

“Samantha, you are a gem. Maggie, call in your girl, and have her bring dessert to the parlor. Come Samantha, lets you and me go talk.” The four of them moved into the next room.

After their glasses were filled with the finest sherry available and fancy bowls of raspberries and cream had been consumed, Mona returned her attention to Sam. Sam, for his part, thought he had finally broken a barrier with Mona. He thought he might finally make it to her affable side. But that had been accomplished the first time they had met. No, this was much more fun for Lisa and Mona. Samantha was about to walk into a much bigger spider web.

“Samantha, let us talk politics — of a sort. You don’t want to categorize me and my political views. Very smart of you. You see me as a Republican, or at least leaning that direction. Yes?”

Sam nodded.

“Not even a verbal answer? Very good. That is definitely my first inclination. But I do believe in certain other things. Do you know who the second biggest contributor to the ACLU is? They are anonymous in that they use 4 or 5 fronts and no one knows for sure who really controls them. But I can give you a hint.”


“You are very perceptive, Samantha. Is that an organization that you would support?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“See, there is something that you and I agree on. And trust me, they are as political as any other group out there. But there are some other things that I am sure you and I disagree on. Would you agree on that?”

“Ma’am, I must admit that I am reluctant to answer questions concerning politics. There are many things about etiquette and the upper class that I don’t fully comprehend. And I apologize if my non-answer is … is incorrect. But please forgive me.”

Mona gave Sam a serious stare. “Ok Samantha, I respect your position. And I understand where you are coming from. And I will push you no further. Merely let me say, I know that someday you and I will agree on more than we disagree on.

“But let’s get to the interesting stuff. You are interested in politics and I am not only interested in politics, but I am involved in politics. I am politics. I have contacts at numerous organizations throughout the city. I can give you more experience in one summer than you could get in 4 years of college. Might that sound worth considering?”

“Yes ma’am. Maybe …”

“I’ll take you around and introduce you to a few people in town. You can sit in on a few meetings and discussions, we’ll go to dinner or a charity event and watch and listen. No real responsibility, but I’ll put you in a very visible position. I’ll let you see who is coming and who is going. I’ll give you the opportunity to see arrogance and hubris of the most extreme variety. Maybe sit in on a few meetings concerning charities of your choice. And after that we can decide what kind of hat you wear next. By the end of the summer, I promise you we will have you right where we want you.”

Lisa made a weird stifled noise and dropped her wine glass. Fortunately it was empty. But Lisa had the biggest smile on her face that she could possibly have managed. She looked like she had swallowed the proverbial canary and was now about to burst out laughing. Mona understood perfectly. “Lisa dear, do you have something to add?”

“No mother, you’ve said it all,” and she burst out laughing. Sam didn’t understand, but he wasn’t about to break the mood. He and Miss Mona were going to be friends. He thought.

By the end of summer he would indeed be right where Mona and Lisa wanted him. Samantha would be in petticoats, Mary Janes and hair ribbons, and relearning his adolescent years. Samantha’s hat would be closer to a bonnet than anything Sam had in mind.

Needless to say, Sam and Lisa had no conjugal visits that evening in the Hawthorne mansion.


“Wake up sleepy head. We have a big day ahead of us. And don’t forget to pack everything, we’re staying at grandmothers’ tonight.”

“I remember.”

“And bring both your dresses.”

“I will.”

“And don’t forget to douche.”


Lisa laughed. She was watching Sam on the monitor in her room. He was still in bed, half covered with his quilt and laying on his back as he spoke into the phone. She saw his eyes open just a little bit wider as he reacted to her instructions. “Marie left an enema bottle on your vanity. Did you see it?”

Sam straightened out the pink baby doll that he was wearing. He also tugged at his corset which had ridden up just a little during the night. “No. What is it?”

“It’s there just look for it, and make sure you use it. Read the directions.”

“An enema? What the heck for?”

“Its part of being a high paid, high fashion model. I’ll explain later. Just make sure you use it. I’ll come get you in 40 minutes. And don’t forget your sit ups.”

Sam dropped the old fashioned phone on its cradle and rolled out of bed.

At the kitchen table, Maggie placed a glass of orange juice next to Sam’s bottle of vitamins. He quickly gulped down half the juice and then looked at Maggie. He was expecting to be asked how he wanted his eggs cooked.

“No solids this morning, Samantha,” Lisa said. “Part of being a model. You want to be as slim as possible for your fitting today, so no food, just liquids. And that is also why you had to have an enema this morning.”

“Really? Models do this?”

“The good ones do, and you’re going to be a good one.”

Maggie stood, “Chas has your things in the limo, time to go.”

Sam felt comfortable walking into the beauty salon. He took a deep breath and inhaled the fragrant aromas of the salon. He still thought it was a strong, and slightly odd blend of odors, but he was becoming very fond of the salon’s numerous fragrances. He confidently walked over to the front desk where the beautiful Florence was waiting for him.

“Welcome back Samantha. It is good to see you again,” and she gave Sam a very large smile.

“Thank you Florence and it is good to see you again. Have you been well?”

“Oh yes, and thank you for asking. How is school?” The small talk continued for a few minutes, until two more girls arrived. Susan and Bridgette joined the trio of girls.

“Shall we?” Susan asked Sam. Sam took his purse off his shoulder and handed it Florence, “Would you please?”

“Certainly,” and Florence placed it behind the counter.

“We have a busy morning planned, Samantha. Would you like to use the ladies room before we begin?”

“I’d better, I had a weird morning.”

“Are you alright,” she asked in a concerned voice.

“I had to do an enema this morning,” he whispered.

“Oh, that’s SOP. Hurry along, I’ll be waiting for you.” As Sam began walking off, Susan called after him, “Coke?”


Sam took his seat, but Susan didn’t throw a cape over him. “Can I see your nails please?” Sam held out his hands. Susan took his hands and carefully looked at his nails. “I’m going to be your stylist and make-up artist for your shoot. Today I need to get an idea of what we can do next week. Your nails need a little touch up today, but that is all I am going to do. Next week I’ll give you extensions.

“The photographer wants your hair styled in an updo. Now that’s going to mean a little work for us. She wants to see some ideas today. Your hair is too curly for the styles we want to do, so we will have to straighten your hair.”

“You’re going to remove my curls? But I have a perm. I thought they were … well permanent.”

“It won’t affect your perm. I’ll set you on large rollers and when they unwind, they will leave you without tight curls. Your hair will be a little wavy though. But not to worry, the next time you wash your hair, your perm will take over and your curls will pop right back out.”

“That’s good. I kinda like the curls. And my hair is so easy to take care of as it is, even I can do it.”

“Not a problem, nothing will change for you. But your hair is too thick to set and dry before your fitting today. And we can’t put you under the hood, because you will frizz your hair. So I’ll set your hair, and you will have to wear your rollers during the fitting. By the time the fitting is done, you hair should be pretty much dry. At that point I can even help it along a bit if I need to.

“So, when you’re done with the seamstress, we will come back here and I’ll style your hair. The photographer will be here and we might play around a little to see what all we can do. When were done, you can leave your hair up for the evening if you want. I understand you have a dinner party tonight.”

“Yeah, I guess. Let me ask Lisa how I should leave my hair.”

“I already have,” Susan said. With a cute smile she said, “You’re going to have a very elegant style this evening.”

“I wish people would tell me what’s going on,” Sam said only half joking.

“Next week, things will be a little different. Can I see your legs?” Sam pulled up the hem of his skirt, and Susan ran her hand up and down his leg. “Next week will be three plus weeks since you had your legs waxed. Friday afternoon I will wax your legs and add extensions to your nails. Then I will set your hair. Unfortunately, you will have to spend the evening in curlers. You’ve slept in curlers before right?”

“Pin curls.”

“These will be a little different. A bit more bulky and a little more uncomfortable, but I’m sure you will be fine. So how does all of that sound? Shall we get started?”

“Let’s do it,”

Susan offered Samantha her hand, and helped him out of the chair. She took Sam to the washing station and wrapped Sam in a white cape, before helping him lay his head in the sink. Before washing his hair, Susan carefully inspected his extensions. “These look very good Samantha. Are you using a comb or a brush.?”

“Neither. Well almost never. I usually wash, wrap and then let my hair air dry. Only once have I styled it, and then I held each curl and brushed it out.”

“You’re doing good. Keep it up.” Susan then proceeded to wash and rinse his hair. When she was finished, she wrapped his hair in a large fluffy towel and helped him over to the styling chair. When she had him seated she started brushing out his hair and began a little conversation.


“I’m using very open rollers to dry your hair as fast as possible today. These don’t hold up very well if you sleep in them, they tend to slide off. Next Friday I will use wire/bristle rollers. They will hold better over night.”


“You’re looking very pretty Samantha. I still remember the first time you came in here. Wow, no one would recognize you now!”

“Not exactly. One person recognized me,” he thought to himself. But for the most part Susan was right.

“Thanks,” he said. “It has been an … interesting couple of weeks,” he laughed softly.

“I didn’t get to see you at your party, but Florence said you were striking. She said you were the center of the party.”

“That’s not true. I do admit that I looked pretty, at least the prettiest this boy has ever looked.” and the two of them chuckled politely. “But the most beautiful girl at that party was Florence. No way can some boy, no matter how much professional help he gets, ever look as beautiful as her. She was simply stunning.”

Susan laughed out loud and had to stop wrapping curlers in Sam’s hair. “Well, she has been at this a little longer than you. Don’t worry, you’ll catch her. No doubt about that.”

Sam was confused as to Susan’s raucous laugh, but decided that he wouldn’t ask. “Did Florence tell you about our little excitement?”

“The senator you mean? Yes she did. He’s an ass. I should know. We all should know. Almost all of us have been with him.”

Sam was totally caught off guard, and that explains why he blurted out something so stupid. “You’re an escort too?” As soon as the question left his lips he knew he had committed a terrible indiscretion. He quickly apologized before Susan stomped off leaving him there. But Susan didn’t seem that concerned. She stepped back and looked at Sam. “I’m sorry,” he quickly said again. His face was turning red and he was feeling very bad.

“I keep forgetting how new you are here, Samantha. There is no need to apologize, we all know the situation and soon, you will too.” Sam was puzzled but said nothing as Susan returned to her work. A few moments later, in a very wistful, almost sad voice Susan said, “I really envy you Samantha.”

“Me? Why would such a pretty girl as you envy a boy that dresses up like a girl?”

Susan laughed softly in a very knowing manner. “Because Samantha, you have a Hawthorne, and the best one at that.”


Susan stopped adding rollers to Sam’s hair and looked at him. “Without a doubt Lisa is the most eligible girl in the family. And with her, you are set for life. You know how rich they are don’t you?”

“I’ve got a rough idea.”

“Anything you want you can have. You can buy a country if you want.” Susan returned to her task and added softly, “Every girl here would kill to be in your heels, darling.”

“What?” he thought. That was just too weird of a comment to even try and ask for clarification. Sam was left wondering if every girl in the salon was a lesbian. And then Sam came to his senses. Susan was talking metaphorically. The girls in the salon would love to have a sugar daddy, like Sam had. How stupid of him!

But he still hadn’t put two and two together.

Susan finished Sam’s hair and then took a close look at his lashes. “You have 3 or 4 lashes missing, It will only take a minute to replace them, then I’ll do your nails. How you doing? Need anything to drink?”

It took about twenty minutes for Susan to gather all her tools and lashes and pick out the correct length ones to use on Sam’s eyes. After the lashes were replaced, she rolled over her manicure cart and she removed Sam’s nail polish. “Any preferences on color?”

“Not really. Nothing green or blue,” Sam joked.

“What color are you wearing tonight?”


“Bright red? Dark red? Maroon or pink?”

“I’d say a darkish red. Certainly not maroon.”

“Ok then, I have just the color for you, my pretty girl.” The two of them shared a smile. For some reason, Sam didn’t mind being called either pretty or a girl when he was in this salon; which seemed appropriate to him.

Susan finished his nails and told him to relax. “Normally I would do your makeup, but we want to minimize your makeup for the fitting.”

“Why is that?”

“Because we’re just fitting and we don’t want to inadvertently smear some makeup on the dresses.”

“Oh. I never thought about that. It makes perfect sense.”

After allowing proper time for his nails to dry, they were ready for his fitting. Susan accompanied Sam, and Bridgette joined Lisa in their stroll up to the second floor studios. Eunice met the four of them and introduced everyone to the seamstresses, Alyne and Claudia, and the photographer Mary.

Once again Sam was impressed with the beauty of the three new girls. Alyne had a dark complexion and what appeared to be a mixture of Caucasian and black facial features. She was very slim, had wonderful curves around her hips — her waist was tiny — and like all of the other girls, almost perfect complexion. How did all of these girl’s do that, he wondered.

Claudia was Caribbean, with light skin and oriental looking eyes which made her look very exotic. She was one of the shortest girls Sam had met; no more than 5 foot two and less than one hundred pounds. But in spite of her small stature, her tits were oversized for her build. She had the most engaging smile and she talked non-stop. She was a bundle of energy.

Mary was the photographer, and she was probably the most averaging looking girl that Sam had met. Her height, weight, curves and legs were average compared to the other girls. But her face was anything but average. She had an exceptionally beautiful face. Her face was round with full cheeks and lips. Her deep blue eyes could look right through a person, and her light brows and hair seemed to make those eyes even more penetrating.

Mary said little and had few opinions except when a camera was in her hands. Then she knew exactly what she wanted. Mary contributed few comments as Alyne and Claudia worked. Mostly she watched and wrote little notes in a tiny spiral notebook. She was planning make up, hair and accessories for each dress.


The first dress that Sam tried featured a square neckline with one inch shoulder straps. It was of course sleeveless and had a high bodice. Sam had to remove his bra for the dress and they tried placing his breast forms in the dress’s cups, but that didn’t look right. Alyne was going to have Sam put his bra back on — it wouldn’t matter for the fitting — but Mary had another idea.

“Remove the breast forms and leave her flat chested.” Mary walked around Sam and inspected the silhouette and 45 ° angles for her camera shots. “I like it,” she announced. “Fit her without any shape on top. It will leave her with an androgynous shape and I think that will provide us with an exciting avant-garde aura for this dress. Pull her waist in very tight. I want the contrast of form between waist and bust to be accented. Yes, this will be really exciting.”

Susan unzipped Sam’s dress and prepared to tighten his corset. “I can’t tighten this anymore. It’s already pulled as tight as it will go,” she reported.

“Mark the dress for 2 inches, then order her a new corset for next week. Can you do that in time?”

“No problem,” Eunice said. “I’ll make sure it gets here.”

“Order two,” Lisa chimed in.

“And make sure it is a full length corset, covering the top of the hips. I want a gradual curve into the top of the hips.”

“In that case, get 4,” Lisa said. “Two full length and 2 for the waist only. And some new liners also.”

“How many?”

“Get a dozen,” Lisa decided.

After finishing with the first dress, Mary picked another high neckline dress. She had already decided to use Lisa’s more natural cleavage for the lower neckline designs, and Sam would handle the higher neckline dresses. She gave Sam a dress with a Bateau neckline which had a wide and high neckline that almost ran to the shoulder. The dress was sleeveless with 2 inch wide shoulder straps that were very plain with no frou-frou. The feature of the dress was a gold woven sash around the waist. “Pull the waist really tight,” she told Alyne. “This dress is too much of a sheath and it needs some help with the shape.”


“How big do you want her on top?”

Mary thought for a moment and looked at some of the other dresses. “Let’s give this collection a little theme. No size on top, keep her flat. This will be the androgynous collection.”

That was when Eunice spoke up, “Are you sure we want to make this collection androgynous? I don’t see that fitting the market we are penetrating here.”

“We definitely don’t use that word in our advertising,” Mary agreed. “Look at your market. These are not rich girls, and as such we view them — right or not — as not well endowed. But even more important, we are living in austere times. So we keep at least some of these dresses austere in appearance. You need a little spread in your market approach. You should have the small austere end, and then gradually move up to the big, loud, well endowed end. I think it works on several levels. Of course the price tracks the approach.”

Eunice wasn’t sure she agreed, but she gave Mary her approval. “We will see,” Eunice told her (or warned her).

Mary looked through her collection and decided to go one more step with the androgynous theme. She chose a scoop neckline dress for Sam’s third fitting. It had wide shoulder straps with a little bit of glam on them. The bodice had a bit of ruching and was bordered with a thin glam stitching around the waist.


“No boobs,” she told Alyne. However, we might want to consider just a little bit of a glue on push up to get some cleavage. We don’t want to look anorexic. Susan, can you do that?”

“Absolutely. The back is high enough, we can even do a belt with pushers. The dress isn’t tight, so it won’t show. And if that isn’t enough, we can do some contouring with blush. I’ll paint some cleavage on her,” she said with a giggle.

“We’re going to need some neck jewelry also. Without big boobs and cleavage, all of that skin looks to blank. What have we got, dear?”

Susan and Mary went through several items before they decided on a necklace with pink pearls. “You’ve got the earrings also?”

And so the fitting went. On the other end of the marketing range, Mary was using Lisa to promote the low cut, big cleavage, glamorous and costly dresses. The flagship of the collection was a lacy, low cut dress just dripping with lace. The huge skirt required multiple petticoats and was trimmed along the hem with fancy lace. To be honest, this dress didn’t belong in such a “pedestrian” collection of dresses. But it gave the stores window dressing and even advertising panache. Mary and Bridgette would push up Lisa to the absolute extent that her skin (and boobs) could stretch.


It was a fantastic and glamorous dress. Lisa liked it so much that she memorized it for future work. Samantha would look beautiful in it at her wedding.

Mary had a couple other nice dresses for Lisa. Mary picked out her “flamenco” dress for Lisa. It was strapless and sleeveless. The bosom had a bit of lace and frou-frou, but the feature of this dress was below the waist. The dress had a magnanimous helping of ruffles formed from the front to the rear and over a short train. It was a sexy and fun dress.


