Team Spirit: The Second Half Ch. 20-24

The continuing sequel to "Team Spirit" by Janice the Dreamer. Dr. Hanson begins Bob's treatments but what will be the results? Chapters 20 through 24 of 48. Indicated elements apply to entire story.

By Meps98


Bob’s condition stabilized in the second week. He was no worse, but no better. We were able to get a daily routine established. All in all, it wasn’t so bad for me. It was dreamland compared to working in the club. It only took four to five hours a day to take care of Bob and the housework plus another two hours for shopping and meals. The rest of the day I could lounge by the pool, watch TV or DVD’s. I’d missed a lot of the current movies locked up in the club so I had some catching up to do.

Life was not pleasant for Bob though. He didn’t complain about anything and always made a point of thanking me for whatever I did for him, but you could tell he was in pain a lot of the time. He wouldn’t even take aspirin, not wanting to have any drugs in his system for the next blood test.

I’d tried several times to talk him out of working with Amy and being treated by her. You can’t believe anything that she says or promises. He should just go back on his meds and vanish into the night. Amy and Anthony are going to do whatever they want with me whether he is there or not.

“I appreciate your concern Honey, but my medications only slow the deterioration of my health. Sooner or later, if I live long enough, I am going to end up were I am now. There are no current medications that will change that. The only possible existing treatment that can return me to my original health is Dr. Hanson’s. I realize that there is an element of risk, but it is one I am forced to take. Don’t worry, everything will work out for both of us.”

I never realized that Bob was such an optimist. I guess that’s a good trait for an assassin to have.

Amy came by at noon to take another blood sample. We had just finished lunch.

“I think that you can plan on starting the treatments tomorrow. The medications were practically undetectable in the last sample so, unless I am mistaken, your system should be clean by now. I’ll do the test and, if clean, send Anthony by at around 9:00 a.m. to pick you up.”

“If it is all the same to you Doctor, I would prefer that Honey drive me there in my car. I would feel more comfortable having my own transportation available.”

“Still don’t trust me do you?” said Amy, shaking her head in disappointment. “I don’t care how you get to the clinic, just be there by 9:00. I will call in about an hour with the results.”

I followed Amy to the door.

“Dr. Hanson, do I need to bring anything with us tomorrow? A change of clothes, toothbrush, anything?”

“No Honey, just get him there on time. I will take care of everything.”

Then she smiled. I had seen that smile many times before, usually when something very bad was about to happen to me. She was planning to double-cross Bob some how, but I couldn’t figure it out. GOD, I wish I was smarter!

She left with a wave of her hand. I went back into the house. Bob was sitting at the kitchen table, his eyes closed. I reached out and touched his shoulder.

“Bob, are you awake?”

“Yes, Honey. I am just getting prepared for tomorrow morning. I am going to need all of my limited resources if I am to survive this trial.”

I put my arms around him from behind and hugged him, laying my head on the back of his neck. I don’t know why I did it. Maybe because he looked like he needed something and that was all I had to give. He raised his right hand and patted my arm.

“Bob, be careful. I know you are going through with this but I also know Amy has got a surprise up her sleeve. I trusted her once and see where it got me. I just don’t want to lose you.”

Why did I say that?

“Don’t worry Honey. I truly believe that both you and I are going to be fine. Trust me when I say that.”

I let him go and start to clean the kitchen. I had to do something. Bob closed his eyes again and just sat at the table, hands folded in front of him. If I didn’t know better, I would say he was praying.

The phone rang at 12:55 p.m. and I rushed to answer it. It was Anthony.

“Hey Honey, Doc told me to call and let you know that you are good for tomorrow. The test results are all negative, whatever that means. She wanted me to offer my help in moving Bob.”

“No thank you, Sir. I have everything under control.”

“OK fine then. I’ll see you at the clinic tomorrow.”

Why was Anthony going to be there? This deal is getting worse by the minute. I thought about asking him why he needed to be there but decided I couldn’t believe anything he said anyway.

“You still there Honey?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Don’t worry, this will be over soon and we can all get back to normal. Maybe better than normal. Won’t that be great?”

“Yes, Sir, that will be great.” Anthony hung up.

Bob is not getting out of this alive. I have to try one last time to get him to change his mind. I went back to the kitchen and told him about my conversation with Anthony but he didn’t seem either surprised or concerned. He asked me to help him out to the garage and then leave him alone until he called for me. I did and then went back to house cleaning to keep my mind occupied.

Bob called for me around 6:30 p.m. I had supper ready by then so we ate. I knew better than to ask what he was up to. He wouldn’t tell me and I didn’t want to know because we both knew that Amy could force it out of me. I had already betrayed his confidence once; I didn’t want to be in a position to do it again.

After supper, Bob asked me to help him to the bathroom so he could shower. I left him in the bathroom and went back to clean the kitchen. I went to check on him after the kitchen was clean and he was already in bed, asleep on his side. I moved quietly into the room. His body tensed with a seizure but he didn’t wake up.

I knelt on the bed next to him and massaged his back until the seizure passed. He didn’t deserve what was about to happen to him, nobody did. I kicked off my shoes, slid down onto the bed and spooned up against his back, reaching my arms around to pull him tight against me.

I think I did it more to comfort myself than him, to feel that I wasn’t alone in the world.

* * ** * ** * ** * *

I had everything in place at the clinic by 8:30 a.m. that morning; always like to be ready well before a deadline. That way I can relax and savor the moment.

Anthony arrived at 8:45. I invited him to make peace for our earlier fight and to watch while Bob James was taken down the first of many pegs.

“Anthony, you need to make sure that you don’t touch or do anything that I don’t directly request that you do. We can’t afford any mistakes now.”

“Don’t worry Doc. I’ll be a fly on the wall.”

“Fine. Please go out front and let me know when they arrive.”

“Don’t you have your staff here?”

“No, I prefer that the fewer people who know about this particular patient the better.”

“So, you’re taking Bob’s advice to heart already”

Here I am offering an olive branch and he makes a tasteless joke like that. His time will come. I will ignore him. For now

“Just let me know when they arrive.”

Anthony went to the front of the clinic and I started to double-check my equipment.

“Hey, Doc! We got company.”

The car pulled around the back and parked next to the window to this room. Honey was driving and Bob was slumped in the passenger seat. She got out, went around to his door, opened it and helped him out. She then opened the door to the back seat and pulled out a folding wheelchair. She opened it, positioned it behind him and eased him down into the chair.

She was surprisingly quick and efficient. Must have been getting a lot of practice. She was also very gentle with him. This couldn’t be working out better.

“Anthony, please meet them at the back door and bring them to this room.”

Anthony strode to the back door and opened it.

“Good morning Honey. I can take it from here.”

“No thank you, Sir. Bob prefers that I do this. It’s no trouble”

Anthony was taken aback by Honey’s assertiveness. It looks like we will have to re-teach her some lessons after Bob James is taken care of. To his credit, Anthony remembered my instructions and did nothing beyond leading them to the examination room.

“Good morning Mr. James, Honey. Please come in. I need Bob to change into this hospital gown.”

I hand Honey an extra small, open back paper hospital gown. Bob will be lucky if it covers his stomach.

Honey looks around for a screen to change behind. “Where is he to change at?”

“He can do it right here. We are all adults.”

Honey looks embarrassed but Bob simply smiles and starts to unbutton his shirt. He stays seated in the wheel chair but manages to strip down to his adult diaper with Honey’s help.

“The diaper needs to go also.’

“Certainly, Doctor Hanson. I expected nothing less.”

He slips the diaper down to his knees and Honey finishes the job. Anthony is standing in the corner of the room with a large smile on his face, clearly enjoying Bob’s discomfort. But Bob is not showing any discomfort. He is just sitting there, naked, but acting as if it does not trouble him at all. Suddenly his body stiffens. It is one of his seizures. Honey starts to move to his side but I stop her. The seizure stops in about 50 seconds and then Bob resumes the same position he had before it started, as if nothing happened.

Well, there is more to come.

“Bob, put on the gown and hop up here on the table. You can help him Honey.”

Honey helps Bob stand and step out of the wheelchair. He puts on the gown, which is more like a tunic top. His penis is exposed, as is his ass. He leans on Honey and they slowly move towards the examination table. He backs against the table, places his hands on Honey’s shoulders while she puts her hands on his hips. They look into each other’s eyes, Bob nods his head and he pushes up while she lifts, neatly placing him on the table.

Damn! They have been practicing! I wanted Bob to have to attempt to crawl up and ask for help.

“Nicely done. You really missed your calling as a nurse Honey. I am sure that you could work for me should Anthony ever tire of you.”

I looked at Honey but she said nothing.

“I need to do a quick exam and then I will give you the first shot. Open your mouth.”

Bob opens his mouth and I exam it and his throat using a tongue depressor. Everything appears normal.

“Now I need you to lie on your stomach with your legs hanging down here. Normally I would have you bend over but I don’t think you could.”

Bob positions himself with his asshole exposed. I think he knows what is coming.

“Just a quick prostate exam and then we are ready.”

I remove a tube of lube and a rubber glove from the top drawer of the table. I snap on the glove and squirt some lube on the both the glove and his rectum. I insert my index finger into his puckered hole, spreading the lube. I look over to Anthony, who is both smiling and wincing in sympathy. Honey is just standing there but has some tears in her eyes.

Could she have feelings for Bob? I push more of my hand into Bob’s rectum. She sobs. This is interesting. I wonder how she will react when Bob becomes her twin sister ... damn, I still haven’t come up with a good name yet.

I finish the unnecessary prostate exam and Bob has said nothing at all. No grunts, groans, screams, no reaction at all. I was hoping to embarrass him with the nudity and exams but apparently I was unsuccessful. Well, it was worth a try and Anthony enjoyed it.

“Alright Bob, hold that position and I will get the injection.”

I turn to the lab fridge and remove a vial marked “BJ 1-40”. It is the first of a series of forty shots that will change Bob’s life. I insert a syringe into the vial and fill it. After swabbing Bob’s left ass cheek with an antiseptic wipe, I prepare to inject him.

My cell phone vibrates. Damn it! It vibrates again. Bob turns his head and looks back towards me.

“You should probably answer that Doctor Hanson.”


Bob rolls over and pulls himself up into a sitting position. The phone vibrates a third time.

“You should answer that before it goes to voice mail.”

I pull the phone from my pocket, flip it open and bring it up to my ear.

“Hello-Doctor-Hanson-we-are-friends-of-Mr.-James. Please-take-his-blood-pressure-now.”

The voice was halting and mechanical, like one of those interviews on television with a person trying to hide their identity and they disguise their voice with electronic manipulation.

“Who is this?”


I look over at Bob and he has extended his arm, as if waiting for me to take his blood pressure.

“I suggest you comply with their request, Doctor.”

“What is all of this about?’

“Pressure first, answers second. If you please, Doctor.”

I bring the phone back up to my ear. The connection is open but no one is speaking.

“Just put down the phone and take my blood pressure. I will explain everything afterwards.”

This is an unexpected turn of events. I glance over to Anthony but he has a blank look on his face. I decide to comply with the request. I put the phone down, walk over to the supply cabinet and pick up my blood pressure cuff. Bob’s right arm is still extended. I wrap the cuff around it and start to pressurize it.

“Don’t announce the results Doctor, just do the test and return to the phone.”

The cuff is fully inflated now so I start the test. His pressure is 140 systolic, 97 diastolic, pulse 62. I look up from the digital display. Bob gestures towards the phone. I pick it up again and return it to my ear.

“The-pressure-is-140-over-97-the-pulse-is-62. Mr.-James-will-now-answer-your-questions. Good-bye.”

The connection is broken. I return the phone to my pocket and direct my attention to Bob. God, he is smirking again. This can’t be good.

“Apparently you are now going to explain what this is all about.” Bob is silent so Anthony decides to add his two cents.

“What was that call? What did they want?’

“It was someone using an electronically disguised voice claiming to be a friend of Bob James. They requested I take Bob’s blood pressure and then told me what the results were.”

“They were right?” There was fear in Anthony’s voice when he asked that question.

“Yes, Anthony, they were correct.”

“How could they know that?”

“A very good question Anthony. Do you have an answer Mr. James?”

“Yes, I do, but I don’t think it is in my best interest to reveal the exact technology at this time. Suffice it to say that my condition is being remotely monitored at all times. You know that I am not carrying any devices on my person, particularly after your most thorough rectal exam. If you want to x-ray me, you can, but it will be a waste of time. I decided that I needed someone to watch my back while you treated my medical problems.”

“So who did you hire?”

“No one, though I did ask some old associates for help. You see Doctor, people in my past profession that manage to survive to retirement have an informal association, a brotherhood if you will. This group goes beyond national boundaries. We have found that retired assassins have much in common with each other regardless of which countries we come from. For example, our ex-employers would like us dead.”

“What do you mean?”

“We know most of their dirty secrets because we participated in them. Foul, despicable acts ordered by amoral bureaucrats and political appointees. These same Machiavellian bastards would not think twice of ordering the assassin’s death to cover their tracks. They would think of it as ‘doing what is necessary for the good of all’. We, on the other hand, are more concerned about our survival. My brethren and I were smart enough to see these situations coming and had decided that there was strength in numbers. They might be able to take one of us out, but not all of us. Besides, they would have a very hard time recruiting our replacements if it was company policy to kill the entire roster of assassins when done with them. We all reached an understanding with our respective governments. They leave us alone after we retire, we keep quiet. We also keep access to our government resources. If they violate this deal, they have a lot of really upset assassins, not a good position to be in if you are responsible for that violation. If one of us violates the deal, the brethren take care of it because we don’t want to fight the entire government.”

“What does all of this have to do with our situation?”

“Well Doctor, we have found that it is to the advantage of all of us to keep in touch and provide assistance to each other when necessary, it builds Esprit de Core. I decided to have a few ‘friends’ watch my back during the duration of your treatment, at least until I can defend myself.”

“What is supposed to happen should you or they decide to take action?”

“They come in, kill everyone in the building, burn this place to the ground and then kill everyone’s immediate family. You and Anthony receive special treatment. There will be a contest, to see which of you lives the longest as one extremity at a time is removed, without anesthesia of course. I have a thousand on Anthony by the way.”

I am dumbfounded. This is impossible! How could this happen? We took all the necessary precautions. I look at Anthony. He is no longer smiling but slumped against the wall, mouth agape. Honey is smiling.

“Wait, If Anthony and I die, so will Honey. No more daily semen doses … she would tear herself apart.”

“Well, to be technical, Doctor, I would just need to keep Anthony. You are expendable. However, when I say everyone in the clinic dies, I include Honey and myself in that group”

Honey stops smiling.

“I know that Honey cannot survive without Anthony. As for myself, this worse case scenario I have described only happens if you try to transform me into someone like Honey. I will not live that way. I will not let you and Anthony get away with that, so all our deaths are guaranteed should you try it. Honey’s and my deaths will be quick and painless. Yours’ and Anthony’s will be long and unbelievably painful. You will beg to be put out of you respective agonies. Fortunately, the people in charge of your deaths love to hear their victims beg, it turns them on. You don’t want to know what happens to your bodies after you die. Even I find it difficult to contemplate, but that is the price you pay for the best help.”

I feel faint. I sit in the nearest chair. Anthony is sitting on the floor, back against the wall. Honey is leaning against the supply cabinet, head down.

“So Dr. Hanson, hear is the deal. I am ready to fulfill our original agreement. You treat my MS symptoms and I will attempt to save you from the consequences of your many mistakes. If you do not want to completely comply with those terms, I will return home, resume taking my medications and disappear. I am not going to force you to treat me. If we go forward with the treatments, it must be of your own free will, however should you try to double cross me in any way, the consequences for you and Anthony will be certain and horrible. Decide now.”

If I had more time, I might be able to come up with a scheme to take Bob down, but I do not have the time. He wants a decision now. The plan to transform him is out, at least for the present. If I say ‘No’, Honey will wheel him out of here and I will lose him. Who knows what he will say, to whom and when. If I say ‘Yes’, he probably will regain his health and be more of a threat. Wait...what if the treatment doesn’t work on him?

“What happens if the treatment fails, if your condition doesn’t improve?”

“I understand that there are no guarantees here Doctor. If you make a good faith effort to help me but it doesn’t work, we will just go our separate ways.”

Well, he wouldn’t kill me, but he would still disappear, out of my control. If the treatments do take away his MS inflicted disabilities, his continued good health will depend on the continuation of the treatments. It will not be as good as a set of Honey twins, but he will still need to dance to my tune if he wants to be able to walk and not wear a diaper. It is worth the risk.

“I have decided to follow through with our original agreement, my treatments for your advice.”

Anthony struggles to his feet.

“Are you mad! Just let him GO! I don’t want to have anything to do with this maniac! One false step and we are twitching torsos!”

I raise my hand but he doesn’t stop.

“I will not shut up! I am so fucking tired of you trying to control me! It’s my ass on the line here too. I should have a say in what happens.”

“Excuse us a moment”

I take Anthony by the arm but he shrugs me off. I grab his arm again. “Just step outside and we can talk in private.”

I walk out the door of the examination room and Anthony follows, stealing a glance at Bob. I shut the door.

“Do you believe him Anthony?”

“Yes, I believe that he is a crazy mother fucker with a bunch of friends who are even crazier and they are probably watching us right now!”

I had forgotten about the blood pressure demonstration. Damn! I am going to have this entire place scanned for bugs.

“Fine, then let’s keep our voices down.”

I quietly explain my thinking to Anthony and ask him if he has any better ideas. He is not happy but doesn’t have anything to add to our options. Big surprise.

“I’ll go along with what you want Doc, but I want something from you too.”

“And what would that be?”

“Not now, later.”

“I am not going to agree to some unknown request. We can talk about whatever it is later, but I will not guarantee that it will be acceptable.”

We return to the examination room.

Bob is still seated on the table but he has exchanged the hospital gown for his shirt, which provides more coverage.

“Anthony and I have talked and I believe that we all have an agreement, right Anthony.”

“Yeah, we have an agreement.”

Bob nods his head in acknowledgement. “Fine. Let’s start the treatments. Should you exchange that syringe Dr. Hanson?”

That son of a bitch had me from the start. I toss the syringe into the Hazardous Waste container and return to the refrigerator. This time I remove a vial of the standard treatment, fill the syringe and pick up an alcohol wipe. Bob is smirking again but there is something else there too, a look of satisfaction or confirmation. It’s only there for a moment and then it’s gone. Could have been my imagination.

“I need to inject your butt. Roll over.”

Bob rolls onto his side so that he can still watch me but exposing his ass for an injection. I stick him hard. No reaction. Will nothing go my way today?

“Honey, please bring me my clothes and the wheel chair. According to our agreement, Honey is to stay with me until I am operational again. All future injections will be at my home. I am willing to return here for more in-depth examinations, if necessary. If there is nothing else, we will be going.”

Honey hands him his adult diaper, pants, socks and shoes. After dressing, he slides off the examination table and Honey helps him into his chair. She spins it around so that Bob is facing me.

“Doctor, call me when you want to schedule the next injection. I will contact you if there are any problems. Anthony, Honey will be available for however you want to deliver the daily semen dose.”

Anthony grimaced. “I think I’ll stick with the bottle system for awhile. It’s easier on everybody’s schedule.”

Bob nodded. “We will accommodate whatever method you chose. Let’s head home Honey.”

* * ** * ** * ** * *

I wheel Bob out of the clinic’s back door into the parking lot. It was only 10:12 a.m. We had been in the clinic only about an hour. It felt like five hours. Bob opens the passenger door and I help him into the car, then open the back door, store the chair, walk around to the driver’s side and get in. I check the mirrors to see if there are any suspicious cars around us or people lurking around.

“You won’t see anybody Honey, they are much too professional to be seen. Just start the car and let’s get home.”

I pull out of the parking lot and head back to Bob’s house. Once we are two blocks away, Bob closes his eyes and slumps in his seat.

“Are you OK?”

“Yes, Honey, just tired. This morning took a bit out of me. I’ll take a nap when we get home.”

I drive on for a few miles but I have to know.

“Bob, can I ask you a question?”

“Certainly Honey, I will answer any questions I can.”

“Where you serious back there, are there people watching us?”

“They are watching over me, for now. As long as you are with me, they are watching over you also.”

“And would they have killed everyone at the clinic?”

“If things had gone badly today, it is possible that they would not have killed me, that they would have been able to pull me out of the clinic alive. Everyone else would most certainly have died.’

