Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 2001

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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 2001
by Angharad

Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

I didn’t quite stagger to the sitting room but I wasn’t far from it and Danny had to help me. “Ma’am,” nodded the male copper, his female companion nodded and helped me to a seat.

They asked me if I knew a Ford Fiesta and reeled off the number. I admit I didn’t recognise the number but then I never do unless they spell a word or well known abbreviation. However, Danny did and he gasped then said, “That’s Auntie Stella’s car.”

The policeman nodded.

“What’s happened to her?” I asked.

“We’re not sure but that car drove off the harbour at about one o clock this afternoon.”

“It drove off the harbour?”

He nodded.

“Why would she do that?”

He shrugged. “You can’t think of any reason why she might do such a thing?”

“No, none at all. She was quite perky when she left earlier, even my daughters remarked on her wearing a skirt and makeup–she doesn’t often wear either these days.”

“I see, so you can think of no reason why she should do so deliberately?”

“No, none at all.”

“Are you going to be alright?” asked the woman.

I nodded. “Have you found her?”

The male copper shook his head, “No, she wasn’t in the car.”

“Perhaps she got out, then?”

“In twenty five feet of water?”

“She’s a good swimmer,” I added hoping she was.

“She’d have to be.”

But she’s a lousy driver, I thought to myself, even then I couldn’t see her driving into the harbour. They left me a card and told me to call them if I thought of anything else. I was so stunned I couldn’t even begin to think let alone pursue the activity.

“What did the police want, Mummy?” Trish was official spokesperson for the militant feminists of Channel View Farm, as the house is still called.

I decided it would be easier to tell the truth. “Auntie Stella’s car went into the harbour.”

“What–like under the water, harbour?”


“Is she okay?”

“They haven’t found her yet.”

“Perhaps it wasn’t her car.”

“It was, they’ve recovered the car.”

“Well, maybe she wasn’t in it?”

“I don’t know, Trish–all I know is the car was seen to go into the harbour and she hasn’t turned up yet.”

“Oh dear, poor ol’ Auntie Stella.” She was just about to leave the room when Danny returned with a cup of tea for me, bless him.

“Is that right about Auntie Stella?” she asked him.

“Looks like.”

“Geez, I’d better tell the others.”

“Trish, leave it until it’s been confirmed–okay–no need to upset them.”

“But they’ll have to know?”

“What if she turns up meanwhile, alive and well?”

“From the harbour? Euuk,” she pulled a face and shuddered, “I wouldn’t even eat a fish from there.” Little did she know she already had several times.

She went off and I hoped her big mouth didn’t cause any further trouble, this uncertainty was bad enough.

“Are you gonna tell Daddy and Grampa Henry?” asked Danny.

“But what if she turns up?”

“That’s better than not knowing.”

I wasn’t convinced but neither was I functioning on all four cylinders or perhaps all two billion brain cells. I actually wondered if any of them were firing up at all, but in asking the question of myself, it proved they were.

Danny sat himself down opposite me, “D’you think it’s her?”

“I don’t know, Danny.”

“She coulda got out of the car couldn’t she?”

“She had a skirt and boots on, I doubt it,” I knew I couldn’t but then I’m not a very strong swimmer.

“I hope she’s all right.”

“Would you get my mobile, or better still bring my bag in here?”

“Okay,” he rose and gave me a moment’s respite from his inane questions. I know nothing more than he does, except I have no sense that she’s died–so I’m hoping that isn’t going to change.

He returned with my bag which he handed to me. “D’you want more tea?”

“Please, darling.” I smiled sweetly at him and he took my dirty cup and went off to refill it.

By that time I’d sent a text to both Simon’s and Henry’s phones, the same one– Call home, urgent, Cathy. Now I just had to sit here and wait for things to happen.

David came over and Danny sent him into the sitting room to see me. “What’s happened?”

“Stella’s car went into the harbour about one o’clock, they haven’t found any sign of her.”

“Oh no,” he said, “Are they still looking?”

“I presume so. I’ve just sent a text to Simon and Henry.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Could you do dinner tonight–nothing much for me–I don’t think I could eat anything.”

