Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 11 & 12.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 11 & 12.

Chapter 11

I’m crying…I’m crying harder than I should be right? God it hurts, I don’t…I hurt her, didn’t I? Sasha takes me to one of the rooms in her house there’s a big sofa and a gas fireplace that’s going and she eases me down and I curl up. And break into wracking sobs. Why...why did everything go sideways? I keep seeing the way she looked at me, hearing the tires squeal.

Sasha closes the drapes and that makes the afternoon sun go away and she leaves and comes back with a comforter warm like from the dryer and wraps me up in it.

I cry and cry. I feel like an idiot, I feel just…

I feel bad and I can’t seem to stop it. Sasha actually settles in behind me and she wraps her arms around me and holds me. I really start crying then at the sheer caring of the gesture that’s been missing from my life for so long.

I cried myself to sleep. My eyes feel crusty and gunky when I wake up and Sasha’s still holding me. I stare out at the flames in the fireplace. “I don’t get it? I told her about me, about my life and she freaks out on me.”

“Jamie…tell me what happened?”

“That was Neela, the girl I told you about…we met near the little area with the tables and the coffee kiosk and I bought her a coffee and we talked and flirted and we made plans to go out.”

“So you two went out and…”

“No, we didn’t we walked to her car and then we started making out and I…we…we started making love in the backseat of her car and later she drove me here. We were talking and she wanted to know if we….you and me…were going to and I said yes and she starts to yell at me and…”

“Jamie, telling her is one thing but this was rubbing her nose in it. I’d have likely been pissed off too.”

“Oh…I guess I royally fucked up huh?” (Sniffle.)

“Yeah, but we make a lot of mistakes in life and this is just one of many for you my girl.”

“So what do I do?”

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know.”

“Okay that’s fine, no lessons tonight.”


“Nonsense, we all hit shitty nights. Tonight we’ll just be and you can think.”


“Yes my dear think, get your shit together and everything. Did you eat?”

“No, not for awhile.”

“I’ll order in, let’s go and run you a bath.”

She slides over me and she leans down and that gorgeous asian hair spills down and it’s a long kiss, passionate and deep, it’s an I love you kiss. With that hurt and confused feeling I’ve got the kiss feels nice, more than nice. She leads me off the couch with that kiss and into her kitchen where she gets some stalks of fresh rosemary and bashes them with her mallet and grabs some limes and her zesting rasp?

I’m curious and she takes me into her bedroom and to her big old fashioned claw footed tub and turns on the hot water. She waits until it’s steaming before she tosses in the rosemary and then grates the peeling into this cheesecloth bag and the hot water releases all these oils from both and the smell is amazing…She’s amazing, who does stuff like this? Well Sasha does.

“You relax and enjoy, think things through and I’ll make us something to drink and order in.” She’s really beautiful in this played down way right now and her exoticness is just so perfectly blended with her easy charm.

I gasp and wince once I’m naked and unplugged and in the very hot water. I don’t think she used any cold water at all in it and it stings and I sweat but it’s one of those good sweats. It takes about ten minutes and I’m finally used to the temperature and I’m starting to relax and the scents from the bag of zest and herbs is so relaxing. Maybe aromatherapy isn’t bullshit.

I’m just getting into it when Sasha comes in with two milkshakes even in those metal diner things and gives me one and it’s so good, chocolately and more she sips at hers and gets me to duck under and she washes my hair.

I’ve only had that done at like a hair place, not a salon but like at the tops cuts place and she’s better than they are, there’s this lovely smell to the shampoo and conditioner but it getting the scalp massage that goes with it that just bleeds the stresses out of me.

“You’re really good at this.”

“I should be I took lessons.”

“In washing someone’s hair?”

“Yes, for some people it’s a very pleasurable thing, washing hair, or feet, massaging it’s all part of what I do for the people that I’m with.”

“So it’s not just about the sex?”

“No Jamie the sex really is only a small part of the things that I do with the people that I see. Some men just want a date, some people just want an experience, or to relive an experience.”

“So do you have any body that’s married with you?”

“No, that’s my one rule. No married people and if they say their divorced I want to see the papers first. Widows and Widowers are something else though. I’m more like a therapist than a sexual partner, but I do use sex in what I do.”

“But why do you do it in the first place? I mean why not just work and stuff you’ve got lots of education for it.”

