
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 274

Easy As Flying On A Bike.
by: Super Bonz & Angharad (on a broomstick!).
part: 274 I think.

Author's note: This episode contains scenes of mental illness.

Stella and I came downstairs just as the doorbell rang, Tom went to answer it and I took Stella into the kitchen.

"Who was that at the door?" asked Stella.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 271

by BC&AaG
part. 271.

Breakfast was a little embarrassing, with Stella and I blushing every time we made eye contact. When she had finished and was going up to dress, I grabbed her and gave her a huge hug. She initially tensed then I felt her body relax. In fact she began to cry.

"Stella we have to get through this, both your ordeal and what happened last night."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 269

Easy As Falling On A Bike.
by Angharad (Bonzi is out - hee hee!).

As I cooked the meal, I felt so much happier that my favourite cooking device had been fixed. Things cooked in an Aga just taste better. Tomorrow, I would slow roast a leg of lamb with rosemary and mint dressing.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 267

Easy As Purring On A Bed.
by Bonzi Cat (More Miaowish translated by Angharad).
part 267.

As I drove back to Tom's I could almost taste the stew, I was so looking forward to it. Stella's banter had given me an appetite, or should that be, bantering with Stella had given me an appetite. My tummy growled and I patted it, almost telling it to be patient a little longer.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 266

Easy As Falling Into Bed.
by Bonzi Cat in the original Miaowish, translated by Angharad!
part 266.

I awoke at the sound of the front door closing, Tom was either getting the milk in, or going to work. Moments later, the Landrover coughed into life and I knew he was off to work.

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.10

"You know, Steve, I can't believe how much like a woman you look," he said," and not only that but a remarkably attractive one too"

"Yes, it amazes me too George," I responded," and thanks for what I guess is a compliment"

"Are you sure that you'll be able to go back to being completely a know, afterwards?" he asked after a pause.

"Yes, I'm pretty certain, George, don't worry, anyway remember I still am a man under all this," I commented.

A Mother's Love - Part 10

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 265

Easy, Westy, Northy, Southy.
By: Angharad
part 265.

I left at the end of visiting at eight. Stella seemed far more settled. She'd seen Dr Redhead again and his therapy was helping. She tried to explain it all to me, something about right brain, left brain and integrating it. I'll stick with real science, you know, counting beans, or in my case, dormice.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 264

Easy Come, Easy Go.
by Bonzi cat
part: 22 dozen.

I had a head like a bucket with hair like straw. I had to damp it all down again and style it. Damn, I was going to be late now, all the things I was going to do and I did none of them. I got a bit angry with myself.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 263

Easy As Being A Cat.
by Bonzi >@@<
part 263.

My eyes were straining to stay open as I tried to play the last game of solitaire. I really had to go back to the hotel to sleep and I had to drive there to do it. If I got any more dozy, I was in danger of having an accident. I glanced at my watch, it was after ten, the nurse must have forgotten I was there.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 262

Easy As Farting On A Bike
by: Bonzi cat
part 262.

I muddled through the morning dealing with emails about the survey and then one incoming one from Rat Poo Films, which turned out to be from Des. I decided I wouldn't answer it for a couple of days, make him sweat, until I saw he'd copied it to Henry. Damn! Now I'd have to respond.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 261

Easy As....
by Angh.....
part: 261....

I snuggled up to the sleeping elephant in my bed. Well, it was trumpeting like one, in between snorts like a boar in heat and hedgehog with asthma. At least I knew he was alive from the decibels given off and for some reason tonight that gave me comfort. I didn't really want to be alone and I didn't want another dream like the earlier one.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 259

Easy Street.
by Angharad

I came away from the clinic feeling irritable, I was tired and fed up not helped by the mirth my actions with a certain rodent had caused. I felt like going to the university and wringing the neck of said rodent. If she been a Russian hamster, I think I might well have done.

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.09

"What is it?" I asked.

"This is even more weird than you having a bigger bust than Mary," she replied," seeing you in that leather jacket and shirt, feeding my granddaughter, obviously a man in many ways, but at the same time a woman in others"


A Mother's Love - Part 9

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 258

Easy As Falling Down
by Angharad & Bonzi Cat

The second night in the hotel suite was even better than the first, Henry had the suite next door, which was plusher than ours, but then he was effectively the owner.

Simon and I snuggled down in the queensize bed. "I hope my bikes weren't damaged," I said, not having had a chance to check on them.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 257

Easy As Taking Candy From A Baby
by:Bonzi 'n 'er.

One of the things I love about Simon is, that he forgives and forgets so quickly. I wonder if his short term memory is impaired but otherwise he remembers things, though I suppose that could be due to his Blackberry.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 256

Easy As Falling Off A Log.
by Bonzi Cat & 'is Mum.
part:256. (Isn't that a quarter of a Gigastory?).

I spun around in my seat, "Simon, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same," he said.

"Doing a re-enactment of the Alamo. The police didn't like the bit with live ammo."

He stood and shook his head. "I can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I?"

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 255

Easy As Falling Asleep
by Bonzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi

I went up to my room, if that dopey copper arrested me, fine, I'd plead guilty, but tell the court what happened. Court, yeah, should I get some practice in for when they charge me with killing someone.

Oscar Night - Part 6

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, novelist/screenwriter David Fine took his girlfriend model Maritza Delgado to a racetrack to learn to drive fast, and she loved it. In this installment, there are new developments in their relationship, and David's Friend fashion designer Claude Marsh reappears when it's time for the new movie's opening night.