This was a dress that begged for a small waist, and Lisa was going to get a taste of the corseting that she was forcing on her boyfriend. Mary intended to squeeze Lisa down by 3 or 4 inches. Easier said than done. In fact, that was moving into the torture zone.

So the two models spent over three hours trying on a variety of dresses with a variety of looks and potential marketing niches. Mary and Eunice rejected as many dresses as they chose. All of the participants agreed, it was going to be an exciting collection.

Sam enjoyed the session. It was long and at times boring as Susan pinned and marked dresses while forcing Sam to stand in awkward positions for interminable amounts of time. But he enjoyed the dresses, especially the ones he considered the sexiest. That usually meant form fitting with big boobs and a tiny waist.

But what Sam also enjoyed was the cross talk and discussions about the dresses, where they might sell, who might buy them and all of the marketing strategy. There was more to selling dresses than he had ever imagined. It was a fun and educational session.

When Mary was finally satisfied, all of the girls returned to the salon. Both Sam and Lisa had their hair in rollers, and now it was time to decide how to style their hair for the photo shoot.

After a quick bathroom and refreshment break, both girls were in the styling chair and under the attention of their stylists, with Mary looking on. They both received a makeover before Mary was ready to style their hair. Make up was important to get a feeling of color, contours and shadows. Sam knew Susan and Bridgette were talented, but even while still in curlers, he thought they made both Lisa and him look especially pretty. Sam had developed an appreciation, if not actually a love for makeup. And it had only taken him a couple of weeks. Of course, he was more interested in how sexy Lisa looked as opposed to how he looked. He found Lisa to be an extremely sexy and desirable girl. Which of course explained why he liked her so much.

After their makeovers were complete, the stylists began removing curlers. Soft, curled hair fell down Sam’s neck and cheeks. The curls weren’t as tight as what he had been wearing, so these seemed softer and wispier. He enjoyed the feel of his curls softly brushing against his skin. The feel was electric and sent shivers up and down his arms and gave him goose bumps.

“How strange,” he thought. “I should be use to this by now,” but the truth was he was still enjoying and growing into his pleasurable new situation. “I’m not a girl!” he reminded himself. “But I do look pretty!” It was a difficult contradiction for him. But in time, he would not only accept his situation, but relish it. And deep down inside, for better or for worse, Sam was already accepting that.

Susan picked up his curls and wove and pinned them into intricate patterns. She eventually had a back swept front with large barrel curls pinned up in the rear. It wasn’t exactly what Mary was looking for, and next week would require a different style, but Mary did come to one decision. Nothing would work with Sam’s current hair color. “It won’t work,” she announced. “Samantha, your hair just doesn’t have enough depth. Nothing is going to work with your color. We will just have to change it. A redder and lighter color is going to be necessary; something in auburn. Susan, please get some auburn color swatches and let’s decide what color we need.”


Susan and Mary flipped through swatches for 15 minutes before they agreed on a color. Susan showed the color to Sam and asked, “Samantha, how would you like to have auburn colored hair?”

It was a very rich color and Sam thought it was pretty. “I can live with that. Will it be permanent?”

Before Susan could answer, Mary said, “Yes. We have to use permanent color to get the deep saturation that we need. Is that acceptable to you, because …”

“Yep,” Sam quickly said. He didn’t want to raise any problems and take a chance of loosing his gig. The money was important to him, but as much as he would never mention it, he wanted to dress up in wedding dresses and model them for the camera.

“Then were done for today. See you girls next week.”

Mary left and Sam studied his current hairstyle in the mirror. In Sam’s mind it was formal, pretty and feminine. He liked it. Well he would have liked it if he was a girl. But he wasn’t. “I guess your decision on a dress for tonight has been made for you,” Lisa said, interrupting his thoughts.

After their fitting, Sam and Lisa were going to Grace and Eunice’s mansion for a red dress dinner party, and then spend the evening there. The next day they would go riding on the “big farm”. Back home, when they were packing for this trip, neither was sure how she (or he) would look after this fitting session. They both knew there was the chance that they would have a makeover and new hair style, but it was difficult to guess in advance what the photographer would do during that fitting. So both had brought two red dresses; one informal and one more dressy.

“Yeah, I guess so. You too.”

“Think you will be alright without your bra?”

“Sure, we have plenty of glue.”

“And if you wear that dress you won’t be wearing your corset.”

“I’m looking forward to that part.”

“Then let’s get going. Miss Eunice, we’ll follow you to the limo.”

They picked up their purses and followed Eunice out to the elevator and down to the parking garage where Eunice’s chauffeur, George was now waiting. Maggie had transferred all of their clothing into Eunice’s limo when she had dropped off the girls, so they were set for their trip to the Big Farm.

They settled in the back and George began the drive out to the old homestead. “Could everyone make it tonight?” Lisa asked Eunice.

“Amazingly, for once everyone will be there.”

“How many are coming then?”

“It will be Aunt Michelle’s full family, including little Tamara. You two and us makes an even dozen.”


Sam was in shock. He wasn’t expecting anyone else. In fact, he was positive that Lisa had promised him that it would just be the four of them. “Others will be there?” he asked.

“Yes. Miss Grace decided it would be nice to invite Michelle and her entire family too,” Eunice answered.

“Not just the four of us?”

“Nope, 12 of us. Is there a problem?” Eunice asked.

Sam was still too stunned to think straight. He leaned over to Lisa and whispered, “I can’t do this. You said no one else was coming.”

Lisa spoke loud enough for Eunice to hear, “Miss Grace thought it would be a great opportunity for me to begin introducing you to the family.”

“The family? But I can’t! Not tonight!”

“Why not?”

“Look at me,” he said in a continued whisper. “I’m dressed as a girl. They can’t meet me like this”

“Why not?”

“Because … because I’m not a girl. I’m a boy! They’ll think I’m gay or some kind of a weirdo.”

“No they won’t. Think for a second, if you were gay you wouldn’t be dating me, and I certainly wouldn’t be dating you. They know better than that.”

“Then they’ll just assume I’m a tranny or transsexual or something. I’ll look ridiculous to them. They’ll laugh at me. What are they going to think of me? I’m a sissy?”

“Sweetie, don’t worry. They already know all about you. I’m sure Gloria already gave them all of the stories from the dinner party and the ski trip.”

“The ski trip? They know I dressed as a girl to go skiing?”

“I’m sure they do. If mom knows, that means Gloria spilled the beans. And they won’t think you dressed up as a girl just to go skiing. They’ll think the same thing as mom.”

“That I faked being a girl so I could go to bed with you?”


“Oh that’s just great. I’m a tranny and a cad. I’ll be lucky if the guys don’t take me out back and beat the ever loving crap out of me.” Sam was beginning to blubber just a little.

“Samantha, relax. Take a deep breath and listen. It’s ok. Everyone knows about you and me and they want to meet the guy … the BOY … that I’m dating. They have heard some wonderful things about you. They know how much you sacrificed to go to that party with me. They already know what a special and wonderful fellow you are.

“As far as us spending the night together, we are an enlightened family. Mom just wants us to be careful, that’s all. And don’t worry about the guys taking you out back and beating you up, everyone there will be wearing a red dress, just like you.”

“There aren’t any men coming?”

“Everyone will be wearing a red dress, just like you,” she repeated. Of course there would be men there. Sam still didn’t understand the situation in the Hawthorne family and matriarchy. Clues would be put right in front of him, like Maggie and Eunice, and he would continue to miss them. Sam continued to think in the same old paradigms about boys and girls, men and women, husbands and wives. The idea that things could be different from what he knew had never crawled into his brain. But he would get there, sooner or later.

Sam thought a few more minutes. “And everyone in your family wants to see me dressed as a girl? Isn’t that odd?”

“Not at all, Samantha. They’ve all heard what a beautiful girl you make. They want to see for themselves. All the girls are curious to see what a pretty girl you can be. Trust me, they really want to see the beautiful Samantha. And they are not going to be disappointed. With your new hairstyle and makeover, and with that awesome dress of yours, they will be amazed at how pretty you can be. Amazed!

“Now relax and stop worrying. I can’t wait to get there and show off my trophy boyfriend to my family. They are going to love you, Samantha. Love you!”

Sam still wasn’t convinced, and it showed on his face. It looked like he was going to pout … or maybe worse, vomit.

“Samantha, perhaps I can help explain a bit further,” Eunice offered. “These red dress affaires are a tradition in our family. There is only one very strict rule, you must wear a red dress with appropriate accessories. Miss Grace has only once made an exception. One of her granddaughters was 8 months pregnant at one of these parties, so Miss Grace magnanimously allowed her to wear a two piece dress with heels less than 2 inches in height.

“Because of the red dress rule, there will be no husbands or boy friends there, with one notable exception of course,” and she motioned towards Sam. “So the girls are allowed to invite a partner to join them. Their partners can be referred to by several titles; hand maiden, concubine or if the girl is unmarried, courtesan.

“And as far as you wearing a red dress for the others to see, you have already achieved legendary status in the family. Grandmothers will be telling their granddaughters the Samantha story for generations to come. It is almost a fable on par with Cinderella.”


In a narrative tone of voice, Eunice began, “The beautiful boy Sam, in order to prove his love and devotion to his betrothed Lisa, agrees to spend weeks training to be a girl and save the family from economic ruin. That’s the romantic part. He does this at the behest of the family matriarch Miss Grace, who must beg for this immense favor — and that’s the compelling part. Sam agrees to become Samantha so that the family can preserve a crucial and important contract that will insure the family’s economic survival. Samantha dedicates herself to this endeavor, working day and night to transform herself into a beautiful debutante. At the dinner party the neophyte girl successfully demonstrates her total and complete transformation into a Hawthorne girl, by slapping away the crude advances of a sinister senator, thus preserving the dignity and integrity of the family name. And she saves us from economic ruin.

“It is such a compelling story, that some poetic license has already begun creeping into the story. You’re a heroine, Samantha,” Eunice said with a big grin. “And the girls all want to meet our heroine. So, you can see that it is necessary that you be that beautiful and charming Samantha tonight.”

“Oh,” was all that Sam could utter.

“I’m a legend?” he thought to himself. “The entire family knows about me dressing as a girl and that’s why they now want to meet me? This can’t possibly get any more bizarre. This is like something out of the Twilight Zone.”

Once they arrived, they were shown to their separate boudoirs for changing, even before Miss Grace greeted them. She wanted to wait until they were dressed. Lisa went to Sam’s room and helped him correctly place and glue on his larger breast forms, before she finished dressing in her room. She returned to Sam’s room to help him finish, but all that was left to apply was his perfume. Sam was already wearing his evening gown.

“Holy cow!” Lisa uttered. “What a dress! With your hair and make up, you look … you just LOOK, girl! Wow!”

“Do you like it?” Sam asked innocently.

Lisa gave him a careful hug. “Remember that trophy boy I wanted to show off? You make him look like a tramp,” and she gave him a lipless kiss on his cheek, being careful not to leave any lipstick.



Sam was wearing a truly stunning dress. The feature of the dress was a low back with butterfly draping and a low sash hanging to the back of his knees. The top was ruched with a high neckline and straps that wrapped over the shoulder before flowing into loose draping down either side of the bare back. The dress had a built in cummerbund with a strong internal strap that could be pulled tight in the back, below the open back. The waist could be pulled in tight for a flattering figure with this belt, and it was hidden by the flowing sash.

Lisa stepped behind Sam and tightened his cummerbund belt. “See, I told you you would need those 4 inch heels. Look how you’re dragging on the ground without them.”

“Can’t have that,” Sam said. “You paid way too much money for me to ruin this dress.”

“I would have paid ten times as much to see you wear this dress to a party. So how do you feel in it? Are you nervous without a brassiere?”

“Not really. The top of this dress holds you tighter than I remember at the fitting. And can I tell you a secret?” he whispered. Lisa nodded her head and leaned in close to Sam, “I like not wearing my corset.”

Lisa smiled and stroked her courtesan up and down on his bare arm. “Don’t get too used to it. You know you have to wear that corset full time. And by the way, I was surprised to hear Susan say you needed a tighter one. That’s great. It means you’ve lost a few inches. Have you lost any weight?”


“How much?”

Sam looked aghast. “There are some things that a girl must not share … with anyone,” he said with mock seriousness.

“You amaze me, Samantha. Come, let’s go present you to Miss Grace. I think she will be most pleased.”

Hand in hand, Lisa and Sam walked downstairs, looking for Miss Grace. They found her in the sitting parlor. “Lisa, welcome,” Miss Grace said enthusiastically as she exchanged air kisses with Lisa. “You will be happy to hear that Jennifer has already arrived with your horses. You are all set for riding tomorrow.” Lisa gave her grandmother a big smile.

Then Miss Grace turned her attention to Sam. “Samantha, you look absolutely stunning. Even more beautiful than I remembered. That dress is magnificent. And I love your hair. The girls did a wonderful job with it.” Miss Grace and Sam then exchanged their air kisses. “I know how you like expensive jewelry, so I have something here for you to wear this evening.” She picked up a large velvet box from the nearest table. “I’m not sure if the necklace will work with that dress. I think your neckline is too high, but let’s take a look.”

Sam opened the box and found bright red, sparkling jewels. “Rubies?” he asked. Miss Grace nodded. “May I ask a question?”


With a smirk on his face he asked, “Is all of your jewelry so expensive?”

With a perfectly straight face, Miss Grace answered, “Jewelry is a girl’s best friend. It can turn even the drabbest outfit into one fit for a princess. And as long as you are going to wear jewelry, it might as well be expensive jewelry. Don’t you agree? Please put on your earrings first.”

They were drop earrings with small rubies and gold settings. Sam gladly slipped them on. “Let’s try this next, please turn around Samantha,” and Miss Grace clasped a gaudy gold and ruby encrusted necklace around him. She took one look at Sam and announced, “Nope. As soon as I saw this divine dress I knew the necklace wouldn’t work. But do try the bracelets.” Lisa helped Sam snap them on his wrist. They were a little tight, but they would be acceptable.

“There you go Samantha. Now you are complete. Lisa, would you take Samantha on a tour of the house and grounds? Please return no sooner than 7:10. I would like to formally present you to the family. And have George take a picture of the two of you. I want a picture of Samantha for my scrapbook. Now shoo.”

When they were out of earshot, Sam asked, “A formal presentation?”

“You know, like at mom’s dinner party. George will announce us when we enter the room. I should explain a few things for you, so you are prepared. Miss Grace has invited Aunt Michelle and her entire family. Aunt Michelle is mom’s older sister. She has 3 daughters, Janice, Lydia and Gloria. You’ve met Gloria.

“When George introduces us, he will introduce you as my courtesan. If you were to look up the word in a modern day dictionary it wouldn’t have a very nice definition. We use the word in its old context. In the old days, when families of stature and substance had a dinner party, the women were required to have an escort. If the woman was unmarried, her escort was referred to as a courtesan. If married, her escort was a concubine. And older, married women had a hand maiden accompany them.”

None of this was exactly true, but it did sound plausible to Sam. And it was time for Sam to be introduced to the proper nomenclature used throughout the Hawthorne matriarchy.

“Since neither you nor I are married, you will be introduced as my courtesan. And since there are no husbands at this party, the other women will have escorts that go by similar titles. Miss Grace’s escort will be her hand maiden Eunice, (and vice versa).” There was no vice versa, but Sam was not yet ready for too much information. “Aunt Michelle’s escort will be her hand maiden. Usually she brings Donna with her.

“If Gloria brings someone, it will be her courtesan. Gloria is Michelle’s youngest daughter. Her oldest daughter is Janice and she is married, so her escort, who I am told is Gisela, will be her concubine. And the same for the middle girl, Lydia. Her concubine tonight is Tricia.

“Got it?”

“I caught Michelle, Gloria, Miss Grace and Miss Eunice. The rest I missed.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll figure them out before the evening is over I’m sure.”

“I’m your courtesan, right? You said if I looked up courtesan in a dictionary it would have a bad meaning. Like what?”

“The word has been bastardized over the years until now it means prostitute. But you’re no prostitute.”

“That’s for sure. And if I was I would be called a gigolo.”

By shear happenstance they had reached a full length mirror in one of the upstairs halls. Lisa pulled Sam in front of the mirror and said, “Look at that beautiful girl. No way could that girl ever be a gigolo. Samantha dear, if I were to pay you, you would be a very high priced prostitute.”

Sam took the bait, “How high priced?”

“Oh wow. That’s a tough call. I don’t know the going rates and all, since I’ve never hired a high priced prostitute before. But if I had to fork over some money to you, I would have to pay at least … fifty dollars.”

“Fifty dollars?” Sam said with mock incense. “That’s an insult!”

“Fifty dollars a second.”

Oh. Well let’s see, that would come to …”

Lisa quickly did the math, “18,000 dollars an hour. And I would hire you for a full night my little courtesan.”

Sam gave her a big smile and said, “It still seems a little low, but I might work for such a small pittance, as long as it was you.” They reached for each other’s hand, and continued their tour in physical contact.

Sure enough, when they entered the room, George announced, “Presenting Lisa Hawthorne and her courtesan Samantha Springer.”

And then the other introductions and greetings began. Gloria was alone, explaining she had just returned from skiing and didn’t have time to invite anyone. Miss Grace introduced Sam to Lisa’s Aunt Michelle and her hand maiden Donna. Sam could see the similarity between Miss Michelle and Miss Mona, but Miss Michelle was much friendlier. Miss Michelle introduced her second daughter Lydia and Lydia’s concubine Tricia. Lydia was very pleasant, but a rather plain girl. She was dressed very nicely and her makeup and hair were nice enough, but compared to everyone else, she didn’t impress Sam all that much. Lydia’s escort Tricia was much prettier than Lydia, but she said very little.