“Even me?”


“Why would you need to kill ME? I’m on your side. I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do. I’m innocent!”

“Well, if I kill Dr. Hanson and Anthony, what happens to you? You would be free but still addicted to Anthony’s semen, which would no longer be available. You know what happens to you if denied access to his semen for more than thirty hours. I would think that you would find death preferable.”

“Isn’t that my choice? Shouldn’t I have a say? It’s my life!”

“Luckily, it appears that decision is put off for another day, perhaps forever. We will see what tomorrow brings.”

I didn’t feel that I could push Bob any further. He seemed really tired and he was right, today went OK and tomorrow was another day. I could ask him again later. No matter what he says, it’s clear I need to keep an eye on him all the time. Anybody who thinks like he does is a little nuts. Maybe a lot nuts.

We arrived at Bob’s a few minutes later. I parked in the garage, then helped him into the bedroom.

“Please wake me for lunch and I’ll see if I am hungry. Thank you for your help today Honey.”

“You’re welcome.”

He laid down on the bed and was asleep in ten minutes. I kept looking out the front window to see if I could see any sign of Bob’s “friends” but never saw anything unusual. I guess that meant that they were there.


Amy come over about every third day and gave Bob a shot. He started to show some improvement after a week. Thank God it was his urinary control. In the span of three weeks he went from wheel chair, to walker, to cane, to a halting walk. The seizures stopped after two weeks. It took four weeks for his energy levels to improve.

Anthony came by every third day and delivered three bottles of his “man juice”. I had one each morning with breakfast. He never made any move towards me, never demanded a blow job, never told me to lie down so he could fuck me. It was like he wanted nothing to do with me. It left me both relieved and a little disappointed. With the daily doses, I didn’t have the uncontrollable urge for sex.

Doesn’t mean that I didn’t miss it.

Sex as a woman is so different. It’s not just the multiple orgasms, which are great. It’s that for me to get off, he has to get off. I’m catching, not pitching. Ever since the change, I’ve done nothing but please men, either dancing on the stage or dancing on their cocks, with my mouth, ass or pussy. It is important that they be happy. As a man, the only thing that was important to me was that I was happy. Having had that experience, I have a pretty good insight into what makes a man happy, at least for about fifteen minutes.

For the last three plus years, I had veeerryy regular sex. Often four, five or more times a day. Not counting those damn post-Super Bowl parties. If you have that much regular sex, you get used to it, even look forward to it, if it is good sex. You may be scared of the guy fucking you, sometimes that makes the sex even better. My addiction made most of it reasonably good sex, as far as orgasms go. No emotional connections at all, not even with Anthony unless you count fear.

Since I started working exclusively for Bob about five weeks ago, I’ve gone cold turkey on sex, at least with someone else. I’ve done a lot of masturbating, particularly with that special vibrator Amy had made from a mold of my recreated cock that she used to rape me. Hey, any port in a storm. Even with the masturbating, I’m getting real antsy. Bob has never made a move on me, not even after the treatments started. I don’t know if he can have sex yet. He said that was one of the first things the MS took from him, maybe it will be one of the last things fixed. I think that I have that emotional connection with Bob, not love, but what he thinks matters to me and not because he might beat me. I want to make Bob happy. He praises me when I do a good job and corrects me when I don’t do something right but not by yelling at me. Cooking meals that he appreciates and keeping the house clean and in order are things that I actually enjoy. I don’t know if this is because I really enjoy it or I am trying to convince him to keep me here with him and out of the club.

I’ve been dressing sluttier recently, to see if I can get a rise out of him. I bought some short skirts and midriff tops the last time I went shopping, along with shoes with 3”and 4” heels. I’ve also been sunning topless by the pool. I decided Anthony can talk to Bob about any tan lines. I think Bob may be watching me closer, but I can’t be sure. I wouldn’t play poker with that guy for all the tea in China. Last night, after supper, Bob was sitting on the love seat watching TV. I had changed into a red babydoll nighty that barely grazed the bottom of my ass, with a tie in front. I sat down on the loveseat next to him and pulled my legs up under me. I was snuggled up against him, with my head on his shoulder. He reached an arm around my shoulder and gently hugged me. He continued to watch TV while I ran my left hand slowly up his left leg and across his waist. We stayed like that for a few minutes. I then pulled my hand back from his waist, letting it rest on his crotch. Nothing stirring that I could feel. I moved my head off his shoulder and moved up to his ear. I nuzzled it and nibbled on the lobe. Bob let me do this for a minute or so and then he slowly turned his head to look me in the eyes.

“Honey, I appreciate the attention from a stunningly beautiful and sexy woman such as yourself but I am afraid I haven’t recovered to the point of being able to respond appropriately. Even if I could, I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you when you are under Dr. Hanson’s compulsion to have sex. Plus the fact that our current situation is only temporary. As soon as my condition improves, Dr. Hanson is going to insist that you return to the club. I can’t see any way to prevent this from happening and don’t want to give you any false hope about this.”

“Bob, if you can’t perform right now, I understand. Maybe that will change. I do want to have sex with you but it’s because I want to, not because I need it. I know that my time with you is short but I might as well enjoy it while I can. My memories of this time may get me through the rough times to come.”

“Unfortunately Honey, my experience is that past good memories just makes the current bad times more difficult to handle. They remind you of what you have lost. However, it is your life to live and I won’t tell you how to do it. You have been strong enough to survive up to now and you know what works best for you.”

And then he leaned in and kissed me.

It had been years since I was last kissed. Really, truly kissed. You would think that with all the sex I’ve had since the change, there would have been a lot of kissing but that’s not the case. Kissing is an intimate act and the last thing most johns want is intimacy. They have a lot of uses for my mouth but kissing isn’t one of them.

Bob’s kiss was tender and slow, lingering on my lips but not pushing. I opened my mouth slightly and he followed my lead. He was letting me control things. I let my tongue slip into his mouth and then I pulled it back. His tongue followed mine back into my mouth. We kissed for another few minutes, my arms around his neck. I let my right arm slip from his neck and then let the strap of my nightie slip off my shoulder. I pulled the arm free from the strap, returned it to his neck and then I repeated the process with my left arm., never breaking the kiss. Bob reached both his hands around and placed them on each side of my chest, under my arms, lightly against the nightie. I rise up while he holds it, freeing my breasts and sliding it down to my hips. Bob tips his head back and falls back onto the love seat. I roll with him, maintaining the kiss, ending up laying on top of him. I run my hands up his chest and unbutton his shirt. Still kissing. I rub my breasts against his chest. He reaches up and gently massages the sides of each breast, cupping them, then stroking them. His thumbs rub against my engorged nipples. I start giggling, finally breaking the kiss. Bob smiles at me. I look down at him, still giggling, as he continues to stroke my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.


“That tickles.”

“Just tickles?” He squeezes the nipples a little harder.

“OOOHHHhhhh yyeesss, that’s nice. Don’t stop.”

He slides down lower and starts to kiss my right breast, gradually working closer to the nipple, all the time still tweaking the left nipple with his fingers. He tongues the right nipple, then rapidly flicks it with the tip of his tongue, then sucks it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the nipple. It feels like it is an inch long and his tongue is caressing every fraction of it.

“uuhhhhuuhhhHHH OOOHHHH BOB! HHUUHHAA WWHHEerree did you learn that? OOHHH Please don’t stop”

He switches to the left breast and starts again. I am in paradise. He keeps switching back and forth. I slowly push myself up and away from his grasp.

“Is there something wrong?” he asks.

“No Baby, not at all. I could stay here all night but you can’t be comfortable all scrunched up here.” I stand up and slide my nightie and panties down my legs to the floor, stepping out of them. “Let’s find somewhere a little more comfortable.” I reach out and take his hand, pulling him up off the loveseat. I lead him to his bedroom, making sure that I swing my hips as I walk, looking over my shoulder and smiling at him. We arrive at his bed and I turn him around, reaching down to unbuckle his belt and loosen his pants. I sit him on the bed and then kneel on the floor in front of him. I pick up one foot, untie the shoe, remove it and then the sock. I place the foot on my breast and then do the same to his other foot. I massage both feet for a moment then put them on the floor. I move up and straddle his legs, grabbing the waist of his pants and boxers together in both hands, pulling them down and free of his legs as I back away. I then move up and again straddle him, sitting in his lap, facing him. I kiss him again, arms around his neck as I grind my crotch against his. I can feel his cock but it isn’t hard. If I reach down and touch it, I’d only be emphasizing the point. I won’t embarrass him. I slid off him and around to his back. I pull his shirt down his back and arms until they are free. I start to massage his back.

I’d never really looked at Bob’s body before. Sure, I’d helped him in and out of the shower a few times but I always kind of looked away. But now I was getting a close look. Hardly an Adonis, but a broad back, strong neck, stout arms. Not what you would call good muscle definition. But it was funny, as I slowly ran my hands along his shoulders and back, I could feel the muscles just below the skin. I pressed harder with the palms of my hands. His muscles were very firm, taught and everywhere. He was just one big muscle covered with a layer of slightly fatty skin. If he worked out, he could be amazing. I reached around him from the back and massaged his chest. Same thing, muscles every place I touched. No gaps at all. I reached down to his thighs. They were much bigger than you would think from seeing him dressed.

It suddenly occurred to me. Bob always dressed in baggy clothes. Not stylishly baggy, just one size big, like he was trying to hide his real body size and shape. Why was that?

I didn’t get much time to think about this because he reached down and took my hands in his. He turned to face me, kissed me, then grabbed my waist and picked me up. He put me down on the bed, lay down next to me, reaching around and started playing with my breasts and nipples again. Both his hands and his mouth felt wonderful. This time, he worked his way down my body. His right hand traced circles just above my pussy. I began to get that itch down there that could only be satisfied one way. My legs were spread wide. Bob reached down and cupped my mound, rubbing my clit with his thumb while tonguing my right nipple.

“aaahhh mmmmmm uuuuhhHHH MMMMMMM OOOOHHhhhh You’re goooood.”

I raise my hips to increase the pressure on my clit. Bob picks up the pace, rubbing faster. He lets my breast fall from his mouth and starts to kiss his way down my stomach. He slides over me and down to my crotch, spreading my pussy lips with his thumbs and starts to lick my clit. I reach down with my hands and entwine my fingers in his hair. Bob buries his face in my pussy and I grind it against him, pulling his head closer. He doesn’t let up on my clit for a moment.

“uuuhhh uuuhhhh uuuhhhHHAAAHH AAHH OOOHHH Bob mmyyyy God ooohhh God Bob MMYY CLIT BOB OHH LICK MY CLIT BOB AAH LICK IT HARD!”

I was having trouble catching my breath. I could feel my orgasm coming. Bob took his hands off my pussy, reached up and grabbed my breasts and pulled on my nipples. He clamped his mouth on my cunt and blew hard, like he was trying to inflate me, inhaling through his nose and exhaling repeatedly. My vagina was pressurized. It was a very strange feeling, but a good one. He then went back to licking my clit while keeping the pressure on. I had never felt anything like this in my life. I tried to buck my hips but Bob’s forearms kept me pressed into the bed.


The orgasm raced through my whole body, muscles clenching and trembling as I my head thrashed back and forth. It was wave after wave, curling my toes and crossing my eyes. I literally couldn’t see clearly. I tried to raise my head to look down at Bob but I couldn’t focus and then the next orgasm hit me. I threw my head back and cried out again.


Bob lets go of my pussy and I deflate. He’s breathing hard, catching his breath, but he doesn’t stop pulling on my nipples and rubbing my breasts. I’m breathing pretty hard myself. I let go of his hair and prop myself up on my elbows. I still can’t see straight. I blink several times and my eyes start to focus as I look down at Bob. He’s looking back up at me, smiling.

You don’t see Bob smile very often, usually it’s just that annoying smirk. His tongue snakes out and licks my clit again. It is still sensitive from the last session and feels like an electric shock when his tongue touches it. My hips jerk but they are still held in place by his forearms. He is much stronger than he appears.

“No Bob, please, not again, not now. Give me a chance ooowww to rest. Please, please not now nnnoott nnoowww, oohhh mmmmmm ooohh pleeaassee mmmmmm.”

He doesn’t stop and in a few seconds I’m pretty happy that he didn’t. I put my hands on top of his as he keeps working my breasts, nipples and clit. Another orgasm is building.

I’ve had multiple orgasms many times, thanks to the need created by my addiction to Anthony’s semen, but these were different, better. Maybe it was because I wanted them instead of needed them. Maybe it was because someone was trying to please me instead of me trying to please them. Maybe it was because I love....
no, no, no I couldn’t love Bob. I’m a girl now, but I was a guy. I’ve got a guy’s memories. I can’t love another guy, besides I’m going to have to go back to the club soon and ... ooohhhh that feels goooddd!

“Yes, yes, yesssss. Oooohhh AAAhhhhhh YYEESSS! OOOHHH BOB YOUUU STUD YOUU!”

Bob plays me like a piano. I’m awash in orgasms again. Three, four, five, I lose count.

As I come off the high from the last one, I realize that Bob is no longer lying between my legs but has moved up next to me on the bed. I roll towards him so we are face to face. He reaches out around my hips and pulls me closer. I do the same around his neck. I kiss him with all I’ve got. Bob breaks the kiss.

“Does this mean you are ready for round three?”

“NO! Not right now, thank you very much! My clit will be tingly for hours. Where did you learn all those moves? I thought you weren’t James Bond.”

”We did receive training in certain techniques because you never know when they might come in handy, but most of my field work did not involve seducing beautiful women.”

I look away, blushing. He kisses my cheek and then moves to my ear, nibbling it.

“Please stop that. Be serious.” I turn back to look at him. “You know what I am, who and what I was. Why do you treat me so nicely?”

“Well, I treat you so nicely because I think that basically you are a good person and a stunningly beautiful woman. I never knew you as Josh Thomas so I don’t think of you as a man. I know that Josh Thomas appears to have been a rather large jerk but I never met him. I have met you and have found you to be a completely delightful woman, kind, courteous, hard working, and trustworthy, if you ignore your unfortunate inability to keep a secret when being tortured … which is not your fault. Why wouldn’t I treat you nicely?”

“Because I am nothing but a whore! I’ll fuck anything that walks or crawls into the club! I’ll let them fuck me or I’ll suck them off or let them fuck my ass and I’ll probably like it.’ I start to cry.

Bob reaches out and caresses my hair.

“Did you walk into Anthony’s club and say ‘Hello Anthony, I am here to apply for the job of whore’.”

I sniff “No, of course not.”

“Do you have any say in who you have sex with or what you do with them?”


“Do you get paid for your services?”


“So why do you do it?”

“If I don’t, Anthony will either beat the shit out of me or won’t have sex with me at least every twenty four hours, which is worse than the beating.”

“So then, you are not a whore, just the victim of a devious plan for revenge by a demented woman. Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out a way to rescue you from this situation and I am very sorry about that. I truly wish that I could solve this puzzle.”

I reach out and touch his cheek. “It isn’t your fault. Amy’s a genius. She’s got me completely screwed, in more ways than one. You did all you could and I thank you for that. I also thank you for tonight. That may have been the best sex I’ve ever had, man or woman.” I glance down with a pout on my face. “I am upset that we could have been doing this for the last five weeks.” I look up to make sure he knows I’m joking.

“Why you insatiable minx! I wasn’t sure that I could pull that off tonight, let alone the last five weeks. We will just have to consider tonight the bar that we will try to top the next time.” He rolls away from me to the side of the bed, sits up and then stands up. He needs to hold onto the bedside table to avoid falling down. “I don’t know about you, but I reek of sex.” He reaches a hand towards me. “How about a shower before bed?”

“I think your odor is charming,” I say mockingly. I reach out and take his hand “but if you insist.”

Bob pulls me off the bed and I let him lean on me as we walk into the bathroom. We take a warm shower, washing each other’s bodies. I don’t want to make this too sexual because I don’t think I could handle round three right now. We rinse off and dry each other. Bob walks out of the bathroom without my help.

He turns down the bed and I climb in. He slides in behind me, spooning against my back. He kisses the nape of my neck.

“Good night Honey.”

I snuggle back against him, wiggling my ass.

“Good night Bob.”

I feel warm, comfortable, and safe. Bob is asleep in a few minutes and I join him moments later.

* * ** * ** * ** * *

I am the first to wake. Bob is lying against my back, face down, with his arm draped across my body and around my waist. He’s snoring but not too loudly. I gently lift his arm and scoot away from him. I really need to go to the bathroom.

Slipping out of bed, I walk quietly into the bathroom and close the door. I lift the lid of the toilet, sit down and let the piss flow. I feel better now and dry myself. Checking my face in the mirror, I’ve got a terminal case of bed head. I try to straighten it out with my fingers but no luck. I return to Bob’s bedroom, pull a set of pajamas from his dresser and put on the top, leaving the bottoms laying across the bed.

I cross over to my room, enter the bathroom, pick up my hairbrush and run it through my hair a few times. That’s much better. A little lipstick and I’m ready to fix breakfast.

It’s going to be waffles this morning, one of Bob’s favorites. It’s the least I can do after last night. By the time I hear him stirring in the bedroom, I’ve already made half a dozen. My back is turned to the kitchen door as he comes in wearing the pajama bottoms. I see him out of the corner of my eye. I reach up and unbutton the top two buttons of my top, leaving my breasts exposed. I continue making waffles. He comes up behind me, reaching his arms around my waist and nuzzling my neck.

“And good morning to you too” I giggle. Bob reaches a hand into my open top and caresses my left breast. I melt back into his body, sighing. He gently pinches my nipple.

“Aaaahhh Bob, don’t youuuu want to eeeat first?”

“Let’s have breakfast in bed.” He brings his other hand up to my right breast, squeezing softly.

“The butter and syrup will make a terrible messsss.”

“Then I volunteer to clean both you and the bedroom after we are done.” He releases me, picks up the waffles, plates, syrup, butter and utensils, placing them on a tray. Bob picks up the tray and heads for his bedroom. “Coming, Honey?”

“I certainly hope to” I reply with a smile, following Bob as I remove my top.

I was right, it was a terrible mess. A terrible, erotic, orgasmic, fantastic mess. Waffles are now one my favorites too.


Anthony came by the next morning to make his delivery. Bob answered the door. I was in the living room.

“Good morning, Anthony. Excuse my appearance. I have had to do some deep cleaning in the bedroom. We were a little over-enthusiastic yesterday.”

Anthony seemed confused. “Isn’t that what Honey is supposed to be doing?”

“Normally yes, but I promised her that I would take care of it, didn’t I Honey?”

I walk to the front door, rise up on my toes and give Bob a deep, long kiss. “You certainly did Baby and you are doing a very good job. Good morning, Sir.” I nod my head towards Anthony. I turn to go back into the house. Bob lightly slaps my ass and I give a yelp. I look back at him, we are both smiling and I’m blushing.

“Please, come in Anthony. I need to speak with you and could use a break.”

“No that’s fine. Maybe some other time.”

“Please Anthony, it is important to me.”

Anthony hesitated at the door, trying to decide if coming inside was the smart thing to do.

“I promise that there will be no funny business, I just want to talk briefly.”

“OK, just for a couple of minutes. I’ve got places to be.”

“Excellent. I will not keep you long. Come in and have a seat.” Bob comes back into the house and Anthony slowly follows, looking around suspiciously. I’m in the kitchen doing the dishes but I can hear them talk and can see their reflections in the sliding glass door. Bob sits on the loveseat and indicates with his hand for Anthony to sit on the couch. He sits down on the very front edge, prepared to move quickly if necessary.

“First, let me apologize for how I treated you last month when I assaulted you. It was unfair to set you up that way, to ambush you so to speak. You were getting ready to beat me up, at the very least, but you had no idea who you were dealing with and that wasn’t fair. It is my policy to give a warning before going after someone, but I made an exception in your case.”

“Why the exception?”

“Because, you are too good to be warned. I have seen you in action and knew that if I gave you fair warning, I wouldn’t have been able to succeed with my plans.”

Anthony sat up and back a little into the couch, getting comfortable. There was a satisfied smile on his face. “You knew that I would beat you in a fair fight.”

“No, I knew that I would have a difficult time disabling you, that I would have likely been forced to kill you. It’s actually harder to disable someone than kill them. It is such a fine line. With the element of surprise, I was able to shift the odds in favor of ‘disable’ verses ‘death’”

“Bull shit. If I knew about your real identity, I’d have been prepared.”

