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An epic story of power, money, politics, deceit and love. In the conclusion to our story, both Lisa and Samantha achieve everything they each want. And Samantha and Miss Mona stand toe-to-toe and “discuss” their relationship. Who will blink first?
Femdom, crossdressing,
The Samantha Project by G. L. Hudson
Sam’s third and final semester began on June 1. After Sam’s morning ballet lesson, he was given a hospital uniform. It was white, had a short skirt, comfortable white walking shoes and a cute little hat. Mistress Ann walked him 5 blocks to a neighborhood hospital where he met with the HR director. She handed him some forms to fill out, which Mistress Ann immediately took. She quickly filled out the forms and handed them back to the director.
“Wait here. Someone will come collect you,” he was told in French. Sam understood perfectly.
“I can not come with you young Samantha. You are on your own. I will be here at noon to pick you up. Enjoy your day. Learn how to take care of babies. Enjoy them Samantha, they are a wonderful miracle.”
Sam was now a mature woman in her early twenties. When not at ballet, the hospital or in a maid uniform, Sam was expected to dress his age. He could still wear short skirts, just not mini-skirts. His boots were traded in for 3 and 4” heels, which Sam loved. His shoulder length hair required daily styling — nothing elaborate but no ponytails or simple buns. He was required to wear makeup, but it had to be subdued compared to his teen years; no bright blue eye shadow or orange fingernail polish. His corset now laced tight. He was down to the 24 inch waist that Mistress Ann had wanted. It was still tight for Sam and he still despised it, but he had made it down to a sexy narrow waist.
Sam’s favorite item of clothing was his brassiere, which he loved because it supported his two favorite attributes. Sam loved his “medium” girls. They were no longer little, but they weren’t exactly big. He had passed through AAA to AA to A and now he was getting close to a legitimate B cup. Sam adored having real breasts; the feel and weight and movement was exquisite. Nothing said girl more than real breasts. And he loved nothing better than snuggling them into the sensuous comfort of a push up bra, and squeezing them into some nice cleavage that he could show off with a low neckline blouse or dress.
Sam was done with his sex education and he was relieved. Without Lisa, sex was just another daily activity.
So Sam moved into the summer as a young lady training to become a nanny. After a month at the hospital, Mistress Ann began finding him baby sitting jobs. On Friday and Saturday nights he often found himself in charge of young children. He fed them, bathed them, dressed them in pajamas and put them to bed. He even changed diapers — he was quite good at it.
After his first job, he came home with 25 Euros. “What should I do with the money?” he asked his Mistress.
“Spend it,” she told him.
“On what?”
“On your self,” she answered.
“Really? Like on what?” Sam had had no money for over a year now, and he didn’t need it. Lisa used to buy everything for him, and now Mistress Ann had been doing the same.
Mistress Ann was confused on her part. Everyone likes to spend money on herself. She wasn’t aware of Sam’s situation with Lisa and the plan to make him dependent on Lisa for everything; including money. So she answered, “Feminine hygiene products. Maybe it is time to begin wearing tampons.”
Sam didn’t like that suggestion and he quickly retorted, “Lipstick. Can I spend it on lipstick?”
Mistress Ann merely laughed at her boy.
As the summer moved on, Sam actually served as a nanny to two infants while he and the parents went on vacation to southern France. Sam was required to tend to all of the babies needs while the mother and father went sight seeing and dining. Sam changed diapers, bottle fed the children, dressed and undressed them, pushed them around in a stroller and allowed the parents a vacation free from the stress of baby care. And Sam saw a bit more of France.
Sam went on two holidays as a nanny. It wasn’t easy work, and he realized that child rearing was going to be 24/7 for years with his own children. But he understood that this would be expected of him; it would be his life as mother to the children he would father. It sounded strange, and was difficult to justify pronouns and keep them correct all the time, but it was what he had signed up for.
Was Sam a boy or a girl? Sam was a boy, and Samantha was a girl. The difficult part was separating the two at times. But more and more Sam considered himself to be Samantha. He lived twenty four hours a day as a girl. He dressed like a girl. He wore makeup and a brassier like a girl. He even sat down to pee like a girl.
Sam only surfaced when Lisa visited and wanted sex from him. But even then he was Samantha; Lisa’s silly filly. When Mistress Ann or Mistress Lisa called him boy, he felt odd. He wished they would refer to him as a girl — only a girl. But he knew who and what he was and he accepted it all. Sam was happy to be Samantha the part time boy, or as Lisa sometimes called him, “her epicene boy”.
After August the vacation period in Europe began to disappear. Sam still did some baby sitting, but no more traveling or au pair work. Instead, his Saturday nights became date night. He would spend the day at the beauty salon having his nails filed, his legs waxed and his hair washed and set. Then Mistress Ann would take him home and together they would dress Samantha for her date. Beautiful makeup and sexy dresses were the call for the evening.
At first, Sam would also dress Mistress Ann. She was Sam’s date for the first month. She took him to upscale restaurants (he had to work extra hard on Monday at ballet to lose his weight) and then to the opera or concert. Sam/Samantha was trained to be comfortable dressed in long fancy dresses with low necklines and lots of cleavage. He was tutored to look fantastic at a meal, while knowing all the proper protocols and etiquette. Mistress Ann mentored him on being witty and pretty and clever. She gave him tips on flirting with his date and making her feel important and clever herself. Sam was taught to make physical contact and how much was too much and when and where to touch his date. And he was taught how much reciprocal contact was acceptable. With his Mistress Lisa there would be no limits of course.
After several dates with Mistress Ann, Sam was sent out with a total stranger; at least a stranger to him. Mistress Ann used the parents of other students; volunteers to help with a young boy’s social training. He started by dating women; mothers of the other students. Their dates were much like his Mistress Ann dates, but some tested the boy. They became too close and too “friendly” and tried to move faster than decorum allowed. Sam was trained for these situations, and he was critiqued when he arrived home.
And then Sam moved onto men. The men would take him to dinner and a show and would hold his hand and look into his eyes and flirt. Sam would return the flirting — just enough to please the man’s ego, but not too much to arouse him to unwanted levels. Practice, practice, practice. Sam spent the majority of the fall going on dates.
Mistress Ann attended only one or two dates of his first dates, then sent him out on his own. Sam always had a body guard around, but he didn’t know who it was; he never saw Andre. Just in case one of the parents — and it usually turned out to be the women more often than the men — decided to push a little too far, Sam knew all he had to do was place his left hand on his right shoulder and wait for help. Fortunately that was never required. Mistress Ann had trained him well in the various techniques to “cool off” a date.
Sam’s dating was one of his favorite times during his mentoring by Mistress Ann. (He also loved his ballet.) He learned to flirt, which was one of Sam’s top priorities. He wanted to know how to control men for his future as a campaign manager. He knew the ability to flirt would be invaluable and he wanted to make sure he learned as much as he could. But flirting was never going to be a problem for Sam. With Samantha’s looks, her cleavage, tiny waist, cute nose and dimples, she would have no problem controlling men. All Sam would have to do is slip into Samantha mode, smile and men would melt before his eyes. It was inevitable. It was preordained. It was fun to watch.
And Sam also enjoyed the company and conversation. He was the center of attention, and his date would spend the evening talking and laughing with him, and trying to influence him. He saw some nice shows (collected more ticket stubs for his scrap book), picked up some wonderful fashion ideas from other women and perfected his small talk. Most of the parents were curious about Sam and how wonderful a girl he made. They were often looking at Sam but seeing their own boy. Once in a while Sam would have to bring them back to the present, as they would ramble off, talking about their own son.
Through his entire time with Mistress Ann, Miss Mona never forgot about him. She sent him numerous books to read and study. After giving him a full dose of her favorite dogma, she sent him books from the other side. “Know thy enemy,” she wrote to him. Sam read political articles by Mark Twain, Will Rogers and Art Buchwald. He read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. He read books from some of the most liberal thinkers in America. Miss Ann gave Sam a thorough history lesson on politics influencing the twenty first century of America.
She had her secretary cut out editorials from the Washington Post, New York Times and various magazines. Sophie was constantly mailing articles to Sam, even after he left Paris and returned to America. After his graduation, Lisa and Samantha set up housekeeping and began making babies. Samantha stayed home and took care of the children with the exception of Fridays. On Fridays Samantha went to work with Miss Mona. She was given a desk in Miss Mona’s office and she spent every Friday shadowing Miss Mona. When Lisa was finished with her pregnancies and public service she would begin her run for her first elected office. And Samantha was going to be ready.
As summer turned to fall and the leaves began changing color, Mistress Ann sat down her protégé one evening. “Your time with me is almost up, Samantha. Are you looking forward to leaving and going home with Mistress Lisa?”
“Yes ma’am, very much so.”
“Have you been happy here, Samantha?”
“Yes ma’am. I have learned tons and tons and I enjoyed being with you. You were a wonderful mentor.”
“Were there parts that you didn’t like?”
“Yes ma’am. I know I needed to learn about sex, and I greatly appreciate my training. But I must confess that I don’t like having sex with other boys. Even as a girl Samantha prefers girls.”
“Understandable,” Mistress Ann smiled. “We have a little time left, is there anything else you would like to know?”
