Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 25.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor Chapters 25.

*Due to some changes in my writing and posting I’ll be only putting out single chapters of this story for the foreseeable future.

Chapter 25

I’m in a very good mood as I attend the rest of my classes and I’m a bit glowing with all the flattering looks and the compliments that I’m getting. I actually had to reintroduce myself to two people.

It was seriously fun actually.

It all changing so much seems to have made this kind of lighter feeling too. I’m just feeling really up all afternoon and I have a great day in class and in the labs sketching and painting things I get a really nice painting started of this little girl in a dress shop but one of those ones with all the really excellent vintage dresses on these old school mannequins and I put some of the dresses that I think are like timeless classics by all the great designers. I really do like stuff out of the 50-60’s in nice dresses. There’s just something about all those classic lines and the look that I find make things just so artistic.

I’m not painting specific designers things but just the look. Those dresses on the mannequins.

Actually it’s got me all tuned to the feel of those things and I think I’m going to maybe research some of these things later on and see if I can actually reproduce any of these dresses and outfits.

I’m sure that most of the girls my age wouldn’t be so into these things as anything but costumes but not me. I’d wear something like these around. They’re so lovely and feminine.

Women’s lib and equal rights are great things but in my opinion it really thumped the hell out of the whole notion of that era’s sense of beauty. Like the clothes they wore then were a stigma of the politics of the day.

Piffle…there’s nothing that takes away from a woman if she wants to dress nice. I’ll freely admit that dressing slutty does.

I leave my classes and the labs feeling pretty accomplished and covered in paints and head home. I look through my clothes and some of the yard sale vintage stock setting things out and get ready to take a long bath.

I want to be a little different tonight so as my bath is really scalding hot I bundle up some Carib and a vanilla bean and put it into the hot water to steep.

I make myself a green fairy and call Sasha.


“Hey, it’s Jamie I need to beg off tonight.”


“I have a date.”

“Oh? I guess that’s okay. Anyone I know?”


“Oh…are you sure you want to go down that road?”

“Actually yes.”

“She hurt you before.”

“I hurt her by being with you; she thought things in my life’s changed when her and I made love.”

“That’s not quite what happened.”

“I’m trying to feel and hear her side of things. It wasn’t just a hook up for either of us Sasha we’ve still been having all these little moments ever since. I need to go for it. I need to see if this will go anywhere.”

“Just be careful Jamie, I don’t want to have to hurt her if she hurts you again.”

“I will, Love you.”

“Love you too beautiful.”

I smile at that because it feels good to be loved and I know that with me and Sasha it’s really meant too. Sure our relationships definitely non standard but we’re close. I’m closer to Sasha than anyone else in my life.

I take my time getting ready, I’m actually pretty meticulous tonight getting ready because I honestly don’t just want to look beautiful but I want to outshine every other girl she’s been with.

Undergarments…very nice, very sheer French made white lace…Simone Perelle’s collection in their divers edition. Just getting into them for the first time makes me feel so sexy spoiled like I’m wearing a confection. This garter belt that’s like a lace shirt goes with it and matching stockings and sandal pumps…four inch heels and a soft yet dusky rose v-necked sweater dress that really shows off my curves and hugs me tightly and is short too stopping about mid thigh.

I leave my hair loose but I style it and tiny little citrine studs and a cultured pearl necklace that I salvaged to fit with this old Celtic cross brooch that’s all redone to be a necklace and the pearls lead the cross to where it’s nestled in my cleavage.

I’ve got an old lace patterned white cream wool shawl that goes nicely with the whole thing instead of a jacket. I pack my little clutch with some essentials and then make another drink and listen to Coldplay as I spruce up the apartment with little touches.

I’m so feeling sexy and beautiful doing this. I might even wear something pretty like this some more, kinda feels nice.

I’m about to start some other thing to keep me busy when the doorbell rings. I take a peak out the kitchenette window and see Neela there at my door with her car running. I get my purse and shawl and go and meet her at the door.

I see her eyes widen slightly as I open the door and give her my happy to see you smile. It’s not fake I’m actually excited and happy to see her and to be going out on this date with her. I just really believe in showing it because people respond a lot more to be real with them and being kind too.

And I’m very happy that she seems to like what she’s seeing.

“Hi, how was your afternoon?”

There’s this look there on here face like she wasn’t really expecting to be asked. I love that reaction, there’s just too many people who are just too go, go, go today. Honestly I blame computers. Way too much instant gratification really it’s not really all that good for us personality wise.

“It was really good actually; I actually really have been looking forward to our date all afternoon.”

“Me too, would you like to come in for a drink?”

“Well I made reservations and I’ve never been there so if we could maybe we could go?”

“Okay.” I smile at her. She looks really nice tonight with her exotic looks and the shoulder length straight hair and she’s dressed in this really nice charcoal slacks and jacket with a purple silk blouse under the jacket. She smiles back and takes my hand and she leads me to the door of her beamer and opens the door for me and makes sure that I’m in and that nothing gets caught up.