Bob shook his head sideways. “Anthony, how many assassins have you fought in your life?”

“Probably none”

“I have fought many people in my life, some larger, stronger and faster than you. I am still alive and they are not. I do not say this to insult you. I would have killed you and quickly. It is what I do. You have a lot of native ability and would be a formidable opponent, with the proper training and practice, but you have neither. I do like you; you have been more than fair in all our prior dealings so I wanted to keep you alive. The trick with the cane and baton were my best options. I am sorry.”

Anthony rubbed the side of his head where Bob had struck him. “The cane and baton behind the knees weren’t the worse parts. My head hurt for two weeks.”

“Again, I am sorry but it seemed to be the best choice at the time. I am not going to try to persuade you that you would have lost the fight; you can believe what you will about that. Just believe that I do apologize for what I did to you and how it was done.”

Anthony looked at Bob with narrowed eyes, a look I had seen too many times before. He was undecided on what to do. Anthony may not have a quick mind but he isn’t stupid either. He can be pretty devious when given time. He put out his hand.

“I’m not admitting that you would have been able to take me in a fair fight, but apology accepted.”

Bob leaned forward and shook Anthony’s hand “I appreciate your forgiveness Anthony. I know that we can not have the same relationship as before, but I hope our future one is civil.” Bob released Anthony’s hand and retuned to his chair.

“This brings up my second point. It is hard to miss that you have chosen to provide your daily dose of Honey’s, shall we call it ‘medicine’, via bottle instead of personally. This has been going on for several months, since our original agreement was struck. I am sure that Honey misses your personal touch, particularly since I am still unable to get an erection despite the Doctor’s treatments. You are free to take Honey with you for a short while each day or use my home if you wish should you desire to return to personal daily deliveries.”

What the hell was Bob saying? That he wants Anthony to come here every day and fuck me or force me to give him a blow job? He never said anything to me about this. I thought that he lov ... liked me. How could he do this? I started to silently cry, arms resting on the kitchen sink.

MEN! They are all BASTARDS! You are a fucking ASSHOLE Bob!

Anthony was talking again. I blow my nose and listen.

“Actually Bob, I prefer it this way. Honey’s a great looking girl and one hell of a fuck, particularly about twenty hours after her last dose of ‘medicine’, but after three years it’s just not the same. When the Doc first came to me with this deal, I jumped at it, who wouldn’t? A sexy, barely legal teenager who would do whatever you wanted, would actually beg you for sex every day. She would never grow older, never get ugly, never get pregnant and I could also whore her out and have her dance at no cost. Where do I sign, you know? And it was great! The sex, the money … hell, the power. I owned that bitch! There was this time when ...”

Anthony looked at Bob and thought better of telling him the Dog Track story.

“Well, I won’t go into details but we had some great times.”

Great for him maybe. I’d cut off his balls if I didn’t need them.

“The point is that after three years, the thrill is gone. No matter how good she is, it’s ‘been there and done that’ ya know?”

“I thought it might be something like that. Dr. Hanson doesn’t understand a man’s need for variety. Even if you love Honey.... do you love Honey?”

“Are you kidding?! Not a chance in hell! When I call her a whore, I mean it. She’s probably fucked or sucked over 500 different men since I got her, not counting the Wranglers. Many of them twenty to thirty times each. If it wasn’t for the Doc’s treatments, she’d be a used up piece of cunt.”

“I would say that you don’t love Honey, which makes your need for variety in your sex life even greater. Frankly I am surprised you have lasted this long. Have you told Dr. Hanson about this?”

“Do I look suicidal? Hanson is flat nuts. She will do anything to make sure Honey is punished day in and day out. Whether by daily johns or Wrangler parties or dancing at the club or her ‘special customers’ every six months. If I told her I wanted out of the deal, I could end up as Honey’s ‘sister’. Hell, you almost did end up as Honey’s ‘twin sister’ before that trick with the phone call. I don’t have a bunch of people covering my ass.”

Anthony looked around to see if I was listening but couldn’t see me. He leaned in closer to Bob.

“I’d drop Honey in a second if I could. Oh, you were right about her knowing way too much about my business. You could have knocked my over with a feather when she answered all those questions about my contacts and sources.”

“Well Anthony, you do need to take some of the blame for that, using her as a ‘business incentive’.”

“OK, that’s right. Still doesn’t change the fact that she knows way too much and she’s only going to learn more. Plus the money isn’t that good any more. It’s the same problem, no variety. All the regulars are tired of fucking her and seeing her dance. A successful club rotates its’ performers to keep the customers happy. Out with the old and in with the new. I can rotate every one but Honey. It’s a good thing I don’t pay her or I’d be loosing money on her.”

“So that is why you were happy to accept my offer.”

“Damn straight. Once I came up with the ‘bottled medicine’ idea, it was smooth sailing until the Doc found out.”

“Who are these ‘special customers’ you mentioned?”

Yeah, who are they? Is that why I get the crap kicked out of me twice a year? Anthony pulled back from Bob.

“I may have said too much, let’s leave it at you’ve got your secrets and I’ve got mine.”

“I can not argue with that logic. Since Dr. Hanson interfered with our arrangement, I appear to have benefited without you being compensated for your loss. Has she paid you for the time Honey has spent here with me?”

“You’re kidding right? She never offered squat when I pointed out my reduced income without Honey. She threatened to take Honey from me and put her with someone else. Some gratitude.”

“I hope that calmer heads prevailed. The idea of bringing another person into this unstable situation is ludicrous. We need to reduce the number of people with dangerous knowledge, not expand it.”

“When you say ‘reduce’, do you mean...”

“No Anthony, I stick by my statement that I will not kill to solve this problem. There are other options to be pursued. But let me deal with your financial needs first.”

Bob stands and reaches into his back pocket, removing his wallet. He opens it and takes out a wad of bills.

“Honey has been here, what, five weeks? Would a thousand a week be fair compensation?” Bob reaches out with five one thousand dollar bills. Anthony’s eyes are as big as saucers. He jumps up from the couch and reaches for the cash.

“Sure, sure, that will be fine. She can stay here as long as you want for that kind of money.” He snatches the bills from Bob’s hand and pockets them.

“I will not be needing Honey’s services for much longer. Dr. Hanson’s treatments have pretty much lived up to her promises.”

“Except for your dick.” Anthony couldn’t pass that one up.

“Yes, I am not yet fully recovered but I have no complaints about my progress. I would imagine that Dr. Hanson will insist that Honey return to the club in the next two or three weeks, at most.”

“More’s the pity. I’d still be willing to stick with our original two days a week deal when she does come back.”

“I will keep it in mind, but there is no reason to do so. My original plan was based on me needing someone to provide quasi-nursing care, which no longer applies. I really don’t need her any longer.”

I feel faint. I grab a chair and sit down, putting my head on the kitchen table. Doesn’t NEED me? NEED? Who is this guy? I thought that he ... he ... that I ... we ... I don’t know what I thought. Bob’s treating me just like any of the hundreds of guy’s I’ve fucked over the years. Use me and toss me aside. What about me? The way he had treated me the last few days, the tender, erotic sex that focused on my needs made me think he was different. OH GOD, is this hell ever going to end! I’m crying and struggling to not make any noise.

“Well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

I open my eyes and look at the reflection in the sliding glass door. Anthony is headed for the front door.

“I do have a question for you Bob, if you don’t mind.”

“I will answer it if I can.”

“What would have happened if you had killed me?”

“Do you mean how would it have changed my plans?”

“Yeah that too, but what would you have done with the body? You couldn’t have moved me and Hanson certainly wouldn’t have helped. So what do you do?”

“Anthony, I never move to an area without establishing a body disposal procedure. You never know when you might need to get rid of one on short notice. I do not want to reveal any tricks of the trade, but I had that possibility covered. The bigger problem is cleaning up the mess a killing creates. Why do you ask?”

“Just curious.”

“I am glad we had this talk Anthony”

“Me too Bob.”

They shook hands again and Anthony left. Bob shut the door and then came back to the kitchen. I didn’t even try to get up, didn’t want to look at him, didn’t have the energy. He sat down across the table from me.

“Honey” he said quietly. “I assume that you listened to my conversation with Anthony. Did you hear everything?”

I just sat there, head in my arms, on the table, eyes closed, still crying.

“Honey, did ....”

“Yes, I heard everything!”

There was no reason for me to keep quiet now so I let it all out, loudly sobbing. “What is wrong with you? I thought we were ... I thought we had some ... thing. And then you go and pay Anthony just like every body else does. What do you see when you look at me? And now you’re done with me? Oh God, I can’t take this any more!” I’m crying uncontrollably. Bob just sits there, doing nothing.

I’m crying for like ten minutes, elbows on the table, head in my hands, and Bob hasn’t moved a muscle, just sits there, staring at me. He’s starting to piss me off. I look up at him.

“Don’t just sit there, say something!” I’m just sniffling now.

“What would you like me to say?”

“I can’t tell you what to say! Explain yourself! One minute you’re the sweetest, kindest, funniest, sexiest person I’ve met in years and the next minute you’re a cold hearted son of a bitch who talks about killing me or dumping me with all the emotion of reading a phonebook. Which is the real you? I’ve got to know!”

Bob gets up and comes around to my side of the table, sitting next to me. He takes my hands in his and looks deep into my eyes.

“No Honey, you don’t have to know.” I try to pull my hands from his but he won’t let go. “In fact, you can’t know and we are both fully aware of this.”

“But why not? Just tell me what is going on. Please.”

“Honey, I can not tell you anything because you can not be trusted to keep a secret. We both know that as long as you are addicted to Anthony’s semen, no secret is safe with you. I can not tell you my plan, I can not and will not even tell you if there is a plan. You get nothing except that I knew you were in the kitchen listening to every word. If Dr. Hanson asks, feel free to repeat it all, word for word.”

“So you just said those awful things to fool Anthony?”

He looked at me like he was in pain. “I can not say a thing about that. I will not tell you anything that I would not say directly to Amy. Always keep that in mind. If you get questioned by her, tell her everything, hold nothing back.”

I slowly pull my right hand free of Bob’s and wipe my eyes. They must look terrible, puffy and red. I must look horrible, makeup smeared and mascara running. I feel like my composure has returned.

“You know, you could have warned me.”

“Honey, did you even listen to what I just said?”

“Yes, yes, I know. It’s just that it would be nice to know ahead of time that you’re going to be saying horrible things about me.”

“Speaking of saying things about someone ‘sweetest, kindest, funniest, sexiest person I’ve met in years’?”

I stick my tongue out at him. “I can not say a thing about that.”


* * ** * ** * ** * *

It was a week later and Bob was walking with a normal gait without assistance. He decided that he wanted to try jogging. We both went to the sporting goods store to get some exercise outfits. I tried to talk him into some of that Under Armor form fitting stuff but he insisted on the usual “One size too big” baggy sweatshirt, T-shirt, shorts and pants. I, on the other hand, found the cutest shorts and top set that really made my ass look great and legs look longer. The top was scooped necked so it showed plenty of cleavage too and they were both made of spandex so they showed off my curves. I also found this really narrow sports bra that lifted my breasts like a pushup bra but still had plenty of support so I didn’t bounce around too much. There were also these great shoes with just a little more heel but they were still stable and comfortable.

Plus I got a lot of attention from the teenage male salesman. Bob didn’t seem to notice. I bought three sets of everything, which made the kid’s day. He said it was nice that I was helping my “dad” get back into shape. Bob definitely did not like that comment.

Our first time out at the local track showed that both of us were out of shape, but Bob was worse than I was. He was always lagging behind me. I told him to pick up the pace, but he just said he enjoyed the view from the back. Judging by the way other guys heads whipped around as I passed them, Bob wasn’t the only one enjoying the view.

When we were cooling off on the bleachers, some big stud came up to me, totally ignoring Bob. He wanted to know if this was my first time there as he hadn’t seen me before and, I quote, “I would certainly remember some one as hot as you”. I told him that it was my first time here, and he was right, he would remember someone as hot as me. Bob spoke up and said that I was his personal trainer. The stud wanted to know my rates, but I told him he couldn’t afford them. Naturally, this pissed him off. I said that I was joking and that I would see him around. This seemed to cool him down. At least it cooled his attitude, the rest of him still seemed heated up, if the bulge in his shorts meant anything. We left shortly after that.

One of the interesting things about Amy’s treatments is that they are kind of like steroids. They will improve your health but if you work out, the benefits come much faster. We kept up the running and Bob rapidly got into decent shape. We added some weight training. He looked pretty much the same, just less of a pot belly and more endurance. His face was thinner, tauter. He didn’t really look any younger, which is unusual because most of the players who got the treatments appeared younger. Maybe Amy was giving him something else. Whatever it was, it seemed to be mostly working. Unfortunately, that meant our time together was going to end soon.

* * ** * ** * ** * *

Bob had an appointment to meet Amy today at 10:00 a.m. at the clinic. She was going to give him a full examination to check his progress. Bob got up at 8:30 but I had been up since 7:00, too worried about what would happen. All of Bob’s injections had been at his house. This would be the first time back at the clinic since the showdown. I didn’t know if Amy was going to behave or not. I really hoped things went smoothly, otherwise it could be bad for everyone. Bob didn’t have any breakfast and I was too nervous to eat. I spent most of the morning doing laundry just to keep busy until time to go.

We left at 9:45; Bob dressed in his workout clothes. We drove to the clinic, parked in the front and walked in. The whole staff seemed to be there, but no one I hadn’t seen before. Most of them smiled at me, but I don’t think they were exactly friendly smiles. More like a “Yeah, I remember what we did to you and I’m happy we did it” smile. Since I was with Bob I decided to return their smiles with my “Screw with us and you’ll end up dead” smile.

Amy was waiting for us.

“Please come in Bob. I have a gown for you to change into.”

“Thank you Doctor but I will stay dressed as I am. You should be able to perform all the necessary tests on me if I remain in my regular clothes.” He took off the sweatshirt and pants.

“Fine, we will do it your way. Have a seat on the table.”

Bob hopped up on the examination table and Amy began her testing. She did blood pressure, throat, eyes, ears, lungs, heart, reflexes, flexibility, weight, and took a blood sample. He then did a treadmill stress test. Amy seemed satisfied with all the results.

“It would seem that you are in fairly good shape Mr. James. I am ordering an MRI to check for lesions from the MS and the results from the blood tests will take a few days but, absent any surprises, I would say we are ready to switch to maintenance treatments. One thing does concern me though. Normally my treatments make someone look younger, but your appearance has hardly changed.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that Doctor. I looked like this when I was in my twenties. In my old profession, that was an advantage.”

“Well, that is most unusual Mr. James. Since it seems the intensive treatments are at an end, I’m sure that Anthony will be happy for you to return home to the club and get back to work, right Honey?”

My heart sank. I knew this day was coming and thought I was ready for it but the reality hit me hard.

“Yes, Dr. Hanson.”

“Yes what Honey?”

“Yes, Anthony will be happy for me to go back to work at the club.”

“And what about you Honey, are you looking forward to getting back to dancing and entertaining the customers?”

She was going to rub my face in this. She wouldn’t go after Bob so she was taking it out on me.

“Whatever you say, Dr. Hanson.”

Amy bristled at my answer. “What do you mean by that, you little ...” Bob stepped in.

“That is enough, Doctor. We all know what is going on here so let’s stop the games.” She glared at him, but said nothing. I was probably going to pay for that when Bob wasn’t around. “I believe that you are correct Doctor. Assuming all the test results are good news, Honey will be able to return to Anthony’s club. When can you schedule the MRI?”

“I can probably get you an appointment in the next three days.”

“How quickly can you review the results?”

“I can see them that day, but I want a colleague with more expertise to also see them, just to be sure. That will take an additional day or two.”

“Fine, assuming nothing goes wrong, Honey will be back at Anthony’s one week from today.”

That’s it? No fight, no argument. He’s just going to hand me over? If I live to be a hundred, and I probably will thanks to Amy’s treatments, I will never understand that man. Bob slipped off the examination table and put on his sweats.

“Doctor, you can have the clinic call me with the date and time for the MRI. I will speak with Anthony myself about Honey’s return. Thank you Doctor. Let’s go Honey.” Amy stepped towards Bob and raised her hand to his chest, stopping him.

“I am curious as to what you intend to do about your protective friends now that the intensive treatments are over.”

“I sent them away weeks ago Doctor. They all have their own lives to live. I am on the standard random check schedule now.”

“And what is the ‘standard random check schedule’?”

“All of us participate in random checks with other members, just to make sure everything is fine for each of us. I am back on that program. If the check fails, that triggers an investigation. That investigation can involve some very ... intensive interrogation techniques. If the investigation discovers suspicious circumstances, that triggers retaliation. In my case, retaliation is the same punishment I previously described.”

Check and mate, Amy.

“I see.”

“I’m sure you do Doctor. Is there anything else?”

“No Mr. James, nothing else.”

“Let me know the test results when they become available. Good morning to you.”

We left the same way we came in, seeing the same smiles. I didn’t bother to return them this time. Bob started the car and we pulled into traffic, but didn’t head to the house.

“Where are we going Bob?”

“I need to speak with Anthony. Is he likely at the club this time of day?”

“Probably, but he might have some other business going on. He doesn’t like to be interrupted. Amy and I discovered that the last time we met him there.”

“We will stop by and see if he has the time to talk with me.”

We continued to the club, circled it and parked out front. Anthony’s car was in the back. We got out and Bob knocked on the door. There was no answer. Bob pulled out his cell phone and entered a number.

“Hello Anthony, this is Bob James. Honey and I are out front of the club. I just finished with Dr. Hanson’s examination and need to speak with you, if you have the time.... Not long, just a few minutes... Yes, what we already discussed.... We’ll wait.”

He flipped the phone shut.

“He will be here in a few minutes.”

I looked around. It seemed as if I hadn’t been here in months instead of weeks. Coming back was going to be harder than I thought. The door opened and Anthony stepped out. He looked around and let us in. There was no one else in the club.

“Do you want to talk here or should we go to your office?”

“Here’s fine. Honey, go to the bar and get us a couple of beers.”

I glanced at Bob and he gave a very slight nod of his head. I left to get the beers. When I returned, I approached slowly so that I could listen to what they were saying.

“...some way to get her to change her mind. I can’t keep doing this.”

“I agree, Anthony, but I can not be the one to bring it up. She may be treating me but she does not trust me. Of course, I do not trust her either so I can’t blame her. It depends on why she wants the addiction. There may be a technological solution to the problem. Schedule a meeting and I will be there. Oh, you are back Honey.”

Damn, Bob saw me. He reached out and I gave him the beers.

“Thank you very much.” He handed one to Anthony. “I believe that Anthony would prefer that you have a seat at the bar until our talk is finished.”

Anthony nodded his head so I reluctantly walked away. Both of them watched me. As soon as I sat down at the bar, they returned to their conversation. I strained to hear them, but was simply too far away. They talked for another few minutes, then stood up and shook hands. Bob signaled with his hand for me to come back. I walked back to the table. Bob took my hand.

“We will see you next week. Call me when you have scheduled the meeting.’

“Good bye Bob and thanks.”

“You can thank me if we succeed.”

We walk out and Anthony locks the door behind us. We got back in the car and Bob turned for home. We rode in silence for a few minutes. I had to ask.

“Why did you send me away? What did you talk about?”

“I thought that Anthony would talk more freely without you listening in. He has taken my observations about your knowledge of his activities to heart and wants to limit your opportunities to acquire more information. As far as what we talked about, I am afraid that is between Anthony and myself. I am sorry that you must be kept out of the loop.”

I cross my arms and drop my head to my chest.

“You don’t trust me.”

“On the contrary, I trust you completely. Don’t pout.”

“I am not pouting.” Actually I am and know it. I can pout better than anyone. It usually works with everyone except Amy and Anthony ... and now Bob.

“I will make it up to you. We can stop at the video store and you can pick out what you want. We can also get some take out so you won’t have to cook.”

“Why don’t we go out?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know, go out, some place nice, with good food and wine and waiters and music, the works.” I was getting into this. “We get dressed up big and hit the town.”

“I don’t know about this Honey. Why would you want to go to all that trouble just to eat?”

Sometimes I just don’t understand men.

“It’s not just the food, it’s the whole experience. You feel special and beautiful and elegant. It'll be fun.”

“You just want to do this so you can buy some new clothes.”

“You’re right, we can’t do this today. I don’t have anything to wear. I need a new dress and shoes. Plus I need to get my hair and nails done”

“Whooaa, Wait a minute. I have not agreed to anything yet.”

