Fancy Dress / Prom / Evening Gown


There's an old saying that clothes make the man. But do they? You be the judge.


"No, sorry, can't." It was just getting harder and harder for Tom to take 'NO' for an answer.

"Oh, come on, then Sandy, why not?" came the plaintive reply.

Kate Draffen (Chapters 22 + 23)

Kate Draffen (Chapters 22 + 23)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

Gemma puts on that dress and gets a job offer in these chapters.

The Trouble With Kacey

The Trouble With Kacey

The trouble was that Kacey was innocent — and the girls refused to believe him! Even Carly didn’t believe him — and she was his sister! Carly and Kacey’s mutual friends, Sarah and Maren, were furious. Never mind that Ned and Tom, their other so-called friends, were the true culprits. The girls believed that Kacey was to blame!

Ned and Tom always had been mischievous, especially Ned. They enjoyed playing obnoxious but harmless jokes on people. Normally, they did such things as putting food dye or salt in someone’s drink or loosening the top of a salt shaker so all the salt would dump onto the plate of the poor sap who picked it up. This time, however they had gone too far — and Kacey was on the hook for it!

The Hostess, The Octopus and The Doctor


I looked down at myself with disgust. I was wearing what went for a uniform; short black leather skirt, fishnet tights and red high heels...

The Hostess, The Octopus and The Doctor

By Susan Brown

Without a Trace - Part 3: Some Answers

Without a trace part 3: some answers,

Part 3 of without a trace

Jonathon slowly walked down the stairs to the kitchen where his mom was sat at the table just pouring a cup of coffee. JR slowly walked in and sat facing her; she did not look up for a few minutes as she slowly stirred in some sweetener. Without a word she pushed the pot forwards and JR poured himself a cup and slowly turned the cup in his hands.

“Well JR, do you want to explain?” Mom asked.

Oscar Night - Part 10

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, novelist/screenwriter David Fine and his girlfriend model Maritza Delgado attended a New Year's Eve party thrown by his friend fashion designer Claude Marsh, and later learned that Claude had organized a "cabal" of experts to help him get David into a gown at the Oscar ceremony. (A flippant comment to a fashion reporter at the previous year's event made him promise to wear one.) Claude was in the middle of showing him design ideas and had just said that David would need to accessorize with silicone before he passed out.

Manny and Maude - 1 - Mirror Mirror

I have sometimes found myself wondering if vampires have problems with the hems of their cloaks fraying, as they glide along with the fancy, satin, floor-length item trailing behind. It seems to me that some type of ball-bearing system, offering both weight, to assist in the dramatic drape of the cloak, and protection, from the ground upon which they are dragged, may be a good idea (ignoring the noise that would make the whole appearing from nowhere more difficult). So it was not surprising that last night this thought crystallized into a Far Side like vision of some salesmen, knocking on the door of a vampire’s castle, with the caption, ‘Rex Simpson, door-to-door salesman of the Heminator-5000.’ And though this story has nothing to do with that vision, it did lead my mind to wander in this direction, rather than letting me go to sleep.

Oscar Night - Part 9

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Novelist/screenwriter David Fine and his girlfriend fashion model have had some of their Christmas celebration, but not all of it. In this installment, they attend a New Year's Eve party thrown by his best friend clothing designer Claude Marsh. Maritza had promised David a surprise, and we find out what it is. A character shows up that we haven't seen in a while. Way back when, David had promised to wear a gown if he was nominated for an Oscar; in this installment, the nominations are announced. And finally, the conspiracy is revealed!

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 5

To be or not to be (a female). Harold finds his role as an effeminate boy in a fraternity house has changed him and the crude brothers of the House in critical ways, and he is at a crossroads. He makes the decision after a jarring incident.

Seasons of Change - Book 16 – Failed Season: Lora's Story

Aunt Jane has mentioned on several occasions that two of her students were not helped by her program.
This is the story of one of those students as Jane's family gather to support her in a time of loss.

Seasons of Change
Book 16 - Failed Season
Tales of the Season
Lora's Story

by Tigger

Copyright © 2008,2012 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

Born Twice - Chapter 12 - Part 2

Born Twice
By Alyssa Plant

'Tonight felt weird. She couldn’t put a finger on it. It wasn’t the weather, anything that had happened; she just felt nervous.

Sighing, she realised it was just her stupid fear of being seen as a boy cropping up once more. Stupid irrational, senseless, fear... She kicked herself mentally.'

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 15 - Sleeping

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 15: Abs is dead - Susan is Dead and Ben... well, let's just say he's had better days. Two families lay in tatters as fate has struck a killer blow. Magic, who needs it. The problem is, can Kim now escape it?

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 4

As the school year continues, Harold's femininity becomes more apparent and he finds comfort in being 'Heidi.' Harold's confusion grows as he faces the loss of his first friend and his mother's disappointment if he continues his journey into girlhood. Yet, being a girl seems to come naturally. He ponders his future.

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes - Chapter 13 - First Dance/Last Dance

Dancing on Daddy's Shoes

by Mark McDonald

Chapter 13: Only a few days to go and now Kim is feeling cornered. Time is an enemy of all things living. She can feel it's steely claws at her back. Is the mask done with them?