“I did work, but from my relationships came the fact of I need to be with other people. And I like helping people and why can’t I do both?”

“I’m not sure if I could do that. I kinda of feel a bit like I’m a slut sometimes.”

“Well good slut or bad slut?”

“There’s a difference?”

“Oh yeah a big one. You don’t have to be with anyone you don’t feel like being with Jamie, but you have to be careful, sex can be addicting and so can being attractive, you’ve got power Jamie and you’re going to learn how to use it.”

“Power? Like a superhero?”

“No, you’ve got a nice heart, you’re a nice person. There just people like that like you that can just draw people in. It’s what happened with Neela. You gave everything into being with her and once you get passed someone’s defenses that’s a powerful thing when you’re with someone Jamie in the moment you’re totally with them.”

“Doesn’t everyone do that when they’re supposed to be with someone?”

“No honey, real deep loving someone just because you’re with them Honesty is rare.”

“It is?”

“Yeah and dangerous.”


“Love can be the most dangerous thing around Jamie, wars have been fought over it, people have killed over and killed themselves for it.”

“But, what do I do? Hold back?”

“No, first of all holding back like that will likely make you miserable; maybe even damage your spirit. You have to be more selective; get to know these people that you want to be with more than what you have been.”

“But…What should I do I mean too, I still haven’t figured out what I want to do and stuff I want to be like you so much Sasha it nearly hurts me.”

“I’ll show you I told you that I would but honestly Jamie I don’t want a clone of me around even if she’s a tall skinny, leggy anglo blonde girl. I’d rather she find her own voice.”


We get out of the tub and dried off and I get lent these really comfy quilted silk Pj’s and a cotton shift and I’m back in the fireplace room when she comes in with the take out. I’ve been to Quebec a few times but this is the first time I’ve had real French food.

Some kind of potato scallop with layers of butter and cream and thyme and pepper with that there’s toasted baguette with these little glass jelly jars with stuff called comfit? And there fois gras, and this dish called casolle with is like this stew with sausages and beans and veggies and herbs and these little delicate green beans and there’s glazed carrots in like butter and a bit of grand marnier and orange marmalade too just enough to get these pepper coated crushed toasted walnuts to stick to them.

Best meal that I’ve ever had in my life I even liked the escargots, snails but not in the shell but two snails on a skewer dipped in a batter the deep fried and then covered in this garlic butter filled with parsley and some sea salt and black pepper to taste.

I’m going to learn how to cook like this, those little jars of the spreadable meat and stuff oh my god; I could live off the stuff.

I’ve maybe eaten three meals that I can remember being this good and they were at my grandparents place on my dad’s side when I was little. Sasha even ate with gusto. We made coffees and curled up together under the comforter she brought me and we watch a few movies on her TV.

She took me to bed about eleven and we just slept curled up together in her huge bed. I know we’re still lovers but this was more than that. Can friendship be like making love to someone but just between your souls and not your bodies?

I also have figured out I like sleeping with someone. It’s good but weird too because it’s not my own bed. Now to sleep with someone in your own bed…yeah…I’m going to have to try that one of these days.

Sasha kisses my neck in the morning pressing into me and I get to feel her hardness combined with her breasts pressing into me making my own morning wood a little sturdier.

“Feeling better?”

“Yes, much thanks for this.”

“Good, you’ve got to take the knocks and keep going Jamie.”

“Are you offering to knock me?” I ask playfully.

“Oh…well yes, yes I am.”

I roll over and kiss her and she kisses me back and she moves under the covers and pulls down my bottoms and I feel the exquisite way her hands touch me, stroke me, cup my balls and the way her cheek feels on my hard on and her nose as she takes my scent in like a cigar and then her hot wet mouth.


“Oh God Sasha you’re such a good cocksucker…please…please more…”

She’s working her majik and I’m gripping the sheets instead of her hair and I’m being dragged away from reality into the seductive haze of sexual bliss. I’m torn between wanting to suck her cock too….because I’m addicted to that now. I really get the feelings on loving the act of it and everything about sucking cock to the point of I can’t quit, I can’t go back to being the old Jamie….

I arch as she sucks the cum out of me so hard and fast there’s that sucking out my spinal fluids with it feeling.

I’m panting and still seeing stars as I feel her lube me up and then sink into me….I’m forgetting my cravings as Sasha’s beautiful cock sinks into me. I let out a moan between pleasure and relief. The sensation of being filled inside…completed by hot hard cock just is soul deeply satisfying.

