The Samantha Project - Chapter 6-10

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson

An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. Sam makes his first trip to the beauty salon. Miss Grace pulls Sam deeper into their trap as she asks him for a huge favor.

Hair and hair salon, femdom, crossdressing

The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson


Dinner was uneventful. Sam refused to look at Mona, and she wouldn’t take her eyes off him. Mona was taking her role seriously, indeed. As soon as they were excused Lisa took Sam back to her bedroom. “I can’t wait to take these jeans off,” he told her.

“Why?” Lisa asked back.

“They’re too tight. And I can’t wait to … uhm … untuck.”

“Why?” she asked again. “Is it that uncomfortable?”

“It’s just unnatural,” Sam told her. Lisa smiled at that. She knew that someday, soon she hoped, it would be as natural as putting on a bra and lipstick.

When they reached the bedroom Sam began looking for his jeans, but they were nowhere in sight. “Let me call the maids and see if they cleaned up in here,” Lisa offered. She used the old fashioned telephone on her nightstand and rang Maggie. She talked for only a minute and then hung up. “Mom had the maids come get all your clothes and take them down to be washed. You’ll get them back first thing in the morning. Maybe she is trying to make up to you.”

“So I’m stuck in these jeans?” Sam asked. ‘”Do you have anything a little less confining?”

“Just pajamas. Are you ready to get into your pjs?” Lisa asked with a wicked grin.

“Are you?” he asked with a gleam in his eye.

“Oh no you don’t,” she said as she threw a stuffed tiger at him. “I told you I am saving myself. And with the two of us in nighties I can just about imagine where that will go.”

If he couldn’t change into anything more comfortable, he was at least going to free his penis from its current position. “I’ll be right back,” and he headed towards the bath.

Lisa called him back before he made it to the door. “Are you going to the toilet?” she asked.

“Yeah. I drank too much at dinner.”

“Are you going to … ahh … retuck when you’re done?” she asked him.

Sam was surprised by the question. “No,” was all he could think to say.

“Ok,” Lisa said as she shrugged and turned away from him.

Sam could read her body language and knew that he had given the wrong answer. But damn, he didn’t want to stay tucked any longer. It got sweaty and rather uncomfortable after a while. He had to free his penis. But with the tight jeans he was wearing, it would be obvious to Lisa. He wasn’t sure which way to go, but he didn’t want Lisa sulking. “Do you want me to?” he asked her.

“Well, as much as I hated mother’s attitude, I think you do look better with a smooth front. I mean you look better without the … the … bulge. But it is totally up to you.”

Sam issued a frustrated sigh and walked to the bathroom. A few minutes later he returned with a smooth front. “Yes!” Mona exclaimed as she smiled at Grace.

Grace kept her eyes on the monitor and said, “Good girl Lisa. You’ve got a knack for this. That you do.”

When Sam reached Lisa she rubbed the front of his jeans and said, “Thank you. Do you want to go watch some TV?” That was teenager code for, “Let’s go make out in front of the set.” The two of them kissed and petted for about an hour, while Sam learned first hand about the discomfort of having a raging erection bent over backwards and trapped between his legs. If he could have, he would have squirmed around enough to let his erection slip out from its entrapment. But the panties and jeans he was wearing were too tight to allow that to happen.

After a solid 15 minutes of snogging, lock jaw began to set in and both kids came up for air. “So what is the deal with Maggie? I mean according to every TV show that I have ever watched, the help never sits down with the family,” Sam said.

“Maggie is a very dear friend of my mother’s,” Lisa explained. “Maggie isn’t what she appears. She is CIA,” Lisa said bluntly.


“Yes, from Pittsburgh.”

“Pittsburgh?” Sam asked perplexed.

“Yes, the Culinary Institute of America,” Lisa giggled. “Maggie is a world class chef. She does all of the cooking and serving here because that is what she wants to do. And even that she doesn’t have to slave over. She has anywhere from one to three helpers in the kitchen, depending on what she needs. Maggie is the head chef, so to speak.”

“Really?” Lisa nodded and smiled. “And what about being your chauffeur?”

“Maggie is a car nut. I didn’t take you there, but Maggie has a show garage down by the other garages. She collects sports cars. And she likes to drive. We call her our back-up driver. She only drives me and mom around. Any other time, Chas is the official chauffeur.”

“I don’t get it,” Sam said. “So is she an employee?”

“No silly, she is like family.”

The light bulb went on over Sam’s head. “You mean like your aunt?”

Lisa laughed lightly, “Not exactly. It’s complicated. You’ll have to ask mom.”

Sam made a nasty face and said, “Then I guess it will have to wait.”

Sam fiddled a bit with Lisa’s blouse and gave her a short kiss. He came up for air and sheepishly asked, “How rich are you?”

“That’s not a polite question, Sam.”

Sam quickly apologized, “Sorry.”

“But that’s for others, you’re different,” and she leaned over to Sam for another kiss. “Grandmother once told me that there was nothing we couldn’t buy. And if we couldn’t buy it, we could overthrow it.”

Both of them smiled and Sam said, “Well that’s a bit cryptic.”

“We’re one of the five richest families around.” Lisa clarified.

“In the country?” Sam asked.

“No, in the world,” Lisa said as a matter of fact. “Sam, we’re as rich as they come.”

“Wow,” he sighed.

“Enough gab, now kiss me you fool,” and Lisa lunged on top of Sam for their next round.

About an hour later Lisa announced it was time to turn in for the evening. “We’ve got a fun day tomorrow.”

“What are we going to do?”

“Well, Maggie is driving us downtown in the morning so we can go to the salon. And then there is riding in the afternoon and then some time at the pool. You know, real busy and important stuff,” she said facetiously.

“Do you want me to go to the salon with you?”

“Of course. We both have appointments.”

“I have an appointment? For what?”

“First to get your hair trimmed and cleaned up a little. Don’t worry, I’ll pay. And second, we’re both going to get a facial.”

“I don’t want a facial. Guys don’t get facials.”

“Silly, yes they do. At this economic and social level, guys take care of themselves and their skin. It’s important to look good. Girls and guys!” Lisa said it firmly and with the unmistakable tone that it was not a topic for debate.

All Sam could do was utter a little, “Ok.”

“Ok, then. Let me get some pajamas for you,” Lisa said as she jumped up from their love seat and headed for her dressers.

Sam knew they were going to be girl’s pajamas and they would be in an unopened package. “Don’t worry about it, Lisa. I can sleep in the buff tonight.”

“No you can’t,” she stated as another matter of fact. “You’re not sleeping in my bed all naked. It isn’t acceptable.” She pulled open a drawer and looked at her selection. “Would you like pajamas or a negligee?”

“Not a negligee,” he answered. He couldn’t offer to sleep in a negligee in front of his girl friend. That was just utterly ridiculous.

“Too bad. You might like it. They are much freer than pajamas.” Lisa pulled two unopened packages from the dresser, one was yellow and one was pink. She knew which one he would choose.

“The yellow ones, I guess.”

Lisa handed him the yellow silk pajamas and then went to her armoire and retrieved a light satin bathrobe for him. It was a dusky rose color. She tossed the bathrobe on the bed and then gave him a goodnight hug and kiss. “Don’t worry about an alarm, I’ll have Maggie call us both at 8. Sweet dreams,” and she gave him one last kiss before leaving for her room.

