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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


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The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

Primate - Part Two

In My Sister's Footsteps - 7

In My Sister's

This is a story about true identity and the healing of the transgender mind

Blazing a new trail is difficult for a young burn victim, but he manages well enough with support from his mother, some unusual help from his sister, and a little luck.

Thanks to Puddin' for a little editing of this chapter.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 6

There she was, drifting in front of him in microgravity, her burgeoning breasts teasing him, her hips undulating with the minor effort required to keep her in place, in the middle of the cabin. He felt an almost overwhelming lust for her, but knew somehow that to lunge for her and seek sexual completion was the very thing that would scare her away, so he held and watched her dance for him, a shy nymph, wanting him but frightened by the visible evidence of his manhood, standing proud, straight and twitching with desire before him.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 6

By Theide


Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles! Parts 9 - 14

Shit Happens,
But So Do Miracles!

by Tanya Allan

Young Martin Collins was the youngest of five brothers, and no sisters! His mother, Jenny, had always wanted a girl, and although slightly disappointed, treated him no differently!

However, from a very early age, Martin himself realised that things weren’t quite right, and when playing with some girls his age, he made the discovery that was to charge his life!

He was in the wrong body!

Childhood should be a time of fun and laughter, but for Martin it was to prove a depressing and miserable time, until things started to change, and a light shone at the end of his tunnel!

Miracles are few and far between, but for Martin, his life went from bad to brilliant!

A Prayer Answered: Chapter 3

  Sandra is David’s new daughter and is happy and content. Sandra takes over the story as we follow her through her exposure to Brian her best friend and has an appointment with a psychiatrist Dr. Louis.
Authors note: I’ve never written like this, two people telling different sides of the story. I Hope you like it. Graciously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter Three
By Sara D.

A Prayer Answered : Chapter 2

      Tim had finally come out to his father about wanting to be a girl. Discover what happens next: Does David, Tim’s father, continue to help his son, now his daughter, achieve her ambitions? Are prayers really answered in the way we think they are? Graciously edited by stanman63.
And Now...

A Prayer Answered
Chapter Two
By Sara D.

Daring to Hope - Part 3

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 3 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.

The Butterfly Effect | Part 2 - Confusions

butterfly_effect.jpg    "You're taking an age, girl. How come I'm not the slow coach today?" she responded.
"Sorry was day dreaming," I said, as I quickly unzipped my skirt and pulled up my own tracksuit trousers.
"I wonder who," said Sophie with a big grin on her face.
I poked my tongue at her and then concentrated on undoing my blouse...

The Butterfly Effect
Part 2 - Confusions
By Alys

Gaby Book 5 Chapter *19* Wein

Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles! Parts 6 - 8

Shit Happens,
But So Do Miracles!

by Tanya Allan

Young Martin Collins was the youngest of five brothers, and no sisters! His mother, Jenny, had always wanted a girl, and although slightly disappointed, treated him no differently!

However, from a very early age, Martin himself realised that things weren’t quite right, and when playing with some girls his age, he made the discovery that was to charge his life!

He was in the wrong body!

Childhood should be a time of fun and laughter, but for Martin it was to prove a depressing and miserable time, until things started to change, and a light shone at the end of his tunnel!

Miracles are few and far between, but for Martin, his life went from bad to brilliant!

But Who Am I Really? - Part 1

But Who Am I Really?

Part 1 of 2

by RH Music

On his last day of vacation in Ireland, Hugh picks up a beautiful local hitchhiker, Erin. That night, an ancient Irish lullaby has unexpected side-effects and the couple is thrust into a new life which they find strangely wonderful... (a body swap story)

Daring to Hope - Part 2

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 2 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.

Rhysling's Rue - Part 5

Just a moment later they were passing the backboard back out, a pale waiflike form strapped to it. “Don’t wait for us to get out, get that kid to sickbay ASAP!” The medic was less than halfway back through the hole when the gurney the backboard had been placed on vanished through the hatch. Jeff would have loved to follow it, but he had to take care of his ship first, and that was that.

Rhysling's Rue
Chapter 5

By Theide


Primate - Part One (Got Milk)


It started as a lark. Steve just wanted to see if he could do it and he did - easily. Breaking into a house was against the law but not taking anything made justifying his actions a little easier and it remained that way right up until Sally's place. It was drinking the milk out of Susan's baby bottle that would change things - and speaking of changes...

Primate - Part One - Got Milk?

By Mary Beth Sanford


Stripper Candy Part 2

I can’t believe how I am feeling. I am so upset at how much of a slime ball Paul is toward women. Where does he get the idea that getting a degree in women’s studies to become a social worker? If I was an abused or exploited girl I wouldn’t want anyone like Paul handling my case. Come to think of it I wouldn’t want to have Paul handling anything around me. I am glad that he is dead.

Stripper Candy

Part 2

By Olivia-Kate

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 4

She went on to explain the course that the doctors have recommended is a three-day program including the mind adjustment segment. She went on to say I must live as a woman for one full week before taking the course, explaining dressing and living the life of a woman is important for my mind control.

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 4

By Terry Hansay

Gaby Book 5 Chapter *2* Personal Best

Daring to Hope - Part 1

Daring to Hope
Standing Up to Life: Book 2
Part 1 of 8
by Tiffany Shar


In many ways Tiffany is the newest girl in her small community near Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the whirlwind of the last few weeks she has emerged from the shell of a scared and confused little boy named Brandon. Ever since Tiffany's parents confirmed with her their suspicions of her deepest wants and needs, they've supported her completely. With solid support from her family, her best friend and family and surprisingly, her growing circle of other friends it seems she might have a chance for a successful future.

'Can all this last?' is one of the biggest questions on her mind now. 'Will everyone stick with me when things get tough?' She's had an amazingly easy last couple weeks and she knows it won't last. What will happen when she returns to school? And most importantly, what will her psychiatrist decide? Will her doctor force her to return to living the lie as Brandon? These fears and more whirl in her mind as she looks to an uncertain future.

Daring to Hope is the continuing story of a bright, talented, and beautiful girl, who dares to hope for a future that is one based on happy dreams.


More DopplerPress

Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle


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Four stories, three bonnie lasses, connected through time and spirit -- by blood, and something more.

Tales from the Irish
by Drea DiMaggio
Now on Kindle

Join Drea DiMaggio as she explores faith, faithfulness, and love in this collection of some of her best works.

Boys Don't Cry on Kindle


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All Johnny wanted to do was take ballet classes, like his best friend Christina. He couldn't stop thinking about pink tights and tutus. Even though his brother and father tormented him, he longed to be more like his sister LeAnn.
Maybe he was much more like her than he knew.

Johnny eventually realized he wanted to be a girl, and chose the name Sarah. With help from her friends, and older sister, Sarah was able to face her toughest battle yet.

Boys Don't Cry

Bobbi McGee by Chris Leeson on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Rob Wescott was unlucky when it came to love. That harmless statue that his ex sent him and he left by his bed turned out to be not so harmless when he woke the next day.

Rob, now Bobbi had to make a new life for herself. But would she continue to be unlucky in love?

Bobbi McGee

by Christopher Leeson

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