Sam might have had second thoughts concerning his harsh assessment of Miss Lydia if he had been presented with the whole truth. Miss Lydia was not only Miss Michelle’s second daughter, but she was also Miss Michelle’s first post-operative transsexual son. Like Harriet, Lydia had been born with an unfortunate, but correctable, disadvantage. The day she had first left the hospital for her home, she had begun her life-long transition into a Hawthorne girl. A transition much more complete and thorough than Sam’s would be. Sam would keep his outside plumbing.

One couple was not yet present. Shortly after Lisa and Sam arrived, George announced, “Presenting Janice Hawthorne and her concubine Gisela.” As the couple entered the room Sam’s mouth dropped open. Before him was the most beautiful woman Sam had ever seen in person. Janice looked very nice in her red halter dress and long flowing hair, but on her arm was a goddess. Sam would not have any trouble remembering her name; Gisela.

Her curvaceous body exuded movie star quality, charm and femininity as she eloquently strolled in with Janice. She looked like she belonged on a Hollywood red carpet. Her low cut dress and push up bra exposed large and beautiful globes of flesh with magnificent cleavage. She was at least a C cup girl. From her breasts down her body curved into the tiniest waist he had ever seen, and then out into full hips which swayed seductively as she walked towards Sam.

Her short dress exposed beautiful legs, encased in shiny satin stockings and ending in 3 inch open toed heels. She placed one foot in front of the other like a runway model, as she walked. Sam had never in person seen a girl with such a sexy and seductive walk.

Her bare arms wore gold bracelets that clinked as she swung her arms in stride with her swaying hips. Her fingertips literally sparkled with a red polish infused with glitter. And on each hand she wore one giant diamond ring.

But what truly made Gisela the most beautiful woman in the world was her face. She had the largest, greenest eyes that Sam could have possibly imagined. Those eyes and her large pouty red lips were offset by the whitest, most perfect complexion imaginable. If Sam had seen her picture in a magazine he would have been convinced she had been photoshopped. Her nose was small and perfectly contoured, she had high cheek bones and her brows were arched, but not too narrow.

Gisela’s hair was long and blond and was pulled back and woven into French braids along each side of her head, then brought together in back to form a double twist. With her hair pulled away from her face, her thin, long neck was exposed, offsetting her perfectly proportioned, goddess-like figure. A beautiful diamond pendant earring hung from each lobe, as if a sparkling flake of snow had been placed there by Mother Nature.

Lisa nudged Sam to close his mouth. Miss Janice stepped up to Sam and exchanged air kisses, then welcomed him to the family. Sam thanked her. Then it was Gisela’s turn. As they hugged Sam took a deep breathe and inhaled Gisela’s exotic fragrance. If angels had a fragrance, this must be it. Sam was at a loss for words after they hugged and exchanged kisses. But Gisela was not, and when her beautiful lips parted to speak, Sam was amazed with her perfectly shaped and brilliant white teeth. Nothing about this girl was too small or insignificant for Sam to notice, and that include her voice. And her voice was … not perfect. She had a beautiful sing-song lilt as she spoke, and the tenor of her voice was exactly what Sam would have expected. But she had a guttural or husky tenor to her voice that didn’t sound quite perfect. She sounded just a little like Samantha … on a good day. On Gisela it sounded sexy. But on Sam it sounded fake.

“We have all heard so much about Miss Lisa’s boy friend, and now it is a real pleasure to finally meet you, Samantha. You make a beautiful courtesan for Miss Lisa. I love your dress. And I am going to guess that those earrings belong to Miss Grace.”

“Yes they do.”

“I thought so. You make them look better than I have ever seen them.”

“Thank you.”

“Welcome to our family. I hope we can talk some more later,” and she followed Janice off to greet her mother-in-law.

“Oh my God, I hope so too,” Sam thought to himself. Sam had been smitten by the most beautiful woman to ever grace the Hawthorne family. Gisela had that affect on boys … and girls.

The cocktails were served and all conversation centered on Lisa. With Sam on her arm, she recounted the now famous dinner party where the beautiful Samantha had debuted. Sam received so many compliments, that his male persona easily faded away beneath his now comfortable and graceful, feminine exterior.

While everyone looked at Sam, he looked at Gisela. Whenever he accidentally caught her eye, she would smile at him, and he would melt beneath her slightest gaze. Sam just could not believe how beautiful this woman … no goddess … truly was. Miss Grace even noticed Sam’s infatuation with Gisela, but she forgave Samantha his trespasses. Gisela invoked that response in everyone. Everyone!

Dinner was delicious and the conversation was interesting and stimulating, and even a bit titillating at times. It was after all, a gathering of adults.

At the conclusion of dinner, everyone adjourned to the sitting parlor for continued conversation and camaraderie. Sam eventually achieved his evening goal, a one-on-one conversation with Gisela. It would give him an opportunity to ogle her, while pretending conversation. Even though Sam had loosened up a little around Gisela, he still could do nothing more than pretend to be conversant with her. He could blubber, but talking was more difficult.

And Gisela knew this. She had had this affect on way too many boys to pretend she didn’t understand how potent an affect she had on them. And she enjoyed playing with them. Sam asked her what she did and she replied, “Whatever Miss Janice tells me to do.”

Sam was stupefied. “I mean what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a kept concubine,” she said with no trace of humor or sarcasm in her voice.

“Uhm …”

“I’m a stay at home nanny. I take care of Miss Janice’s two beautiful children,” she offered with a smile, as if she were done teasing Sam.

Across the room another conversation was starting. Lisa walked up to Grace, wrapped her arms around one of Grace’s arms and snuggled up tight to her. She laid her head on Grace’s shoulder and said, “Grandmother, can I ask you a question?”

“Certainly, my dear.”

The two stood snuggled next to each other and looked at Samantha and Gisela talking to each other. They watched for several moments before Lisa asked, “Isn’t he beautiful?”

Miss Grace was looking at the two boys and she assumed Lisa was talking about her boy. “Yes he is, Lisa. You know, he has something about him that I find very remarkable. His movements are so fluid and feminine. He’s almost sinuous. The boy acts like he was born to wear a dress like that. I think even you would agree that Gisela is the most beautiful boy ever sent to grace our family. But Gisela is about 23 or 24 I think. And how is old is Samantha?”


“Eighteen. He is so young and he has a lot of growing to do. But I see potential on par with Gisela. And that is saying a lot.”

“I think he will be even prettier,” Lisa said proudly.

“You might be right, Lisa dear. He still has a lot of training ahead of him. And of course he’ll need some cosmetic surgery. Real breasts and wider hips will make that dress literally come alive.

“But even with surgery I doubt he will equal Gisela in one very important category. How is your boy hung?”

Lisa turned red. “Grandmother!” she squealed in a scandalous voice.

“My dear granddaughter, you know it is true. Gisela is the best hung boy to ever grace this family. And that includes Maggie’s entire harem.”

“How do you know, grandmother?” Lisa teased.

“From her wedding shower. Don’t forget, during her initiation into our family I tie on her ceremonial bow. Trust me, I know. I have been there; up close and personal,” she said with a grin.

“Don’t you find it interesting that the two most beautiful boys in our family were delivered to us not by Maggie or Eunice, but found independently by Janice and you? Obviously you two have quite an eye for pretty boys. Finding such potential takes a keen eye indeed sweet girl.

“Now Lisa , I don’t think the question you wanted to ask me is “Ain’t he the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen?” I think you had a more serious question in mind. Am I correct?”

“Of course grandmother.” Lisa gave Miss Grace’s arm a tighter hug and she began, “Mother is worried about how I am handling Samantha. She thinks that I am having too much sex with him. She says that if I overdo it, he might become satisfied with the amount he has had, and that will allow him to break away from me. Mom thinks I need to parcel out sex very slowly to keep him hungry and frustrated so that he holds on hoping to get more.”

Lisa paused, having set her premise, and Miss Grace totally understood. “True Lisa. It is one of those things that we have learned over the years. But remember, every boy is slightly different. No single rule is inviolable or all encompassing. You must know your individual boy.”

“Exactly, and I think I know Samantha. I understand mother’s point and I respect her experience and authority. But I think I already have him. Or at least I am very close.” Lisa paused and looked at Samantha. She caught his eye and he smiled at her. “But he is so beautiful in that dress with that hair that I really, really want to take him tonight. And I don’t know what to do.”

“Are you asking me for permission to take your boy to bed tonight and have sex with him? Against your mother’s best advice?”

Lisa slumped just a bit. “Yes I guess I am. I am asking for your advice.”

Miss Grace patted Lisa on the hand. “My dear girl, the good Lord put this boy here before you at this time and in this place for a reason. He has a plan for the two of you, and that is why you have been presented with this wonderful opportunity. That is why this boy’s future has been delivered into your hands. And in your hands the important decisions are placed. Not your mother’s. You must decide. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Lisa said quietly. She had been hoping for something a little different from her grandmother.

Miss Grace squeezed Lisa’s arm and said, “But if it were up to me, I would tell all of my girls to never pass up an opportunity to enjoy their gifts. You may lose him tomorrow for some totally unanticipated and unforeseeable reason. I personally would take him to my bosom and enjoy his youthful beauty and stamina. I would ride him hard and put him up wet!”

“Grandmother!” Lisa giggled.

“And if I were twenty years younger I would do the same with Gisela. She is without a doubt that most beautiful boy I have ever laid my eyes upon.”

“Why don’t you? If you mentioned that you desire Gisela, Janice would readily offer him to you. She can’t refuse you grandmother. You know that.”

“Yes, I know. But you need to realize that just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should. Gisela belongs to Janice and even though I am entitled to her concubine, I don’t think it appropriate to take her. I am sure that she hasn’t been with anyone but Janice. And besides, I have my distractions from Maggie’s stable.”

“No, that’s not true about Gisela. Mother took Gisela with her to Miami last fall.”

“Your mother took Gisela?” Grace was truly surprised. “Has she taken anyone else?”

“I am pretty sure that she has also taken Gail and Tricia traveling with her.” Gail was the concubine of her cousin Karin, daughter of Aunt Serena.

“Even Tricia?” Miss Grace was now very surprised. Tricia was the wife and female concubine of Lydia, Michelle’s male daughter. Taking and using the pretty male concubines of her nieces was one thing, but taking a female was just not done. “She takes too much. You can thank your mother when your aunts Michelle and Serena ask for Samantha.”

Lisa released Miss Grace’s arm and stepped back. “Do you think they will?”

“My children have always been competitive. They will ask, and you must comply. I wouldn’t be surprised if your Aunt Joyce jumps into this also.”

“Even Aunt Serena? Miss Grace, Samantha is not ready to be taken by Aunt Serena,” she complained. Lisa had reason to be concerned. Aunt Serena was Miss Grace’s second daughter, and also her first post operative transsexual son. In some families, Serena would have been called uncle.

“Serena will wait until an appropriate time, I will make sure of that. But when she asks, you cannot turn her down. Those are the family rules. Your mother took Serena’s daughter-in-law, and Serena will reciprocate.” Miss Grace slowly shook her head, “Damn Mona!”

“Oh Miss Grace,” Lisa whined.

“Maybe if I also take Gisela I could stop this. But I doubt it. No, that would be shear folly. That would set off a free-for all. I’ll try to put a stop to this Lisa. For you and especially for Samantha, I will try.”

But Miss Grace wasn’t sure how she was going to accomplish it.

At the end of the evening Lisa and Samantha walked hand in hand up the stairs. They reached Sam’s room and walked right past it. “Where are you taking me?” he asked suspiciously. They reached Lisa’s room and she turned backwards and took both of Sam’s hands, then began walking backwards into her room, pulling Sam along. “Lisa?”

She pulled Sam into the center of the room where she stopped. She stepped up to Sam and placed her arms around his neck and pulled him forward for a careful kiss. “You are the most stunningly beautiful creature I have ever seen, Samantha. I spent all night staring at you, and I just got hornier and hornier, wetter and wetter. I want you more than anything I have ever wanted in my entire life.”

Sam pushed back just a little, “I want you too, Lisa. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. But your mother; if she finds out, not only are we over, but I’m probably dead. And we’re in your grandmother’s house to boot. Miss Mona will find out. She finds out everything,” he complained.

“Don’t worry. We have permission. I talked with grandmother, and she will make sure that mom never finds out.”

“You talked about this with Miss Grace?” he asked scandalously.

“I promised that we would only have oral sex. I can’t wait to have you between my legs dear sweet Samantha. And in return, I will give you that … full … blow job that you have wanted.” She flashed a sexy and naughty smile at Sam.

“You are one awesome girl, Lisa.”

“Yes I am. And so are you.” Lisa again wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck and gave him a kiss with a little more pressure.” She released him and said, “I don’t want to mess your lipstick too much … yet.” She stepped behind him and began loosening the cummerbund strap on his dress.

“Well, if we ever come back for another red dress party I know which dress to wear. Everyone loved this dress. I received tons of compliments.” Sam kicked off his heels as Lisa was unfastening his dress.

“Did you enjoy the compliments?”

“Yeah, I did. Who doesn’t like to be complimented, no matter what kind of clothes you’re wearing?”

“Of course, but if we do this again, you can’t wear this dress.”

“Why not?”

“Because you can’t wear the same dress twice to the same event.”

“Why not?”

“Because it just isn’t done. It is fashion suicide.”

“But isn’t it wasteful?”

“You might want to wear it to some other event, where the same people aren’t in attendance, but not here. You might consider it to be a little wasteful, but remember we can afford to buy you a new dress anytime we want.

“And it’s not without precedent, Samantha. Certainly you realize that a girl never wears her wedding dress twice.”

“I guess. This girl stuff is way too complicated for an ordinary boy. I can’t wait until school is over.”

“Until school is over? Why?”

“Because then I won’t have to pretend I’m a girl anymore and I can go back to dressing normal.”

Lisa stroked Sam’s back and enjoyed his soft skin. To herself she said, “But this is the new normal, sweetheart. From now on this is how you are going to dress, for the rest of your effeminate and emasculated life.”

Lisa turned him around and said, “Bring me two hangars.” Sam handed the hangers to Lisa. “Now, please remove your dress and let’s hang it up.”

“What should I do about my hair?”

“Leave it up my beautiful boy. I can’t wait to have that sexy hair peaking over my loins as you go down and caress my clitoris with that talented tongue of yours.”

Sam removed his dress and Lisa placed it on one of the hangers. She handed the dress and extra hanger to Sam, and seductively removed her dress. “This is how you remove a dress; slowly and affectionately. Remember, you love the dress and the dress loves you.” She placed her dress on the extra hanger then gave Sam both dresses. “Please hang those up, my pretty courtesan.”

Lisa removed Sam’s panties, stockings and all of his silky lingerie. His penis was waving in the air, throbbing and pulsating with every heartbeat. Lisa dropped Samantha’s brassier over his penis and left it hanging there. While Sam quietly watched Lisa, Lisa watched the brassier gently bounce with the pulsing of Sam’s penis. She smiled at the incongruity of the scene. She appreciated seeing the dichotomy of a female’s most feminine undergarment and its placement upon the most masculine anatomy of a male. And both belonged to the same person; her girly boy and courtesan. Lisa removed the brassier and dropped it on the floor, then stroked his penis and asked, “Samantha, what did you think of Gisela?”

“I don’t know,” he said noncommittally. “She seems to be a nice girl.”

Lisa knew that Sam was infatuated with her. Heck, everyone was infatuated with Gisela. “Do you think she is pretty?” Lisa was teasing him. There was no way that Sam could safely answer this question.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Do you think she is well endowed?” Lisa asked as she gazed at Sam’s penis and stroked it once more. It was a trick question and Lisa was proud of herself. When Sam answered, there would be no way that he could know she was referring to Gisela’s cock.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Would you like to be that well endowed?” she asked with an enigmatic smile.

“I’m not a girl,” Sam protested.

“But if you were a girl, would you like to be like her?” Lisa flicked his penis one more time, and smiled cleverly.

Sam was getting the idea. Lisa was going to tease him with embarrassing questions while plying his cock with little tweaks. “If I were a girl I would want to be just like you.”

“Oh how sweet of you,” she said as she stroked his cock again. She cupped Sam’s testicles and looked in his eyes. “If you were a girl, I would want you to be just like Gisela, and as well endowed.” She squeezed his testicles and he almost yelled out. He flinched severely and Lisa let go. Acting as naively as possible she asked, “Did I hurt you?”


“I am sorry Samantha. Please put on a negligee while I strip down. I can’t wait any longer to put you between my thighs.”

“If we’re going to get naked, why do you want me to put on a negligee?” he asked.

“It’s part of the seduction and part of the fun. Negligees are sexy and they add not only to the tactile pleasure, but the visual pleasure as well. It’s fun to slowly pull a silky negligee over a pair of hypersensitive nipples, or even an ultra-sensitive cock head. It heightens the pleasure and the fun. Sex shouldn’t be slam, bam, thank you ma’am. Great sex is slow and seductive. It has rules and procedures. It requires a slow finger, a flick of the tongue, soft moist kisses and a breath of warm air. It should begin languorously and only at the climax should it become a frenzy of unbearable pleasure. Orgasms are powerful frenzies, but they are only a small part of the drama. The slow, seductive foreplay is what makes sex truly passionate.

“When performed properly, sex is art. And I want to teach you to become a maestro.”

“I am beginning to understand,” Sam said. “And that is why you wanted me to wear lipstick when we were on the plane, and why tonight you want me to leave my hair style intact. It’s the visual aspect of our passion.”

Lisa smiled warmly, “Yes, now you are starting to see. I watched a beautiful, sinuous and concupiscent girl all night and I became aroused to an unbearable state; my panties are soaked and my loins ache with anticipation. I don’t want to turn off the lights and lose that beautiful girl. I want to indulge myself in that beauty, in those feminine lips and eyes and curves and breasts and hair. I want to breathe in the scent of your perfume and musk and pheromones. I want you to flaunt your beauty, and allow me to caress and hold and saturate my senses in your very essence. You do understand, don’t you?”