All of the monitors were carefully being watched to see if he would wear the pajamas to bed. He didn’t. However, there were contingency plans for this situation.

As soon as the lights were out, his telephone rang. “Hello.”

“Hi, it’s me,” Lisa said. “Are you all snuggled into bed?”


“Is the bed comfy?”

“Sure is.”

“Are you wearing your pajamas?”

Sam stumbled for just a second. “Yep.”

“Good, ‘cause I’m tempted to sneak down for one more goodnight kiss just to see how cute you look.”

“I’ll be waiting,” he said and hung up. He turned on the light and jumped out of bed to find his pajamas. He quickly put them on, jumped back in bed and turned out the light. When she saw that he was ready, Lisa tiptoed down to his room and gave a soft knock before she cracked the door and softly walked over to the bed.

“Everything ok?” she asked.

“Wonderful,” Sam answered.

“Good. Goodnight,” and she gave him a kiss and tucked him into bed.

There was another round of congratulations when Lisa left the room. It had truly been a successful day.


Sam was lying in bed waiting for the hands on the clock to reach 8:00. He was on his back, absentmindedly caressing the soft silk of the pajamas that he was wearing. Truth be known, he was encased in soft feminine surroundings and he was enjoying it. The satin sheets were very smooth and soft, and he had slid around effortlessly during the night. He had slept exceptionally well, considering that he had trouble getting Mona’s humiliation out of his mind. It had taken a little longer than normal to fall asleep, but once he was out he never heard a sound until after 7:30. Then he decided to roll around in his luxurious surroundings until Maggie called.

Only Maggie didn’t call. At 2 minutes after 8:00 the phone rang and it was Lisa calling. “Good morning sleepy head. Rise and shine.”

“I’ve been awake for almost half an hour,” Sam said.

“Did you take a shower yet?”

“Not yet.”

“So what have you been doing?”

“Just lying here and snuggling in my girl friend’s bed and looking all over for her. It’s a big bed and you can probably hide an elephant in here, but I can’t find my girl anywhere.”

“Are you calling me an elephant?”

“No,no no. I’m just saying that my girl friend is really good at hide and seek.”

“Sure you are. Anyway, let’s get you up and moving. After you take a shower, there are shaving materials, toothpaste and tooth brush, mouth wash and anything else you might need in the last drawer to the right. When you finish call me at 22 and I’ll come down to help you pick out some clothes for the day.”

“Why can’t I just wear my clothes?”

“A little problem there. I’ll explain when I see you. Put on your bathrobe and call me when you’re ready. 22, remember.” Lisa hung up and turned to her monitor to watch Sam. She had been up for an hour and was already dressed and ready to go. Sam threw off the blankets and crawled out for the day. Lisa was pleased to see that he was still wearing his yellow, silk pajamas. “Good for you,” she said to the monitor.

Thirty minutes later, Lisa knocked on the door, then pushed it open before waiting for an invitation. Sam was sitting on the bed, wearing the satin bathrobe that Lisa had left him the night before. “I was hoping you would have my clothes with you,” he said.

“Good morning to you too,” Lisa said as she gave him a hug and kiss. “You smell nice. About your clothes. There was a machine problem last night. Marie the upstairs maid, took your clothes and washed them. Then she left for the evening and forgot to put them in the dryer. When Janice, the downstairs maid went to wash a load of sheets this morning, she threw them in without looking.”

“She didn’t see my clothes?”

“These are big commercial size washers,” Lisa explained. “Anyway, Janice added bleach to the whites.” Sam’s eyes opened wide and he just stared at Lisa. “Your clothes are ruined I’m afraid. I’ll replace them, I promise.”

“So what am I going to wear?” he asked dejectedly. He almost knew what was coming.

“Not to worry, I have you covered. There are still lots of new panties and socks, and you can wear the same shoes. Then you have a choice; you can wear the same jeans if you want, but it might be better if we get a pair of dress slacks from Harriet’s room?” Lisa posed Sam’s options as a question more than a statement.

“Is your mom here this morning?” Sam asked carefully.

Lisa laughed lightly. She knew exactly what Sam was asking. “Mom will be at breakfast and no she doesn’t approve of jeans when we have company. And no matter how much grandma likes you, you’re still company for the time being.”

“Then I guess the answer is pretty clear. What about a shirt?”

“We’ll pick out something from Harriet’s. Put on your undies, grab your shoes and we’ll go.” Sam found his packages of panties and socks and returned to the bath to put them on. When he came out, Lisa was holding his shoes and she just motioned him out the door.

They walked half way down the hall, and then went into a bedroom on the opposite side of the hall. This bedroom was every bit as big as Lisa’s, and if Sam thought Lisa’s bedroom was feminine, this one made Lisa’s look absolutely butch. Everything was pink, frilly, satin or silk, and it smelled like a garden in spring. Dolls and dollhouses were sitting on just about every flat spot in the room. The walls had pictures of beautiful actresses dressed in formal gowns and looking deliciously elegant.

Sam looked around the room and picked up one of the dolls. “Harriet is your sister?”

“She’s my twin sister.”

Sam dropped the doll and looked at Lisa. “Identical twin?”

“No, we’re fraternal twins.”

“Where is she?” Sam asked.

“Off to school. They go on their break next week.”

“Where is she going?”

“It’s a very expensive, private school in Switzerland for special girls.”

“She’s smarter than you?” Sam asked just to be mischievous.

“No, it’s more of a finishing school to turn her into a beautiful, society girl.”

“Why didn’t you go to one of those exclusive finishing schools?”

“Because I’m already a beautiful, society girl,” she said with a giggle and smile.

“That you are,” Sam agreed.

“Besides, I may still go to one of those schools for post graduate work.” Disappointment was obviously written across Sam’s face. Lisa could easily read it. “Don’t worry, I’m not leaving you. Now, let’s see what we can find for you in this spacious closet.”

The closet was indeed spacious. Sam quickly noticed that it was not only much larger than Lisa’s but it had lots of different things. The first thing he noticed were shelves of styrofoam heads holding wigs. There were wigs of all kinds, colors, lengths and styles. The second thing he noticed was a long row of formal dresses. Some of them were floor length and some were very short. Then there were “regular” dresses, but probably two or three times as many as Lisa had. And finally a row of suits. When Sam picked out one of the suits he noticed that it had both slacks and a skirt.

“I need to choose a pair of slacks from one of her suits? Is that right?”

“Yep. See anything you like?”

Sam looked through the suits and decided that they were all very feminine. The jackets were obviously cut for a woman and many of them looked like the front button was very low, as if to show off a nice set of tits, or at least some cleavage. And most of the colors were light colored or pinkish.

“What about this one?” Lisa was holding a subdued pink suit with a pair of pant legs hanging out from below the jacket. Lisa was teasing and she had a grin for Sam.

“Too blah,” Sam answered. “How about this one,” and he picked up a light gray suit. It was the most conservative color in the collection.

“Nah,” Lisa said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Not bright enough.” Lisa knew it was the only suit that Sam was prepared to accept that day. Maybe in the future she would get him into that pink suit. “Well, if you insist,” she said with a smile, “come on, why don’t you go try them on.”

