Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 26.

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Absinthe Opium and Honor 26

Chapter 26


I wake up and I feel so different than I ever thought that I’d ever feel. Stretched out inside, sore but in this good way and fucked.

Yeah fucked, but not me doing the fucking but me being the bottom. And I can feel Tommy pressed against me, his huge cock slowly getting harder as he’s spooning me. I never thought it’d be something in my life.

Never thought I’d be gay.

I’m sort of not, but I am. I loved girls, thought they were great, awesome loved sinking my dick into a hot wet pussy. Then I saw my first T-girl and there was just something so fucking erotic about them.

They were just a fantasy until I met Jamie here in college. We dated for nearly two weeks and she’s totally out. I so was catching shit for dating here from the guys in my frat and the team and yet there was no way I could stop.

Then we made out, made love and then she fucked me.

I never thought a dick would feel so good.

Until Tommy.

He came over for a three-way with the two of us on Jamie then it was during then that he sank that huge, hard, perfect dick into my insides and that’s when we happened. I was really fucked, fucked so long and hard straight boy Rick just vanished away replace by the non-stop pleasure fest of Tommy fucking me so long and hard.

And it’s starting again.

I feel his arm move the one that’s around me move and feel me up, touch me then reach down and stroke my cock. I’m hard really fast… “Mmmm morning.”

“Morning Rick you sleep well?”

“Like a rock.”

“You’re awesome you know that?”



His hand rubs and circles around my cockhead making me shiver and he moves my leg and pushes it up and I feel his hard cock sink into me, pushing my anal ring muscles open and I feel my insides suck to the shape of his cockhead and veined bulky shaft. I’m already wet from his cum and the lube from last night and inch after inch sinks into me.

It pulls me apart, thrills me as it fills me. It changes me…I totally relax as it happens and I love the feeling of him, of Tommy inside of me making me his. I feel him hit my prostate and groan. The fifth brush of that feeling and I pop off in his hand. Tommy and I’ve been steady lovers and seeing each other for a month and he stays sank into my depths all the way and I…moan…moan…oh….Jamie’s so right…I cum and there’s that way my insides clench on their own and when you’re filled with a long thick hard cock two things either happen.

One, you’re not really into it and it sort of hurts…and you’re not cut out for being a cockslut.

Or you’re like me and the clench reveals the complete feeling, heat, hardness and shape of cock, beautiful and amazing cock inside of you and it’s….transformative. I’m his, I’m his slutty little fuck boy and love it.

This could just be another stick’m fuckem thing but it’s not like that. We roll over o I’m face down and I pull the pillow into my arms and under my head. Tommy sits still inside of me as we gets the lotion this nice wild yam ginger stuff and it’s not lube.

No Tommy puts little dabs over my back and some on his hands and he starts giving me this really nice massage as he slowly fucks me. It’s inside and out TLC and that’s making all the difference. I mean sexually I love his great big cock but things like this, falling in love with him makes me love it all the more. It’s so fucking good when he cums inside of me and I feel him filling my depths with his Cum and I know how good I made him feel.

“Mmm, roll over Honey.”

“Honey? Since when are we using pet names?”

I roll over and he sinks down into the bed and kisses me. “Maybe since I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”

“You are?”


Tommy kisses his way down and takes me into his mouth.

He’s done this before but he’s never been bottom with me and I’m fine with that but he does give excellent head. He’s learned things from being with Jamie too…both our lives really just changed for the better in my opinion or for now.

I might be open and out here but not home.

I’m thinking that I need a part time job not just for school but to help pay for things and save up. Tommy will have to take me to the hospital for shock if my family is good with this

They won’t be.

And lying here with my hands through Tommy’s hair as I’m feeling things that I never thought that I’d feel…I’m talking about falling in love not the sex even though the sex is great.

I moan my way though his gentleness and his power too as his throat does amazing things to me. And as I get closer and closer his fingers and the pads of his middle two fingers rub and massage my P-spot and when I cum it’s almost involuntarily.

He saves some of me for a kiss and we neck for awhile before he and I have to go to our classes.

I wasn’t expecting what he asked me though.

………………………………………………. *Jamie….

I smile and I hug Rick but in that supportive way the poor boy looks really confused. “Hey, this is a good thing right? He loves you right?”


“And you love him right?”

“God yes?”

“So….think about it at least.”

“But going home with him, to his parents place for Christmas?”

“Yes and he wants you in his life that much it’s a good thing right?”

“I don’t know, I mean he does this and he’ll be out in a pretty small town.”

“Rick…society wise there a lot worse things than being gay.”

“I know but I’m not sure if I’m ready to come out yet.”

“Rick, everyone on campus knows you and Tommy are and item, you’re already out.”

“Yeah but that’s here.”

“I know Vancouver’s a whole other world from back home but you’ll be pretty anonymous there too.”

“I’m just afraid he’s having me be his goat.”


“Yeah him coming home and bringing me home so they can all blame me as the guy that turned their son into a fag.”

“Tommy is not like that and I doubt that a home that raised a guy like that would be like that too.”

“Yeah I know I’m just scared.”

“Meeting his family, you should be.”


“I would be.”

“But you’re always so cool and stuff.”

“Ha! That’s Sasha’s fault, you get used to anything at this point.”

He looks at me in the most damned endearing way like I’m his go to person for advice and stuff and it’s sweet, it’s messed up because we’re the same age and stuff but it’s sweet.

I give him another hug and hold him a bit. “Rick it’ll be cool and if Tommy suddenly does be a putz you can come crash with me until things settle. But honey if they get in your face about it get in there back because how dare they be surprised that their son/brother is such an amazing guy that of course you fell in love with him.”