“I think so.”

“And that is why I love you Samantha dear. The masculine gender is too harsh, too fast and too brutal to understand the joy of pure passion. But you bring a soft feminine grace to our love that allows our passion to transcend the normal boundaries of sexual stereotypes and artificial limits. We can truly revel in one another’s arms without regard to male and female, but rather with respect to one another.

“Follow me,” and she led him to the bed. “Place that beauty of yours between my legs and slowly bring me to nirvana, my exquisite princess, and I shall reciprocate with fellatio that only a satiated lover can provide.”

Sam smiled and said, “What can I say?”

“You can say what you should always say; yes Miss Lisa.” Sam giggled, but Lisa meant every word she said. She crawled on the king size bed and pushed several pillows up to the walnut headboard. She snuggled into the pillows in a half sitting position so that she could easily see her lover between her thighs. “Slide into your position Samantha, and wait a moment.” Sam took his place and looked at Lisa. “Place your hands under my buttocks. Now lift my sacrament to your lips. Give me your softest kiss and the softest touch of your tongue. Squeeze me just a bit and breathe in my fragrances. Take a deep breath and hold it in. Savor it. Close your eyes and breathe. Tell me what you smell.”


“Be more specific.”

“I don’t know the words to describe it. Moist. Warm. Sexy.”

“There you go my epicene beauty. Sexy. What else?”

Sam took another deep breath. “I’m not sure. Lust. But that’s my emotion.”

“No, you are correct. Lust belongs to me also. And you can smell it can’t you? You can’t put a name on the actual fragrance, the actual odor, but it smells like lust, doesn’t it?”

Sam was beginning to understand. “Sex, lust, desire, thirst. It makes me feel thirsty.”

“Then drink, but drink slowly. Pretend it is dew on a delicate fern and you must lick the dew carefully. Lick carefully dear boy.” Sam licked Lisa and she reached for his cheek. She slowly caressed the soft skin on his face and showed Sam how to be soft and slow. “Be gentle. Stop and sniff. Smell the dew. Do you still desire it?”

“With all my lust.”

“Then continue … slowly … higher now … slowly taste and savor my desire for you, but gently. Do not smear your lipstick, not yet. Just a bit of pressure, just a tiny lick of my epicenter now. Now my emotions and passion are being drawn to your tongue … your soft lips. Kiss me lover. Kiss me like a girl ... soft lips and don’t smear your lipstick. Yes, like a girl. Make love to my clit now. More tongue … slowly! … don’t be in a hurry, don’t let me be in a hurry. You must control my speed also.

“Now you may smear that love potion that you have on your ruby red lips my dear girl. Push in a little more … lean a bit heavier with your tongue … longer licks and heavier.” Lisa reached for both of his cheeks and caressed them towards her clit, urging him to move in tighter. She started raising and lowering her pelvis in rhythm with Sam’s licking. “Tighter … just a bit more … stop! … hold that position for just a moment … let me slow down … I feel wet, lick my juices. Slurp my juices. Push your lips between mine … color my lips red with your lipstick. Let me become one with you … let us share your symbol of femininity. Yes … good … now lick and again … flick … whooo … yes, once more … ooohhh … now with all your might … lick, suck, tongue, push and caress. Bring me to you Samantha, pull me to you. Lift, pull, tongue … aaaiiihhhh.”

Lisa’s hips and pelvis involuntarily heaved and slammed her vagina and pussy and clit into Sam’s mouth and tongue. Juices squirted from her vagina and coated Sam’s mouth and chin as she heaved into a god-almighty orgasm. She started to scream but quickly caught herself. She pushed and shoved and squeezed her shivering flesh against Sam’s face while waves of shear pain and delight washed over her and through her.

And finally it was over. She fell to earth, against a sheet that was wet with her lust and thirst. And Sam smiled at her. Lisa laughed. “What?” her lover asked.

“You look so silly … so used. Your lipstick is smeared all over your face. You look … you look … beautiful. My god you did wonderful. Now please, allow me a moment to rest. Lay your head on my tummy and caress me. You squeezed fingerprints into my ass. Let me recover for a quiet moment,” and she closed her eyes. Her hands found Sam’s curls and she caressed them.

“You feel so good lying here. With my eyes closed I can see your curls and your beautiful poise and posture … standing before me. You there … standing before me and my family tonight. Your red dress was so beautiful. It made you elegant and you made it sexy. When you turned away I stared at your bare back … so did everyone else. They were thinking, “Where did she find such a vision of beauty and grace?” and I was thinking, “How can I be so lucky?”

Lisa opened her eyes and looked at Sam. She pulled out one of Sam’s hair pins and unrolled his curl. “One down my thirsty courtesan.” She slid up so she was in more of a sitting position, and so she could easily watch Sam as he moved back between her thighs. “Now we can really slow down and enjoy our thirst. Take a deep breath and smell me. What do you smell now?” and she caressed his cheek.

Twice more, each time longer than the previous, Sam with his curls piled on top of his head, slowly and softly brought bliss to his mistress. And Miss Lisa was duly appreciative. After resting for the third time she announced, “And now dear Samantha, I shall endeavor to take control of your masculinity and bring you to my destination.”

They traded places and Sam blissfully fell against the stacked pillows. He was exhausted from the marathon service that he had provided to Lisa, but he was also bursting with anticipation of his realizing his own nirvana. His jaw ached and his cheeks felt raw from their constant brushing against Lisa’s prickly pubic hair. Satisfying a beautiful girl was hard work indeed.

But now Sam would reap his reward. Lisa moved down on Sam and rolled his negligee up his torso and left it pushed up against his silicone bust. Then she slid down to his hips and gently took his testicles in her hand. She squeezed gently and caressed his scrotum, feeling it tighten beneath her touch. She caressed the skin around his crotch and penis, the area where his pubic hair used to exist. “Samantha, your skin is prickly. You haven’t been keeping yourself shaved smoothly.” For a moment she thought of calling everything to an end. It would reinforce her control over Sam and leave him frustrated. It would be good for discipline. But she realized that she wanted to do this. “You will have to do a better job if you ever want me to do this again.”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t think we would be …”

“Don’t think. Anticipate. Anticipate the unanticipated. Please be ready for me.”

“Of course.” Of course if it meant sex, he would be ready. He would stay ready.

Lisa wrapped her hand around Sam’s throbbing penis and stroked him once. She knew that stroking with her hand would bring the boy to climax must faster than using just her mouth, lips and tongue. It could save a girl from lockjaw. But she realized that right now Sam didn’t need much stimulation. He was probably ready to blow with her first blow. She giggled to herself. Lisa slowly sucked the tip of his penis. She wanted his precum, and she spread it across the roof of her mouth. It didn’t have much taste, but she enjoyed its texture.

Then she licked his cock like an ice cream cone. Sam liked that, she could tell. She could also tell that he was loaded and ready to fire. She wasn’t ready yet, so she backed off for a moment and placed a kiss on his stomach. She caressed his balls for a short time, letting him relax from her single lick. Mt. St. Helens was ready to explode.

Lisa raised herself a little higher and lowered her mouth over his entire penis, trying to deep-throat him. But she knew that was a useless gesture, as he could barely reach her tonsils. She closed her lips tightly over his cock and began to stroke him up and down. She was prepared for his orgasm and ejaculate. Lisa wanted to taste it, to feel its texture and see if she could swallow it. She had heard so many stories from so many girls she wasn’t sure what to expect. Even her mother couldn’t adequately describe and prepare her for this moment.

She pressed her tongue against the side of his penis as she used her lips and mouth to stroke his epicenter. She could feel a tensing in his loins as the inevitable spasm prepared to burst out. “I’m going to cum,” Sam warned her. He had carried out his responsibilities to his benefactor, and nothing more was warranted. All he could do was hope that she would take him all the way. And that was Lisa’s intention. It might never happen again, it would depend solely on how Lisa enjoyed this moment in time, so enjoy it while you can, was his mantra.

Lisa held the base of Sam’s penis and slid her mouth up to the top to make room for his juices. She was as ready as she could be. Let him cum! And cum he did. In spite of his small endowment, Sam was able to produce a gusher of new flavors and strangely textured juices for Lisa. His first spasm was stronger than she anticipated and it spurted deep into her throat. She almost gagged, not from the volume but from the surprise. She tried to swallow but only half went down. And before she could swallow again, another load burst forth and filled her mouth. She bulged her cheeks to try and hold it all, while at the same time trying to swallow again. And then a third gusher issued forth from Sam’s miniature volcano.

This time she could no longer contain the growing volume of semen and she had to open her mouth. The semen flowed over her lips and down her chin, reaching Sam’s penis and smearing over his groin area. Another huge spasm and another gush of viscous fluid went flowing out her mouth and over his cock and scrotum and onto the bed sheets. She knew she couldn’t keep up, so she swallowed what remained in her mouth as she expelled Sam’s cock and drew away to let the next spurt fly onto Sam’s stomach.

Two more smaller spurts and Sam was done. Heaving and breathing heavily he collapsed into his pillows, unable to move or say anything. Lisa stroked Sam’s cock and watched additional semen flow slowly out of his tiny hole. Lisa was trying to collect her thoughts. She was trying to determine just exactly what had happened, and she was trying to decide if she liked any of it. She now knew why no one had been able to adequately prepare her for what to expect. The experience was indescribable. She licked her lips and thought about the tastes and textures and feelings she had just … enjoyed? … endured? She couldn’t decide; everything was just too new and raw.

She took a finger and wiped a stream of semen off Sam’s stomach and licked it off her finger while she looked at Sam. Sam began laughing at her. “What?” she asked.

“I don’t know who looks more used, you or me?” And he laughed again.

Lisa could only guess as to what she looked like, and she giggled also. She took 2 fingers and wiped Sam’s ejaculate from her chin. And that is when inspiration struck Lisa. She still hadn’t decided if she liked performing fellatio on Sam, but she would do it again. And she knew what else she would do. She slid up to Sam’s face and held her fingers under Sam’s nose.

“What do you smell?” she asked.

“I don’t know. It’s odd. Warm? Sticky?”

“Taste it. Lick it off my fingers,” and she placed her fingers in his open mouth. “Suck them. Taste them, and now tell me what you taste.”

Sam was surprised by Lisa’s maneuver. He never expected to taste his own semen, but he did what she asked. It was kind of kinky, but then Lisa was a kinky girl … and that was kind of fun. Sam licked her fingers and tasted his cum. He moved it around his mouth and thought.

“Well? What do you taste?” Not only was Lisa trying to tease and control Sam, but she was actually hoping he would help put words to the taste and smell, because she couldn’t.

“Man, I don’t know. New? Unique? Strange?”

“Not good enough,” she said. She reached down and wiped some more semen off his stomach and fed it to him. “Try harder,” she said lightly but firmly. She really wanted to know.

“Odd? It is different from anything I have ever tasted or smelled. Maybe salty? Bacon!”

“Don’t be a smart ass, little girl. Come on keep trying. I want to know.”

“I really can’t put it in words. The texture is easier. It’s smooth and silky. It coats the mouth smoothly, but smell … maybe a bit medicinal? Metallic? I give up.”

Lisa reached down to Sam’s stomach and smeared his semen all over his stomach. “Now it won’t drip. You have to take your negligee off by yourself, my hands are all gooey.”
Sam pulled his negligee over his head and tossed it on the bed. “Now come along, we need to clean you up.”

“And you too,” he giggled. Lisa loved his little giggle because it sounded so unmanly, and by contrast, so feminine.

They walked into the bathroom and stood side by side as they looked in the mirror. They both began giggling. “You look like a little girl who got hold of her mommy’s lipstick,” Lisa giggled.

Sam laughed. “Well you don’t look much better. Not only is your lipstick smeared, but it looks like you’ve been eating Vaseline.” They both laughed uproariously.

Their laughter died down and Lisa wrapped her arms around Sam. “I guess we don’t have to worry about smearing our lipstick,” and she kissed him with a world-class liplock.

“God you’re sexy,” Sam said. “I don’t think you have ever looked more beautiful or more sexy.”

A tear came to Lisa’s eye. “Samantha, I love you.” And she kissed him passionately again. Finally, after several moments she said, “Please go start the shower, but don’t get in. Wait for me.” Sam turned on the shower and adjusted the pressure and temperature. Lisa came over with a large jar of makeup remover, “Hold this,” and she handed the open jar to Sam. She scooped out a big glob and said, “Close your eyes,” then she smeared it all over his face and worked it into all of his pores, loosening his makeup and turning it into a soupy mess.

She took the jar from him and said, “You have to work by Braille.” Sam knew what to do, and he returned the favor. Lisa placed the jar on the floor and stepped into the shower with Sam, where they finished cleaning their faces.

Back in bed, they were both wearing silky negligees and had fluffy towels wrapped around their wet hair. Lisa rolled on top of Sam and stared into his eyes. “If I hadn’t made that promise to Miss Grace, I would fuck your brains out right now, Samantha darling.”

Sam didn’t particularly like having Lisa always call him by his female name. But he was getting used to it, and more importantly, he was getting sex! “I wish you didn’t make that promise either,” he smirked.

“So my little pretty, how did you like your blow job? Was that not the best blow job you have ever had?”

It was the only blow job he had ever received. Lisa knew that too. “God that was beautiful Lisa. I have to admit that I was a little surprised that you … you know … swallowed. I was sure that you would back off when I said I was cumming.”

Lisa gave him a little pout and asked, “Was I bad?”

Sam hugged her tightly and said, “Yeah, you were really bad.”


The next morning Lisa and Sam went riding. Lisa wore her usual jodhpurs, but she had something new for Sam. She gave Sam a riding skirt to wear. They looked pretty much like a normal skirt, but they were actually flared out pants. When standing, they gave the appearance of a skirt, but they allowed him to straddle a horse and ride comfortably. It was something new and Sam didn’t mind. He wore his normal blouse and boots.


Jennifer had arrived the previous day. She drove her pickup and pulled the horse trailer behind her. She brought Cinnamon, Abigail and her own palomino, Jesse. By the time Lisa and Sam reached the barn, Jennifer had the horses saddled and ready to go. Lisa took Sam for a tour of the farm, while Jesse and Jennifer practiced barrel racing.

They finished riding at noon and had a light salad before Maggie arrived to drive them back to school. Miss Grace gave Sam a big hug and kiss, then handed him a memory stick. “These are pictures of you in that heavenly dress. I hope you like them. Have a nice week,” and she sent the kids off with Maggie.

Lisa and Sam were cuddled in the back seat as Maggie began their drive. “Mary called yesterday, Samantha. She says you need to get micro-abrasion for your face. She said she
wants a cleaner and smoother look. I told Jill to set you up for after school tomorrow. Ok?”

“I guess. Is it a big deal?”

“No,” Lisa said. “It will take about an hour and your face will feel just a little raw and dry. Make sure to use the lotion she gives you. Otherwise, no big deal.”

“And don’t forget your laser appointment tomorrow morning. Mary wants you to work on your chest this week. She would like it as clean as a baby’s bottom.”


Monday afternoon, Sam was sitting in the library looking at his red dress pictures with Bill. Sam was telling Bill about his weekend. “This morning I went to my laser appointment. She said I didn’t have much to do on my face, but she spent almost an hour on my chest.”

“Is that how long it takes to laser your chest smooth?”

“I have two more appointments this week. So I suppose she will do more clean up work then. And then tonight I have a micro-abrasion appointment. She essentially sand papers the top layer of skin. It will leave my skin smoother with less noticeable blemishes. Or so I am told.”

“God, you are the luckiest guy on the face of this earth,” Bill said.

“I’m not so sure about that. But I do have to admit, this has been the most interesting month of my entire life. I don’t see how it can get much weirder. But if this is what I have to do to get laid, well …” and he smiled lasciviously.

“I understand how you got where you are Samantha, and I really envy you. I wish I could be you, for even a day. Even a single day would be magnificent. But you get to do this all of the time, full time. How do you like being a full time girl?”

That question really hit home. “How do I feel?” Sam thought. “And what do I tell him? The truth, I guess. We’ve been honest so far. But can I be honest to myself?”

“That’s really two questions, Bill,” Sam began. “First off I don’t consider myself a girl. I’m not a girl. I’m just a guy that is dressing up like a girl so I can spend more time with a real girl. So if you are asking if I like to be a full-time girl, I don’t. I don’t want to be a girl.

“But on the other hand, when all this started I decided that I would give Lisa my best effort. Since then, I’ve been forced into the real world and if you don’t pass there, you can get beat up or worse. So it is even more important that I try to be as good as possible. And as I try to remain alive,” and he chuckled softly, “I find that I want to look good and be passable. Not only to survive, but to … to look pretty and maybe even … maybe even enjoy it?

“I’m not sure that’s the right sentiment … enjoying this, but its odd Bill. When I’m dressed as a girl I want to do more than just pass, and stay alive. I want to be pretty. I want to attract attention from the boys, even though I’m scared to death of one approaching me. And when I feel that I’m pretty, then I enjoy this. I do enjoy being dressed like a girl, but not necessarily being a girl.

“Do you understand what I’m saying? What I mean?”

“Yeah, I think so. You don’t want to be a girl, and you don’t consider yourself to be a girl; not like those guys that say they were born a girl in a guy’s body.”


“But you like dressing up and being pretty and attractive. Right?”

“Sort of. When I have to dress as a girl, I try to be attractive and pretty.”

“I really envy you Samantha Springer. I wish I could dress up and look like you.”

Friday morning Sam went to his laser appointment, and then Jill drove him to class.
He wore a really cute sweater and skirt outfit. Lisa and he had found it while shopping


earlier in the week. It had a black form-fitting knit sweater with a V neckline. But there was a layer of shear black lace under the V, and at the bottom of the V was a black bow. The skirt was a black and white, wool plaid with a fringe at the waist and the hem. And to accessorize he wore black thigh high stockings and black knee-high boots with 2 and  ½ inch heels. With his corset pulled to its maximum tightness, and his hip padding, he had some nice curves. On top he wore his large breast forms with a lacy black brassiere, but the forms weren’t glued. He would be going “small” during his weekend modeling gig.