Sam carried them into the bath and took off his robe. He pulled on the slacks and noticed they were styled in a very feminine manner. There were no pockets and the front had pleats at the belt. There was a belt with the slacks and it was very thin, as were the loops. There was no way he could use his own belt. The legs had a stiff crease down the front, making them look very dressy. And most surprising of all was the soft lining. It almost felt like satin. The slacks looked very dressy on Sam, and they were very comfortable. Obviously, Harriet was bigger than Lisa, and had a different approach to clothes. Judging by the room, Harriet was more into feminine draping than Lisa.

What Sam didn’t know was that this was no longer Harriet’s room and these were no longer Harriet’s clothes. When she returned from school Harriet would be moving into a different room, and all of these clothes would no longer be needed by her. Her figure was going to require a new and better wardrobe. Harriet’s old clothes had been carefully chosen and separated and moved into two rooms. These were to be Sam’s clothes and this was to be Sam’s room when he moved in for the spring. But that was still a ways off.

“Come out here and show me,” Lisa called from the other room.

Sam slipped on his shoes and walked out wearing the slacks and nothing on top. “Oooh, those look great. How do they fit?”


“Ok then. Let’s find a top for you. That requires another closet,” and Lisa led Sam to closet number two.

Closet number two was smaller than the first and it was lined with blouses, sweaters and tops. There was a section with satiny robes and silky negligees. There were racks of shoes lining the wall of the closet, and he even saw bathing suits in one section.

“Those are dressy slacks, we can’t just throw a tee over them,” Lisa explained as she started looking through the blouses. “These are all pretty nice; I think you will need something underneath. We’ll probably need a cami.”

“A cami?” Sam asked with just a bit of trepidation. “What’s a cami?”

“An undershirt. But it’s a little nicer than one of your boy undershirts. Don’t worry, you’ll like it. But let’s find an appropriate top first.” Lisa held up a shear blouse for Sam to examine. “What do you think of this one?” she asked.

“I don’t think I’ll wear that one today.”

No, she thought to herself, but someday soon you will. “Ok, we’ll put that on the maybe list,” Lisa joked. “The easiest thing for you to wear is a white blouse, and thanks to Harriet who color codes everything, these are your choices.”

Lisa held up a very frilly blouse. “Nope,” said Sam. Then she held up a shear blouse. “Nope,” again. Lisa was having fun. She knew Sam wouldn’t accept one of those type blouses. So next she gave him a break and held up a plain linen, long sleeve blouse. “Ok,” Sam agreed.

“You will need a camisole with it,” Lisa said. The two of them went to one of Harriet’s dressers and started looking through drawers until Lisa found a silky camisole with spaghetti straps. She held it up for Sam to inspect.

“That’s a camisole?”


“And I’m supposed to wear that under this shirt?”



“That shirt is called a blouse. And yes, it is appropriate for you to wear this camisole under that blouse. On you go,” Lisa instructed.

Sam slipped on first the camisole and then his blouse, tucked it in and did a pirouette for Lisa. “You look nice Sam. Those go together just great. Come on, let’s go get some breakfast.”

When they walked into the small dining room, Mona and Maggie were sipping coffee. “Good morning,” Maggie said. “Sam, how would you like your eggs?”

“Good morning. Sunnyside up, please.”

“You look very nice this morning,” Mona told Sam. “However, may I make one small suggestion?” Lisa and Sam cringed. “Your pant cuffs are almost dragging on the floor. If you picked out some shoes with a heel one inch higher, you might not ruin Harriet’s expensive clothes.”

Lisa and Sam both looked at his cuffs. “You’re right mom. We’ll be right back,” and she grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled him out of the room. Once they had reached the stairs to the second floor she said, “It’s a reasonable request and maybe it will make her happy.”

“I doubt it,” Sam said with a frown.

Lisa went through Harriet’s closet and found a pair of black shoes with 3 inch platform heels. “I feel like a giant in these,” Sam said.

“Do you like being taller?”

“I could get used to it, shorty.”

Lisa stretched up and gave him a kiss. “I prefer taller men.”

With the taller heels, breakfast turned out to be nutritious and almost pleasant.

Lisa, Sam and Maggie were out the door and off to the salon at 9:00 sharp. At 9:02 Mona was on her cell phone to the salon. “The kids are out the door and they will be there right on time for their ten o’clock appointment. When they arrive, I want everyone in the salon to compliment Sam on how pleasant he looks.”

Maggie held the door to the Mercedes while Lisa and Sam crawled into the back seat.

“Where are we going?” Sam asked.

“Downtown Washington. We always use the salon in the company building.”

“That seems like a long way to go for your salon. Why don’t you find someplace closer?”

“Because that is where we usually are. The salon is convenient to work, and mom has a deal worked out with them. We just put our bills on a company account and the company pays for it. It’s a little perk for the executive employees.

“Besides, they have one of the best staffs around. The company specs them out for all of our models. We have a couple of freelance photographers that we use for most of our promo work; they’re a block or two away. The photographers send the models to the salon because of their expertise in prepping the girls for the bright lights. Then the girls pop back over to the photo studios, or more often than not they use our studios on the second floor. So the salon staff is totally up to date on all of the latest styles and they are really great.”

“I see,” said Sam. “So, why again am I going with you today?”

“Just to get a little trim and to have a facial with me.”

“Why do I need a facial?”

“I told you, you always need to look your best, and your complexion is one of the most important aspects to beauty.”

“And guys do this?”

“The smart ones with enough money do. Sam, when you want to reach the top levels of the business and social world, you need to do this. And besides, I wanted your company today.”

“And then can I go shopping for some real clothes?”

“Those aren’t real clothes?” Lisa teased. “They only cost about a thousand dollars.”

“You know what I mean. I want some jeans and a guy’s shirt to wear,” he complained.

Lisa relented, “I know. Yeah, there are a couple more shops on the first floor that we can use.”


Maggie drove the three of them into Washington D.C. and brought them to the Hawthorne Building. Maggie pulled into a reserved spot in the underground parking deck and let the kids out of the car. “I’ll be in my office. Give me a call when you’re ready,” she said.

Lisa took Sam’s hand and pulled him along. Maggie used her security card to call a private elevator. The three of them rode up 2 flights to the ground level, where Lisa and Sam stepped out. “This way,” Lisa exclaimed as she pulled Sam to the Hawthorne Building Beauty Salon. With more than a bit of trepidation Sam followed Lisa through the frosted glass door.

The first thing that Sam noticed was the smell. The aromas were complex and strong. They smelled a little like ammonia, flowery perfume, astringent with touches of alcohol thrown in, some acetone and acrylics and a bit of something sweet. They weren’t unpleasant, but they weren’t overly inviting either. They weren’t the types of aromas that one would use to pull customers into a store.

On the other hand, Lisa took a deep breath and reveled in the complex and intoxicating fragrances. Lisa loved the smell like a boy who always remembers the smell of his first love’s perfume. This was where Lisa belonged. She dearly wanted to convert Sam into a salon lover also. This was going to be her first step in that direction.

They walked up to the front desk where Lisa was immediately recognized and greeted by the receptionist. “And are you Sam?” she asked the person trying to hide behind Lisa. Without waiting for an answer she followed up her greeting with the first of many compliments for Sam, “I love your outfit. You look really sweet.” Then the girl turned all business, “Lisa, you have your usual stylist. Bridgette will take you in one second. And Sam, Susan will be your stylist.”

