
All The Pretty Girls - Chapter 5

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Chapter Five – Penelope

The final chapter. Will Steve and Penelope catch the serial killer before he can kill again and will Penelope find true love with Jaylene?

Three Girls - Book 3

Danni's Dream
Three Girls - Book Three

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
Yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
Lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
Danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same as now new my heart sings

danni's dream
the dawn awakens my soul
no longer the same
now new my heart sings

Dmitrianakova the Player

It took even longer for it to be accepted that those rights did not give adults the ownership of their children, for they too had rights. That took away the right of parents to facilitate the practice of genital mutilation in the name of religion, and thankfully involuntary clitoridectomy, circumcision, and ‘correction’ of intersex conditions shortly after birth are now part of a barbaric past that makes all shudder in horror.

Summer's Current: Summer's Past- chapters 13-15

Summer's Current 4:
Summer's Past

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“Broom Closet Control I need an approach vector and start flight line Decom, please.”
“Copy, Chance. Welcome back. How’d she do?”
“She’s not going to sleep for a week, I’m guessing. See you in a few. Chance, out.”

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 2

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Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 2

Sunday, May 2nd, 2023

5:52 AM

Marcia woke up and was disoriented by the unfamiliarity of the room for a moment, then remembered the day before. In two more days, it would be her seventeenth birthday, and she was very much looking forward to it. She and Darryl were planning to spend time heading into Anchorage and exploring before her birthday dinner. Her parents were heading down from Fairbanks, and would be arriving later in the day.

Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic: Chapter 9 - Computer Hacking

Kaylie and Patricia continue to prove themselves compared to the other girls at the science intensive. A backyard party leads to resorting of romantic relationships. A clever subroutine by Kaylie may have consequences.

The Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington: Summer Soiree ( Prologue)

My first summer as Lauren was about to come to a close. School was only a few days away. It was really hard to believe that for three solid months I'd lived each day as a girl. And now it seems I'll be going to school as a girl. Mom had already registered me for classes and my class schedule had already been handed to me. So that was that, I had also been informed that I could attend school as Lauren and use the staff bathroom to both handle my personal business and change for P.E. And nobody would be any wiser.

Light And Shadow - Part 4

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 4 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 16 - Goddess


The eyes of a hundred kneeling demons were upon me. The fight had chewed up a lot of terrain and we’d moved within field-goal distance of the crowd before it was done. As much as I wanted to just fall over and lie there in the dirt that was not an option. Instead I slowly forced myself up. Thighs, calves, and even pinky toes protested, sending agony up every available nerve to decry the idiocy of such an action.

I couldn’t afford to show weakness. Not here. Not now. By the rules of the duel I couldn’t be immediately challenged by anyone else but that didn’t matter.

The soul-sucking bastards needed to fear me. Or else they would never accept my commands.

All The Pretty Girls - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – Jaylene

Mitch Freeman decides to remove the only person who can identify him: Jaylene Foster while Penelope and Jaylene make a surprising attachment. Steve continues his hunt for the man who is stalking trans women and murdering them.

The Order of Eve - Rebellion and Revenge


This story ends the 6 parts of the Order of Eve series. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime the end is coming.

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

Chapter 5 - Starting Over

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Scared and alone, Christina huddled in the dark of her best friend's bottom drawer, unsure how long she would have to wait there. Praying silently, she tried not to cry.

Not a big deal

just scene that popped into my head...

"She's got a dick!" Robin shouted.

"So do half the other girls on the cheer squad. And a quarter of the guys on the football team *don't*. What's the big deal?"

Robin suddenly felt that they weren't in Kansas anymore...

Sarah book 1 part 6 The beginning

After witnessing a murder. Young Robbie Dunkirk sees his family also murdered. He calls his mothers estranged twin sister. She comes up with a plan to hide Robbie. He becomes his twin sister Sarah.

The Bottle at the Back of the Fridge

The Bottle at the Back of the Fridge
Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown

This is a short vignette about a parent who's coping with changes in family relationships while transitioning, and struggling to not give into easing the pain of loss in an unhealthy way. While there's a bit of sadness in this story, there's also hope as well. I hope you enjoy it.


I Wish Book 5: Chapter 6

Shannon O'Reilly was bullied and everything his older sister wasn't. When his sister Sarah gives him a chance to change things through a single wish things don't go as planned.


I Wish: Book 5
Chapter 6
Whispered Words and Worries

Then her expression turned incredulous just before she rolled her eyes. “That’s bullshit, and you’re a fucking idiot.”

Chapter 4 - Best Friends Forever

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Staring into Kathy's eyes, Christina knew her best friend had listened in on the conversation with her mother. "You... you remember Christina? Kathy! I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I didn't think you'd believe me!"

