General Audience (pg)


Bang! ‘Freak!’ Bang! ‘Weirdo!’ Bang! ‘Faggot!’

Bobby Simpson was preparing to hit my head off the school locker when a large pair of hands grabbed him around the neck and lifted him off the ground.

‘Stop hitting him!’

Bobby gurgled in response.

‘Do you know who I am?’

‘You’re Beatrice the Beast’.

‘Call me that one more time and you’ll wake up in hospital.’

She dropped Bobby who stumbled, just avoided a face-plant and ran whimpering around the corner of the corridor.

‘You saved my life. My hero!’

Cat and Dog

Cat and Dog
a fable
by Erin Halfelven
Image by Elisabeth Leunert from Pixabay

The Cat woke up in her tree and took a long stretch before looking around. The sun rose over there and that was right. Birds, delicious birds, flew over there, and that was right. The Dog was sniffing under her tree, and that was wrong.

She sat on her branch and cleaned first her paws and then used her paws to clean her face. She looked again. Yes, he was still there, snuffling and whuffling like a dog-shaped vacuum cleaner. She shuddered to think of it. And so she washed some more.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton (14)

My hometown of Benton is surrounded by half a million acres of untouched forest that are rich with game and hold untold natural treasures. Hidden in these forests are dozens and dozens of small deer camps that at most can boost a dozen voting members. The supporting these scattered little camps are dozens of small businesses. I would even say, many merchants even depend on the yearly influx of hunters to balance their books. I say all of this, because I myself am a hunter.

Sixty is not that old - Part 22

The morning of the wedding dawned bright and sunny. Delphine was first to stir. Her new corset was rubbing on her hip. Henri had been right in that it was a lot stiffer than her old one. The boning was much wider and stronger than the training corset.

As they were still sleeping in the cottage, she had to go up to the new house to get a shower. Michel had been up there most of the previous afternoon working on something. He’d been very evasive when she’d asked about whatever it was that he'd been working on.

The Shop at the End of the Road (2)

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 2003/2021.


A lonely teenaged boy makes a Faustian bargain with a gypsy fortune teller... then discovers that the price might be higher than anybody can possibly pay.

Sarah book 1 part 5 The beginning,

After witnessing a murder. Young Robbie Dunkirk sees his family also murdered. He calls his mothers estranged twin sister. She comes up with a plan to hide Robbie. HE becomes his twin sister Sarah.

Palais Royale

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 2002/2021.

Palais Royale

A beautiful transgendered adolescent takes a job in an up market nightclub; discovers that parading her lingerie is an experience as arousing as it is embarrassing. Set in the fictional town of Chamberlain.

Jacked Up Part 9

Jacked Up Part 9

I spent the next weeks training in the mornings, being taught in the afternoons and spending my evenings on the computer, getting the casualty lists of all of the ‘accidents’ and bombings that I could. I cut and pasted all of the likely targets onto another spreadsheet for later use.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 21 Behind the Blackout

“Perhaps my best con was on Belinda. I telt her there was a song from the sixties with the lyrics ‘Lie down girl let me push it up push it up lie down.’ She absolutely refused to believe it. I kept that one going for thirty years. It was only when one of her mates said, ‘I remember that,’ that my ‘con’ was busted.”

Winds Of The Fall (2)

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 2004/2021.

Winds of the Fall

Janey Watson was an unusually pretty child with melting blue eyes and soft, girlish features - although she wasn't precisely a girl, contrary to all appearances. Like many children in born in Ridgewick over the past fifteen years, Janey was somewhat…unique.

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (10)

I took a deep breath as I folded my skirt around my bottom and eased it down upon the hard wooden surface of the chair. I winced as my bottom came into contact with the hard wooden chair. My rear was still sore from last night's spanking. Slowly I released my breath. I was here now, in the heart of downtown Benton. It was Halloween and the whole town seemed to have been crowded into the two square mile area that made up Downtown Proper.

Midnight Talls

Copyright © Tracy Lane, 2002/2021.

Midnight Talls

A pretty young transexual finally locates that perfect set of silk stockings she's been seeking for months, only to find herself performing an impromptu lingerie parade before a store full of admiring window shoppers. Set in the fictional town of Chamberlain.

No Matter the Cost, Part 3

No Matter the Cost: Part 3

By Camospam, Wendy K, and Gabi.

A non-canon Whateley Academy tale

Arkham Research Centre (ARC)

“Ulrich Oberon! I need you to find Cameron Burke, there is no time to waste,” insisted Lynn.

“My Lady, You are in danger, my place is here - protecting you.”

You Are a Meany Chapter 23

The Summer was dwindling like the sunset on the days leading to the Winter Solstice. Luke took solace about the finish of the endless summer in the fact the school year was another new start. He was going to school but not back to his old school. The impending feeling of winter was kept away by the promise of a new day and a new start. He would have friends looking forward to seeing him at school. More importantly, he would not have a group of kids looking forward to making him miserable. Starting high school was a new beginning, a springtime in Luke’s life.

Jacked Up Part 8

Jacked Up Part 8

I sat, in a state of shock, and he allowed me a few moments to consider what he had said. “My parents were certainly no threat” I said “They were loyal, unlike myself. Being given that permit was a joke, a party piece for the in-crowd. It did stand me in good stead in the CIA as it allowed me to be privy to a few things better left unspoken about.”

