
Passing Tones, Chapter 11

I have no idea how long I’d been under my headphones working on the Prokofiev, but when Cindy tapped me on the shoulder she didn’t look any too pleased that I was still working. I looked at her sheepishly and took off the headphones.
Passing Tones
Chapter 11

by Jillian Marie

Thanks to my friends Karen J Taylor, Angharad Apgwilym, PB, Angel O’Hare, and Dimelza Cassidy for their assistance and support.
I never would have gotten this far without you.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 3: A Simple Misunderstanding

        As Chris rolled over and opened his eyes he could tell by the light on the ceiling that it was morning, but something was different. He felt as though he was floating on a cloud. This wasn't his bed. His bed was only marginally better than sleeping on the floor, and that was only because he rarely swept. Even the soft feather pillows molded perfectly to the curvature of his head. He couldn't remember feeling so relaxed in his life. Most mornings, his first action was to untwist his underwear, but today, his pajamas flowed marvelously from his body. He sighed, reveling in the sensation of being absolutely pampered.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 2: The Long Drive

        Chris began the long day's drive already spent from a week of sleepless nights. He had stopped for some soda and fast-food hours after leaving home, but caffeine and empty calories could only do so much. Realizing that his head was starting to drift downward every so often as he rested his eyes, he left the interstate for a rural route. Seeing a filling station, he decided to top off his gas tank before he ventured further into the official middle of nowhere.

A Year In My Life (Part II - 1)

If you read Part I of "A Year in My Life", you would know that I found the love of my life, Katie. Kate and I became engaged just before high school graduation.

The other outstanding thing that I learned about myself was that I have a more feminine side, named Gwen. Gwen is who I am when I'm dressed as a girl, or now a college coed.

Kate was a driving force in finding Gwen, and helping her blossom. If you haven't read Part I, you might like to. In fact, thinking back, I should have called this story "A Few Years in My Life."

This part of my story covers the first year of our college life. It certainly hasn’t been boring. I can't tell you too much without giving away the story, but things got very interesting for us in college. Among other things, we met Tiffany. She tried to come between Kate and me, and almost succeeded.

And, a special thanks to Jenny van Eik for editing this chapter.

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 1: Missed Messages

        Christopher Chase stared at the tiny clock in the computer's taskbar. 8:45 PM. "I'm the last one again," he said aloud, the sound of his voice echoing through the old factory building. Chris regularly worked late; it was just part of the job. At the age of nineteen, with only a high school education, he felt lucky to have the job at all. Still, being a full time support technician, aside from his role as an unofficial and underpaid junior programmer, gave new meaning to the phrase "low man on the totem pole." He was more like the guy who waited on the park bench across the street from the totem pole, praying for the day they decided to make it just one face taller. That would only help him if the three guys on the bench with him would quit or drop dead before that day ever came.

A Year In My Life (Part I - 4)

Summary: This is the story of a year in my life. Well, maybe a little more than a year. It takes in from the middle of my junior year in high school, until the end of my senior year. It’s the story of my meeting the love of my life, Katie. And, what kind of trouble my brother got me into at the spring dance. Katie’s the love of my life, and we’ve learned a lot of things together. But, she had some ideas about Halloween that I wasn’t sure about. Then, Gwen go to the mall? Ah, I don’t know.

I ran over a little on my story, I felt that I need to take you through our high school graduation. So, this part of the story actually covers about sixteen months. After our visit to the mall, Kate and I, well Gwen, end up at a swim meet at State. And, that turned into a very interesting trip. Then just before graduation something happens that I think you’ve all been waiting for.

First Kisses at Midnight


New Year’s is supposed to be about a time for forgetting old acquaintances, but sometimes it’s also about remembering old loves. Is there a spot in your heart for "the one who got away"? Have you ever said to yourself, "I’d do anything for a second chance with her/him"? Here’s a letter from someone who did.

Araya's Hope -2- The Return of Hope


Back on earth with the remnants of mankind, Araya makes a decision that could cost her her life. But she makes it willingly to rid the Earth of the alien threat waiting just outside the protective screen around the Earth. Join our heroine as she makes a sacrifice no woman should should have deal with.

Araya's Hope


Thousands of years in the future, man has become something else, since they fled the wave of destruction that was going to annihilate all life on Earth. Now they are a race of people living in a galaxy far far away in huge space habitats. They are people that cycle regularly from partly male to somewhat female in a strange hermaphroditic process, due to gradual genetic changes in their DNA caused by the radiation from space. One rebel that lived on the edge of the space laws, falls captive to a wormhole while fleeing from those that wished to board the unique ship the rebel had found abandoned. Araya Lightsword survived the emergence from the wormhole to find the legendary Earth, only to find it intact and under siege by aliens. This story tells of the travails Araya goes through, to bring back the news, and of Araya’s body transformation back to the original human form using the undamaged store of DNA preserved on the ship called Hope.

The Teg Legacy


While looking for souvenirs from the fallen NASA space platform Skylab, which had crashed into the hot desert of Western Australia, Gary found something else that had fallen from space. Something non-terrestrial which would change his life forever. A legacy from an ancient race would see his life transformed beyond any expectations.

From Dreams To Reality


We all have dreams, sometimes they come true, read on to find out what happens. Thanks to Joni and Karen for proofing this. Any problems left are mine and mine alone. Hope you enjoy.

Tattoos, Warriors and War: The Abbey and Clare Story


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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

My second novel from the universe of Darra Von - This takes two of the characters from the Making of Nibs and follows them for a year until they like the Vixens go to the Academy.

Tattoos, Warriors and War: The Abbey and Clare Story - Prologue & Chapter 1


My second novel from the universe of Darra Von - This takes two of the characters from the Making of Nibs and follows them for a year until they like the Vixens go to the Academy.

Bridesmaid, Part 9

Hide In Plain Sand - Part 1


Brian Dupre just wanted to get close to Carmen, and doing a favor for her Uncle Mitzi seemed like a good idea at the time. As always, look for shadows in the dark....Ally Burns appears courtesy of JulieO Productions and was a delight to work with.
Fifth in the Angel series. Part One of Five Parts.

Constant in All Other Things - Interlude I


Constant in All Other Things - Interlude I: The prognosis is grim for David. Lying on the operating table he loses himself in the past. But even should he survive, K’s plans for him may prove a living nightmare.


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