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(aka Bike) Part 2000 by Angharad Copyright © 2013 Angharad
All Rights Reserved. |
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“Regime?” asked Stella.
I shrugged, “I have no idea where she picked that up but at least she said it correctly, half the time she obviously snatches at the word and we get all sorts of malapropisms.”
“Well just go out there and stop it raining,” teased Stella.
“I wish I could, although I suspect the potatoes might find it helpful.
“Yes, Simon put some in the garden a few weeks ago, they needed some rain apparently to bring them on. Nothing like home grown ones.”
“I suppose not–look, Cathy, I have to go out later on, could you look after my two?”
“Yeah, I should think so; what time are you out?”
She looked at her watch, “About an hour.”
“Okay, want me to give ’em lunch?”
I went to find out where the three little ones were, they were in the dining room playing with dolls and the old dolls house in the corner of the room. I’d moved it from the lounge after Puddin’ tried climbing up the chimney, and we now had a fire guard across the fireplace even when it wasn’t in use–it also kept the cat from trying the same stunt.
In the dining room I caught sight of a photo of Simon and me with all the children. It made me smile. Then it made me feel quite sad. Simon was being such a trial. I’d apologised. What more did he want? I’d never known him like this–was he angry about something else and this was a way of dealing with his emotions, or was something worrying him?
Billie was in the photo with us, what had she said? Oh yes, we were soul mates, so nothing would or could separate us, not even death. I pondered on this for a few minutes–did it actually mean anything? Death is bound to separate us, even if we died together we’d still be separate. Living and dying happen in the brain of the individual concerned. You might be aware that the other is dying, but if you are as well, I suspect that’s all you’d be concerned with–your brain goes in shutdown, quickly followed by your body–endorphins are released–tunnel of light illusion and the lights go out–end of story. Unlike the fairy stories, the only way you live any longer is as an organ donor or by having passed your genes on to your offspring, so at least something of you persists for a few more years: and I suppose in the memories of others–which is possibly the nicest thing because that way your life or episodes are relived in their minds.
I shook myself, David was still on holiday so it was up to me to get the meal. I went to the kitchen and called Trish to come and help me. She arrived with Livvie and between us we made some new bread and a pot of soup–I found some chicken in the fridge, so it was chicken and vegetable soup.
“Where’s Auntie Stella going?” asked Livvie glancing out of the kitchen window as we prepared the vegetables.
“I don’t know, but she told me she was going out.”
“She looks really smart.”
“She does, doesn’t she?” I agreed, and wondered what could be so special that she’d abandoned trousers and worn a skirt and some heels.
“Has she got a date?” asked Trish putting the stock jug back in the fridge. If she asks about sex, I’ll make Trish soup.
“I don’t know, Trish. I have no idea where she’s going.”
“Can you go out for dates when you’re married?” asked Livvie.
“Um–in what way d’you mean, Liv?”
“With your husband, if you go out together, is that a date?”
“I don’t think so, Liv, because dates are about finding out about each other before it becomes a long term thing. You go to dances or the cinema or for picnics–that sort of thing.”
“Is that why we never go to those things now?” asked Trish walking back to the sink.
“No, we do do those things–it’s hardly picnic weather is it?”
“We could go and see a film.”
“We could but it gets expensive with all you lot, so we tend to buy the DVD when they come out.” I suddenly realised I hadn’t seen Jacquie for a while. “Where’s Jacquie?”
“She went out earlier–I think she went with Ingrid and Hannah.”
So that left me, with Danny and Livvie and Trish as the organising committee for lunch. I left the soup simmering gently, wafting appetising smells around the kitchen and went to see what Danny was doing. I found him up in his room playing some football game on his computer.
“What ya doin’, kiddo?”
“Hi, Mum.”
He rose off his chair and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing better to do?”
“Nah, Carly’s gone off with her family for the day.”
“How’s Peter?”
“I dunno, we don’t usually talk about him.”
“No I suppose not.”
“When the weather’s better, you could invite her over if you want.”
“We’ll see, Mum–I’m not giving the brainiac something else to gossip about.”
It was obvious about whom he was talking. I suppose she does gossip a little, but then so do most girls, and quite a few boys.
“Lunch is in half an hour,” I said, turning to leave.
“Yeah, okay–oh, what is it?”
“Soup and new bread.”
“Great–I’ll be there.”
I smiled at him and left him to his computer game. While I was upstairs I stripped my bed and took it down to the washing machine. Trish offered to put it in the machine, probably not realising that I knew she had a couple of biscuits in her hand. I’d make her vacuum up the crumbs she was dropping everywhere after lunch.
Lunch was a cross between the Battle of Waterloo and the chimp’s tea party. The littlies decided throwing bread at each other would be the high point of the day and I was becoming quite cross with them. I then had three sobbing little ones–it obviously wasn’t going to be my day.