Sam thought for several minutes and said, “How do I succeed in life? How do I make my mistress happy? How do I make myself happy?”
Mistress chuckled. “Heavy questions Samantha dear; very heavy. I do not know how you ensure your happiness. Life is full of problems, disappointments, surprises and enjoyment. The only thing I can say is be honest and true to yourself. It doesn’t help to swallow stress and disappointment and bottle it up inside. Tell your mistress when you are unhappy and see if she can help you.
“And how do you make your mistress happy, that is simple. Do whatever she asks, do it to the best of your ability and smile. If you enjoy your service to your mistress, I think you will please both of you.”
“Yes ma’am. I once asked Gisela what she did. I was actually asking what she did for a living. Her answer was, “Whatever Miss Janice tells me to do.” At the time I did not know about concubines and I didn’t know she was a boy. I thought it was a very strange answer, but now I understand. When someone asks me the same question, I shall answer the same way.”
“Gisela was my favorite student, but I now have two. You are a very beautiful boy Samantha. You will have no problem passing as a beautiful girl. You have a wonderful voice, the grace of a ballerina and the beauty of a goddess. Did you ever think you would have a 24 inch waist?”
“Yes ma’am. When you told me that was your target, I knew you would get me there. I had the utmost faith in you. After all, I had the best teacher in the Guild.”
Mistress Ann smiled. “Were there things that you liked more than others?”
“Ballet! I really enjoyed ballet, ma’am. It was the perfect thing to help me improve my grace and balance. I hope to try and keep up with it when I go back home. I shall make sure that my children learn ballet.”
“That is the nice thing about ballet. You don’t have to go to a dance studio to practice the important things.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Well Samantha, if you think of something else that you want, we still have a few weeks left.”
“There is one more thing, ma’am. I know this sounds selfish, but I am thinking of my mistress’s best interests. She wants me to be her campaign manager and I am sure there will be times that we will disagree on a specific strategy. I know I should always do what she instructs, but there might be times I really, truly know a better solution. How do I convince her to do what I want?”
“Samantha, putting your mistress’s best interests ahead of her instructions is not always bad. But remember, she is your mistress, not the other way around.”
“Yes ma’am, always.”
“But if you are sure about what needs to be done, simply tell her and explain your thoughts.”
“Yes ma’am. And …?”
“Then be a girl, Samantha. Use your dimples and smile and bright eyes. Smile for her. Give her a pouty look, but never pout over one of her decisions. That is not your right. But give her a reason to believe you. When all else fails, use your sex. You are a sexy boy, Samantha.”
“Thank you ma’am. I shall only do it when I feel very strongly about something and I know it is in her best interests.”
“I know you will, Samantha. Come, let’s go to bed.”
Lisa did not visit her courtesan that fall. She was in a hurry to finish her masters degree. In December she graduated with honors. She put on her cap and gown and strolled across the stage to receive her diploma. Many pictures were taken for her future (political) needs. After the ceremony Miss Maggie took additional pictures of Miss Lisa posing with her “husband”, Jeff Winters. And as soon as those pictures were taken, Lisa was gone. She rushed to the airport and flew across the pond to Paris and her fiancé.
At Samantha’s pleading, Mistress Ann arranged their reunion in a special format. Samantha spent the morning primping and posing and preparing to meet her mistress. By the time Lisa arrived, Samantha was ready. She was standing in the parlor with her most demure and sexy pose. Her hair was hanging in long curls of high-lighted auburn color. Her dress was low cut, with a biased hem to show off her home grown cleavage and her beautiful legs. Samantha had SEXY legs! The dress was ruched around the waist and showed off her tiny 24 inch waist and by comparison ample hips.
Samantha was wearing square hoop earrings and a gold necklace that presented a diamond pendant prominently nestled between her B-girls. Her makeup was seductive with shiny lip gloss over her red, pouty, collagen enhanced lips. She had lash extensions that were coated in black mascara and surrounded by dark lids and highly curved eyebrows.
When Mistress Ann brought Lisa into the parlor, Samantha flashed a huge smile of pearly white teeth, surrounded by wet, red lipstick and framed by the cutest dimples imaginable. Then Samantha tilted her head down, and looked up at her mistress through those sexy lashes of hers.
Lisa had played this game before. “Oh my!” she whispered. She walked around her courtesan, inspecting her from her 4 inch heels to the top of her shiny hair. Lisa took a lock of that beautiful hair and wrapped it around her finger as once again she whispered, “Oh my!” Lisa made two laps around the beautiful Samantha and brought forth a little giggle from her lips. Finally, Lisa stopped in front of her property. With one finger she lifted Samantha’s chin so they could look one another in the eye. “My god you are the most beautiful boy in the world, Samantha.” Lisa continued to hold Samantha’s chin as she leaned into her boy and gave him a soft, careful kiss. “I can’t wait to ravage you,” she giggled. Samantha giggled also.
“I’ll have the chauffeur return for his things later. Thank you Mistress Ann. You have delivered the most beautiful boy in the world. He is as magnificent as Maggie said he would be.” Lisa took Samantha’s hand and placed it around her arm. “Let’s go Samantha.”
“Yes mistress.” Samantha smiled and picked up a package of her carefully wrapped love letters from Lisa. Samantha winked at Mistress Ann as she walked out on the arm of her true mistress. She gave her hips a little extra wiggle as her goodbye to her mentor.
As soon as they were in the car, Lisa leaned over and gave her beautiful courtesan a light buss. “I can’t wait to get you home.”
Samantha smiled and flashed her dimples at Lisa. “Are we going to the airport, mistress?”
“Well, I was thinking about a little vacation for you. When I graduated I was given three weeks in Paris with my favorite boy. Would you be interested in a little vacation with me?”
“I would love to have a vacation with you, mistress.”
“How about a week in Paris?”
“A week in Paris at Christmas would be heavenly, Miss Lisa. I would like that very much.”
“And after that how about some warm weather?”
“Oh yes ma’am.”
“Would you mind if I take you to Tahiti for a couple of weeks?”
“Really? Oh yes, yes. I would go anywhere with you Miss Lisa, but Tahiti sounds especially nice.”
Lisa smiled at Samantha’s enthusiasm and her impeccable manners. She was not only beautiful, but well trained. “Miss Eunice has a boat anchored there. She has already sent her crew out to prep it, and they are expecting us for two weeks of sailing. They’re making sure everything is in tip-top shape and the galley is well stocked.
“I can’t wait to see you in your bikini.”
“I can’t wait to show it to you, my mistress. But I want to see you in yours too. You are so sexy I may not be able to stop myself from continuously begging you for … hee hee hee … favors.”
“I love giving favors to such a pretty boy, Samantha.” Lisa slid her hand up Samantha’s leg and stroked the inside of her thigh as she leaned over for one more kiss. Samantha shivered at the soft touch of Lisa’s hand. It felt so perfect.
Paris at Christmas is magical. And it seemed that all the world was cooperating. Each night a light dusting of snow left a sparkling, white cover on Paris. It wasn’t enough snow to affect traffic, but it gave the city a perfect ambiance. Since it was winter, and since the girls loved to shop, it was only natural that they found their way to a furrier. Samantha begged for a full length mink coat, and Lisa couldn’t help but indulge her sexy boy.
Samantha loved the coat and did everything she could that evening to show her mistress her deepest appreciation. Samantha loved her new coat so much, that she begged for a second one. “Why would you need two fur coats?” Lisa teased her.
“One brown and one white, Miss Lisa. I could match colors so much better … and I would look much prettier on my mistress’s arm.” Samantha gave Lisa her best pout as she begged with her eyes. How could Lisa resist those beautiful eyes and the promise of her devotion? Samantha was learning to manipulate her mistress. She loved the sensation.
The coats remained on the company jet and returned home after the two girls were safely delivered to Tahiti. Miss Eunice had an all “girl” crew already in place and the boat was spic and span.
“Ma’am, do you have any instructions on where you would like to go?” the captain asked.
“I understand Miss Eunice made some recommendations?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Then I see no reason to vary the itinerary … yet. Proceed captain.”
The crew was typical of girls from Maggie’s harem. They were all a bit over average height, thin with slim waists and large breasts. They had perfect skin, small noses and plump lips. They wore skimpy uniforms with mini skirts and tight tops. Miss Eunice liked to have her crew looking … enticing.
But Lisa and Samantha had no need of the crew’s attention. They had one another. As soon as they were on the boat, Lisa had the two of them in her private cabin. “It’s time for bikinis Samantha.”
“Yes ma’am!” and she quickly but erotically removed Lisa’s traveling clothes. Lisa returned the favor and they soon found themselves in each other’s arms. Lisa wrapped her arms around Samantha’s waist and marveled at how easily she could reach completely around that tiny waist and dig her nails into Samantha’s plump derriere. Her skin felt smooth and soft to Lisa’s touch. She pressed against Samantha’s breasts and felt their contour against her girls. Lisa stepped closer and shoved her labia against Samantha’s soft and flaccid penis. Samantha felt and looked so feminine, yet when Lisa saw her penis she immediately thought of her as an effeminate and epicene boy. Girl above, boy below; what a wicked and wonderful combination!
