Novel Chapter

A Blank Page - Chapter 11


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A Blank Page
Chapter 11
By Flummox

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This story is 6 words long.

Campfire songs Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Snow Angel Part 17


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What Milsy Did -25-


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Eriana struggles to adjust to the customs of a court which is somewhat more sophisticated than that of her father. Her appearance at breakfast is... embarrassing, but the King and Queen already have a plan. Terys asks Milsy to keep an eye on the palace visitors as the day unfolds.

What Milsy Did

by Penny Lane

25 - Corridor Encounters

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Night Fox Chapter 3


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Helping Hand - Part 2


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By the time I woke up, the storm of the previous evening had blown away and the morning was bright and clear. I pulled back the curtains in my Bedroom and looked out to sea. A few ships were visible well out at sea. Two fishing boats were about a mile or so off shore. It looked like a perfect morning.

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This story is 61 words long.

Gun Princess Royale - Book 3 - Ch2. (Part2)


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Continuing the rough draft release.

Chapter 2.
– II –

As I followed Ghost, or at the very least his superimposed image, the bustling sidewalks grew busier the farther we walked and the closer we drew to Ring Zero’s entertainment districts due west of the horseshoe shaped harbor.

Ghost wouldn’t tell me our destination within the district, so I decided pressing him for an answer would be a waste of time, but I had another reason for keeping silent.

I was enthralled by my surroundings.

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This story is 84 words long.

Going Home Chapter 4


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Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *22* Welcome to Yorkshire


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This story is 8 words long.

Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 4: "Age of Loneliness”


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The crisis had occurred.
The young girl sat alone and pondered everything.
Had he played with her heart? Kicked it down the way and left it broken?
Had she placed him onto a pedestal left only for God, and forsaken any divine tribute?
He had not spoken to her for a few days…always finding a reason not to talk, always in the company of the vicious lion, the one she thought he had broken away from, to find his own pride. While the young man did not say anything mean, the constant ignoring was cruel in of itself.

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This story is 99 words long.

Angel Of Justice Chapter 4


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River 34 -- The Mine


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By Dawn Natelle, edited by Eric

Chapter 34 – The mine

So far: Wayne headed off to college in London, Ontario. On his mission from Manitou, he meets new friends, both four-legged and two-legged ones. He gets a ride back north for Thanksgiving, and Ginny’s House II starts to become a reality.

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This story is 52 words long.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 28

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Four.
Or, "Autistic Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

Notes: I do not own this. J. K. Rowling does. This is just fan fiction. No money is being made. Not by me, anyway.

There may be a few bits and pieces lifted word-for-word from the canon material. I tried to do that as little as possible, though. And the more this deviates from canon, the less that will happen. But some descriptions and things like that are too good to skip or try to reword.

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This story is 93 words long.

11th Sun: Chapter 18 Waiting & 19: Dozen

Chapter 18 - Waiting

I continue to exercise, four hours a day. The I-def gravity isn’t as destructive as no gravity, but it’s not great. And I’m bored.

I try to sleep less, and get down to the recommended third of a day. I think the planet is a 25 hour day, and like smart people (smarter than the Babylonians, anyway) they use metric time. Thank god they’re base 10 or that would really be hell.

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This story is 77 words long.

A Model is Born 4 – Lights, Runway, Behind the Scenes


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A Model is Born 4 – Lights, Runway, Behind the Scenes

By Jessica C

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This story is 12 words long.

The Birth Of A Coywolf Part 8


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VentureRealm Amusement Park -ch14


The Park Sign.png
Chapter 14 of


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Being Different Isn't So Bad Chapter 14



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Roomies - Part 12


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“What are your plans for the day?” Tina asked innocently.

I shrugged. “Back to my B&B. Knock around Greenville..."

Tina nodded absentmindedly. “Would you mind terribly putting all that off for another day or so?”

I cocked my head quizzically. She wanted something, but I couldn't imagine what.

“Wanna crash a wedding?” she grinned.

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This story is 56 words long.

What You Can't See, Can Hurt You Chapter 6

What you can't see.jpg

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Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 3: "Between Mind and Heart"


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The young girl, at last, had broken through the demonic shell that held the young man’s heart. With that, she composed a song for him to always remember her by. She wrote it on the finest parchment she could find, dazzling it with multi-colored inks and unicorns that one only does when they feel they are in love:
And now I see,
What must come to be,
O’ the thoughts I have of you and me.
I long to see your face and without you here it’s a lonely place.
And what I want to say
Will go for my days.
And I want it to be for all time,

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This story is 112 words long.

Night Fox Chapter 2


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Becoming Annabelle Lee Chapter 14


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Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *21* Flighty Girls


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Atalanta's Story Continued: Reaching Home Chapter 21

As a reminder in chapter 20 Atalanta Manny, and Sam left for Washington DC stopping in Baltimore for Sam to visit an old friend. Action picks up in this chapter. This is a long chapter but I didn't want to cut it up into smaller ones as I can't seem to post on a regular schedule. I want to thank Ashleigh again for her editing skills. I really hope you enjoy this chapter.

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This story is 72 words long.

Gun Princess Royale - Book 3 - Ch2. (Part1)


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Continuing the almost weekly releases of the GPR 3 draft. Sorry for the delay.

Chapter 2.
– I –

I’d like to think of my actions as unconventional.

Unpredictable. Unexpected. Difficult to fathom.

Dare I say crazy?

I’d like to stress that there is a method to my madness; a reason behind my irrational behavior.