Maggie picked up the “girls” a little early and rushed them straight back to D.C. There was no dawdling allowed, because Sam had an appointment with the company doctor. Before he could work as an intern for the summer, he had to have a physical. Sam was nervous about dressing as a girl to go see a doctor, but Lisa and Maggie had calmed his concerns. It was the same doctor that had given him his collagen injections for his lips. Maggie assured Sam that this doctor knew the true score. And in fact she did. She knew even more than Sam.

Sam was treated as any other girl when he reached the doctor’s office, except there was no waiting for the doctor. Sam was considered a Hawthorne, and he received preferential treatment. He was immediately sent to an examination room where his nurse took the usual temperature, pulse, blood pressure measurements, and drew some blood. When completed with the preliminaries, the nurse handed Sam a gown to change into and then left the room. The doctor arrived almost immediately and asked Sam a series of questions about his medical history, then checked his heart, reflexes and the other usual items. Then things turned towards the bizarre.

“I’d like to give you a gynecological exam today, Samantha. Would you please sit on the couch.” It wasn’t a request.

Sam had never seen a gynecological exam table before, but he knew immediately what it was. “Are you sure, doctor?”

“Yes, Samantha. I want to examine your scrotum and penis.” Sam took his seat and the doctor pulled out some stirrups from the side of the couch, “Please place your legs in these.” With a ton of apprehension Sam complied. “This won’t hurt, I just want to look around and take a few measurements. She felt his scrotum and his testicles and almost sent Sam through the roof more than once. The doctor was not gentle with his balls.

Then she took out calipers and rings and measured everything. Everything! She even stroked Sam to give him an erection, then slid a series of different size rings over his penis, to measure its diameter. She also measured his length twice; once with an erection and once without.

“I need to check your prostate and then I need a sample of your semen.” She placed a bottle on his stomach and then maneuvered the tip of his penis into the end. “Please hold your penis in the bottle please. Don’t let it slip out. I need to catch as much semen as possible,” she said clinically. Sam was watching the activity and he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had never had a physical like this before.

The doctor put on a latex glove and then squirted a little KY jelly on the fingers. “I will be sliding my fingers up inside you. As I push, please bear down as if you were taking a bowel movement. Now.” Sam pushed and she quickly slid her finger inside of him. “I’m feeling your prostate and making sure it is healthy.” She felt around for a minute then announced, “Everything feels good. Now relax while I milk your prostate. It will feel odd, maybe a bit unusual, but there will be no pain.”

Sam wondered what she meant by that terminology, milk your prostate? The doctor slid her finger in and out and Sam could feel a little bit inside his rear, but she was right, there was no pain or anything. But he wasn’t looking forward to having to masturbate for her. At least he thought he would do the act, he hoped she wasn’t going to do it for him. As he looked at the ceiling and thought about what was coming next, an odd feeling arose inside him. It almost felt like … like he was going to … ejaculate. Semen started leaking from his penis and flowing into the bottle.

“Hold that bottle and try to catch all of it, please.”

“My god!” he thought. “I’m coming. How?” And to make the situation even odder, he kept cumming. The doctor kept milking him and he kept flowing into the bottle. He didn’t feel any pleasure, there was no orgasm, and the ejaculate didn’t even spurt out. It just kept flowing. He almost filled the bottle before she stopped.

“That should do it,” she announced and withdrew her finger from his ass. She threw her glove in the waste bin then asked for the bottle. She handed him a Kleenex and said. “You can clean up. As soon as you are dressed you can leave. It was nice seeing you Samantha.” They shook hands and the doctor disappeared out the door with her bottle of Sam’s semen.

And that was the end of another perfectly bizarre encounter in the life of Samantha. He should have been used to it by now, but how could you get used to things like that?

His physical had been in the doctor’s office located in the Hawthorne Building, so he rode the elevator down to the first floor and walked to the salon. “Hello Samantha, welcome. Susan will be right with you,” Florence said. Sam handed his purse to Florence and she placed it behind the counter.

Lisa was in a styling chair and she waved at Sam, “Samantha! Over here.” Sam walked over to Lisa and said hi. “How did the physical go?”

“Ok.” Weird he thought, but said nothing. “I guess everything is ok.”

“Great. Time to start getting pretty.”

Susan snuck up behind him and patted him on the rear, “Hi Samantha.” Sam jumped when she patted him. Susan laughed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you all right?”

“Sure, you just startled me.”

“Something to drink?” Sam shook his head. “Ok, let’s start with your legs. The waxing room is this way,” and she took Sam’s hand and pulled him along. They reached the room and Susan handed him a terry cloth robe. Sam removed his shoes, skirt and stockings, then his hip padding. He tossed the robe aside, since he was still wearing everything on top.

Sam was leaning against the table when Susan returned. She pointed at Sam’s panties and said, “Lisa said that I was to give you a full Brazilian. You might as well remove your panties before we start.”

Sam was stunned. “What? What’s a Brazilian?”

“A Brazilian wax is where I remove all of your pubic hair, except for a small strip above your crotch, or in your case above your penis. A full Brazilian removes everything; nothing is left.”

“But … I can’t go naked … in front of you.”

“Yes you can. I have no problem at all with full frontal nudity. But if you feel bashful, throw the robe over your crotch.” Susan gave him a sweet smile. “Really Samantha, don’t think twice about me. I won’t be embarrassed or shocked.”

“But I might!”

Susan rubbed his arm and said, “Let’s get started, Samantha. Jump up on the table and let me turn you into a smoothie.”

Once again Sam was forced to shake his head and marvel at his weird life. “Did Lisa tell you why I needed a full Brazilian?”

This time Susan turned just a bit red and with a huge smirk she said, “Something about you being prickly and scratching her nose.”

Sam turned crimson.

It took Susan the better part of an hour to finish waxing Sam, and rubbing lotion into his legs. “Greta is next. She is going to give you nail extensions and a pedicure. Do you need to go potty first? Something to drink? No? Then you belong to Greta. Don’t put on your hose. I’ll come get you in a second.”

Greta used up over an hour. When she was finished, Samantha had long, blunt finger nails, ending in the white tip of a French nail. Sam had never worn extensions before and he found them fascinating. They felt odd whenever he tapped his nail on something. They looked pretty, but he soon found out they were difficult to work. The nail interfered in his finger’s ability to do anything that took fine, finger-tip manipulation. Even grabbing a zipper had to be done differently than normal. And buttons? Forget about it!

Then back to Susan. “You are going to love this Samantha. Your new color is going to be really vibrant and it will make you all the more beautiful. Walk this way,” and she swished her hips in an exaggerated motion as she led Sam to her styling station. Sam followed her lead.

Sam took his place in the chair and relaxed as Susan wrapped a towel around his neck, then applied his cape, and then put another towel over the cape. “We have to be very careful that this dye doesn’t get on your clothes or skin.” She took out a jar of wax and opened it up. “We’ve also got to be careful that we don’t die your skin auburn. So this wax will protect your skin.” Susan took a glob of the wax and began applying it to Sam’s skin next to his hairline. She went over his forehead, down around his ears in front and behind and along the nape of his neck. Then she put a little dab on the top of each ear. Finally, Susan used her comb to section Sam’s hair into 4 sections and clipped them in place. Sam was now ready for his coloring.

She turned to her work counter and mixed up her color in a plastic bowl and swished it around until it was the right consistency. “This is going to feel a little icky Samantha, but just relax and think about how gorgeous you’re hair is going to look.” Susan used a brush to begin applying the coloring to Sam’s hair. She concentrated on the mid section of the hair, leaving the roots and ends for later. After swabbing and painting all four sections, Susan started over, getting down closer to the scalp. And when she finished around the scalp, she used her gloved hands to swish Sam’s hair around and get the color on the hair ends.

“Ok, the book says twenty minutes for this brand of color, so how about I get you something to read or drink?”

“No, I’m ok,” Sam said. He just wanted to sit and look around the salon, smell the scents and watch the other girls going about their work. He wasn’t a girl. He kept telling himself that, but it was interesting to sit here and observe and … enjoy? … this special environment. This environment that belonged to women was something he didn’t anticipate seeing again. After his modeling gig, and after school was finished, it was back to the drab world of boys and barbers. Well, maybe he would be more inclined to see a stylist now that he had been in a real woman’s salon. He enjoyed getting his hair washed and massaged whenever his hair was cut, and that was better than a plain old barber shop.

He might miss some of this, but he would be glad to quit wearing a corset and tucking his balls and cock up between his legs. God, that got old fast! He was more used to it now, but he would be happy the day he could stop. And getting dressed in the morning was such a time consuming pain. Removing his corset, then sit ups, soaking in the tub, wrapping and toweling his hair, brushing his teeth, applying moisturizer over his torso and legs, sliding on his liner, and then back into that rigid corset. Maybe one hour of relief and then right back in it. And then he had to tuck his privates, pull on panties and a hot, confining padded hipster, dress up all girly and on top of all that, spend time applying his makeup and a fragrance. Ok, the fragrance didn’t take long, but the rest was a pain. And that didn’t even include having to finish drying his hair with the blower.

“All that just so I could spend a day and a half skiing,” he thought. “But to be honest, I am getting paid to sit here. Money is nice. But all I’ve been spending money on is girl’s clothes. What good is money if that is all you use it for?”

And while Sam sat and watched and observed and sniffed and listened, he wasn’t unhappy. No, this wasn’t killing him or driving him mad. He was getting closer to Lisa, getting some sex, and living an interesting time of his life. Lisa was introducing him to things he would never have encountered without her. Not just the feminine side of his life, but meeting rich people and senators and riding horses and driving around in limousines. He really liked Lisa and he wanted to keep her as his girl friend; maybe even consider more than just being friends. But that was still a ways off.

Life was good. It was strange, but good. ”I can be Samantha a little longer. Wearing million dollar jewelry is kind of neat,” and he smiled to himself. “What a weird existence. What a kinky girl friend. What great sex! Yeah, I can do this a little longer.”

The feminization of Sam continued inexorably onward. Night and day, school and salon, inch by inch and pound by pound, Sam was becoming Samantha. He was becoming comfortable with his situation. He was rationalizing parts of it, expecting to quit and change back to his old habits knowing full well that Lisa had given him no expectations of that. If anything, Lisa was telling him how much she liked her pretty and effeminate boyfriend. She wanted Samantha as much as, if not more than, Sam. He was being emasculated right before his own eyes and he continued to look the other way. Sam was becoming the epicene Samantha Springer, and soon she would become the beautiful and obedient concubine Samantha Hawthorne.

Life could be worse.

“Time is up. Let’s rinse that goo out of your hair Samantha.” Susan tossed the top towel off to her counter and took Samantha to the sink. It took a few minutes to rinse everything out of his hair, and then it was right back to the styling chair. She blotted Sam’s hair and got the excess water out then pulled over her roller cart. “This won’t take much time at all, Samantha. We’re using big rollers and I won’t have to put too many in your hair.”

Susan was right, of course. In barely over ten minutes Sam’s hair was rolled and had a hair net and a silk Hermes scarf over his head. “Whew! I bet that was a long day for you, huh?”

“It wasn’t too bad,” Sam said “So I guess I’ll see you again tomorrow?”

“Yep. Now tomorrow will be a long day. I’ve worked with Mary before, and she is finicky. She worries about the tiniest details. We’ll be lucky to be done by midnight.”

Sam gave an appreciative groan. “There you are,” Lisa said. “All done? Did you make her pretty, Susan?” Lisa handed Sam a pink shopping bag with handles.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Your new corsets. I suggest you switch tonight when you get ready for bed. I’m sure it is going to fit differently, and it will help to get a little acclimated before tomorrow.”

Florence handed the girls their purses, and Lisa immediately pulled out her cell phone. “Hi Maggie. We’re all done. Where should we meet you? Ok, bye.”

“Come on Samantha, let’s go home and rest,” she said as she offered her arm to Sam. Sam took her arm, as if he were the girl on a man’s arm. Lisa had easily reversed their roles. As they walked out to the elevator Lisa said, “Look at us, two girls with their hair up in rollers. It looks like were going to a slumber party.”

“That sounds exciting.”

“Don’t get too excited. My period started today.”

“That’s too bad,” Sam said sincerely. Of course he was thinking of his own desires when he said it.

When they reached the limousine, Maggie was waiting for them. She opened the rear door and Lisa slid in, followed by Sam. Sam was startled to find Miss Mona waiting for them. “Hi girls. Don’t you two look cute. I always like seeing pretty girls with their hair in curlers.”

“Hi mom.”

“Hello Miss Mona.”

“Hello Samantha. That’s a very pretty outfit you are wearing. I swear you get prettier every time I see. So, I have some exciting news for you,” she said to Samantha.

“Me? What?”

“If you remember, last week we were talking politics and I invited you to intern with us this summer.” Sam nodded. “Well, you get to start sooner than this summer. We have a charity event to attend tomorrow night.”

“We do?”

“Yes we do. It is one of the á¼ber events of the year. A charity for some silly cause, but it will be well attended by the movers and shakers from Washington. The top lobbyists and more than a few congressmen will be there. It will be a wonderful opportunity for you to meet some people and see how things get done in this town. Might you be interested, Samantha?” Miss Mona didn’t bother to mention that the reason all the movers and shakers would be at the party, was because Mona Hawthorne had announced her attendance.

Sam was conflicted. Hell yes he wanted to go, but he knew damn well the invitation was being extended to Samantha, not Sam. “Uhm … I will go dressed as …”

Mona thought Sam might be asking about Sam the boy versus Samantha the girl being invited, and she put that thought to no uncertain death immediately. “My beautiful new intern,” Mona quickly finished for him. “I have taken the liberty of going through Harriet’s closet and I have found the perfect dress. It is a yellow formal, and you will make it beautiful.”

“Well, will anyone else be going? You and me and … Lisa?”

“Samantha needs her security blanket. And she is scared to death of me,” Mona thought to herself. “The four of us will attend,” she said. “You and Lisa, Maggie and me. But I want you on my arm for most of the evening. That way you can get a first hand look at the underbelly of Washington. Won’t that be interesting?”

“Yes ma’am, it will,” he said as he swallowed hard.

The phone was ringing, and even though Sam thought he knew where it was, he couldn’t find it. He was trapped in his ankle length negligee and he couldn’t get loose. Lisa was watching on her monitor and even though she couldn’t see through the duvet, she thought she knew what was going on. She let the phone ring until Sam finally got loose.

“Good morning sweetie. Are you ready for a long hard day?”

“Not really. Are we really going to a charity event tonight?”

“Yes, why?”

“I don’t know …”

“Don’t worry, mom will be alright. She’ll be in her element, and you will be amazed how nice and gracious she will be. And trust me, you’ll will probably learn stuff that will shock you. You’re hair will probably straighten.”

“Yeah, I tried to convince myself of that all night. But it didn’t work. Lisa, you’re mother and I are like oil and water. And one of us is combustible.”

“Mom is different with work, and this is work. I’ll hang close by. If you need saving, cross your fingers and I’ll see it. I’ll come rescue you. You can do it. I know you can. Don’t forget you have to douche.”

“I know.”

“And don’t forget, no makeup.”

“I know.”

“And don’t forget you have to wear your new corset.”

“I know.”

“Well if you know all of this stuff, why do I have to remind you?”

“I don’t know.” They both giggled.

“Don’t worry about tonight, please. Everything will work out just fine. I know it will.”

“Not,” he answered back and hung up. Sam slipped out of bed and felt his curlers. They felt like they were still attached properly. Those curlers were the other reason he hadn’t slept well. They pressed into his scalp and held his head way off his pillow. And his hair felt wet most of the night, and it got his pillow wet. He never did get comfortable. He looked in the mirror to make sure the curlers were still properly aligned and sighed. He picked up his new corset and looked it over. It looked much more expensive and sophisticated. It was longer and flared at the bottom where it presumably spread over the top of his hips. The material was smoother and looked much more finished than his current corset. And it looked much smaller in the waist. “Not looking forward to this,” he said out loud.

Mona was watching and she smiled. “Yes you will, Samantha my pet. Tonight I will give you a real show. You have nothing to fear. I like you. In public I will protect you like a she-tiger.”

Mona dressed and made it to breakfast just so she could send off her girls. “Maggie has your yellow dress for tonight, Samantha. I’ll bring the expensive jewelry. See you both tonight, kiss, kiss.”

The girls slid into the back of Maggie’s limo and snuggled together. “How are you feeling?” Lisa asked.

“I’m starving,” Sam answered. “A salad last night, no solid food this morning and on top of that I had an enema. My stomach is growling like a lion.”

“Sorry sweetheart, but it’s just part of the fun when you’re a glamour model.”

“It’s not very glamorous if you ask me.”

“You might think differently when you get paid.”

“Maybe.” He thought about it a minute and asked, “So what does a big name model make for a day?”

“I’m not really sure, but more than you and me. A lot more than a grand a day.”

“Maybe we should ask for more?” Sam was grinning, his first smile of the day.

“I guess we can ask,” Lisa agreed. “But don’t be too greedy,” she warned.

“I’m not being greedy,” Sam objected. “Everyone keeps telling me how pretty you and I are, so I just want honest and fair compensation. Let them put their money where their mouth is.”

Lisa smiled. “You are a vamp, Samantha,” and she gave him a big kiss.

As usual they were greeted warmly at the salon. Susan and Bridgette were under strict orders not to waste time. They hustled their charges off to their respective styling chair and removed curlers. Both stylists knew exactly what to do. Mary had given them clear orders on what she wanted. Sam sipped a diet coke while Susan manipulated hair, curls, pins and clips. It took about 30 minutes for her to have Sam’s hair pinned up in the proper style. He looked very stylish, and matrimonial — if that is a word.