“Of course I will, I’ll just slip over and tell Ingrid.” He dashed off and ten minutes later I heard him bustling in the kitchen and finally Danny came back with my tea.

“Sorry, had to make a fresh pot.”

I nodded and thanked him. He’s a very caring young man.

My phone peeped, ‘Wassup, in meeting. S.’

I replied, ‘Stella’s car gone into harbour, no body found yet. C

He responded, ‘Will ring asap, S

Once upon a time he’d have placed a kiss after the S. I felt a huge void growing inside me and a few minutes later, I had to run to the toilet to be sick again. Danny came and found me bringing me a glass of water. He told me that David had sent him.

I got him to bring my bag and I went down to my study. I’d just got there when Henry called. “What’s going on, Cathy?”

“I don’t know very much but...” I related the story as I knew it.

“Okay, I’m on my way, does Simon know?”

“I’ve texted him, he’s in a meeting.”

“Okay, he’d only get in the way–I’ll see you in a couple of hours, tops.”

I went and asked David to be prepared for a couple of extra mouths–but not to do anything for me.

“You’ve got to eat, woman,” he admonished.

“If I feel hungry I’ll make myself something.”

He shook his head and left muttering under his breath.

I felt listless, I couldn’t do anything in case I was needed for this to identify a body or whatever. I didn’t feel like doing anything much either–my energy levels dropped off the scale, I felt challenged just picking up a cup of tea.

I walked over to the window and gazed down the drive. I still felt she was alive but what was going on? As I was about to go and sit down again a taxi came bowling up the drive and who should get out but Stella. I was astonished but delighted. I ran through the house to greet her.

“Where have you been?” I demanded.

“Shopping, what’s it look like?” she waved several carrier bags.

“But the police have been here–your car went into the harbour.”

“Some bastard nicked it–I hope they bloody well drowned. I had to get a taxi–eight quid to get back home–eight bloody quid.”


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You have done it again Angharad... some people here have been holding their breath for a whole day...

Well done! Long may you continue.. (hint.! hint.!)


longest story ever written ????

Only 999 more chapters to chapter 3000. Shouldn't take more than 3 years I would think

Good resolution to the

Good resolution to the cliffhanger, glad Stella is OK.

They should have called Stella's cellphone to see if she was OK.



And she didn't report it?

Jeez, some people's inlaws!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Glad Stella is ok

But strange about the car. Wonder if it was used in another crime. Can we convince Stella to call home when something strange happens? Did she call the police about her stolen car?

Apparently not

The thieves had time after stealing it to run it in the river, then the police had time to mount a rescue and recovery operation and pull the car out of the river. That's at least several hours elapsed time before the police notified Cathy. If Stella had called in and reported the car stolen at any point in those several hours the police officer would not have been calling on Cathy to break the news to her.

As for convincing Stella to do anything she doesn't feel inclined to do, good luck there!

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Most likely...

Stella didn't find out that her car was stolen until she got done shopping. Then, she called a cab and went straight home. Would it occur to her that she should call as soon as she knows that the car is missing? This is Stella that we're talking about.

I also wondered why Cathy didn't call her cell. For that matter, why didn't the police try to locate her using her phone?

There is the wind up...........

And the pitch. Wow it is a homerun.
I knew you would not allow this great goal in your accomplishments to go un celebrated. I wondered what else could happen to this family, maybe even Catherine waking up with her first period, or morning sick. Maybe Simon kidnapted by wild midgets who worships there cat as a goddess. I do not know what to guess at with your great sense of of drama, may have cooked up for us.
A stolen car and lousey driver into the drink , priceless.


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


Ford Fiesta

I can see Stella not even reporting it yet since the car is one of the cheapest underpowered cars you can buy.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.


Damm you have an art when it comes to cliffhangers, hope you continue with more of this story

All Is Well

"Praise the L-RD and pass the ammunition." Life at "Chez Cameron", would be much less interesting, without Stella's sharp tongue adding to the mayhem.

As a proper "shopaholic", Stella kept her priorities in order. The stolen car report to the "plod" could, of course, wait.