She get’s in and we drive and she even makes polite conversation about some of the places around town we’re driving through that I don’t know and sharing little tidbits about the places that we do know to each other. It’s nice, we’re not driving too fast, there’s some classical music on the radio but turned down low enough that it’s just nicely there. She even had the heater on my side just blowing some warm air on my feet.

We end up in a part of downtown I’m not too familiar with and there’s this little building that’s like one of those slant roofed old school diner/doughnut places. It has this redwood stain on the trim and the outside walls are murals of plants like a garden and it’s small and cute looking with this neon sign saying. “Lady Bugs.”

The garden theme is on the inside too and the waitresses are all wearing these 1950’s styled short sleeved, short dresses with a lady bug red with place spotted or rather polka dotted style and all had those geek-chique glasses on and it all mixed into the now as most of the girls had tattoos.

It was nice a cute and really busy and we got our table and we ordered supper.

I had their seviche with sweet tomato, roasted red bell peppers and the shrimp and king crab marinated/cooked in the acid from the juice of mandarins and blood oranges as my appetizer. I’m on the west coast I will eat sea food here because it’s so fresh.

Then there’s this soup that’s carrot with pumpkin and roasted squash that had these almost motza-ball kind of dumplings but made from chick peas that was good and we shared a salad. I’ve never eaten shoots and leaves from the pea plant before and the main course was a braised short rib inside a grilled cheese sandwich that had mushrooms in a béchamel and the cheese was Bree.

Neela paid for the meal and while I’ll go Dutch I’m being taken out tonight so I’m more than willing to let her pay.

We leave from there and we go to Buick’s. It’s sort of at the city limits? In the suburbs but it’s a pool hall but a nice one built onto a bar and a nice dance floor place the place is busy and packed and this is definitely a lesbian club of some kind the place has a few couples of guys and obvious in betweens but there’s a lot of girls with girls here and women with women here but not like any place that I have seen before. This is a very laid back not a shimmy and shake kind of place. I actually like the sort of slow dance vibe that they have going on here. I check my shawl and purse and Neela does the same with her jacket and she leads me to the bar by my hand smiling.

It’s like being in a place like this just dropped a bunch of walls or something. I’m getting looks, not like at school either most of these people don’t have a clue as to who I am and I’m getting checked out and Neela is too.

God she has the sexiest behind in those dress pants she’s wearing and the sway is just yummy.

We actually have a really good night. There’s some shimmy-sway kind of dancing but not that boom-boom-boom club stuff just good rock and stuff like Queen and Bonnie Raite and ABBA and others mixed in with a lot of great slow dance tunes and in between the best Time I’ve ever had dancing we have a few drinks and even shoot some pool.

I really am awful at the game in the worst of the lipstick lesbian stereotype ways.

Yeah most of the people here just assume I’m a lipstick lesbian. But it’s really fun and really sexy when Neela presses up against me and shows me how to make my shots. She just kind of fits her front like a glove up against my butt cheek and I can feel her heat and her breasts pressed into my back and that has my own nipples harden in excitement.

Pool has never been so sexy. There’s this shiver of her pressed like that and me bent over the table to take the shot and her arms are around me and she nuzzles my ear and even smells my skin. “God Jamie you smell so good like chocolate and perfume.”

“Carib and vanilla with a few dabs of Opium.”

She nuzzles and sucks on my neck right where my ear is…well a bit lower. “Well I think it’s damned sexy Jamie.”

“Are you saying that you want to leave?”

“Are you inviting me to your place?”

“Yes, for the night. I would be lying if I said that I dressed like this just to go out in.”


“Yes really.” I turn around to face her and we kiss. “I want to sleep with you and cuddle up together after we make love.”

“Jamie…you’re so…”


“Yes, sorry…but I’d rather be honest and have everything out on the table before I get involved with someone.”

“I’m sorry I’m not used to it.”

“That’s okay; I guess I’ve got a strange sense of ethics when it comes to being with people nowadays.”

“It’s not so strange it’s nice, you’re an honorable girl.”

“So you do see me as a girl?”

“Very much.” She kisses me.

“Take me home Neela.” I kiss her back, long deep and with some tongue. I love the feeling of my lipstick on hers.

We leave the bar and she get’s me my wrap and escorts me to my car and she drives me home. She opens the truck and takes a travel bag out of it and slings it over her shoulder.

“So do you travel prepared or were you planning on getting lucky?”

Neela blushes but just a bit but then walks up to me and looks me in the eyes. “Actually I was hoping that we’d be doing this.”

“You were huh?” I smile teasingly touch her side and kiss her.

“Yes…” It comes out breathy and nerves up or excited but sort of shaky sounding in a good way.

I lead her inside and up the stairs to my apartment and we kiss a few times as I’m working the doors and a lot once we’re inside the actual apartment. I break the kissing. “Drink?”

“Sure, where can I set my jacket and bag?”

“Just over there.” I go and make us an absinthe cocktail and turn on my stereo and some music.

We sort of step into each other’s space and kiss, then we slowly start to touch each other and slow dance to the music. Then we start to undress each other and I can’t help but to reach out and touch her caramel colored skin and she’s doing the same too and there’s this swell of feeling so girly and so pretty when my dress falls to the floor and Neela who’s a lesbian’s lesbian and she takes in a breath when she see’s me.

