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This is a compilation of a chapter story that I submitted last year. I would like to thank Angela Rasch for her help in editing. She was remarkable and I never would have finished it without her help.


Halloween - Chapter 1
October 31, 1970

“So what are you boys going to be for Halloween this year?” Mother asked looking directly at me while I was eating breakfast with my brothers.

“Are you asking Steven and Billy or are you asking me, Mom?” I replied.

Stricken Pt 9

The first thing Ryan became aware of was that he was aware. It seemed as if he had regained a train of thought and that his brain started working after a long rest. Everything was jumbled though as he tried to piece together what was going on. Something weighed heavy on him, but he couldn't nail it down. In an effort to clarify his thoughts, he tried to structure what had transpired that would give him that stressed feeling. He thought back about school, his girlfriend...his condition!

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~10

On the quay, Mummy Dotty and David in his Naval chaplain’s robes stood on a little platform, built for the purpose by the Penmarris Boy Scouts and Cubs.

Multi-coloured bunting and balloons leant an air of festivity to what might have been an otherwise solemn occasion.…


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 10

Lucy and the Ghost


What do you do when you discover your new house is haunted by a transgendered ghost?

Lucy and the Ghost
by Kristine Roland

Edited and proofread by Angela Rasch

Stricken Pt 8

Ryan settled into his life and classes over the next couple of weeks. He was so accumstomed to his newer self that he seemed to forget about how he used to be.

He hadn't seen his father at all since he left the family. It was tough on his mother which really pissed Ryan off. How could his dad leave her to care for the entire house? It was very selfish of him and Ryan felt alot of anger towards his dad.

Images 20...the wedding.

Images 20

Chapter 20

The party is great, Taylor and I dance for a couple of hours sometimes fast and sometimes slow and we do a lot of kissing. A lot of kissing. I was not expecting to have a good a time as I had. When I wasn’t dancing with Tay I was dancing with my Net girls and even some of the other club goers. I’ve never really got to do this before, I love it the feeling of freedom, of getting to be sensual with out being sexual and I’m not without a few moves despite not getting to do this as a girl all my life.

A Summer of Changes - Book 5 Chapter 4


Denise has an interview with her therapist
which gives rise to a second trip
to see her mother

A Summer of Changes
by Louise Anne Smithson

Book 5 Chapter 4

Two important discussions

Bridges 11

Bridges 11

Chapter 11


Morning light seems to almost drift in through my windows. It’s so…I’m not sure there’s words for this right now but I’ve been watching the little dust motes in the sunshine for about ten minutes now as they drift in the sunlight. I’m so not used to any of this. That feeling deep inside. My breasts tingling and more aware that they’re breasts than in awhile…after awhile it’s just parts of you a vital part if your like me but this morning they’re more there.

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Epilogue

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.
Sometimes there's no place quite like home, especially with infinite dimensions to choose from.

The End

The Summer of Love of Linda Piontak Part 9

The Summer of Love
of Linda Piontak

Part Nine

 by Andrea Lena DiMaggio

For Portia

Reprise - Conquered
Tell me, tell me how you knew about my heart
You see, see the things that no one else could see
I thought, I was doing fine until you turn my life around
With everything you'd find
Deep inside I thought that I had died

The Rescue 1

This story just came to me. Out of the blue. I suppose I could have expanded it and divided it up into chapters and there's huge scope to take different threads to various ends but for now it's a stand alone. Each of the 'threads' leaves tantalising potentials for further stories. I might come back to different threads if and when I've hit a dry spot or summat'



The Rescue.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *15* Skirting The Issue

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *15* Skirting The Issue
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?


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