“Ma’am, is there anything I may do for you?” Samantha asked. Her intentions were perfectly transparent.
Lisa needed no coaxing. She gently pinched one of Samantha’s nipples and then massaged her full breast. “Do you like your new breasts, Samantha?”
“I adore them mistress. I simply love them.”
“Are they big enough for you?”
“Ma’am, it doesn’t matter what I think; it’s what you think that is important. Are they big enough for you?”
“What size are you now?”
“I’m almost a B cup, ma’am.”
“I’m a C,” Lisa said.
“Then I need to be bigger, don’t I?”
“Perhaps you do, Samantha. We can talk about that later this week. First, I want you between my legs, then I want to intimately inspect those girls of yours.”
“Yes ma’am,” and Samantha quickly turned down the bed.
Samantha slowly and methodically brought her mistress to three glorious orgasms. Samantha seemed to get just a little bit better each time she went down on her mistress. Lisa patted her boy on her head and twirled her hair on her finger as she recuperated from her frenzy. “Samantha, you have never made love from the top, have you?”
“No ma’am.” She discretely ignored her tryst with Harriet.
“Please straddle me,” Lisa instructed her boy. “Enter me, then sit up like you’re doing now.” Samantha easily slid her penis inside Lisa’s wet pussy, then sat up, putting a little extra pressure on both of them. Lisa reached up and touched Samantha’s breast. She caressed both breasts for a moment then took her nipples between her fingers. “How does that feel?”
“Heavenly my mistress. I like that very much.”
“Come lay your breasts against mine. Kiss me.” Samantha laid down on Lisa’s smooth body, pressing her breasts and nipples against Lisa’s and then giving her a soft kiss. “I like your breasts, Samantha. They make you so feminine and sexy. Push yourself up with your arms, then begin stroking yourself in and out of me. I want to watch your breasts swing with your movements.”
Samantha began stroking in and out of Lisa’s pussy while her breasts swayed with her motion. “Faster Samantha, faster. Swing your boobs more; I want to see my boy jiggle his girls in time to our screwing. Show me your girls; work them. Go Samantha, go.”
Lisa began rocking with Samantha, squeezing her penis and enjoying the feeling of Samantha inside her. “Faster, Samantha, faster. Make us cum. Make us both squeal with joy!”
Samantha stepped up her speed, pushing faster and harder and driving herself into Lisa’s hot, wet pussy. Harder and harder she drove; her breasts swinging to and fro and slapping against each other at times. “More Samantha, more!” Lisa begged. “Take me hard, like a boy. Own me! Use me! Push harder, deeper. Faster boy, faster boy. Make me scream.”
“Aaaaiiiihhh.” Lisa had reached her goal and was now telling the world. Sweat was dripping from Samantha as she slowed down from her strenuous efforts. Lisa was arching her hips and back up towards the sky as she pressed her clit against Samantha and tried to drive herself to even greater pleasure and prolong her orgasmic bliss. Samantha stopped her hips and felt her breasts continue to jiggle for a moment longer. She enjoyed the sensation.
Lisa didn’t last much longer and she crashed to the bed, panting and sweating just like Samantha. She watched Samantha’s breasts come to a stop. She playfully pawed her left breast and made it rock a little longer. “They stopped too quickly,” Lisa giggled. “You definitely need bigger boobs, Samantha.”
“Yes Miss Lisa, I agree.”
“Did you cum?”
“No ma’am.”
“I’m sorry. Perhaps next time. Let’s put on our bikinis and jump in the ocean. That will cool us down.”
The two lovers had a wonderful vacation aboard their very own sex cruise. They lived in their bikinis, or at least parts of their bikinis, all week. When they were on shore or approaching another ship, Lisa had Samantha wear an opaque wrap-around. When they were alone they often went topless. Lisa loved seeing Samantha’s teenage breasts bouncing on her chest. Perky and firm, they gave Samantha an amazing feminine figure. Samantha’s body and movements were fluid and sinuous. And even better was looking at that little bulge in the front of her tiny bikini. More often than not, Samantha would peak above that tiny bit of fabric. And Lisa made sure that Samantha was wearing “tiny” bits of fabric.
When she was getting just the tiniest bit horny, Lisa had Samantha remove her bikini bottom also. She loved rubbing suntan lotion on Samantha’s boy toy, and over her girls. Lisa couldn’t keep her hands off that body with its firm ass, tiny waist, adequate breasts and her cute and youthful visage. Except for one little item, Samantha was a lithesome and sexy teenage girl. Full of vigor and totally obedient, Samantha was the fulfillment of Lisa’s lifelong dreams.
Lisa’s princess had arrived. And Samantha was in nirvana. The best part for Samantha, even beyond showing off her awesome body was the thrill of being so sexy and at the same time not having to wear that cursed corset. She never did come to grips (sic) with that confining corset. She accepted it, but … it sucked! She was not looking forward to going home and returning to that cursed monstrosity.
They swam and snorkeled and frolicked and totally enjoyed the warm, crystal clear waters of the South Pacific. They laid on the bow of the boat and tanned their bodies. They took little naps and played sexy games with one another in their cabin. Samantha curled their hair, dressed them and applied makeup for their evening forays ashore for a bit of dining and entertainment. Well after sunset they returned to their cabin for serious titillation and fucking.
And all through the week they talked about their future. Samantha was especially interested in Lisa’s plans for the two of them. Samantha had made serious commitments to her fiancée. She was giving up much, but she was expecting much in return. Her future independence had been willingly sacrificed for money, wealth and comfort; and also a shot at maybe playing big-time politics. She had totally remade her body, giving up any masculinity that she had once possessed, in pursuit of her new future. She was now totally immersed in a feminine body and she would live her life in a feminine world; a matriarchy where she would forever be a second class citizen.
Sam had no second thoughts. Heavens no! Her new lifestyle required many adjustments and sacrifices, but she was willing and eager to make her new life successful. She would never look back. But she was curious as to what her destiny held; and even more important she wanted to know if she could influence that destiny. Could she use her new life for more than sybaritic enjoyment? Could she make a difference?
They talked about showers and weddings, children, breast enlargement surgery, motherhood, homes and estates, horses, jobs and especially politics. Would Lisa truly run for the presidency? Would Samantha be allowed to be her campaign manager? Would Mona teach Samantha how to manipulate and use the politicians of Washington D.C.? Could Samantha manipulate her mistress, and accomplish what she had dreamed about for 18 months? Would life work out for the beautiful teenage boy named Samantha?
What was Samantha’s destiny; mother, nanny, housewife, socialite, princess, heroine or powerbroker? Or all of the above?
The girls talked all week with Samantha asking hundreds of questions and making tiny, little suggestions. Lisa had decided long ago what she wanted out of life and her concubine. She had a very domestic vision for Samantha. But she listened politely as Samantha respectively made suggestions and tried to nudge Lisa in new and interesting directions. Samantha wanted to be a mother to their children, she knew that was expected, but after the children were old enough to have a nanny, Samantha wanted to be out in the real world with her mistress. Samantha wanted to help her mistress be successful in the political arena. Samantha wanted Lisa to become President of the United States, and she wanted to be the secret First Lady of the White House.
Samantha wanted to make sure that hers’ was the voice that Lisa turned to for advice. She wanted their pillow talk to be the most significant source of ideas and justification in Lisa’s life. Samantha intended on being the power behind the throne. She would change things. She would!
Finally at the end of the week there was one final bit of business. Lisa had to tell Samantha that she was already married. Lisa dreaded that moment. Not because she expected trouble from Samantha, but because she truly was not happy with what she had done behind Samantha’s back. Oh yes, Samantha was chattel; she was only a courtesan after all. But deep inside, Lisa had some feelings for her boy. Like a puppy, she hated to disappoint Samantha. But life was full of disappointments. As painful as they were, the tough used those disappointments to make themselves stronger. Why couldn’t Samantha do the same? Yeah, hell yes, Samantha would just have to use the experience to make herself stronger. .
It was their last day and they were lying on the bow of the ship as it cruised back to the harbor. Lisa was wearing her bikini, but Samantha was tanning in the nude. God what a body!
“Samantha, there is something I have to tell you.”
Samantha sat up and looked respectively at her mistress. “Yes ma’am. Do you need something?”
“No Samantha. Yes … I need your attention. I have to tell you something before we return home.” Samantha said nothing and looked lovingly at her mistress. Samantha reminded Lisa of a dog; a big black Labrador retriever. They were the most adoring animals in world. They loved their masters … and mistresses.
“We are going to get married when we get home.”
“Oh yes Miss Lisa, I want that very much.”
“But you know that I have to be careful about … certain things, items, situations … for my … and our political career.”
“Oh yes mistress, of course I understand.”
Lisa swallowed hard and decided to plunge straight in, “Samantha I am already legally married.”
Samantha was dumbfounded. She had been struck with lightening and she couldn’t feel. She was mentally numb. She had considered many different scenarios and options, but never … never … NEVER had she consider this. Samantha’s hand slid out from under her and she fell flat on the deck. She banged her elbow on the deck and it hurt. She looked pitiful. Her eyes began welling up and she sniffled, but said nothing. Samantha was devastated. “Was this the end?” she thought. “Was all of this just a trick to turn her into a prostitute? Oh fuck!” Samantha remained lying on the deck and didn’t even try to right herself. She just looked at her mistress.