Creating Utopia-Chapter 7 and 8-Book 1-It Started With A Grandfather's Love

Chapter 7

After Susan had left we discussed what we were going to do. I think Talia was conflicted because she had emotionally committed to having Kalie cloned and all that might entail. That meant, if I was unable to cope, that dream would be gone. I thought she was brave to agree in the first place. In a private session with Susan, Susan suggested that it was a bigger deal than I had even imagined. Talia would have to give up or admit that the Kalie lying in the hospital bed was never coming home.

The Teacher: An illustrated Story - 4


Allan Rogers loves teaching community college and running stats for the football team. What happens when he gets involved with a secret genomic project in his spare time and who will he be after? A light, fun illustrated story!

Bridge Construction

Bridge Construction
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I work construction. I always hated the fact that my only real job skills were some of the manliest. I would lift lumber or cement and work power tools. Every day I would wake up and put on my construction clothes and tie my hair back into a low ponytail and put my company hardhat on. Even with pink cotton panties underneath I would feel awful. I just looked disgusting.

Chapter 3 - On Her Own

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Pacing her exam room like a caged animal, Christina had a fist balled up and ready to strike out again at the next person to touch her, even as her other hand held up the loose-fitting pajama bottoms and boxer shorts. Her breath came in rapid intakes through her nostrils and out her mouth.

Chapter 2 - Unforeseen Consequences

Link: The Wisher's Paradox Title Page and Description


Stirring slightly, Christina was in the wonderful middle ground between dreaming and waking, still not fully conscious, but no longer asleep. God, that was a beautiful dream! she mused sleepily. It all felt so real!

Three Girls - Book 2

Lainie's Hope
Three Girls - Book Two

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

Three girls find they have a lot more in common than their music...
Yuki's wish - playing, freedom, music...all for what if not to be the girl i am
Lainie's hope - maybe now they'll listen...more than just playing...maybe now they might hear
Danni's dream - the dawn awakens my soul no longer the same as now new my heart sings

A New School for Ruth

Kelvin O’Reilly was a self made multi billionaire though virtually none were aware of his wealth for he didn’t have an opulent lifestyle, drove a thirty-five year old diesel Mercedes 300 because he liked it and was a self professed family man. Ruth was Kelvin’s sixth foster child and he was trying to adopt her.

Rose Of Cimarron

This is my take on a Poco song from 1976 . Please give it a listen. I find it insanely catchy. It's about a woman called Rose Dunn in the old west.


Roll along, roll on
Rose of Cimarron
Dusty days are gone
Rose of Cimarron

Rose stood there staring out of her window, She was wearing a long black dress and was tightly corseted. She wasn't expecting any visitors, but liked to look presentable. Just in case.

The Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington (6)

Like most small, rural, townships in the mostly agricultural heavy south. The heart and soul of Benton was its Main Street. Here one could find just about anything one needed. And on this Monday morning both sides of the street were crammed full of parked cars and the sidewalks seemed almost bursting at the seams with people as they rushed from one shop to the other. Each little shop and boutique seemed to be filled with people. With the crowds spilling out onto the concrete sidewalks.

A Tear for Bunny

A Tear for Bunny
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

She could not help it that she was pretty. I really should ay “he” if I am gonna tell the story, but somehow I just can’t. It just don’t seem right. But maybe I will start that way. The start is his story I guess.

His Mom never wanted him to be in a gang. She protected the kid, as any Mom would. He went to school. He walked through the Hood on his way – kept his head down. Men don’t notice kids until they get big, and maybe start to stare or give some lip.

The Girls' Changing Room - Chapter 3 - A New Cloak

Girls’ Changing Room - 3 - A New Cloak
by Maeryn Lamonte - Copyright © 2021
Hogwarts thumbnail.png And as a thank you for your patience (and because it didn’t take so much editing in review) here’s chapter 3 as well. It’ll probably mean I won’t get as many comments on chapter 2, but I hope that won’t be the case.

The Girls' Changing Room - Chapter 2 - First Day

Girls’ Changing Room

by Maeryn Lamonte

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It took me a while to rewrite the conversation between Lori and Lysander. I’m still not sure I’m totally happy with it, but here goes.

I won’t give a preamble here as the previous chapter is somewhere around here for you to read if you haven’t got to it yet. Without further ado, here’s chapter two.

I'm a Girl - Apologies to the Who

This was inspired by I'm Their Girly Goy-Boy , by Andrea Lena which was inspired by my blog on the Who song I'm a boy.

Although Holly Snow did this in 2019

Which I really love

This is my take on it ,I thought I'd reverse the genders.

One boy called Emanuel
Another little boy was Samuel
Another little boy was just called Earl
The other was me, and I'm a girl


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