Author's note: If you are a comic-book fan, you might recognize who is who in this little story
Daughter of the Knight
I am the child of two dangerous people.
My mother was trained by my grandfather in the arts of intimidation, control ... and death.
My father, on the other hand, uses darkness and fear as weapons, but what most people don’t understand is that his goal always has been to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
To be a modern-day knight.
I was raised by my mother, and trained by her, until my father learned of my existence and took over my training giving me the role of his squire, so to speak.
I think he hoped by taking me in he was preparing me to be his successor when he died.
But unfortunately, I died first.
My father grieved, but my mother decided to do more than shed tears.
She took my body to a secret place my grandfather had made, where he had his greatest achievement, a process to restore life.
My mother knew there could be consequences to trying to resurrect me, that the process could make me crazy, or even worse.
But she never even imagined what really happened.
I changed.
Into a girl.
Uncertain what to do, she has taken me to meet my father.
We did not go to the large house where my father grew up, but to the secret place beneath it. It’s his true home, just as the costume he wears is closer to his real self than his unmasked life.
My mother leaves me in the shadows while she tells my father what she did.
He’s angry, chastising her.
She signals me, and I step from the shadows.
For a moment, all is silent except the distant rustling of leathery wings.
“Da...” He starts.
“I don’t think that name suits me anymore.” I interrupt.
His look softens, and he asks, “Are you ... are you okay?:
I nod, and say, “I think I’m better than okay ... father. The process ... it more than changed me. It ... purged me. For the first time in my life I feel ... clean. Balanced. At peace.”
My father does something I’ve rarely seen him do.
He smiles a genuine smile.
“In that case, welcome home ... daughter.”
My mother smiles, and so do I.
And so we ready for a new chapter in our story, and I cant wait ...
So Damian is now a girl, does
Nicely done Dorothy, the fanboy in me is grinning wide while the Batman fanatic in me is saying that it really could happen and surprisingly it hasn't been used before by comic writers!
So Damian is now a girl, does that make her Helena Wayne?
Kudos to anyone who gets the relation there ;)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
maybe she would take the name
thanks for the comment!
can't wait for next chapter
By one of the best authors on bc.
and the girliest.
I am not the girliest !
I am no more girly than you!
Clean, balanced, at peace
Good for her. That was one angry kid. And somebody seriously ought to prosecute Raul Googoo + the League of Asshats for child abuse for all the shit they put in their heads (although I wouldn't want to serve the warrant).
Great beginning, I'd like to at least learn her name/crimefighter persona if you'd care to do a sequel...
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
the league of asshats?
thanks for commenting, Veronica
I dont have any patience for killers when they get philosophical
Hashishins, Ninjas, Bill from Kill Bill, or that creepy old Russian guy from Firefly who wanted to hold people over a volcano to see their real face. Heck, after 2 seasons I gave up on ARROW for too much of that sort of grim downer guff, and they were good guys. If I want philosophy i'll stick to them little ponies, they never steered me wrong yet....
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
little ponies?
you mean like these guys?
but seriously, what did you think of my little story?
Loved it
I loved it, and as I said it definitely should be expanded on.
But your ponies... they ain't that pretty at all!
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
The Four Horseponies
The Four Horseponies of the Apocalypse? A MLP:FIM DarkFic? Cute isn't necessarily good.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Really good writing here in a fantasy story.
Where is my altar of change? LOL. I loved the father's acceptance of his daughter, and I do hope you continue this. Now, the daughter must be trained in full by the mother. Thank you for sharing, Dorothy.
With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward.
Barbara Lynn Terry
"If I have to be this girl ion me, Then I have the right to be."
thanks, Barbara
glad you liked my take.
Not a Comic Book Fan
I have to admit that I'm not a comic-book fan. So I didn't really have any idea who those persons were. I got the impression from the comments that the father was the Batman. I get the impression that either the mother or the grandmother was a villain, but the Batman had some kind of affair or hook-up with the mother. I am completely unfamiliar with any character named, "Damien" -- except from the Omen movies.
It's good that the resurrection turned out well -- for once. :-) Nice to see a happy ending. Most often, an attempt at resurrection ends up badly: he came back bad. Perhaps as a perpetually hungry zombie.
Nice story.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
yes, this story is fanfic of Batman
In the comics, he had a brief thing with the daughter of a villain and had a son Damian who took on the identity of Robin for a while.
Huggles, Daphne!
Oh? So Damian was Robin?
If there's one thing I remember about Batman from my youngling days, it's "Batman and Robin". And I'm not referring to the 1990s movie. (The other thing I remember from my youngling days is that Batman was a light, friendly character, not the dark person from 1989 onward.)
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)