“I’m sorry, Samantha. It means nothing. Nothing. But we want to have children. I know you want kids, and I do too. But … damn! … but I can’t have kids as a single mother ... out of wedlock, you know.”
Lisa looked at Samantha for understanding, but there was no understanding in her eyes; only tears.
“Samantha, I’m sorry but I had no choice. We can’t announce our marriage to the world, it’s … it’s too … unusual. No one would accept our beautiful situation. And to have children, I have to be married. Legally … I mean. I mean … I mean Samantha you know, we … I mean I have to be respectable and married when I have our children. You understand of course.”
Samantha’s hormones were kicking in and they were in full force. Full warp. Warp ten, full steam ahead, ramming speed! Samantha didn’t start crying; no that is too weak a word. Samantha began bawling her eyes out. She rolled over on the deck and buried her face. Sobs wracked through her body as she heaved and rolled on the deck.
“Samantha? Samantha?” But she was not responding. Lisa slid over closer and began caressing her bare back. “Samantha honey?” she crooned soothingly. “Please understand, I have to have the look of propriety. I can’t have our children out of … out of what the public thinks is out of wedlock. I can’t my love. This marriage means nothing. It’s a sham. It is only for cover. It’s only a marriage of convenience. Please you have to understand this.”
Samantha continued sobbing and Lisa shut up. She didn’t know what else to say.
“When? How long?” Samantha coughed out between sobs.
“One year.”
Samantha screamed. Her hormones had control of her and they were ravaging her mind. “You … you …” she wanted to swear at Lisa, but she knew she couldn’t. Lisa was still her mistress. “W .. wh … who … who?” she stammered.
“Jeff Winter.”
“Fucker,” she blurted out.
Lisa was at a loss for words. She continued to caress Samantha’s back, but Samantha exploded. As much as Samantha knew … at least rationally … that she shouldn’t do it, she lost control. She literally screamed as she jumped up and ran to their cabin. Lisa looked up and the entire crew was standing around the deck looking at her. “Fuck off,” she blurted out and stomped off after Samantha.
Lisa found Samantha in their cabin. She was nude, lying spread eagle on their bed and crying into her pillow. No, crying is too meek a word. Samantha was screaming bloody murder into that pitiful pillow. Lisa had few options. She sat down next to Samantha and caressed her back and ass as she continued to sob into her pillow. She waited for Samantha to calm down … if that was even possible.
Eventually, some semblance of control slipped into Samantha’s mind. Sniffling and rubbing her eyes she rolled over onto her side. “Why? What are going to do with me?” She looked pitiful.
“I’m going to marry you Samantha. Please understand it was on paper only. It means nothing. As soon as I am pregnant with our last girl I will divorce him. But … but … Samantha listen to me … our children have to be legitimate!”
Samantha’s mind was fighting against her hormones. She wanted to be rational, but those female hormones were fighting her tooth and nail. They were emotional and they were telling her all kinds of nasty things. She had been betrayed. Trashed. Thrown away and discarded like a whore with syphilis. She was trash. White trash that believed in stupid fairy tales. Trailer trash of the worst kind. Mona had insinuated that long ago, and now … and now even Lisa believed it. God damn her!
“Samantha? Samantha?” Lisa called quietly.
Samantha rolled away from Lisa and curled up into a fetal position. She snuffled for several more minutes while Lisa rolled her eyes and wondered what the hell she was going to do. “Did you sleep with him?” Samantha asked.
Samantha had spoken very quietly and Lisa didn’t hear her. “What?” she asked.
“You heard me!” Samantha sobbed. She was shaking and barely coherent. “Did you sleep with him?”
Lisa fell onto the bed along side Samantha. She looked at the ceiling of their cabin and thought for only a moment. She closed her eyes. “No,” she whispered. “He’s gay. That’s why I picked him.”
Samantha rolled over and glared at her mistress. “You’re going to give my children to him?” she demanded. “He is going to be their legal father?”
“Uhm … yeah, I guess so.”
Samantha buried her face in his pillow and began screaming again.
“You look good enough to eat,” Lisa told her fiancée. “Are you ready to go?”
“Almost. I have a lot of clothes to put on, mistress. Are you sure these garters will be acceptable?”
“They will have to be. Everyone will be there. We need 15 items. Now hurry or you’re going to be late for your own shower.”
They weren’t late. As they walked into the salon they were greeted by everyone. The entire family was there including the children. Little girls were running all over the house, flipping their dresses up and chasing one another. Miss Maggie served cake and tea and gave ice cream to the kids. The talk was pleasant and friendly. Everyone liked Samantha and she felt comfortable in their presence.
After eating and talking the presents were opened. Lisa watched as Samantha began pulling ribbons and paper off boxes. Lisa and Samantha didn’t need much in the way of household gifts. They had moved into a 100 acre estate one congressional district over from Miss Mona and Miss Maggie. They were actually a little closer to Washington than Miss Mona’s house.
Their new house was being decorated by a professional, and some upgrades were being made to the plumbing and insulation. The kitchen had been torn out and was totally reconstructed on the advice of Miss Maggie. A new barn would be built in the spring and Abigail and Cinnamon would be moved over to their new home. Additional security measures were being installed along the periphery of the estate, and a large safe had been installed for their expensive jewelry.
Some of the gifts were art objects to warm the new house. Other items were for the baby. Lisa was already two months pregnant and that was why they had to get married quickly. Lisa wanted to wear a stylish wedding gown and so they had to move fast, before she started adding girth to her frame. Samantha opened the gifts, and held them up while appreciative oohs and ahhs went up from the crowd. There were many gifts and Samantha needed almost an hour to open everything and then present them. Plus, Samantha was stalling. She was moving in slow motion; dreading her initiation into the Hawthorne family.
But eventually she could stall no longer. All of the gifts were opened and the treats had been consumed. The children and spouses were shooed from the room. The door was closed and locked. Only the family was left.
Lisa took Samantha’s hand and stood in front of the family. “I would like to present my fiancée and courtesan, Samantha Springer.” Lisa walked Samantha over to her roommate and cousin Constance. Constance was the youngest adult in the family. “Miss Constance, I would like to introduce Samantha.”
Samantha gave a little bow and recited her lines. “Miss Constance it is an honor to meet you. I look forward to serving you in any capacity you choose.” Then Samantha lifted the hem of her skirt. She had a lacy, red and gold garter slid up each leg. Constance slid one of the garters off her leg.
Lisa took Samantha to the next oldest girl, Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Constance were the daughters of Lisa’s aunt Serena. “Miss Elizabeth, I would like to introduce Samantha Springer.”
Samantha repeated her lines. “Miss Elizabeth it is an honor to meet you. I look forward to serving you in any capacity you choose.” She pulled up her skirt and Miss Elizabeth slid off her other garter. Elizabeth waved it in the air and some of the other women chuckled.
“Next was Aunt Joyce’s youngest daughter Christine. “Miss Christine it is an honor to meet you. I look forward to serving you in any capacity you choose.” Miss Christine removed one of Samantha’s heels.
Harriet was next. Harriet was one of the “special” girls in the family. Miss Grace had one child and four grandchildren that had required extraordinary efforts to join their female siblings. Harriet gave Samantha a big grin as she removed Samantha’s other heel.
Miss Karin was Aunt Serena’s second oldest. After her introduction, Samantha hefted her skirt and slip up to her waist. Serena unclipped Samantha’s garter and slid her stocking down her leg. Miss Karin smiled as she waved it over her head.
Next came Gloria; Samantha’s skiing buddy. She was the youngest daughter of Aunt Michelle. Miss Gloria removed the second nylon stocking.
Miss Trudy was Serena’s oldest, and another “special” girl. She reached under Samantha’s skirt and pulled down her slip. Miss Trudy laid it across her lap.
Aunt Joyce’s oldest child was the “special” Miss Pamela. Miss Pamela pulled off Samantha’s skirt. Samantha was left in her girdle and blouse as Lisa introduced her to Aunt Michelle’s middle daughter, the “special” Miss Lydia. Miss Lydia unbuttoned Samantha’s blouse and exposed Samantha’s camisole.
Her camisole was removed by Aunt Michelle’s oldest girl, Miss Janice. That was the end of the grandchildren. Being the youngest of Miss Grace’s children, Aunt Serena removed Samantha’s girdle. Aunt Joyce removed Samantha’s corset and Miss Mona removed Samantha’s liner. She was down to two items of clothing; her brassiere and panties. They were a matching pair and very lacy. Aunt Michelle had the pleasure of removing Samantha’s bra. As she removed Samantha’s bra, Samantha’s new pair of C-girls came tumbling out of their cups. Appreciative applause came from the women in the room.
And finally, Samantha was brought before Miss Grace. “Miss Grace it is an honor to meet you. I look forward to serving you in any capacity you chose.”
