
A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.06


".... How is everything else?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You know, the clothes and stuff,"
she said referring to the female outfit she had persuaded me to wear.

"It's totally weird, I hope I don't get found out"
I responded


A Mother's Love - Part 6

by Alys

Oscar Night - Part 5

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, fashion model Maritza Delgado gave her boyfriend a trip to a day spa as a present to commemorate their first six moths together. This time it's novelist/screenwriter David Fine's turn to give her a gift. This installment does contain some actual cross-dressing, although probably not as much as some of you were hoping for. (David's best friend, clothing designer Claude Marsh does not appear in this section, but he's probably still scheming somewhere.)

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.05


I looked in the mirror, I was very impressed with Jules's handiwork.

"Well it looks very good, if I didn't know I would think I was a girl," I said laughing a little.

"It's all about accentuating the positive and covering up the negative," she responded, smiling.


A Mother's Love - Part 5

by Alys

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.04


Jules turned in her chair. She did a double take and put her hand to her mouth, obviously surprised.

"Am I that ugly?" I asked.

"No Steve, not at all, in fact you make a very attractive woman"


A Mother's Love - Part 4

by Alys

A Mother's Love - Vol. 1.03


As she suckled, I looked down at myself and reflected on the strangeness of my naked breasts, one of which was giving sustenance to the little girl of the house.

Coupled with a pink dressing gown, very little body hair and the panties that I was wearing, I didn't see much that was male.


A Mother's Love - Part 3

by Alys

One Long Summer [Chapter 1 - An Invitation]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s my 1st attempt at a serial, I don’t know how long it will be as yet, or where it’s headed, I’m making it up as I go along. I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. I know I’m a novice and there’s no way this will be as good as my favourite stories on here, but I’m trying my best.

“Well you don’t help the situation, if you’d have a haircut like your dad keeps suggesting, you might look a bit more masculine.” She replied

“I like long hair, I’ve always had long hair, I don’t see how that makes me look like a girl” he said sulkily

Oscar Night - Part 4

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

In our last episode, novelist/screenwriter David Fine discovered that his new girlfriend fashion model Maritza Delgado preferred him without body hair. In this update, she makes a few more changes to his personal style. (No actual TG yet, but you know it's coming.)

Young Love, Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)

"Yes, Heaven -- that beautiful place I went to. There was a wall with all kind of precious jewels and something that looked like a pearl was a gate. Buildings inside the wall were sparkling and shining and looked like gold. The street looked like it was gold, too, and shined so much that it seemed as if you could see through it."

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Young Love, Chapter 17

"Jake, get Jed's truck and run and get Doc Brown. Maybe he has enough training to talk some sense in that girl. She is threatening to kill herself and I don't think she is kidding. She has never talked that way before."...

...Aunt Maudie could hear Lizzie Jane tearing some cloth. What was she doing? Aunt Maudie tried to knock the door in, but was not strong enough......

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 17
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Young Love, Chapter 16

"And you look good for your age," said Robert as he turned toward Lizzie Jane, leaned forward, and kissed her on the lips.

Looking into her pretty face, and said, "Was that okay?"

"Well, no," replied Lizzie Jane with a smile. "But I liked it.".

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 16
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Oscar Night - Part 3

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

When we left off, our hero David Fine the novelist turned Hollywood screenwriter had just had a date in New York City with the beautiful fashion model Maritza Delgado, who he'd met through his friend clothing designer turned Hollywood costumer Claude Marsh. In this installment, David learns that unexpected hair loss does not always lead to tragedy.

Oscar Night - Part 2

Oscar dresses up
Oscar Night

by Jennifer Brock

Last time, Novelist/Screenwriter David Fine made a comment to a fashion reporter that may find him in a gown if he's nominated for an Academy Award again. This time, his budding romance with fashion model Maritza Delgado makes a few more strides, as the scheming of his friend clothing designer Claude Marsh helps smooth things over for David.

Oscar Night - Part 1

Oscar Night by Jennifer Brock

A flippant remark by a mild screenwriter to an obnoxious TV reporter snowballs into more than he had bargained for, at one of the most glamorous of events! (There's no actual TG stuff in this first part, but there will be. I promise.)

Mean Girls 3026 Part 11

They didn’t have any questions, since I’d practiced my presentation, and went over everything like I was at an auto show and trying to sell the car. Once they left me, I went back to the weather station and chose to make a last minute adjustment to my clutch.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 11

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Turnabout Part 1

6:30 AM. The alarm buzzed. I slammed down the sleep button, with every intent of going back to sleep. Five minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror. My wife looked back. I screamed.

“What’s wrong, Dan?” I heard myself say, from the bed.

Young Love, Chapter 10 & 11

"How about it, Bright Eyes -- you ready to marry me?" asked Philip.

"No," answered Lizzie Jane. "That is why I wanted to talk with you. I don't think neither of us are ready for marriage. You will go off to some college, find some lady friend that you will fall in love with and the next thing you know, she will hook you."

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 10 & 11
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Mean Girls 3026 Part 10

“Wait a minute. You’re the girl who got my angel kicked out of school.” he asked.

“No, I’m the girl who your spawn of satan tried to use as a punching bag every chance she got.” I said crossing my arms. “She got herself kicked out of school.”"

Mean Girls 3026 Part 10

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Since I'm still blocked on the two stories I'm currently writing, I'd like to re-post this old story of mine here. It was the first fiction story I tried to write. I've gone over it and corrected a lot of things and generally cleaned it up. I hope you'll enjoy it. It's a long one, but I didn't want to push other, newer stories down the page by posting it in parts.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

By Catherine Linda Michel

Young Love, Chapter 8

Philip placed a couple of fingers to her lips and whispered, "Shh." Putting one bent finger under her chin, he raised her head and looked at her straight in the eyes. Their lips moved toward each other and, as they touched, Lizzie Jane became limp as the sweetness of the kiss canceled out everything around them and, once again, she was flooded with warmness and complete surrender. At that moment, she would have given into anything Philip wanted.

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 8
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Becoming Antonia Part 25.

Warning, the following chapter contains very technical writing. You have now been warned, and I don't want any comments or PM's about that fact. ENJOY the chapter for what it is. A STORY!

Becoming Antonia Part 25.

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 7

Becoming Antonia Part 24.

Helga was able to tie up one of their girls in the corner with the puck, and I signaled Tracy for a double hit. She and I started at the two in the corner struggling for the puck.

Becoming Antonia Part 24

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

As luck would have it, we did find a race from back in the day. Even luckier, was that it was my first drag race, and I pointed out to her when ever I saw myself on TV.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Young Love, Chapter 7

"Hon, the fact that you are so anxious may indicate that have never been on a real date. You may have been out with friends and may have received a kiss from a boy that you cared for very much, but dating a strange man that you don't know is a new and exciting experience. You have got to date and play the field if you ever expect to get married and have a happy home life."

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 7
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Mean Girls 3026 Part 4

Becoming Antonia Part 23.

“As some of you know, and one of you didn’t, today was the tryouts for the Columbia* Hot Flash. I’m pleased to announce that we now have a full roster, with the addition of Beth Stickle, and Toni Trepasso.”

Becoming Antonia Part 23.

By; Toni, Edited By; Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

“You aren’t alone hun.” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “You will never be alone. I know I’m not your mom, but the body you’re in is the body of my daughter. I’ll never let ANYONE hurt you. I’m here for you.”

“That goes for me to.” came a male voice from near my door. I looked up to see Mark walking toward me with open arms.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 1.

Technology in the future will allow someone whose body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026

Technology in the future will allow someone who's body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.


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