It’s so good as we get into that rhythm her sinking into me as I relax inside and it’s faster..harder..deeper that way and then my tightening around her cock and feel it so much more pulling out through my contours inside of myself raising the fact that…it’s pulling out of me and I don’t want it to…I want more, I want more of that feeling of hot hard cock sinking into me and it feels so good when she sinks back into me like this loop, I love it…I love this and getting drilled like this, made love pushes me into feeling so good, so alive.

“More…Sasha…more! Harder….Oh…Oh!..” Are things that just come out of me. When you’re really having great sex you tend to say stuff, I do at least. I’m not so much into the swearing and the dirty talking though.

I cum before she does but my orgasmic movements bring her over the edge as I feel her hot cream coating my insides. It makes me shudder and takes me a little higher. Afterwards we cuddle until I’m ready and hard and Sasha sinks onto me and then tucks her legs under me and rolls us over…I get that, sometimes you just want…need to be the bottom…I pull her top off and start making love to her breasts. I love them I want my own so bad… “Oh God Sasha you’ve got the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen.”

“Uh…thanks…but…you’ve only seen mine…”

“No…I’ve seen lots of porn…”

“That’s so not the same Jamie….”

“I want my own; they must feel so awesome…”

“They’re boobs Jamie not miracles, they’re a pain sometimes.”

“I don’t care I still want mine…”

“I know…I couldn’t be without mine…oh…J..Jamie…”

I’m aroused and jealous and I’m fondling her, touching and caressing and suckling and pumping and moving in and out of her moving with her legs around me. I can tell they make a difference, I can see it in the way that she moves and heaves, pants breathes I’m not long in cumming and filling her with my cream and we collapse together back into the sheets.

Chapter 12

I didn’t get to rest after that for long and she and I get cleaned up and Sasha walks me home and once I get changed into a nice light violet blouse and one of my new corsets and my inserts and a nice set of underwear and bra. I go for slacks and just some flats and Sasha gives me some pointers with my make up and she takes me out to the campus coffee kiosk for a bagel. She gives me a hug. “I’ll see you tonight about six?”

“Sure, I’ll bring my books?”

“Yes definitely.”

……………………. The day went by pretty fast and I’m still getting looks now and then from people. There’s a few people that whisper in their little clucking clutches but mostly I’m left alone.

I seen Neela in out while going from one class to another and she’s with friends. I avoid her and them. I know I shouldn’t, that I should be strong and everything but the way things went still hurt. I can feel her watching me; I can feel their eyes on me.

I don’t see Tommy today and I end up eating my lunch alone just off campus at this sort of café place where I have a croc monsieur and a light salad with pea greens while I study away at my books on sculpture and art history. They must be used to students because they don’t decide to clear me out of there and other that being alone it was a good lunch.

I end up going home and do a bunch of laundry with the used clothes I bought and some housecleaning before taking a bath and getting ready for Sasha’s. I put my bedding in to wash and change into a tee-shirt and hoody and head over to Sasha’s place.

It’s a different night than the ones; I’ve been having with her. I study having brought my books and she talks about the stuff I’ve been studying knowing a lot about art and sculpture and there’s something nice and engaging about getting into a real conversation about art and where things came from and who influence who. We talk for hours about it and Sasha has me walking and sitting moving and dancing as we talk.

It’s a really good night actually very sedate until the last hour our so that we spend kissing, yes kissing…or rather me really learning how to and perfecting me accepting a kiss being the sub and pulling her passion to me then being the more aggressive one. It get’s us hot and bothered and we spend time perfecting other oral skills until we’re both sated.

I head home about ten or so then make my bed after a long bubble bath. A change of corsets and my plug and I settle into the sheets for the night the warmth of the bedding fresh from my dryer knocking me into sleep.

……………………………. Wednesday started with Sasha calling and waking me up to go jogging. I wasn’t the most athletic kid in school I was an art geek, into comics and stuff just taking gym for as long as I had to because that and shop weren’t my scene too much.

I love Sasha but I hate her too right now as I’m puffing so hard I almost feel sick and running in a corset is really rough. We head to a different place afterwards this little park where some of the other women joggers are congregating and after a smoothie and a rest she signs us both up for Tai Chi.