Miss Grace said, “Thank you.” Then she gently took hold of Samantha’s lacy, pink panties and slid them down her legs. Samantha stepped out of the panties and Miss Grace handed them to Miss Mona. Miss Grace produced a one inch by 6 inch strap of pink velvet and proceeded to tie it around Samantha’s penis and scrotum. She was very gentle. When she had finished tying a neat bow, she stood. Turning Samantha around so that she was facing the room full of women, Miss Grace announced, “I present to you a very beautiful boy, Samantha Hawthorne. Please welcome him to our family.”
Standing before them was a red faced Samantha, totally naked except for a pink ribbon tied around his shrunken penis. She was very beautiful with her pretty hair, large breasts, narrow waist and adequate hips. Female on top and boy down below, she made a pretty epicene addition to the family. All of the women stood and politely applauded their newest member.
Miss Grace handed Samantha’s panties back to her and she pulled them up to cover her ribbon. Miss Michelle handed Samantha her brassiere and she quickly covered her voluptuous girls. Then she walked around the room and collected all of her clothes. She was allowed to step into an adjacent room to finish dressing.
Lisa followed her into the room. “I thought that went very well, Samantha.”
“Thank you mistress. I was a nervous wreck before we started, so I hope I didn’t flub any of my introductions.”
“You were perfect darling. Now we can get married. I can’t wait until next Saturday.”
“Me too,” Samantha said with a big smile.
Samantha tried to settle into her new life and she looked for some routine. But routine was fleeting. After returning from vacation, Miss Mona took Samantha under her wing. She set up two desks at work for Samantha; one in her office and one in her secretary’s office. Samantha spent most of her time with Miss Mona, but there were also things she could learn from Sophie.
Miss Mona took Samantha to many of her meetings and most of her social calls. Samantha helped entertain guests at dinner parties at home, chatted with clients over lunch in fancy restaurants and helped take congressman and other lobbyists to games and concerts. Miss Mona was very generous in training Samantha. Samantha was quickly exposed to some of the secrets and tricks used in the dirty world of Washington politics.
Samantha didn’t have to work 40 hour weeks, however. She had other responsibilities. Before their marriage, Samantha was tasked with handling the contractors working on their new estate. She was sent on errands for Lisa, buying things and meeting contractors. Lisa had already started her first career as a public volunteer. She was building credentials for her resume, so Samantha was left with these chores.
Samantha’s routine was almost regular until the first baby arrived. Then she had to spend most of her time at home raising her children. Contrary to some of her fears, the child’s last name was registered as Hawthorne. But Samantha absolutely hated the name in the box reserved for father. Yes, she knew who the true father was, and the children would know also. But it was still difficult for Samantha.
As soon as daughter number four was born Lisa divorced Jeff Winters. It was amicable. How could it not be, when both parties got exactly what they wanted. Lisa had her legitimate children and Jeff had his millions.
Only Samantha was left out of the bargain. She got nothing; not the legal piece of paper that said she was married, nor her name on the children’s birth certificate. Samantha was the lost concubine. But she did have some benefits; a million dollar estate, and a lavish lifestyle. That is if one regards changing diapers and cleaning up baby puke to be lavish.
After their first daughter, Gina, arrived Samantha’s routine changed and became much more solid for the next 5 years. She was mother and housewife for 6 days a week. Each Friday the nanny took over and Samantha was able to go back to her apprenticeship under Miss Mona. Fridays were the best days, because many of social events were scheduled for the weekend. And there were still Saturday dinner parties at Miss Mona’s that she attended.
The nanny lived with them and had Tuesday and Wednesdays off. She was present all weekend so Lisa and Samantha were allowed some social life. But most of their weekend time was spent bonding and playing with the girls. Gina, Alexia, Megan and Samantha were the apple of Samantha’s eye; especially little Samantha. Little Samantha was a “special” girl and earned her father’s name as a consolation prize to big Samantha. In terms of family and marriage, Samantha was forced to take what she could get.
Samantha had no regrets. She knew what she was getting into and she accepted her situation. She loved living as a beautiful girl and she loved her children. And she really didn’t mind being Lisa’s handmaiden. Lisa turned out to be relatively low maintenance and didn’t demand too much from her concubine. Lisa lavished clothes and jewelry on her eye candy. Samantha accompanied Lisa to the salon every Saturday morning, where she was pampered like a princess. Lisa took Samantha out riding on weekends and they went to dinner and plays at least once a week. Samantha appreciated the decompression time away from the kids. As the kids grew older they became a handful.
After the youngest girl, Samantha, reached four, all of the girls were now in preschool or school for much of the day. When they returned home the nanny was able to handle their needs. It was time for Lisa to throw her hat in the political arena, and Samantha was free to help her. Miss Mona essentially ran Lisa’s first campaign for the House. Samantha was an active participant, but much of the time she looked over Mona’s shoulder as Mona pulled the strings.
By age 31, Lisa was a congresswoman and Samantha was an experienced campaign manager. Samantha did little traveling with Lisa the first few years. Actually, Lisa had only a few trips outside Washington D. C.. Samantha wanted to keep a close eye on the children so she didn’t follow Lisa on those trips. But the rest of the time, Samantha accompanied Lisa to the office. She became Lisa’s office manager and built up an impressive list of talents and accomplishments. She was even offered big bucks to jump ship and go work for a senator. But Samantha had close ties to her present employer; ties that no one else was aware of. And that was the way they wanted it.
After two terms in the house, Miss Mona convinced their state senator to retire. He didn’t want to retire, but Miss Mona convinced him. Lisa ran for the “vacant” seat and won it easily. Samantha and Miss Mona made an unbeatable team. But next time, Samantha had no intentions of allowing Miss Mona on her team. Samantha was up to speed now. She began making bold moves and lining up alliances. She was preparing for the Big Campaign.
Before the children arrived and while she was working full time with Miss Mona, Samantha electronically scanned her love letters from Lisa. “Why are you doing that,” Mona asked.
“For sentimental reasons, ma’am. When I am old and decrepit, I want to look back upon a stunning life with Lisa. Plus, some day I want to show it to my children — your grand daughters. This is a fairy tale come true for me, Miss Mona.”
For once the old witch smiled. “I guess it is, Samantha.”
Samantha spent the better part of a month collecting all of Miss Maggie’s pictures from Samantha’s early days. She asked Lisa for copies of all the pictures that Mistress Ann had sent her. And of course her wedding pictures went into the album. And then she artfully added her ephemera; programs from concerts, opera’s ballets, and ticket stubs from those activities as well as her travels around Europe with Mistress Ann. She had even saved her ticket stubs from her train travels as a nanny.
It was a very well done album. And when no one was watching, she used the company’s fancy publishing center and made 5 copies. Over the next few months Samantha made a number of trips. She surreptitiously slipped into a number of banks and placed her albums in safe deposit boxes. She paid in full for a fifty year deposit on the boxes. Four albums were placed in the different boxes.
Later she and Lisa made a trip to Switzerland to visit Harriet. In a private moment she handed the fifth album to Harriet. “Please place it in a safe deposit box and keep the key.”
Harriet glanced through the large book and her heart skipped a beat. “What are you intending to do, Samantha?”
“Protect myself.”
“This can be used for more than protection, Samantha. I’m not stupid.”
“I promise you that that is all it is for. I don’t intend to ever use it. After Lisa’s political career is over, I will have it destroyed.”
“You’re playing with fire. And I really have to suspect your motives.”
Samantha sighed but did not back off. “The Hawthorne family plays for keeps, Harriet. And no matter what doubts you might have, and even though my public and legal name is Springer, I consider myself a Hawthorne; through and through. I will never hurt the family. I made that promise to you before and I will continue to stand by that for the rest of my life. But I intend to play for keeps also.
“I will be protected. The stakes are too high and this type of situation comes along only once in hundreds of years. I do not intend to fail. I and by extension, Miss Lisa and this family, will win. I promise you that Harriet.”
“I believe you Samantha, but I can’t do it.” She handed the DVD back to Samantha. “But since I believe you, I will tell no one of our conversation.”
Samantha’s face showed her disappointment. “Thank you Harriet, I hope my actions won’t change your opinion of me.”
“It will Samantha … but for the better. I can see how strong your convictions are and how much thought and preparation you are putting into your future. But I just can’t do it. I’m sorry.”
Several days later Samantha walked into a locksmith with 4 safe deposit box keys. “I’m sorry ma’am but I cannot copy those for you.”
Samantha set her purse on the counter, took out her wallet and counted five brand new one hundred dollar bills onto the counter. The man shook his head no. She put two more bills on the counter and said, “That’s all. I want two of each.”
A month later Samantha made two more stops to banks. In the first bank she placed 5 envelopes in a safe deposit box. Four of them had keys to safe deposit boxes and they were already addressed and carrying forever stamps. The fifth letter was meant for Harriet. The note inside said;
“Dear Harriet;
I want you to know that I have always loved Lisa and she will always be the number one love of my heart. After my children you are the other great love of my life. I thank you for everything. In return, I tell you now, the albums have been sent out.
Take care of yourself.
With my everlasting love.”
The letter was not signed. She paid for one year’s deposit on the safe deposit box. If anything ever happened to her, the letters would be mailed within a year. Samantha placed 5 identical letters in another safe deposit box on the other side of the country.