Then it was time for makeup. Mary had brought in help. The six foot tall Brazilian Julia was hired to help. Susan was the main stylist and makeup artist, but Julia observed, recommended and even did a tiny little bit of hands on. Susan was getting some additional training and tips from the salon’s expert while she handled Sam’s makeover. Julia fluidly moved back and forth between Lisa and Sam, making sure everything was perfect, absolutely, 100% perfect.

Makeup took them up against the 9:30 deadline, and Mary was ready to start kicking butts. “Come on girls, we have real work to do here today. This isn’t a lolly-gag in the park. Powder, line, fill … whatever, get moving! We have to get to wardrobe today!”

Sam snickered at Mary. She was one of those “type As”, and it amused Sam. Sam knew she couldn’t come down too hard on him — he was a Hawthorne, so he could objectively watch her go berserk, and smile about it at the same time. Sam had figured out one or two things. And one of the most important was being a Hawthorne certainly put him at the top of the food chain. He couldn’t decide if he was a great white or killer shark. Maybe a tyrannosaurus. No! Wait, that was Miss Mona. Sam actually laughed out loud and no one had the slightest clue as to what had gotten into him.

Mary pushed him and Lisa up a flight of stairs and into the hands of Alyne and the petite Claudia. “No bra,” she instructed Alyne. “And tighten that corset, she looks like a bloated whale.” That comment pissed off Sam, for a moment. Then he turned back on his objective glasses and even smiled. He truly could stand above this flurry and enjoy it. Until Alyne started tightening his corset.

“Come here,” she said to Sam. She took him over to a doorway. “Get on your tip toes and grab that door frame up there.” Even on tip-toes Sam could barely reach the top of the door frame. “Hang on,” she said, and with his abdomen pulled tight and taught, she struck. Alyne demonstrated strength Sam never anticipated and she gave a yank on his corset strings that almost knocked the wind out of him. She pulled so hard that he lost his grip and she closed the new corset all the way to its minimum size.

“Fuck,” he blurted out.

“What did you just say?” Alyne demanded sternly. Then everyone in the room burst out laughing. “Little tight? Alyne asked.

“If I die, I’m suing,” Sam wheezed.

“If you die, then we’ll know your corset is tight enough.” Everyone laughed again.

“Funny, funny,” Mary said, and she wasn’t laughing at all. “First dress! Come on girls, you’re getting paid for this, do something!”

Sam couldn’t move or bend over in his corset. In fact, he could barely breathe. Alyne and Susan had to dress him. He was barely able to stand upright by himself. After they had his dress on him, they pushed him over backwards onto a little ottoman and slid on his stockings and shoes. Then the two of them pulled him up and stood him in front of the lights.

“Ok, Samantha, get over the corset incident. Give me some hip and smile for crying out loud!” And the photo shoot was engaged. Mary shouted instructions, demanded new positions and just when Sam thought he had it right, she walked away and started shooting Lisa. For the next two hours Mary was shouting orders, ignoring questions and pleas, demanding obedience and flashing cameras like weapons. And like weapons she did use her cameras. She even pushed Susan out of the way using one of her cameras.



“Break! Twenty minutes for potty and liquids, then I want you your asses back here immediately. Don’t cross me girls or I’ll drag you back here by your pretty hair! Claudia, why is her nose shining?” Mary was a whirlwind.

Mary was true to her word, twenty minutes later she grabbed Lisa by a hanging tendril of a curl and pulled her back into the studio. “How long does it take you to pee?” she demanded.

Eunice was watching the entire show, and even though she had reservations about Mary’s people skills, even she was laughing at times. Eunice was getting her money’s worth from Mary.

Sam went through his initial dresses without a bra or boobs. He felt naked wearing a dress without his breasts. It just didn’t seem right, but that was what Mary wanted. He was happy when they finished his fourth and moved onto his fifth dress. The fourth had a cowl neckline which camouflaged his boyish chest. But then Mary switched him over to a strapless dress that needed boobs. As strange as it seemed to Sam (and maybe the casual reader) he felt better with his boobs. Mary had Alyne insert first his smaller set, and then tried his larger pair.



A couple of weeks ago, if Sam had had an opinion between the two sets, he might have preferred the smaller set — especially in public. But now, he wanted the big boobs. Sam had finally figured out what most girls had known since they first started entering puberty; more bust was better. Sam was especially happy with his next dress, a halter style that begged for a large bust line. And it was a very pretty dress that Sam really liked. That is, if he were to actually like dresses, if he had to pick out one he liked … for someone else maybe … he liked this one. But then came the next, his one and only pink dress. It required smaller breasts, but it felt and looked even prettier. He wore a petticoat underneath, and that was … kind of … well maybe … fun. Oh hell, it felt really feminine and Sam liked it. Not that he was a girl or anything, but it made him feel especially pretty. Something about certain dresses just captivated his imagination and the feel and the spirit and attitude just felt correct. He wasn’t a girl, but he was starting to understand some things. He knew what looked good and what didn’t. Sam was learning.

Noon came and went. No sandwiches arrived, not even a cookie. Sam was starving. “Drink ice water, it’ll fill you up,” Mary told him. “We’re here to model dresses, not waddle in the trough.” Mary had a way with words. Eunice chuckled and Sam starved. As his waistline withered he knew they would have pulled his corset tighter if it wasn’t already pulled to its tightest. Sam knew for a fact … a FACT … that his waist hadn’t been this tiny since he was ten years old.

They moved onto more dresses and as the afternoon progressed Mary gave him nicer and nicer dresses. More lace and embroidery. More style and longer trains and more voluptuous bust lines. They just got better and better, and more fun, and … dare he say? … sexier. Sam was starving, and his waist felt like he was being cut in half, but he was having the time of his life. Sam wasn’t a girl, but he enjoyed pretending to be one in pretty wedding dresses.


Finally, as the clock was creeping up on five, Sam modeled his last dress. It had lots of lace around the bodice, a low cut to show off his wonderful bust (Mary got a little creative with her camera angles) shear, lacy sleeves and a veil. It was Sam’s one and only veil and he liked it. It was a new, higher level of couture for him. It took all of two minutes for him to decide he liked it.

Plus, he was finally allowed to sit for a pose. Man, his back ached! And he was going out to a charity event tonight? They better have some good chairs!

At five ten Eunice called quits. Mary would probably have gone another ten hours, but Lisa and Samantha had more important things to attend to now. Miss Eunice shut down the party and delivered Lisa and Sam’s evening gowns to them. Sam immediately decided that he liked his, but he liked Lisa’s better. Maybe because it was Lisa wearing the dress.

Sam had a gorgeous yellow, halter-style dress with silver crocheting around the bosom and waist. It was perfect camouflage for his corset … which by the way he managed to loosen just a little before Alyne helped him into his evening dress. The dress had an open back and didn’t allow the use of a bra. Sam was used to that, and his smaller breast forms were glued to his chest.

Lisa had an awesome red strapless dress. It had a large silver embroidered strap that went around the neck and held up the front of her dress. In the back it served the same purpose. It was nipped in at the waist and showed off Lisa’s feminine curves from bust to waist to hips. Lisa was a woman of exquisite beauty and Sam recognized that.


Susan and Bridgette revamped their makeup, converting them from the chapel to evening cocktail hour. The two girls were glamorous and beautiful. But Sam was wiped out. It was going to be a long evening for him — one that he would remember for a very long time.

Chas picked them up in front of the Hawthorne Building. Miss Mona and Miss Maggie were waiting for them. “Hungry?”

“And tired,” Sam said.

“Buck up girl, it’s going to be a long night then. We’ll get a light meal at Russo’s then go to the party. It starts at 7:30, so we will make a fashionably late arrival, and probably stay until ten or eleven.”

Russo’s was one of Miss Mona’s favorite restaurants, and she always received impeccable service. The four girls were only slightly over dressed for Russo’s, but that was acceptable. Sam and Lisa were both happy to sit and relax for a while. Cocktails consisted of soft drinks, which was just fine with everyone. Salads were ordered along with a couple of pass around appetizers. There would be plenty of hors d’oerves at the party.

While waiting for their salads, Maggie slid an envelope over to each girl. “From Miss Eunice. She says thank you for your efforts today.” Both girls reached for their purses but Maggie interrupted them. “Perhaps you should count that before you put it away.”

Sam discreetly opened the envelope and counted it on his lap. “$5000 in cash?” he asked incredulously.

Maggie gave him a nice smile and said, “Lisa talked with Miss Eunice today. She said that you were unhappy with your current compensation package.”

“I was only joking with Lisa. I didn’t mean it,” and he looked at his loot as if it would burn a hole in his lap.

“Well, Miss Eunice and Mary discussed the situation after today’s shoot, and they agreed that you were indeed pretty enough to qualify as a, how did she put it, “better than average” model.”

“Well thank you very much, and please tell Miss Eunice and Mary thank you also. I don’t know what I’m going to do with this much cash.”

“Spend it on yourself,” Mona said. “You deserve it.”

“But, just the logistics of handling this much cash is daunting. I’ve never had this much money in my entire life,” he said with just a little awe in his voice. “I can’t just leave it lying around my apartment.”

“Don’t you have a savings or checking account?” Mona asked.

“I have a tiny savings account, but the bank will probably think I’m selling drugs if I put this money in there. Plus, I don’t know how I … as a girl, can go deposit this money. I am sure they are going to want to know who is putting five thousand dollars into an account.”

Mona looked at Maggie and merely said, “Maggie?”

“Handled,” she said in reply. “I’ll have a bank account opened in your name on Monday. I’ll use one of our banks. Plus, we need to get you some additional identification. I’ll get you a Virginia driver’s license. Samantha, take out some spending money and give the rest to me. I’ll take care of everything.”

Sam began counting out some cash for himself, then handed the envelope over to Maggie. As he was placing his cash into his purse he asked, “Won’t I have to take a driver’s test next week?”

Maggie smiled that all-knowing smile of hers and said, “No. You know how to drive. We won’t bother you with such trivialities. Please give me your current license and I’ll handle everything.”

Sam handed over his license without thinking. He just gave away one of Sam’s few identification cards. First his school ID and now his driver’s license. Sam was disappearing and Samantha was taking over.

Mona spoke up, “There you go Samantha, Maggie will get you all set up. She can also handle any credit or debit cards if you want that. And if you don’t want to spend the money, I am sure Maggie can help with a good investment portfolio.”

“Thank you Miss Mona, this is all so very nice of you. And you too Miss Maggie. I feel like I am always imposing on you and asking for favors.”

“Hush Samantha,” Mona said. “We are very happy to help you anyway we can. Don’t ever hesitate to ask for anything, no matter how big or how small. Isn’t that right Maggie?”

“Absolutely. There is one other thing I would like to pass along. Mary was very happy with your work, and she thinks you have some wonderful upside potential for modeling. But she wanted to pass along a recommendation.”


“Today’s shoot was primarily full size body profiles. In the future, for closer work she suggests that you consider some cosmetic surgery for your face.”

Sam didn’t like the sound of that. All he could think of was nose jobs and more feminization. No, he was sure he didn’t want to go there. “Like what?” he asked suspiciously. “A nose job or something?”

Maggie immediately heard the concern in Sam’s voice, and she adjusted her answer. “Actually, she did mention that, but she understands your situation. What she strongly suggested was complexion work. She mentioned that your micro-dermabrasion helped, but only a little. You might want to consider a facial peel.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a chemical peel that takes off the outer layers of your skin. The skin grows back smoother with lighter blemishes and freckles. It gives you a much nicer, cleaner complexion that is much more amenable to close-up photography. Plus, she thinks it will help reduce your pore size. That is very important for closer photo work.”

That didn’t sound so bad to Sam. Nicer skin wasn’t bad, and it wouldn’t make him irreversibly feminine looking. It was not like a nose job. “What does it require? Is it painful?”

“I’ll be honest, it isn’t painless, but isn’t real bad either. She didn’t recommend a deep peel, which can be a bit nastier. She recommended a “medium” peel using TCA. It leaves your face raw and red for several days. Sometimes at higher concentrations a crust will form on the skin, and that has to be cleaned off a few days later. It really depends on the girl.”

“How bad looking does it leave you? How long?”

“You would need to rest for about a week and a half. It depends on the person and the doctor.”

“Well …” and Sam was obviously having some doubts.

Lisa jumped in, “I was thinking about it myself.”

Maggie took up Lisa’s tactic. “Mary said that it would be good for you also, Lisa.” Maggie turned back to Sam and tried to put the topic away for the evening. The seed had been planted, and they could work it some more later. “It’s something to think about Samantha. We would of course take care of all expenses and we can find the best doctor for you. Just keep it in the back of your mind.”


Salads were served and the next topic was introduced. This was going to be an interesting evening for Sam. The Hawthorns were going to begin reeling him further into their schemes for him. “Mother,” Lisa began, “after our ski trip I don’t think Samantha or I want another … misunderstanding. I received a call from Jeff. At our dinner party he invited Samantha and me up to New York. We would stay at his apartment.”

Mona put down her salad fork, placed her elbows on the table and clasped her hands in front of her chin. She actually smiled and said, “Please go on, dear.” Sam was glancing between Lisa and Mona with a look of horror on his face. He didn’t know where Lisa was going with this, but Miss Mona scared the hell out of him.

“He has a four bedroom place. I promise you that Samantha and I would have separate bedrooms. He wants to show us around town, and he can get tickets to any show we want to see. He’ll escort us around town, and he wants to take us to a couple of very special restaurants. I think he wants to use as bragging material.” Lisa looked expectantly at her mother.

“Bragging material?”

“He wants to show some friends how pretty his girl friends are.”

Mona shifted her position and stared at Lisa, “I don’t think Samantha is interested in dating some guys.”

“Holy shit!” went through Sam’s mind. “Is that what she is planning?”

“Nor am I!” Lisa shot back. “I have my boyfriend and I am very satisfied with him. And that isn’t what this is about. He wants a couple of beautiful girls on his arm when we go out to eat and go to the shows. He is trying to establish himself in his new social circles and things aren’t moving as fast as he would like.” Lisa nodded towards Sam and smiled, “We’re the cavalry. That’s all. We just make all the Yankee girls jealous.”

Mona thought for a moment. “You will have separate bedrooms?”

“Of course.”

“Are you going to stay in your own rooms?” It was a challenge with a bit of attitude thrown in by Mona.

Lisa threw the attitude right back, and with a quiet but firm tone she said, “I will not make that promise.” Final, and no room for discussion.

Mona’s glare turned from Lisa to Sam. Sam slid down in his chair. This was all new to him and he had no time to prepare any comments for Miss Mona. He was going to get roasted, he just knew it. “I think we have had this conversation once already, have we not?”

Sam gulped. “Yes we did Miss Mona,” he answered as bravely as he could.

Mona looked at him for a few more seconds, then the corners of her mouth started turning upwards. “Then I don’t think we need to have it again.”

“Thank god,” Sam thought.

“Samantha, just do one thing for me.”

“Yes ma’am?”

“Make sure those Yankee girls turn green with envy!”

“Yeah ma’am.” Few people have ever felt the thrill of relief that washed over Sam.

Maggie turned to Lisa, “When are you going?”

“Can we fly up this coming Friday afternoon?”

“I’ll make the arrangements. Which airport will you fly into?”

“I don’t know. I’ll ask Jeff.”

“And when will you return?”

“Sunday evening or Monday morning.”

“I have the number two reserved for Monday morning,” Mona said.

“And Miss Michelle almost always has the number one on Monday. But she flies into LaGuardia. I don’t see why the jet couldn’t take you girls back to school Monday morning, then return for Miss Michelle at her usual time in the evening,” Maggie added.

Sam couldn’t help himself, “You have two jets?”

“Actually we have three, but the third is hangared in Hong Kong.”

Salads were done and they were finishing up some scampi. It was time to take Sam to the next topic. Sam was being given a full blitz this evening. First he was tempted with money, next with travel and now with power. They were giving Sam multiple reasons to become a Hawthorne. Mona spoke to Sam, “Samantha, let’s discuss tonight. Your job tonight is watch, listen and learn. I want you to say almost nothing. In fact, don’t even talk when you are introduced to other guests. Smile and say nothing. If they ask you a direct question, I will answer. If I want you to speak, I will tell you.

“Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to hold you back, rather I am trying to establish an image for you. I want everyone to think you are watching and measuring them. I want to use this evening to give you an image of intimidation. Do you understand?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“This is going to be a little tricky. Interns usually don’t garner respect from these power brokers. We’ll see if we can’t change that.”

“Yes ma’am, I understand.”

“When we leave here, use your vocal spray once. When we get there, use it once more. I want your voice very hoarse for tonight. I might use that if I need to. When we get there, I want you on my arm at all times. If you need to go pee, we go together. We are going to be inseparable. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Maggie and Lisa are on their own, they can wander as they please. You and I will take the center stage. Can you handle the lights?”

“I hope so. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there with you the entire time. Trust me, I can handle anything.”

“Yes ma’am.” Of course Sam trusted her for that. He had seen her in action ... too many times already in their short acquaintance.

“Accept no food, no drinks or even a handshake unless I accept it first. Don’t speak unless I introduce you, otherwise you look through people. When you shake hands, give them a very loose and soft hand. Give them three or four fingers if you can maneuver it. Make them feel as if they don’t deserve a firm hand. People are going to approach you hoping to get to me. Turn your nose up and look away. I mean that, be rude, because they are being rude by not coming to me first. Ok?”

“Yes ma’am,” he said with a little smile.

“Why are you smiling?” she demanded.

“I’m sorry Miss Mona. I’ve never been given permission to be snotty. I might like it.” He paused for a moment then said, “I’m sorry. That’s very pretentious of me.”

