Mercy Chapter 14

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Mercy Chapter 14.

Faith walked into her class feeling rather nervous.

The teacher had told the class yesterday they would have to partner up for the next assignment, and she had found herself being partnered with a boy named Donavan.

A lot of her nervousness was just new-kid jitters, or at least that’s what she told herself.

When the class ended, Faith’s nervousness had gone away. Donavan seemed like a nice boy, and the topic they were looking at was pretty interesting, so she found herself looking forward to the next class.

Talia noticed Faith’s mood when she came back to their room, and it didn’t take long for her to find out the cause was this new boy she shared a class with.

Faith blushed, giggled, and accepted her roommate and friend’s teasing.

Eventually, the two of them went to sleep.


The next day, Faith practically ran to her class, so she could spend more time with Donavan.

As they worked on their project together, Faith found herself deferring to Donavan, letting him do most of the talking while she sat there and admired him.

Once the class was over, Faith reluctantly left Donavan so she could go to her next class, which was in the magic building.

Faith started feeling strange once she entered the magic building.

She thought about Donavan, but now, he didn’t seem as attractive as before. His features and body weren’t ugly, but he wasn’t the Adonis she had felt he was. Not only that, he came across as arrogant, talking down to Faith during their work together. And Faith found herself confused by her reaction to that behavior, how she had just sat there and took it, even deferring to him and encouraging him to be in charge.

By the time she got to the class, she could no longer fight back her tears, and her teacher, whose name was Bailey, gave the class over to an assistant so he could talk to Faith privately.

Once they were alone, Faith recounted her time with Donavan, how he had made her feel, and how once she entered the magic building everything had changed.

Bailey frowned, and said, “Faith, do you know what an incubus is?”

Faith shook her head as she wiped away her tears.

“An incubus is a male succubus. A creature designed to gain power from sex with women. This young man must be using something like what an incubus can do. That’s why the effect was disrupted when you entered the magic building. Since our mages are always casting spells here, the building is heavily shielded from any magic.”

“But what do I do now?” Faith asked.

“Well, for starters, I’ll give you something to protect yourself from any more exposure. Then we need to find a way to get this young man under control, so he doesn’t try this with some other girl.”

Faith frowned, and then she smiled.

“I ... have an idea ...” She said.


The next morning, Faith marched into the class she shared with Donavan, trying to keep her real feelings as hidden as possible. Around one ankle, she wore a gem anklet that she hoped would go unnoticed.

Once the class started, and she was in a corner with Donavan, she did her best to put on a look of devotion, but she couldn’t help but hope he would be too busy talking about himself to really notice.

Seeing him without the haze of his power, she found herself finding him almost pathetic. He was over privileged, spoiled, and full of himself.

Once the class was coming to a close, Faith told Donavan that Talia was going to be away this weekend, and she wanted him to come over to do some private studying.


Donavan couldn’t believe how well his “seduction” of Faith was going. He thought it would take longer to get her to a point where she wanted to spend time with him outside of class, and by mentioning her roommate being gone seemed to hint Faith was thinking of doing things other than just studying.

He told Faith yes, and the two of them separated.

Time flew, and soon it was the weekend. Donavan spent extra time getting ready, a casual top and pants, but not grubby stuff.

Just in case he snuck a condom into one of his pockets, and went over to Faith’s dorm.

He knocked on the door and it opened ...

Donavan entered the room, and was shocked. Faith was wearing armor, with her wings fully spread, and had a staff in her hand. Beside her was a three-headed dog, and behind her were two women who looked very much like Faith, with the older of the two having wings as well.

The oldest woman said to Donavan, “You have really stepped into it, young man.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Anna,” Faith said, “If he had done this trick on Vantier he would have been lucky if there was enough left of him to bury in a matchbox.”

“Now, Donavan, you ever see one of those movies where someone is offered the easy way or the hard way? That’s what you’re facing. The easy way is this: You make a binding oath by your name. You vow to go directly to Mrs. Carson and confess what you were doing, and what you planned to do. You will also vow to wear this little bracelet. It disrupts your ability to charm anybody. You will vow to wear it until Mrs. Carson tells you to take it off, and you will tell all this to Mrs. Carson.”

Faith took a breath, and then continued, “The alternative is I feed you to Fido here. In case you think your abilities will give you a sporting chance, when you stepped through the doorway you entered a different dimension. One where Fido’s abilities are increased, and yours are diminished. If that wasn’t enough, Ava here has access to an entire race’s magic spells, and I’m sure she would love to show you how upset she is.”

“Then there is me, and my mother here, and if I really need to, I’ll summon Vantier, and then you can kiss your butt goodbye. Because unlike me, Vantier doesn’t always do mercy. So, what’s your choice?”

Donavan glanced behind him to see if he could make a sprint to the door, but the door seemed to have vanished. He looked in the eyes of the people facing him, and into the eyes of the three-headed dog, and saw no hope there.

“I’ll ... take the easy way.”


Once Donavan had made the vows, Faith released him and ported him right to Mrs. Carson’s office. Then she and her family stepped out of the dimension they had “borrowed” and found a crowd waiting for them. Talia, Arwen, Bailey, and many of the girls from Poe were there, and Faith found herself in the middle of a mass group hug.

Eventually, the girls began to disperse, and Faith excused herself and went to the flying building, where she was to meet Vantier.

“I ... hope she approves ...” Faith thought, worriedly.

To be Continued ...

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Nice chapter Dottie!

Faith handled that very well. I think Vantier will agree! Loving Hugs Talia

thanks, Talia !



I loved this!

shadowsblade's picture

I loved this!

Mercy Handled it well and planed for any action the boy made, he had no choices open to 'jump' too!

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective

thanks, hon

glad you liked it!


I would have gone with option

I would have gone with option 3- let Fido play chase with him for a while. That way he gets out his hunting cravings and is serving his master :D

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Too short, too short. I was

Too short, too short. I was just getting into this really cool and neat story, and the chapter ended. But I do forgive you Dorothy, because I always know I will other wonderful stories by you.

Yep, mice and men

Jamie Lee's picture

Thought he was pretty slick, until he met three who are slick. And one special dog.

People who are out to take advantage of others never consider what will happen when they're caught. And he got caught big time. He walked into a trap that basically hog tied him from using his powers.

Of the three choices, only one would allow him to live, unless Mrs. Carson got really creative. But it still wasn't going to be a walk in the park telling her what he'd been doing; he'd be lucky if toilets were the only thing he got to clean. Wonder if her office walls will need repainting after she hears his tail?

Others have feelings too.


Podracer's picture

I'd expect Faith to lean toward the hope that Dona**** could be salvaged and hope, as I, that the consequences he faces can clean his mind up. Hm, maybe a look at things from the other perspective?

"Reach for the sun."

That was awesome

Love the way you got even with Donovan way better anybody could have thought of

thanks, Mellissa !

glad you liked it!


Keep it going.. Yeah yeah!!!

Donavan will be a good boy moving forwards I hope.

Thanks Dorothy.

you'll see, Elizah

thanks for the comment!


Donovan thought he held the advantage...

When Faith said to meet him in her room, but when he got there, he found out he was in a whole lot of trouble.

Faith gave him a choice, swear the vows and wear the bracelet, or take a chance and fight Fido, Mercy, Mercy's mom, Anna, Vantier...

With the number of friends Faith has, it could have snowballed into half the school showing up to help Faith.

He made the only choice he could, the one that allowed him to stay alive. Maybe, just maybe, he'll learn a valuable lesson?