She never intended to send them, and she would be totally scrupulous in making sure those boxes were paid for every year of her (and Lisa’s) political life. She prayed that her albums would never see the light of day. They were, after all, all about her.
At age 41 Lisa was perfectly situated for her next step. She had a mature beauty that would appeal to the electorate and she was amply wizened in the ways of politics. She was ready. Across the lunch table sat a very proud mother. “I make the announcement tomorrow.”
“I thought you would.”
“And I want Samantha standing on the podium when I do.”
“Are you sure that is wise? It will put him in the public eye.”
“Yes I am sure. He has been amazing. You taught him well, mother. I dare say he could give you a run for your money.”
“That’s a battle that I would relish,” Mona responded.
“Mother! I know that you and he have not always agreed on everything. But I will not have you two fighting one another. If it comes down to choosing between the two of you, you will be disappointed.”
“You would stand against your mother?”
“Mom, don’t even think of putting me in a position to play that game. I have the utmost trust in Samantha and I WILL have him by my side.”
“I know Lisa,” Mona answered with just a bit of humility. “It was the competitiveness coming out in me. I was only saying that I would like the battle. He would be a worthy opponent.” Mona smiled and meant what she said.
Two hundred miles away another lunch conference was taking place. “We make the announcement tomorrow.”
“I expected that.”
“Do we have a deal?”
The gentleman hemmed and hawed.
“I promise that we will govern from the center. We will go as far left as necessary to give you your three items. And in return, you will not block us on my four items. We will go to the right on them.”
“Why do you get four items and we only get three?”
“Because we are going to be President. Give us our due deference, sir.”
“You are a bastard.”
“In more ways than you can imagine.”
“Other than the three and four items, you promise to keep an open mind on everything else?”
“I promise. As I said, we will govern from the middle, but we will not settle for the middle on anything. If something needs doing, we will do it right, no matter how far in either political spectrum we must go. And as much as this will surprise you, after the election I don’t give a damn about either party. I will work for the improvement of our people and this country. Wall street is going to be in apoplectic shock,” she said with a grin.
The gentleman took a sip of his martini. Samantha took the opportunity to proclaim, “We will revitalize this country. We will once again be a beacon to the world. No more compromises. One hundred years from now I intend to have Lisa Hawthorne known as the matriarch of our country. Do we have a deal?”
“And your boss is totally in agreement with all of this?”
Lisa smiled and the man took that as a positive sign. “Not a chance in the world” she thought.
“You have the word of a Hawthorne, senator. And a Hawthorne woman never goes back on her word. Do we have a deal?”
The man nodded his head. “I fear there will be some strategic missteps on our side of the campaign. They could prove to be fatal,” he sighed without sarcasm or glee.
Samantha reached under her chair for her purse. “Have you ever done this before, sir?”
“Done what?”
Samantha removed a small pocket knife from her purse and opened it. The senator’s mouth dropped open as Samantha made a small slice in the fat of her palm, just below her thumb. The slit began to bleed. She handed the knife to the senator. He gathered his determination and used the knife to make a similar cut. Looking each other in the eye they solemnly shook hands.
“Thank you,” she said.
The inauguration was finished and Lisa was settled into the White House. A celebratory party was called. After most of the other guests had departed, Miss Grace, Miss Mona and Miss Michelle were called into the Oval Office. Lisa took her rightful position behind her desk, while Samantha joined the other women in front of the desk.
“This is phenomenal,” Mona crowed. “I shall have my senator begin work on our first bill,” and she flashed a huge smile at Michelle.
“Not so fast,” Lisa interrupted. “We have some other things to handle first.”
“What?” Mona demanded. “We have talked about this legislation for years. It will make us, Lisa. The Hawthornes will be a dominant force in world economics. Right Michelle?”
“We don’t have a majority in either the house or the senate, yet. They can stop us anytime they want.”
“Hardly,” Miss Mona said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “They couldn’t get a majority vote on coffee and donuts. We fracture away any help we need.”
“We’ve been giving them lessons for years on how to block and negate any progress, mother. You have been very effective at promoting that. The chickens may come home to roost.” Lisa gave her mother a “finger-pointing” look. “We have 4, maybe 8 years to get our legislation through.”
“So what are you suggesting?”
Lisa looked at Samantha who gave her an encouraging smile. “We reach a hand across the aisle. Samantha has identified 5 key Dems that can help us; if we help them.”
“How?” she demanded warily.
“Nothing would be more powerful, or more significant than a gesture by you mother.” Mona’s eyebrows shot up as she studied her daughter. “Nothing says buddies like money. A fund raiser hosted by Miss Mona Hawthorne would be a deal sealer. It doesn’t have to be a big one,” Lisa said
Miss Mona’s mouth fell open and she stared incredulously at her daughter. Then she turned her attention to Samantha and spoke through clenched teeth, “This has to be your idea!”
“Yes ma’am.”
“I will never help re-elect a Democrat. Period, end of conversation.”
“It doesn’t matter whether you help them or not, ma’am” Samantha began. “The five that I have picked out are in perfectly safe districts. But all five are key decision makers and leaders. With their cooperation we can make some significant progress in our first two years. If we do the right things, right now, right here at the start, we may be able to break with tradition and pick up the needed seats we need for a majority in the midterm elections. Then we can do whatever we want, Miss Mona.
“Without their cooperation, we may be mired in stalemate for two wasted years.” She gave an accusatory look at Miss Mona.
“I can buy the swing votes we need. I can threaten primaries and attack ads that will put the fear of god in them. I’ll get you the votes. We don’t have to cooperate with those bastards!” Mona spat out.
Samantha sighed and in a very quiet voice she looked at Miss Grace and pleaded, “Always the stick, never the carrot. Miss Grace, please give us a carrot. I can get their cooperation on several items; popular items that will win us tons of public support. Tons of voters. I can eliminate compromise and get us almost everything we want on these bills.”
Miss Mona stared at Samantha; how dare he attempt to go over her head.
“How Samantha? How do you know?” Miss Grace inquired.
“I’ve already talked with them, ma’am. I have agreements. They’re already in place.”
Mona’s face registered total shock. Miss Michelle looked on with just the faintest flicker of amusement and Miss Grace’s face registered respect. “And how do you know they will keep their word?”
“Ma’am, I have already given Miss Lisa a mandate; the biggest margin of victory in forty years. All of those ridiculous faux pas and stupid mistakes they made …” Samantha allowed her voice to trail off.
“What are you saying?” Mona demanded.
“I made the agreement two years ago. I promised them a few things and they have promised me a few things. Actually, it is a done deal. And they have showed their good faith.” Samantha turned and gave a little bow to Lisa. “We have the highest office in the land and a mandate. And with a little good faith on our side, we will accomplish things you never imagined, ma’am.”
“They agreed to this? They gave you the Presidency?” Miss Grace asked incredulously. “How? How did you ever get them to agree to it? Why in the world would they have trusted you on something so monumental?”
“I convinced them they were going to lose anyway. Then I offered them something for nothing essentially. And to seal it, I gave them the word of a Hawthorne lady, m’lady.”
Mona spun towards Lisa, “You did what?”
But it wasn’t Lisa who answered Miss Mona. Samantha spoke quietly and calmly, “I never told them which Hawthorne lady, Miss Mona.” She held up her right hand and showed them just the slightest hint of a scar on her palm. She smiled as Miss Michelle burst out laughing.
“What?” Mona demanded.
“Don’t you see? He gave them his word as a Hawthorne lady,” Michelle explained as she continued to laugh.
Samantha pressed her advantage. “Silence the dogs and call off the extremist attacks; on both sides. You can reel in all of the hate talk on the radio and talk shows. Stop with the attack ads and stop the money flowing to the wild-eyed crazies. No more support of militias and belligerent fringe groups. You can stop it all Miss Mona. You are the key.”
“And that will get us everything we want?” she challenged her son-in-law.
“It will get me what I want,” he thought with a grin.
“Yes, ma’am.” Samantha replied.
Miss Mona glared at the stupid grin on her face. “And what about this legislation that Michelle asked me for? I promised her, Samantha dear.” The “dear” dripped with sarcasm and venom.
“I guarantee that nothing will happen to hurt any of our positions, ma’am. But in the meantime we will have to earn our trillions the old fashioned way.”
Michelle began laughing again. “Samantha, you are a force. Lisa … holy shit! You better watch your concubine or he may end up owning us all. Mona, I vote we do what he asks. I think we’re going to do all right in the end.”
“I promise ma’am, we will,” Samantha closed.
As everyone left the room, Michelle held back. She grabbed Samantha’s arm and held her back also. Miss Michelle looked at Samantha accusatorially. “You have no intention of ever introducing Miss Mona’s legislation, do you?”
“No ma’am.” Miss Michelle just stared into Samantha’s eyes, waiting for her to explain.
“Ma’am … you have to understand where I came from …”
“No I don’t,” she interrupted. “I don’t want to hear your rationalizations or justifications. Just tell me why. That’s all I want to know.”
Samantha swallowed but refused to back down. “I will not let the rich plunder the treasury or the working people of this country any longer. Contrary to common perception, the rich don’t pay taxes and they don’t make jobs. We’ve tried this economy from the top down thing and it doesn’t work. Trickle down is just another way of saying “piss on” the working class. I’m convinced we can make it work form the bottom up.