Before Sam could think, he heard a voice behind him, “Hello, I’m Susan, and you must be Sam.” Sam turned and had a beautifully manicured hand thrust out at him. “I love your choice in clothes. You look very sharp.” Sam shook the girl’s hand and she immediately inspected Sam’s nails. “Would you like a manicure also today?”

Sam shook his head no, and Lisa spoke up, “Next time Susan. We’re on a tight schedule today.”

Bridgette had joined the group and asked Lisa, “Off to a show or something?”

Lisa and Bridgette hugged and exchanged air kisses. “Nope, even better; riding. I haven’t been on Cinnamon in almost 2 months. I can’t wait to get back to her.”

“Then we better move along,” Bridgette said.

The two stylists led their customers to adjacent sinks. Sam took his seat and Susan flapped a white cape in the air and settled it down over his shoulders. She took a tissue and tied it around his neck, and then pulled the cape tight around his neck and fastened it. “Slide down,” she instructed Sam as she held his head in her hand and guided him to a soft landing on the sink. Sam was almost lying on his back looking at the ceiling as Susan began rinsing his hair. “You have especially thick hair, Sam. It should hold a style a long time without going limp. Do you use anything special on it?”

“Nope,” he confessed.

“I highly recommend a good crá¨me rinse that we handle here. It will allow your hair to be soft and still not blow around in the wind.”

Before Sam could answer Lisa spoke from the adjacent chair, “That’s a good idea Susan. Set a bottle aside for us to take with us.”

“Certainly.” Susan rinsed Sam’s hair, added shampoo and lathered it up, making sure to massage his scalp as she cleaned his hair. She rinsed out the suds and then held a bottle over Sam’s head so he could read the label. “This is the crá¨me rinse that I recommend,” and she shook a dollop in her hand. Again she massaged the rinse into Sam’s hair and scalp. It had a strong outdoorsy smell to it, sort of like spring air after a rain, Sam thought. A bit too perfumey for his tastes, though. But Lisa was buying it so he would take it home with him. Just, he probably would never use it.

Bridgette and Susan finished their clients at about the same time. With a big towel wrapped over his head and Susan holding it in place, they walked over to a pair of styling chairs where the clients sat across from each other. “Isn’t this fun?” Lisa asked.

“Yeah,” Sam answered without an enormous amount of enthusiasm.

“Don’t worry,” Lisa thought to herself. “Someday you will live for this; your weekly trip to the beauty salon.”

Susan used the towel to sop up the excess water from Sam’s head, then began combing it out. Bridgette was doing the same with Lisa, but she was slowly falling behind because Lisa had much more hair. With his wet hair combed straight, Susan used her fingers and a pair of scissors to pull Sam’s hair away from his head and clip just a little from the ends. “I’m not cutting much from your hair. It’s a little too short for you as it is. So, I’m just prepping it for your next visit.” Susan had been given her instructions before Sam had even arrived, so there was no reason to discuss the process. But she did like to give her client a running dialog on their progress.

Lisa received the same treatment, but she had just a bit more hair removed from the top. Her hair was already much longer than Sam’s, and she didn’t need to let it grow out much longer. Bridgette touched up her bangs and then pulled over a roller cart. She quickly began sectioning Lisa’s hair and rolling it up with curlers. Sam watched in fascination as Lisa’s head was quickly filled with the hair curlers.

While Bridgette was rolling Lisa’s hair, Susan finished trimming Sam’s. She used her hair blower and a brush to fluff his hair as she dried it. When she was finished, she sprayed a big dose of a sweet smelling spray over his head. “Since your hair is so short, this will help hold it in place when you go riding,” Susan told him. Lisa watched and gave him a big smile without saying anything.

Bridgette continued rolling Lisa’s hair, while Sam watched. When her hair was totally rolled, Bridgette pushed the cart out of the way as Susan returned with two bowls of green, creamy goo. She handed one of the bowls to Bridgette and set the other on her counter. Susan tilted Sam’s chair back so he was once again looking up towards the ceiling. “You’re going to like this,” Susan said. “It is full of emollients and skin restoring agents. It will pull all of the gunk out of your pores and leave your skin feeling silky smooth.”

As Susan spread the creamy mixture over his face and massaged it in, he could see out of the corner of his eye that Bridgette was doing the same to Lisa. She was laying there with her eyes closed and totally enjoying the sensations. Sam closed his eyes and tried to imagine what Lisa was thinking at that moment.

Lisa was thinking about Sam. She was hoping that he was enjoying the tactile pleasures and aromas of his first salon visit. She was imagining a feminized Sam lying next to Lisa in future visits, with the two of them getting their hair permed and their nails manicured. She was thinking of them both enjoying a full makeover and later squeezing into wedding dresses overflowing with taffeta and silky lace and a veil for each. Lisa’s mind was a thousand miles away and yet right next to her boy friend and future lover. Lisa was actually getting damp as she thought about spending hours of bliss with her feminized and compliant boy-wife. Her very own F/M; effeminate and emasculated.

The two stylists finished spreading the cream, and then stepped away to allow their two clients to enjoy some peace as they soaked in the emollients. Without opening her eyes Lisa whispered, “Sam, are still with us?”

“Where would I go?”

“I thought you might drift off to sleep. This is so relaxing, isn’t it?”

Sam didn’t feel like he was going to drift off to sleep, but he knew that he was supposed to agree with his girl friend. “Yeah, it is,” and he took in a deep breath and slowly let it out; a sigh for Lisa.

They let the facial soak in for about half an hour before the two stylists returned. Susan wiped the cream off Sam’s face and announced, “You have a couple of black heads here. I’ll clean them up for you.” She then used her nails to squeeze and pop out several of the more obvious culprits. Bridgette moved faster than Susan, and she soon had Lisa up and moving over to a hair dryer.

When Susan finished up with Sam she reminded him to pick up his crá¨me rinse at the front desk. “You can wait here for Lisa if you want,” she offered. She handed him a magazine on hair styling and then left him alone. Sam glanced at the magazine and watched Lisa under the dryer. Every once in a while she would smile or wave at him. Eventually, Bridgette brought Lisa back to her chair and began removing Lisa’s curlers.

“Did you miss me?” Lisa asked Sam.

“Not at all. I saw you the entire time. You never would have gotten away from me,” he joked.

Bridgette finished removing Lisa’s curlers and brushed out her style. “What do you think?” Lisa was asking Sam for his approval. Sam couldn’t see much difference other than her hair was a bit more plumped up. Dirty and greasy hair does tend to lie flatter he knew.

“You look great,” he said.

“Maybe next time you can get a set too,” Lisa said with a slight tease to her voice. In her heart there was no tease, she would feminize her petite courtesan.

Lisa walked Sam up to the front desk and signed for their services. She made sure that Sam carried out his crá¨me rinse with him. “Now then, I think you wanted to get some jeans? There is a store right down the way here.”

Lisa took Sam to a fashion shop that carried designer jeans. They found a very expensive pair of jeans for Sam which caused some bit of anxiety. Even though Lisa was paying, Sam thought the jeans cost way too much. They went looking through the t-shirts trying to find a top that he could wear. “How about a Nationals shirt?” Sam asked. “It’s perfect for D.C.”

“No,” Lisa said bluntly.

“Why not?”

“Because we consider the Nationals a northern team. Mom will not approve of a team that she considers to be full of Yankees.”