In other words, I’d like to say that I didn’t jump off the side of the building without a plan or a reason.

Let’s begin with the reason.

I wanted to get away from Erina.

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This story is 91 words long.

River 33 -- Wayne's Mission


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By Dawn Natelle, edited by Eric

Chapter 33 – Wayne’s Mission

So far: Night taught a science class, the Credit Union is started, and already expansion plans are made, and a massive moose chooses an honorable way to die.

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This story is 39 words long.

Penny's World pt 12


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“Hey, Mum, you’re in a mag.” Emily looks up at me. “Are you a model? Is that why you’ve been away?”

Penny’s World
Part Twelve
Sophie Jones
© 2017

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

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This story is 65 words long.

Cherry Moone: MooneShadows: Chapter 9: "Tales of a Scorched Earth"


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Chapter Nine: Tales of a Scorched Earth

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This story is 7 words long.

Roomies - Part 11


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When I got back to Tina's room she was still sleeping. I crawled back into bed – avoiding the spoon - and tried to go back to sleep myself, hoping I would wake refreshed. It didn't work. I couldn't get back to sleep. My mind kept churning, trying to reassemble the night.

All I could get was glimpses. Random flashes. Even the tiny snippets were disturbing enough.

I heard Tina's groan and knew she was reluctantly waking. I feigned sleep. I heard her groan. She must have looked at the clock. I heard her leave the room. I guessed shower.

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This story is 99 words long.

Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 2: "Third of Its Kind"

The young girl sat alone during the lunch hour. She didn't sit with the other students in the lunchroom. No, she walled herself in the safety of a classroom. While others were out on the field talking and running (one would not dare call it "recess" in junior high) she stayed behind to read a book.
"What are you doing in here, cow?"
She refused to look up from her reading--not wanting to give her tormentor the satisfaction.
"Are you too afraid to be with the others? Or are you afraid you’ll squash them flat?"
"I don’t weigh that much."

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This story is 102 words long.

Helping Hand - Part 1


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The first of the Autumn Gales was making its way up the St George’s Channel and into the Irish Sea. The late afternoon sky was darkening and the one ship that I could see from my window looked like it was in for a rough night.

I was in the process of pulling the curtains and shutting out the storm when I saw a brief light coming from the half ruin of a barn that marked the edge of my property. At first I thought that it was a reflection from the last of the sun but it appeared again. By now, the sun was totally covered by the approaching storm clouds.

I pulled the curtains shut and tried to put the possibility that someone was out there to the back of my mind.

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This story is 135 words long.

Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *20* Countdown to York


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This story is 8 words long.

Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 1: "Prism of Life"


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In 1991, a young schoolgirl was the victim of a horrendous verbal assault. It did not start “innocently” and escalate, it was always on the level of cruelty.
“Hey, cow.”

The young girl was big for her age, yes, that was true. Although never didn’t make her feel any better as she walked down the hallway on her second day of school.
“Are you fat and hard of hearing too?”

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This story is 73 words long.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 37

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 37”
By = Fayanora

Chapter Thirty-seven: The Sleepwalker's Arc Continued

Note 1: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.

Note 2: Once more, I apologize for the bits and pieces of canon dialogue/narration here and there. But some canon scenes are just too good to change much.

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This story is 52 words long.

11th Sun: Chapter 17: [XXX] Toys

It’s been another week on the run, I’m almost back on course, and I’m horny.

Really horny.

Really really horny.

How horny am I? I’m beginning to think seriously about toys.

Ci and Lia either didn’t have any or didn’t want to use them on me, and for that I’m thankful. I squirmed every time they tried to put something in my pussy, and after only one night they stopped trying.

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This story is 78 words long.

River 32 -- Moose Hunting


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By Dawn Natelle, edited by Eric

Okay gang. Another chapter, and it is a day early too. But I have to warn you, there is hunting in this one. I know a lot of you didn’t like the deer-hunting chapter. This one is different, in that it is hunting for sport, not food. But note that hunting/guiding is a major component of First Nations economies.

Chapter 32 – Moose Hunting

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This story is 71 words long.

VentureRealm Amusement Park -ch13


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Chapter 13 of


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Snow Angel Part 16


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A Blank Page - Chapter 10



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A Blank Page
Chapter 10
By Flummox

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This story is 6 words long.

Becoming Annabelle Lee Chapter 13


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Snow Angel Part 15


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Gaby Book 15 ~ Friends ~ Chapter *19* Not Dated


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On the Bounce (part 3)


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Darvel High, Darvel Washington
"Are you sure you're ready for this Leigh?" Mom said.

She'd pulled up right outside the front gate of Darvel High. It was a warm day, and many of the students where still sitting on the front lawn, waiting for the bell to ring.

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This story is 48 words long.

River 31 – Mark at School


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By Dawn Natelle, edited by Eric

Chapter 31 – Mark at School

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This story is 11 words long.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 27

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals: Book Four.
Or, "Autistic Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

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This story is 17 words long.

Be Careful of What You Wish For Chapter 11


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A Model is Born 3 – Family in Support


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A Model is Born
3 – Family in Support

By Jessica C


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This story is 10 words long.

On The Run Part 11

onthe run.JPG

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Chasing Tales Chapter 5


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Chasing Tales

Chapter 5

Coming Together

Note; I know it has been awhile since I last posted a chapter of this story. I hope you the readers will give me chance to get back into the storyline properly. Hopefully I will be able to put out chapters regularly from now on till the story is done. Now on with the story.

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This story is 60 words long.


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