Born Twice - Chapter 7

Born Twice
By Alyssa Plant

”Don’t worry. I’d never let anyone hurt you.”

“I believe you.” She whispered, looking into his eyes, feeling almost warm in the chill night air, a squiggly feeling swimming around her stomach.

The Girl in the Frat House -- Part 3

Harold is a slight and effeminate boy who finds both friends and tormenters as he begins his freshman year in college in one of the rowdiest of frat houses. Sometimes he is a lovely girl named Heidi and his beauty is stunning and convincing. Yet, he finds joy as well by being a boy named Harold. He struggles to find the best direction for his future.

One Long Summer [Chapter 1 - An Invitation]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s my 1st attempt at a serial, I don’t know how long it will be as yet, or where it’s headed, I’m making it up as I go along. I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. I know I’m a novice and there’s no way this will be as good as my favourite stories on here, but I’m trying my best.

“Well you don’t help the situation, if you’d have a haircut like your dad keeps suggesting, you might look a bit more masculine.” She replied

“I like long hair, I’ve always had long hair, I don’t see how that makes me look like a girl” he said sulkily

Stephanie's Deal - Episode 5

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

Eleven-year-old Steven Brooks is being punished over his Christmas vacation by having to dress as a girl. In this installment, Stephanie learns about formal wear, breasts, and boys who wear dresses.

Oscar Night - Part 4

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

In our last episode, novelist/screenwriter David Fine discovered that his new girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado preferred him without body hair. In this update, she makes a few more changes to his personal style. (No actual TG yet, but you know it's coming.)

Oscar Night - Part 3

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

When we left off, our hero David Fine the novelist turned Hollywood screenwriter had just had a date in New York City with the beautiful fashion model Maritza Delgado, who he'd met through his friend clothing designer turned Hollywood costumer Claude Marsh. In this installment, David learns that unexpected hair loss does not always lead to tragedy.

Oscar Night - Part 2

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine made a comment to a fashion reporter that may find him in a gown if he's nominated for an Academy Award again. This time, his budding romance with fashion model Maritza Delgado makes a few more strides, as the scheming of his friend clothing designer Claude Marsh helps smooth things over for David.

Oscar Night - Part 1

Oscar Night by Jennifer Brock

A flippant remark by a mild screenwriter to an obnoxious TV reporter snowballs into more than he had bargained for, at one of the most glamorous of events! (There's no actual TG stuff in this first part, but there will be. I promise.)

Tragedy of the Spirit part 4 why me? I do not I ?

I always thought that parents were to protect, nurture, guide, love and accept. I had always wondered why did I not have that for the first 15 years of my life. I often wondered, why my parents were so cruel to me. Why family members loathed me and especially why my brother hated me so much. As I grew older I came to the very understanding that my parents, nor my family didn't love nor cherish me as I always new that I did not fit in.

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Act 1.

      Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.
Act 1.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Mean Girls 3026 Part 10

“Wait a minute. You’re the girl who got my angel kicked out of school.” he asked.

“No, I’m the girl who your spawn of satan tried to use as a punching bag every chance she got.” I said crossing my arms. “She got herself kicked out of school.”"

Mean Girls 3026 Part 10

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

“You aren’t alone hun.” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “You will never be alone. I know I’m not your mom, but the body you’re in is the body of my daughter. I’ll never let ANYONE hurt you. I’m here for you.”

“That goes for me to.” came a male voice from near my door. I looked up to see Mark walking toward me with open arms.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 1.

Technology in the future will allow someone whose body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026

Technology in the future will allow someone who's body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Rest and Relaxation Part 2

The two drank and danced the night away amerced in the atmosphere and in each other. They sat closely together and found comfort in that closeness. As the drinks began to take their desired effect, fears and inhibitions fell. The two ladies were tonight a couple. As Lana stared into the loving eyes of Shayne, she saw what she had been seeking for her entire life. Not just acceptance of Lana as a woman, but also deep love and desire for this girl named Lana Lund.

Rest And Relaxation Part 2

By Lana Lund

Gaby Book 5 Chapter *21* Das Mädchen

This is an absolute first - This chapter is getting posted here first! Don't get in too much of a tiz - Angharad threw down the gauntlet last night so I had to reply in like!. This will be going up on my site with 179 next week so for now consider yourselves spoilt!

Gaby Book 5 - Bits
Chapter *21* Das Má¤dchen
by Maddy Bell

Why Me! Part 1 of 15

Why Me!
Others Know Best

Angel O’Hare

Dedicated with love to "Kitten" 'MO' you know who you are!

This is a story of a child most nobody wanted! Not his Father, nor siblings. A child that in all rights, should have died at birth. The only thing that kept him alive was his Mother's love, the friendship of his sister Patty, and the love from the Sisters at his school and church. Most of you will not like this story because it contains humiliation, diapers(but not in a sexual way), and yes the reference to God our creator and Jesus our Savior. Most of you won't like this story because it makes you uncomfortable. But when I read it, all I can say is: “There but for the grace of god go I.” And then I cry with a sadness in my heart, for the way we as human beings treat everything that we don't or will not understand because it does, make us uncomfortable.


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