“Please Bob, I haven’t been to some place really nice in years. We only have one last week together. Let’s make it the best week we can.” I give him the big doe-eye look with trembling lips. He glanced at me, glanced again, then returned his attention to driving. I can only see his face from the side but I think he’s smiling.

“Yes, you are right. Let’s go out with a bang.”

I’ve still got it.


Once Bob accepted the idea to go out, he got all mysterious ... well, more mysterious than usual. He wouldn't tell me where we were going to go; just that it would be Thursday, two days from today, and formal. I had that long to get my dress, shoes and any other clothes plus a hair and nail appointment. Bob gave me his credit card and made me promise to keep the damage to the low four figures. I said that I would do my best.

I first called Candi. That's not her real name, which is Donna, but she is the closest thing I have to a girl friend, always giving me fashion and makeup advice, helping whenever she can. She was really glad to hear from me and wanted to know where I had been for the last few weeks. Apparently the only answer Anthony would give to questions about my absence was "None of your damn business and get back to work." She was afraid that I was dead or something. I told her that I was OK, working on a special job that Anthony gave me and that I couldn't give her any details without getting into big trouble. She understood.

I then told her that a "Special Gentleman" was going to take me out for dinner at an unknown fancy place and that I needed a new dress and shoes ASAP. Also that cost was not a big problem. Naturally, she thought it was a gag, but I convinced her I wasn’t goofing her without giving too many details. She said that she knew the perfect store and that she’d be by at noon to pick me up. I had to check with Bob to make sure it was OK for her to come by his house. He said that wasn’t a problem and he appreciated that I checked with him first, said it showed proactive thinking. Fine, whatever.

I fixed lunch and was just finishing the dishes when Candi showed up. I let her in and introduced her to Bob, who was surprisingly gracious. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we left. Candi waited until we got in the car.

"Is he the 'Special Gentleman'?"

"Candi, I’m not at liberty to say" I giggled.

"Uh huh" she replied with a knowing look. "Well what is so special about this gentleman, whoever he may be?"

"It's hard to explain. I think he cares for me, in his own way. He is kind, giving and gentle most of the time. Other times, he’s completely clueless, despite being maybe the smartest guy I've ever met."

"That doesn't sound special, that sounds like a typical man." She was teasing me.

"OK, the 'clueless' part is a typical man, I'll give you that. But it’s more than the usual selfishness you get from guys, it's like he doesn't have the vaguest idea what I’m feeling when he does or says something. If I bring it up, he has a perfectly logical explanation for what he did. My feelings just weren't part of the calculation. He'll apologize for making me feel bad, but it's clear that if he faced the same choice a second time, he’d do the same thing again. My feelings weren't that important to him."

"How do you feel about him?"


"At least you can admit it."

"I know, I know, our relationship, whatever it is, ... it's just complex."

"Aren't they always? More importantly ..." she leaned in and dropped her voice "... does he fuck your brains out?"

"CANDI PLEASE!" I'm blushing, as red as a stop light. "We're not like that."

"You're not fucking him?"

"Not exactly. We are having sex but it's all about him doing things for me, mostly oral."

"Is he any good?"

"World class" I sigh.

"Girl, what are you bitching about? You. Have. Got. It. Made."

"Well, we don't have a lot of choice. He's impotent."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Is it permanent?"

"We don't know. Doesn't really matter though. I'll be back at the club in a few days and who knows what will happen after that."

"He's not going to take you away from all that?"

"No, but it's not his fault. He tried."

"So what is all this date stuff about?"

"Just trying to make some happy memories to keep me warm on a cold winter night."

"Well then, Merry Christmas too you, we're here."

We were at a little boutique downtown, called "Marie's". I had heard of this place. It was very upscale. Neither of us was dressed for someplace this nice. I was just in jeans and V neck polo. Candi was wearing shorts and tank top.

"Don't worry, I know people. Come on."

We walk in the door and are "greeted" by a salesclerk. She gives us the stink eye.

"May I help you?" What she meant was, "Skanks, get the hell out of here." Candi took it in stride.

"Yes, my friend and I would like to see Marie. My friend needs a very special dress for a very special occasion."

"Ms. Marie does not see just anyone. I am sure that I can take care of your needs."

"Under normal circumstances, you might be right, but we would like to see Marie, if it is all the same."

"I am fully qualified ..."

Candi cut her off. "Just see if she is available. If not, fine, we’ll go someplace else and spend a couple of thousand dollars on an inferior product. We would prefer to spend our money locally. Tell her that Candi would like to see her."


"No, Candi with an 'I'. Just tell her. She'll understand."

The salesclerk walked away, through the curtains into the back of the store, angry but defeated. I was afraid she was going to call the cops to come pick up a couple of whores giving her grief. Candi seemed at ease.

"Don't worry. We're here to make happy memories."

We waited for several minutes. I could hear a conversation taking place in the back but couldn't understand anything. A different woman stuck her head out of the curtains and looked at us. Candi smiled at her. The woman smiled back.

"Donna! How are you?!" The woman hurried out as Candi moved towards her. They hugged each other.

“I’m fine Marie, just fine. I’ve brought you some business. She’s a friend of mine who needs a little help.”

“Not another friend who needs a deal I hope.”

“No deals. This one might make up for all the others. We just need your expertise.”

Marie looks me up and down then reaches her hand out.

“Hello, I am Marie.”

I always hate this part. I have to give my name, which I despise. I put a smile on my face and shake her hand.

“Hello Marie, I’m Honey Sweet-Lay”

“No dear, not your stage name, your real name.”

Candi reached out and touched her arm. “That is her real name.”

“Oh my. Someone didn’t do you any favors, did they?” I smile for real this time.

“You have no idea.”

“Well Honey, what can ‘Marie’s’ do for you?”

Candi explained my situation. Marie had a thoughtful look on her face. She looked at me. “Are we talking from the skin out?”

Candi answered. “Why not? The sky isn’t the limit but we’re thinking 30,000 feet at least. I am hoping sexy but classy, your specialty.”

“I think I know where to start. Let’s go to the back and get down to business.”

Marie led us through the curtains into a luxurious fitting room with several racks of beautiful gowns and dresses. There were also stacks of color coded drawers. Marie reached up and picked a measuring tape from a hook by the mirrors.

“OK Honey, get undressed down to your panties, I need to get your measurements.”

I still feel a little uncomfortable about getting undressed in front of a stranger. I know that seems odd, but the stage and lights and costumes and music and pole provide some distance from reality, like it’s someone else dancing and striping. I pull the polo over my head, kick off my shoes, unzip my jeans, pull them down and step out of them. I slip my arms from the bra straps, unhook it and place it on top of my other clothes. My arms are crossed in front of my breasts. Marie smiles.

“So shy for someone in your profession. Don’t worry dear, we are all friends here. Now stand in front of the mirror, arms at your side, just relax.”

She first measures my hips, 35”, them my waist, 22”, and then my breasts, 36”. She also measures my chest below my breasts and above my nipples.

“I must say, that is one impressive figure Honey. You’re what, 5’4” or 5’5”, 110 lbs? You don’t usually find 36D breasts on a girl with your body type.” She reached out and lifted one of my breasts, massaging it. “It would appear that you are perfectly symmetrical and all natural too, very impressive indeed. We will need to find a dress that accentuates your natural assets. But first we must build the proper foundation. With that long blonde hair, green eyes and ‘peaches and cream’ complexion, I think that we will go with red as your basic color.”

She went over to one of the drawers and removed a bright red bustier. She gave it to me and I put it on. Candi helped fasten it. It was soft, strapless, and boned. Once completely fastened, it was very tight but not uncomfortable. It had half cups, so my breasts were pushed up on a shelf, with the top two thirds of my boobs and nipples exposed. She then gave me a pair of beige silk stockings. I sat and rolled them up each leg attaching them to the six garter belts dangling from the bustier. It wasn’t easy to bend over but not too difficult.

“What size shoe do you wear dear?”

“Usually a 4 or 5.”

“Such tiny feet. Do you take after your mother?”

How do I answer that? According to Amy, I’m a combination of the best features of many women.

“Yes, mostly after my mother.”

“What style of shoe do you prefer? Sling back, open toe, pumps?”

I wear “fuck me” pumps most of the time when I dance. They aren’t too bad but my feet still hurt like hell at the end of the day.

“Let’s try pumps with a heel that’s not more than 4” please.”

Marie went around the back stack and returned with two pairs, both cranberry red, one with a strap around the ankle. I tried on both pairs but the one with the ankle strap fit the best, like it was formed around my foot. The heel was 4” but didn’t feel that high. My legs looked absolutely great though. I walked around a bit.

“Don’t work the hips so much Honey. Remember, sexy but classy. You are not on stage. I will be back with some dresses.”

She brought six dresses of varying styles and lengths but my favorite was a strapless column dress in ruby red silk. It was tight across my breast, showing all my cleavage. I was going to have to put something on my nipples. It clung to my torso until it passed my hips, where it gathered itself and fell to my ankles. It was very tight but had a slit on each side cut to the upper thigh, just short of the top of my stockings, so that I could walk. Marie was pulling and tucking at the back.

“There needs to be a few alterations but it fits exceptionally well for off the rack. Of course, you will need to wear a thong with this dress, unless you decide to go without.” Fat chance on that.

Marie picked up a digital camera from the table. “Honey, stand over here and let me take a few pictures. You can show them to your hairstylist so that she can match your dress.” I posed front, back and both sides. She printed them and showed them to me. There was no doubt about it, I was smoking hot. Playboy Playmate of the Decade hot.

Marie was extremely pleased. “You should do this for a living Honey. I could sell a hundred of those dresses if a customer thought it would make her look like that. We must make sure that you get your hair done by an expert. Who were you planning to use?”

“I haven’t done anything about that yet, I don’t really know anyone.”

“Don’t worry, I will make some calls. I must have photos of the finished look though. Now, stand still and I’ll mark the dress for alterations. We should have it available by 9:00 tomorrow morning.”

Marie pulled and tucked the back of the dress, marking with a piece of chalk and inserting pins as she went.

“OK. You can take it off. Be careful, do not smudge those marks.” Candi unzipped me, I slowly slide the dress down and stepped out. She also unfastened the bustier and I removed it and the stockings. I got dressed in my old clothes.

“Tammy, please come here.”

The first salesclerk came out and Marie handed her the dress and lingerie. She avoided looking at us. Marie reached into her pocket and removed her cell phone.

“When is your date Honey?”

“Bob said to be ready by 6:30 Thursday night.”

“Then a hair appointment at 4:00 should be about right.”

She scrolled through her address book and dialed.

“Hello Anne. This is Marie of ‘Marie’s’. I would like to speak with Michelle if she is available.... Well then maybe you can help me. I have a special customer that needs an appointment for Thursday at around 4:00. Do you have any openings for Michelle?.... I’ll check and see.” Marie cupped her hand over the phone.

“She has a 4:30 available. That might push you a bit. Can you handle that?” Candi spoke up.

“I’ll help her, it should be fine.” Marie returned to the phone.

“She will take it ... Name? Hold on.” Marie cups the phone again. “What is Bob’s last name?”

“James, why?” She goes back to the phone.

“The name is Honey James. Thank you very much Anne. Make sure Michelle knows this is a special customer.” She closed the phone.

“I am sorry, but I just could not tell them ‘Honey Sweet-Lay’. This way, the name matches the charge card. I think that is everything for now. Let me get the bill.”

It was worse than I thought. I showed it to Candi but she was not worried.

“When he sees how you look, he’ll forgive you anything.”

Easy for her to say. She didn’t have to face him. I decided not to worry about it. Tomorrow is another day, right? I pulled my wallet from my purse, removed Bob’s charge card and gave it to Marie. She slid it through the reader and handed me the receipt to sign. I put the card back in my wallet and was returning it to my purse when Candi reached out and grabbed my hand.

“What purse are you using Thursday?”

“This one, it’s the only one I have. Why?” She takes the black, well worn clutch purse from my hand.

“Because it doesn’t match the dress.”

“Then I won’t take a purse.”

“You have got to have a purse. Where will you put you makeup, your wallet, your emergency stuff? Marie, we need a matching purse.” Marie looks at my old purse.

“You certainly need a new one dear, but I’ll loan you a purse for the night. It’s the least I can do.”

We then drove home and Candi dropped me off, promising to pick up the clothes in the morning and get me at 4:00 the next day. As she was getting ready to leave, I leaned in the passenger side window.

“How do you know Marie? Why was she so willing to help us?”

“Marie was a working girl a few years ago. She had a regular john who gave her a start and she ran with it, never looking back. This is not common knowledge so I expect you to be discreet. Any way, she hasn’t forgotten where she came from and still remembers her old friends. Plus she’s a good person.” I nodded my head.

“Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. See ya Thursday.” Candi drove away and I went in the house.

Bob was sitting on the couch, reading the paper. I came up behind him, reached around, hugging him around the neck and kissing him on the cheek. Bob didn’t look up.

“How bad was it?”


“The bill, how bad was it?”

“I am insulted sir. Do you think I would attempt to trade my affections for mere money?” Bob looked up at me with one eyebrow cocked.

“That bad, eh”

“Oh don’t worry. I think you’ll find that it’ll be worth every penny when you see it.”

“Did you and Candi enjoy yourselves?”

“Yes. Yes, I think we did.”

“That’s the most important thing then.” Bob returned to reading his paper. I hugged and kissed him again then skipped off to the kitchen to start supper. It had been a good day.


Anthony sat in his office, looking at his phone. He was going to have to make the call but wasn’t looking forward to it. He wasn’t sure why he was so worried about what Amy Hanson thought. Maybe it was seeing daily what she had done to Josh Thomas. If she could get away with doing that to a famous football player, what could she do to him? Sure, he would be on the lookout for anything funny but she was a very smart, devious, vengeful bitch with some very powerful weapons. If he let his guard down for a minute, he could end up in that clinic of hers and God knows what would come out. Still, he couldn’t go on the way he was and Bob had promised to help him. Together they may be able to get Hanson to see the truth and work out something that everyone could live with. He sighed, picked up the phone and dialed.

“Hello, The Hanson Clinic, how my I direct your call?”

“This is Anthony Coleridge. I’d like to speak with Dr. Hanson.”

“Please hold and I will check to see if she is available, Mr. Coleridge.” The elevator music started. He was on hold for a couple of minutes.

“Mr. Coleridge? Dr. Hanson will be with you in a moment. Please hold.” He held for another few minutes.

“Hello Anthony. What do you have for me?” All business, as usual.

“Honey will be back in the club at 11:00 in the morning on Monday. Bob will be dropping her off. I didn’t know if you wanted to be there or not, but I thought I’d let you know. Plus, we’re getting close to her six month tune-up and didn’t know if you had something special planned.”

“I have nothing planned beyond the usual ‘special customers’. Five cards have been distributed, so three will probably show up. Make sure the video tape system is working.”

“Are you going to be here Monday?”

“Ahhhh, let me check my schedule ... Yes, I can be there to welcome Honey home. I owe her a little something, that would be as good as time as any to deliver it. I’ll see you Monday then Anthony. Good bye.” She hung up. Good bye to you too.

* * ** * ** * ** * *

I didn’t get a lot of sleep Wednesday night and not just because Bob showed me a new trick with ice cubes. I thought my orgasms would never stop. That man has a talent, no doubt about it. I was mostly nervous about our date. All my plans kept replaying in my head, trying to make sure I had thought of everything. It’s not like I had a lot of experience at this, at least from the woman’s side. I had gone out with all kinds of women, to all kinds of places, but was never as nervous as I am now, waiting to go out with Bob, not even close.

I can’t sleep so I get up, slip on a robe, walk out to the kitchen, fix myself a hot chocolate, sit down at the kitchen table and slowly sip it, staring into the dark, trying to figure out why this date has me in such a tizzy. After about fifteen minutes, Bob comes in, scratching his head and yawning.

“Is there something wrong, Honey? Are you OK?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit antsy about our date today.”

Bob walks over and stands next to me, placing his hand on my head, stroking my hair. I turn to face him, look up and smile. He keeps stroking my hair.

“There’s no need to worry about anything. You will be beautiful, as always. We’ll have a good meal and a fine time. It is no big deal.”

Could he be anymore of a guy? No big deal? Then why is my stomach full of butterflies seventeen hours before go time? Yes ... why?

“Come back to bed. I’ll see if we have anymore ice cubes.” I stand up, put my arms around his neck and kiss him, hard and long.

“No more ice cubes tonight. I need my beauty sleep. We can buy a seven pound bag for tomorrow night if we aren’t out too late.” I take his hand and lead him back to bed. He slips the robe off my shoulders and it falls to the floor. We stand there, facing each other. He reaches up and gently pinches both of my nipples. I giggle.

“Please Bob, no. If I don’t get some sleep I won’t be worth anything tomorrow. Do you want me to fall asleep during supper and drown in my soup?”

“Honey, with your build, drowning is the least of your worries.” Men and their fascination with big breasts. We hug and kiss for a moment. Maybe I don’t need that much sleep. Bob breaks it off.

“Fine, bed it is.”

He slides in and pats the sheet. I slide in next to him and we kiss good night, my worries gone for now. Hot chocolate can work wonders you know.

* * ** * ** * ** * *

Candi comes by at 9:30 in the morning. She has my dress, shoes and lingerie. She also brought a makeup assortment. I want to show Bob my dress but he doesn’t want to see it.

“I’d rather be surprised tonight. I have made arraignments to get ready elsewhere today. The house is yours for the day. I will be back at 6:30 tonight to pick you up. I can take the car or you can have it if you need it, your call.” Candi volunteers the use of her car so Bob kissed me good bye and left. We take the dress in my bedroom and I try it on to make sure the alterations are right. It fits like a silk glove. Checking out my reflection in the mirror, I can’t believe how good I look. If I was still a guy, I’d be all over me. That’s a weird image. Candi reaches up and fluffs my hair.

“Have you given any thought as to how you want your hair done? It’s so full and long, you may not have a lot of choices.”

“I don’t want anything tight, lacquered and stacked on my head because I’ll have to live with it all night. I’m thinking a slight soft wave, maybe a partial braid of some kind to reduce the length.”

“Why not just cut it?”

“Anthony won’t let me cut it, at least no shorter than it is now. He likes it long.”

“Why do you let Anthony control you like that? Just tell him to drop dead and leave.”

“It’s a long story and I can’t tell it to you. I’m sorry Candi. It’s not a trust thing, believe me. The less you know the better for the both of us.” I reach out and take both of her hands in mine. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help, not just this date thing, but all you’ve tried to do before. You’re a real friend.” I’m starting to tear up.

“You’re welcome, Honey. You’re an easy person to like. Let’s get you out of that dress and try some different looks for tonight.”

I take the dress off and put on a sweatshirt. I’d showered this morning so my face was clean, a blank canvas. I sit down and Candi takes a long look at me.

“You are what, twenty two years old?”

“Yeah, give or take a few months.”

“I swear you look closer to seventeen or eighteen. Must be the genes.”

I’ve still got the original drivers license Amy gave me when I officially became “Honey Sweet-Lay”. I was supposed to be nineteen then and that was three plus years ago. With my tune-up treatment about every six months, I haven’t really aged in that time. In fact, I may actually look younger now than I did then. Of course, I can’t tell Candi any of that. I lied.

“Thanks, my mom always looked younger than she was.”

“Where is your mother?”

“She and my dad died in a car accident when I was fifteen. I lived with my aunt until I moved to Dallas when I turned eighteen.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry Honey. That must have been rough. Do you keep in touch with your aunt?”

“She doesn’t approve of my career choice, so we don’t talk … I’m pretty much alone.” Candi leans forward and hugs me. I hug her back.

“Well, let’s see what we can do with that perfect skin of yours. We ought to go for a more mature look so people won’t think Bob is some kind of creepy cradle robber. How old is Bob anyway?”

“I don’t know for sure. How old do you think he looks?” Candi has a thoughtful look on her face for a few moments.

“You know, I have no idea. I’m usually pretty good at that sort of thing but he is a puzzle. It could be anywhere from twenty eight to forty. That is so weird.” She shakes her head. “Let’s get started on the makeup.”

We spend the next two hours trying different looks, some dark, some light, some heavy but nothing was quite right. Candi was getting frustrated.

“I’ve got some magazines in my car. I’ll get them and we can see if anything looks right.”