“Ok,” Sam replied as he returned the shirt to the display. Lisa’s comments had caught him off guard. He was from north of the Mason-Dixon line, and he wondered if those sentiments applied to him also. That might explain some of Mona’s attitude towards him.

Instead, Lisa bought Sam a nice polo shirt. “It’ll be better than a t-shirt, trust me,” she told him. What Sam could not find was men’s underwear. “Don’t worry,” Lisa comforted him. “I still have clean panties and socks back home that you can wear, and no one will be any the wiser.”

Lisa rushed them from the store and back to the main lobby. They went to the private elevator and Lisa used her card to call it down to the lobby. They stepped in and she typed in a password before she hit the top button.

“What’s up here?” Sam asked.

“Maggie. And a place that you can change clothes.”

They stepped off the elevator into another world. They were in a lobby with soft, plush carpeting and indirect lighting hanging from the walls. There were comfortable chairs spread around, tables with desk lamps for working and quiet alcoves off to the side. In the center of the room was a round desk with a working area behind it, ostensibly for the receptionist. And straight ahead was a heavy wooden door with a pad next to it.

Lisa led Sam to the door and slid her card in the pad. Sam heard a click and the door popped open just an inch. He grabbed it and pulled it open for Lisa. Into another hall they walked. The hall was lined with wainscoting and pink rose wallpaper above it. On the walls were oil paintings of famous generals and politicians. Sam only recognized two, General Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. As they walked down the hall, every so often an alcove opened up. In it was a desk and a couple of plush chairs, and behind the desk was another door with a pad next to it. And in front of each alcove was a gold-embossed plaque with a title and name on it.

There were a few secretaries at work and Lisa said hi to each of them. They all knew Lisa and returned her greeting. Half way down the hall they came to an empty alcove. The plaque said Executive Vice President — M. J. Hawthorne. Lisa stepped behind the empty desk and found a pentagon of 5 buttons. She pushed the 4 o’clock button. “Yes?” came from the speaker next to the button. “It’s us,” she announced, and the door quickly clicked open.

Lisa motioned Sam to follow her through the door. Inside was another office, much more elaborate but definitely designed for an executive secretary. There were a couple more doors, but one of them was open. Lisa and Sam went through the open door and Sam received the shock of his life. Maggie was sitting behind the desk. And not just any desk, but a beautiful mahogany monstrosity the size of a greyhound bus. Behind her were floor to ceiling windows with shear drapes hanging from them.

As he looked around the room Sam couldn’t believe the money. The furniture, chairs, tables, and credenzas were magnificent. There was another door off to the right, and on the walls were magnificent pictures of classic convertibles from around the world. Sam’s jaw dropped as he looked around. His impressed stare wasn’t missed by either Lisa or Maggie.

“Do you like what you see?” Maggie asked.

Sam blushed a little and closed his mouth. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice,” he stammered.

“Come take a look out the window,” Lisa offered. “The view is pretty impressive.”

Sam walked across the room and he noticed that there were no noises in the room. His shoes made no noise, there was no A/C noise and there was no outside noise. The silence was probably the most impressive point about the entire room. He stood in front of the window and glanced out on Washington D.C. He could make out most of the monuments and hi-lights of the renowned city. Maggie walked up behind and put her arm on his shoulder. “So what do you think?”

“Nice view,” he quipped.

“What about the office?”

“I have never seen anything like it,” he gushed. “Not even in movies.”

Maggie patted him on the shoulder and turned him around. Standing behind the huge desk he saw three pictures framing her work area. One of the pictures was Mona, one was Lisa and the third was a pretty girl with a marked resemblance to Lisa. That just raised a ton of questions. The first question was what was Maggie doing here? Was she an executive VP? The maid, chef and chauffeur was a VP? And a VP of what? And what were Mona and Lisa’s pictures doing on her desk? The questions just tumbled through his mind.

Lisa brought him back to earth, “Did you want to change before we go back?” Lisa had caught his attention and he nodded yes. “The bath is over there.” Lisa pointed to the door on the side of the room.

Sam carried his packages to the door and stepped into the bath. The bath was every bit as ostentatious as the office had been. There was a shower, a bath, a toilet and bidet, and two large closets; probably for towels and toiletries. Sam popped off his shoes, removed Harriet’s clothes, including her camisole, and switched into his new jeans and shirt. He stepped into his shoes and realized how ridiculous the female shoes looked with his male clothing. He should have brought his sneakers.

He finished changing and he noticed another door on the opposite side of the room. He couldn’t help himself. As quietly as he could he opened the door just a crack to look in. It was a bedroom! Wow! It had a large canopied bed, an armoire and a pair of tripods with photography lights on them. He didn’t notice the pictures on the wall, which was too bad. It was a missed opportunity for Sam.

Sam returned to the office where he found Lisa and Maggie chatting. “Are you ready to go riding?” Lisa asked. She took Harriet’s clothing from Sam and carried them as the three of them returned to the car in the sub-basement and Maggie drove them home.


Lisa literally ran into the house when they returned. She pushed Sam up the stairs and into Harriet’s bedroom. “Ok, you’re going to need jodhpurs, and boots and a blouse.” She quickly rummaged through Harriet’s closet to find what she needed. She threw the appropriate clothes on the bed, set the boots on the floor and said she would be back in 10 minutes. She slammed the door on her way out. Sam didn’t have a chance to utter a single word.

Sam got dressed as quickly as he could, and it still wasn’t fast enough. He had only one boot on when Lisa came barging back in. “Come on! Let’s go!”

They almost ran to the stable, where Jennifer already had Abigail saddled and ready to ride. Lisa had called from her room to give Jennifer a heads up. Cinnamon was in her stall, waiting for Lisa to saddle her up. The talk coming from the stall almost sounded as if Lisa were making love to her mare rather than preparing her for a ride.

Moments later Lisa and Cinnamon came charging from the stall and out into the corral. Once there, Sam and Jennifer watched them go through their paces together. After fifteen minutes of various canters they charged out of the corral and out into the jumping field where once again they ran and jumped like wild acrobats. Sam could tell that Lisa was an excellent equestrian. Her enthusiasm alone proved that. Eventually Lisa remembered that she had a guest and the two of them returned to the corral.

“That was pretty impressive,” Sam said.

“We’re just getting warmed up, ain’t that right Cinnamon?” and she patted her horse on her neck. “Well let’s see what you got,” she told Sam.

“I got nothing. Which end goes forward?”

Lisa laughed and Jennifer took over. She introduced Sam to Abigail. Lisa and Cinnamon trotted around and did fancy circles and back steps while she watched Jennifer teach Sam the fundamentals of riding. About an hour later Jennifer released Sam to Lisa. “Do you want me to follow behind?” she asked Lisa.

“No thanks. We won’t do anything difficult.”

“Well absolutely no jumping, Lisa. I mean it,” Jennifer commanded.

Lisa laughed and yelled, “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” as she and Sam trotted out of the corral.

Once she had the two of them out of the corral she kicked Cinnamon up to a fast trot and Abigail followed along beside her. Lisa was good, and she didn’t push Cinnamon or Abigail beyond beginning level, much to the appreciation of Sam. The two of them rode and chatted and sang and laughed for the better part of an hour. Watching Lisa ride, Sam was sure that she could live on the back of that horse. But Sam’s bottom wasn’t use to the abuse. When Lisa asked if Sam wanted to head back to the stable, he jumped at the opportunity.