A Gayle Blows Up Part 8

Part 8

We went through to the lounge where we found Guptar sitting at his desk with a notepad open in front of him. He was looking at his tablet and writing names. When we walked in he looked up and said “Now look what you girls have done; all these people suddenly want to talk to me. I will have to start with the local MP and Mayor first and the rest will have to wait.”

Bruce Finds His Rainbow. Part 7 - Final

Bruce Finds His Rainbow. Part 7

Peter took her home and gave her a kiss before he left for work. Her mother said that she would now have to sit down to pee and was told that the penis had been so small she had been sitting down for years. Before she went back to work she went to see Joy to tell her that she would be working days for a few weeks so couldn’t help.

Cross Country Disconnect – 28 Wedding Bells and More

Cross Country Disconnect – 28
Wedding Bells and More

By Jessica C

Gary’s bet that he didn’t win...
Gary/Caryn and becomes Sarai’s girlfriend…
Sarai would remain as my best friend…
Breann’s in my life…

She was beautiful

When I was in fifth grade the schools still did the Halloween parade.
On the afternoon of the Friday before Halloween or on the
actual day when it was not on a weekend we would have a party and
everyone would put on their costumes. Then we would have a parade all
the way around the school and across the stage. The line of kids in
costume would snake through each class room and then at the end of the line
that class would join up. When the first class got back to their room
they would sit down and all the other classes would walk past.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 31

If I thought Bones Manor was impressive, it doesn't even compare to Malfoy Manor. After being told what had happened and a lengthy questioning by the healer, Mrs. Bones, and Mr. Scrimgeour about the events of the day and more questions of the Malfoys when they arrived to pick me up we left the Abbott's. Instead of using the floo I was side-along apperated to the front courtyard, no doubt a blatant way to show off the grandeur of the building, which was a complete success. I was playfully scolded by Mrs.

Gun Princess Royale - Book 3 - Ch. 15 (Part V)

The penultimate posting of GPR 3 webversion.

– V –

When I first arrived at the habitat, I’d looked up at the sky and noticed the faint webbing running through it.

I hadn’t thought much of it since then.

I had other things on my mind such attempting to save my former sister while surviving one gun battle after another.

The Adventures of Cerridwen Circle Whitethorn (9)

Once we've finished eating our dinner, the dishes had to be collected, washed, dried and stored in the cupboard. Once that chore had been done, I was then free to get a bath. I meant to bath before dinner, but instead I had retreated to my room to brood. Mom's scolding had really taken the wind out of my sails if you will. The bath did little to lift my spirits. Once my bath was finished, I walked into my room and as expected I found my mom sitting on my bed, she had changed too, she now wore a simple blue housecoat that was tied at the side.

WunderGirl ~ Chapter 10

WunderGirl ends on something of a cliffhanger.... Soon to be followed by WunderBoy




By Shauna

Copyright© 2021 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: Photo 30023749 © -

~ Day 44 ~


How different is 'different?

How different is 'different' ?

Written elsewhere as a fanfic for the Five Gods Universe of Lois McMaster Bujold. Amended and republished here by permission of the author.

The Five Gods are Father-Winter, Mother-Summer, Daughter-Spring and Son-Autumn. The Bastard deals with all the misfits. There are those who believe in Five Gods and the Quads who deny the Bastard. One aim of the Bastard is to help those who are 'different'. Sometimes even his priests fail. And how different is too much - abuse, cruelty, racism, transgender or other. Whispers on the breeze.

The Voyage of the Visund -37-

Eriana decides to hold a court of her crew to deal with several outstanding issues. The Epp Ale is explained, the Norse residents of Forguland wish to return to Palarand with their wives and a missing crew member is discussed. Later, one of the residents may have a solution for the absence of a pilot for the onward journey.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

37 - Eriana Holds Court

Stolen Moments

Here is a little story that popped into my head as I was about to go to sleep the other night.

Stolen Moments


“Oh! Hello yourself.”

“Not what I would call a happy party, Is it? I’m Henry, by the way.”

“No, it’s not. I suppose it must be because we all think it may be the last we have. I’m - Susan.”

“Well, Susan, you should not be standing there, on your own, without a drink. Here, I brought you one over. Drink and be merry, I say.”

Jacked Up Part 7

Jacked Up Part 7

Inspecting the ground in front of me I saw that there was a nice big tank just off to my right and a closer truck to my left with a couple of other trucks beyond that. The trucks were tempting but there was space underneath them where bullets could easily take out your legs.

Bruce Finds His Rainbow. Part 6

Bruce Finds His Rainbow. Part 6

For much of the weekend she wondered why she agreed to go to the party with Peter. She was far too new to girldom to think about boys but then realised that she had never really thought about girls in the way other boys did.

A Gayle Blows Up Part 7

Part 7

We finished the sangeet with about a half hour of me singing love songs and, although the dance floor was less populated, there were still quite a lot still dancing and I saw a few couples dancing closely. I suppose all races have their lesbians, it is just how hidden they may be and, let’s face it; we were all girls here today.

Evasion of the Bonnie Snappers


Space, outer space, was the only source that made any sense at all.
If you’re looking for weirdness, for inscrutable motivations,
for an unending factory for the unexplained,
you can’t beat outer space.



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