Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2019

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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 2019
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

“Mummy,” said Billie sitting by the side of me.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I’m glad you helped to make Matt and Peggy well again. They’ll be able to look after Marcia’s children and she is so relieved to know that they’ll be in capable and loving hands.”

“Yes, sweetie, it was sad she had to die and leave them.”

“That’s what she said, but it was her time to go.”

“How d’you know that?”

“Oh, I know about things like that.”

“Do you now? So how long have I got until my time, because your father is always worried I’m going to get hurt or killed and leave him with you lot.”

“I think he’d manage, though not as well as you do. You have a long time to go.”

“Oh well that’s good then, I can tell him that can’t I?”

“Um–not really, Mummy. You see you won’t remember most of this dream.”

“Won’t I? Well that’s what you think, young lady–it isn’t a dream, this is now and it’s happening.”

“I have to go, Mummy. I love you and milady is very pleased with you.”

“Have to go where, Billie, Billie where are you?”

I felt someone holding me and then I heard Simon saying, “Cathy, c’mon, you’ve had a bad dream, it’s okay now.”

“Bad dream? I was with Billie but she said she had to go–we were having such a lovely chat and she looked so well and happy. But she had to go–where did she go?”

“Cathy, look at me.” Simon held me facing him.

“What for?”

“Billie is dead, remember? She came off her bike and had the brain haemorrhage.”

“But I was talk...I dreamt it, didn’t I?”

“You said you thought you saw her earlier, it must have triggered the dream–you were calling for her in your sleep.”

“I’m sorry if I woke you up.”

“That’s okay, are you alright now?”

I nodded but I wasn’t and on the pretence of going to the toilet I went into the bathroom and sobbed my heart out. I let her down, okay she needn’t have died, I’m sure I could have healed her if only I’d known about the aneurysm. Poor little mite.

Having made my eyes all red and sore, I had a wee and washed my hands and face and went back to bed. It took me ages to go back to sleep, I kept seeing her waving in the distance and I so wanted to hold her just one last time.

I woke up when Simon got up. It was a Saturday and he’d simply gone to the loo. He returned to the bed a few minutes later looking very elegant in a tee shirt and underpants–actually he looked like a middle aged student, no one would think he was about the tenth wealthiest man in England.

“Oh you’re awake–sorry.”

“That’s okay–I woke you earlier, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you dreamt about Billie again.”

“I know.”

“How about we take some flowers up to the grave later on.”

“That’s a lovely idea. Some days I’m so glad I married you, Simon Cameron.”

“You mean like the days the bills arrive?”

“Well there’s that as well... but that isn’t the main reason.”

“Oh, what’s that then?”

“Because I know you’re going to go down and make some tea and bring it back up for us.”

“It’s five o’clock on a Saturday morning.”

“So, I’m thirsty.”

“No, it’s Saturday, go back to sleep.”

He lay back down facing away from me. Right you bugger. “Siiiii?” I gently whined.

“Go back to sleep.”

“But I can’t sleep–I need a cup of tea.”

“Go and make yourself one.”

“But, Siii,” I want you to make it for me.”

“Why, what’s in it for me?”

Stating the bleeding obvious–he’d get some peace and quiet for starters–but this is Simon we’re talking about–you know, the one who met the pieman...

“You’d know that you made me very happy–and I know you like doing that.”

“Go back to sleep.”

I raised myself up and began to lick and chew his ear, “Make me a cup of tea, there’s a good chap.”

“Cathy, for goodness sake, go back to sleep–jeez, you’re worse than the kids–and they’re bad enough.”

“Now I know you don’t love me,” I pouted to his back.

“No I don’t, go back to sleep.”

“I’ll have to make my own then.”

“Yes–now go back to sleep–Cathy, where are you taking the duvet?”

“Well it’ll be cold downstairs,” I pouted, Having wrapped myself in the duvet while standing by the bedroom door.

“Okay, I’ll make your frigging tea–it’s quicker than serving a life sentence...” he muttered as he went downstairs. All I could do was chuckle–mission accomplished. Now to get back into bed and pretend I’m asleep when he comes back up.

Unfortunately, the best laid plans... I stepped on the end of the duvet as I went back to the bed and fell over, angingbanging my bonce on the bedstead. I sat there seeing stars for a moment, then the pain started and the tears came soon afterwards.

“What’re you doing sitting on the floor?”

“I fell.”

“Oh, you okay?”

“No, I hurt my head.”


I pointed and he examined it, “You’ve got quite an egg coming up, better get some ice on it.”

I couldn’t get up–no it wasn’t concussion, it was just the way I fell, trapping myself in the duvet in such a way I could hardly move. I suppose it served me right for teasing him. I tried to wriggle free but I was stuck firm.

“Here’s the ice. You still sitting down there?”

“I can’t get up.”

“Oh, have you hurt something?”

“Apart from my head and my pride, no. I’m just stuck.”

“Okay, lean back.” He pulled one end of the duvet and I rolled out like a ball bearing, smacking my head on the end of the tallboy. I saw stars again and began weeping again.”

“Oops, sorry, babes.” He walked over and handed me the ice pack, which I held to my head, ouch, it ruddy hurts. “Get Trish to look at it later.”

“That’s not going to stop it stinging now, is it?”

“Well whose fault is that?”

“One of them was yours, in fact if you’d got up and made the tea when I first asked for it, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Neither would it if you’d gone and got it yourself in the first place instead of waking me.”

“But you woke me up.”

“A likely story, I went to the loo, that was all. You usually manage to sleep through a barrage.”

“So? I sleep quite heavily.” I rose to my feet somewhat unsteadily and he had to grab me to stop me going down again.”

“Sit on the edge of the bed.”

“I want to go for a wee.”

“Sit there, I’ll help you up.”

“Simon–I need to wee.”

“Just wait a second and I’ll take you.”

“I need to go now, “I stood up and went down like an obsolete chimney stack, banging my head a third time. Somehow he leapt over the bed and picked me up like I was a rag doll.

This time he carried me to the bathroom and sat me on the loo. I just about managed to pull up my nightdress and my knickers down before going. Then he took me back to bed and I went off to sleep–I never did get the cup of tea that started it all.


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Sorry it's a bit late tonight

Angharad's picture

We had a power cut for about two hours, just as I was finishing Bike and I began to wonder if I'd manage to post this before I went to bed.



I'm glad Billie said Cathy

has a long time yet because that head banging thing was not comforting for me. Gotta be careful with heads. Maybe time to go get Trish just in case.


That's not a bedroom Cathy sleeps in, it sounds like an assault course.

Best thing Cathy can do is get herself a blow-up mattress and sleep on the floor, then she can't fall any further.

Lorra', lorra' laughs, but I understand the tea thing. Why doesn't the girl buy a 'tea's-maid'?

Still lovin' it.





Three head bonks? did Bonzi write this?

May Your Light Forever Shine

Back to sleep after three head bonks?

Methinks Cathy has a concussion, and perhaps one serious enough to get Trish involved quick.

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

It must be kind

of comforting to Cathy to know she is going to be around for a long time yet, I just hope she does not think that makes her like a latter day Wonder Woman (even if she is )going in when the more sane amongst us would hold back.... Mind you it is Cathy we are talking about so i guess normal rules do not apply.