Okay I actually enjoyed that even if I wasn’t that good at it and I liked the music they played and the company and I felt how something like this could distress a person. I really enjoyed the Chinese green tea they served with it.

School’s school and I’m enjoying my classes and saw and waved to Tommy while he was eating lunch with a pretty looking strawberry blonde and I spent most of mine in the library on campus researching stuff for a term paper about the start of the impressionists and the effect they’ve had on art today.

I run into one of the girls that hung around with Neela as I was leaving the library and she gives me this dirty look and mutters. “Fake.” as she passes me. It stings but I don’t respond. I just grip my books and go.

That kind of put a damper on my afternoon. But I’ve got to expect things like that. Not everyone is as accepting of someone like me. The campus is however pretty safe and very LGBT friendly or at least they are in this campus because it’s Vancouver and there a large sex and gender variable community here. Heck you can find them talking about Davie Street in tourist websites as a point of interest.

I head home after my last classes of the day and get changed into some jeans and a tee-shirt with a scoop neck and do some yard work and then hook the hard boxes/saddlebags to Dad’s now my motorcycle and take it out for a drive. I’ve driven it before but not as a girl and if the way the engine makes my plug do things to me I can see where there are girls that like them.

I drive out to the local Canadian Tire and do some shopping for it, like I said I’m not a “typical guy” but I did keep it in running order since Dad had passed away and before that he had me helping him in the garage. I’m going to give it a complete tear down over the winter in the garage and keep hand in knowing how to do all the things that I do know how to do. I see some other things there that I both want and need but I’ll need a car or a cab to get them…well one, one I can make on my own.

I stop and call Sasha. “Hello?”

“Sasha, hey it’s Jamie.”

“Hello Jamie, it’s pretty early yet you’re not going to cancel are you?”

“No…I’m out on my motorcycle and heading back I was actually wondering if you need anything?”

“Jamie, how sweet you’re wonderful for asking, let me check the fridge?”

“Of course.” Just so you know I’m safe I’m having a coffee while calling her, I’d never drive and use a cell phone.

“I could use some eggs and some milk and creamer if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all, you haven’t started your supper yet have you?”

“No, not yet why are you offering to buy supper?”

“Yes I am, I’d like to repay the favor from the other night.”

“You don’t have too Jamie but I won’t say no to being treated for the sake of being treated.”

“Deal, I’ll be there soon.”

I hang up and order take out from the same French place she got the take out from using my phone and then heading off to the bank and use the ATM and I head out to get some flowers too I buy her some peach colored roses having read somewhere that they mead desire and excitement and I get the well wrapped the head to Tableau to pick up the take out order.

Cheese and charcuterie snacking platter, Chipolini onions coked and caramelized with pork belly, rabbit and duck rillette, the herb roasted chicken with creamy polenta and green beans and slender carrots and I get two creame brule and two chocolate mousses each.

I carefully put the take out in the bikes saddle bags and strap the stuff I got at Canadian tire down and take my time getting to Sasha’s. I get off the bike and shake my hair loose and get my armloads of stuff and head inside to have her open the door for me wearing another beautiful white satiny lace number with from La Senza and that creamy white against her asian skin looks so damned beautiful.

I might be a she-male but she’s definitely waking up the male side as if the buzzing yay vibrations of the bike haven’t already stirred things up. I’d love to have an outfit like that maybe in that color or maybe in red…

“Hey….That looks like a lot of stuff. Let me take…” I present her with the cone of paper wrapped roses. She carefully opens them. “Oh Jamie these are lovely!” she kisses me thank you with a long kiss.

“You’re welcome, I think it’s perfect for a girl to buy another girl flowers I seen them and I thought of you.”

“Well flowers and supper, I am a lucky girl tonight.”

“Sasha you mean an awful lot to me you’re more than a lover, and a teacher you’re the closest friend I’ve ever had too.”

She doesn’t say a word she just glides up and kisses me and I kiss her and we get lost in that embrace for awhile and when we break it she takes my hand and we go back to the living room with the fireplace in it and we kiss and feed each other and eat just half of the deserts that I brought and spend the rest of the night kissing and dancing, it’s a lot harder to dance as a girl than I thought but then again I never danced really except the few goofy attempts in high school, this was ballroom or well sort of like that it was learning how to slow dance as a girl and lots more practice at kissing…

“Stay the night?” Sasha asks me.