Lisa wanted to put Cinnamon back, and she spent another half hour brushing down the mare. Jennifer handled Abigail and Sam straddled the gate talking with Lisa as she talked baby talk to a horse. Lisa was truly happiest when she was with Cinnamon. That was plainly evident to both Sam and Lisa.

By the time they began their walk back to the house it was well past tea time. “Saturdays are barbeque night when we’re at home. We should probably start getting cleaned up. We need to pick out some appropriate clothing for you tonight.”

“I don’t suppose jeans are appropriate,” Sam said wistfully.

Lisa gave him a hug and her condolences. “Fraid not. We’ll get you something comfortable from Harriet’s room. Do you want to wear a nice summer dress? They’re really comfortable,” she said with a little poke at Sam.

“Let’s save that for Sunday,” he joked.



“Don’t get my hopes up like that,” Lisa pouted. “It’s not nice,” and she poked him again. “Do you want to wear what you wore to the salon? It’s easy.”

Sam was becoming resigned to having to dress for dinner, and even worse was dressing in girl clothes since his dress clothes were back at school. “That would be fine,” he said.

Later in the evening they were once again in Lisa’s room, sitting in front of the television and snogging indecently. During one of their temporary breaks Sam tried to ask about Maggie. But unlike the night before Lisa would say nothing about Maggie. She kept referring Sam to Mona for answers, and of course Sam knew that meant his questions weren’t going to be answered. It was most perplexing.


Sunday morning was sleep in time for the two kids. Mona went to church but Maggie didn’t. “The social contacts are important,” Mona explained later in the day. “Kooks and nuts,” Maggie pronounced them. So Maggie was putzing around the kitchen when the kids wandered in at 9:30. Maggie kicked the help out of the room and the three of them made breakfast and then sat in the kitchen and ate. Maggie was friendly and funny and had a keen understanding of the latest social and electronic trends. Maggie sounded like a competent computer whiz. And she loved cars. She promised to show Sam her collection whenever he was available.

Unfortunately, Sam wasn’t available for Maggie. Lisa had them down to the stable in no time at all. Surprisingly, Jennifer was there to continue Sam’s riding lessons. When Sam expressed his surprise about Jennifer working on a Sunday, Lisa was nonchalant. “I asked her to be here. You needed another lesson.” Period. It was that simple.

They had lunch on the back patio, still wearing their jodhpurs. Lunch was prepared and served by one of Maggie’s assistants. Maggie was no where to be found. After lunch Lisa wanted to go swimming. Sam had no trunks so they improvised. Well improvised as much as everything that week had been planned if not outright rehearsed.

“You can wear one of Harriet’s suits,” Lisa said as they thumbed through her closet.

“Why don’t we go skinny dipping?” Sam asked innocently.

That brought the biggest and longest laugh from Lisa that Sam had ever witnessed. She rolled on the bed and actually fell onto the floor. She stood up and composed her self for a second, and then fell back on the bed laughing. After she settled down she said, “I won’t even begin to tell you how many ways that would never work. Trust me, pick a suit.”

She tried to get him to wear a one piece suit, but he refused. He wanted to wear the bottom half of a larger suit, and Lisa wanted him to wear the top also. Sam was adamant that he would not wear a top because, among other things, he might get tan lines with it. Since that was his biggest objection, Lisa devised a little plan. Sam changed into the bottom half of the suit and Lisa tucked the top half into her pocket.

When Sam returned form the bathroom, his male accoutrements were bulging obscenely in the bikini bottoms. “You’re going to have to tuck,” Lisa told him.

“This suit isn’t tight enough to keep me tucked. I tried and I slide out too easily.”

“You’re too big,” Lisa said facetiously.

“Yeah,” he answered.

“Wear a pool robe and if mother comes near us, go hide somewhere and tuck yourself. Seriously, she’ll have kittens if you don’t tuck yourself.”

Lisa changed into her suit — what little there was — and they wandered down to the pool, after collecting a lemonade in the kitchen. Mona was nowhere in sight. At the pool they were pretty much sheltered from prying eyes from the house. Or at least Sam thought so. The CCTVs were rolling and Mona was actually recording in case there was something that she wanted to show Grace later.

The two kids romped in the water and actually swam a few laps. Sam was surprised at what a good swimmer Lisa was. It seemed like Lisa could do anything. They settled into the shallow end and sipped their lemonades and talked about school and movies and even books. They decided that after dinner they would go out to see a movie.

After turning into prunes they moved up to the lounges. Lisa pulled hers into the sun, but Sam kept his in the shade. After another short while Lisa asked Sam for a favor.

“Depends,” he said.

“If you do it, I’ll get one of Maggie’s cars for our date tonight.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know the names of them, but trust me, you have never been in a hotter car no matter what she gives us.”

“Like what?”

“How about a gull wing Mercedes?”

“Not a chance,” he answered.

“I can’t guarantee that, but it will be something just as awesome. I promise.”

“Ok, I’ll agree. What do you want me to do?”

“It’s pretty simple really. I want you to wear the top to that suit for half an hour.”


“Cause I want to see what you look like is all. No big deal.”

“Half an hour. And I don’t have to get in the sun with it.”

“Well for a little. I want to go in the pool too.”

Sam sighed and waved at Lisa. She tossed over the top, and then followed it over to Sam. He put it on, but didn’t know how to tie it in the back. The straps to the cups went behind his neck and tied there. Lisa tied it then stood back to take in the affect. “I like it,” she announced.

“I think it is stupid, and if anyone saw it they would think it is dumb too.”

“I’ll bet not. You’ve worn girl’s clothes for the better part of two days and no one thought you looked dumb,” she said smugly.

”Except you mother,” he answered just as smugly.

“That was a little different. It was only one little thing that she objected to.”

“Little?” Sam exclaimed with as much hurt as he could muster in his voice.

“Bad choice of words. If it was little mom wouldn’t have complained,” she giggled. Sam relented and smiled. “Come on,” Lisa said. “I want to see you in the pool. I want to see what you look like when you’re wet.”

“This isn’t a wet t-shirt contest,” Sam said as he followed her to the pool.

“Yes it is. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

“Deal!” Sam couldn’t agree quickly enough.

Sam jumped in the pool and swam out a ways. He turned and lifted his bikini top. “There’s mine. Where’s yours?”

Lisa jumped in and waded over to Sam. “If mom ever finds out about this she’ll kill me.”

Sam made a spectacle of looking around and then turned back to Lisa. “I don’t see her. Now it’s your turn, show me yours.”

Lisa started laughing and splashed Sam. “Ok you voyeur, here,” and she pulled up her top to let her boobs fall out of her bikini.

Sam’s eyes almost popped out. Lisa wasn’t over sized on top, but she was well proportioned and her young breasts were firm and pert. The water made her nipples firm up and protrude out like nothing Sam had ever seen. His mouth popped open. Lisa laughed and splashed water in his mouth. “There we’re even,” she covered her breasts.

“I don’t think so,” Sam said. “I think you are just a little bit ahead. Like two or three cup sizes.”

“Jealous?” she asked as she flashed her tits again.

“Maybe,” he answered.

“Show me yours again?” she asked.

Sam imitated Lisa and pretended he was bouncing big tits out of his bikini.