She brought them in and we spread out in the living room, searching for inspiration. I finally found a photo spread in an old “Redbook”, kind of a retro look with bold lipstick and long lashes.

“Hey Candi, what about this?” I handed it to her.

She held the picture next to my face at arms length and cocked her head to the side. “With your hair, skin and eyes, this might work, particularly with that dress. Let’s try it.”

We scamper back to the bedroom and get the look worked out within a half hour. It’s almost noon so we go to the kitchen and I fix a light lunch. Candi offers to help, but it’s the least I can do after all she’s done for me. Besides, the way that dress fights, I don’t want to eat too much before supper. Candi finishes her sandwich as I put my dishes in the washer.

“That was really good Honey. I think you could be a cook professionally.”

“Thanks, Bob’s said the same thing. I think we’ve done all we can until the hair appointment at 4:30. That leaves about three hours to kill. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. Do you have any ideas?”

“We could lay out by the pool.”

“I didn’t bring a suit and I doubt that I could fit in one of yours. Maybe the bottom, but certainly not the top.”

“Who said we need suits. I lay out topless a lot. It’s very private. We could just go au natural.”

Candi giggles “You naughty girl you. OK, let’s do it.” She starts to strip out of her clothes and I join her.

“Go ahead and put your clothes in my bedroom. I’ll get some lotion. Do you want anything to drink?”

“You got any beer?” I walk into the kitchen and check the fridge.

“No beer but there is some white wine, a Zinfandel I think. It’s cold already.”

“That’ll do” Candi says as she walks out of the bedroom. She is a beautiful woman. I’d seen her naked before at the club but the back room of a strip club is not a very erotic place, despite what you may think. It’s dirty, smelly, hot and noisy. Here at the house, she made a different impression.

I’ve had sex with a few women since the transformation, usually as part of a threesome set up by one of Anthony’s suppliers. It wasn’t as enjoyable as sex with men. I still have all my memories from my days as a man, but Amy’s changes have gone beyond physical changes. I have mood swings. I look at babies differently now. Sometimes, when I see one, I want to pick it up, hold it and never let it go. As much as I hate to admit it, men are more attractive to me now. My erotic dreams are much more likely to be about me with a man rather than a woman. Women still popup now and then but only about five percent of the time. I think that the best way to describe my situation is a female brain with some male memories. It’s more than simple conditioning from all the sex I’ve had with men. I’ve now got a woman’s drives with a woman’s needs and desires. Nature verses nurture. I think I heard that in a psyche class once.

For whatever reason, Candi has my interest. When you think about it, my relationship with Bob has been a lesbian relationship. His cock never comes into play. He’s a guy and I don’t think of him as anything but a guy and I really wish he could get an erection, but it has been lesbian sex all the way. Wondrous, glorious, mind blowing lesbian sex. I slowly walk up to Candi and take her hand.

“Let’s go outside. I’ll take a towel and you can have the lounger.” We walk out to the pool together. I’ve got the wine in an ice bucket with two glasses. Candi has the towel and lotion. She sits in the lounger and I lay out a towel, putting the wine between us. I squirt suntan lotion on my breasts and then slowly spread it over my boobs, shoulders, arms and stomach. I squirt some more lotion on my hands and bend over, giving Candi a good view of my ass, covering my legs with lotion. Then I pour a glass of wine, set it next to my towel, pour a second glass, hand it to Candi along with the lotion.

“Do you need any help with that?”

Candi looks me up and down, probably noticing that my nipples are hard and pussy lips puffy.

“Not right now. Thanks for the wine.”

“You’re welcome. Let me know when you need a refill.”

I lay down on the towel face up while Candi slathers lotion on her body. We lay out for about a half hour, sipping wine. I refill Candi’s glass twice but not mine. I don’t know exactly what Bob’s plans are and I don’t want to be tipsy. I roll over onto my stomach.

“Candi, could you do my back?”

“Sure, hold on a sec.” She finishes her third glass of wine and then gets out of the lounger. She picks up the lotion, kneels on the towel next to me and squirts it onto my back. It’s warm because the bottle has been in the sun.

“Oooowww, that’s hot. It’s nice.” Candi starts to rub the lotion on my back, working across my shoulders and around my chest to the sides of my breasts. She then pours more lotion on my ass and massages it in. I raise my ass slightly, moving in rhythm with her motions. I also spread my legs slightly, giving her better access to my pussy, just in case she feels the need to touch me there. She does.

“Mmmmm, that’s good. OH yes.” She then moves down my legs to my feet. She returns to the lounger after pouring herself another glass of wine.

“Thanks for the help Candi. You’re very thorough.”

“Anytime Honey.”

We continue this way for another 10 minutes and then Candi turns over.

“A little help Honey?”

“Sure thing.”

I pickup the lotion and kneel next to the lounger. I start with her shoulders, working my way down her back. Her head is laying to the side and she sighs gently as I massage the lotion in. I work the sides of her generous breasts. They aren’t as big as mine and she has implants but it was a quality job. I lean into her lower back and she sighs again. I squirt more lotion on her butt and start to massage her cheeks. She raises her ass and spreads her legs just as I did so I return the favor, though I give her pussy a little more attention.

“AAAhhhh Honey, you have a nice touch. Oh yes ... very nice.

I move down her legs and finish by massaging her feet, squeezing some more sighs out of her.

“That was really nice Honey.”

“We aim to please, Ma’am.”

I lay back down face up, legs spread about a foot, giving Candi a good look. Her head is turned my way but her eyes are closed.


“Yes, Candi.”

“You must be uncomfortable on that towel. This lounger is big enough for both of us.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to get too hot.”

“You can never get too hot, Honey.”

Actually, you can, but I wasn’t going to explain it to her.

I stood up and walked over to the lounger. Candi turned over and scooted to one side. I laid down next to her, my feet down by her head. We lay there for a few minutes. I let my hand slide down her legs to her pussy. I rested the palm of my hand on her mound and massaged her slit with my thumb. Her breathing rate increased. I push my thumb past here pussy lips. Her hips jerk a little. I pull my thumb out and insert my index finger, moving it slowly in and out. She raises her head and looks at me with a sly smile on her face. I pickup the pace with my finger.

“You may be right Honey. This is a little small for two people.”

“What do you suggest we do about that?”

“Why don’t I get on top, then you’ll have room to spread your legs.”

“What a great idea. And you can do the same.”

Candi climbed out of the lounger and stood up. She was a little unsteady. Four glasses of wine will do that to a person. I lay flat on my back and spread my legs. Candi stepped over the lounger, straddling my face. She lowered herself onto my face and then laid her body on mine with her face in my pussy, the classic 69 position. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and started to lick her clit. She did the same to me. Candi then started grinding her groin into my face while she finger fucked me, first with two fingers, then three. I followed suite. I could feel an orgasm starting to build. Candi picked up the pace of grinding her crotch so she was also probably getting close too. We were both moaning into each others muff, so the neighbors couldn’t hear much. I licked furiously at her clit and she did the same to me. My orgasm was coming, so I reached around and grabbed her ass, pulling her crotch to my face just as she stuck her fingers deep into my cunt. I cried out as the orgasm washed over my body.

“Ohhhh Honey, don’t sttttoppppp Oh OH Oh OHHHH YYYEEESSSS”

So, Candi is a shouter. I soon found out she was a squirter too. Her juices covered my face. The tremors in her body started to subside. I decided to try one of Bob’s tricks. I spread her lips and clamped my mouth to her cunt. I started to inflate her vagina just as Bob did to me. I then rapidly diddled her clit with my tongue.

“Honey, what are you doing? What iiiiissssss that? Ohhhh yes, yes, yeSSS OOOHHH YYEESSS. OH GOD! DON’T STOP! OH SHIT! SHIT! OH GOD!”

I should stop this right now. If Candi kept this up, the cops would be here in a few minutes and they would get a good show.


This time her orgasm hit like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t keep contact with her bucking hips. She was sitting upright on my face and I was having trouble breathing. I pushed my head down the lounger, away from Candi’s crotch. She collapsed backwards, breathing hard, barely staying on the lounger.

I climbed off the lounger. My entire upper body was covered with her juices. I decided a quick dip would solve my problems, so I dove in. A few minutes of rubbing my body and I was reasonably clean. I climbed out and picked up the towel, drying off.

Candi just stared at me. I knelt next to her. “Are you OK?”

“Honey, what the hell was that?!”

“Just one of Bob’s little tricks.”

“One of his tricks? How many does he have?’

“Oh, a couple dozen or so to date.”

“Are they all just as good as that one?”

“Pretty much … though the best one may be what he did yesterday.”

“And this is what you’ve been doing every night for the last six weeks?”

“Not the last six weeks, the last two weeks though, yes.”

“And you’re still alive?”

I laugh “Yes, of course I’m alive. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever been more alive.”

“Honey, I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life. It was completely amazing! I almost blacked out there for a second.”

“Well, the four glasses of wine probably had something to do with that.”

“You’re could be right, but trust me, it’s worth it.”

“Don’t I know it.”

“Oh Honey, keep this man no matter what. I swear to God! What time is it?”

I look in the kitchen and see the clock on the microwave.

“It’s 2:30.”

“What can we do to kill the next hour and a half?”

“Well, I can show you some more tricks if we take it inside. I didn’t know you were a shouter.” She blushed.

“I can normally keep it under control but you surprised me.”

“We may need a sound-proof room for this next one.”

“Are you kidding?”

“I kid you not.”

“OK, what do I need to do?”

“Just go inside, wash the sunscreen off and wait for me in the bedroom. I’ll get the ice cubes.”

* * ** * ** * ** * *

Time flies when you’re having fun. It was 3:40 before I knew it. We took a quick shower, dressed and headed for my hair appointment. Candi had brought a digital camera and had taken a few pictures of me with the makeup. We already had the pictures of me in the dress. We got there at 4:15 and Michelle was available.

“Hello ladies, I’m Michelle. You must be the friends of Marie. We always try to keep Marie’s friends happy, good for business.” Candi reaches out and shakes Michelle’s hand.

“I’m Candi and this is Honey James, she’s the special customer.” I also shook her hand.

“Well Mrs. James, what do you have in mind?”

“It’s Ms., not Mrs., and please, call me Honey. I have some pictures here ...” reaching into my purse, I pull out the envelope with my dress and makeup photos “... of my dress and the planned makeup. It’s kind of a retro look so I was thinking to just add some body and wave to it, but I’m open to suggestions, you’re the expert.”

Michelle opened the envelope and starts to flip through the photos.

“Very nice. Yes. I see what you mean. Oh my, that dress was made for your figure. Really extraordinary. Let me get my portfolio and you can see some examples. Would either of you like something to drink?”

Candi was still a little tipsy so she asked for black coffee and I took a water. Michelle came out with a large, black three ring binder and we all sat on a couch with the portfolio open on a coffee table in front of us. Michelle started flipping the pictures.

“You don’t usually find someone whose hair is so long. Is cutting an option?”

“Afraid not.”

“I can handle it either way, just wanted to establish the boundaries. What is the event?”

“It’s just a date.”

Candi had to speak up.

“Now be honest. It’s not just a date. It’s their first and likely last date for some time to come. He’s taking her someplace fancy, but won’t say where. After this, they may not be able to be together for awhile.”

“All this for a first date? How romantic. Is he in the military and going overseas?” I thought I better end the speculation quickly.

“Bob works for the government but I’m not free to say anything else.” I shoot Candi a look, hoping she isn’t too drunk to follow my lead. “We both want this to be a special night and Marie agreed to help me.” Michelle seemed to accept this.

“Mum’s the word then. Here’s a possibility, what do you think?”

We looked at about ten different pictures. None were exactly right but Michelle was able to get a good idea as to what I wanted.

“Alright let’s get to work. Honey, you come over here and we’ll wash your hair.”

“I washed it less than an hour ago.”

“I can tell you did but we have special shampoos and conditioners. Just relax and leave it to me.” I decide to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

After the shampoo came the rollers, the chemicals, the dryer, the waiting, the manicure and finally the pedicure. Michelle removed the rollers and started brushing and fluffing my hair.

“Honey, I need to do a little trimming, not much, I promise.”

“Fine, I’m completely in your hands.” She took a pair of scissors and started snipping, a little here, a little there, and then went back to brushing and fluffing.

“I’m going to use some spray now. Close your eyes for a moment.” Michelle kept fluffing but also sprayed something at the same time. She did that for about two minutes.

“You can open your eyes now.”

I opened my eyes as she spun me towards the mirror. I was stunned. My hair was full around my head, but less than the classic “Big Texas Hair”. It then spilled over my shoulders and down my back in shinning golden waves. It was brighter than I had ever seen it before. I reached up and touched it. With all the spraying, I expected it to be stiff and sticky but it was soft. I gave my head a shake and my hair flowed around my head, returning to its’ original shape when I stopped. My nails were bright red and glossy.

“Well, what do you think?”

“Oh Michelle, it’s perfect! I’ve never looked so good in my life! You are an artist … a genius!” I get out of the chair and spin around. My hair trails behind me like a comet’s tail. It seemed several inches shorter. “I didn’t realize you cut off so much.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not cut, just curled. After the perm wears off, it will go back to the original length. Honey, I’d like to add you to my portfolio, if you don’t mind. This turned out better than I had thought it would and I don’t have any pictures of anyone with hair this long.”

“Sure, no problem. What do I do?”

“Let’s go to the lobby. I have a neutral wall I use as a backdrop.”

We walked to the lobby. Candi was waiting, reading a magazine. When she saw me, she squealed with delight.

“Oh MY GOD! Is that you? You are beautiful! Turn around, turn around.” I do a little pirouette and a bow, shaking my head. Candi comes up and hugs me.

“I can’t wait to see you in that dress with that hair. Bob is going to need a gun to keep the men off you.”

“Trust me, Bob can take care of me and himself.” Michelle reaches behind the counter and picks up her camera.

“Honey, stand right here.” I pose in front of the wall. Michelle reaches out and moves a few hairs, then cups my chin in her hand, moving my head around until she is happy.

“Ok. Big smile.” I give her one of my best sultry smiles and she takes several pictures, again moving my head a couple of times between shots.

“All done. I’ll get the bill.” I check my watch. It’s 4:55. We’ve got about an hour and a half to get done. Michelle hands me the bill. Damn! Thank God, Bob’s paying for this. I pick up my purse, pull out my wallet and give her his card. She swipes it and hands me the receipt to sign.

Honey James. It has a nice ring to it.

We return to the car and drive back to the house. Candi parks in the garage and we walk in. I pick up my dress and lay it out in my bedroom along with the lingerie, shoes and stockings. I start to get the makeup but Candi stops me.

“Let’s do this in the kitchen. I have a portable makeup mirror in the car and the light is better in the kitchen.” We pick up the makeup case and equipment and move to the kitchen. She gets the mirror and sets it on the table. I pull up a chair and sit down. Candi starts with the eyes, a pale highlighter under my eyebrows and a darker shade on my eyelids. She then applies dark brown eyeliner. Finally she curls the lashes and uses the mascara. Candi leans back and checks her work.

“I’m going to darken the eyebrows a little more than we originally planned. If we weren’t trying to make you look older and more sophisticated, I wouldn’t touch them. They are damn near perfect as is.”

She takes a brown eyebrow pencil and shapes them with short, light strokes and follows up with an eyebrow brush. She sets each item aside when done with it.

“Make sure you put all of these in your purse before leaving. You can use them to do any repair work during the evening. Now ... where’s the blush?”

She checks her case and finds the powder blusher. She pauses with the brush above my cheek.

“You usually use this to hide or de-emphasize flaws, but you just don’t have any. I’ll just start light and go a little darker on the upper cheek.”

Candi brushes the two colors on my cheeks and then blends them with the brush.

“OK Honey, let’s make those lips luscious. Pucker up.”

She first applies a bright red liner, then the basic red lip color and finally the lip-gloss. She puts the sponge applicator back in the lip-gloss tube, “and we are done. Take a look.” I don’t immediately recognize myself. It’s me but amped up, me plus. The look is just right, more mature, sophisticated but not too much.

“Candi, it’s perfect. You would think that I wasn’t even wearing makeup. It all seems so natural. Except the lips, of course.”

“I told you, makeup is mostly used to hide something but you’ve got nothing to hide. I’ve never seen a more perfect face. All I had to do was not go overboard and pick the right colors. How are we on time?” I look at the clock on the microwave.

“It’s almost 6:00 so we’ve got a half hour.”

“That’s plenty of time.”

“I’d rather finish now and be done. I’ll have some time to get used to the shoes and that tight bustier.”

We go back to my bedroom and I strip. Candi helps me into the bustier and pulls it tight while I hold onto the door.

“How much tighter do you want this?”

“Just a little more” I gasp.

“Remember, you’re going out to eat. You’ll need a little room for that unless you plan on just eating soup and salad.”

“You’re right. Let’s stop now and tie it off.” She ties the laces and I let go of the door.

I twist and flex my torso. “Not bad. Tight but flexible. What do I do about my nipples? I need to cover them.”


“Because I don’t want people staring at me all night.”

“Honey, we are long past that point already. There’s not a man, gay or straight, within 100 yards that won’t be staring at you tonight. Same for the women. You can take some Band-Aids and put them in your purse but I say leave them uncovered and give Bob a show. You’ve got the classy part down, the nipples are the sexy.”

“OK” I giggle. “I’ll start out your way.” I roll the silk stocking up my left leg and fasten it to the garters and then I do the right leg. I’m ready to step into the thong panty when Candi stops me.

“Remember, Marie suggested going without.”

“Not a chance in Hell. I’ve never gone commando before and I’m not going to start now.”

“Come on. It’ll be fun. A naked pussy gives you a whole new attitude, particularly with that high slit in your dress.”

“I am not going to do anything to embarrass Bob. Besides, I can always take it off later if I feel like it and Bob doesn’t object.”


I stick my tongue out at her and slide the panty up my legs, settling the thong strap into the crack of my ass. I slip my feet into the shoes and tighten the ankle straps. I should be able to just about look Bob in the eyes. I’m just under 5’9” in these heels and he’s just over 5’10” barefoot. We’re a good fit. Candi picks up the dress.

“OK. Here we go. Hands up.” I raise my hands and Candi lifts the dress over my head and drops it down. I wiggle as she pulls the dress down my body, past my hips and then zips the back. My nipples are barely visible. I arrange my hair and turn around.

“Oh Honey. I ... you ...” she starts to cry.

“Please Candi, don’t cry. If you cry then I’ll start and then my makeup is ruined.” She smiles and touches my cheek.

“You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It is all so perfect. The hair, the dress.”

“And your makeup” I add.

She waives off the praise. “That was easy.”

“For you maybe, but it would have been impossible for me. I just do stage makeup and not very well. You’ve been a lifesaver all through this. I can never thank you enough.” I hug her and she hugs me back.

“You are welcome Honey. I’ve enjoyed spending Bob’s money.” We both laugh. “Do you have any jewelry?”

“Come on, where would I get jewelry?”

“I just thought that Bob might have given you something.”

“Bob’s given me so much Candi. If I had jewelry that was worth anything, Anthony would have sold it.”

“That’s true. You go walk around in the living room for practice and I’ll clean up in here.”

I walk out to the living room. The dress is still a little tight around my legs, despite the slits. I need to take slightly smaller steps than usual. A higher slit would free up my legs but then I would be flashing my panties with every step. After some practice, I’m feeling more comfortable. I walk in to the kitchen to practice on a hard surface. Candi is just finishing packing away the makeup. She hands me my purse.

“There you are. All the spare makeup, brushes, your wallet, two tampons, four Band Aids and a few condoms.”

“I won’t need the tampons or condoms.”

“You never know, best to be prepared. We need to take some pictures. We promised Marie that we would. I brought a camera with me ... where’s my purse?”

“I think you left it in the car”

“You’re right. I’ll be right back.”

Candi comes back with the camera. We step outside to take the pictures in natural light. I don’t get anywhere near the pool, why tempt fate? Candi takes several shots as I turn left and right, smiling all the time. The doorbell rings. I look at the kitchen clock. It’s 6:29.

“That’s Bob! Come on! I’ll get in my bedroom and you answer the door. Once he’s in the living room, you come and get me and I’ll make my grand entrance.” The doorbell rings again. “Hurry!”

I move as quickly as I can in this dress and Candi goes to the door. She waits for me to close the bedroom door and then she opens the front door. I’ve got my bedroom door cracked open so I can hear what is happening.

“Good evening Candi. Is Honey ready?”