“Alright.” Just that plain and simple.

We go to her room kissing and she turns music on there I’ve no idea what it is but it’s jazz and lots of trumpet and sax in it and she kisses me and bites my lower lip and little… “Take your shirt off.” Her voice sultry and authoritative as I’m peeling out of my tee shirt she’s undone my jeans and pulled my cock out of my panties and stroked me until the stiffening starts and as soon as that happens I’m in her mouth with the same sound she made eating the chocolate mousse. Her hand stroking and the other hand playing with and moving my plug my hands reach into her hair and our eyes meet mine still filled with wonder and hers just giving off that sexy smoldering look.

It’s Sasha, I can’t resist her talents for too long before I’m emptying my cream into her perfect lips and throat…she pulls off of me with a slurping pop and comes up and kisses me sharing my flavors with me and she reaches into a drawer and pulls out a satin scarf and smiles and raises an eyebrow…My mouth goes dry and I nod.

“Turn around Jamie.”

I turn around and she pulls my arms behind me…my nipples are actually hurting and I’m starting to get hard again…

“The secret to doing this so you don’t cut off the circulation is the width of the tying, lots of rope layers almost like a think bracelet or a wide piece of cloth like this…I wrap each wrist a few times and then place them together and wrap both together…subtle, soft restrained…try to move…”

I try but I can’t move my arms really, from across my palms to five inches up my wrists their bound together… “I…can’t…”

She leans into my hair, my ear… “Good…… does it hurt?”

I shake my head no…my skins tingling with this…the first night she had tied my up with Japanese bondage stuff and now we’re doing this again…..and in my other ear…nibbling… “Good….get up on the bed.”

It’s hard but I knee crawl onto the bed and fall over and I feel her take and tie my ankles the same way then she lights candles and turns down the lights and classical music starts to play. Sasha leans over and kisses me… “Jamie, enjoy this, it’s okay….there’s something completely different about surrender.” She kisses me again and rolls me face down but arched so my butt’s high and she removes the plug and sinks in herself.

She’s in total control of things and she uses the ties on my arms to hold me to steer me and it’s not violent or demeaning she does use me, makes very dominant love to me. I get boiling over in erotic senses as I watch me in my bra and panties move to one side ties up with satin scarves in the candle light my face changed into one filled with pleasure as Sasha takes me in that sexy white satin lingerie she’s wearing… I cry out as I cum over and over and so does my teacher, my lover calling out.

“Oh Jamie my blonde princess, tigress… I’ll take you gorgeous, I’ll show you, teach you…I’ll hold you and keep you and tame you with love.”

“Oh f…Ff..Fuck Sasha!... please show me, take me, make me yours…take me out of this life I’ve lived and show me more! Make me more!”

She does and she fucks me and takes me and I cum and cum and she cums and cums and I hit this place in my heart somewhere in the middle of it where I just let go, I let go of who I was and who I am and offer it up to Sasha…she could hurt me badly and I’d be willing.

She doesn’t, not even close, she makes even sweeter love to me and she unties me and I don’t change a thing…I’m hers until we run out of steam and we fall asleep kissing.

It was almost religious for me. I gave her my entire heart and all my trust and she treated it like it was this sacred and treasured thing.

Spent and exhausted she kisses me and we curl up and fall asleep together again.

………………….Thursday morning and it’s not even dawn when she wakes me up and gets me going. Espresso shots and a quick shower, we take each other while in the shower and she packed a few things as I get my stuff together and I leave with her to my place on the motorcycle and then it’s right back to the work out clothes and the corset and everything else as she takes me out for our run with the jogging group that she’s signed us up for.

“You know (pant) that you could have asked me if (pant) I wanted to join a jogging club.”

“Nonsense, besides its good exercise and it’s not the only thing that I signed us up for.”

“What! What else?”

“Well, Mondays there’s swimming at the YWCA in the mornings, Tuesdays are going to be a yoga class, Wednesdays are Tai chi, Today’s going to be Pilates and Fridays are going to be Judo.”

She says all of this without losing her breath.

“Won’t the YWCA have an issue with me being in there?”

“No, I’ve gone there for years now and they don’t have an issue with me or a few other women like us.”

“Oh well that’s pretty cool I like to swim.”

“Good and you should look at getting yourself a bicycle too.”

“Why? I’ve got a motorcycle.”

“It’s great for the legs.”