“You have some flair for doing that. How would you like a real pair like mine?”

“I have to admit that you are beautiful. I think I could enjoy a pair like that,” Sam joked.

Lisa laughed and jumped into his arms. “Well maybe we can arrange that someday. How would you like that?” she asked as she kissed him. He never answered the question as he plunged his tongue into her mouth.

Mona hit the copy button and backed the tape up onto a permanent disk. “Grace will want to see that,” she said to herself. “Hell, Lisa might want a copy for her scrap book too.”

Sam was disappointed later, when Lisa had to renege on her promise to Sam. Maggie refused to allow one of her prize autos to sit in a parking lot while they went into the movie. The three of them crammed into a 1972 Mercedes Benz 380 SL. Maggie drove them and picked them up after the movie.


Lisa was awake and rolling around in her bed. She hadn’t slept very well. This was a big day and she was feeling nervous. Today was going to be a huge decision day for Sam. She turned on her monitors and watched Sam sleeping in her bed. He looked like he was having no trouble sleeping. Of course, he didn’t know what was coming.

Her cell phone rang and she picked it up. “Hi Lisa it’s me,” Grace said. “I’m half way to your house.”

“Ok, I’ll wake up sleeping beauty and get him moving. See ya,” and she hung up. She picked up the stylish antique phone on the desk and dialed her room. The phone rang 3 times before Sam managed to roll over to the edge of the bed and pick up. “Morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?”

“Great,” he mumbled incoherently.

“Well up and at ‘em. I’ll come get you in half an hour. Oh, and dress for riding.”

“Ok,” he mumbled again.

Lisa watched him roll around in the bed for another minute before he finally tossed the covers back and got out. Lisa saw that he was still wearing his frilly, yellow pajamas. “I’ll have to get him into a negligee tonight. I’ll tell Marie to collect the pajamas for the dirty wash.”

Lisa got dressed for the day and then went to collect Sam. On the way downstairs Sam asked what was on the day’s schedule. “Same as always,” Lisa said. “First is your riding lesson, then swimming, then riding and then swimming. What else do you want to do?”

“That sounds good to me.”

They walked into the little dining room and found Maggie and Lisa’s grandmother talking over a cup of coffee. Maggie was wearing her usual maid uniform, this one a classic black and white in satin. Grace was wearing a simple sheath dress suited for business. “Good morning kids,” Grace said cheerfully.

Maggie stood and pushed back from the table, “How would you like your eggs?”

“Sunnyside up.”

“Over easy. Grandmother, what are doing here?” Lisa asked.

“What? Can’t I come visit my favorite granddaughter and her friend?” Grace tried to sound light and hurt at the same time. It didn’t work.

“It’s Monday, grandmother. What’s up?” Lisa asked suspiciously.

Grace chuckled and conceded, “I can’t fool you can I? Actually I came to speak with Sam.”

Sam’s ears perked up and his eyes opened wide, “What?”

Grace stood and walked over to Sam. She placed her hand on his shoulder and half asked and half directed him. “Sam would you come talk with me a moment, please?”

Sam’s pulse jumped up as he quietly walked alongside Grace. She led him to Mona’s study and after he entered, she shut the door. “This can’t be good,” he thought. Grace seated herself behind Mona’s desk and Sam sat in front. It looked like another interview to Sam. “Sam, I really like you,” she started.

“I’m getting fired,” he thought.

“I have two favors to ask you. Let me get right to the first. We have a photo shoot scheduled for tomorrow at the office. I got a call last night that one of the boys fell off his motorcycle this weekend and skinned himself pretty badly. So, we are short one model. I was going to call in a temp, but I thought as long as we were getting a temp, why not keep it in the family. Would you be interested in helping us out and doing some modeling tomorrow? It pays $250.”

Sam was totally relieved. He wasn’t getting fired. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind helping out. But I don’t know what Lisa has planned for tomorrow.”

“I do,” Grace said. “She wants to go riding. The shoot is in the afternoon and we need you there no later than 10 o’clock. Maybe you can get up early and go riding.”

“I’ll ask her,” Sam offered.

“Wait, before you do that I have one other favor to ask you. And this one is huge.” Grace leaned back and took a deep breath. “First, I need to explain things a little. This Saturday we are having a dinner party. It will be very fancy and some very important people are going to be here. It will be a nice opportunity for you to meet some interesting people.”

Grace paused for a moment and Sam decided to help, “But …?” he said.

“But it just got complicated,” Grace answered. “Some additional people are coming. They were invited but they originally declined due to some travel considerations. Now they can make the party. Here’s the situation Sam, we are very close to settling an extremely important contract with these people. They and our company are the principals, but there are many different parties involved. Now here comes the complication, their grandson likes Lisa. In fact, likes is too weak of a word. He is infatuated with her.”

The pit of Sam’s stomach dropped like a stone. He was going to get fired. He was going to be told to take a hike and leave Lisa alone. He wasn’t good enough for this family. How could he have been so stupid as to think he had a future with Lisa after what he had seen here? She was just way out of his league.

Grace could read Sam’s face and she immediately new what he was thinking. “Don’t get concerned, Sam. She hates this boy. She likes you and she likes you a lot. And so do I. That’s not what this is about. I’m not asking you to leave.”

Back from the edge of the precipice. The look on his face didn’t change, but he felt a bit of hope growing in his heart.

“Do you understand what I just said,” Grace asked. “That Lisa really likes you?”

“Yeah,” he said a bit too quietly.

“It’s true Sam. But let me finish my story and then I think you will understand what is going on here. As long as these people think their grandson has a chance with Lisa, they’re going to be cooperative on this major project. This isn’t unusual at our family level. We sometimes seal business relationships with personal relationships.”

Sam’s stomach started sinking again. He couldn’t help it. His mind was racing way faster than Grace’s little speech.

“So it would be a little awkward if Lisa were to introduce you to these people. They might back out of this deal, and it is way too important to allow that to happen.”

“So I’m not invited?” Sam asked. It was a snub, but one he could live with. And this business deal did sound important.

“Not at all Sam. Lisa has been looking forward to having you at this dinner, and I want you there also. But we can’t take a chance on the Hendersons getting upset. I’m afraid, no I’m certain, that if Lisa introduces her boyfriend at this dinner, our deal is dead.”

Sam was way ahead of her, “So I’m to be a cousin or something?” Whew! He could live with that. This wasn’t such a big favor after all. He didn’t mind.

“That won’t work, I’m afraid,” Grace said. “The Hendersons and us have been good friends back two generations. They know all of our relatives and we know all of theirs. No, we have to do something else.”

Sam gave her a quizzical look and a shrug of his shoulders. He didn’t have any other ideas.

Grace looked carefully at Sam, and for some reason a shiver ran down his spine. “There is one thing that I think will work,” she said and then paused for effect. “I don’t think there would be any problem if Lisa introduced you as her college roommate.” Grace stopped and looked at Sam.

Sam wasn’t putting 2 plus 2 together very quickly. “But she lives in a sorority, and her roommate is a girl. Wouldn’t they know that?”

“Yes they would.” Grace said no more and waited for Sam to piece the puzzle together. When he figured it out Grace could see it in his facial expression. The shock in his facial expression was almost too much for her. She managed to stifle a laugh, but she couldn’t stop a smile from turning up the corners of her mouth. “Do you understand now?”