“She certainly is. Come on in and I’ll get her. I hope you’ve got a strong heart because you’re in for a big surprise.”

“Speaking of surprises, would you be kind enough to take this to her before she comes out.”

“What is it?”

“Just something to finish her outfit.”

Candi knocks on my door, opens it and then walks in, shutting it behind her. She hands me a small box, about the size of a DVD case but thicker.

“This is from Bob.”

“What do you think it is?”

“No idea. He says it’s to finish your outfit, like straight men have any idea about that sort of thing. Go ahead, open it.” I crack the case and then lift the lid. I scream.

“Ohmygod! Candi look at these! Ohmygod!” I hand her the box with trembling hands. She takes it and looks inside.

“Holy Crap! Are these real? They can’t be real ... are they real? Jesus Christ!” She reaches into the box and carefully removes a silver chain with a heart shaped diamond pendant. She holds it up to the light.

“God damn, I think it’s real. And big too, maybe two, three carats.”

“What about these?” I remove a pair of silver earrings with diamonds dangling from three inch chains. She lays one in her hand next to the pendant.

“I think that if this one is real, so’s the other one.” The earring is about one quarter the size of the pendent. “Anything else in there?”

“Yes, these.” I take out a pair of diamond studs. Candi takes one and compares it to the other jewelry.

“I think you’re three for three.”

“I can’t take these. My God. What are they worth?” I can’t believe Bob bought me jewelry.

“Who knows, probably more than the dress. Maybe he didn’t buy them. Maybe their loaners, like the purse. Come on, I’ll help you put them on.”

I go to my mirror and Candi holds my hair back while I put the earrings in. My ears are double pierced and, obviously, Bob remembered it. I hold my hair up and Candi latches the chain. The pendent nestles into the beginning of my cleavage. I turn and face Candi.


“Damn Girl. Bob has great taste, you sure he isn’t gay?” I raise my hand to hit her. “Kidding, kidding.” So am I. I shake my head to arrange my hair.

“Let’s get this show on the road. Wish me luck.”

“Good Luck Honey. Knock him for a loop.” She opens the door and I stride out.

Bob is standing in the middle of the room, hands clasped behind his back, a big smile on his face. He is dressed in a tux and it actually fits. Fits pretty damn well to tell the truth. He’s always been an average looking guy and has gone to great lengths to remain average looking. But even an average guy can be impressive in a tux.

Bob’s very impressive.

I walk towards him until I’m about six feet away, then I stop and turn slowly in place, looking him in the eyes over my shoulder as I turn. He’s still smiling but his eyes are wide in surprise. I finish my turn and step close to him, head tilted slightly down but looking up into his eyes. It’s my innocent school girl look, a bit of a contrast with the dress, hair and makeup but for most guys, it’s an instant erection. I use my quiet voice.

“Do you like it?” Bob stares at me for a couple of moments, that smile still on his face. He blinks several times and shakes his head slightly.

“I am speechless, Honey. Absolutely speechless. You are a heavenly vision of beauty. Never in my life have I seen a woman as lovely as you. I have traveled the world several times over, seen the high and mighty, the lowest of the low, and in all my travels, in all my existence, you are the most captivating, alluring, enthralling, glamorous, gorgeous, erotic, magnificent, human being I have ever laid eyes on.” I step next to him, reach out, take his hand in mine and press my breasts to his arm.

“That’s a lot of words for someone who’s speechless,“ I purr. Bob turns to face me, takes my other hand in his and pulls me tightly to him.

“All of them are completely inadequate, I assure you.” We stand there, lost in each other’s eyes. I don’t know how long it is but eventually Candi gives a stage cough.

“I don’t mean to be a spoiler here but I think you guys have a reservation somewhere.” Bob remains focused on my eyes, but answers her.

“Unfortunately, you are correct Candi.” Bob releases my right hand, turns to face Candi and wraps my left arm around his right arm. “We do need to be leaving but before we go I would like to thank you for all the help you have given Honey in the last few days. You made all this possible and I won’t forget that.” He looks over at me. “Ready to go?”

“I just need my purse.” Candi has it in her hand, she gives it to me. I let go of Bob’s arm and hug her.

“Thanks again Candi. You’ve been a wonderful friend.”

She kisses me on the cheek. “Enjoy yourselves, you two.” She picks up her stuff in the kitchen, goes to the garage, and drives away. Bob holds his arm out and I take it. We walk out the front door. There’s a limo parked in the street in front of the house.

“Oh Bob. I haven’t been in a limo for years. This is wonderful!” We walk out and the driver opens my door. He can’t take his eyes off me and doesn’t try to hide it. Bob sees this but doesn’t do or say anything.

It’s not a stretch limo but has plenty of room for two. Leather seats, wood paneling, media center, fridge, mini-bar, the works. The driver turns around, checking out my legs.

“Would you care for some music, Madam? Sir?” I slide closer to Bob and he reaches out, taking my hand and entwining his fingers with mine.

“No music I think. We are not far from the restaurant.”

I perk up. “Where are we going to eat? You’ve been so mysterious and secretive about it up to now. You can tell me, can’t you?”

“I suppose so. The reservations are at “The French Room’.” It is one of the best restaurants in the country, certainly the most romantic in town. Unfortunately, I am banned there. I lean in close to Bob’s ear.

“Uh Bob, I’m banned from ‘The French Room’.”

“Banned? Why?”

“Five years ago, I was there with a date and had a little too much to drink. I punched out the maitre de.”

Bob laughed. “You mean that Josh Thomas got a little drunk and punched out the maitre de.” Oh yeah. Josh Thomas. “Don’t worry about it, Honey. They have probably forgotten all about it. I doubt they will recognize you anyway.” He pats my leg. “We will be fine. Do you want something to drink now?”

“No thank you. Candi and I had some wine earlier today while lying out by the pool. Candi had a bit more than I did” I said, giggling.

“She seemed to be handling it well.”

“You saw her after a couple of hours and some coffee. She was pretty loose earlier.”

“And did you take advantage of her ‘looseness’?” Bob’s eyes were twinkling, one eyebrow arched, and that smirk, of course.

“I wouldn’t say that I took advantage of Candi. I can say that I worked up an appetite.”

“By slaking other appetites?”

“What does ‘slaking’ mean?”

“To cause to subside with or as a thirst with a refreshing drink.”

I thought about this for a moment. “Yes … I think. How do you know words like that?”

“Honey, I am a victim of excessive education. You can describe it all in great detail when we get home tonight.”

“You sure you want to hear about that sort of thing? I don’t want you to be jealous or anything.”

Bob lets go of my hand, slides his right arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. “Honey, it is important for you to understand something. When someone who looks like me is out with someone who looks like you, he has to accept the fact that every red blooded male around …” he nods at the driver “… is going to be giving you a great deal of attention. There is nothing I can do about it short of making you wear a burkha, which I wouldn’t do. These men will be extremely envious of me and with good reason. Some may try to do something about that envy. Try to show that they are a superior, alpha male or belittle me. Testosterone makes idiots of us all. None of these men will have any knowledge of our unique situation. I plan to mostly ignore anyone who shows you excessive attention. If you find someone particularly appealing, you can do what you want about it. I won’t try to control you because I can’t control you, only you can control you. I will take action if someone threatens you or you ask me to step in. I will not take action if someone threatens me. I prefer to walk away. If there is some kind of altercation, the police will be involved, charges may be filed, the dead man’s family may cause problems, who knows what may happen. I prefer to avoid all that because, when you get right down to it, who cares what some drunk, macho asshole thinks about me. I tell you this so you know that when I act like I don’t care about other men showering you with attention, I am feigning indifference because it is the best course of action, not because I don’t care about you.”

“Oh Bob ... do you really care for me?”

“That is the part of my speech that you focus on? You weren’t concerned about my reference to a dead person?”

“Come on Bob. I know what you’re talking about. Hell, I was that drunk, macho asshole. Luckily, I never ran into someone like you or I would have been that dead body.” I turn sideways, pressing my breasts into the side of his body, running my leg across his while I reach my arm across his waist. “I understand exactly what you said and I agree with you one hundred percent. No trouble, no police. Looking like this, I’m a trouble magnet if we go to the wrong places, but ‘The French Room’ should be very safe.” I kiss him full on the lips, snaking my tongue into his mouth. He responds so we kiss for a minute or two. I pull back. “Besides, there is no male more alpha than you. Now, please answer my question, do you really care for me?” Bob laughs.

“You are the sexiest woman on the planet, you know that? Yes, I really do care for you.” He stops smiling, turning serious. “You will need to remember that. We have had an enjoyable time in the last few weeks but that is ending soon. You will see and hear things in the coming days that will make you question my feelings for you. All I can say is, be strong. Remember, I will not tell you anything that you need to keep secret from Dr. Hanson. Do not try to keep secrets. It will lead to trouble. And on that somber note, we have arrived.”

We pull up to the Adolphus Hotel. I quickly check my makeup. I need to touch up my lipstick and Bob needs to remove it from his lips. There is a line of cars, so I have time to finish the job. Bob wipes his mouth with a Kleenex. The driver pulls to the front of the hotel, stops, gets out and opens the limo door. Bob steps out first and then offers me his hand. I take it and smoothly exit the limo. Being a dancer, I have excellent body control. I take Bob’s arm and we walk to the front door. I give the doorman a big smile as he opens the door and we go in.

“The French Room” is on the main floor. It’s ornate, with high ceilings. The seating is very intimate even though it’s a big place. You feel like you’re the only couple in the restaurant. Since it’s Thursday, they aren’t that busy. We’re shown directly to our table. Bob holds my chair for me as I sit down, smiling up at him. He sits down across from me. The waiter shows up almost instantly. He introduces himself as Chris, hands us the menus and leaves us to look them over. Bob puts his down.

“You are the one who’s been here before, what would you suggest, Honey?”

“I’ve only been here a couple of times and I think I had fillet mignon every time, which was very good. I hear the guinea hen stuffed with lobster is extraordinary. They have a variety of dishes available, not just French cuisine. I think the name ‘the French Room’ is more about the décor than the menu. With this dress, I’m thinking something light.”

“Honey, you have what you want, hearty, light or nuveau cuisine. If you can’t eat it all, that is why God made doggy bags.”

“You sure?”


Chris returns shortly.

“Are you ready to order, sir?”

“Yes, thank you. I will have the fillet mignon, medium rare, sautéed mushrooms, garden salad and consume.”

“And what will madam have?”

“I’ll have the guinea hen stuffed with lobster, asparagus tips with Hollandaise sauce, a small Cobb salad and French Onion soup.”

“Chris, I would like to change to French Onion soup.”

“Certainly Sir. Would either of you care for anything to drink?” Bob thinks for a moment.

“I think that we would like some wine, but I’m not sure of what would go well with both of these dishes. We certainly won’t drink two separate bottles. If your Sommelier has a suggestion, I am willing to listen, otherwise I will just have water. Do you want anything Honey?”

“Some wine would be fine, if not wine then just iced tea instead of water.”

“I’ll check with the Sommelier and be right back with your soup.” The waiter leaves. Bob reaches across the table and takes my hand.

“You never have iced tea at home. Why order it now?” I shrug.

“Sometimes I like tea. The odds are that the kitchen will use more salt than I am used to and, for some reason, tea keeps me from getting dehydrated. Now, where have you been all day?”

Bob had taken a room at a nearby motel and used it as his base of operations for the day. He had picked up the jewelry earlier today, the same with the tux. I lean in closer to him.

“Ahh about the jewelry ...” I hesitate as another man approaches our table.

“Good evening, Sir, Madam. I am the Sommelier, Winston. I have reviewed your order. May I suggest a half bottle for each of you, there will be little waste. Our house wine is from Napa Valley and both the Cabernet and Riesling are quite good.”

“That would seem to be a good idea. What do you think, Honey?”

“The Riesling will be fine. Thank you.” Winston leaves just as the waiter returns with our soup and salads.

I’m famished so I start eating right away. The soup and salad are both excellent. The main course arrives just as I finish my salad. Winston was right, the Riesling goes very well with the hen. Bob seems to be enjoying his meal and wine. He asks me how my day went and I describe all the prep work Candi and I did today. I left out the details about our time by the pool and in the bedroom but he clearly suspects something.

“It sounds like you both went to a lot of trouble to get ready for tonight. I don’t know if I am worth all that effort.”

“It wasn’t all for you, it was for me too. I wanted to experience the whole big date process and you made it all possible. I wanted to feel special, appreciated.”

“Do you?”

I blush. “Yes. Yes, I do. Thank you.”

“Please, Honey. I should be thanking you for all your effort and the stunning results. We won’t cross the path of a single man tonight who would not happily trade places with me.” I blush again. I lift the pendant from my chest.

“I have to ask. I don’t want to sound cheap or crass or anything but …” I lower my voice, “… is this real?”

“Of course it is real. You are holding it in your hand aren’t you? Do you think it is imaginary?” He’s smirking again.

“OK smarty, you know what I mean. Is this a real diamond?”

Bob smiles. “Yes, Honey, it is a real diamond, as are your earrings. And so is this.” He reaches into his pocket and brings out a small box. He slides it across the table to me.

“What is this?”

“It’s just a gift, the same as the earrings and pendant. Go ahead, open it.” I open the lid and move some white batting aside. It’s a silver ring with three diamonds.

“Oh God Bob! It’s beautiful! .... What exactly does this mean? Are you asking me ...” I can’t finish the sentence.

“It’s just a gift Honey. It is not anything more than that.” I feel relieved ... and disappointed.

“Oh sure ... of course ... a gift. I can’t take these. They’re worth too much. Amy would never let me have them and Anthony would never let me keep them. I’ve got no place to hide them at the club.”

“We can talk about it later. Try it on.”

I take the ring from the box and put it on my finger. It’s a perfect fit. I hold my hand up to the light, watching the reflections. It’s a little hypnotic. A silly smile crosses my face.

What if I was Mrs. Honey James? Leave the club, escape Amy’s clutches, live with Bob the rest of my life. Could I do that? Marry a guy? I shake my head. No. It can’t happen. That would be both impossible and too weird. I’m not going anywhere. Amy will never release me. However, I’m not going to think about that tonight.

“It’s beautiful Bob, everything is. Thank you.”

“You are quite welcome. Let’s finish our meals. The night is young.”

“What else do you have planned?”

Bob gives me a sly look. “Later, after the meal.”

“Well I’m just about finished. There’s no more room in this dress.” I eat the last of the asparagus and put my utensils on my plate. The waiter is quickly beside the table.

“Are you finished, Madam?”

“Yes I am. It was all delicious.”

“Would you care for some coffee or some dessert?” It looks like Bob won’t be finished for a few minutes.

“I’m afraid that there is no room for dessert but I will have some coffee, black please. I’d also like to take the leftovers home. They’ll make a wonderful midnight snack.”

“Very good, Madam.” The waiter picks up my plate and hurries off.

“You know that he has been watching you like a hawk, don’t you?”

“Maybe it’s just good service.”

Bob almost chokes on his steak. He laughs. “Yes, that’s probably why the entire kitchen staff have been taking turns checking out this table.” I turn to look towards the kitchen and see two workers in white duck behind a partition. “There has been at least one person there the entire meal, usually with a cell phone camera. I would guess that your image will be spread across the internet before we get home tonight. I hope none of the other patrons have suffered from a lack of attention.”

I’m shocked. “Do you really think someone will do that?”

The waiter returns with my coffee and the leftovers in a foil wrap. I thank him and he leaves but now that I’m paying attention, I notice he doesn’t go very far.

“If the photos do you justice, most certainly. I was not offering hollow praise when I told you how devastatingly attractive you are tonight. I would wager that pictures of you are bouncing from cell phone to cell phone even as we speak. The internet is next.” I start to feel self-conscious.

“Should we leave?”

“No, no, of course not. I thought something like this might happen, but once I saw how unbelievably gorgeous you looked, it became a rock solid certainty. Just be your self and don’t worry about it. Your picture was all over the sports magazines and newspapers for over fifteen years. I would think you‘d be used to it by now.”

“Sure, as a football player, but not as a teenage internet pin-up girl.”

“Don’t worry about it, Honey. Tomorrow you will go back to being your regular sexy self instead of tonight’s Goddess.” Bob finishes his meal as I drink my coffee, carefully looking around to see who may be watching and recording me.

Bob puts his utensils down. “That was a delicious steak Honey. Your recommendation was on the mark. Are you ready to leave?”

“I think I need to use the little girls’ room first. Where are we going from here?”

“Just down the hall.”

“What’s down the hall?”

“The Adolphus has a big band playing this weekend and tonight is the first night. We are going dancing.”

“Dancing? I can’t dance.”

Bob looks surprised. “You can’t dance? You’re kidding, right? Up until six weeks ago, you were dancing practically every night.”

“I’m guessing there aren’t many poles on the dance floor. If there are, then I can really wow the crowd, but we’re talking about ballroom dancing, not lap dancing.”

“If I recall correctly, Josh Thomas got a B+ in his college dance class.” Where did he get that from?

“Ok, your right. That was one of the few classes I actually showed up for.” Primarily for the babes who were in the class. “But that was almost twenty years ago and I learned the guy’s part. Plus this dress is way too tight for any big moves.”

“Fine Miss Negative, we will go and just listen to the music.” Bob stands up, picks up my leftovers and offers me his arm. I stand and take it.

“Don’t you have to pay the bill?”

“I have already made arrangements for that.”

“I hope you made sure to leave a good tip for the waiter.”

“I did, but getting to stand next to you was probably better than any tip I could leave.”

I giggle. “Let’s go you flatterer.” We walk out and I notice a number of heads turning our way as we go. I still need to go to the bathroom.

“Bob, could we wait until I go to the bathroom?”

“You go ahead and I will take your midnight snack to the limo and put it in the fridge. Be right back.” Bob heads for the lobby and I start looking for the restroom. It’s not far away. There are a few women there when I walk in. They are subtle about it but they check out the competition. I go in the stall, close the door, pull my panties down, hike my dress up and sit on the stool. I just need to piss, probably the coffee. I dry myself after I finish, get my clothes back where they belong and walk out of the stall. One of the women is still there. I wash my hands and then check my makeup. The lips could use a little repair work so I take the lipstick from my purse and reapply it, following with the gloss. I brush my hair quickly and smile. Yep, this is a fucking killer look.

“Excuse me dear.” I look over at the other woman, she’s probably mid thirty’s and very attractive, not as attractive as me, but tonight, who is? “That is a lovely dress. May I ask where you bought it?”

I smile at her. “Thank you. You look very nice yourself. The dress is from ‘Marie’s’.”

“I thought it might be from her shop. She has the most wonderful inventory. I’m Gwen Francis.” Oh crap! Why did she have to introduce herself?

“Pleased to meet you Gwen, I’m Honey ... James.”

I used Bob’s name at the hair dressers so why not now? I just can’t bring myself to tell people that I’m “Honey Sweet-Lay”.

“Are you here for the dance?”

“Well, we had dinner at ‘The French Room’ but we’re staying for the music. I don’t know how much dancing we’ll do.”

“Who’s ‘we’?”

“I’m here with Bob James ...” oooppps “... my husband.”

I was trapped and had to think fast. I had already to told her my name was ‘James’ and now told her Bob’s name. It was too weird to have the same last name without being married. I turn my back to her, reaching for my purse. I quickly switch the ring to my left hand, turning it into a wedding ring. “I better get out there, he’s probably waiting for me.”

“I know my husband Tom is. Let’s go.” I hadn’t planned on picking up a bathroom buddy. We walk out. She waives to someone. A tall, handsome, well dressed man waives back and heads our way.

“This is my husband Tom. Tom, this is Honey James. She and her husband Bob are also here for the dance.” Tom offers his hand and I shake it. He has a strong grip and holds my hand just a little longer than normal. He has that look in his eyes that I am all too familiar with. He wants me. He may not do anything about it because his wife is standing right next to him, but he wants to fuck me. Where is Bob when I need him?

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Honey. Maybe you would favor me with a dance later tonight.” Tom is starting to ramp up the charm. Most of the time, guys don’t have to try to charm their way into my panties, they just pay Anthony. Not that I don’t appreciate the effort, it’s just usually not necessary.

“I’m happy to meet both of you, Tom. Gwen told me you were here for the dance. My husband Bob and I just ate at ‘The French Room’ and I don’t know how much dancing we’ll be doing. I know that I ate more than I should have.” There, I included both his wife and my husband in that response. I hope he gets the hint.