“That means we have to help the lower and middle classes. We have to get the banks and insurance companies, the credit card companies, the oil conglomerates and utilities back into sync where they provide fair prices and fair deals and none of this stupid small print stuff. The deals and the hidden monopolies have to go. And I am convinced ma’am, that if we can do that, we can grow our economy much farther and with more sustained growth than with the top down rip-off.
“And if that happens, in the long run our family finances will grow with it. I think it will help everyone, including the rich. That’s my thinking ma’am.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear, Samantha. Now, what are you going to do when Miss Mona figures out what you are doing?”
“I have a contingency plan for that too, ma’am. I just hope I never have to use it.”
“Miss Mona is not a good loser Samantha. She is worse than a pit bull. She’s a bitch with a capital B, little boy.”
“I have nothing but respect for Miss Mona, ma’am.”
Miss Michelle began laughing. “If I didn’t know better Samantha, I would think you were getting just a little bit arrogant.”
“I don’t mean to be ma’am. Really. But this is so important to me that I have spent many a night lying awake and planning. Miss Mona is an awesome lady. But I will do my best.”
Miss Michelle studied Samantha for several moments “Samantha, I have a trip to Hong Kong coming up at the end of the month. I’d like you to come with me.”
“I’ll do whatever my mistress instructs me to do, ma’am.”
“Perhaps … ma’am, perhaps we can talk. I would really to talk to you … from my soul.” Miss Michelle said nothing, but merely looked at Samantha. “Since I have met Miss Lisa … heck even before I met Miss Lisa, I have had only two people that I could be honest with. One disappeared and the other no longer trusts me. Ma’am, if I go to Hong Kong with you … perhaps … maybe I can explain myself?”
Miss Michelle put her arm around Samantha’s shoulders. “I’m old enough to be your mother. Is that what you’re looking for Samantha? A mother?” Miss Michelle was half joking.
Samantha paused and looked at the floor. Keeping her eyes on the floor she said very quietly, “Maybe. I don’t know.” She looked Miss Michelle in the eye and finished, “I only want a confidant. Someone that will listen to me and let me finish before she judges me. I’m not proud of everything that I have done, but I would willingly do it all again. Every single little bit.” A tear slipped down her cheek as she again looked at the floor.
Miss Michelle tightened her grip around Samantha’s shoulders who refused to look at her. She turned her gaze to the heavens and said, “I hear you are a terrific little cunt licker Samantha.” Miss Michelle’s vulgar language brought just a little giggle from Samantha. “If you prove to be as good as your reputation, we will share some pillow talk. I like pillow talk,” she confessed.
“Thank you ma’am.”
“And if you explain yourself to my satisfaction, I’ll keep Miss Mona off your ass, Samantha.”
Samantha looked her in the eye, “Thank you. That is the most generous offer I have heard in two years. I’ll endeavor to be the best little cunt licker I can.” They both laughed.
Samantha was indeed going to be a “terrific little cunt licker”. That was what she did. And she did it very well. And that would be followed by pillow talk and soon after another Hawthorne would be on her side. Samantha had mastered the art of seduction. Miss Michelle wasn’t too far wrong when she had warned Lisa about Samantha one day owning them. Samantha would own no one, but she would get what she wanted.
“Is that the only reason we are going to Hong Kong? Pleasure?” Samantha asked.
“No, I have some business there, and actually I think it would help the family if the President’s Chief of Staff was sitting in on the negotiations. It adds just a bit of intimidation,” and she winked at Samantha. “Plus I have to give a twenty year pin to the chief maid at our residence there; Wilma something or another, I think.”
It was a very sad time for the entire Hawthorne family. Everyone was wearing black as they greeted well wishers and accepted condolences. Miss Grace had led a long and rich life. She had left behind 4 daughters, 10 grand daughters and 12 great granddaughters. And everyone was now present at her final audience.
It had been a long afternoon and everyone was tired. The guests had departed and the funeral home was closed to just the immediate family. The secret service was discretely hidden around the perimeter. Samantha was sitting in a corner with Gisela and chatting quietly. Their children were scattered nearby, also talking or playing computer games. Gisela looked up and saw Mona walk over to Lisa. They talked for only a moment and Lisa pointed towards Samantha.
“Here comes Miss Mona,” Gisela said. “Looks like you were correct — again. Good luck.”
Samantha smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “She’s been waiting a long time for this. How do you think Miss Michelle will take it?”
Gisela grinned and said, “Miss Mona can’t touch her and everyone knows it. I don’t think Miss Michelle gives a flip one way or another. But I’m pulling for you.”
Miss Mona walked up to the two pretty boys and said, “Hello Gisela. May I have Samantha for a moment?”
Samantha stood and followed Miss Mona as they walked over to a quiet corner. With just the hint of a grin Miss Mona said, “This is truly a sad day, Samantha. And especially for you.”
“Yes ma’am. I liked Miss Grace very much. I will miss her.”
“I’m sure you will. You no longer have Miss Grace to support you,” Mona said with satisfaction. Samantha said nothing. “I intend to set a clear path for our family now. A few things are going to have to change. I hope I will have your full support from now on.” Mona was clearly staking out her ascendancy to the top of the family hierarchy.
“When it comes to the family I will, as always, totally support everyone to the best of my abilities, ma’am.” Left unsaid was Samantha’s stand on non-family items. And one particular topic was hanging over the conversation like a guillotine ready to slice off someone’s head.
“Thank you Samantha, I know you will. But I would also kindly ask for your support on business and … other issues as well.”
“I think my record is clear on our business aspirations and operations, Miss Mona.”
Miss Mona scowled. The bastard wasn’t going to play ball. “There is room for some debate on that topic, Samantha.” Mona’s tone of voice was clear — and sharp. She was going to demand Samantha’s complete allegiance. Nothing less would be acceptable.
“Are you sure?” Samantha asked as she squared her shoulders.
“I think so, Samantha. There were several items that Miss Michelle and I wanted and Lisa was unable to accomplish them. And the blame rests directly with you.” Mona wasn’t going to pull any punches. She wasn’t even going to pretend to civility with Samantha.
“I think if you ask Miss Michelle you will find that she is more than comfortable with what we have achieved ma’am.” Samantha wasn’t going to back down an inch.
Others were staring to poke their heads inside the room. Word had spread that the two of them were facing off already. It hadn’t taken long. The entire family knew that Miss Mona was furious that Samantha had managed to out maneuver her over the last couple of years. And everyone knew that it was Miss Grace that kept Mona at bay. Never in the history of the family had such an encounter taken place. No one expected Samantha to have a stake in running the family or the business. He was only a concubine after all.
But Samantha had become a force to be reckoned with. In the world of politics Samantha was THE BIG DOG. Yes, Lisa was President, but Lisa was more than happy with the legacy she was crafting. Lisa was content to allow Samantha to steer the Lisa Hawthorne administration into the highest approval ratings seen in over 100 hundred years. So inside the family — hell, inside all of Washington D.C. - everyone knew where the real political power laid. Everyone knew the one person to go to for the big decisions, and everyone knew who you must never piss off.
And now the question would become, could Samantha hang onto her power without Miss Grace standing behind her. The rest of family liked Samantha. Most of them had been seduced by her and they respected what she had accomplished. But if it came to vote, which would carry the day: family or friendship? Without a doubt it was family. No one would come to Samantha’s defense. She would have to win this fight by herself.
“Let’s make one thing perfectly clear here Samantha; your power comes from this family. Without us you have nothing. We put you where you are today.”
Samantha smiled very pleasantly and looked Mona in the eye. “Yes ma’am you have. And I shall be forever grateful. Turning Sam into Samantha was the biggest favor anyone has ever done for me. And I have certainly appreciated living in such a comfortable lifestyle. Who would have ever thought that an orphan boy from New York could marry a beautiful southern girl who would later became President of this wonderful country? Why that would make a great Cinderella story wouldn’t it? I bet people would love to read about it.”
Mona glared at Samantha. Then she simmered down and replied, “I thought you had the best interests of our family in mind. Isn’t that what you said?”
“I still do, ma’am.”
“I’m not sure anymore, Samantha.” Samantha didn’t speak. She had laid her threat on the table, now it was time to see how Mona would counter. “You certainly don’t have your children’s best interest at heart. How much do you think they would miss you if you were to leave? It might be difficult to see them again. You don’t have any … legal rights here you know.”
“There is always DNA, but I’m sure a doctor would never get near enough to get a sample.” Mona didn’t smile, but her body language did. “And of course when it comes to the money and lawyers I would be outgunned totally. I have nothing of my own without a piece of paper.
“And I have no family. Maybe a few political allies would stick by me, but nothing like I have here. Everyone would come back to you of course. Politicians never leave the money, do they?”
Mona still didn’t smile, but her head lifted up perceptibly.