After relief sets in, my hunch is that both Henry and Simon will roar.


Some Things Do Not Focus The Mind

Ah! Panic. While danger can often focus the mind, panic does quite the opposite.

A simple phone call to Stella's mobile, it's a pity no one thought to ring it.

As for Stella... It would have been nice if she called home to let the family know the car had been stolen, but then she's a millionaire, and it was just a Ford Fiesta, so I suppose of no consequence. She does gripe about the cost of taxi fare, though, doesn't she? Interesting character, that Stella.

I see rather conclusive evidence that Angharad is not planning to end this delightful saga at Episode 2000 after all. Let the fun continue!

If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.

Stella might have left her

phone in the car, or left it at home. Plus, we do not know when the car was nicked. She might have stopped for fish & chips, or to fuel up.

May Your Light Forever Shine

It''s not over yet!

Stella is home, safe and sound. But why the delay in reporting the car missing?
OK, No. 1, she didn't know it was missing until her shopping was done and therefore her cell phone was probably with her. N0.2, But why didn't SOMEONE try to call it? I think that is of no consequence, as the evil Bonzi and Izzy have not completed this cliffhanger. There is more to come!

Well done, Bonzi, Izzy, and your human typist. Thank goodness the three of you can communicate via Ang's muse!
Well done? No, it is exceptionally well done, the three of you!

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

Now you have done it, Angharad!

The following is a quote from Angarad's comments in Episode 2001.

"Thank you all for your comments
Submitted by Angharad on Sat, 2013/04/13 - 12:18am.

they are appreciated, especially those who've done so for the first time because it enables me to get an idea of who reads my stuff, and then it becomes more personal, I'm not writing for simply numbers, but for individuals and that is much more fulfilling.

Once again, thank you all.


My comments start here.

"I'm not writing for simply numbers, but for individuals and that is much more fulfilling."

I have noticed for several hundred episodes (OK, maybe not THAT many) that some suggestions I have made in comments have been included in future episodes...i.e. not enough about the children, how about Cathy and getting her phud? Is that ever going to happen? what happened to James in South America and why have we not heard anything from him? And there are probably a few other comments I made, that were also made and commented on by some other reader(s).

Writing for individuals? Well....yes...you are... by taking the ideas submitted in the comments at one time or another, and incorporating them into YOUR story for all to read.
I think I speak for ANYONE who has commented at any time, and seen the story somehow to somehow include a comment they made, that we, the readers, are making a small contribution above and beyond just wanting to see the story continue, and I for one am glad that the comments made are being noticed.

Whether or not my thoughts in this post are correct is insignificant. The fact that you are continuing this story BECAUSE your readers want it to be continued, and not because YOU think it needs to be continued is the important thing. I feel that as long as comments are made, and you read them and wonder if any one of them might do something to continue for your readers, this story will go on until (heaven and the Goddess forbid) your readers grow so tired of it that.....(sob) it is finally brought to a conclusion, and I cannot imagine what that conclusion can be. But then, like you and the rest of us who enjoy this story when it started,we thought that perhaps 10 or a few more episodes would take care of the story. And here it is above the 2 Century Mark!!!

So, it seems that not only do Bonzi and Izzy communicate with your muse to keep the story going, they are also very aware of what your readers want and expect - A good read!

Thanks Angharad for all you have done with this story!

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

It is my keyboard that is at fault!

It was not episode 2001 that the quote is from, but rather episode 2000. I apologize for the errors my keyboard makes on a regular basis.

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

My theory on the "Car Incedent"

I'm making certain assumptions:

Stella driving a manual transmission,
She parked on a hill that lead directly to the harbor,
She parked the vehicle with only the hand brake,
She didn't turn the wheels to the curb.

With these conditions, it is quit feasible that the hand brake failed and the vehicle simply rolled down the hill. She most likely didn't report the missing vehicle as she probably doesn't remember the registration number and was waiting till she got home where the information is most likely available.

Thanks for the fun.



Now you've got Henry all

Now you've got Henry all worried . He agrees , Simon would only be in the way
Stella walking into the house was great.