Mona studied him for a second and nodded her approval. “No, that’s not pretentious. That is exactly what I want you to do. In fact, if just one opportunity arises for you to royally snub someone, take it. We can use it later. Remember, I want to establish an atmosphere around you. I want people on Monday asking, “Who the hell is Mona’s new intern? She’s got Mona’s ear. She’s got the power.”.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Ok then, any questions? If there are any questions later, you ask me. Don’t assume anything tonight.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Maggie, let’s settle up. Call Chas please.”

“Oh ma’am, I do have one question? How do I address you?”

“Miss Mona. Nothing else.”

“Yes ma’am.” Wow, Sam was actually looking forward to this. With Miss Mona protecting him he was going to be sitting pretty. Sam’s exhaustion was forgotten. His energy level was up and he was thinking this might be fun.

Chas opened the door to the limo and Miss Mona stepped out first. She offered her hand to Sam to help him out of the car. Mona held his hand and she realized it wasn’t as soft as a real girl’s. She would have to have Lisa set Sam up for hand waxes and softening. “Stay one step behind, Samantha.” Mona and Sam walked into the hall with Lisa and Maggie far behind. The two groups of girls were now separated for the rest of the evening.

Mona surveyed the hall and picked out her spot. “This way,” she said as she took Sam across the hall to a spot away from food and doors. People wanting to meet Miss Mona would have to walk across the room where she and Sam could see them coming.

“Remember Samantha, the first group of people to come to us are the most desperate. They will be the little fish so we toss them back. Practice your indifference on them. It won’t be for fifteen or twenty minutes before the true power brokers come to see us. Watch them and listen. It’s not what they say sometimes, but how they say it, how they stand when they say it and of course what they don’t say. Nobody would dare lie to me, at least they better not, but they might try to mislead by omission. Think of that when listening to them.

“Ok my beautiful intern, are you ready?”

“Yes.” Sam was excited.

“Oh, keep your purse in your right hand. It gives you another reason to ignore handshakes when you want to. Got it?”

Sam smiled. Miss Mona’s tricks truly amazed him.

Miss Mona nodded towards a well dressed woman coming towards them. Mona turned her back to the woman and addressed Sam, “This woman runs this show. She is a rich socialite that thinks she has the ear of a few senators. She’s an insignificant snob in this town.”

“Miss Hawthorne, welcome to our event. I appreciate your unselfish support,” and she offered her hand to Mona.

Mona Hawthorne merely looked at the woman with no recognition. She said nothing and showed no emotion.

“I’m sorry, I’m Sylvia Hampton, the president of the charity.”

“Yes.” Mona offered her hand and they shook. She said no more.

The woman didn’t seem to get the message. “Having you here is a wonderful coup for us. So many people follow your lead on these things.”

“I think most people can think for themselves.”

“Well, of course they can. But people always look to the leaders in our community.” Mona remained impassive. “Will you be making a donation for the children?”

Mona smiled, “Of course I will. I would never impose upon your hospitality without making some token of reciprocation.” It was said as if to insinuate an insult had been received. “I’ll have my intern take care of it on Monday.”

Mona turned to Sam and said, “Please handle that for me.”

“Yes Miss Mona.”

Mona said no more and Sylvia became nervous standing in front of her. “Well, thank you for coming. Please enjoy yourself.”

As Mrs. Hampton left Mona turned to Sam, “Samantha, I think she is thrilled to have us here.” Sam couldn’t help but smile. “See the couple walking towards Maggie and Lisa? He’s in a tux and she has the too short black dress?”

“Yes ma’am. I see them.”

“We will see them shortly. They are going to Maggie to see if they can pick up a tidbit to use when they come talk to us. They probably want to know who you are. She runs a consumer protection group that is under the delusion that like them I believe in recalling some unsafe baby cribs.”

“But is that so bad, Miss Mona?” Sam asked with honest curiosity.

“These people believe without regard to repercussions and side effects. Take her husband for example. He lobbies for the auto industry. He wants my help in turning back CAFበlimits. It will save American jobs, and he is correct; temporarily. Every time he convinces Congress to delay those limits, the Japanese get another step up on the Americans. And in addition, another billion dollars goes to some Middle East Sultan who supports terrorists.

“Half the people here believe in what they do. And they don’t worry about the big picture.”

“What about the other half?”

Mona smiled at Sam, “They’re either lobbyists or elected officials. They believe what you and I pay them to believe.”

“Wow!” Sam thought. “Miss Mona tells it like it is.”

“This next guy is a mercenary. I’ve used him before.”

The man walking over was very rugged and good looking. He was tall, thin like a runner and had beautiful blue eyes. “Miss Mona, I am surprised to see you here. But it is always a treat to see you. You look lovely as always.”

Mona offered her hand and said, “Matt, you are always the rogue. Are you here to stir up trouble?”

“No ma’am, I don’t do that. I am merely here to renew old friendships.”

“Sorry Matt. I have nothing for you.”

“This economy is killing me.”

“Maybe you should tone down your lifestyle.”

Matt laughed. “Not a chance. So if business is concluded, who may I ask is this vision behind you?”

“You may ask.” Mona stood her ground. Matt stood his ground with a big smile. He was every bit Mona’s equal — for a moment. “She is my newest intern. I have the utmost faith in her abilities and loyalty. You may tell others.”

Matt kept his smile and said, “Your wish is my command. It was nice meeting you, Miss Intern,” he said to Sam as he walked away.

Mona turned to Sam and he asked, “Mercenary?”

“Self employed and works for whoever pays him. He has no loyalty.”

“What does he do?”

“Everything and anything. He is not someone you want to deal with Samantha. Leave him to me.”

The two of tem turned back to the ball. Mona pointed out one or two people, and predicted they would stop by later. “Look at this,” Mona said with an incredulous voice. Entering the hall was Senator May and Florence. He didn’t take ten steps into the hall when a young man walked up to the senator. The Senator quickly glanced around the hall, then pulled Florence out the door behind him. Mona laughed and said, “I think he just found out there are some unexpected guests here this evening.”


“And you as well. Congratulations Samantha. You have intimidated a United States Senator.”

Sam chuckled, “I think it was more you than me.”

Mona agreed.

Sam looked around for Lisa. He found her just as a familiar woman walked up and gave Maggie a big hug. It took Sam a moment to identify the woman, she was Jillian from the salon. “That’s interesting,” he thought. “Two girls from the salon …” and a thought popped into his head.

And then another girl, this time it was Olivia. “Hmmm, that’s really interesting,” he said out loud.

“What’s that?”

“There are, or were 3 girls from the salon. Florence was with senator May, and now two others are talking with Miss Maggie and Lisa.” Sam paused before he asked his next question. He wasn’t sure if he should ask, but he really was curious. “At your dinner party Gloria said that Florence was an escort.”

Mona suspected what was coming and she was thinking as fast as she could. “Gloria often says insensitive things.”

“Do the other two, I think they are Jillian and Olivia, do they also … date … ?”

Mona interrupted, “The salon hires the most talented and beautiful girls they can find. These girls also have their own private lives. Now back to business. The warm up is over; we will now start meeting some interesting people.”

“Yes Miss Mona.” The subject was changed.

Sam met his first congressman of the night, and most interesting was his date: another salon beautician. The girl was the Thai girl, Gina. “Are all the girls here from the salon?” he asked himself. As the two approached Miss Mona, Gina gave no indication that she knew either Mona or Sam.

Pleasantries were exchanged, and this time Mona introduced Sam. “Congressman, this is my intern Samantha Springer.” The congressman extended his hand and Sam gave him his loosest grip possible.

“This is my friend Gina,” the congressman said. Gina extended her hand, they shook, exchanged smiles, and neither said a word nor acknowledged their prior acquaintance. Gina took a step back from the group and allowed the congressman and Miss Mona to speak quietly. She acted like she expected Sam to step away also, but Sam stayed rooted to his spot.

Sam understood very little of what they said. They talked about Glass and Steagall. Mona was asking for some changes in a bill and the congressman was clarifying details. It sounded like high finance. They talked for several minutes while other guests milled around their perimeter. Others wanted to talk with Mona. When the congressman left, Mona turned her back and the others held back. They knew she was giving instructions to her intern, and they didn’t want to interrupt.


“I have no idea what you were talking about. It has something to do with banks and international and the monetary … what?”

“It’s an old law that we killed several years back, and now thanks to some idiot derivative fund managers, it might come back. Its main purpose is to separate commercial from investment banks. We don’t want that.”

“Miss Maggie mentioned “our” bank at dinner tonight. So that means you are involved in banking and this affects your business.”

“Correct, but the Hawthorne family isn’t just involved in banking, we’re as intimate as you can get.”

“Is it a large part of your business? Along with clothing and stuff?”

“Others are waiting, so I’ll make this quick. Over 90% of our net worth is tied up in banking. Miss Grace and Michelle, Lisa’s aunt, are absolute wizards in the international banking arena. The other areas we are involved in are mere hobbies. Miss Eunice, along with her sailing, loves women’s couture. She runs our women’s retailing business because she likes it.

“Maggie has her antique cars but she also likes electronics. She runs around the world looking for new toys. She runs an electronics wholesaling organization. Serena gets involved in gems and precious metals. And on it goes. If you were to join our family, and if you liked helicopters, you could start a helicopter business.

“But banking runs the family. When Michelle needs something she tells me and I work it through our political contacts. Ok? Others are waiting.”

“Amazing,” Sam said as Mona turned back to her audience.

The pecking order in front of Mona had been settled. A senior senator wanted to talk with her. Something brief he said. Mona made a point of introducing the senator to Samantha, and not the other way around. The topic was health care and the insurance companies. As far as Sam could determine, the bill was “neutered” and the insurance industry was going to make obscene amounts of money.

The senator left and Mona immediately turned to Sam, “Did you notice his hands?”


“His right hand gets very animated when he thinks he has taken control. When he puts it in his pocket he knows he is in a weak position. The man couldn’t bluff if his life depended on it.”

“That was about health care, right?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Why are you against it?”

Mona was sure she knew where Sam was coming from; help the poor and unfortunate and all that. “It’s a grand idea, but it will cost the government tons of money. And guess where that money will come from? No matter what form it takes, it has to come from people who have it to begin with. We will get hammered — guaranteed. And for what? If people want health care they can get it. They can do it through work, medicare, social security, they have all kinds of options. And if nothing else, they have the emergency rooms as a last resort. Understand?”

Sam turned away and mumbled something. “Samantha, what did you say?”

Sam turned around and said, “Emergency rooms. That’s where my mother died.”

For once Mona was speechless. She looked around at the people waiting to talk with her. She returned her attention to Sam, and took him by the arm. They walked away from the group of people. They stopped in a quieter spot and Mona said, “Samantha, what happened?”

“I don’t really know, I was only eleven. All I know is she was really sick, but we didn’t have a doctor. She finally got so bad, that we walked to the emergency room. We waited an hour and she fell asleep. I didn’t know any better, so I sat there reading. They finally called her name, but I couldn’t wake her up. The rest is really fuzzy.”

“What happened next?”

“There were lots of tiny rooms and doctors and even the police. They wanted to take me away. I thought they were going to take me to jail — hey I was only eleven. So I snuck out and went home.”

“Your dad took care of you then?”

“I never knew my dad. Mom and I lived alone on the second floor of this little house. The family downstairs was really nice to us. I was the same age as one of their kids and we played together all the time. They hid me from the police. Then a year or so later I was able to stay there. They became my foster parents.”

“Didn’t you have any other relatives?”

“I don’t think so.” Sam related the entire story with little emotion. It had been a long time ago.

Mona looked around and found Maggie and Lisa. “Come on, we’re going home.” She again took Sam’s arm and led him to Lisa. “Court is over. I’m tired. Let’s go home.” As they walked out Mona pulled Maggie aside, “I want a complete run down on Samantha’s family and history, ASAP.”


“I’ll tell you at home.”


Sunday morning Lisa and Sam went riding. Once again, Sam was given a riding skirt to wear. That went along with his white blouse under which he wore his brassiere and small breast forms. He had washed his hair, so it was down and once again full of tight curls. They did a bit of jumping and Lisa showed Sam a complicated maneuver called a pesag to try with Abigail. Then they went riding on one of the bridal paths. Side by side they walked along, talking like two lovers.

“Lisa, can I ask you something?”

“Of course Samantha.”

“Why do you always want me to be Samantha?”


“Why do I have to wear a riding skirt — a skirt that girls wear? Why can’t I wear jeans?”

“Because Harriet doesn’t have any jeans.”

“You do. I could wear yours.”

“Do you remember what happened the last time you wore my jeans?”

“I’ve lost some weight. They would fit me much better now. And I know how to tuck. But more important, your mother never sees us riding.” Lisa didn’t answer right away, so Sam pushed further. “Everyone in your family wants me to be a girl. Why? What would you father think if he met me dressed as a girl?”

“He has seen you. He has seen your pictures. He doesn’t have any problem with you being dressed up so nicely.”

“Then it is unanimous. Everyone in your family wants to turn me into a girl. Why?”

“That’s not true Sam.”

“That’s the first time that you have called me Sam in days. Every conversation I have with Miss Mona or Miss Maggie is about cross dressing. Micro-dermabrasion, facial peels, hair styles, makeup and yesterday your mother picked out a dress for me to wear to her charity party. You take me to parties to meet the rest of your family, and you insist that I dress up fancy as a girl. I don’t get it. What’s going on Lisa?”

Lisa’s mind was flying a mile a minute. She wanted to put the whole situation on hold while she called her mother. She had to turn this conversation towards something else, somehow. Think! Think!

“I have really enjoyed the last four weeks with you Sam. It’s been the best time in my entire life. Didn’t you enjoy it?”

“That’s not the question. The question is why turn me into a girl?”

“Then you have not enjoyed our time together?”

“Of course I have. I never said that I didn’t. But I don’t understand what is happening here. No one turns a boy into a girl unless there is some ulterior motive. What is it Lisa?”

“Sam! There is no ulterior motive. I … like you. I like both Sam and Samantha. When Miss Grace asked you to dress as a girl for the dinner party, I was really pissed at her. And I was afraid that she was going to chase you away. But then you said yes. At first I was surprised, but then I was proud. And that’s when I knew that you liked me as much as I liked you.

“And you were really pretty Sam. You put so much effort into your project, that … you caught us by surprise. We never expected you to try so hard and be so successful. We naturally came to the conclusion that you enjoyed being Samantha.”

“I did that for you. I did that for us. I had no interest in dressing and acting like a girl. I didn’t want to become a girl. But here I am. Why?”

“Well, one reason is I … Maggie too … got the impression at the party, and afterwards when we were talking in the kitchen, that you liked it. You agreed to continue to keep dressing like a girl for the rest of the semester.”

“But the only reason I did that was so we could go skiing together. And at the time, I was thinking it was for only a week.”

“And sleep together, don’t forget that.”

“Lisa, please don’t think I did any of this as a scam to get in your panties. Please don’t think that. I respect you way too much for that. I love being with you and sex with you is phenomenal. And don’t get me wrong, I would never turn you down. But no, I would never scheme or lie to get you into bed. I respect you too much, and … you intimidate me too much for that.”

“I intimidate you?”

“Yes, I have to admit that you and your family and your money and especially your mother, you intimidate me. I don’t belong here with you people. I’m a speck on the social register of life, while you people own it.”

Lisa brought them to a halt and they faced each other. “I don’t want to intimidate you. And I hope you aren’t doing any of this because you are intimidated by me. Remember when we first started dating?”


“Did I ever tell you that I was rich?”

“No, you were just a normal college girl. Well except for how pretty you are. You are way above normal there.”

“That’s sweet Sam, but you don’t have to try and suck up. I want you to know what I … I and my family think of you. But first, remember when you came home with me? You had no idea that I lived like this, did you? And I told you it was because I didn’t want to intimidate you. Remember?”


“I brought you home because I really liked you, and I thought you liked me too.”

“But I did, I do.”

“I know that now. But at the time I was worried. And I was especially worried when Miss Grace asked you to dress up as my roommate. But when I saw you, when I saw how hard you tried … well those two things came together in my mind. I thought you made a beautiful girl and I thought … really, I thought you enjoyed it.

“And then we had sex. I was a virgin and girls just dream about their first time. And our first time was fantastic Sam. It was more than I had hoped for. You don’t know how apprehensive I was. But then the next night, something was different. I watched you all evening and I saw how nice you looked and how well you did everything, and what you did with the senator just … well it blew me away.

“I became convinced that you were having the time of your life. So did mom and Miss Grace. I talked with them during the party and we just marveled at you. Even Maggie was overwhelmed. And then the weirdest part happened, although I no longer think it was weird at all. My eyes were opened by you that night.

“Like any girl, my entire life I have had these preconceived ideas about me and boys and someday a husband. And from birth everyone is inculcated with society’s and their family’s attitudes towards the sexes. But that night everything changed. As the night went along you became more and more beautiful in my mind. By the tine the party was over, I wanted you in the most primal and sexual way you can possibly imagine.

“But it was Samantha that I wanted. It wasn’t anything against Sam the man, but I wanted Samantha, that gorgeous and feminine vision in the dress. Sam, I know that you think some of the things we have done are just a bit kinky, but trust me, I am not that way. I don’t want to be with a girl. I don’t want the plumbing that a girl has, I want a man. But I wanted you in that dress. In the strongest way that you can imagine I wanted you.

“And the second time in my life that I had intercourse was way beyond my first experience. I felt that I had grown up and matured. That night, I think I fell in love with Samantha.

“So, I guess that I have pushed you towards Samantha and away from Sam. And so has my family, but please don’t blame them. Blame me. My mind was really going weird after that weekend, and with you still in Samantha mode, I just sort of lost my bearings. I confessed to mom how I felt.

“She totally understood. It was amazing. And Miss Grace and Maggie. And Miss Eunice, they all totally accepted how I felt. And even better, they accepted you. We were all convinced that you too were happy as Samantha, and so we pulled out all the stops for you, and me.”

Sam looked at Lisa for several moments. “So you have been pushing me. You want me to be a girl.”