“From looking at you Honey, I’d say you hadn’t eaten in a week. You have such a trim, toned figure.” He didn’t take the hint. Gwen either doesn’t notice or care that her husband is starting to hit on me. “Are you sure that you won’t promise to give me at least one dance?”

Gwen touches my arm. “You really should take Tom up on his offer Honey. He is an excellent dancer. You would enjoy the experience, trust me.’ Huh, that’s a bit odd. “Let’s have a seat and wait for your Husband.”

There is a small couch near the bathroom entrance. Gwen sits down and takes my hand, gently pulling me down next to her. Once I’m sitting down, Tom squeezes in next to me. OK, it’s official. I’m being double teamed. They both want me. Gwen does the innocent pick up and Tom comes in to help seal the deal. I wonder how they plan to handle Bob. I’m almost curious enough to let them play out their game, but since they have no idea who and what Bob is, I can’t afford to take any chances. Just then, I see Bob. I stand and wave my hand to catch his eye.

The first thing Bob does when he enters a room is to stop and slowly survey it. When he looks my way, he sees the wave and smiles. He starts walking towards me and I go to meet him. I hug him when we meet and whisper in his ear “Follow my lead.” I take his hand and walk back to Gwen and Tom. Under other circumstances, I might be willing to give them a tumble, but not tonight.

“Gwen, Tom, this is my husband Bob James.” To his credit, Bob doesn’t blink. “Bob, this is Tom and Gwen Francis.” Bob and Tom shake hands. Gwen looks a little disappointed. So, it was going to be a swap. She must have thought that someone as hot as me must be with a really good looking guy. Her husband gets me and she gets my “stud” partner. I have to stifle a laugh. It would serve her right to complete the swap. She’d find out that Bob is much more than he seems. I bet that I’d be getting the short end of the stick, so to speak. “It turns out that they are going to the same dance we are. Tom has been politely requesting that I save a dance for him.” Bob nods his head.

“If I were he, I would do the same. I thought you said that you did not plan on dancing tonight?”

“Well, maybe some of the slower dances, but they will be all with you.” I kiss Bobs’ cheek. “I’m sorry Tom.”

“You can’t spare a single dance?” He is so desperate to fuck me. Gwen seems a bit put out.

“Please, Tom, don’t make a fool of yourself.” Tom shoots Gwen a stern look. He just lost his wing man. She’s not willing to settle for Bob in order for Tom to get a crack at me. That’s her loss. I smile at both of them.

“We had better go get a table before they are all taken. I’ll certainly enjoy watching you two out on the floor. See you later. Come on Bob, let’s go get a good table.” We walk away, hand in hand. Bob leans in close to me.

“What was all that about?” he whispers.

“I’ll tell you later. I want to get a table where we can see the show.”

“It is just music. I don’t believe there is a show.”

“Oh I think there may be an interesting show. We’ll see.” I look back at Gwen and Tom. They are surveying the growing crowd, Gwen is pointing at a nice looking couple. Picking a new target I bet. We entered the ballroom. There were tables of assorted sizes with long table cloths, seating two, four, six or eight, arraigned around the room and a raised band stand. The middle of the room was open for dancing.

“Are there reserved tables Bob?”

“No, we can sit where ever we want. Do you want a table for two?”

“Definitely. I’m not in the mood to share you with anyone tonight.” Bob gives me a funny look. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain shortly.” There were a dozen couples already seated. I notice that there are a few small tables in a raised area on both sides of the band stand. “Let’s sit over there. We’ll get a good view of the band and the dance floor.”

“That’s true, but it may be a bit loud that close to the band.”

“You may be right, but I’d like to start there. We can move later if we have too.”

“Your wish is my command, Honey.” We take a table that is perfectly positioned to see the entire room, which means the entire room can see us. Bob holds my chair for me, then sits down and scans the room.

“I’ve always meant to ask, why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Any time you enter a room the first time, you check it out, looking from left to right. What’s that about?”

Bob pauses for a moment. “Force of habit I guess. I was not aware I was doing it. Probably looking for the nearest exits, possible threats, planning escape routes. That sort of thing. It is mostly subconscious I suspect. I am surprised you noticed.” He looks over at me and smiles. “I have always marveled at how perceptive you are. Do you want to tell me about Gwen and Tom now?”

“Just one more thing to do and then I will.” I raise my hand to get the attention of one of the waiters. Three of them immediately start moving our way but one is closer than the others so he gets there first. The other two look disappointed.

“Yes, Madam, what can I do for you this evening?”

I turn to Bob. “Champagne?”

“Whatever you want Honey.” I turn back to the waiter.

“I would like a bottle of champagne please.”

“Very good Madam. Any particular year or variety?”

“Krupps, dry, any year but 2001.” The waiter looks at Bob, who grins and nods his head at me.

“You heard the lady.” The waiter bows slightly and leaves. He’s back within three minutes with a bottle in a silver ice bucket, a napkin and two fluted glasses. Bob slips him some money. The waiter quickly checks to see what he has and smiles broadly.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, sir. Do you want me to open the bottle for you, sir?”

“No thank you, we will let it chill a bit longer.”

“If you need anything else, just let me know.” He bows again and is gone.

“You know, Honey, I did not realize that being with you guaranteed such prompt service. You likely take it for granted.”

“I’m as surprised as you are. This is only the tenth or eleventh time I’ve been out in public since the change, and most of those times were when Anthony wanted to show me off.” I look around and all the waiters are looking my way. “Of course, it makes all the sense in the world when you think about it.”

More people are coming in and sitting down. I see Gwen and Tom walk in, talking with another couple. They are younger than the Francis’s, both good looking. Gwen and Tom seem happy with their choice.

“Alright Bob, open that bottle, pour me a glass and I’ll tell you what happened while you were gone.” Bob picks up the bottle, wraps it in the napkin and carefully opens the champagne, catching the cork in his hand. Typical Bob James, classy, not showy. I hold up the glasses and he pours. I hand him a glass, we clink rims and drink. Bob settles back in his chair.

“Go on, Honey. What happened?”

“We were nearly picked up.”


I proceed to tell him of my conversations with both Gwen and Tom, why I decided to become “Mrs. Honey James” for the evening and what I suspected they were attempting to do. “You and I had never discussed the possibility of ‘wife swapping’, so I wasn’t sure how you would react to the suggestion. Plus, we haven’t prepared a cover story, so the lies would start piling up fast. I thought the best thing was to get away as soon as possible.” Bob was smiling/smirking. He turns and checks out Gwen at her table.

“I don’t know, Honey. She is an attractive woman. I think maybe I should be angry with you.” I reach out and pat his hand.

“She’s the one who rejected you, Bob. It pissed me off. She thought that she and her husband were hot stuff. We could have rocked their worlds, but she didn’t know it. I bet Tom gives her hell later for not taking one for the team so that he could get to me.”

Bob laughs. “Sex with me is ‘taking one for the team’?”

I giggle and rub my foot against his leg under the table. “You have to admit that you are bit of a surprise package. No one looking at you would suspect that you are a sex…ma…chine.”

“Is that what I am?”

“Uh huh. A skilled, caring, surprising, erotic s-e-x-m-a-c-h-i-n-e Baby. And I don’t plan on sharing you with anybody, particularly someone as superficial as Gwen Francis.”

“Well when you put it that way, I guess I approve your course of action.” He looks back at Gwen. “Still ...” I lightly kick him under the table. He laughs. “Just kidding, just kidding. How sure are you that they intended to suggest a partner swap?”

“Pretty damn sure. That’s the type of vibe I’ve become very good at picking up, but there is one way to make sure. That’s the show I was talking about. From here, we can see what happens at their table and on the dance floor. I bet that we will see a couple of attempts at seduction. But first ...” I look around for our waiter, catch his eye and signal with my hand. He’s here in moments.

“Yes, Madam?”

“I would like to send a bottle of champagne to that table.” I point to Gwen and Tom. I look at Bob. “OK?”

“You are getting very good at spending my money, Mrs. James. Yes, go ahead.” Bob slips another bill to the waiter.

“Thank you, sir. Right away, sir.”

The musicians start to come out and take their places on the bandstand. They begin to tune up. The waiter takes the champagne to the Francis’ table. I can’t hear what he is saying, but he points to us. All four of them turn to look at us and we raise our glasses to them. I see two confused faces and two forced smiles. Gwen nods towards me and I nod back. They all turn back to the middle of their table and resume talking. I move closer to Bob.

“We’ve provided the social lubricant. Now it’s up to them.” The band continues to tune up. Tom opens the champagne, popping the cork across the room. Yeah, I made the right choice. He fills the four glasses and they turn to toast Bob and me. We return the toast.

The band leader comes out and does a little intro, then they kick off with “The Porterhouse Stomp”, at least that’s what I thought he said. Big Band and Swing aren’t exactly my kind of music but these guys are good. It takes a couple of songs before someone breaks the ice and starts dancing, then there’s a rush to the floor. Gwen and Tom start off together, but they have switched off by about the fifth song. I look over at Bob. He hasn’t been watching the floor, he’s been watching me.


“You have been tapping your feet and swaying in your seat. You sure you don’t want to dance?” I wasn’t aware of that. It’s hard to sit still when the beat kicks in.

“When they have a slow song. This dress is just too restrictive. I might have gotten something with a full skirt if you had let me know your plans.” The band stops the Swing song they are playing and shifts to a slow one. Bob smiles and offers me his hand. I take it and he leads me to the floor. When we get there, he lifts my arm above my head and leads me into a quick spin. He then puts his other arm around my waist and pulls me tight. I put my other hand on his shoulder.

“Ok now, nothing fancy. You know I’m out of practice.”

“Absolutely Mrs. James, nothing fancy.”

The crowd has thinned out just a bit. Bob moves and dips through the other dancers. I’m able to keep up with him, mostly because he is moving backwards and sideways so I’ve got somewhere to step without dodging his feet. He is leading but it feels more like we are moving together. He now starts doing this slow spinning move where I go around him then he goes around me, all the time with our hips pressed together and my breasts rubbing his chest. In these shoes, I’m just about two inches shorter than he is. Since we started, I don’t think his eyes have left mine. The song is coming to an end and I am disappointed for it to be so soon but the next song is also slow so we keep on dancing. I turn my head to the side and lay it on his shoulder.

That’s when I feel it.

Something is pressing on my pelvis. I press back against Bob and give a little shimmy. He gives a short grunt. I pull my head off his shoulder.

“Oh Bob! Is that ...”

“Yes it is Mrs. James.”

Bob’s finally got an erection! The treatments have worked after all these weeks. I can hardly contain my excitement.

“What are we going to do now? Let’s go straight home. No! Let’s get a room here. I don’t want to waste another minute.”

“Do not get too excited Honey, this may be temporary. I suggest we finish the evening and see what happens.”

“But Bob, it’s been so long. For me it’s been weeks, but for you it’s been years. Come on, let’s get out of here and go upstairs.”

“I have waited all these years, I can wait a few hours to see if it is a real cure.”

“Hours! No Bob ...”

“Mrs. James, if it is a cure then we have all night. If it isn’t, then it doesn’t matter. The song is ending. Let’s sit down.” I step away and we keep holding hands. I’m in front, leading the way back to our table. I let my other hand brush his crotch and give him a gently squeeze. He hesitates slightly as he walks. We get back to the table and sit down. I scoot my chair next to his and reach under the table and start stroking his cock through his pants. Bob shifts in his seat, but doesn’t stop me.

“Honey, what are you doing?” I pick up my glass with my other hand and have a sip of champagne.

“Why Mr. James, it has been a long time for you if you don’t know what I’m doing.” I lean in close to his ear. “I am stroking your manly cock through your pants. I may just unzip you right here and give you a hand job in front of all these people.” Bob reaches down, takes my hand and puts it on top of the table.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm and, if everything works out as I hope, I plan to take full advantage of it later this evening, but let’s not push it right now, please.” I’m frustrated.

“Well, exactly when are we going to start ‘taking advantage’ of the situation, Mr. James?”

Bob looks at his watch. “I will make a deal with you. It is 9:48. If I am still ... uuhh...standing tall in an hour, we will go home.”

“Can I check every few minutes to make sure you are still upright?”

“No. There can be no direct assistance from you.”

Fine, he has his terms and I have mine. “I’ll take that deal. However ...” I take his glass and pour it in the ice bucket “... no booze. Alcohol hurts an erection. Also ...” I take his hand “... we are going back on the floor.” The band had started playing a fast song but I didn’t care. Bob needed the stimulation and I know how to stimulate a man while dancing.

“I thought the dress was too tight for this kind of music.”

“I’ll manage. Remember, dancing was your idea so let’s go. Oh and set the alarm on your watch for one hour. I don’t want to wait one more second than necessary.”

Bob pushes several buttons on his watch. “There, one hour. Let’s dance.”

I take his hand and pull him back to the dance floor. He takes me in his arms and we plunge into the crowd. Some of the stuff I learned in dance class came back to me when we were out here the first time, but now I’m mixing it with all the stuff I have learned at the club. I don’t know if it you could call the result dancing, but it does attract attention. Kind of like a vertical lap dance while facing the patron and he can touch me. Any time I can get my ass, pelvis or hip into Bob’s crotch, I do it. I’m trying to keep Bob turned on but I’m also revving up my own engine. I never did cover my nipples and now they are like bullets. My panties are also getting wet, but that is partially due to sweat. I can’t keep this up for a whole hour but I can do it for ten minutes at a time with breaks in between.

We’re on our third break when I look out on the floor and see Gwen dancing with the guy from the other couple. Her hand is resting on his ass. When they turn around, I see that he has returned the favor. I nudge Bob and point them out.

He chuckles. “You may be right about them. Where is Tom?” He looks around the room. “Ah. Over there in the corner. I think he is doing a bit better than his wife.” I look where Bob pointed. I can’t see anything at first but then notice some movement behind the potted plants. They are kissing, their hands all over each other. Can I call them or what.

“I should have bet you something on that. The next round is on you.” I signal our waiter and he comes over.

“All the rounds have been on me.”

“Ha ha. We’ll have two large iced teas please.” The waiter nods and hurries off. I fan myself with my hand. This dress is like a second skin, except it doesn’t breathe worth shit. I didn’t buy it because it was exercise wear though. Our teas arrive and I take a large gulp. Bob sips his.

“Let’s step outside and cool off Honey.”

“Oh no, mister. I don’t want you to cool off. I’m fine. Back to dancing.” I start to stand, but Bob puts his hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I sit back down.

“Honey, I appreciate all your efforts, I really do. However,“ he points to his crotch “it either stays or it doesn’t.” He stands and offers me his arm. I reach up, take it and we walk out. As we pass our waiter, Bob tells him that we will be back. We stroll through the lobby and out the front door. It is cooler than I thought it would be. I shiver a little. Bob takes off his coat, drapes it across my shoulders, then he puts his left arm around my waist and pulls me tight to him.

“It’s been a very nice evening, Mr. James.”

“True that Mrs. James. So far.” He turns his head and kisses me. We stand there for several minutes. Bob breaks the silence. “I say we have one more turn around the floor and then head home. What do you say?”

“It hasn’t been an hour yet, has it?”

“Who cares? If I make the rules, I can change the rules.”

“One more dance it is.”

Bob puts his coat back on and we stroll back through the lobby and into the ballroom. The band is just returning from their break and start with a slow tune. Bob holds me close as we lazily circle the floor. We find ourselves dancing next to Gwen and Tom. I can’t let the opportunity pass.

“Oh hello Gwen, Tom. I’m so glad you found what you were looking for. Your offer was tempting but I’m just too selfish to share Bob with anyone. It’s a shame Gwen that you’ll never know why.” She gives us a pissed off look. I have to laugh as we dance away from them. The song ends a minute later and we walk back to the table. I pick up my purse and Bob leaves a nice tip. He takes his cell phone from his pocket and calls for the limo as we head for the door.

There are a few couples waiting at the driveway. It’s gotten even colder since we were out here earlier. I cross my arms, hug my elbows and rub my arms to keep warm.

“Do you want my coat again?” Bob asks.

“No thanks. I can see the limo from here. It shouldn’t be long.” Bob moves behind me, reaches around, pulls me tight against his body and rubs my arms. I can feel his cock pressing against the crack in my bottom. . Thank God it’s still stiff. I wiggle my ass a little, pushing back. Bob gives a short chuckle, then kisses the nape of my neck. I sigh.

“This is nice,” I whisper. He kisses me again. “Very nice.”

“I don’t plan on being nice tonight Mrs. James.”

I turn my head and look back at him. “We’re outside now Bob. We can drop the married couple bit ... if you want.”

“No, it is fine. I kind of like the sound of it. Bob and Honey James. Mr. and Mrs. James. The James’. Old lady James and....”

“OK, that’s enough ... Mr. James.”

“Anything you say... Mrs. James.”

We stand there a few moments, Bob rubbing my arms, as the limo works it way through traffic in the driveway. It pulls up and the driver jumps out, running around to my side. He opens the door.

“Here you are Madam.”

Bob walks me to the door and holds my hand as I slide in. The driver closes the door, after giving my legs a good look, and then goes around to open the door for Bob. Thankfully, the heat was on so the limo is nice and warm.

Bob scoots next to me. “Ahhhh, this is much better. How are you doing Honey?”

I reach out with my left hand and place it in his lap, resting on his cock. “I’m feeling fine but hope to be feeling a lot better very soon.” This time Bob leaves my hand where it is. I gently massage his cock through his pants. He reaches up with his right arm and puts it around my shoulder.

“Honey, I want to apologize to you in advance.”

“Apologize? What for?”

“We both know that it has been quite some time since I have ... aaahhhh ... been with ... well, that’s not exactly correct ...” I’m enjoying his discomfort, it’s cute. I lean in close to his ear as I continue caressing his cock.

“Since you fucked a woman?” I whisper. He turns and looks at me as I give him a sly, naughty smile. I can be so adorable sometimes.

“Yes, well put. Due to my lack of recent ... activity in that area, there is every chance that my ... timing may be a wee bit off.”

I stifle a laugh. This is too good. “Whatever do you mean, Mr. James?”

He glances at the driver to see if he is paying attention to us. He is. Bob reaches forward and pushes the switch to raise the partition between the driver and passengers. He looks disappointed as he disappears behind the screen.

“I mean that even if everything functions as we hope it does, the odds are that I will ... finish ... before you do. I will do my best, you understand, but I can not promise anything.” He hasn’t had a good fuck in years and here he’s worried about my orgasm. I think I’m going to cry.

“Oh Bob, you dear man. It is what it is. After all that you have done for me, I only hope that I can make tonight as enjoyable as possible for you. I’ve become very skilled over the last few years and my ... prior experience let’s me know what a man likes. I plan on doing everything I can to make this an unforgettable night.”

Bob smiles. “I think that I should be a little afraid right now.”

“Damn straight.” I remove my hand from his cock, turn to my left, slide onto his lap and put my arms around his neck. I would have straddled him but this dress wouldn’t allow it. “When it comes to sex, I’m a killer.” I kiss him hard, moving my hands to the sides of his head. Bob grabs my waist, holding me in place as the limo makes a turn. He returns my kiss, probing my mouth with his tongue and then brings one of his hands up to my left breast, rubbing the nipple through the fabric. We settle in for several minutes of making out. I’m surprised when the driver calls through the intercom.

“Excuse me, Sir, but we have arrived.” Bob continues kissing me for a few seconds then breaks away and pushes the button to reply.

“Thank you. We will be with you in a moment.” I slide off Bob’s lap and adjust the top of my dress. He hadn’t pulled it down but it was out of place. I look around and find my purse on the floor. Bob straightens his shirt and tie then removes my doggy bag from the fridge. He reaches across me and opens the door. The driver is standing right there. I smile up at him, offer my hand and he helps me out of the limo. Bob exits right behind me. He thanks the driver, shakes his hand, slipping him a tip. As the limo pulls away, Bob and I walk to the front door; arms wrapped around each other’s waists. He opens the door and we step in. I take the doggy bag from Bob.

“I’ll put this away and be right back.” I walk to the kitchen, putting as much sway as possible in my stride. When I get there, I pop the leftovers in the fridge and then unzip my dress. I can’t unzip it all the way but I loosen it enough that I can wriggle out. I check my hair and makeup in my reflection in the microwave glass and touch up my lipstick. Finally, I adjust my breasts in the bustier and pinch my nipples to get them hard. I walk out of the kitchen and lean against the doorframe.