I had the beginnings of a headache and my tummy was starting to feel like it wanted in on the ‘Let’s get Cathy’ movement, by feeling rather like indigestion, not helped by the foreboding I had of something not nice headed my way. Perhaps it was just Simon being off with me, and me wondering if he was looking to move on, find a real woman or whatever.
In dealing with the weeping trio, I didn’t see the police car enter the drive, but Danny did. “Mum, there’s a police car coming up the drive.”
I spun round, “What do they want?” I said out loud but a hundred scenarios went through my mind–all of them about Simon. My indigestion and headache just went up a gear and I felt quite sick.
Danny, playing temporary master of the house answered the door. He had to, I was busy praying to the porcelain. He tapped on the door gently, “You okay, Mum?”
I grunted back that I was.
“I think you’d better come, Mummy, something awful seems to have happened.”

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Congratulation, Angharad! Two thousand episodes of 'Easy as Falling of a Bike.' And, it's still one of my favorites. Keep up this wonderful story of Cathy, Simon, Tom, Stella, all the kids, and everyone else in that ever growing family.
And, what a way to end your 2000th episode: "... something awful seems to have happened." That's kept me glued to the web for another gripping chapter.
Red MacDonald
Nooooooo!!! Don't stop
Nooooooo!!! Don't stop there.
You are so evil on putting such a cliffhanger.
Great chapter as always and I'm glad this story is still going strong even after 2000 episodes.
Happy Two-sies!!
Thanks so much for the fun, suspense, shock, tears and smiles of these two thousand (THOUSAND!)chapters, Angharad!!!!Looking so forward to the next two (thous...)!
Wow!!!!!! the 3rd millennium
Wow!!!!!! the 3rd millennium is starting keep on writing
The best thing about Bike:)
To me as a writer is seeing that you can. Just with hobbies and family and a RL job like anyone else can do something this amazing.
And it is amazing.
Congratulations on 2000 chapters.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Oh 'Eck!
Something up (or more than one thing) in the Cameron household.
Congrats also from me for 2K.
Oh, oh ...
Police car coming up the drive?
Well it could one of a dozen things or more. I know it's another frightful cliff-hanger but I'll just have to be patient (As if!) cos' it's no use fretting for the next ephisode. I'll just have to get on with the rest of the night.
Still lovin' it though girl and two thousand extra thankyous for this wonderful saga.
Congratz on 2000
Congratulations on 2000th episodes of Bike, I was here for the first and glad i have made it for the 2000th. Also Evil Cliffhanger of Dooooooom!, Also hoping this will continue for more episodes as i do like reading them
Seems like I was still young when I started this story
I can't imagine how I would feel if this story ever ended. I suppose after Cathy retires might be a good time. It is a tribute to plain old fashioned great story telling!
Big hug! Two thousand and still there - and still keeping us on edge.
More hugs
Hopefully, the something
awful does not concern any Family member. But if not why would the police be paying a visit?
May Your Light Forever Shine
2000 episodes - how many cliff hangers?
Greetings Angharard
Thank you for every episode and all the cliff hangers.
I sometimes wonder ...
... if even Ang knows what the problem is with the police car in the drive until she starts typing tomorrow evening :) It's all seat of the pants (or knickers?) stuff at Bike HQ.
Congratulations on episode 2000. Not to be discouraging but there's few to go if you want to catch up with 'The Archers' - though they have had a 50 year start.
Above all, thanks
Hah! Two thousand episodes
Hah! Two thousand episodes and a cliffhanger!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Another great one!
Another great episode... 2000! Woot!
And here I am, still dangling from the cliff...
You are a literary treasure Ang!
Thank you!
Bike 2K
Thank you so much Ang for producing 2000 episodes of this wonderful daily drama. I do enjoy my Bike fix!
But, oh, another cliff-hanger! Is it Simon? Or one of the girls who are out who-knows-where? Or Stella, who also is a bit of a mystery?
Give Bonzi and Izzy a scratch behind the ears from me.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Thanks, Ang!
Congratulations on reaching this milestone.
I guess it wouldn't be "Bike" without a liberal measure of cliffhangers so Part 2K comes as no surprise.
And yes, I'll be reading the next part to find out what's happening.
Persistent Story
Bike Resources
ACK! The EVIL cliffhanger queen is BACK!
The police and it's bad?
Simon? Dad?
Stella? Jacquie, Ingrid, Hana?
What what what?
Spike finally snapped and is on a doormouse crime spree?
John in ACCCCK! Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
There you go...
There you go, dragging us up to a cliff again. I've told you about cliffs before! *stern looks*. :-)
I hope Cathy's making mountains out of mole hills... She's done that before. Oh, and before I go further, married couples CAN go out on dates! In fact, I've read that most marriage counselors highly recommend they do so regularly! (Apparently it's far more important AFTER kids, so the couple can be more balanced and together.)
As to that cliff... You've given us quite a list of potentials where that's concerned... We've not seen Tom, and we've heard he has some health issues. Simon's off. Stella went off. Jacqie went off with Hana etc. David's off... I'll not speculate on where I think the problem is...