I see the light and fire kind of there in his eyes about things now and I hope it does work out. Rick will be a shock to the small town where Tommy’s from they likely have a very media based picture of gay and rick doesn’t fit that.

I get my books and I head to class sort of thinking about coming out myself. I mean I really don’t need to but at the same time I just kind of want to leave the old fake me behind in the dust and just move on.

It’s been about a week since me and Neela went out and the first few days after that we sort of hung out a bit and had coffees in the morning together and she met my friends and I got snubbed by hers.

Honestly I was expecting that as the response and she wasn’t going to dump her friends and I wasn’t going to dump my friends or change myself just to fit in with the way that they wanted me to be so things actually cooled off between us.

Oh the attraction and the fact that we liked each other was still there and some of them were decent to me at least to my face but this was just one of those things that happened where we really just didn’t…happen.

And it was and is kind of sucky but I’m not in tears over it.

To be totally honest though, I’m more than glad it didn’t end in drama.

Karin though I heard flew into an ugly fembitch fit over me and Neela hooking up and as far as I’ve heard she’s that mad that she still isn’t talking to Neela because of it.

She’s not come at me about it either but if looks could kill then I’d be a dead girl.

Ha…It’s Karin…if she could kill with a look there wouldn’t be any men in the world.

And speaking of Men…

Ian comes back from his trip this weekend and he’s already called and asked me if I have plans. I really don’t well other than getting into bed with him and letting him make me feel that way that he makes me feel.

I know he’s thinking of taking me out but he’s been out and away from home for so long right now that maybe we can just go out maybe on Saturday night and Friday night I can just treat him at home.

He’s been down in South America doing some stuff for a mine down there and he’s likely had all the food down there so much that he’s sick of it. Maybe I can do a nice roast something all red meat like and homey like with carrots and baked potatoes and stuff.

I think about that through my classes and also about actually going public with me being me and breaking that to my family and stuff. I’m actually pretty sure that I’m going to start a Facebook account and not hold anything back on it and even but up some of the old me pictures and I know that there’s enough pictures of me between then and now.

Maybe I’ll get some professional shots done of me now so that it really sinks in and one of me on my Dad’s old bike and stuff.

I was thinking about all of this stuff when I felt the hands hit me from behind on the top of the stairs at a shove and there’s that sickening moment of feeling nothing under me and then…

Three flights down stone and concrete steps….I know I screamed and stuff and I heard things break…then everything went black.

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did Karin do it?

she is such a fem-a-nazi.
so are you trying to become the new king of the cliffhanger?
great story, thanks

Karin will be involved in the situation.

I'm not really trying for the cliffhanger thing it's just the way that things are working out lately.
I'm Glad that you liked this one.
*Hugs and Howls*

Bailey Summers

Wow. You're just racing from

Wow. You're just racing from one story to the next, cranking the tension spring up on each one and then moving to the next one! I'm worried that my computer is going to explode!

Great chapter, I loved Rick's POV.

Yeah these things are getting more wired...

I'm glad that you liked the POV for Rick and everything because you see a lot of lesbian stuff here on the site or trans-sex but just regular guy stuff not so much. I though it'd be a nice segue into Jaime while keeping people who might be interested in Rick and Tommu in the loop more than a footnote.

*Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

oh Bailey!

Not Jamie too? cr*p.
pouts and hugs you,

I need a ticket to ride.

In to your story and find who hurt my friend. I think the guilty party needs to meet me an angry 300lb Amazon she wolf with a lot of attitude. First they would say it then they would do it. Do Not mess with my friends I get a bit testy and mean.
Misha Nova

The only bad question is the one not asked.

Jamie would appreciate the defense:)

And she might not object to a big amazon Native blooded beauty coming to her rescue either, she's very open like that.
*Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Great chapter... I kind of

Great chapter... I kind of liked the beginning... a gay sex scene is something you seldom read here ;)

But seriously, the cliffhanger in the end. What is it with everyone and writing cliffhangers?

thank you for writing this captivating story,

I had this written before the Sweet Dreams chapters

and the attack was planned for this way more than the cliffhangers in those. I'm glad the initial scene went over okay, you never see it here too much. Not straight up like that.

Thanks for reading and commenting and the support Beyogi.
*Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Back in the saddle

Good to see you cranking out the suspense once again, Bailey! Keep it up, love your writing as always. :)

- your constant reader (one of thousands!)


*Great Big Hugs* for Jenny:)

I'm really glad that You're enjoying this:)
I love hearing comments on this story.

Bailey Summers

Who you gonna call?

Extravagance's picture

I ain't afraid o' no feminazis! :D

...Well, I shouldn't mislead you. When I catch those feminazis, it WON'T be a fun-for-all action adventure. Those bitches are gonna decorate the walls as they die...

*Narrows her eyes dangerously and holds up her two-handed-sword-of-feminazi-slaying with the tip next to her face*

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Mah... we don't want to

Mah... we don't want to relief them from their duty to "mother" humanity. I'd say we use the identity death inflictor in reverse-dauber style. Maybe she who has proven herself unworthy of feminity has better luck as a guy ^^.
Since this is a real world story, I hope whoever did this will get imprisoned for a hate crime and not just battery/personal injury.

Oh that's a great comment/idea Beyogi:)

We'll have to see if the ones who did this'll get caught and punished.
*Great Big Hugs*

Bailey Summers

Jamie would be most honored at her defense by...

An amazing Mega-Trans-Tomboy-Samurai-Catgirl:) And she'd definitely Geisha up with a bit extra to feed her honorable swordskitty prawns and sushi.
*Huggles with the utmost respect*

Bailey Summers