To Touch a Palm, last part

A half an hour, 45 minutes outside town, the hills begin to lift, and
if you know just where to look, you see the first blue line of
mountains reaching towards the sky. That's where he left the highway,
dipped and swooped through steepening hills, past trees that seemed to
grow taller, deeper green as we climbed. A gravel road following the

To Touch a Palm, part 5

I watched deep blue lighten to gray, felt that extra stillness, extra
quiet of a weekend morning in a strictly-business downtown. Standing by
the hotel window, I stared down the long, straight, empty streets of
this place I didn't know, at all the hopes and happiness, despair and
desperation sheltering under the endless neat rows of roofs, beneath

To Touch a Palm, part 4

It's not as simple as desire, not just a layer, or even two. It's art.

Perhaps it was when I lifted my foot, to untie my shoe, and pants rose
just enough to show the smallest band of smooth and newly-shaven skin,
that we decided on a painting, not a sketch. I saw my secret exposed. I
saw him look. I looked up at his face, tried a small smile.

To Touch a Palm, part 2

You always worry, can they see? Is there something, maybe the way
you've let your hand relax or your wrist bend, despite all the times
you've caught yourself and clenched your fingers, straightened the
curve. Something -- the way you hold a hand to your mouth? Or tilt your
head? Why do you hook your knees together when you sit: ankle on

To Touch a Palm, part 1

It was getting dark when I got there, and I'd managed to get off the
wrong exit, too, guessing downtown was where it wasn't, as I always do.
It meant an anxious tour through the dark and empty streets down by the
river, looking for a place to stay, finding nothing until I finally
passed an open space -- park or vacant lot, I couldn't tell and didn't

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 249

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Bonzi Cat (an' 'er).
part 249.

I managed to get Simon into the kitchen alone. "Just where were you last night?"

"Erm, yeah, sorry about that, I did text you."

"When I was in bed. It frightened the death out of Des."

"Did it?" he laughed, then obviously re-ran what I said, "It what!"
He laughed nervously, you are joking aren't you?"

The Steam in the Mirror, the Fog from the Sea, last part

Halfway across the river, the ferry turns. The gulls, as always, surprised by the boat's movement now wheel and dive, complaining cries as they take up their stations once again. The turn means a breeze from a fresh direction can ruffle hair, feather the hem of the skirt that after all these months I dare to wear so that it dances round my knees.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 247

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by:Bonzi translated by Angharad

I was in a bed, it wasn't my own. It was night, well it was dark, so I assumed it was night. My fanny was so sore. I wondered if I'd been too enthusastic with my dilation. I switched on the light on the bedside cabinet, there was blood on the sheets, my blood.

The Steam in the Mirror, the Fog from the Sea, part 4

I try to shape my days now by my work. Numbers in charts, words battered out of a keyboard, spit out from a whirring printer: Let's say it is work like that I do, work meant for grey-walled cubicles under flickering fluorescent lights.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 246

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by: Bonzi typed by Angharad.
part 246.

"I'm not at all happy about this film," Simon opined as we drove back to my father's house.

"Neither am I."

"For different reasons, I suspect."

"Okay so you don't trust me with Des, and I don't want to make it full stop."

"I trust you, it's Des I don't. He's been a Casanova since he was about fourteen."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 245

Galling As Falling - Appalling!
by Angharad
part 245.

I assumed mention of bikinis was just a wind up because there was no way I was wearing one to play with dormice, especially on film. Simon and Des were still sparring.

"You want a drink presh?" asked Simon.

I wasn't really listening, thinking about bikinis and Des. "Erm, what?"

"Do you want a drink?"

The Steam in the Mirror, the Fog from the Sea (part 2)

The fountain that my own fingers recall, nothing like this: Drawn from a pond, a puddle. But, oh, how I felt an ocean of you crashing in. Ocean: warm saltiness of life, thick with potential, humming with energy barely contained, condensed of beating hearts and fluttering gills and lashing tails of a million, of a billion tiny creatures saying: Live, live.

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.07


As we got in the car she looked at me strangely and said.

"Well this is something that I never thought I would have to say to my son in law, but I think you'd better repair your make up, your mascara has run"


A Mother's Love Part 7

by Alys

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 244

Easy As Falling Off A Bike
by: Angharad
part 244.

On the drive back to Dad's house, I called Des, fortunately he was there, I'd meant to do it the day before but got sort of side lined.

"Hi Des, it's Cathy Watts."

"Oh, hello darlin' to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Simon and I have been up to see my dad and thought it would be super to say hello this evening if you're free."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 243

Easter Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad
part 243.

Stella's cooking was well received and I cleared up the dishes, popping them in the dishwasher. She was talking with Tom, or was that flirting with Tom? He was old enough to be her father, but that was between them.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 241

Easy As ....(you decide).
by: Wassername
part - something which is less than a whole.

Tom pretended to shrink upon seeing us. "My God," he said, "can't a fellow get away from these pestilent women, to eat in peace?"

"Apparently not," said a male voice behind us, "but if you're fed up with them, you can send them over to me anytime."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 240

Easy As Falling Off A Bed.
by Angharad.
part 20 dozen.

I limped back to bed.

"What's up with you?" said Simon noticing my shuffling gait.

"I think I pulled something weeing."

"What like the flush?" he chuckled to himself.

"Ha bloody ha, no a bit of me."

"I thought you had the bit you used to pull, cut off."

"Simon this isn't funny, it hurts."

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 239

Easy As Falling Asleep
by Angharad
part 239.

I cuddled up to Simon in our bed, actually my bed, but he seemed to spend more time in it than his own. I told him about my concern about the Russian woman and what Henry had said.

"I think he's right. Remember, as my fiancee you are part of the family, plus an employee of the bank."


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