500 < Short Story < 7500 words

Maiden by Decree Chapter 23

Maiden by Decree Chapter 23

The Walls Come Tumbling Down

Or: Should I stay or should I Go?


Maggie Finson

Deirdre watched Mina and Riddler move to commit what quiet mayhem they could manage while trying to ignore the muttering Anthalas was doing to enable the spell in support of Riddler’s mission to wet all the powder for the cannon on the walls of Leslie Castle to happen without the thief returning for refills on the water bag he carried.

New Werewoman Handbook Pt. 4

The New Werewoman Handbook
Part 4
by Werewomaniac

Work was a total drag. Once again I was way off during the presentation, and it was embarrassing. I couldn't get my mind off the book, last night, the change...and tonight. If the book was accurate, and it had been so far, I'd be changing into a woman again at moon rise. Try working with that in the back of your mind!

New Werewoman Handbook Pt. 3

The New Werewoman Handbook
Part 3
by Werewomaniac

Chapter 1 had a ton of information. It began by saying, “Chances are, if you are gazing upon this book, the information within applies to YOU.” Check.

New Werewoman Handbook Pt. 1

The New Werewoman Handbook
Part 1
by Werewomaniac

This has to be the worst day ever. I start out by running late for work with no time for breakfast. I'd been kept awake all week by strange dreams, and today it caught up to me. I underwhelmed a valuable client, my boss and some co-workers during a really important presentation because I felt so distracted. All day I just couldn't focus on my work, and every time I tried my thoughts wandered back to those dreams.

Placebo 1 - Pills

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Placebo 1


Lacey Mitchell


The two friends carried their burger combos outside to eat on the patio in the early summer sun, only one more week of junior high before real summer began. One week, one Friday and the rest of Thursday afternoon, to be accurate.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 12

I was already putty in her hands. I felt so soft and submissive, in her total control and she knew it. The special medicine was working well.

"Terri, tonight the dance will be fun if you allow the experience to be womanly. Please allow yourself to enjoy being a woman in a man's arms. Allow him to lead the dance. Talk with him, the men will not harm or embarrass you. Play your new role as a beautiful warm soft woman. You will be fine, just let the evening be magical."

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 12
By Terry Hansay

Samantha's Story Part 6

Samantha had a routine now. She would get up in the morning, put on light makeup, do her general grooming and get dressed in her he-self's clothes for school. Sometimes she would substitute some of the girl's jeans for the boy's stuff figuring that no one would notice.

Samantha's Story Part 6
By Maid Joy

The Girl in Me -10-


The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher

Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

Synopsis: Derek a very bright young man, is a very unique individual. Who happens to possess extraordinary abilities, from family genetics. But the most unique thing about him is that he is a transgender girl, and happens to be a Witch and a Gypsy and the first Witch and Gypsy in her family tree in several hundreds of years. As soon as one problem occurs and is nearly fixed another comes Derek's now Morwen's way.



Written by Dauphin
An 11 year old boy plays little sister with his neighbour . On a walk they save the president’s daughter. Now the haunt is on for the hero(ine)
"Heros come in all shapes and sizes. Dauphin writes a cute story for us unless you can see some things that do not happen in reality" Diana
"The idea was good. It was a rush job and certainly got some reactions. " Dauphin

The Girl in Me -9-


The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

Synopsis: Derek a very bright young man, is a very unique individual. Who happens to possess extraordinary abilities, from family genetics. But the most unique thing about him is that he is a transgender girl, and happens to be a Witch and a Gypsy and the first Witch and Gypsy in her family tree in several hundreds of years. As soon as one problem occurs and is nearly fixed another comes Derek's now Morwen's way.


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