Sam gulped. “Yeah, I think so. You want me to dress up as a girl. As Lisa’s female roommate. Right?”

“Exactly. Now I know this is a huge favor to ask, and I know it sounds way too daunting to even try. But we have access to people that can make this possible. They can train you and make you into a thoroughly convincing co-ed. Trust me; I know you can pull it off.”

Sam gulped again and fear began rising in his chest. He said nothing and just looked at Grace.

“I would consider this a huge personal favor Sam. And I’m sure Lisa would appreciate your efforts as well. I know that she has been planning for weeks to take you to this dinner party. She even has a tuxedo picked out already. But Sam, I can’t see any other way of doing this. I know I shouldn’t be putting business ahead of Lisa and you, but this is one time that I just have no choice. I am asking you to do it for me, and even more importantly I am asking you to do it for Lisa. Would you please dress as Lisa’s roommate for the party this weekend? Please?”

After that little speech how could he say no? On the other hand how could he say yes? This was absurd. This was crazy. How could he convince a room full of people that he was a real girl? “I don’t know if I can do it,” he said. “Not that I don’t want to do it, I would, but these people will know. I’m sure of it.”

“And I am sure of just the opposite. Look Sam, you’re not going to put on a dress Saturday afternoon, and waltz into the party and pass as a real girl. I know that. You are going to have to practice. Here is what I was thinking; you and Lisa enjoy your riding and swimming and do whatever you want during the day. But the rest of the week we have a full dress rehearsal every night for dinner. You dress fully as you would Saturday, make-up and everything, so that you can get used to the feel and the movement of your clothes.

Maggie is very good with make-up and she can help you there.

“Mona and Lisa can work together and show you how to walk and stand and sit and eat and talk and all of the little nuances of being a girl. You don’t have to pass as a practiced southern belle. If push comes to shove, we can tell people that you’re from New York. They might not like Yankees here, but as a guest of Lisa’s that will gain you many pardons.

“I admit this won’t be easy, and you will have to put in some serious effort and practice to pull it off, but consider Lisa. She was so looking forward to this party, and I honestly can’t see any other way of getting you there. Please, Sam. Come Saturday I’ll bring in the best makeup and hair artist that we have. We will turn you into such a stunning beauty that people will be afraid to even speak to you. Will you consider it? Will you do it?”

Again, how could he say no? Sam nodded and in a squeaky little voice he said, “Yes. I’ll do it.”

“That away, Sam!” Grace congratulated him. “You will never regret this. I’ll make sure of that. Now, let’s call Lisa and give her the news.” Sam stared ahead as Grace picked up the phone and called the kitchen.

It took only a moment for Lisa to show up. As soon as she saw Sam’s face she knew there was a problem. “What’s wrong?” she asked with all the compassion she could muster.

“Nothing is wrong,” Grace said. “Please take a chair and let me explain.”

Lisa jumped into the nearest chair but did not settle into it. Instead she sat on the edge where she could get a better look at Sam’s face. “What’s going on?” she asked again. Grace didn’t send any clues to Lisa. She wanted Lisa’s emotions and reactions to be as real as possible. They had agreed to this.

“Sam has generously agreed to do some modeling for us. Our contracted model fell off his motorcycle and tore himself up.”

“Great. When?”

“Tomorrow afternoon.”

“Grandma,” Lisa began whining.

But before she could go any further Grace interrupted her with, “Lisa!” Grace used just as whiney a voice. “You’re 20 years old and no longer a little girl. That isn’t going to work on me any longer.”

“But we wanted to go riding tomorrow.”

“Get up earlier,” Grace said with no compassion.

Lisa frowned and then turned to Sam, “Is she paying you?”


“How much?”

“Two hundred and fifty dollars.”

She turned back to Grace, “When is the shoot?”

“Two to four tomorrow afternoon.”

“And when does he have to be there?” she asked smugly.

“I told him we need him there no later than 10 o’clock.”

“That’s more than a half day. Two fifty is scale for a half day. You have to pay him for a full day, five hundred.”

Grace and Sam just stared at Lisa. She had her arms folded and a look on her face that said she wasn’t going to change her mind. After her initial surprise Grace laughed. “Ok, you win. Sam, you get five hundred.

“Now the second item we discussed is this Saturday’s dinner party.”

Lisa couldn’t help herself and once again she whined, “Grandmother, that was going to be a surprise.”

Grace gave her a hard stare and continued. “I am sorry but some things have changed. The Hendersons have decided they can make it, and we have an extremely important contract on the line.”

Lisa interrupted, “Is Ding-Dong going to be there?”

With utmost restraint Grace looked her in the eye and said, “No, Robert will not be there.”

“Good! He’s a total whacked out creep.”

Sam snickered and Grace leaned forward across the desk towards Lisa. “Robert is not a whacked out creep,” she said sternly.

“Yes he is grandmother, and you know it.” She returned the comment back as hard as Grace had served it. “He’s mega ugly and stupid to boot.”

Grace eased up just a bit. “He is not stupid, but I will give you the fact that he looks like the union from incestuous goats.”

Sam couldn’t help it. He burst out laughing. Both Lisa and Grace leaned back in their chairs and smiled. “When your right your right,” Grace told Lisa.

“But we’ve still got a major problem. They think Robert has a chance at your hand and ...”

Lisa interrupted her, “Not in a million!”

“And we don’t want to destroy that fantasy by you showing up with Sam.”

“You mean I can’t bring Sam? No! That’s unacceptable. You tell the Hendersons to …”

“Lisa shut up!” Grace yelled. The room went dead quiet and Lisa glared at her grandmother. “That is not what I was going to say. You had better start watching your manners in front of me young lady. I will not tolerate childish tirades. Do I make myself clear?” she demanded. Lisa did not answer immediately. “Lisa?”

“Yes, and I am sorry for that outburst.”

“Thank you. Apology accepted. Now please hear me out. We have an extremely important contract on the line with them, and I cannot afford to upset them at such a delicate moment in negotiations. So I have asked Sam for another favor. I asked him if he would go as your roommate.”


“Your roommate. I have asked him if he would dress as a girl and pretend that he is your roommate at college.”

“But grandmother, that’s not fair to him. He shouldn’t have to do that just because Robert is an ugly creep and his parents are so delusional that they think their creepy little skunk doesn’t stink so bad that he has a chance to date me. I don’t want to ask Sam to do something like that just so I can take him to a party that by all rights he should be on the honored guest list. I mean this just …”

“Lisa! He has said yes.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

“He seems to have a much cooler head on his shoulders than someone else does.”

“Really?” she asked Sam a second time.


“Wow. So what do we do grandmother?”

“Rehearse. Starting tonight he, you both, should begin dressing for dinner. This isn’t going to be easy, and I sure don’t want the Hendersons to see through our subterfuge. You two go riding today and leave the planning to me. Enjoy your day, but tonight plan on dressing formal for dinner. Is that ok?”

The two kids looked at one another with a WTF expression written over their faces, but they both said yes. “Oh grandmother, one other thing,” Lisa said. “I think this makes Sam family, don’t you?” Grace said nothing. “I think his pay tomorrow should be the same as you pay me for a full day; one thousand.”

“You vamp! You get that from your mother no doubt. Ok. Sam, one grand it is,” and she shooed them out of the study.

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