Thanks for 2000 episodes.
Love, Andrea Lena
I Don't Know How You Do It!
Congratulations, Ang. May you continue as long as you feel like it,
(With apologies to Angharad for comparing her to Mervyn Peake.)
Two thousand, not pages, but chapters! TWO THOUSAND. Each of these chapters would fill six or seven pages of your average mass-market paperback.
Think about that. Thirteen thousand pages or so. At least three feet of shelf, and way more if published in full-size hardbacks. That's greater than the life's work of all but a handful of noted writers.
A La Recherche Du Temps
A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu?
Isaac Asimov probably comes close (might be more, but that man made other writers spit their drinks out because of his speed)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
The good doctor...
The good doctor worked at a handicap... He only had typewriters (not computers with word processors). Though, he did say he kept four projects going at any one time - one for each foot and each hand...
2000 and still going we hope. If it was family, I would think Danny would be a touch more upset than appears. Must be Andy bringing news of some kind. Maybe Jacquie has a problem, or maybe Cathy is going to gather in more kids.
At least 2,400,000 Words!
Gosh, I wonder what is going on with Simon? Another cliff hanger tonight. I wonder where this one is going?
2000 chapters of EAFOB has to be a record of some sort. How you can have the time to write so much without losing track of all the characters and their personalities is beyond my febble imagination. I salute your amazing writing ability.
Speculation by other commentators is all over the map so I will not add to the confusion but await your words of clarification in due course.
I do feel sorry for Simon as I imagine that he is suffering from some guilt feelings over Danny's & Peter's attack. He may be feeling inadequate for not being able to protect them from the animals that abused them. It could also be that he feels shame as a man that other males would be capable of hurting children in such a manner. He probably has realized that many children are abused by adult males but it didn't really hit him until it happened to one of his children. i cannot call the abusers "men" as "men" do not abuse others - male animals in some cases even eat their young so I believe that the correct term for such individuals is male animals.
I shall sip my wee dram wilst contemplating who has fallen off the cliff.
May the sun always shine on your parade
Episode 2000
I haven't read this episode yet, having just reviewed 1999 but I do think it will be an interesting episode just the same.
More comments later, after I have read this episode and thought about it.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Okay, I've read it!
There is one person who was not mentioned, and may very well result in having a new child (age unknown at this time) to adopt and care for.
That person is Gillian. So is her child Emily now an orphan, and somehow Gillian before her death make people aware that Emily was to go to Cathy?
Just another branch to toss out there to go along with the suggestions already given.
And 2000 Episodes! What a terrific place to put a cliffhanger that could turn out to be the biggest and best of all!
I LOVE BIKE! Please keep the episodes coming!
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
A very good thought about Gillian - I had completely let that slip my mind.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I had suspected that something was coming along regarding Simon. After Billy's comment about he and Cathy being soul mates and that even death couldn't separate them, plus the obvious fact that something was bothering him, it was pretty much a given.
After the visit by James and all of the talk about South America, I have to wonder if the hit squad from South America is involved again.
Cathy's head-ache and indigestion should have told her that something was up with Simon. She even admitted to herself that she senses that something is happening.
I just hope that Cathy can deal with it when she finds out what it is.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Thank you all for your comments
they are appreciated, especially those who've done so for the first time because it enables me to get an idea of who reads my stuff, and then it becomes more personal, I'm not writing for simply numbers, but for individuals and that is much more fulfilling.
Once again, thank you all.
Hi Angharad, Congratulations for sticking with this project through 2000 chapters. You're now hearing towards The Archers territory.
Each and every one has been appreciated from here.
A warm Thank You for the 2000 first parts of the story. They show that even if transsexual subjets of course have their place here, but also that the daily life of a somewhat unusable family belong here. Having saved each part separately I think they can be used in the future for persons that want to see what did interest families in the early 21st century as it does pop up in the story. I do hope that someone would have the sense to make footnotes about the subjects that have happened around the famlÃly to faciliate the notes of historical events that pop up.
I will most certainly continue to download the parts and also set them togeter into parts of about 500 pages each
Again many thanks for the enormous work to entertain us as well as putting on the net/paper things that else would just be lost in our memories.
Congrats on hitting chapter 2000!
Not going to go into
who or what may have happened, I've tried doing that before and i am usually very wide of the mark, All i will say is, Thank you ,Angharad for 2000 episodes of Bike, I have enjoyed every single chapter , Long may they continue :)
Rotten Trick !
that was a rotten trick leading us up the garden path and then knocking our hats off with the last line. I feel so cross I wont give a kudo click for this episode. Not that we can see how many people have anymore, the repairs seem to have left them out somehow, which is a pity as it helped to prioritize what to read first....
Please dont go killing people off like that anymore. It's too like Real Life for one thing, and I read the stories on here to get some time away from all that.
The End of the Second Millennium!
What an epoch! It hard to believe you have kept going for so long! It is very much appreciated!
Keep up the good work!