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The last crossdresser in the world

The sound of a car driving away, caused by a smile on Jack's face.
e waited another 10 minutes to be safe. The treasure chest was hidden behind the drawer.
A plaid skirt, a low-cut blouse, tights, panties, a bra and mary-jane shoes.
A beautiful set, created over a year.
It fits Jack perfectly. Everything fits well. He looks like a regular girl.
Excitement when he sneaks out of the house dressed like that. I've never forgotten it.
The thrill of being caught or laughed at.
Now it's all over. He can only change secretly at home.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 2: Chapter 01

Just after Lee was revealed to be the writer, Lee was able escape into the multiverse. With all the hard work and planning done by Rock, Revy, and their crew, coming completely undone.

Now, these women must all each have a plate, from a buffet of crow, as they come to terms with their momentary defeat. While they review the information, and plan their next moves, in capturing their elusive foe.

All the while, River will get her chance to present Lee's defense, to their proverbial jury of the damned.

Wishes and curses- Chapter 2 School life

In this chapter, Terrance goes through quite possibly his worst day at school ever and meets some new faces.

(This is the first story I have ever written so please be patient with me, comment or send me a message for any feedback you have and I hope you enjoy!)

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 7

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 7

By Katherine Day

(Julie begins to fall in love and learns that with the joy comes heartache. Meanwhile, she finds it vital to hide her true womanhood. Edited by the sharp eye of Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

Who's hunting who? Chapter 7.

Alright; this wasn't the one I had in mind to post right now. Here there be dragons was supposed to be next, but I'm waiting to hear back from two authors who own two characters I wrote a vignette for. I know it's a fanfic, but it just doesn't seem right to me to appropriate someone else's character without permission going forward; so instead, we have this one.

Got to admit, I love Sasha, he's so much fun to write.

No-Hoper to Knocked Up

No job, no friends, no prospects. Jerry is the typical freeloader still living in his parents' basement in his early twenties with no intention of ever finding a job or helping his long suffering family out. Nothing and nobody can get through to him until a lesson from an unexpected source takes him by surprise. Stuck in the body of heavily pregnant Jenny, he starts to learn that responsibility isn't always optional, sometimes it's thrust upon us.

My Life as a Mail Order Bride

Steve has some anger management problems, but he mostly gets away with it. All that changes one day when he loses his temper and makes a racist remark. Now he's going to find out what it's like to be on the other side of the fence. His life is about to change forever as he finds himself trapped in the body of an exotic oriental bride.

The Enhanced: TRI - 14

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By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Wishes and curses- Chapter 1 beginnings

The seemingly perfect guy Terrance Allbot! Good grades, athletic, what more could you ask for? A better personality. Everyone thinks he is perfect until they get to know him. He is a sexist jerk who thinks all women are under him. He was doing fine in life until a girl with a 6 year crush on him was turned down by him. She left saying a sentence he would never forget "You will pay for your mistake of being such a sexist jerk!"

(This is my first story I have ever written so please be patient with me, as I might not be that good. The chapters will be relatively short, but I will try to make a lot of them. It just depends on the feed back of the first few chapters. Not complete yet. Enjoy!)

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 12 & 13

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 12 & 13

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Paul tells his mother that her quest is futile. The intrepid four enter the cave, and soon discover the importance of each treasure. They also discover that their time in the cave is different than outside. Lois Papadopoulos comes to Sandra to tell her she’s out of the group. She tells her what happened to get her where she is. Sandra agrees that their venture is futile. Tom is selected as leader. Ivan is second in command.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume II. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Laura, part 9

“Happy birthday dear teenager…” Mum yells in my ear, startling me into awakeness as the sun streams through my bedroom window. “Happy birthday to you!”

“Mum!” I tiredly moan into my pillow. “What time is it?”

“8am,” mum says. “Which means that you’ve only been thirteen for 8 hours and already you’re acting like a stereotypical teenaged girl!” I chuckle as mum whips the covers off of my nightie-covered body and dumps a LOT of presents besides my hairless legs.

The Enhanced: TRI - 13

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Havens Salvation Stave 2 ch 14-1 The Phantom Queens Gambit

Castle In the Sky

Editorial salvation by djkauf
Who patiently repairs my mistakes, any ones found are my responsibility alone.
Creative Consultancy by Bailey Summers, and my two girls Anna and Crystal

Dedicated to

Ms Mary Adelaide Wilkinson
my mother who dragged me all over the back roads of Colorado bringing those historical souls back to life


My two deceased friends Stewart Hills and Karlen Ann Wannop who watch over me from the other side of the veil, all three of us labored in each others behalf and became better for it.
With out all of the efforts from the above this story would never seen the light of an audience


Castle in the SKY.


“Betty my lass worry not, ye have been blessed with acceptance by the land its self, THE LAND itself has chosen to bond with you in the strongest of ways. The last to have that happen was well before my time. Oh my Betty this is a ,very ,very powerful omen, it also points to something else I think I need to communicate with Mom on this before I say any more. But ye have nay anything to be worried about James, is plugging the holes that let the rats in and your more than able to take care of your self again with Alease's help,and ye children be safe with Lilly and Melissa. so take the day off have a good dinner with your kids and enjoy your good fortune.”

“You do have a way of putting me at ease Fay; thank you very much I think I need to lie down until the kids get home from school, there has been too much happening for my nerves to follow.”

I bid Betty a good day and immediately started to plan what I would need to prepare the gift I think will set her feelings right. With the earth being so plastic and cooperative at this time it is the perfect time to do this for her she will just squeal for joy when we surprise her. Mom is going to love this I just know.