“About the only thing that would keep a politician away is a … scandal I guess. But it would take a scandal of mega-proportions. And once the scandal got large enough, well those politicians might not be so protective when the call for investigations began. But what kind of scandal would be able to capture the public’s fancy and keep the fires burning long enough to do some serious damage to reputations and fortunes? Hmmm …”
Mona sneered, “Is that all you have? A threat to go public? Go public with what? That you’re a transvestite? Big deal.”
“Sex usually titillates the priggish public. I think it might work. Maybe a little about me … maybe a little about importing pretty boys for personal pleasure … maybe a little bit about sharing those boys with certain … friends? I’ not positive Miss Mona, but I think sex and transvestites and transsexuals usually don’t go well in your world of politics.
“Now in my world, they’re a little more forgiving … but not much I’m sure. You’re right. It wouldn’t do either one of us any good. But on the other hand, I started with absolutely nothing. I have gotten what I wanted. I can always go back to having absolutely nothing and I am confident that I can survive. I think I can handle the harsh naked spotlight of scandal and publicity.
“One book deal would set me up for life. Like I said, I started with nothing so I can get by with a lot less than I have grown accustomed to. Can you?”
“A great bluff, but that is all it is. And there are ways to make sure bluffs stay only that — a silly little bluff.”
Samantha looked across the room and saw Miss Harriet. She motioned for Harriet to join them. Eyebrows went up around the room. An interesting development to the face-off, and everyone wondered what Harriet had to do with this battle. When Harriet began walking over, Lisa came along also.
When they arrived Samantha lowered her voice to make sure no one overheard her. “Miss Mona, I love my present life. I would hate to lose it. I have told everyone that would listen to me that I would never do anything to hurt this family. Even without a piece of paper I consider this to be my family. And I dearly would like to remain a part of this family.
“But I will be who I am. I will not knuckle under to pressure or crawl into a hole and refuse to stand for what I believe. I believe that I have served this family well. And at the same time I believe that I have served my greater family just as well. And that greater family includes everyone that lives alongside me in this country.
“And I will continue to act on behalf of what I believe is right.” Samantha stood a little taller and turned all of her attention to Mona, “And I will not let you take this country back to the bad old days of trickle down robbery. I won’t! So it’s time for you to know that I don’t bluff.”
Samantha turned to Harriet and said, “You need to tell your mother what I showed you many years ago. Tell her what is in it and tell her what I asked you to do with it. Let her know what will go out to key public officials and the press if I stop paying rent on some safe deposit boxes.”
Samantha wrapped her arm around Lisa’s and asked, “Would you kindly take me home now, mistress. I want to spend some quality time with my family.”
They took one step and Samantha stopped. She walked back to Mona and Harriet and interrupted Harriet who had just begun speaking. “Excuse Miss Harriet, I’m sorry but before we leave I must say one more thing.” Samantha paused, looked up, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. In a slow drawl she said, “My children.” Then Samantha opened her eyes and looked at Mona.
“I am not the maternal mother of my children, but I am a stake holder. Half of their genes came from me.” And then with the nastiest tone of voice anyone had ever heard from Samantha she said, “If you ever try and take my children away from me you will see a jihad of biblical proportions. And I use those mixed metaphors deliberately.”
She turned back to Lisa and in her sweetest voice said, “Mistress will you please take us back to the White House now?”
The End
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'that all Miss Mona's chickens came home to roost.Her
feminisation of her 'boys' back fired.Good story and very
your story
a very beautiful stort but in my opinion and i do say my opinion the last chapter was not as good as the overall story to me the story fell apart when Lisa told Samantha that she was married i believe that something more could have and i believe should have been done but then that is only my opinion
I loved the Story!
This was a very interesting story; great at times and not so great at others. But by in large it was a universal plot that was enhanced with a new story line and I really enjoyed it.
Well, you were right. Samantha did get a backbone. I sort of sped read my way through this last posting this morning, but now I want to go back and see what details I missed. I think your ending is very satisfying, but I know it is not the end. My heart and hopes go out to Samantha and her family.
Still sad ...
... that Sam was seduced into his life as Samantha as much by lies and empty promises of love as by his love of presenting as a girl and of Lisa. Still, he did wind up drawing a line in the sand for Mona - only time will tell if she stays to her side of it, or tries pushing back.
But since the story says "The End," I guess we'll never know for sure. My money is on Sam. *grin*
What an ultimatum - either the family accept the progressive politics laid out by Samantha (using Lisa as a figurehead), or the entire dynasty is destroyed. It's taken a lot of time and a lot of patience, but even if Miss Mona caves in, it's going to cause an earthquake throughout the family.
And maybe, just maybe, Samantha can use that leverage to her personal advantage. We're currently 20 years away from Samantha's initial transformation - so some carefully crafted bills on LGBT equality, for example, could help give all the Hawthorne transformees increased legal rights. Sure, if they leave the family, the family's money could still attempt to 'destroy' them, but at least they'd have an identity and a traceable route back to the Hawthornes. And now Samantha's been crafty enough to set up safety deposit boxes, there's nothing to stop other Hawthorne transformees doing likewise.
And if Samantha keeps the safety deposit boxes after retirement from politics, there's a chance that by the time she and Lisa eventually die, the secret will become public domain anyway :)
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It was nice to see Samantha come out ...
... of the submissive closet - take off the velvet collar and reveal the iron mind, so to speak. However, this last chapter seemed hurried, and there were five things I would have liked to see:
1) Was Sam and Lisa's relationship as a couple the same after the marriage to Jeff revelation, or was there something, never mentioned, lost from then on? I would think there would have been, but we only see Sam totally distraught and then, with no explanation, seemingly totally fine.
2) I would have liked to see Lisa's reaction to the Sam/Mona showdown. I got the impression that Lisa as president was much like Sam had been before meeting Harriet and Mistress Ann - Clueless about how much control Samantha was taking because she was basking in the seduction of vast public approval of what HER presidency was accomplishing, as Sam had basked in the seduction of wealth and sex. - I also imagine she knew nothing about the "protection" Sam had set up. As such, I would have expected her to be as totally shocked at what went down with Mona as Sam was at her announcement that she was married to Jeff. But we have nothing about her reaction or whether Sam had a plan to handle an adverse reaction on her part. What if she had lost control - as Sam had - and called in the Secret Service?
3) I would have liked a scene of Sam and "Wilma" reuniting to see the reaction of both.
4) I would have liked to see Sam comment on Mona's racism.
5) And finally I would have liked to see whether Sam and Lisa were finally able to come out as a married couple, and whether the forced family usage and the use of Miss, ma'am, mistress, or any other titles to denote their second class "familyship" by Sam or the other "boys" in the family was done away with. (I could see some of the boys electing to keep the titles as voluntary terms of endearment.)
AND, FINALLY FINALLY, I REALLY, REALLY ENJOYED YOUR STORY!!! It got my blood boiling and made me think. THANK YOU.
BE a lady!
Tieing Up Some Loose Ends & Questions
Jezzi and Readers of The Samantha Project;
I'll try and answer some questions about the final chapters.
One thing I want to say is that "what you see is what you get".
By that I mean, there are no other earth-shattering revelations left.
Sam was seduced by money, power and his desire to be all things feminine.
And to get that, he/she was more than willing to submit to Lisa and the Hawthorne Plan.
Sam loved his situation and was totally satisfied with his position.
So after the "blow-up" over Lisa already being married, nothing really changed. His hormones definitely contributed to his blow up.
But when all was said and done, he still accepted his station in life. That was the purpose for the submission/humiliation of the shower.
Wilma was always meant to be a side player in this story.
He was there to reassure my readers that the Hawthornes were as brutal as you thought.
There are no "innocent" bystanders in this story (other than maybe Wilma). Sam was slowly drawn into the plan, but when he saw it he readily accepted everything.
And the Hawthornes are your stereotypical nasty, spoiled rich people.
(Stereotypical - not all rich people are nasty, but we did need a heavy for this story.)
And how you would expect the future to play out is exactly the same as how the past played out.
Samantha remained Lisa's submissive and obedient concubine - except for politics.
Lisa got everything she wanted - Samantha and the Presidency, of which the Presidency was the secondary desire.
As long as Lisa was popular, she was content to let Samantha run the show and make Lisa look good.
And do realize, Samantha learned from the Hawthornes - she learned how to seduce and flirt with her opponents to get what she wanted.
Within those confines (political seduction), she was just as ruthless as Mona.
So in the end, I tried to bring out the human foibles in everyone.
No one was innocent, some people got what they wanted and some did not.
But I do hope everyone liked my little yarn.
Best wishes to everyone.
Excellent, excellent story
I really liked this novella. The gently unfolding story line and the subtle but powerful character development made it supremely readable. The complex and sometimes contradictory motives of the central characters was convincing and allowed some very nice twists and turns. The seductive offer open to Sam/Samantha would have been easy to accept unquestioningly, but that she/he remained true to his/her principles gave the story a string moral and ethical quality. I liked the idea that any tyranny, even if seemingly impregnable from the outside, is always vulnerable to fundamental change from within (Samantha and Harriet). Its own strengths were subverted for use for the public good rather than personal gain.
And the TG element was extremely enjoyable as well!
The only criticism (and it's a very minor one) is that the final chapters seemed a bit rushed, but that seems a bit churlish after the monumental effort it must have taken to write this story.