I absolutely love and swoon when she hungrily kisses me. This is so better than before this feeling of being wanted and desired by such a beautiful girl who only wants to make love to beautiful girls.

I’m hard as a rock right now and it’s pushing into my panties making them tent and she keeps kissing me and we dance as “Long way down.” Starts to play on my stereo and that song just…she actually sings along a little bit when the song gets to that whole part about… “Your love is better than chocolate…”

A few happy tears slip from the corners of my eyes and she wipes them away and leads me to my bed snagging her travel bag as we go.

I get a little lost in the getting kissed, she is a really good kisser and I can really see if they were an item where Karin would get jealous. It’s very, very nice to not be the one that’s initiating everything either.

She was doing something as we were kissing and the she slips a hand down into my panties over my hard on. I feel her touching it and still kissing me and applying lots of lube to it… “Neela…?”

“Shush…I’ve been thinking and thinking about this…”

“About…” Oh….oh…she pushes it to my belly and folds the palm and fingers of her hand around it and she…oh god…just like a real clitty she’s got me so lubed she’s rubbing me off!

My legs go to rubber and she lays me back on my bed kissing me and very deftly taking off my bra one handed very slowly and she’s so good, so gentle and careful leaving these amazing feeling lipstick marks on my nipples…oh god there’s just something so…that feel of the balm like texture of it on my nipples, and made even more…just more by the touch of her lips, the pleasure of the suckle, the flicker of her tongue and her hand…oh!

The slippery bumps of both fingers riding over the slick super sensitive underside of my head…hood.

“Neela!...oh!...oh shit!...Oh!...you’re…rubbing…rubbing…oh f..ff..fuck yes, make me your girl….make me you’re little lesbian.”

She leans into me, over me more and I’m hit with that coffee skin, that complexion and the make up those eyes and her kissing me and kissing me so much the one in charge right now and I cry, sigh, moan and arch my body as she brings me off and it’s even more intense with her talking dirty to me.

“Oh yeah…Jamie, I was wrong, really wrong about girls like you…honest, open…beautiful too…My hot little lesbian boy…you like this, me kissing you, our breasts touching…me rubbing your Venus…”


She laughs. “I picked it up from this amazing blogger; she’s a t-girl like you.”


“Oh…indeed.” Neela smiles and kisses me with lots of tongue and she works off my panties and the gets somethings from her bag. She really doesn’t stop kissing me either. So either she’s done this a lot or she’s got really good manual dexterity…

“Oh…” I feel her fingers slip into me and her applying lube.

“Oh you like that do you?”

“Yes…I love that, more…left…there..ughh….that’s my…my…spot.”

“Oh good to know.”

I feel the tip of her strap on sink into me and I gasp… “Oh..! Nee! It’s hot!”

She chuckles and kisses me. “Yes, I’ve got one that has a battery heater coil inside it…plastic and rubber’s too cold and hard even for my crowd this is just a degree or two warmer than body temperature…with soft silicone over the molded ceramic…you like…?”

It feels warmer than any cock I’ve had in this really good way; it’s also got that real cock feeling of rock hard and yet soft too.

It’s all I can do to just nod and moan and push back, pull her in by wrapping my stockinged legs around her with my heels still on.

It’s not huge it’s just right actually as she finds my boy-spot and starts driving me mad with feeling and there’s this hungry look there in Neela’s eyes. She’s getting off on this, on doing this to me, making love to me but also fucking me hard too…and then she gets into these mini thrusts but as she starts them the strap on starts to vibrate and she rubs it in back and forth strokes over my boyspot.

My orgasmic clench as I’m getting off is full of the most intense vibrations and this deep inside me heat and shakes me hard.

Three times that night each time broken up with me between her legs my fingers working in delicate earnest as is the rest of me to return the favor and repeat what I had done in the back of her car in the university parking lot.

I barely remember the exact moment where I fell asleep but I was boneless, and just so sexually exhausted but we fell asleep in each other’s arms…smiling at each other.

…………………………………………….I wake up feeling just so good but at the same time Neela’s gone but there’s a coffee bean on the pillow and more leading me to my coffee machine with a post it saying “Turn me on.” I start the coffee and head to my bathroom to clean up and see another post in there. “Have early classes and the gym to get to. Last night was Brilliant Jamie and I look forward to us seeing each other again sometime.” I smile and yes brilliant was in caps but it was all in really nice penmanship and there were little smiley faces drawn in as the points topping the eye’s in brilliant.

I smile and take all the cute things and put them in a box with some of my other treasured things that I’m planning on scrap booking sometime. I go and take a bath and have a soak when I hear the key open my door and Sasha calls out.

“Jamie, are you okay?”

I call back to her. “In the bathroom! Help yourself to some coffee!”

I start washing up a bit more when Sasha comes in looking her usual beautiful self but slightly concerned. I smile at her. “Things went well I take it.”

I spend the next hour going on about how everything really was different than I thought it’d be and how once the date got going and stuff she took over like once she figured out what was alright and what wasn’t.

And yes; I kind of gush about it.

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