
Little Boy-Girl Part 12 Michael get to Know His Sisters Again

I was walking by Michael’s bedroom and I heard giggling. So I knocked on his door and then opened it. The Samantha and Sara Beth both yelled “DADDY!” I said “oops sorry girls and why are you naked in your brothers room” and that’s when I saw he too was naked. I said to them “get dressed and be downstairs in my office in ten minutes.” It was the first time any of the kids ever saw me mad. Well that goes for Sabrina, Nicole, Jenny, Jamie, Amber and Junior as well. Kylie said “what’s going on.” I said “the kids will be down to my office in five minutes.

Dorothy's Dream

Dorothy’s Dream

One night, as I lay in bed, I began to dream ...

I found myself walking along a trail with a group of girls, who laughed and smiled at me as we walked, and I felt very comfortable in their company.

Then we came to a fence, and I climbed over it, only to discover that the other girls had found a gate in the fence that allowed them to enter. One of the girls hugged me, and said, “Always doing things the hard way, huh?”

I could only blush ...

Life Is Not A Bowl Of Cherries~2

The next few hours were busy for me. I was a bit wary about how others would react to me, as this was the first time I had been out in public as Katie...

Life Is Not A Bowl Of Cherries

A Story At Christmas

By Susan Brown

Bridges 45


We’re pulling down our road and I can see the ranch. “Well it’s not burned down so I guess we’re having pasta tonight.”

He smiles and he pulls up my lane and into my yard. “I told you so.”

I look at him and then at his place and my place and just sort of everything. “I love you y’know right?”

He just smiles as he reaches over and pulls me in and gives me this really tender kiss on the forehead. “Yeah, I know.”

*And Now…

Twisted Throwback, part 23 of 25

“— I might have been like that guy who Twisted into a giant cockroach in his sleep.”


“That’s an urban legend,” I said. “There’s a book where that happened, but it was way pre-Antarctic Flu, pure fantasy.”

Here Comes the Sun - 1

Here Comes the Sun
a series of Vignettes celebrating transgender romance
through the songs of George Harrison

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

You don’t realize how much I need you
Love you all the time and never leave you
Please come on back to me
I’m as lonely as can be
I need you

Life Is Not A Bowl Of Cherries~1

I hated the winter and December in particular. All those festive revelries left me cold. Christmas was for happy families and I wasn’t in one...

Life Is Not A Bowl Of Cherries

A Story At Christmas

By Susan Brown

The White Wolf Chapter -45-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 45

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013, 2014 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

The shifting approach to adaptation, chapter 4.

Alright so here we are; in my opinion the defining chapter of this tale. Hopefully everyone will be able to figure out what happened in it. If not, let me know and I'll try and straighten it out.

More crazy point of view changes as I proceed to experiment; you have been warned.

Incidentally, who wants to see what I'd do with the magical girl trope? Anyone? Bueller? (Gives a shark's grin)

Teenager of the Year - Redux: Book 1

Author notes:

This is kind of a long story, so I'll cut to the chase: The existing version of TOTY is dead in the water. Why? Several reasons, largely around continuity and the dark themes I was trying to deal with. But at the end of the day, it was just turning into a story that I wasn't really enjoying writing. And that's what's really important to me at the end of the day.

Twisted Throwback, part 21 of 25

“It’s okay most of the time,” I said. “Times like this, I can forget what’s wrong with me and just enjoy being a girl out shopping with her friends. My friends accept me for who I am, and strangers can’t tell what’s wrong with me.”

Gaby Book 11 Chapter *17* Tripping


Chapter *17*

Whilst everyone had been through the day's testing, not everyone would be going to Italy so Friday morning saw the departure of David, John and Steve leaving just nine of us for the day's activities, a two hour bash around the Pennine foothills. I felt bad for David and Steve, they've been giving their all but I guess we've been building towards this point since we arrived.

I, monster. chapter 5.

Next one: fair warning, this is a different point of view from a new character in the story. While I have the utmost faith in all members of my audience to figure that out quickly, I've been told doing that sort of thing without warning is jarring. So consider yourselves warned, and enjoy Phil the night watchman.

Twisted Throwback, part 20 of 25

“I’m not sure, but I think I may have a clue about why your condition is somewhat different from many of my earlier patients. It seems to me that you may have Twisted based on your idea — much more accurate than it had been a few hours earlier, but still somewhat oversimplified — of what transsexuals are like.”

Masks Chapter 41

Masks Chapter 41

Chapter 41


I look at her. “We can come with.”

She looks nervous. “You guys don’t have to.”

I look at her and slip over and give her a hug. “Hey it’ll be okay it’ll give everyone two targets instead of like one.”

Mary Jane says. “Three, safety in numbers from the whole parental scrutiny thing, cause that happens when they start talking.”

She bites her lip and she nods. “Okay.”

I smile my own little shaky smile. “Besides I kinda gotta go, I want to kind of have people like actually meet me before Halloween.”

“What’s going on with Halloween?”

“Uhm…I’m coming out.”

Okay Becky’s jaw drop was worth it.

No Rules | Chapter 5

In the fifth chapter in the sequel to No Obligation, Becca earns an unexpected promotion and tries to explain why she does what she does to a curious kitsune. Chaos's champion comes to an understanding with her new ally, and Leander discovers why small towns may not be safer than big cities — where magic is concerned .


No Rules: An Advocate Novel

by Randalynn

Chapter 5: On Kitsune, Community, and Chaos


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