Badasses Of the Multiverse: Book 5: Volume 1: Chapter 19

The Rats Nest Bartender has figured out that the person that Revy and the others are after is Lee. And she will have her answers as to why.

And should Lee handle this problem, he will still have a couple of more very serious problems to deal with.

Time has finally grown short. Secrets are revealed. And Lee soon realizes he has stayed one day too late.

Though, Lee is not out for the count. This just means he may have to take it all the way down to the wire. But, for a true gambler, it is all about playing the long odds, for the big payouts.

And Lee is about the place his riskiest bet ever, when a couple of notorious maids come to town.

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 10 & 11

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 10 & 11

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Barbara gets her mind back. Myrtle finds the ground where she will carry out the assassination. Ivan explains to Pappy that she will do nothing to foul up the project because he believes it will lead to his transition. Tom explains to the others what he believes the cave is about, and Ivan agrees. He and Tom have been there before. Bob Temple asks Sandra to have a drink with him. It doesn’t exactly go well.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume II. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

Kayda 3 - Two Spirits: Chapter 3 - Zuya Wikhoskalaka

A Whateley Academy Adventure

Kayda 3: Two Spirits

Chapter 3 - Zuya Wikhoskalaka (Warrior Girl)

by ElrodW

Kayda spends spring break at home - but of course, where Kayda goes, trouble follows. This is the final chapter of Kayda 3

Ilos Part 14 <old>


Virtual Reality, the dream of all gamers, is now a reality with the land of Ilos.

However, it's creators are unknown, and no one knows how the devices they have access it, only that they do.

The second to last part in this "book", we get to see a little more of Nick and Jess and how things are going on Earth.

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 25 - Butterflies and Christmas Bells


BaCB cover.PNG
Book 25 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Lyssa is dancing the Nutcracker in Washington
  though not everyone is a fan!!

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers.


Lady in Waiting Part 4

Lady in Waiting Part 4

Lady in Waiting part 1.jpg

By Christina H

This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister. I realise that the language of the time is difficult to read (and difficult to write) so I have done an amalgam of vernacular (probably not grammatically correct.)

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapter 7 & 8

Again I want to thank my co-conspirators in getting this story posted. I'm not sure if I need to mention that this is copyrighted and the characters are from my imagination.

The plan starts to come together and Atalanta finds she has more resources that she thought. This offering has some explanation and one of my favorite scenes. See if you can guess that scene; I believe that is starts to give some insight into who she is.

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 8 & 9

Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight, Chapters 8 & 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: There are many people in the universe of The Wizard and Spells R Us who are not very happy with what he’s done to them. One transformee decides to take steps necessary to eliminate The Wizard once and for all. She gathers a group of equally disgruntled victims of The Wizard’s magic, and they try to put together a plan. Will they succeed?

Paul confronts his mother about what The Wizard may or may not have done to her. He’s pretty much on the mark as to what actually happened. Since he has her attention, he’s finally able to come out to her about his being transgender. She’s not happy and is convinced it’s The Wizard’s doing. Myrtle is convinced she can take The Wizard out. Tom confronts his parents about what caused their animosity. They didn’t read the instructions!

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles, Volume II. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer is a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place several years before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey

The Enhanced: TRI - 12

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction
Or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
Electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter

Reversals - Ch04

A successful woman is convinced a female lead marriage is the best path forward and as her career is taking off, her unemployed husband is expected to fill traditional female roles like homemaker and nursing mother. In this chapter… Julia is introduced to FLMs and technology that could change her life.

Felicia's Second Life Chapter 6


Good evening, everyone. My name is Felicia Belphere Metrune. I am the only daughter of Baron Alphonse Lartes Metrune. I am 11 years old. I haven't always been Baron Metrune's daughter though.

I was originally a 29 year old man who lived in Cornwall. One day I got hit by a truck and you've probably guessed it, I was reincarnated into what seems to be medieval Europe.

Uuu... Lili, why are you so cuuuute? You're making it very hard for me to resist you, you know?

Felicia's Second Life Chapter 6
A tale of love (?) and change (lol) in a medieval era.

By Shinieris

Caught in the Act – 13 Out

Caught in the Act – 13

By Jessica C

Things started with Jeff turning 13 years old, dressing in his sister’s clothes and makeup; he didn’t expect to be caught… The discovery of him cross-dressing begins the blossoming of Jessie... Jeff accepts Jessie is really him, others have trouble accepting Jeff and Jessie co-exist… Mom, Dad and Dr. Hunt support Jeff in coming out as Jessie...


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Risky Endeavors by Maryanne Peters on Kindle!


Audience Rating: 


Falling in love must be easy, at least Maryanne Peters makes it seem so -- but maybe it's a risk worth taking to enjoy a happy ending.

Risky Endeavors
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

Here are eighteen stories of lumberjacks and bodyguards, fishermen and drag racers, plumbers and financiers who took a risk and fell in love with someone unexpected. They're a lot of fun and one or two of them might make you laugh-out-loud or even get a little teary-eyed. You should take that risk -- after all, romance is worth it.

Heaven and Hell 2: Ways of Power on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Being a succubus can be fun, but it ain't no walk in the park. Unless the park is in hell.

From insubordinate Hellhounds to Hellish Bureaucracy, Lorelei is learning to deal with The Ways of Infernal Power. It ain't easy, in fact, it can be hard as Hell. And that's just for starters!

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