Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2086

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The Daily Dormouse. Sixth Anniversary Edition.
(aka Bike)
Part 2086
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

Bike is six years old today.

The time was half past one. I yawned, drank some more of the cold water and then went up to bed. Simon was fast asleep, I undressed quickly and slipped into bed beside him and was soon asleep myself. To my astonishment when I awoke I felt like I’d slept a full night and had more energy than I’d had for a long time.

Simon was still fast asleep, though it was already six o’clock I slipped out of bed and into the shower, taking off the bandage as I did. My ankle was now completely normal and pain free. The shower was enjoyable and I dried then dressed myself before switching on the radio and nipping downstairs before Simon came to.

He came down half an hour later followed by Sammi in her suit and high heels. She still looked like a supermodel, but I was pleased she didn’t succumb to those who would seek to exploit her.

She’d been seeing a boy called Nathan Cook who also worked in London and commuted back to Portsmouth each day. In fact, they’d met on the train when it lurched and she ended up sitting on his lap. He asked her for a date and she accepted after telling him she didn’t do sex before marriage. He agreed to her terms and after they’d been going out for a month or two she told him the truth. He was devastated, and initially felt as if he’d been betrayed, but two months later he bumped into her again and told her he still liked her and could they start again. Romantic that she is, she agreed. Simon had him vetted. When he told me I nearly went berserk, but he defended his action by saying that he would do it for any of his daughters. Besides, he said the report was a good one.

So Sammi’s little romance blossomed, which made Julie and Phoebe very jealous, but also pleased for her. Julie had bigger fish to fry than worrying about boyfriends. She was still intent on buying the salon, but Simon wasn’t sure if it was a good idea financially. The lease was due for renewal in five years and he thought it would be doubled in price by then.

I argued that by which time she’d have built up a regular clientele and would therefore have the option of renewing the lease or moving to a less expensive premises and hopefully taking the bulk of the clients with them. He wasn’t so sure. I was tempted to say, ‘How much d’you need, I’ll loan it to you’–then I discovered she was talking about fifty thousand. I decided Simon could afford it better than I. He promised to think about it again, perhaps spurred on by intervention.

Phoebe was tempted to invest the money that came from her late mother’s estate but I told her to hang on to it for now. She argued that once she qualified she’d need a job and being a partner in the salon would guarantee one. For the moment she left her money in the bank.

Simon had a couple more days to come to a decision before Madge, the salon owner, needed an answer. I told Julie to tell her she was interested but was still raising the money.

Someone I hadn’t considered becoming involved was Tom. I know he wasn’t short of a few bob, but to risk thousands didn’t seem a good idea for someone who was close to retirement. However, he threw his hat into the ring and offered to loan her twenty five thousand which she’d pay back on an interest free basis. She nearly hugged him to death.

Once Simon found out that Tom was undermining him as patriarchal money-bags, he offered to do the same. She was dancing round the kitchen when he told her. So was Phoebe, because Julie agreed she would keep a job open for her when she finished college. I quietly offered to pay her legal expenses, drafting of leases and so on and a bit towards advertising. She wanted to call the place ‘Twayblades’ and use the orchid which shares the name as her logo. I agreed to pay for the design and printing of some stationery. In three months she was going to be her own boss and she wasn’t yet twenty. I was nearly thirty and still an employee, oh yeah, and a bank director.

Trish was disgusted when she got up and found my ankle was better, almost accusing Cindy of stealing her thunder. Cindy was of course horrified by the accusation, as she hadn’t done anything to warrant it. I had to explain to brain box that it had all happened spontaneously after I asked it to get better. Stella overheard me and asked if I’d done the same with the weather because we were now on our third week of sunshine–more than the past two summers combined–or so it felt.

The girls asked to go to the beach again, but I decided it was too dangerous a place for me to frequent. Arguably, the thing about twisting my ankle was a ruse for me to meet Ed and get him a job with Maureen, assuming she had one to offer and they liked each other enough to be able to work together.

Apparently they did, because Maureen invited herself over for coffee to tell me she’d hired him and then he appeared with a bunch of flowers to thank me for the introduction and the clothes. When I protested about the flowers he related that he’d had a bit of luck with the tax man who’d paid him back five hundred pounds for an overpayment, so for the moment he could afford to give me a proper thank you.