“No! I do not want you to be a girl. But … I want you to pretend to be a girl. I want you as the beautiful Samantha on the outside, but I want Sam in the boudoir.”

“You said that you liked me as … feminine and soft when we made love. You said that you wanted me to have breasts. Doesn’t that mean you really want a girl in bed?”

“No, no, no! To be a bit crude, I want your penis in me when we make love. But I have changed my attitude towards the sexes in the last weeks. I always thought I wanted a strong, take command, macho man to mount me. But I have found something far, far better than that. I have discovered the soft touch of a man. I have found you … you and Samantha. I will never go back to what I thought I wanted. And I think …” Lisa let the thought drop.

“But the comment about breasts. Isn’t that a girl? Don’t you want me turned into a girl?”

“No Sam. I want all the beauty and sexuality of Samantha, but with your penis. Oh Sam!” Lisa began crying. “I can’t explain this very well. All I know is that I love both Sam and Samantha. I want both of you. I’m so confused.” And she continued crying.

Sam nudged Abigail along until they were side by side with Lisa and Cinnamon. He reached over and took Lisa’s hand. “So that is why you want me to become a girl?”

“I want you to look like a girl. And I really, really thought that you wanted it too. You always went along with what I suggested; clothes and makeup and hair. You seemed so happy with me.”

Sam sighed, “I am happy with you Lisa. I have never liked anyone as much as I like you.” Lisa wiped away her tears and Sam took a deep breath. “I have enjoyed being a girl. It is kind of fun at times. And at other times it scares me. It makes me really question who and what I am. I’m not sure that I should be doing this. But when I am with you, I don’t care as much, I don’t worry as much. I accept it.

“And you pushing … helping me along just confused me more. I couldn’t understand what you wanted with me as a girl. I couldn’t understand what you were doing to me or why. And your family was pushing also. It seemed like a conspiracy against me.

“But I think I understand now.”

“I hope so,” Lisa said quietly.

“So what do we do now?”

“Let’s ride forward. Can we just continue to enjoy each other?”

“As Sam or Samantha?”


Sam said nothing. He nudged Abigail around so he was heading the same direction as Lisa. He looked into her eyes and asked, “Is that what you want?”

“With all my heart.”

“And your family is ok with this?” he asked, still finding it incredulous.

“They want you and me to be happy.”

“Then I guess it is as both. For a while,” he added.

“Forever,” Lisa said to herself.

Bill couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sam was spilling his guts and Bill sat there, his mouth open, soaking it all in. “Fantastic.” “Phenomenal.” “My god!” “You lucky son of a bitch.” And a few “Holy shits” thrown in for good measure. Sam held nothing back. He told Bill about the modeling, the charity ball and then his discussion on the bridle path.

“I would do anything to be in your shoes, Sam. Just give me one day. Please?”

“Sorry, I’m not about to trade. As weird as this thing is, I kind of like it. It sure as hell has been educational.”

“And this morning you went to the beauty parlor again? What was the hand wax like?”

Sam smiled, “Gooey. First she took this pumice stone and abraded away the calluses on my hands, see?”

Bill took his hand and felt it. “It is soft. It doesn’t feel like a guy’s hand, that’s for sure.”

“I guess. I have to use this pumice stone myself, once per day. But anyway, then she filled these plastic gloves with a bunch of emollients and softeners and I don’t know what all. I put those on, then I slid them into these large pads that looked like big oven mitts. They were heated and after a while my hands actually got pretty warm. But it was really gooey and squishy.

“So I had to sit there for about an hour while she did her laser work. When she was done with that, she took off the gloves and wiped the goo off my hands, than massaged them for another ten or fifteen minute. That actually felt very nice. And that was it.”

Bill looked at Sam for a minute then asked, “You live in an apartment all by yourself. Right?”


“Sam, would it be possible for me to come by sometime and you could show me how to put on makeup? I’ll give you money to buy the makeup and you could keep it there. Please?”

Sam didn’t know how to answer. “I don’t know. Really. Lisa stops by a couple of times a week, and we go out shopping and dining other nights. And this Friday, well you know; New York!”

“I could come over whenever you say. Morning noon or night. I’ll skip every class I have. Just once? Please? I can’t do it myself. I have no other place I can go. I’d pay you.”

“No you wouldn’t, that wouldn’t be necessary. But I just don’t know. I’m not sure what would happen if Lisa found out.”

“I won’t tell,” he said with a big smile.

“Let me think about it, ok?”

“Thank you Sam! Thank you!”

“Lisa, it’s your mom.”

“I know mom. Your name comes up on my cell before I even answer the phone.”

“I’ll never understand this new electronic stuff,” she said.

“I know mom, especially since you let your executive secretary do everything for you.”

“That’s her job. I have more important things to do. But that’s not why I called. I got Dr. Ratchet’s report.”

Lisa’s attention jumped up another notch. Finally, she would be able to get going on Sam’s hormone treatment. “And? Will she prescribe the hormones now?”

“She had some good news and some bad news.”

“What do you mean; bad news? Can I start Sam on hormones or not?”

“Yes dear, you can. That is the good news. The doctor has a complete workup on Sam, and she is ready to begin his hormone therapy … if we want.”

“Ok, so what is the bad news?”

“Sam’s semen sample has a low sperm count.”

“What does that mean? How does that impact us?”

“It means that Dr. Ratchet thinks his sperm count is borderline for getting you pregnant.”

“I don’t understand mother. I can’t use his sperm to get pregnant someday? Is it that low? How low is low? Mother!”

“The doctor thinks his sperm count is borderline; it may or may not be enough to get you pregnant. I talked with her about the full situation and I told her everything; I mentioned the anti-androgens and the 24 hour a day tucking.

“The good news is that after hearing everything, she thinks our moves are responsible for his current low count. If we back off what we are doing, his count should come back up in 3 to 6 weeks.”

“But mom, that is like going backwards. If we take away the anti-androgens and the tucking, his testosterone level will go back up and his secondary sexual characteristics will begin growing again. We just got his facial hair depilated. I don’t want to go back and start over. His HRT won’t work as well when we do start it. Mom, this won’t work!” Lisa was whining.

Mona understood her daughter’s concern. “I know sweetheart, but let’s look at this logically and with a cool head. You do want to have children someday right?”

“Yeah, but …”

“Yes. And I want grandchildren. We both agree. And you do want Sam to be the father, don’t you?”

“Of course I do.”

“And I do also. He is a pretty boy and I would love to have him father children with you. So here is the situation, your chances of getting pregnant by Sam are only fifty-fifty. Additional milkings are not going to change the situation. If anything, his sperm count is going to continue to drop.”

“So what do I do?”

“I agree with the doctor on this one. We drop back and try to get his sperm count up. We monitor him on a two or three week cycle, and as soon as we can collect good sperm, we start him on his hormones and full feminization schedule.”

“But that is going backwards!”

Lisa was starting to get hysterical and Mona had to calm her down. “Lisa, listen to me. It is temporary and won’t take much time at all. The doctor thinks we can have him back to a high enough level in only 3 to 6 weeks. By then he might be ready to go to Mistress Ann, and we can start full transformation therapy. It won’t take that long, and the consequences of waiting will be minimal. The doctor agrees.”

Lisa sighed. “Everything was going so well, and now this comes along.”

“Lisa sweetheart, don’t be discouraged. Nothing ever goes perfect. If you can’t handle a little set back like this, you’re never going to become President. Stuff happens dear. Right?”

Lisa took a deep breath. “You are right mother. Yes, I do want Sam’s children. They will have the best chance of having the right genes for giving me pretty daughters.”

“And giving me pretty granddaughters. I pray you have daughters dear, but if you do have sons, Sam’s genes have the best chance of giving you petite boys with suitable bone structure and size.”

Lisa was rational again. “Ok mom, my little hissy fit is over. What should we do?”

“Stop his anti-androgens. Put him on real vitamins for the next several weeks. Tell him that the doctor thinks he has an iron deficiency and by changing to a new vitamin his energy level will pick up. Everyone wants more energy.”

“Which vitamin do I get for him?”

“It doesn’t matter, they all claim they will cure iron deficiency. And then he needs to stop tucking full time.”

“He has to tuck. Even with a dress or skirt his penis will bulge enough to be noticeable.”

“I know, and I asked the doctor if it would be necessary to stop all tucking. She said that would be best. But eliminating his nightly tucking might be enough. The monitoring will tell us that.”

“But I hate to quit any tucking at all. It gives him the impression that he can pick and choose which rules he wants to follow. I’m afraid if we relax tucking rules, he might want to reduce his tightlacing regimen.”

“I understand perfectly. Your grandmother and I have discussed all of this. We think you have to present this in a different way. Here is our idea, and tell me what you think. You know the boy the best. Switch him from negligees and babydolls to something with tap pants or French knickers for the evening. Give him something that he would consider at least as feminine, and maybe more so. Go for more lace and silk and frilly additives. With tap pants there is no way he can tuck, without adding a panty girdle or something. So what if you give him the chance to be more feminine and not have to tuck at night?”

Lisa thought for several moments. “It depends on how I manipulate him and the situation.”

“You can do it, dear.”

“Of course I can. I own mon petite le garcon.”


Lisa reached up to the higher shelf and took down a random bottle. She quickly scanned the label until she found what she was looking for. “See here, restores blood iron deficiencies.” This is what you want to use for the next couple of weeks. It will be interesting to see if it really helps your energy level or not.”

“And that is all she said? Just a little iron deficiency?”

“Yep. But you need to go back in a couple of weeks for another quick exam, just to make sure everything is back to normal.”

“Well I guess that is ok.”

“Of course it is. Now, let’s go do some real shopping. Let’s see if we can find anything interesting for New York.”

“What are we going to do there?”

“Dinner and shows for sure. Jeff is still checking on what shows he can get and when. Definitely some shopping. I’d like to check out a salon that Aunt Michelle loves. And whatever else catches our fancy.”

Lisa hustled Sam towards Victoria’s Secret and their sleepwear. “Why do we always end up here?” Sam asked facetiously.

“Because it is my … our favorite store.”

“Why?” Sam asked seriously.

“Why?” Lisa stopped them just inside the front door. “Breathe in the scents and aroma. Smell the fragrances. They are a wonderful concoction. Listen; the soft background music but more importantly, the talking in the background. Soft voices with no harsh yelling or squealing or macho posturing. Now, just look at the store as a whole. Don’t look at a single item but take in the entire panorama of colors. Soft colors from white and beige all the way to vibrant pinks and reds. And then look at this, this single item,” Lisa said as she picked up the hem of a camisole. “Feel the softness, the drape of the material and the sheer coolness it imparts to the hand.

“And then there are the individual clothing items. Everything for underneath; lingerie from panties and stockings to every kind of brassier you can imagine. Then the next layer; silky and satiny camisoles and slips and even shaping foundations. And finally, the sleepwear, including the super sexy negligees, baby dolls and sheer robes. Everything to make one happy and content from the inside to the outside.”

“And sexy, right?”

“But of course, my silly friend.”

“And so why am I here?”

“Because you have such a wonderful talent, a discerning eye and discriminating taste. Together, you and I find such wonderful items for the two of us.”

“Sexy things, right? For us?”


“Soft and feminine, right? For both of us, right?”

Lisa could see where this was going. Sam had such a hang up with his feminization. “Just accept it and be happy for the rest of your life,” she said to herself. “I’ll take care of you and give you anything you want in return. What could be better than to be a kept concubine, belonging to a beautiful and rich woman? A life of leisure and sybaritic pleasures awaits your acceptance and transformation. I’ll even take you to the White House with me. You can be my First Lady.”

“Samantha.” Lisa pleaded softly.

“There is only one thing wrong here. I’m not a girl.” Sam wasn’t protesting as much as he was pointing out an obvious fact. Maybe inside Sam’s stubborn mind, he was accepting things just a little. But he couldn’t accept his fate without mounting at least a token battle. If for no one else than himself, he had to try and fully, completely and totally rationalize his fate. Somehow, if he succumbed to this feminization without mounting an adequate battle, he might never be able to forgive himself. He would be letting down the males of his species; the males that were supposed to dominate and control the weaker half. Not the other way around.

“But you are a girl. In a way you are. On the outside you are a very beautiful girl. To me you are. And on the inside, you are a beautiful boy; sexy and desirable in the most primal and passionate and emotional sense possible. Yes, you are both to me.

“And I have explained this to you before. Your external beauty is only half of who you are, but it is a most wonderful and desirable half. The visualization of your beauty makes me that much more desirous for your inner self, and sexuality.”

“Sometimes I feel that I don’t have the ability to express myself adequately,” Sam complained. “You say things with such conviction that it sounds like you have been practicing these speeches for years, while I can’t even convince myself. Lisa, it just seems wrong somehow. My gut tells me that I shouldn’t be wearing dresses and lipstick and brassieres. I’m a male, not a female.”

Lisa took Sam’s hand and they walked out of the store. They slowly strode down the promenade of the mall while both were thinking over their situation. They walked past several fountains and kiosks in silence. Finally, Lisa broke the silence, “Sam, do you mind wearing a dress and looking pretty? I mean, put aside the fact that you are a boy and boys aren’t supposed to wear dresses. Does it really bother you? Do you hate it? Does it hurt you?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Because I don’t think you do hate it. I’ve now seen you in a dress many times. You are so beautiful that everyone that sees you loves you. No one thinks of you as a boy. They see this pretty image that you project and they like you. They open doors for you and they talk with you and smile at you. Boys and girls both hit on you.

“Ever since you were a little boy, society has put ideas in your head, and society has said this is how it has to be. No exceptions, just total, blind obedience. But that doesn’t make it right. And it doesn’t define you, not who you really are. If you can break away from the dogma that has saturated your existence since you were a toddler, then you can look at this with an open and free mind.

“Everyone around you accepts who you are, Sam … and Samantha. So you don’t have to concern yourself with anyone but yourself. What do YOU feel? Is it so wrong to be doing what you are doing? To dress in a way that makes you happy, is that wrong? Does that make you less of a man? Because I don’t think so.

“I am in … I think I am in love with you. But I am in love with both Sam and Samantha. I love you inside and outside. I love to be with the pretty Samantha, but I make love to the pretty Sam. I make love to the male, the man called Sam. I can live with that. Can you?”

“I just don’t know, Lisa.”

“What is the problem, Sam? Be honest with me, and with you. What exactly is it that bothers you? Because it sounds to me like you are more worried about some nebulous idea about how it is supposed to be, rather than how it really is. Life isn’t black and white, and neither are the sexes. If people were truly open and honest, I think a lot of people would agree with us.”

Sam stopped and thought about Bill. Bill would kill to be in Sam’s shoes … Samantha’s heels. Lisa was right, of course. Sam was more worried about what others thought, than what he thought. He was losing the argument, and he wasn’t sure that was so bad. But … but … damn it! He wasn’t a girl. He wasn’t a female. He was down to his last argument.

“But the bottom line is I’m not a girl! I am not female.”

“No one has said you are female. When I have you between my legs you are not female. That is when I am female and you are male. But the rest of the time, the best of times, you and I are both girls. Yes, Samantha, we are girls. And let’s be honest, we are good at it! No more bullshit Samantha, you make a beautiful girl and I make a beautiful girl! And I don’t think you could be so damn beautiful if you didn’t have the correct frame of mind — if you weren’t really trying mentally and emotionally to be as beautiful as possible. Because it would show, and I don’t see it showing.”

Lisa could feel that she was winning. In fact, this might be the last time she would have to have this discussion with this amount of passion. Mona had told her daughter many, many times that the conversion of her boy would have its up and downs. There would be many discussions like this. Not until the final day for both of them would there be a finality to this discussion. Even Maggie still had her occasional doubts. But there would be a turning point. Sam was close to that point. Could this be the day?

“We’re good at this and because we’re so good, we will always produce envy and jealousy in others. But that is their problem, not ours. With your beauty, grace and even femininity no one has the right to tell you that you don’t deserve this life, or that you shouldn’t be allowed to have this life. This life style belongs to you Samantha and you deserve it. Me, my family and our money can make sure that no one, and I mean no one can take it away from you. And I swear, I’ll make sure that no one ever hurts you. Ever! That is my solemn promise to you. Both of you; Sam and Samantha.”

Sam realized that the discussion was over. And he hadn’t lost. Samantha had won, and that wasn’t so bad. He smiled and reached for Lisa. They hugged like intimate lovers right there in front of god and world.

“Come on,” Lisa took his hand and pulled him after her. They returned to their favorite store and Lisa led them towards the sleepwear. She found a sleep set that consisted primarily of a cami and tap pants. It was silky and beige. “What do you think of this?” she asked.

Sam felt the fabric and drape and answered, “It’s nice. Who is it for?”

“Would you wear it? I mean for sleeping?”


“That depends on who is sleeping with me.”

“Sex, sex, sex. Is that all you think about?”

“Not me,” he said. “I don’t think that way, but Sam does. That is all that is ever on his mind,” Samantha said with mock disgust for Sam.

Lisa gave him a sweet smile. “Do you still tuck at night?”

“Yeah. It is getting really old.”

“Well you couldn’t very well tuck with this on. But on the other hand, I don’t know that you need to keep tucking at night all the time. I mean, the whole idea was to help you get acclimated to tucking while you were wearing girl’s clothes. I think you’ve mastered that.”

“You mean I can quit tucking at night? That would be great.”

“And you could wear something like this. If you want to that is. I know you think I’ve been pushing you too much lately. I don’t want you to think I’m being too pushy. It’s just an idea. You can continue with what you’ve been doing if you think that is better; less pushy.”

“Yes, you have been pushing me around,” he said with a grin. “But I am glad that you have. I would love to wear it. Not only does it look wonderfully sexy and feel great, but I can stop tucking. I would wear a gunny sack if I could stop tucking.”

“But only at night, though.”

“I know. What else do they have here?”

The girl’s turned their talents and attention to power shopping in their favorite store.


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