The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 2

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Clair’s Ranch
Clair and Gina were doing everything they could to locate Jack and Nick. Clair had called Robert to inform him that his father had disappeared right out of her house. She tried to explain to him, that she had no idea how his father had just vanished out of her office.

Gina was on the phone with her aunt Anika and informing her about what happened. Anika informed her that she’d meet Clair at Eruption Communications so they could use the satellites they had access to find Jack and Nick. As for Gina, she was going to fly back to California to meet up with Tizzy.

Gina had called Camelot and spoke to Morgana. She told Morgana what happened and what she needed from her. She knew Morgana had her people looking for the terrible trio.

Clair looks at Jasmine as she packs an overnight bag “Jasmine, get in touch with Ada and Alya and ask them if they wouldn’t mind helping you to go through the mission files down in the den.”

“How far back should I go?” Jasmine knew there were a bunch of files down in the den.

Clair stops and thinks about the question. There have only been ten times that members of the team have vanished without any explanation.

“Check these mission files.” Clair grabs a pencil, and a notepad and starts writing down the information.

She hands the piece of paper to Jasmine.

Jasmine looks at the information her grandmother wrote down. She couldn’t believe the range of dates on them.

“Boy, you guys did things the hard way, didn’t you?”

“What do you mean?” Clair looks at her granddaughter for clarification.

“I mean, wouldn’t it be easier to do a computer search for these files?” Jasmine knew they had some rudimentary computers during her grandmother’s time.

Clair lets out a snort when Jasmine says that. She remembers when computers first came out.

“Sweetie, the old computers of those days, wouldn’t work right now. Plus, we couldn’t afford a computer for the den at the time. Jack and Nick were personally funding our operation” Clair remembers their budget at the time.

“How did you get anything accomplished?” Jasmine knew her grandmother was old school in a lot of ways.

“Reading, forensics, math, investigation, and deductive reasoning. I have to leave soon, to catch my plane to New York, so I can meet Anika at Eruptions.”

“Yes ma’am.” Jasmine leaves Clair to pack.

Jasmine calls Ada’s number first. After speaking with Ada, she called Alya to see if she could help out as well.

Unknown Island, South Pacific:
“Guys, wake up.” Nick looks over towards Cheshire and Jack.

Cheshire’s eyes open immediately and stands up. She didn’t allow herself to sleep deeply. She was always a light sleeper.

“Jack, get up.” Cheshire rubbed her shoulder where she had been leaning against the bamboo while she slept.

“I’m awake.” Jack looks towards Nick and Cheshire.

He stands up and watches as the two guards who came to escort them to the tent yesterday. The guard with the scar unlocks the bamboo cell they were in and opens the door.

“Get going and leave the water skin. You get two hours before we come after you.”

Nick drops the waterskin and walks out first, followed by Cheshire, and finally Jack. The three of them are escorted to the edge of the camp.

“Get going.” The scar-face guy sneers at the three.

Jack takes point since he was better trained. He knew Nick and Cheshire were highly trained, but he had the most experience of surviving in hostile areas. Cheshire followed Jack with Nick bringing up the rear. It was early dawn when they started and it was already humid out.

“Jack the first thing we should do is find some fresh water and something to make weapons out of.” Nick knew they would need water.

“Let’s get as far as we can before they let the hunters loose, first.” Cheshire wanted to put as much distance between them and the hunters.

Jack was already a little ahead of them. He was checking everything out and making sure they didn’t leave a trail for the hunters to follow. After about forty minutes of moving at a fast pace, all three of them were starting to slow down.

“Guys, I have to stop.” Nick was panting from the fast pace they were setting.

“I have to agree with Nick, Jack.” Cheshire was feeling light-headed and tired as well.

Jack had a stitch in his side as well and was overheated. The jumpsuit wasn’t helping at all. It was retaining the heat from their bodies, causing the wearer to overheat.

“Alright, we’ll take a short break.” Jack hated that they were stopping.

“Now I know why Sataria gave us these bodies.” Nick couldn’t believe how he was feeling.

“Speaking of Sataria, what’s her deal?” Cheshire looks towards Jack for an explanation.

“She’s an ancient Sumerian immortal who has a problem with the current occupants who currently occupy land that formally belonged to the
Sumerian empire.” Jack knew, once Sataria was done with them. She would resume her elimination of people who didn’t carry the Sumerian gene in their bodies.

“Come again?” Cheshire couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“It’s true, Cheshire. We couldn’t believe the stories about her when we first encountered her and her followers.” Nick remembered when they first came across the carnage that her followers left behind.

“Are you sure, she is immortal?” Cheshire looks at Nick and Jack.

“Oh, we’re sure she is immortal or has been modified. We’ve blown her up, cut her limbs off, buried her alive, and even burned her. She has come back from each within a few weeks of healing.”

“I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t trust Sataria to honor her word.” Nick was feeling a little better from their break.

“Neither do I. However, I do agree we need to put more distance between us and those hunters.” Jack knew there was more to Sataria that he hadn’t told Cheshire yet. Like how she managed to kidnap them, without anyone knowing.

“How much more is there that you aren’t telling me?” Cheshire catches up with Jack.

“A lot. Let’s just say, she was our first exposure to people with unique talents.” Jack sets a moderate pace for them.

“Yeah, she almost killed us with a freaking bomb,” Nick remembered that incident.

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The plot thickens

Samantha Heart's picture

Now I'm wondering more about this immortal myself & how to stop her.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.