Seeing Maureen again was good. She works most of the time now and her business is coming along nicely. I was pleased for her and reserved the right to claim priority when the mood was upon me. She is so different to how she first was, she’s so much more confident and capable and she’s making money–decent money, for the first time in her life as a woman. She spends most of her time pricing jobs and doing quotes, but it keeps her busy and also brings in the money needed to keep her workforce in full time employment.

When I told her Julie’s news, she was delighted for her and offered her help to remodel the shop or pull it apart and rebuild it. I thanked her and told her I’d ask Julie to phone her.

Cindy’s mother, Brenda, called and asked if we could have her until the weekend, because her gran was going into a convalescent home for a week and then she’d be well enough to come home–she hoped. I called Cindy and she spoke to her mum and when she was told she could stay until the end of the week, she whooped and danced around the kitchen–what is it with my kitchen that impels people to dance round the table?


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Happy Birthday Bike

And for you Ang, a thousand thanks smothered in hugs and kisses.


It's all in the table size

Dining room tables for a clan that size are much to big to dance around, probably get lost on the way. Kitchen tables are just the right size, user-friendly if you will.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Even though Cathy and family are welcoming and supportive

you'd think Cindy would miss her mom and grandma. The dancing around the table seems like a bit much to me.

At last count I thought Cathy was worth millions. Suspect she could have easily helped Julie with the salon. Hope it works out.


HAPPY SIXTH BIRTHDAY BIKE! Hope there are many more... and sincere thanks to Angharad for bringing us this tale that has become a part of most evenings for me.

Happy Birthday Bike

YA YA Bike I bet you never thought that bike would make past Six Years and everyone still wants you to continue. Ya Ya More Bike Coming!


Happy anniversary!

Wow, has it been 6 years already?


As nice as Cindy is, please, please, not another one!


Happy Birthday, Bike!

6 years, and nearly 2100 episodes! Now if we can just keep Bonzi interested for 6 more years and nearly 2100 more episodes......

I hope this series never ends because it is such an enjoyable read every day - well nearly every day anyway! But even the muse needs a couple of days off now and then. Or should that be mouse, instead of muse?

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

Happy Birthday Bike! Thank

Happy Birthday Bike!

Thank you so much Angharad for continuing this wonderful saga.

Give Bonzi and Izzy a scratch behind the ears from me.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Congratulations, Angharad

Wow! Six years. I am so pleased that you have written this ongoing soap opera. I have loved every chapter, and I eager await each new episode. I remind myself of the times when I was a kid, bring up the piano bench, pullihg us the hassock, and eating before the radio, just to listen to the latest adventures of Lone Ranger, Sky King, Sargeant Preston of the Yukon, Little Orpan Annie, and all my other favorites. I feel much the same about my daily dormouse.

Thank you for six years of enjoyment. I hope that I shall have 6 more for which to look forward.

Red MacDonald

6 Years of Bike

It only seems yesterday that cathy wondered into a hedge by accident.

Cheers Ang for 6 Years, and heres to some more


Andrea Lena's picture

Here's to your continued success!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Many happy returns of the occasion. "So, Bike, you'll be starting first grade in the fall. How do you think you'll like it?" :-)

Interesting episode as well. Not many get to own their own business at Julie's age. Lot of responsibility ahead of her. I wonder if she's thought through it all...

Thanks for an interesting six years of reading! I'm looking forward to more.


The dancing chicken...

Or is that the Dancing Kitchen, or the Pirouetting Fowl. Good heavens what was all the fuss about?


Happy Birthday to Bike

And to Ang, many thanks for enlivening our days with your episodes of Cathy and the family. Many blessings to you.

Much Love,

Valerie R

Yay!!! Six years of Bike!

Bike is so very wonderful. Thank you so much for providing us with the stories of these amazing characters!

Six years

wow ! And its still as fresh as the day you started your epic Ang .... Even now after six enjoyable years with the Camerons i can still be found lurking around BC/TS every night when i know its Bike time, Many many thanks Ang for all your hard work, You make many people very happy with your wonderful imagination and talent for storytelling....

Judging by the last paragraph Cindy is not going to be too happy when her mum is finally ready to welcome her home, Hopefully in the future she will come back often to vist her new found family... Something tells me she will thrive with regular contact with Cathy's brood..


Thank You

Thank you Angharad for keeping your saga going for so long.

I, along with your regular readers, appreciate the sheer hard work involved in writing a story every night.

Especially when going to bed an hour or so earlier is so tempting.

Many Thanks


Anne G.