Bob has his back turned. He’s taken off his coat and is loosening his tie. He turns back towards me and stops, his mouth open in surprise. I saunter over to him. I rest my hands on his shoulders, rise up on my toes and kiss him.

“Let me help you with that.” I remove his tie and throw it on the couch. I then slowly unbutton his shirt, pull it of his shoulders and down to his elbows, then start running my hands across his chest. Bob’s chest has average development, big surprise, but there is a hardness beneath the skin. I rub his chest and gently pinch his nipples, then kiss them, flicking them with my tongue. I then go back up on my toes and kiss him while I reach around to his sides, rubbing my nipples against his. Up to now, he’s just smiled but he takes a quick gulp of air when our nipples touch. I feel it too. A sharp electric jolt, surprising but pleasant. I ease his shirt off, freeing his arms. The shirt was kind of a mild bondage thing, to see if it turned him on. Hard to tell if it did, probably not. I enjoyed it though.

I reach down and start unbuckling his belt while still rubbing nipples. Once the belt is loose, his zipper is next, then the waistband button. I reach down his pants and start fondling his cock through his underwear. It’s hard but could be harder. I kiss his chest and start working my way down to his crotch. I sink to my knees as I reach his waist. Hooking my thumbs in the waistband of his pants and underwear, I pull them down his legs, freeing his cock. It bounces up in front of my face.

For once, he isn’t average. It’s about 8 inches long, but like 5 1/2 to 6 inches in circumference. My fingers won’t reach completely around it. I peer up at Bob. He’s gazing down at me. I lick my lips.

“I’ve been waiting for weeks to do this.”

I lick the tip of his cock, swirl my tongue around the head several times, then start licking the shaft and balls. Bob puts one of hand on top of my head, but doesn’t try to direct anything. Apparently he’s going to let me take the lead. I start to give him a slow hand job, moving my hand up and down his shaft while licking it and sucking its’ head into my mouth. His cock is a real mouthful, so I want it lubed as much as possible before I try to deep throat it. Occasionally Bob’s hips twitch, but I think it’s an involuntary reaction, he isn’t forcing the action. After a couple of minutes, his cock is as slick as it’s going to get, so I take a deep breath and go for it. I start with the first couple of inches, bobbing my head up and down, going deeper with each cycle. I close my eyes to concentrate on my breathing. Bob’s got both hands on my head now but he’s just stoking my hair. His breathing is a little ragged and there are occasional groans, usually when I stop bobbing and swallow, pulsing my throat muscles around his cock. He’s definitely into this. I finally work his entire cock into my throat, my nose resting against its’ base, my forehead against his stomach. I start swallowing.

“Oh God Honey!” Finally, he speaks. “That is amazing. Oh yes … do that again!” I swallow again and he moans. I start to pull back until only the head remains in my mouth then I dive back down, taking the entire length down my throat in one motion. I repeat this several times. Now is about the time the guy usually grabs my head in both hands and starts to fuck my face. I hate that, it’s hard to breath and can hurt my throat. Bob however does nothing, just groans his appreciation. His cock is as hard as iron and it starts to jerk. He’s about to erupt.

“OK Honey, we need to stop. We need to stop now. I don’t want to waste the first one.” I pull back, letting his cock fall from my mouth. I feel a little insulted.

“Waste? What do you mean, ‘waste’? That was going to be one of my best blow jobs ever.”

“I am sure it was. It was certainly the best one I have ever experienced, by far, but I want you to get something out of it too. If you will permit me.” He helps me stand and then sweeps me off my feet in one quick move, cradling me in his arms. I put my arms around his neck and he kisses me. He works his legs free of his pants and then carries me into his bedroom. He gently lays me on the bed, removes his shoes and socks and then strips me down to my panties. He walks back to the foot of the bed and starts to kiss his way up my body, starting with my ankles, up my shins, to the back of my knees. I giggle. I’ve always been sensitive behind my knees and Bob knows it’s one of my weak points. I laugh as Bob keeps kissing there.

“OK, please move on Bob. That’s great but HA HA HA ... that’s enough. Tickling HA HA ... can be used as torture, you know.” He looks up at me.

“Oh yes, I know. “ He kisses me on more time but moves on to my thighs, gradually getting closer to my crotch. I am tingling with anticipation. I know how good Bob is with his mouth and fingers. He starts kissing my mound through my panties, then slides it aside and licks my clit several times. He pulls the thong down my legs and off, spreads my legs apart and returns to kissing and licking my clit, labia and pussy. I have my fingers entangled in his hair.

“MMMMMMM yes. That’s good, Bob. Ohhhh myyy ... yyyeeess. UUUHHH UUUUHHH AAAHHHH YYYEESSS PLEASE! OH that’s the spot. Right there. YES! EEEP YES!” Bob starts to move up my body, kissing as he goes. I wish he would go back to my cunt. He tongues my navel and continues to my breast, first the undersides, then the sides and finally my nipples. He alternates flicking them with his tongue and gently nipping with his teeth. Just then, I feel his cock pressing at my labia. I wiggle my hips and try to slide down to meet it, but Bob stops me.

“All in due time Honey.” He continues to work on my breasts but also drags his cock back and forth across the labia, occasionally penetrating for a brief moment. I reach down and grab his ass, trying to pull him into me. My pussy is hot, wet and aching to be touched. Bob backs off.

“Honey, I want to make love to you, face to face. I want to look into your eyes, see your face. Is that OK?”

“Oh please yes Bob! Make love to me. I don’t just want to fuck. Please love me Bob.”

There, I finally said it.

Bob kissed me and started tweaking my nipples with his hands. He also started probing with his cock. I raised my hips until we were aligned and he penetrates me. It was a wonderful full feeling, with little electric pulses spreading through my body. He put his hands on the bed besides my chest, pushing himself up. My hands are on his back, my nails digging into his skin. He slowly pushed his cock into my pussy with short thrusts, going deeper each time. Every thrust forcing a little yelp from me. Bob isn’t super long but he is big. He’s teasing me, playing with my pussy.

“Oh ... Oh ... Oh ... Oh ...Yes ... Yes ... YES ... OH God ... OH God ... YES GOD FUCK ME ... FUCK ME HARD ... OH PLEASE BOB FUCK ME!”

Bob’s balls are slapping my ass now. He’s all the way in. He begins fucking me with long strokes, pulling almost all the way out and plunging back in. My legs are wrapped around his waist as I try to hump him. Our rhythm is not quite right, but it’s getting there. My eyes are closed.

“Honey, open your eyes.”

I look up at Bob and he is grinning at me. I smile back. He drops to his elbows and we are almost nose to nose, my breasts pressing into his chest. He stares deeply into my eyes. It’s a little unnerving. It’s too intimate. I want to look away, but can’t break the connection. And there is a connection. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, man or woman. He kisses me passionately. I slide my arms around his neck and kiss him back. I’ll never let him go.

We’ve got our rhythm now and it’s amazing. Bob’s pounding me and I’m pushing right back, driving each other to orgasm. Mine is building rapidly and I think Bob’s close too. He starts to really finish each stroke, pushing in as far as he can. My heels are digging into him as I try to help. His breathing is fast and shallow. Suddenly, his cock starts to twitch. I can feel the swell of his cum move up his shaft. With one last lunge, he buries his cock in my pussy and holds it there as his cum gushes out. I can feel it spray and that pushes me over the edge. My orgasm flows through my body, wave after wave. I can’t focus my eyes. I pull him tightly to me, kissing him with all I have, trying to suck the life out of him. His cock keeps spurting, tapping a source that has built up over years.

Bob returns to pounding my pussy. I don’t join in at first, still unfocused from my orgasm, but as my senses return, I can feel a second orgasm coming. Bob seems to still be hard. I start pushing back. He breaks our kissing and goes back up on his hands, arms fully extended, looking down at me with a goofy smile. I probably have the same goofy smile. I feel goofy. Kind of euphoric, a little high but, with another orgasm building, wanting more. Bob’s hips start moving faster. He’s got me really hot again.

“Bring it Baby. Come on Bob, fuck me Baby, fuck me now. Oh yeah, fuck ME! OOOOOOOO FUCK ME! AAAAHHHH MMMMMM UUUHHH YYEEESS MMYY GGOODD OH yeah.”

Bob’s got me on the edge again. He reaches down and pinches my right nipple. That does it. I scream as my second orgasm hits. I lose focus again. Bob collapses onto me, kissing me. My arms are wrapped around his back but I’m just hanging on. My breathing is shallow and sharp, short gasps. I’m tingling all over, numb to everything around me but very aware of the ripples of pleasure that are starting to fade away. I blink several times and take a deep breath. Bob’s smiling face comes back into focus.

“Welcome back Mrs. James.” Bob pulls his softening cock from my pussy and rolls off me, resting on his side, head propped up on one hand. He lazily caresses my stomach, stroking just above my cunt. I sit up, resting on my elbows.

“God damn Bob! I thought I was good at this, but you’re something else. I can’t wait until you get some practice under your belt,” I reach down and fondle his soft cock. “and that practice better be with me Mr. James.”

“I can not take all the credit Honey. Any good artist needs inspiration and you are inspiration personified. I could not have done that with Gwen Francis.”

“I should certainly hope not!” I didn’t like it when he mentioned Gwen’s name. Why would I care? Don’t know … but I do.

“Careful there Honey!” I was squeezing Bob a little too hard. I let go of his cock.

“Sorry, sorry. Are you OK?”

“I’m fine, just a little sensitive down there for the moment.” He takes my chin in his hand and turns my head so it faces him. “Why the frown?”

“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t like it when you mentioned Gwen Francis. She’s a stuck up bitch, you know? She’s the one who thought you weren’t worthy of her, remember?”

Bob chortles. “Gwen Francis is no threat to you Honey.” He reaches up and strokes my face. I smile. “Good sex requires two well matched partners. I believe that we just had some very good sex and you are a perfect partner.”

I roll towards Bob and kiss him. “We aren’t done yet. It’s my turn now. Give me a couple of minutes.” I roll away from Bob to the side of the bed and stand up. I turn me head and give him a coy look over my shoulder. “Don’t start without me.”

I walk out and head for my room. Bob’s semen is dripping down my leg. He must have ejaculated about half a cup. I go to the bathroom and clean myself with a wash cloth. My makeup is beyond repair so I quickly remove it and then put on some fresh lipstick and a spritz of perfume. I brush my hair and then go over to my chest of drawers. There’s a special black Babydoll nightie I bought that Bob hasn’t seen yet. It has exposed cups and a crotchless panty. I drop it over my head and pull it down. The cool silk feels wonderful on my skin. Its’ hem barely skims the bottom of my ass. I adjust my breasts in the cups. They are supported by the nightie but the nipples are exposed. They are already hard and pointed in anticipation of what is to come. I slip the panty up my legs and position it so my pussy is uncovered. I take off the earrings and necklace. I start to take off the ring but hesitate. The dangling earrings and necklace could get in the way but a ring won’t hurt anything will it? I hold my left hand up. It looks so nice, like it belongs there, and it fits so well. It stays. I check the clock besides my bed, it has been just five minutes since leaving Bob. I walk back to his room, stopping outside to get the right attitude.

I ease in, moving slowly, languidly around the room, not directly towards Bob but always moving closer, looking him in the eyes all the time. He is sitting upright on the bed, one leg stretched out, the other bent at the knee, his hands behind his head as he leans back on the headboard. He is looking right back at me, enjoying the view. I think he knows exactly what I’m doing, but is going to let me play it out. I work my way to the end of the bed and start to crawl up towards him, working my shoulders, ass and hips. When I reach his legs, I gently push them apart and crawl up his body. My head is just above his cock. I lower it to his crotch, still looking him in the eyes. I lick his cock several times then suck his balls. The expression on his face doesn’t change but his breathing does, it’s a little irregular. I let his balls fall from my mouth and pull back, crawling backwards down the bed. When I reach his feet, I gently pull him back with me. He takes the hint and scoots down the bed until he is sitting on the end with his feet on the ground. I push his legs apart again and kneel between them. Guys really get off on a hot girl kneeling in front of them. It’s that dominant/submissive vibe and most guys want to dominate. I can’t tell with Bob though. He seems to be enjoying it, but not really in to it, like he’s letting me perform my act. His cock has stiffened a bit, which is impressive, given that he was fucking me for the second time in only a half hour just ten minutes ago. I lean forward and suck his cock into my mouth. I begin to suckle on it, rolling it in my mouth while I fondle his balls. I don’t know if I can get him hard again but I’m sure going to try. Alternating between sucking and licking, I keep working his cock. Maybe a little talk will help. I switch to a hand job and look up at him.

“How you doing stud?” I purr.

“Quite well. And you?”

“I’m horny as hell. I can’t wait to get you hard again and then fuck you silly. What do you say to that?”

“I say that any man who has a gorgeous woman such as yourself walk into his room, dressed as you are, can only think two things.”

“And what is that?”

“That there is a God and that he likes me.” I stop masturbating him and start to laugh, breaking the mood I was trying to establish.

“BOB stop that! I’m trying to be all sexy and sultry and you’re cracking jokes! Now I’ve got to start again.”

“Honey, you are sexy, sultry, stunning, and striking. I think you can just pick up where you left off.”

I check out his cock. It’s about half erect. I start licking it again, top to bottom and then back, bottom to top, while bouncing his balls in the palm of my hand. In a few moments, he’s completely hard again, his cock filling my mouth. I slip my hands behind him and grab his ass while I start deep throating him again. This time, he doesn’t try to stop me. His cock slides in and out of my mouth, down my throat. Bob has closed his eyes and leaned his head back, mouth partially open, breathing deeply in time with my bobbing on his cock. I pause when it’s fully in my throat and massage it with my throat muscles. Bob’s eyes jerk open and he sucks in his breath.

“Oh very good Honey ... You are remarkable ... This is amazing! UUUUUHHHHHHHhhhhhh.”

I pull back, lightly scraping him with my teeth then a little nip on the head. He jumps slightly.

“Be careful Honey.” I go back to jacking him off, looking up at him and smiling.

“Don’t worry Mr. James, I’m a professional. Let the expert do her job.” I then open wide and dive on his cock, going all the way down to his crotch in one continuous motion.

“Great God in heaven!”

He jerks his hips towards me. He can’t help it. Every guy does it when I do that move. I think it’s involuntary, like the rubber mallet on the knee. His eyes are closed again, savoring the feeling of my throat squeezing his cock. I’ve got him just where I want him. I slowly let his cock slide from my mouth and kiss the tip as I stand and lean in to kiss him.

This is the acid test. Most guys don’t want to kiss a mouth that was just sucking their cock, like they are cock suckers once removed. It also means that they look down on me for what I was just doing. The person sucking the cock is a lesser person than the one whose cock is being sucked. Bob doesn’t hesitate. Not only does he kiss me, he frenches me.

I love this man!

We continue to kiss for a minute or two, Bob’s hands on my hips, holding me close, my arms around his neck. I break the kiss, step back and put my hands on his chest, gently pushing him back. He doesn’t resist, laying back on the bed.

“Go ahead Mr. James, all the way up the bed.”

“Whatever you say, Mrs. James.” He slides up to the headboard, still on his back. I crawl up next to him, take his erect cock in my hand, then swing my left leg over him so that I’m straddling his crotch. My knees are bent, my shins resting on his thighs, which are hard as rocks. I rise up and rub the tip of his cock across my pussy lips, lubricating it with my juices. Bob’s hot and ready to go, but so am I, my pussy soaking wet. I push his cock in my cunt and sigh.

No matter how often it happens, that first penetration is always enjoyable because Amy’s treatments keep my tight. Even if the guy is a jerk and just using me to get off, which is most of the time, that first contact with my cunt is especially thrilling. With Bob, it may be the best ever. He’s so big around and I’m so tight that I’d be afraid he wouldn’t fit, except for the fact that he had just twice fucked me silly about an hour ago. Once his tip is inside me, I let go off his cock and start pulling at my nipples. They are on fire and I pull and roll them with my fingers. I enjoy it, but guys really get off watching me do it. I bob up and down on his cock a few times, getting the first couple of inches lubed, then I go up until it’s barely still in my pussy and then drop all the way down, fully impaling myself in one motion, Bob’s been quiet up to now.

“AaaarrrgGGGHHHH. UUUHHHHHH Jesus Christ!” I ripple my vaginal muscles on his cock. “SHIT Honey! Where did that come from? OH YEAH! Keep it going Baby!”

I begin bouncing straight up and down on his cock, tensing my pussy muscles each time, making my already tight cunt tighter, my breasts bouncing in rhythm to my humping. Bob starts driving his hips upward to meet me as I come down. We keep pushing each other for a couple of minutes when I stop and slide forward on my knees, straddling his hips and leaning forward with my hands on either side of his shoulders so my breasts are hanging above his head. I rock back and forth, driving his cock in and out of my pussy. Bob puts his hands on my hips and adds his muscle to my movements. My breast sway above his face, a nipple occasionally brushing against his lips. Bob takes his hands off my hips and grabs my breasts. He pulls a nipple to his mouth, sucks on it then rakes it with his teeth. He kneads the other nipple between his thumb and index finger. I roll my hips both back and forth, left and right, dancing on his cock. Both of us are breathing hard, grunting and groaning. It’s time to finish him off. I sit back on his thighs in my original position and return to bouncing on his cock, this time faster than before. He grabs my hips, both pulling me down and driving his hips up harder.

“That’s it Honey. Come on Baby ... Just a bit longer ... Almost there ... Get ready now ... uuuuhhhhhHHHHHHH Yes! TAKE IT!”

Bob pulls me down one last time, simultaneously driving his hips up and holds me there, poised in mid air, legs dangling on both sides with his body arched up, only his feet and shoulders touching the bed. His cock is pulsing and I’m squeezing him with all that I’ve got. His cum is spraying deep inside my pussy. His face contorted with the effort, eyes closed. He holds me there for thirty to forty seconds, then slowly drops his body back down on the bed. I ride him down and rest on my knees astride him. His cock softens as I lift off him. It slithers out of my pussy and more of his cum dribbles out. I take it in my mouth and clean it, tasting both my juices and his salty cum. Guys often make me do this at the club, but this time I want to, to show Bob that I take care of my man.

Yes, he is my man and I am his woman. I giggle with happiness when I say this to myself. I am happy with this man, in this place, at this time. I’ve never been happier in my life. That thought takes my breath away. Is that really true? Am I happier now than when I won the Super Bowl? When I was a rich, eligible, twenty seven year old bachelor, fucking every beautiful woman who came my way? I’m having trouble remembering those days, they seem so long ago, so different than the hell my life is now. Or at least what my life was until Bob showed up. Before Bob, I was alone. Even when I had all my success as a football player, I was alone most of the time.

I don’t feel alone now. I think he cares about me, cares for me. Loves me? I’m afraid to find out.

What if I’m wrong, what if I’m just a temporary thing? It would kill me, that’s what if. I start to tear up.

“Honey, Baby what is wrong? Are you OK?” Bob’s recovered from that last round. He sits up, takes me in his arms and holds me. I lay my head on his chest and hug him.

“I’m fine Bob, better than fine. I was just thinking how happy I am right now.” It’s not a total lie.

“You don’t look or sound fine.” I sniff back my tears. We can talk about it later.

“Oh you know, a girl and her hormones, mood swings, that sort of thing.” I reach up and wipe my eyes. “So what about you? How are you? More importantly, how was I?” Let’s change the subject. I turn my head and smile at him.

“How were you? There are not enough superlatives in the English language to describe what you did. I have never had three orgasms in an hour before in my life, well, not with another person involved.” His smirk is back. “I am sorry that you did not have an orgasm that last time. I hope to do better next time.”

“Oh God Bob, you do any better and I’m a dead woman. That last one was a thank you for the first two. I wanted you to enjoy it. Just because I didn’t get off doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it too. By the way, what was that thing where you arched your body?”

“I wrestled in high school. It is a defensive move, the ‘Neck Bridge’”

“It was very good, let me tell you. I just hope you don’t break your back next time.”

“Next time?”

“Uh huh.” I reach down and fondle his cock. “I plan on you not getting much sleep tonight.”

“I didn’t know that you snored.”

“Very funny.” He reaches down and inserts two fingers in my pussy. He knows what I meant.

We kept at it all night and into the early morning. I lost count of my orgasms. I think Bob had four more, maybe five. I passed out one time when we were doing it doggy style, so I can’t be sure. We also did it side by side, reverse cowgirl, showered twice to clean up and did it once in the shower. We finally feel asleep around 5:00 a.m.

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