“So I’m taking Judo?”

“Well the class is self defense sport and it teaches Judo in it and some stuff like kick boxing too. It’s a class that every girl should take.”

“I’ve never been in a fight in my life Sasha why would I start now?”

“The sheer fact you’re not following a normal sexual social norm Jamie. There’ll be someone who will take a swing or worse.”

“The whole thing still might not happen.”

She gives me this look I’ve never seen on her face. “It’ll happen Jamie; it’s not if, it’s when.”

She’s quiet after that and I’m assuming that she’s caught up with something that happened in the past and stuff. She’s even kind of out of it all the way through the Pilates class she dragged me into although I’ll say this it should be taught in schools as it’s a lot better that the jar-headed gym teachers take on calisthenics.

It takes me getting her back to my place and giving her a long sweet blowjob and then taking her onto my bed and then making hard love to her to break her out of her funk. Well that and us sharing coffee and the two leftover creame brules that she had brought over with her for our breakfast.

Sasha left me with a kiss and I went off to my classes and my day as usual. I like college a lot better than high school but then again I like myself now a lot better too.

I go to Sasha’s that night and there’s more lessons and training in deportment and talking, speech and dancing plus more lovemaking lessons. She’s so good at making love because it’s what she does so often, it’s not even second nature it her nature.

It’s mine too.

I go home and sleep alone Thursday night and Friday was more of the same except I won’t be going over in the evenings as her weekends start on Friday nights. The class was good, interesting and left me sore. The first thing that he’s teaching us is how to fall. I see the need for it after he shoved me down hard to the mats like an attacker then seen how one of his advanced students sort of took the fall right and got out of his range by rolling and getting to her feet. Lining there sprawled on the mats I could picture someone doing that and me as I am now not really being able to do much than duck and cover.

He’s a very no bullshit kind of teacher Mr. St. James is. He’s not a sensei just a guy who knows a lot of stuff, ex-military, ex-cop and now he does this class in his spare time.

…………….The weekend was mostly me shopping and working. I did the yard work but I also had some lumber delivered and built my own set of shelves in my place using dad’s tools and a sewing corner and a whole bunch of material, threads, and all sorts of sewing stuff and worked on the idea I had while I was out with Tommy.

I’m going to make my own clothes and outfits and stuff and pretty much spent the weekend getting things all set up and buying clothes and stuff at yard sales and stuff I went to on Saturday and Sunday, well actually most of Sunday I actually sewed and went to the library to do more for my various papers and stuff that I had going out.

I’m wearing some of the things that I made on Monday getting changed into them after showering off the pool. Sasha was right there was a time set aside for us different girls at the YWCA and being in typical Sasha shape she lapped me.

I’m wearing a black Led Zeppelin men’s large concert tee shirt (Houses of the Holy, if you wanted to know.) with sleeves that I made from this old grey dyed tattered suede jacket I got for less that two dollars. I wanted the suede and the fringe it had so once I re-sewn the material it had these seven inch grey suede sleeves ending in those fringes you see on some jackets and there’s a cute dangly fringe now that just about goes to my elbows. I sewed to the shirt a shirt that I made from faded used “distressed” jeans.

I think it rocks and I wear a pair of black knit tights with it and a thick black leather belt with a nice buckle on it. I finish the look with my pair of black flats; some bangles and cheap jewelry I thought was pretty or just wound go with my look and do up my make up and some sunglasses, the vintage small ones with the round lenses in them.

I made a purse out of an old set of black army BDU’s making use out of all the pockets and a matching book bag/knapsack to carry my books in.

I feel pretty good both in feeling cool and pretty and even get some compliments on my outfit and asked where I got it. “I made it, but thanks it’s just something that I’m trying out. That whole clothing is wearable art and all of that.”

I end up taking some numbers and stuff and even asked if I’d consider making stuff to sell. Actually, I don’t tell them any more than “I’ll think about it.” But it’s kind of exactly what I’d been thinking about doing.

I see Neela again when I’m getting my green tea. And I give her a small smile and a wave. She was staring at me since I walked into the square and hadn’t taken her eyes off of me.

She’s startled that I waved and her little circle of friends most of them part of the hard core lesbian crowd are giving me these dirty looks but I ignore them as best as I can and get my order and I leave for my next class throwing in some well taught sway.

I can feel her eyes on my butt the entire way out of there.

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