College / Twenties

Chiaroscuro ~ Part 1


By Kristina L.S.

Life is change. She had; it was all about the challenge now, well the money too, let's not forget that. After all, it's just business, nothing personal at all. Just a way to measure.
Chiaroscuro... def... indistinct, shadowy...
This is not sweet, there is violence and allusions to child abuse, be aware.


Martina's Story 11

This Chapter investigates Martina's transvestism and transsexuality and the issues she has with it. It describes Sally's reconciliation through the loving of both families and it describes the decisions to start motherhood by Martina's friends.


Jaye Michael

Part Three: Revolution

Chapter Twenty Seven: Postscript

What we call a beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.
– T. S. Eliot

A Tale of Release - 8

A Tale of Release
By Kerry Brown

Grace comes out of her closet and finds out exactly what she can look like, a pictures says a thousand words and Grace had many chapters to talk about. But too much grace can be disturbing for some.

As we are liberated
from our own fear,
our presence automatically
liberates others.

--Nelson Mandela
{1994 Inaugural Speech}

A Tale of Release - 7

A Tale of Release
By Kerry Brown

As things return to normal after the Cross Dress for Red Cross ball a mother seeks help for her confused son and also for herself. University can be a trying place in both meanings of the word, a time for new things and stressful as well.

As we are liberated
from our own fear,
our presence automatically
liberates others.

--Nelson Mandela
{1994 Inaugural Speech}

Martina's Story 10

This chapter deals with Sally's recovery and 'coming out' as a transexual. Emotional issues are addressed.


Martina’s Story 10.

Myself, Martina, A sexually dysphoric transsexual who has not yet determined what
Sex she is but prefers to present as a girl

Beverly My adoptive ‘aunt’ who is a mature she-male and my most supportive adult friend.

Chenille My older half sister.

Jennifer Aunt Beverly’s adopted daughter.

If The Shoe Fits... Ch. 4

“Well, I must say I was expecting a little more love for helping out a damsel in distress...” The bass of the guy’s voice had a way of reverberating under my skin.

I could feel my cheeks burning red again. “I’m not a damsel!” This guy clearly needed glasses. His stupid mop of dirty black hair was probably hiding a lobotomy scar.

“What!? I didn’t mean you!” He looked as outraged as I did. He pointed to Lara as he knelt down to pick up the rest of her books.

Healing Mishap -9-

Healing Mishap -9-
By Lanzaq

Cael nodded yes to Kate and downed the potion from Arric. Kate quickly incanted what sounded like a poem in High Church and the tile seemed to melt like hot, gray wax. The six climbed their way down on a wooden ladder that also appeared to be untouched by thousands of years. "Well. We have creepy entrance to a creepy dungeon underneath a church that apparently had metric tons of secrets, an elf that is allergic to the magic they used and we were led here by a note that became illegible halfway down and," Verris said pausing to adjust his robe on his shoulders. "Lets get going shall we? The person that wrote the note sounded like they needed help didn't they?"


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Six: Appetencies

An apology for the devil:
It must be remembered that we have only heard
one side of the case.
God has written all the books.
– Samuel Butler

Healing Mishap -8-

Healing Mishap -8-
By LanzaQ

The conversation between the group and Patty continued on for several more hours until eventually Alyssa was called up to her room by her mother. The five all began to retired. In the order of the most inebriated. Ash first, then Arric, Verris, Cael, Kate, and Finally Raleigh. However one thing was over looked. Ash had so quickly staggered her way up the stairs leaving behind her backpack. Raleigh being the last one at the table had remembered Ash threatening his men. 'One peek wouldn't hurt would it?'

I Don't Like Wednesdays

I don't like Wednesday's


The (Mis)Adventures of Britannia


by Tychonaut Jemima



I'm pretty sure today must be a Wednesday. I say this because I've never really got on with Wednesdays.

Relationship break-up's? Always seem to happen on a Wednesday.

Evenings that my mother calls to tell me she's not getting any younger and she'd really like to see some grandkids? Wednesday evenings.

Mornings when I spill juice down my blouse when getting ready to go to work - yup, you guessed it - Wednesday mornings.

And right here, right now - the day that I encounter the lamest supervillain in existence? Yay me, Wednesday.

Martina's Story 9

This Chapter deals with some surprising revelations about the Residency Warden Sally.

Martina’s Story 9.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.

Beverly My adoptive ‘aunt’ who is a mature she-male and my most supportive adult friend.

Chenille My older half sister.


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Four: Mammon

A billion here, a billion there,
and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
– Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen

The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu

The Chronicles of Mana
by Saless
Chapter 2 — Deja Vu

Wow, that last chapter sure had a sad ending, didn't it? Sorry for the long break everyone, I've been soooo busy! My sisters keep dragging me into political stuff, not to mention that attack last month we had to fend off. Jeez, you'd think people would get it through their heads that we're plenty powerful enough to protect Avalon when Mom's not here!

Draca says that a lot of people are still confused about where Mom comes into this story! LOL! You'll see! ;) Just keep reading, and I'll try not to have such a long break before the next chapter, OK?

Hugs and Kisses!


Martina's Story 8

This is the first new chapter of Martina's story, I've extended it for big closet like I did for Skipper.

It records the girls Melanie, Beatrice and Martina's first term in college in London.

Hope y'all like it..


Martina’s Story 8.

Myself. Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not
yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl.


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty Three: Conjointments

I can’t get no satisfaction.
I can’t get no girl reaction.
– Michael Philip “Mick” Jagger
and Keith Richards

Nena -Book 3- Part 4

After the excitement of Chris's second sojourn as Nena, there is an unexpected development at Global.
This time he has to embrace being Nena more fully than ever before!

Nena: Book 3
Part 4

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2004 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.


Allie agrees to use a woman's voice when answering his live-in girlfriend's phone...
Then one thing leads to another...


by Vickie Tern

Copyright © 02/19/2001 by Vickie Tern
All Rights Reserved.

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 3)

Then I heard the door to the room being smashed from the other side. The door held true, and I heard the monster howl before trying to smash it again. I could hear the door creak and I could feel dust falling from the ceiling. I heard the monster try to smash the door open again but this time it was accompanied by a howl of pain. After that, everything was quiet. No hammering, no smashing, no howling. Everything was quiet, apart from our own heavy breathing and sobbing.

"Is it gone?" I asked Vicky as I loosened my hold on her.

The Half-Lilin
By The Light Of The Moon

Chapter 3
by Shin Eris
Proofreading by Stanman63

If The Shoe Fits... Ch. 3

“Lara, I don’t see any shorts?” Lara looked at me like I was stupid.

“That’s be-cause. It’s a dr-esssss.”

I didn’t know a lot about kids but I did know that boys didn’t wear dresses, although I think when I was really small my mother may have had me in them until I got too old.

“I can’t wear a dress!” This seemed like a logical argument to me.

“Sure ya can. You’re wearing one now. Duh?”


Jaye Michael


Chapter Twenty One: Subterfuge

If an elderly but distinguished scientist
says that something is possible
he is almost certainly right,
but if he says that it is impossible
he is very probably wrong.
– Arthur C. Clarke


College Fees - Chapter 10


College Fees - Chapter 10

by Susan Louise Montague

They were both so well read that no matter what they discussed the conversation flowed readily and they were like two peas in a pod.


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